Report On the Records of the City of Exeter. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.
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Historical Manuscripts Commission, 'Hooker's list of the records', in Report On the Records of the City of Exeter(London, 1916), British History Online [accessed 25 February 2025].
Historical Manuscripts Commission, 'Hooker's list of the records', in Report On the Records of the City of Exeter(London, 1916), British History Online, accessed February 25, 2025,
Historical Manuscripts Commission. "Hooker's list of the records". Report On the Records of the City of Exeter. (London, 1916), British History Online. Web. 25 February 2025.
In this section
- [See Introduction, p. vi.]
- The Recordes.
- Recordes and Writinges of the Evidences.
- In the newe Presse.
- A note of all suche munyments bookes escriptes and writings as were brought in and delyvered into the Councell Chambre of Excester by Jo. Hooker chamberlaine the xxvj daye of Januarij 1600.
- In the Second boxe in the greatt presse.
[See Introduction, p. vi.]
The veiwe and survey of all the Records, Evidences, Chartors and writinges whatsoever appertaininge to the Chambre and Citie of Excester Collected by John Hooker, Chamberlaine of the sayed Citie as followethe.
Januarij 1600.
The Recordes.
In the Raigne of Kinge Edwarde the first containeth xxxvth Rolles wherof their lacketh iiij Rolles viz. the xv the xvij the xx and the xxij yeres of his Raigne.
In the Raigne of Edward the Seconde contayneth xix Rolles wherof lacketh iij Rolles viz. the xv the xvij and the xviij yeres.
In the Raigne of Edward the thirde contayneth lj Rolles wherof their lacketh iij Rolles viz. xlix and l and lj Rolle.
In the Raigne of Richard the Second contayneth xxiijth Rolles whereof wanteth none.
In the Raigne of Henry the iiij contayneth xiiij Rolles wherof lacketh viz. the v and vj Rolles.
In the Raigne of Henry the v. contayneth x Rolles wherof lacketh the iij and the vj Rolles.
In the Raigne of Henry the vj contayneth xxxix Rolles wherof wanteth ij Rolles viz. the xxij and xxxj yere.
In the Raigne of Henry the vij contayneth xxiij Rolles wherof lacketh iij Rolles viz. the xxj the xxij and the xxiij yeres.
In the Raigne of Edward the iiij contayneth xxiij Rolles wherof wanteth one Rolle viz. the v. yere.
In the Raigne of Richard the iij contayneth iij Rolles wherof lacketh the last yere.
In the Raigne of Edward the vj contayneth vij Rolles wherof lacketh the iij and iiij yere.
In the Raigne of Queene Mary contayneth vj Rolles wherof lacketh one Rolle.
In the Raigne of Henry the viij contayneth xxxviij Rolles wherof wanteth iij viz. the xviij the xxix and xxx.
In the Raigne of Queene Elizabeht containeth xlij Rolles wherof lacketh iij viz. the ij the xxviij and the xxxvij.
Recordes and Writinges of the Evidences.
- 1. In the first box the evidences of Pratished. Item a Role of St. Sydwell's
- 2. In the ij box the Chartors of St. Peters Churche and of St. Sydwells. The Rentall booke of the Bishop. The Robbinge of the Exchequer. Bishop Brentinghams Inventory. The Survey of St. Sydwells. The orders of parliament. The Controversies betweene the Citie and the Taylors. The Corporations of the Citie. The quo warranto of the Citie of Exceter.
- 3. In the iij box the evidences of the Magdalen.
- 4. In the iiij box the evidences of St. Johns.
- 5. In the v box the evidences of St. Nicholas.
- 6. In the vj box the evidences of St. Johns Langbrooke Streete and Parristreete.
- 7. In the vij box of the matters between the Bishopp, Deane and Chaptor and the Citie.
- 8. In the viij box St. Mary the Mores parishe. The Trinity parishe for Chidleighs Land Mathewe Hulls Land lease of Southenhaye m'res Tuckefeildes Land purchased of Mr. Fulford and geven unto Exebridge.
- 9. In the ix box St. Mary Arches St. Jones Bowe for Landes late in the tenure of Robert Chafe. The Landes St. Mary Arches Churche.
- 10. In the x box St. Mary Stepps for the Landes aboute Westgate St. Laurence for the Lands of the Pippes without Eastgate. Sir Robert Denys his lease for the Gaole for Wilford Land without Westgate. The tenements within Westgate also Thomas Greennowes Landes.
- 11. In the xj box St. Petrocks parishe for the house neere to the greate coundicte St. Martyns Land St. Poles Alhallowes in Goldsmith Street for Hubert Collwells Land.
- 12. In the xij box for Freerenhaye and the composition for St. Nicholas.
- 13. In the xiij box Tenne Sells the evidences for Grindons Almeshouse for Palmers Almeshouse for Newton Bushell Bettyes Annuitie for the Shroudes m'res Buckenhams will Alic Heathe for Grindons Almeshouses Sir William Herne for Horsseys Land for Mr. Hursts feofement for the Almeshouse John Davys Almeshouse Mr. Haydons conveaunce.
- 14. In the xiiij box St. Georges for the Shambles for Gayles house for tenement one the one syde of St. Kirians Churche.
- 15. In the xv box Exebridge Accompts Ric. the iij, H. the vij, H. the viij, Edwarde the vj, Phillip and Marye, and Elizabeth.
- 16. In the box xvj box all the chartors of Excester.
- 17. In the xvij box all the writinges for Exbridge.
- i. In the box of Accompts of St. Nicholas Exiland Magdalen the Poore and Awlscombe.
- ij. In the box for the Haven the weare mills and the conveaunce of the water course.
- iij. In the box of Attwills evidences and conveaunce of the same to the Citie.
- iiij. In the box the Duke of Somersetts Pattent for Exe Mr. Carewes and Mr. Amerdedeth obligacon for St. Johns.
- v. In the box Exebridge Accompts Ed. iij, Ric. the ij, H. iiij, Henry v, H. vj, Ed. the iiij, and Richard iij.
- vj. In the box the controversies between the Bishop. Deane and Chapter and the Citie.
- vij. In the box of the purchase of St. Nicholas and Johns.
- viij. In the box of Duryherd Court Rolles.
- ix. In the box the Accompts of Duryherd for H. viij, Ed. vj, Phillip and Mary, and Queene Elizabeth.
- x. In the box the Evidences of the Mannor of Duryherd.
- xj. In the box the Accompts of Exon E. j, Ed. ij, H. 4, H. 5,
- xij. In the box the Accompts of Duryherd E. iij, Ric. ij. H. 4, H. 5, H. 6, Ed. 4, Ric. iij, H. 7.
- xiij. In the box of Awlscombe.
- xiiij. In the box of Pratished Toppesham Exmouth Exilond and the Fishinge of the Haven.
- xv. In the box the Accomptes of Exon H. 6 Ed. 4, Ric. iij, H. 7.
- xvj. In the box the Magdalen Landes.
- xvij. In the box of Exon Accompte in H. viij, Ed. 6, Marye, and Queene Elizabeth. In this lacketh x Rolles of Queene Elizabeths tyme.
In the newe Presse.
- B. In the box bills and obligacions.
- C. In the box Obligacions and Moone's Convenaunce.
- E. In the box Widow Seldons conveaunce a commission for Gaole Delyvery A Commission for lyvetenauncy Margery Harris Lease for the Tookinge Mills The Plotte of Duryherd Indentures for weights.
- F. In the box Wonards will the deane and chaptors lease for newe Inne and at the Broadegate.
- G. In the box Indentures for Exebridge the Magdalen and Awlscombe.
- I. In the box voyed and olde writinge.
- K. In the box Indentures for the Citie and all the Almeshouses.
- L. In the box Indentures for Duryherd and St. Nicholas.
The Presse byhinde the dore without lock and keye therin all the Recordes of the Towne Custome and certaine olde Indentures. All the Inventoryes and bookes of the Orphanes.
A note of all suche munyments bookes escriptes and writings as were brought in and delyvered into the Councell Chambre of Excester by Jo. Hooker chamberlaine the xxvj daye of Januarij 1600.
- 1. The Chartors of London and the Skavage their.
- 2. The Chartors of Tottnes.
- 3. The Chartor of Tawnedowne.
- 4. The Chartor of Syon. [See p. 33.]
- 5. The Chartor of the Abbey of Battell and Fee of St. Nicholas.
- 6. Seven Sondry Chartors of the Citie of Excester.
- 7. The Chartor of Exilond and the Fishinge of the Ryver of Exe.[See. p. 5.]
- 8. The Charter of Kedwelly.
- 9. The Charter of Mellcome, and of Padestowe.
- 10. The Chartor of the Duchie of Cornewall.
- 11. The Chartor of the Orphanes.
- 12. The orders of the parliament.
- 13. The Charter of Domesedaye.
- 14. A clayme of the Citie for their liberties in Excester.
- 15. An Acte for pavinge of Streetes.
- 16. The names of all the Free holders in Exon.
- 17. The order of the Orphanes of Bristowe and of Worcester.
- 18. Recordes of the Citie.
- 19. The books of the Churche plat and utensyles.
- 20. A bundell of proclamations.
- 21. A bundell of Chartors of the Corporations.
- 22. The ordynance of the Citie.
- 23. The Chartor of St. Peters.
- 24. The Robbinge of the Exchequer.
- 25. The limetting. of St. Sydwells Fee.
- 26. The Awdyte Role of the Bshops Revenewes.
- 27. Bishop Brentinghams Inventoryes.
- 28. The Survey of St. Sydwells Fee.
- 29. The Accompts of the Rye solde at St. Johns.
- 30. The Accompts of the Salmons Solde. [See Book 231.]
- 31. The Role and bookes of the Erles of Devon concerninge his first restitucion. The assurance of the Lady Kathren his wifes Joynter. The ofice of his Landes and Rentes the attenture of the Marckquis of Exceter. The restitucion of his sonne Edwarde to the Erledome &c.
- 32. The Cronicles of St. Peters both in latine and Englishe.
- 33. The Accomptes of the Citie for Sondry yeres.
- 34. The books of Exilond. [See Book 186.]
- 35. The Towne Custome bookes.
- 36. The bookes of the orders of London.
- 37. The acquitance of the Subsidie the x and xv.
- 38. A presentment taken at Topesham and the Accomptes of the same.
- 39. The examinacions between the Merchauntes and the Citie. [See Book 185.]
- 40. The severall Accomptes of the Rye solde at St. Johns.
- 41. The Rentall of the Almeshouses.
- 42. The Inquisitins and Examinacions of the Coroner for the deathes of certaine men and other thinges appertaininge to his office. [See p. 57.]
- 43. The question of the liberties of Excester with a paper unto the same.
- 44. A Collection of all the Recordes of the Citie of Excester.
- 45. Certaine p'rented bookes for the Statuete of gavell kinde.
In the Second boxe in the greatt presse.
- 1. Inprimis the copies of auncyent charters granted to the Bisshoppe of Exeter containing xxxli leaffes of paper.
- 2. The copie of an acte of parlyament for boundyng of St. Sydwells Fee.
- 3. Itm. An Ancyent Accompte of the revenues of the Bisshoppricke of Exon in Anno Dni. 1300.
- 4. Itm. A paper booke and thereyn divers examynacyons and the manner of the robbyng of St. Peters Churche in Anno ixno Dne. Elizabeth Rne.
- 5. Itm. viij leaffes of paper whereyn are wrytten the sayenge of divers auncyent men touchyng the boundes of St. Peters Churche yarde.
- 6. Itm. Sixe leafes of paper whereyn is wrytten the survey of St. Sidwells Fee.
- 7. Itm. Accompte of the temporalties of the Bisshoppricke of Exon made in ann xvij H. viij [1526].
- 8. Itm. the copie of an acte of parliament for pavyng of the Cittie of Exeter.
- 9. Itm. A paper cont. the Articles of the Charter of xxixo H. viijvi touchynge the Countie &c. [See Charter XXXIII, p. 5.]
- 10. Itm. A paper booke cont. the names of all the freeholders in Exeter.
- 11. Itm. A copie of a quo warranto in Anno quarto E. tercij. [1330–31.]
- 12. Itm. A rolle of paper whereyn are written divers Acts and Ordynnances made by the Maior and Comon Councell of this Cittie for the better government thereof.
- 13. The copie of the corporacyon of Merchaunts in Englyshe. [See Book 185.]
- 14. The objections agaynst the Merchants Corporacyon.
- 15. The Supplicacyon of the Merchaunts.
- 16. A Byll of Articles against the Tayllors.
- 17. The Articles of the Merchaunts Charter.
- 18. Examynacyons taken before the Maior and Justice consernynge the Tayllors.
- 19. The first inconporacyon of the Merchaunts.
- 20. Mr. Hookers accompte in a journey to London.
- 21. A note of offers made unto the Tayllors by the Merchauntes.
- 22. The Surmyses of the Tayllors agaynst the Merchaunts.
- 23. The oracyon of Mr. Hooker made to the Comons in Anno 1569==1560. [See p. 40.]
- 24. Itm. A Supplicacyon an aunswer and a replicacyon betwene the Merchaunts and Tayllors.
- 25. Itm. divers bookes paper and letters wrytten by Mr. Hooker toochynge the order of the parlyament.
The copies of the corporacyons of Smythes Skynners Coopers and Hellyers Butchers Bruers Tayllors Cappers and Haberdasshers and of Weavers and Tuckers. [See p. 54.]
Itm. A copie of the Charter of Sion. (fn. 1)