The chronicle: 1235-61

Annales Cestrienses Chronicle of the Abbey of S. Werburg, At Chester. Originally published by Record Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, London, 1887.

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'The chronicle: 1235-61', in Annales Cestrienses Chronicle of the Abbey of S. Werburg, At Chester, ed. Richard Copley Christie (London, 1887), British History Online [accessed 22 February 2025].

'The chronicle: 1235-61', in Annales Cestrienses Chronicle of the Abbey of S. Werburg, At Chester. Edited by Richard Copley Christie (London, 1887), British History Online, accessed February 22, 2025,

"The chronicle: 1235-61". Annales Cestrienses Chronicle of the Abbey of S. Werburg, At Chester. Ed. Richard Copley Christie (London, 1887), British History Online. Web. 22 February 2025.


mccxxxv Fredericus imperator Romanorum duxit in uxorem sororem Henrici Regis Anglie nomine Ysabel. 1235 Frederic [II.], emperor of the Romans, took to wife the sister of Henry III., king of England, Isabel by name.
mccxxxvj Henricus Rex Anglie duxit in uxorem filiam comitis de Provincie nomine Alienoram. 1236 Henry III., king of England, took to wife the daughter of the count of Provence, Eleanor by name.
mccxxxvij Johannes de Scocia comes Cestrie et Huntendon obiit apud Darnal vij idus Junii. Sepultus est apud Cestriam in crastino.
Item obiit Johanna domina Wallie in Purificationis.
Item Otto legatus venit in Angliam.
Item Cestrysiria in manu Regis et comes de Lincolnia custos Ricardus etiam de Draycotus Justiciarius.
1237 John le Scot, earl of Chester and Huntingdon, died at Darnal June 7, and was buried at Chester the next day.
Also Joan, lady of Wales, died on [the feast] of the Purification [February 2].
Also Otho came into England as legate.
Also Cheshire was seized into the hands of the king, and the earl of Lincoln [John de Lacy] appointed custos. Also Richard de Draycot justiciary.
mccxxxviij Obiit Alexander episcopus Cestrie in die Sancti Stephani apud Andover.
Item clerici Oxonie insultam fecerunt Otoni legato apud Osneye.
1238 Alexander [de Stavensby], bishop of Chester, died on S. Stephen's Day [December 26] at Andover.
Also the clerks of Oxford attacked Otho the legate at Oseney.
mccxxxix Lewelinus princeps Wallie duxit uxorem filiam Fulconis filii Warini.
Item natus est Edwardus fil. Henrici Regis primogenitus in crastino Sancti Botulphi.
1239 Llewelin, prince of Wales, took to wife the daughter of Fulk Fitzwarin.
Also Edward, eldest son of king Henry III., was born on the morrow of S. Botolph [June 18].
mccxl Obiit Walterus abbas Cestrie.
Item obiit Lewelinus princeps Wallie.
Item Hugo de Pateshul consecratus est in episcopum Coventrey qui in primo adventu suo ibidem post consecrationem scilicet in die Sancti Mathei Apostoli benedixit (fn. 1) Roger Frend creatum in abbatem Cestrie.
Item Ricardus frater Regis Comes Cornubie profectus est ierosolimam.
Item nata est Margareta filia regis.
1240 Walter [de Pincebeck], abbot of Chester, died.
Also Llewelin, prince of Wales, died.
Also Hugh de Pateshull was consecrated to the see of Coventry, who, on his first arrival there after his consecration, namely, on the feast of S. Matthew the Apostle [September 21], gave the benediction to Roger Frend, elected [11th] abbot of Chester.
Also Richard, earl of Cornwall, brother of the king, set out for Jerusalem.
Also the king's daughter, Margaret, was born.
mccxlj Discordia magna inter Gregorium papam et imperatorem Fredericum.
Item Oto legatus recessit ab anglia et captus est in mari ab imperatore, capti sunt etiam cum eo legatus Francie archiepiscopi episcopi abbates et clerici multi.
1241 Great dissension between pope Gregory [IX.] and the emperor Frederic [II.].
Also Otho, the legate, departed from England, and was captured upon the sea by the emperor. There were captured with him the legate of France, and many archbishops, bishops, abbots, and clerks.
mccxlj Item Gregorius papa obiit. Sedes apostolica diu vacabat propter werram imperatoris.
Item obiit Eadmund archiepiscopus in transmarinis pro quo dominus miracula plurima cito fecit post obitum suum.
Item Rex Anglie Henricus primo venit apud Cestrie circa festum Asumpcionis beate virginis. Et Walliam intrans apud Rothelan per octo dies perhendinavit ubi venit ad eum David filius Lewelini dominus terre reddens ei terram et se ipsum ponens in misericordia sua reddidit et ei Griffinum fratrem suum.
Item obiit Stephanus de Sagreve.
Item obiit Hugo de Pateshul episcopus Cestrie.
Item rex construxit castellum apud Dissarth fecit et fundare montem altum.
1241 Also pope Gregory [IX.] died. The apostolic see remained long vacant on account of the war with the emperor.
Also Edmund, archbishop [of Canterbury], died beyond seas [at Soissy in France] for whom the Lord did very many miracles soon after his death.
Also Henry [III.], king of England, came first to Chester about the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin [August 15]; and having entered Wales at Rhuddlan he remained for eight days. The lord of the land, David, son of Llewelin, came to him there, restoring the land to him, and placing himself at the king's mercy; and he gave up to him [Henry], Griffin, his brother [whom he had imprisoned].
Also Stephen de Segrave died.
Also Hugh de Pateshull, bishop of Chester, died.
Also the king built a castle at Disserth, and caused the foundations of Mold to be laid.
mccxlij Rediens Ricardus comes de terra sancta venit London in festo conversionis beati Pauli.
Item Henricus Rex secundo transfretavit ducens secum Reginam et fratrem suum Ricardum Comitem, intravit autem mare oct. idus Maii apud Portesmu.
1242 Richard, earl [of Cornwall], on his return from the Holy Land, came to London on the feast of the Conversion of S. Paul [January 25].
Also king Henry III. prosperously crossed the sea, taking with him the queen, and his brother, earl Richard. He put to sea, May 8, at Portsmouth.
mccxliij Innocentius papa prius vocatus Senebaldus natione Januensis consecratus iiij idus Julii apud Anagñ.
Item Henricus Rex rediit de Gasconia et applicuit (?) apud Portesmue.
1243 Pope Innocent [IV.], before called Sinibald [di Fiesco], a Genoese by birth, was consecrated, July 12, at Anagni.
Also king Henry [III.] returned from Gascony, and landed at Portsmouth.
mccxliiij Natus est Edmund filius Henrici regis.
Item roboria (fn. 2) facta est a clericis.
1244 Edmund, [second] son of king Henry [III.], was born.
Also a robbery was committed by clerks.
mccxlv Obsessum est castrum de Moalt a david principe Wallie captum v kal. Aprilis. 1245 The castle of Mold was besieged and taken by David, prince of Wales, on March 28.
mccxlv Rex Anglie et regina simul venerunt Cestriam idus augusti dominica die et cum eis exercitus copiosus videlicet Ricardus comes cornubie frater Regis, Simon comes Leycestrie Roger comes Wynton W . . . . comes Habemar . . . . comes Oxoniæ et omnes fere nobiles totius Anglie et ibi morati sunt usque in diem dominicam sequentem·et in crastino Sancti Philiberti (fn. 3) profectus est Rex cum exercitu suo in Walliam prima nocte apud Coleshul, secunda et tertia apud Withford, iiija apud Rotelan, vta apud Abergeleu, vjta apud Gannotum ubi tamdiu moratus est in castris donec construxisset castrum de Gannoc et dum ibi moraretur venerunt. ad eum Ricardus comes de Glovernie et Willelmus de Wescy cum magna manu militum et armatorum et cito post Roger Bicoth, comes Norfolchie et Willelmus de Cantilupo et alii unacum Rege de concilio Lugdunensi Redeuntes postea Mauricius filius G . . . . . justiciarius Hibernie cum multis milibus equitum et peditum et ibi moratus est Rex cum toto exercitu suo usque vij kal. Novembris villas comburens segetes vastans equites et pedites necnon et equos plurimos amittens et parum proficiens.
In vigilia Apostolorum Symonis et Jude rediit Cestriam ubi amotus est Justiciarius Hibernie a balliva sua et Johannes extraneus Justiciarius Cestrie a sua, et comissa est primi Johanni filii Galfridi secundi Johanni de Grey. Et in crastino Animarum recessit Rex a Cestrie.
Item facta fuit nova moneta.
1245 The king and queen of England came together to Chester on Sunday, August 13, and with them an abundant army, that is to say, Richard, earl of Cornwall, brother of the king; Simon, earl of Leicester; Roger [de Quincy], earl of Winchester; William, earl of Albemarle; [Hugh], earl of Oxford, and almost all the nobles of the whole of England; and they stayed there until the Sunday following. And on the morrow of S. Philibert the king set out with his army for Wales [and stayed] the first night at Coleshill, the second and third at Witford, the fourth at Rhuddlan, the fifth at Abergele, the sixth at Gannoch, where he remained a long time encamped, until he had erected the fortifications of Gannoch; and whilst he was tarrying there, there came to him Richard, earl of Gloucester, and William de Vesci, with a great band of soldiers and armed men, and very soon after came Roger Bigod, earl of Norfolk, and William de Cantelupe and others, on their return from the council of Lyons, to confer with the king concerning the council. Afterwards, Maurice Fitz[-Gerald], justiciary of Ireland, with many horse and foot soldiers [arrived], and the king stayed there with his whole army until October 26, burning towns, laying waste cornfields, losing also his horse and foot soldiers, and very many horses, and making but little progress.
On the eve of the feast of the Apostles S. Simon [and S. Jude, October 27], he returned thence to Chester, where the justiciary of Ireland was removed from his office, and John Lestrange, justiciary of Chester, from his, and the office of the former was committed to John Fitz Geoffry, and that of the second to John de Grey, and on the morrow of All Souls [November 3] the king departed from Chester.
Also new money was coined.
mccxlvj David fil. Lewelini princeps Wallie obiit quinto kal. Martii sepultus apud Abercon juxta patrem suum. Eodem Septimana Owinus filius Griffini fratris David qui fuerat diu vinctus London et postea ad pacem regis in partibus Cestrie longo tempore moratus clam profugit in Wallia et habito colloquio cum Lewelino fratre suo partiti sunt inter se terras qui fuerunt David avunculi sui.
Item obiit Walterus Marescall comes de Penbrok et Anselmus frater ejus et sic defecerunt omnes v filii Willelmi veteris marescalli sine liberis (fn. 4) scilicet Willelmus primogenitus morte naturali, Ricardus secundus natu occisus in bello campestri quod seditiose instruxerat contra naturalem dominum suum Henricum Regem anglie: Gilbertus tertius in quodam tornamento equum proprium agens armatus ab eodem equo ultimi morbo perierunt.
Item obiit Ideneueth Justiciarius Wallie.
1246 David, son of Llewelin, prince of Wales, died on February 25, and was buried at Aberconway, by the side of his father. In the same week Owen, son of Griffin, the brother of David, who had been long in prison in London, and had afterwards for a long time stayed in the king's peace in Chester, privately fled into Wales, and after conference with his brother Llewelin, they divided between them the territory that belonged to David, their uncle.
Also Walter Marshal, earl of Pembroke, and Anselm, his brother, died, and all the five sons of William, the old Marshal, expired without children; that is to say, William, the eldest, by a natural death; Richard, the second son, was slain in open battle, [in an insurrection] which he had seditiously raised against his natural lord, Henry [III.], king of England; Gilbert, the third son, [was killed] in a certain tournament, when, being in armour and urging on his own horse, [he fell] from the same horse. The two youngest [Walter and Anselm] died from disease.
Also Edneved, justiciary of Wales, died.
mccxlvij Decimo kal. marcii circa horam nonam factus est terre motus magnus apud Helelwele.
Item in Cestrisiria eodem die et eadem hora diei cecidit sanguinis magna quantitas in duas grangias ita quod virgulæ parietis unius grangiæ sanguine illo fuerunt infectœ: id viderunt multi in Cestriœsiria.
1247 On February 20, about noon [or the ninth hour of the day], there was a great earthquake at Holywell.
Also on the same day and hour, a great quantity of blood fell in two granges in Cheshire, so that the woodwork of the wall of one of the granges was dyed with blood. Many in Cheshire saw this.
mccxlviij Rex Francie arripuit iter versus terram sanctam.
Eodem anno obiit Willelmus Parisiens, episcopus.
1248 The king of France [S. Louis IX.] took his way towards the Holy Land.
In the same year William, bishop of Paris, died.
mccxlix Obiit pie memorie dompnus Roger Frend abbas Cestrie cui successit dompnus Thomas de capenthurst tunc Prior.
Item frater Regis Francie ivit ad terram sanctam.
Eodem anno capta fuit Damieta a Ludowico Rege Francie miro modo.
Eodem anno factus fuit episcopus Parisiensis Walterus de Castro-terri.
Eodem anno opressi fuerunt v mille in Burgundia montibus.
1249 The lord Roger Frend, of pious memory, abbot of Chester, died, to whom the lord Thomas of Capenhurst, who was then the prior, succeeded.
Also the brother of the king of France [Alfonso, count of Poitiers] went to the Holy Land.
In the same year Damietta was captured in a wonderful manner, by Louis IX. king of France.
In the same year Gualter de Chateau-Thierry was made bishop of Paris.
In the same year five thousand [persons] were crushed to death in the mountains in Burgundy.
mccl Die martis festum clausum Pasche captus fuit Lodowicus rex Francie cum duobus fratribus suis in bello campestri Sodano et fuit Christianorum in illo bello tanta strages quanta nuncquam temporibus nostris accidit, in eodem bello interfectus Willelmus fuit Longapie qui multas probitates fecit cum . . . . . suis et senescallo templi unus autem illorum solus ut di[citur] . . . . . . 1250 On the Tuesday following the Sunday after Easter [April 5], Louis, king of France, with his two brothers, was taken prisoner in open battle by the soldan, and there was so great a slaughter of Christians in that battle as never hath happened in our times; in the same battle William Longespée, who did many valiant acts (?), was slain with his [followers], and with the grand master of the Temple; one of them alone as is said . . . . . .
mcclj Obiit Fredericus imperator per quem fuit ecclesia romana diu in magna persecutione.
Eodem anno venerunt Parisius pastores cruce signati in magna multitudine ut dicebatur erant numero, scilicet, l milia per quos fuit universitas multum perturbata et clerici interfecti et perversi facti fuerunt multi Christiani per eos in Francia Picardia Flandria et alibi.
Eodem anno Alanus la Zuche factus est Justiciarius Cestrie.
1251 The emperor Frederic II., through whom the church of Rome suffered a long persecution, died.
The same year there came to Paris in great numbers the Shepherds who had assumed the cross, they were in number, as it is said, fifty thousand, by whom the University was much harassed, and the clerks killed, and many Christians were destroyed by them in France, Picardy, Flanders, and elsewhere.
In the same year Alan la Zouche was made justiciary of Chester.
mccliij Circa festum Beati Petri ad vincula dominus Rex Anglie applicuit ad portum maris et transfretavit in Wasconia.. Et eodem anno dedit Eadwardo filio suo comitatum Cestrie Gasconiam Walliam Hiberniam et plures alias terras in Anglia.
Item obiit sanctus Robertus episcopus Lincolniensis.
1253 About the feast of S. Peter ad Vincula [August I], our lord the king of England, betook himself to a port of the sea [Portsmouth] and crossed into Gascony. And in the same year he conferred upon Edward, his son, the county of Chester, Gascony, Wales, Ireland, and many other lands in England.
Also the holy Robert [Grosseteste], bishop of Lincoln, died.
mccliiij In crastino annunciacionis dominicæ recepit Dominus comes saysinam de comitatu Cestrie per dominum Bartholomeum de Peche et (sic).
Eodem anno inter Pascham et Pentecosten transfretavit Regina Anglie et Eadward filius suus in Wasconia, et circa Nativitatem beate Marie desponsavit Dominus Eadward uxorem suam, scilicet filiam Reginaldi (fn. 5) de Castell et Legn. Et dominus Henricus Rex Anglie iter suum arripuit versus Angliam per Franciam de Wasconia circa festum omnium Sanctorum et in nativitate Domini applicuit apud Dovere.
In festo Sancti Johannis Ewangeliste et [misit] Dominus Henricus Rex Anglie dominum Eadwardum ad reformandum pacem cum inimicis suis in Wasconia.
1254 On the morrow of the Annunciation of our Lady [March 26], the lord earl [Edward, afterwards Edward I.] received seisin of the earldom of Chester by [the hands of] the lord Bartholomew de Peche [as his attorney].
In the same year between Easter and Whitsuntide [Eleanor], queen of England, and Edward her son, crossed the sea into Gascony, and about the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary [September 8], the lord Edward married his wife, namely [Eleanor], daughter of Ferdinand, king of Castile and Leon. And the lord Henry, king of England, took his journey towards England, by way of France and Gascony, about the feast of All Souls [November 2], and on the Nativity of our Lord [December 25] he arrived at Dover.
On the feast of S. John the Evangelist [December 27] also the lord Henry, king of England, [sent] the lord Edward to make peace with his enemies in Gascony.
mcclv Dominus Eadwardus Henrici Regis Anglie primogenitus pacem reformatam cum inimicis in Wasconia cum uxore sua per Franciam transiens ad propria remeavit applicuitque apud Dovere in octavis Sancti Martini.
Item Alanus la Zuche dimisit Justiciariam Cestrie cui successit Gilbertus talebot ad festum Sancti Michaelis proxime sequens.
Eodem anno orta est dessencio inter filios Griffini filii Lewelini quondam principis Wallie super terrarum participacione, tandem Lewelinus utrumque fratrem Oweyn scilicet majorem natu et David juniorem in bello campestri captos incarceravit.
Obiit Innocencius papa iiij qui anglicanam ecclesiam nimis oppresserat ecclesiastica beneficia advenis distribuendo et decimas ecclesiarum Henrico regi Anglie (fn. 6) pluribus concedendo, cui successit Alexander papa prius vocatus Regs episcopus ostiensis.
1255 The lord Edward, eldest son of Henry [III.], king of England, having made peace with his enemies in Gascony, returned to his own country, and arrived at Dover on the octave of S. Martin [Nov. 18].
Also Alan la Zouche resigned the office of justiciary of Chester. Gilbert Talbot succeeded him on the feast of S. Michael next following [September 29].
In the same year a dissension sprung up between the sons of Griffin, the son of Llewelin, formerly prince of Wales, concerning the partition of his territories; at length Llewelin, having captured his two brothers, Owen the eldest, and David the younger, in open battle, imprisoned them.
Pope Innocent IV. died, who had excessively oppressed the church of England, distributing ecclesiastical benefices to foreigners, and granting to Henry, king of England, for several years a tenth part of the ecclesiastical revenues. Alexander, who before his election was Rinaldo, bishop of Ostia, succeeded him.
mcclvj Alanus la Zuthe prius Justiciarius Cestrie factus est Justiciarius Hybernie, et in Penthecosten Cestriam veniens, circa natale beati Johannis in Hiberniam transfretavit.
Eodem anno in festivitate Sancti Kenelmi dominus Edwardus Comes primum Cestriam veniens procedentibus ei obviam tam clero quam populo cum quanta decuit receptus est veneracione. Ibique per triduum hominia et fidelitates tam a nobilibus Cestrisiræ quam Wallie recipiens, profectus est in Wallia terras suas et castella videre. Indeque rediens die inventionis Sancti Stephani a Cestria recessit et per Darnhall transiens in Anglia remeavit.
Circa festum omnium Sanctorum Lewelinus David fratrem suum prius incarceratum solvit et cum eo in manu forti Englfeld (fn. 7) et vallem Moaldie occupans ab hominibus domini Edwardi homagia et fidelitates recepit terras illas subdens domino.
Magister Rogerus de Weseham episcopus lichesfeldiæ cum diu morbo paralysis percussus languisset circa festum (fn. 8) S. Michaelis sponte cessit rationabili et adficienti acceptâ provisione. Cui successit Dompnus Rogerus de Meulinges a Conventu Coventriœ et Canonicis Lichesfeldiœ canonice . . . . . . . apud Coventriam. (fn. 9) Item obiit Magister Rogerus de Weseham prius Epũs Coventriœ.
1256 Alan la Zouche, formerly justiciary of Chester, was made justiciary of Ireland, and, coming to Chester at Whitsuntide, about the Nativity of S. John the Baptist [June 24], he there crossed the sea into Ireland.
On the feast of S. Kenelm [July 17] the lord Edward, earl of Chester, entered Chester for the first time, and was received with all due respect, as well the clergy as the laity having gone forth to meet him. Having remained three days to receive the homage and fealty as well of the nobles of Cheshire as of Wales, he set out for Wales to inspect his lands and castles there, and returning on the day of the Invention [or Finding] of [the relics of] S. Stephen [Aug. 3], he left Chester and returned to England, going by the way of Darnall.
About the feast of All Saints [November 1] Llewelin set free David his brother, whom before he held imprisoned, and with his assistance seizing by force upon Englefield and the valley of Mold, received homage and fealty from the men of the lord Edward and placing those lands under himself as lord.
About the feast of S. Michael [September 29] Master Roger of Weseham, bishop of Lichfield, of his own accord resigned his see, after a long illness the result of paralysis, a reasonable and sufficient provision being made for him. To whom the lord Roger de Meulan [alias Longespée] succeeded, having been canonically [elected] at Coventry by the convent of Coventry and the canons of Lichfield. Also master Roger of Weseham, formerly bishop of Coventry, died.
mcclvij Ricardus comes Cornubie frater Henrici regis Anglie electus est in regem Alemannie in vigilia Sancti Marce Ewangeliste transfretavit et in die Pentecostes sequenter apud capelam de Ryse (fn. 10) coronatus cst una cum uxore sua.
Item eodem anno circa Ascensionem dominicam amotus est Gilbertus Talbot a Justiciaria sua, cui successit dominus Rogerus de monte alto ad Pentecosten proxime sequentem.
Item in vigilia Sancte Trinitatis facta est strages magna nobilium Anglie in Suth Wallia.
Eodem Anno die Sancti Oswaldi Regis et martirs venit Henricus Rex Anglie Cestriam una cum Eadward primogenito suo et pluribus magnatibus. Qui dominica post Assumptionem beate Virginis cum exercitu non modico in Walliam proficiscentes parum ibi profecerunt et infecto negotio circa natalis beate virginis Cestrie revertentes singuli ad sua redierunt. Circa festum Sancti Michaelis Griffinus Brumfeld deserens dominum Regem conversus est ad Lewelinum marchia Herfford et Salop cum ipso depopulando.
Item dominica in passione (fn. 11) consecrati sunt Londonie a domino Bonefacio archiepiscopo Cantuariensi Roger de Meulinges in episcopum Coventrie Symon de Waniton in episcopum norwycencem, Walterum in episcopum Exoniencem.
1257 Richard, earl of Cornwall, brother of Henry, king of England, was elected king of Germany. He crossed the seas on the eve of S. Mark [April 24], and on the following Whitsunday [May 27] he was crowned at Aix-la-Chapelle, with [Sanchia] his wife.
Also in the same year about [the feast of] the Ascension of Our Lord [May 17], Gilbert Talbot was removed from his office of justiciary [of Chester], to whom the lord Roger de Montalt succeeded at Whitsuntide next following [May 27].
Also on the eve of the Holy Trinity [June 2] there was a great slaughter of nobles of England in South Wales.
In the same year on the feast of S. Oswald, king and martyr [August 5], Henry [III.], king of England, came to Chester, together with Edward his eldest son and many great men. On the Sunday after the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin [Aug. 19], they set out for Wales with no small army; but there they made but little progress, and the business being unsuccessful, about the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin [September 8] having returned to Chester, they each departed to his own home. About the feast of S. Michael [September 29] Griffin of Bromfield, having deserted our lord the king, returned to Llewelin, and with him laid waste the marches of Hereford and Salop.
Also on Passion Sunday [March 10, 1258] there were consecrated at London by the lord Boniface, archbishop of Canterbury, Roger de Meulan as bishop of Coventry, Symon de Walton as bishop of Norwich, and Walter [Bromscombe] as bishop of Exeter.
mcclviij Tempore illo Henricus rex Anglie [ditavit] quatuor semifratres suos (fn. 12) . . .
Rogerus de Monte Alto tunc Justitiarius Cestriœ graviter infestans Dnũm Thomam Abbatem et Conventum S. Werburgœ de Cestria pro confirmatione sua super Manerijs de Lauton et Gostre et Advocatione Ecclesiarum de Neston, Bri . . . . . . . . et Codington, Manerium de Brotton (fn. 13) ab eis extorsit. Obiitq. dicti Rogeri primogenitus infra quinde'am illam. Pluraq: incommoda valde notabilia eidem Rogero non multo post acciderunt. Qui Rogerus infra biennium egenus obiit, ignorante tunc vulgo (fn. 14) certam ejus sepulturam.
1258 At that time Henry [III.], king of England, [enriched] his four half-brothers . . . . . .
Roger de Montalt, then justiciary of Chester, having violently attacked [and laid claim to the possessions of] the lord Thomas the abbot and the convent of S. Werburg at Chester, extorted from them the manor of Bretton in consideration of his confirmation of the manors of Lawton and Goosetree, and the advowsons of the churches of Neston, Bruera, and Coddington. And the eldest son of the said Roger died within fifteen days. Many other notable misfortunes befell the said Roger not long afterwards. Roger himself died in poverty within two years, the common people being ignorant of the place of his burial.
mcclix Idus Maij obiit bone memorie Willelmus de Doncestria prior Sancte Werburge Cestrie cui successit . . . . .
Item obiit Fulco Basset episcopus Londoniensis cui successit Henry de Wenham cancellarius regis.
Eodem anno in festo Sancti Michaelis Roger de monte alto dimisit Justiciariam Cestrie cui successit Fulco de Orreby.
Circa festum Omnium Sanctorum dominus Edwardus lincenciavit (fn. 15) homines Cestrisire approviandi se de Bosco qui vocatur Lima. Remittens eis c marcas quas sibi offerebant pro dicta licencia.
Henricus rex anglie cum regina in francia transfretavit et facta cum rege francie concordia dimisit eidem Regi francie Normanniam et alias plures terras suas, scilicet infra octavas Sancti Andree.
Ea tempestate Roger de Venables dominum Thomam Abbatem Sancte Werburge implacitavit super advocacionem ecclesie de Estbury et cum dictus Roger per falsam asisam ipsam advocacionem in comitatu Cestrie optinuisset dominus Abbas eandem probans injuste captam esse advocacionem prefatam recuperavit, dictus autem Roger infra eundem annum miserabiliter obiit.
Ad pascha conventus Sancte Werburge ad relevationem domus e[jusdem] . . . . domino Th . . . . ad tempus sponte remisit eum cum ip . . . . . in agendis omnibus eorum consilio uteretur . . . (fn. 16)
1259 On May 15, William of Doncaster, of good memory, prior of S. Werburg of Chester, died, to whom . . . . succeeded.
Also Fulke Basset, bishop of London, died, to whom Henry de Wingham, the king's chancellor, succeeded.
In the same year, on the feast of S. Michael [September 29], Roger de Montalt resigned the office of justiciary of Chester. Fulke de Orreby succeeded him.
About the feast of All Saints [November 1] the lord Edward [earl of Chester] granted to the men of Cheshire his licence for enclosing the wood which is called Lyme, remitting to them the hundred marks which they offered for the same licence.
Henry, king of England, with the queen, crossed the sea into France, and having made peace with the king of France, [Henry] gave up to the same king of France, Normandy and several other of his territories. This was in the octave of S. Andrew [November 30-December 7].
At this time Roger de Venables brought an action against the lord Thomas, abbot of S. Werburg, concerning the advowson of the church of Astbury. And when the said Roger had obtained this advowson by a wrongful verdict in the county court of Chester, the lord abbot proved that this had been gained unfairly, and recovered the aforesaid advowson. But the said Roger died miserably within the same year.
At Easter the convent of S. Werburg [i.e., the monks in chapter assembled] for the purpose of relieving the monastery [from this dispute], of their own accord [committed the settlement of it] for the time to the lord Thomas the abbot, yet so that in all matters he should consult them.
mcclx Henricus rex anglie cum regina circa pasche de Francia remeavit. Katerina (fn. 17) filia sua Johanni de Britannia data in uxore.
Circa nativitatem beate Johannis obiit Roger de monte alto apud Rysinges. (fn. 18)
Ante festum Sancti Michaelis obiit Roger de Venables.
1260 Henry, king of England, with the queen, returned from France about Easter. Katherine, his daughter, was given in marriage to John [son of John, duke] of Brittany.
About the feast of the Nativity of S. John the Baptist [June 24] Roger de Montalt died at Castle Rising.
Before the feast of S. Michael [September 29] Roger de Venables died.
mcclxj Infra octavas Sancti Dunstani confessoris obiit Alexander papa cui successit Urbanus papa consecratus die nativitatis beate Marie qui prius extitit patriarcha ierosolimitanus.
In vigilia Sancti Bartholomei apostoli obiit Fulco de Oreby Justiciarius cestrie cui immediate successit Thomas de Orreby consanguineus ejusdem domini Fulconis.
1261 Pope Alexander [IV.] died within the octave of S. Dunstan the Confessor [May 20-28]. Pope Urban [IV.] succeeded him, and was consecrated on the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary [September 8]. He had before been patriarch of Jerusalem.
On the eve of S. Bartholomew the Apostle [August 23] Fulke de Orreby, justiciary of Chester, died. Thomas de Orreby, a blood relation of the said lord Fulke, succeeded him.


  • 1. Although there is a blank space of two lines and a half between "benedixit" and "Roger," it is clear that "Roger Frend creatum Abbatem Cestriæ" should follow immediately after "benedixit," as in fact it does in the Gastrell MS.
  • 2. I am unable to offer any satisfactory explanation of this entry, which I have translated literally. It may be, however, that the sense intended is "a robbery was committed upon the clergy," and that the reference is to the aid granted this year to the king for the marriage of his eldest daughter (Matthew Paris, iv. 373), which, as it appears by the Annales de Dunstaplia, 167, and the Annales de Wigornia , 436, the king compelled the religious houses to pay, although they did not hold their lands by military service. The entry may, however, possibly refer to the extortions of Martin the nuncio, and to the procurations, and the arrears thereof, which he at empted to obtain this year for the pope.
  • 3. The feast of each of the two saints of this name was kept in the month of August. That of S. Philibert, first abbot of Jumièges, on August 20, and S. Philibert, martyr in Spain, on August 22.
  • 4. William Marshal the elder, earl of Pembroke, had been excommunicated for seizing certain manors of the bishop of Ferns, which William Marshal the younger and his brothers afterwards refused to restore. The deaths of the five children without issue had been foretold by the bishop, and was considered to be a judgment upon them for their own and their father's misconduct in this matter. See the story narrated at length by Matthew Paris (iv. 492-5).
  • 5. Reginaldi is probably a mistake of the copyist for regis. It may, however, be a mistake for Ferdinandi. Eleanor, wife of Edward I., was the daughter of Ferdinand, king of Castile and Leon.
  • 6. The words which I have ventured to print as "ecclesiarum Henrico regi Anglie" are in the MS. "parum H. rex Angli." Two MSS. of the Polychronicon (viii., 242, note 18) have "Innocentius quartus obiit, qui Anglicanam ecclesiam nimis oppresserat, beneficia advenis conferendo, decimas ecclesiarum regi Henrico concedendo."
  • 7. Mr. Earwaker informs me that Englefield (i.e. the English field), probably one of the first settlements of the English in Wales, is an old manor or lordship near Mold, frequently mentioned in the Chester and Welsh records. "It seems," he says, "to commence about Prestatyn, and to extend to Connah's Quay near Chester, but the district round Mostyn is excepted out of this lordship."
  • 8. The Mostyn MS. breaks off here in the middle of a sentence, leaving a blank space before the commencement of 1257, sufficient to insert the words added from the Gastrell MS.
  • 9. Hardy (Le Neve) cites the "Annales Cestrenses" as the authority for the statement that Roger de Meulan alias Longespée, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, was buried on January 3 (1296) in Lichfield Cathedral, but no mention of this bishop's burial is to be found either in the Mostyn or the Gastrell MS. of the Annales Cestrienses. The Annales de Wigornia is no doubt intended, as it is there stated (p. 525), "tertio die Januarii Rogerus episcopus Cestriæ sepultus fuit apud Lichefeld." Le Neve himself cites "Wharton"; but it will be seen, on reference to the Anglia Sacra, pp. 440 and 804, that Sir T. D. Hardy had misunderstood Wharton's language, and that he (Wharton) cites the Annales de Wigornia for the burial of the bishop of Lichfield, and the Annales Cestrienses for his death on December 11, 1295. See ante, Introduction.
  • 10. "Ryse" seems to be a mistake of the copyist for "Eyse," the name given to Aix-la-Chapelle in the Annales de Wintonia (p. 96) where June 16 is stated as the date of Richard's coronation.
  • 11. Passion Sunday is the fifth Sunday in Lent (though the name is sometimes given to any Sunday in Lent). The fifth Sunday in Lent in 1257 would be March 25, but 1258 N. S. is no doubt intended, in which year Passion Sunday fell on March 10, the day on which, according to Le Neve, the consecration of Roger de Meulan, Symon de Walton, and Walter Bromscombe took place. Le Neve, however, states, citing the Chron. Brev. Norwic. MS. Cott. Vitel. c. 9, that Symon de Walton was consecrated at Canterbury.
  • 12. Upwards of two columns are here left blank in the MS., no doubt intended to be occupied with a narrative of the dissatisfaction to which the favour shown by the king to his half-brothers gave rise. I have inserted the word ditavit from Higden's Polychronicon, where the Annals for the year 1258 thus commence:-"Hoc anno rex Henricus ita ditavit quatuor semifratres suos ut ipsi cæteros proceres despicerent."
  • 13. "Though Bretton Manor is alone here noticed, yet several other losses are mentioned in the Chartulary, to which may certainly be added that of Lee, in Broxton hundred, of which the Montalts had afterwards possession."-Ormerod's Cheshire, New Edit. i. 251.
  • 14. Dr. Ormerod asks, "Is it to be inferred, from these ambiguous expressions, that the vengeance of the monks had given them more accurate knowledge?" But the words merely mean that the place of his burial was not generally known.
  • 15. "licenciavit" (Gastrell).
  • 16. The blanks in this passage exist as well in the Mostyn as in the Gastrell MS., the only difference being that words printed above (from the Mostyn MS.) "eum cum ip," are, in the Gastrell MS., given more correctly as "dum tamen ipse." The translation of this passage is conjectural merely. I at first thought that the words "relevationem domus" referred to the rebuilding of the monastery or church, as we find a few years later, under the next abbot, that this rebuilding was actually going on. Ormerod (i. 252, new edit.) cites precepts directed to Reginald de Grey, 12 Edward I., to allow venison from the forests of Delamere and Wirral for the support of the monks then occupied on the great work of the building of the church. The present Lady Chapel of the Cathedral of Chester is attributed to the latter part of the thirteenth century (Ormerod, i. 256, 257). But the Bishop of Chester thinks that this entry (the last for the year 1259) refers to an agreement entered into with Roger Venables concerning Astbury. I need not say that his opinion is more likely to be correct than mine.
  • 17. Beatrice was the name of the daughter of Henry III., who married John, duke of Brittany. Katherine died young.
  • 18. Roger de Montalt married Cecily, daughter of William de Albini, 3rd earl of Arundel, and sister and co-heir of Hugh, 5th earl, on whose death in 1243, the great domains of this branch of the house of Albini were divided between his four sisters and co-heirs. Cecily took as part of her share the castle of Rising, in Norfolk, which thenceforth became the principal residence of herself and her husband Roger de Montalt.