Annales Cestrienses Chronicle of the Abbey of S. Werburg, At Chester. Originally published by Record Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, London, 1887.
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'The chronicle: 1215-34', in Annales Cestrienses Chronicle of the Abbey of S. Werburg, At Chester, ed. Richard Copley Christie (London, 1887), British History Online [accessed 22 February 2025].
'The chronicle: 1215-34', in Annales Cestrienses Chronicle of the Abbey of S. Werburg, At Chester. Edited by Richard Copley Christie (London, 1887), British History Online, accessed February 22, 2025,
"The chronicle: 1215-34". Annales Cestrienses Chronicle of the Abbey of S. Werburg, At Chester. Ed. Richard Copley Christie (London, 1887), British History Online. Web. 22 February 2025.
mccxv In vigilia Sancti Andree captum est a rege Johanne castellum Rouecestrense ubi multi barones Anglie contra regem conspirantes capti sunt. | 1215 On the eve of S. Andrew [November 29] the castle of Rochester was captured by king John, where many of the barons of England who were conspiring against the king were captured. |
mccxvj Lodovicus intravit in Angliam et Hugo de Pasey
occisus est. Item Johannes Rex Anglie obiit die Sancti Kalixti pape Henricus filius ejus primogenitus . . . . . . . . coronatus . . . . . . . . (fn. 1) in die apostolorum Simonis et Jude. |
1216 Louis [of France] entered England, and Hugh de
Pasey was killed. Also John, king of England, died on pope S. Calixtus' day [October 14]; his eldest son, Henry, was crowned on the feast of the apostles Simon and Jude [October 28]. |
mccxvij Capta est Lincolnia a Comite Ranulpho Cestrie et Willelmo Marescallo et ceteris qui cum Rege Johanne [Henrico] tunc temporis tenuerunt in vigilia Sancte Trinitatis. | 1217 On the eve of the Holy Trinity [May 20], Lincoln was captured by Randle, earl of Chester, and William Marshal [earl of Pembroke] and others who at this time held with king [Henry]. |
mccxviij Pacificati sunt dominus Ranulphus (fn. 2) comes Cestrie et Lewelinus princeps Wallie, et in Septimana Pentecostes proxima profectus est dominus Rannulphus comes Cestrie Jerosolimam. | 1218 Peace was made between the lord Randle, earl of Chester, and Llewelin, prince of Wales, and in the following Whit Week [June 3-9] the lord Randle, earl of Chester, set out for Jerusalem. |
mccxix Convenerunt abbates nigri ordinis anglie apud
Oxoniam de ordine monachali predicatorum. Item capta est Damieta a Christianis eodem anno in vigilia Beati Leonardi. |
1219 The abbots of England of the black order [Benedictines],
assembled at Oxford, concerning the monastic order
of Preachers. Also Damietta was captured by the Christians in the same year on the eve of S. Leonard [November 5]. |
mccxx Rediit dominus Rannulphus comes Cestrie de
Damata venitque Cestriam in crastino Assumpcionis
receptus cum maxima veneratione tam
cleri quam plebis. Lewelinus etiam princeps Wallie venit ad eum eodem die, cui dominus Rannulphus comes in (fn. 3) . . . |
1220 The lord Randle, earl of Chester, returned from
Damietta, and came to Chester on the morrow of the
Assumption [of the Blessed Virgin, August 16]. He
was received with the greatest veneration as well by
the clergy as the laity. Also Llewelin, prince of Wales, came to him the same day, to whom the lord Randle, earl . . . . . . |
mccxxj Johannes constabularius Cestrie duxit in uxorem filiam Roberti de Quenci neptam domini Rannulphi comitis Cestrie. | 1221 John [de Lacy] constable of Chester, took to wife the daughter of Robert de Quency, niece of the lord Randle, earl of Chester. |
mccxxij Johannes filius comitis David duxit in uxorem filiam Lewelini pro finali concordia inter ipsum et comitem Cestrie. | 1222 John, son of earl David [of Huntingdon], took to wife the daughter of Llewelin, for the purpose of effecting a lasting peace between himself and the earl of Chester. |
mccxxiij Venit Johannes de Brienn rex ierosolimitanus
cum ceteris magnatibus Orientis in Angliam
pro succursu terre sancte. Item in die circumcisionis tempestas maxima, mirabilia sunt. Item generale interdictum in Wallia. Item obiit Philippus Rex Francorum. Et pie memorie Willelmus episcopus Coventrensis. |
1223 John de Brienne, king of Jerusalem, came into England
with other great men of the East, seeking for
assistance for the Holy Land. Also on the feast of the Circumcision [January 1, 1224] there was a very great tempest, and wonderful things happened. Also there was a general interdict over Wales. Also Philip, king of the French, died. Also William [of Cornhill], bishop of Coventry, of pious memory. |
mccxxiiij Magnates anglie reddiderunt wardas (fn. 4)
suas. Item Hugo de Lacy applicuit in Hyberniam. Item captum est castrum de Bedeford in crastino assumpcionis. (fn. 5) Item consecratus est Alexander episcopus Cestrie consecratus est autem Rome a domino papa die Pasche qui contigit ipso anno xviij kal. Maij. |
1224 The great men of England surrendered [to the
king] the Wardships of their heirs. Also Hugh de Lacy betook himself to Ireland. Also the castle of Bedford was captured [by the king from Falkes de Breauté] on the morrow of the Assumption [of our Lady, August 16]. Also Alexander [de Stavensby] was consecrated bishop of Chester. But he was consecrated at Rome by our lord pope [Honorius] on Easter Day, which fell this year on April 14. |
mccxxv Rannulphus comes Cestrie cepit talagium pedale. (fn. 6) Item transfretavit Ricardus frater regis Anglie in Gasconiam. Item Rannulphus comes Cestrie cepit edificare castrum de Bestan. |
1225 Randle, earl of Chester, levied a tax upon all persons
passing through his dominions. Also Richard [earl of Cornwall], brother of the king of England, crossed the seas into Gascony. Also Randle, earl of Chester, began to build Beeston castle. |
mccxxvj Obiit dominus Hugo abbas Cestrie, successit ei Willelmus Marmiun. (fn. 7) | 1226 The lord Hugh [Grylle], abbot of Chester, died. William Marmion succeeded him [as 9th abbot]. |
mccxxvij Johannes de Scocia factus est miles a rege Scocie
in die Penticostes. Item pons Cestrie totus cecidit. Item obiit Bertrudis comitissa cestrie. |
1227 John le Scot [nephew of earl Randle] was knighted
by the king of Scotland on Whitsunday. Also the whole of the bridge of Chester fell down. Also Bertrada, countess of Chester [widow of earl Hugh], died. |
mccxxviij Causa que vertebatur inter ecclesias Coventrie et
Lichfeld terminata est. (fn. 8) Item Lewelinus cepit filium suum Griffinum et incarceravit eum apud Duganum castrum Wallie. Obiit Wilielmus Abbas Cestriœ. Item Walter cognomine de Pincebech electus est in abbatem Cestrie benedictus apud London die Sancti Michaelis in monte Tumba. Item Rex Henricus duxit exercitum apud Kenes parum ibi proficiens et multos ex suis am[isit] ubi etiam Willelmus de Breaus captus fuit a Lewelino. Obiit Stephanus de Langeton archiepiscopus Cantuariensis. |
1228 The litigation which had been carried on between the
churches of Coventry and Lichfield was terminated. Also Llewelin [prince of Wales] took his son Griffin, and imprisoned him in the castle of Dyganwy in Wales. William, abbot of Chester, died. Also Walter, surnamed de Pincebeck, was elected as [10th] abbot of Chester. He received the benediction at London on the feast of S. Michael of the Mount in Normandy [October 6]. Also king Henry [III.] led an army to Kerry [near Montgomery], but made little progress, and lost many of his troops, and there William de Braose was taken prisoner by Llewelin. Stephen Langton, archbishop of Canterbury, died. |
mccxxix Philippus de Orreby Justiciarius Cestrie dimisit
ballivam suam ad pascha cui successit Willelmus
de Vernum. Item electus est in archiepiscopum Cantuariensem magister Ricardus magnus Lincolniensis ecclesie cancellarius consecratus in die Sancte Trinitatis. (fn. 9) |
1229 Philip de Orreby, justiciary of Chester, resigned his
office at Easter. William de Vernon succeeded
him. Also Master Richard [Weathershed, surnamed] Le Grand, chancellor of the Church of Lincoln, was elected archbishop of Canterbury. He was consecrated on Trinity Sunday [June 10]. |
mccxxx Circa festum Sancti Hylarii Henricus rex Anglie
et omnis exercitus anglie convenerunt apud
Portesmue ut transfretarent. Sed habito consilio
remanserunt ad festum apostolorum Philippi et
Jacobi transfretavit Henricus rex Anglie cum
exercitu suo ad partes transmarinas. Reddita est etiam Rannulpho Cestrie terra sua de Sancto Jacobo super Boverum. Rex autem circa festum Sancti Michael reversus est in Angliam relicto ibi Rannulpho comite Cestrie et Willelmo Marescallo cum paucis. Item Willelmus de Breaus inculpatus est a Lewelino principe Wallie de uxore sua, et suspenditur. Et mulier carcerata custodia diu. |
1230 About the feast of S. Hilary [January 13] Henry [III.],
king of England, and the whole army of England,
assembled at Portsmouth in order to cross the
Channel. But, having taken counsel, they remained
until the feast of S. Philip and S. James the Apostles,
[May 1], when Henry, king of England, with his
army, crossed to the parts beyond the seas [to S. Malo]. There was restored to Randle, earl of Chester, his territory of S. James de Beuvron. But about Michaelmas the king returned into England, having left [in Brittany] Randle, earl of Chester, and William Marshal [earl of Pembroke], with a few [soldiers]. Also William de Braose was charged by Llewelin, prince of Wales, with adultery with his wife, and was hanged. And the woman was imprisoned for a long time. |
mccxxxj Obiit Willelmus Marescallus. Lewelinus princeps Wallye recepit uxorem suam filiam Johannis Regis quam antea incarceravit. Orta est werra inter Henricum Regem filium Johannis et Lewelinum in partes Suth Wallye. In qua werra dictus Henricus rex firmavit castellum payn ubi venit ad eum nobilis vir ille Rannulphus Comes Cestrie et Lyncolyn de sancto Jacobo de Boverum capta prius treuga trium annorum a Rege Gallie in transmarinis. Orta est quedam discordia inter regem Anglie et ipsum Rannulphum Comitem Cestrie apud predictum castellum pain quare a rege discessit iratus. Et sic apud Cestriam venit in vigilia Octavarum assumpcionis mandatus autem a domino Rege per Stephanum de Sagreve venit ad eum. Obiit Ricardus archiepiscopus Cantuarie in transmarinis. |
1231 William Marshal, earl of Pembroke, died. Llewelin, prince of Wales took back his wife, the daughter of king John, whom he had formerly imprisoned. War arose between king Henry [III.], son of John, and Llewelin in the parts of South Wales. In the course of this war the said king Henry strengthened the castle of Pain, where there came to him that noble person Randle, earl of Chester and Lincoln from S. James de Beuvron, having before accepted a truce of three years from the king of France in the parts beyond seas. A certain quarrel arose between the king of England and this same Randle, earl of Chester, at the afore- said castle of Pain, wherefore he departed from the king in a rage. And thus he came to Chester on the eve of the octave of the Assumption [August 21]. But by the command of our lord the king, [given] through Stephen de Segrave, he returned to the king. Richard, archbishop of Canterbury, died beyond seas [at S. Gemma or Gemine, between Todi and Narni, in Italy]. |
mccxxxij Obiit Roger de monte alto Senescallus de
Hawerthin. Item Hubertus Burgo captus est. Obiit etiam Rannulphus comes Cestrie et Lincoln vij kal. Novembris apud Walingford et sepultus est iijo non. ejusdem apud Cestrie. Item undecimo kal. Decembris factus est Johannes de Scocia comes Cestrie apud Northampton a rege Henrico filio Johannis Regis. |
1232 Roger de Montalt, seneschal of Hawarden, died. Also Hubert de Burgh was made prisoner. Also Randle, earl of Chester and Lincoln, died, October 26, at Wallingford, and was buried, November 3, at Chester. Also, November 21, John le Scot [nephew of earl Randle] was made earl of Chester at Northampton by king Henry III., son of king John. |
mccxxxiij Obiit Matildis mater comitis Johannis circa
epiphaniam domini. Item Ricardus Phiton factus est justiciarius Cestrie. (fn. 10) Item guerra inter regem Henricum et Ricardum Marescallum. |
1233 Matilda, mother of earl John [daughter of Hugh
Cyveliok], died about the Epiphany of our Lord. Also Richard Fitton was made justiciary of Chester. Also there was war between king Henry and Richard Marshal [earl of Pembroke]. |
mccxxxiiij Magister Eadmundus consecratus est archiepiscopus
dominica in medio quadragesime. Item Griffinus filius Lewelini egressus est de carcere. Item Ricardus Marescallus occisus in Hybernia. Item magister Radulphus de Maedestan quondam archidiaconus Cestrie consecratus est episcopus Hierford unde prius decanus . . . pridie non. (fn. 11) Novembris apud Cantuariam. |
1234 Master Edmund [of Abingdon] was consecrated
archbishop [of Canterbury] on Mid Lent Sunday
[April 2]. Also Griffin, son of Llewelin, went out of prison. Also Richard Marshal [earl of Pembroke] was slain in Ireland. Also Master Ralph of Maidstone, formerly archdeacon of Chester, was consecrated at Canterbury on November 4 bishop of Hereford, where he was before dean. |