The Manuscripts of the Corporations of Southampton and Kings Lynn Eleventh Report, Appendix: Part III. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1887.
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Historical Manuscripts Commission, 'The corporation of Southampton: Notes on the books', in The Manuscripts of the Corporations of Southampton and Kings Lynn Eleventh Report, Appendix: Part III(London, 1887), British History Online [accessed 25 February 2025].
Historical Manuscripts Commission, 'The corporation of Southampton: Notes on the books', in The Manuscripts of the Corporations of Southampton and Kings Lynn Eleventh Report, Appendix: Part III(London, 1887), British History Online, accessed February 25, 2025,
Historical Manuscripts Commission. "The corporation of Southampton: Notes on the books". The Manuscripts of the Corporations of Southampton and Kings Lynn Eleventh Report, Appendix: Part III. (London, 1887), British History Online. Web. 25 February 2025.
Notes on the books
II.—Notes respecting, and Extracts from, the most noteworthy books.
(1.) Edward II. Book of Laws, Ordinances, and Customs of the Town of Southampton, known in the annals of the borough as "The Oak Book," containing at the present time sixty vellum leaves, clogcovered. Resembling in several particulars the far more perfect and exemplary Little Domesday Books of the Borough of Ipswich, this volume (comprises with divers inconsiderable memoranda of comparatively recent penmanship) the following matters:—
(a.) List (imperfect) of the boroughs of England, with particulars touching the dates of their respective charters of incorporation.
(b.) The Oath (French) administered to and sworn by the "Meyre Baillif e bones gents" of the town.
(c.) The Laws and Usages (French) of the town, in seventy-seven chapters; each chapter being headed with red letters, setting forth concisely the subject of the chapter.
(d.) The List of Dues and Customs on merchandize coming into the town by sea or land.
(e.) Copy of the Deed of Concord, dated 3 Edward III., between the Mayor and Community of the city of New Sarum of the one part and the Mayor and Community of the town of Suthampton of the other part, for the determination of controversy respecting tolls and customs.
(f.) Table of Rates, for regulating the price of bread.
(g.) Copy of the Charter of Inspeximus (of the charter dated by King John in the 9th year of his reign and also of the charter dated by Henry the Third in the 16th year of his reign, "de libertatibus Wynton' ecclesie"), dated by Nicholas bishop of Winchester A.D. 1268.
(h.) Copy of record of the proceedings, with verdict for the plaintiff, in the cause (6 Edward II.) of John le Cowper of Farnham, a tenant of the Bishop of Winchester, v. John Shirlee, William Foghel and William Basyngrom the younger, of the town of Southampton, for unlawful seizing for payment of toll unlawfully demanded as due to the said town "unum " coreum bouum precii vnius denarii ipsius Johannis le Couper."
(i.) Collection of Maritime cases and legal decisions touching ships and seamen, headed "Ceo est la Chartre Doylyroun de Jugements du Meer."
(j.) Copy of the Charter, dated by Edward the Third in the 2nd year of his reign, of Inspeximus and Confirmation of Edward the Second's Charter of Inspeximus and Confirmation, of Edward the First's Charter of Inspeximus and Confirmation, of the Charter of concessions dated by Henry the Third at Winchester on the 20th of June in the 37th year of his reign "Deo et beate Marie et Sancto Johanni Baptiste "et Fratribus Hospitalis Jerusalem."
(k.) Copy of the Letters Patent, dated 28 June 29 Edward III., of the Burgesses of the town of Southampton, of power for ten years to levy one penny from every pound, one half-penny from every ten shillings, and one farthing from every five shillings, of goods imported into or exported from the said town, the revenue from the said grant to be applied to the works for completing the enclosure of the town, for its greater security.
(l.) Copy of a Concord and Agreement, made 24 Henry III., between the Burgosses of Suthampton and the Burgesses of Portesmothe.
(m.) Copy of the Inquisition taken and made, 38 Henry III., by twenty-four lawful men, before Sir Ernaldus de Bosco, the said King's Justice "de Foresta,"—"qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod hec est meta et divisa inter forestam de la Beri et villam domini Regis Suthampton, scilicet, de Ponte de Acardy sicut via extendit se per cruces versus Aquilonem usque Cuthorn et de Cuttethorn usque ad Burleston, Et de Burleston usque ad Fursewelle, et de Furswelle sicut descendit in Ychene infra quas metas et divisas libertatis Ville domini Regis Suthampton canonici Sancti [Juliani ?] . . . et tenent quemdam boscum qui vocatur Porteswode ex concessione Ricardi quondam Regis Anglie i liberam et puram et perpetuam elimosinam, Et est . . . . . et bosco pro quo bosco et terra que vocatur Kyngeslond dominus Rex predictus remisit de firma sua Ville Suthampton imperpetuum centum solidos."
A notion of the literary style of "The Laws and Usages," by far the most important and interesting of the several matters of the volume, may be gained from the following transcript of the first four of the seventy-seven chapters.
"1. Coment le Alderman Seneschal Chapellayn Eskevyns Usser seront esluys en Gilde. En primes chief que de la Gilde Marchaundz soient eslus e etablis, un Alderman, un Seneschal, un Chapelayn e iii. eskevyns e un Usser, Et est assavoyr que celuy que serra Alderman deit avoyr de chescun entraunt en la Gilde iiiid., le Seneschal iid., le Chapeleyn iid., e le Usser id. Et doit la Gilde feer deuz foyz en le an, Cest asavoir le Dymaynge prochain apres la Seintz Johan le Baptistez e le Dymaynge proschayn apres la Seintz Hyllery.
(2.) Quant la Gilde serra nul entre eux ne vendra si ne seit par le Alderman. Quant la Gilde serra nul de la Gilde ne doit mener nul estraunge, si il ne soit requis par le Alderman ou le Seneschal, Et le Alderman doitz avoir un Sergaunt aler nyer devaunt ly, le Seneschal un autre Sergauntz e les deuz eskevyns un Sergauntz, Et les autr' deus eskevyns un sergaunt e le Chapeleyn auera seon Clerk.
(3.) De ceo que le Alderman auera mizt tauntoi la Gilde y serra. Et quaunt la Gilde serra le Alderman doit avoyr chescun muytz tauntz come la Gilde sietz ii. galouns de vin Et deus chaundeles e le Seneschal autresy e les iiii. eskevyns e le Chapelayn chescun de eus un galoundd e vyn de une chaundele e le Usser un galoun de vyn.
(4.) Que les Meseaus auerount de la Gilde tantu' y serra. Et quaunt la Gilde serra les Meseaus de la Maudelyne auerount del Aumune de Gildeyns ii cestres de la ceruoyse. Et les Malades de la Maysun Deu e de Seintz Julian auerount deus cestyers de cervose. Et les Freires menors auerount ii cestres de cervoyse e un cestr' de vyn. Et iiii. cestres de cervoyse serrount donetz a poveres la ou la Gilde sera.
The entries of this volume, which the Hampshire archæologists would do well to edit, are by various hands, and were made at different times; the earliest of the entries, the Copy of "The Laws and Usages," being of a penmanship that justifies the reporter in assigning it to some clerk of the earlier time of the 14th century.
(2.) 16 Richard II. to 12 Elizabeth. The Black Book, otherwise styled the "Liber Niger nigro carbone notatus," otherwise styled the "Niger Papyrus," otherwise styled "The Blak Papyr" of the town of Suthampton; a large folio register containing 144 leaves of unusually thick paper, the last thirty-two of which are blank. Used from the 16th year of Richard II. to the 12th year of Elizabeth as a Book of Record for the enrolment of acknowledgments of deeds, this well preserved volume (covered with black flexible leather), together with writings of conveyance and quitclaim, and other legal instruments and writings of record, comprises the following matters:—
(a.) 16 Richard II. Ordinances by the Mayor and Community, "quod quilibet burgensis ac alius commorans infra libertatem ville Suthampton seu commoraturus respondebit versus alienigenas ac extraneos in placitis pedis pulverosati non obstante aliqua libertate prius habita seu possessa in placitis debiti pro aliquibus rebus vel merci moniis venditis seu emptis infra libertatem predictam. Et quod inter indigenos seu infra libertatem ville commorantes ac burgenses placita terminentur in Curia Regia ville secundum consuetudinem ante hac usitatam."
(b.) 1 Henry V. Ordinance by the Maior, Bailiffs, and Community, "quod omnes meretrices commune Hospicium in Estrete tenentes a dicto Vico omnino ammoverentur; Et quod nec ipse nec alique alie huiusmodi vite mulieres ad aliquod tenementum sive cotagium in eodem vico inhabitandum aut tenendum aliqualiter de cetero admitterentur et precipue propter continenciam dictum vicum pertranseuncium sive ad ecclesias beate Marie Sancte Trinitatis ac Sancti Andree peregre proficiscencium conservandam quam quidem ordinacionem supradictam imperpetuum tenendam ac observandam in nigro papiro eiusdem ville fecerunt irrotulari ut de recordo hic in futuro videatur esse permanend."
(c.) 17 October 22 Edward III. Ordinances by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Community of the town of Suthampton, for the amendment of proceedings in the Town Court—Cestassavere.
Que apres ascun accion de dette affirme en le comyn courte de mesme le vile envers ascun home demeurant deinz mesme le vile que le processe sera tielle,—Em primes le defendant serra somone et apres en le procheyne court il auera un essoyne sil voet et apres en le procheyn courte il auera un defaute saunz rien perder, Et apres sil ne vient un Attachment. Et sil trove un home destre son plegge sur mesme latachment sil face defaute le proime jour il serra amercie ii. d. le seconde jour iiii. d. le tierce jour vi. d. le quarte jour viii. le quinte jour x. d. le vi jour xii. d. et issint apres achescun courte sil fait defaute il serra amercye a xii. d. jesqz il veigne et respoyne al pleyntif et auxi en mesme le manere lissues serront retournes apres vn distresse agarde envers le defendant sicome est dit dez amercimentes avauntditz si le sargent retorne le defendant sufficient.
Item est assentu et accorde mesme le jour que apres ceo que ascun issue est ioine entre lez pleyntiffs et defendantes en mesme le courte que si le pleyntif ne voile suer . . . effects pur auer son jurre deinz trois moys proscheyn apres lissue ioine que le pleintif perdera son accion pur mesme le temps.
Item est assentu et accorde mesme le jour que apres ceo que ascun issue est ioine come est avauntdit auxibien en le comyn court come en le courte de pee poudres si le summe en demande soit declare a x. marces ou deinz que le Sargent auera pur faire son retourne del panelle forsq xii. d.
Et si le summe en demande soit declare ouster x. marcs come a x. li. xx. marcs xx. li ou ouster, Donqz le Sargent auera pur faire son retorne del panelle forsqz ii. s.
Item est assentu et acorde que en un plee de trespas le defendant pledera al Issue et tiendra son ley si les damages soient declares a xl. s. ou ouster et priera que le pleyntif soiet examyne si ces damages atteygnent a xl. s. ou ouster par reson de mesme trespas, Et si le pleyntif refuse le examynacion donqz le defendant ferra son ley, Et si le pleyntif sur son serement sur un liver dit qil est en damage a xl. s. ou ouster donqz lissue serra trie par pais.
Item est assentu et acorde mesme le jour que le Clerk del ville prendera de chescun Burgeys pur faire ou pur entrer son declaracion si le summe en demaunde soit declare a x. marcs ou deinz forsqz xii. d. Et si le summe en demaunde soit declare a x. li. xx. marcs xx. li. ou ouster il prendera pur faire ou pur son entre del declaracion de mesme le plee forsqz ii. s. Et des estraungers ou Foreyns il prendera sicome ils poient agrees.
Item est acorde et assentu mesme le jour que quaunt un estraunger ou Foreyn afferme ascun accion en le comen courte ou en le courte de pee poudres il gagera al Sargent que doit son affire de mesme le pleynt en nawn' de plegge iii. d.
(d.) 9 December 22 Edward IV. "Hit is agreid assentid and by a comen accorde concludid in fourme folowyng that is to say emonge other, A Pavyour to be ordeyned to dwell in a house of the Towne price of xiii. s. iiii. d. rent free, and to have yerely a gowne to this entent, that he shalle with a Sargent of the same towne doo serche the pavement of the seid towne and also to pave in alle places nedefulle withyn the seid towne and doo all thyng that longeth to that office withyn the seid towne takyng for his wages for his labour as it is used . . . ., Provided alwey that the Stone and alle maner thyng to the seid pavement belongyng be ordeyned by hym or theym afore woes house the pavement shalle be noyouse or nedefulle of reparacion."
(e.) 16 Richard II. Enrolment of Probate of the will (testamentum) of Richard Mey the elder of the town of Suthampton burgess, dated 8 July 1392 A.D., running in these words,—"In dei nomine amen . . . . . Ego Ricardus Mey senior burgensis ville Suthampton condo testamentum meum in hunc modum, In primis lego animam meam deo ac corpus meum ad sepeliendum in Cimeterio Sancte Marie Suthampton predicte ville per disposicionem executorum meorum, Item lego Agnete uxori mee omnia terras ac tenementa mea que vel quas habeo infra libertatem ville Suthampton supradicte habendum ac tenendum omnia predicta terras ac tenementa prefate Agneti uxori mee usque ad terminum vite sue, Et post decessum vero ejusdem Agnetis volo ac concedo quod omnia terre ac tenementa predicta cum suis pertinenciis integre remaneant ac revertantur Ricardo Mey juniori ac Ranulpho Mey capellano filiis meis habendum ac tenendum omnia predicta terras ac tenementa prefato Ricardo Mey juniori ac Radulpho usque ad terminum vite eorum seu uni eorum diucius viventi tantum, Et post vero decessum eorum volo quod omnia predicta terre ac tenementa cum suis pertinenciis integre vendantur per executores meos vel per executores executorum meorum, ac pecunia inde reddita distribuatur pro anima mea ac animabus omnium fidelium defunctorum secundum disposicionem executorum predictorum, Item lego Ranulpho Mey filio meo predicto unum Basnet unam loricam unum par cirotecarum de plate ac unum aphorum argenteum secundum meliorem,—Item lego Ricardo Mey juniori filio meo sexaginta solidos sterlingorum quos michi debet Johannes Patrik de Wynton. Residuum vero bonorum meorum superius non legatorum lego Agneti uxori mee debitis meis primo persolutis, Ita quod idem Agnes ordinet ac disponat pro anima mea tam in exequiis meis quam in die sepulture mee pro cera ac distribucione pauperum ac in aliis necessariis faciendis sicut ipsa melius viderit expedire &c."
(f.) Henry II. Charter of Licence to have a Gild Merchant, with grant of freedom of toll throughout the realm to the men of Andover.— Henricus dei gratia &c. &c. salutem. Sciatis me concessisse hominibus de Andewra vt habeant gildam mercatorum in Andewra quod sint quieti de Theolonio Passagio consuetudine per totam terram meam sicut Burgenses Wintonie qui sunt de Gilda mercatorum sunt quieti. Et super hoc nullus eos disturbet iniuste pro consuetudine super x. libras forisfacture. Testibus &c. Apud Wyntoniam.
(g.) 29 April, 5 Ricardus I. Charter of Licence to have a Gild Merchant, together with freedom from toll throughout the realm, to the men of Andover, "sicut dominus Henricus Rex pater noster eis concessit "ac carta sua confirmavit." Testibus &c. apud Portesm'.
(h.) 8 Henry IV. Petition (French) of the Taylors of Suthampton to the Mayor Aldermen and Burgesses of the said town, together with record of consent of the same Mayor Aldermen and burgesses to the same petition, which in the clauses following the preamble runs in the following words,—"Please a votre tressage discrecion par advys de voz Aldermans prudeshommes et autres voz avaunditz bones burgeis ordeigner et establler en icest present assemblee que nulle aliene Tailloure ne soudier Taillour Engleis ne autre veignant en Carrike Galeye ou nief des aliens priegne ne tiegne shope meson ne chambre deinz mesme la ville pour tailler ne deinz la Fraunchise dicelle taille robes jepone ne autres garnementz a qi que soient devaunt que tielle Taillour aliene ou soudier Taillour ad fait fyu et gree ove les mestres de mesme de mestier pour le temps esteauntz sur peyne denprisonement et ceo le primer foitz que soit trove trespassaunt encountre ceste ordynaunce et le secunde foitz dencorger la peyne de c.s. a leuer par le commaundement de vous ou del mair pour le temps esteauntz par les ministres de dite ville . . . . . Et auxi que nulle Taillour estraunge veignant sodeynement de tailler en mesme la ville ne tiegne shope ne chambre de tailler drape saunz conge del Maire et des mestres del dit mestier et tanque il ad feat fyn solons lour discreciouns en manere suis dit. Et &c. &c."
(i.) 21 Henry VII. Ordinance made in Common Assembly "that fromhensfurth the Mayr of this Towne for the tyme beyng have and resceyve of the Stuard of the Towne or of his depute toward his charges so occupying oon hole yere x. li. to be allowid to the sayd Stuard by the Auditours vppon his accompt, To thintent folowing that is to say that no Mayre for this day forward take uppon hym to resceyve or handill any of the Townys money that is to wete he shalle make no fyne except it be at the Audit-hous callyng to hym ij. or iij. of thaldermen or of the discretes at the lest, and the money therof comyng to be put in to the Comen Boxe in the seyd Audithous, Of the which box the seyd Mayre to have oon key and oon of the Aldermen the toder &c. &c." With further order "that the Blacke Boke be alle weyes kept vnder ii. lokys" ; and other regulations touching the revenues of the town.
(j.) 8 November 1458 A.D. The will (testamentum) of William Soper, esquire and burgess of the town of Suthampton; by which, after directing that his body shall be buried beneath a certain marble tomb which he has caused to be made "in australi parte corporis ecclesie Fratrum Minorum in villa predicta," the testator makes divers bequests to pious and charitable uses in which the community of the same town is interested.
(k.) 3 February 1457 A.D. The will (testamentum) of John Estwelle, burgess of the town of Suthampton, whereby, after directing that his body shall be buried in the church of the blessed Mary Virgin near Suthampton ("videlicet in corpore ejusdem ecclesie juxta pulpitum "coram Imagine Sancte Crucis"), the testator makes divers bequests to pious and charitable uses.
(l.) 30 October 1462 A.D. The will (testamentum) of John Bedil alias Bidell burgess of the town of Suthampton, containing bequests to pious and charitable uses.
(m.) 14 December 1443 A.D. The will (testamentum) of Robert Florice of the town of Suthampton; containing bequests to pious uses.
(n.) 6 December 1486 A.D. Enrolment of the petition made by the Cowpers of the town of Suthampton to the Mayor Aldermen and burgesses of the said town in Common Assembly, and of the consent of the same Mayor Aldermen and burgesses to the prayer of the said petitioners. That no cowper alien sowdiour comying in Carrake Galey or in any othr' ship ne non other aswell englisshe as any other estraungier resortyng unto the said town from this day forward take nor holde howse shop nor chambre within the saide towne, nor within the Fraunchies of the same Toune for to make or to use the seid occupacion and crafte of Coupers Crafte unto the tyme that the same cowper be he alien sowdier straungier englysshe or any other what soever he be have made fyne and gree with the Mayre for the tyme beyng and with the Maisters of the said occupacioun and crafte of Cowpers that for the tyme shalbe vpon payn, &c. &c."
(o.) 1 August 1492 A.D. The will (testamentum—Latin in the earlier part, with a lengthy statement in English setting forth minutely the intent and purposes of a principal bequest) of William Gunter of the town of Suthampton, the enrolment of the said will being made during the testator's life and whilst he was Mayor the said town; under this heading "Testamentum Willelmi Gunter irrotulatum tempore ejusdem Willelmi Gunter maioris." Bequeathing "Willelmo Justice unam togam meam penulatam vocatam Crymsyn coloris vocatam Weddinggowne," the testator bequeaths three tenements in the town of Southampton to his wife Alice for life, with remainder to certain persons in trust, "to thentent that the said Alice my wif shalle finde during her lif in Holy Rode Church in Suthampton aforesaid at the Holy Rode Awter in the same Churche a discrete prest dayly with gode disposicion masse syngyng and other divine service seying and the quere in holy dayes there contynually kepying in tyme of goddys service doing for the sowlys of me the seid William Gunter my father Moder John Jamys all my frendys sowlys and all cristen sowlys taking for his wagis yerely ix markes laufull money &c. &c." The remainder (a full half) of the will is an elaborate statement of the testator's disposition of the surplus of the issues of the said tenements, for pious and charitable uses.
(p.) 23 March, 11 Henry VII. Tempore Johannis Walssh maioris. "Hereafter followeth a copy of a bonde that the Mayre of Suthampton ballieffes and burgeys and comminaltie be bounden [in] to Philip Archeduke of Austria and Duk of Burgone.—Omnibus Christi, &c. &c. Johannes Walsshe maior ville Suthampton, Johannes Bavdewyn ac Johannes Warde ejusdem ville ballivi necnon burgenses ac communitas ville predicte Salutem in domino sempiternam: Cum inter illustrissimum principem supremum dominum nostrum Henricum dei gracia Anglie &c. ex una et serenissimum principem Philippum eadem gracia Austrie &c. ex altera partibus quedam amiciciarum intelligenciarum ac mercimonii intercursus mercatorumque communicacionis ac alia eciam eosdem principes ac subditorum suorum regnorum patriarumque utilitatem concernencia tractatus ac federa de dat' xxiiij die mensis Februarii anno domini millesimo quadringentesimo nonagesimo quinto London' inita conventa conclusa ac finaliter determinata fuere, que quidem tractatus amiciciarum et mercimonii intercursus, &c. vidimus ac intelleximus, Ac pro hic insertis haberi voluimus, Noveritis nos prefatos Maiorem ballivos burgenses ac communitatem ville supradicte necnon successores nostros maiores ballivos burgenses ac communitatem ville predicte qui pro tempore fuerint, ad requestum ac mandatum prefati domini nostri Regis ac ad suarum literarum nobis in hac parte directarum ac deliberatarum quas pro hic insertis haberi volumus contemplacionem bona fide promisisse ac nos ac successores nostros prefato illustrissimo principi Philippo Archeduci Austrie duci Burgundie &c. ejusque heredibus ac successoribus sub ipotheca ac obligacione omnium bonorum nostrorum presencium ac futurorum obligasse sicque per presentes promittimus ac obligamus guod effectualiter procurabimus instabimus ac quantum in nobis erit efficiemus, quod idem dominus noster Rex ejusque heredes ac successores omnia ac singula predicta tam amiciciarum quam mercimonii intercursus omniaque singula in eisdem contenta et specificata bene plene et fideliter tenebunt ac perimplebunt, Ac per suos subditos et vassallos quatenus eos concernunt aut imposterum concernent bene ac fideliter facient teneri observari ac perimpleri, Incontinentes que iusticiam ministrabunt seu ministrari facient. In cujus rei testimonium presentibus sigillum communitatis ville Suthampton predicte apponi fecimus. Dat' vicesimc tercio die mensis Marcii anno domini supradicto, Et anno regni dicti domini nostri Regis Anglie undecimo.
(q.) 18 March, 11 Henry VII. Tacked, together with the two following matters, to the leaf of the Black Book, setting forth the enrolment of the afore-copied bond, are these Letters under the King's sign-manual and signet:—Trusty and Welbiloved We grete you well, And where as our Cousin Tharcheduc of Austriche and Duc of Burgoyne hath sent unto us of late the Lord Bever and other grete personages on his solempne ambassade, With his requeste for to have with us our Royaume and subgiettes both amitie intelligence and entrecours of merchandise, Whiche is gretly to our honour seing that the ruptur and discontinuaunce therof hathe not stand by us, and redoundeth also to the Wele and prouffite of the lieges on either side, We havyng tendre consideracioun to the good and libertie of our subgiettes have bettered and made more vaillable to them the said entrecours and passed also those ambassadours booth the amitie intelligence and entrecourse forsaid, And where over this the said Ambassadours have offered instanced and promised to bynde diverse estates and diverse grete townes of thobeissaunce of our said Cousin under the seales and signmanuelles for the inviolable and ferme observyng of that is concluded betweene us and theim As by a byll herin closed of the names of the said estates and Townes it appereth more at large, The said Ambassadours for equalitie and stablenesse of the matier that We shold doo in like wise oblige certain estates and Townes of this our Royaume, We therfor remembring wele their reasonable demaunde in that behalve and that ye also be oon of the Townes they mynde to have bounde in this caas, Wol and desire you that under your commune seale annexed by a labelle to such writing in perchemyn as this berer shal deliver unto you the copie, ye sende the same soo sealed unto us by the same berer. Geven under our Signet at our Manoir of Shene the xviij day of Marche."
(r.) The form of the bond to be executed by the Mayor and community of Suthampton.
(s.) This schedule of the ambassadors referred to in the King's signmanual:—The Bisshop of Cambray, the Prince of Symay, Therl Nassou, the lord Ravesteen, the Lord Berres, the lord Berghes, the lord Egmond, the lord Tlybre, the lord Aymery, the lord Molenbais, the Provost of Liege and St. Donas, With the Capitaigne of Bruges, and the Burghmaistres of Gaunt, Ipres, Bruges, Dunkerk, Newport, Anvers, Berghes, Dordraight, Delve, Leyd, Hamsterdam, Middelburgh, Zyversee, Vere, Molynes and Bryele.
(t.) 4 May 1487. The Will (testamentum) of Richard Gryme of the town of Suthampton burgess, containing bequests to pious uses.
(u.) 3 May 1495. The Will (testamentum) of John Shropshire, containing bequests to pious and charitable uses.
(v.) 2 September 1471. The Will (testamentum) of John Jamys burgess of the town of Suthampton, containing bequests to pious uses.
(w.) 6 October 1503. The Will (testamentum) of John Browne citizen of New Sarum, containing bequests to pious uses.
(x.) 18 June 1513. The Will (testamentum) of Robert Bysshchoppe of the town of Suthampton burgess and alderman, containing bequests to pious uses.
(y.) — 1549. Depositions by seven several aged men touching the common lands of the town of Suthampton, headed "the Sainges of the Ayntchiant olde men whiche hath byne of the towne of Suthampton conserning the Comens of the same town."
(z.) — 1570. A Notte of all such Charters and other Writtinges with suche bookes of Statutes and other bookes as Richard Godderd latte maior of the towne of Suthampton lefte in the Auditt House at the tyme of his going out of his Maioraltie.
(aa.) 26 September, 1 and 2 Philip and Mary. Deed (under this heading "Copia vera feodi libere schole Grammaticalis in villa Suthampton") of grant, release and confirmation of the West Hall in English Street and three tenements in French Street in the town of Suthampton, by Thomas Pace of the said town esquire, Thomas Mille of the same town gentleman, and William Britton gentleman (one of the executors of the testament and last will of John Capon D.D. deceased), to John Capelin mayor, Richard Hawkins and Nicholas Capelin bailiffs, and to the burgesses of the said town, "pro manutenencia et continuacione schole predicte ac in performacionem et complementum testamcnti et ultime voluntatis predicti Willelmi Capon defuncti, et ad intencionem quod pueri in eadem schola educandi et erudiendi quotidie imperpetuum orent pro anima ejusdem Willelmi Capon." Reciting the substance of a certain deed of bargain and sale dated 20 January, 1 Mary, at the Guildhall of the said town, whereby in consideration of a payment of 100l. the aforementioned Mayor (John Capelyn) the bailiffs (Richard Hawkins and Nicholas Capelin) and the burgesses conveyed Westhall and the three other tenements to the aforementioned Thomas Pace, Thomas Mille, and William Britten, the present deed also sets forth the substance of the Letters Patent, dated at Westminster by Edward the Sixth on the 4th of June in the 7th year of his reign, for the foundation and institution of a Free Grammar School in the said town under the style and title of the "Libera schola grammaticalis Maioris ballivorum et Burgensium dicte ville et comitatus Southampton." In his remarks upon this instrument in his excellent "History of Southampton" (1883) the Reverend John Silvester Davies, M.A., calls attention to the misdescription at the opening of the deed of Dr. Capon, who is there styled John Capon, whereas his Christian name was William, the name rightly assigned to him in subsequent clauses of the writing.
The absence of chronological order of the foregoing notes points to a similar absence of order in the register, matters having been put on vacant places of leaves chiefly occupied with writings of an earlier date. Perusers of this report will however exaggerate the disorder of the the book, unless they bear in mind that the notes touching testaments in the foregoing list exhibit the dates of execution and not those of probate.
(3.) 15th Century. Treatise in English verse on the Philosopher's Stone
and Aurum Potabile, in twelve chapters, with a Preface and concluding
"Recapitulacio totius Operis," eleven of the chapters being entitled
respectively "Of noble Calsynacioun," "Of Solucioun," "De
Separacione," "De Conjunctione," "De Putryfactione," "De Congelacione," "De Cibacione," "De Sublimacione," "De Exaltacione,"
"De Multiplicacione," "De Projectione." Much defaced and torn,
and bearing on the vellum-cover this note by a modern hand, "This a
Treatise upon the Philosopher's Stone in English Verse. I suppose
that this book was found in the Friary. It seems to me to be a
Translation from Roger Bacon, who was of the Order of Friars Minors,
of which order were the Friars in this Town, and it is probable that his
great reputation would induce those of his own order particularly to
study his writings. In the Preface there is mention of Raymond.
When Roger Bacon was imprisoned on suspicion of Witchecrafte, one
Raymond, a Brother of his order, procured his Release upon his discovering to him the secrets of his occult Philosophy. Perhaps the Raymund
here mentioned may be Raymund Lully," referred to by name in the
30th page of the tract. An opinion of the literary style of the treatise
may be formed from these opening lines of the Preface,
"In the begynnynge when thow made all of nowght,
A globose mater and derke undur confusion,
By the begynner marvelously was wrought
Conteynyng all thinges withowte division,
Of whiche thow made in vi daise clere distinction
As Genesis appertly doth record
Then hevyn and erthe perfyteyd wer with thy word,
So throw thy will and power oute of oon mase
Confusid was made all thyng that beyng ys,
But in thy glorye afore as Maker thow was,
Nowys shaull withoute yend be I wys
And puryfyde souleys up to thy blyse
Schall come, A principal thys may be oon
For the declareyng of oure stone
For of oon mas was made all thynge
And Ryght so moste hit in oure practike be,
All our secretes of oon Image most spryng
In p[hilosop]hers bookes that for who lyste to see
Oure stone ys called the lesse world oon and thre
Magnesia alsoe of Sulphur and Mercurie
Proporcynate by nateure most profitable
But may oon mervelyth and mervelich may
And muse on suche a mervelos thyng."
The reference in the Preface to Raymond is made in the following
"And when thow has made calsinacioun
Encresyng not wastyng moisture radicall
To thy base by ofte subtilacioun
Woll lyghtly flowe as wax appon metall
Then lowse it with thy vegeterboll mesticall
Tyll thow have oyle ther of in colour bryght
Then ys that mesture vysyble unto syght
And oyle hyt ys drawen owte in colour of golde
Or lyke ther to oute of oure fyne rede led
Whych Raymonde seid when he was old
Moch moré then gold wolde stonden styde
For when he was for age nye dede
He made ther of Aurum Potabile
Whych hym revyvyd as menne myght see."
(4.) 1445 A.D. to James I. The Book of Remembrances of the town of Suthampton. A medley of writs, warrants, mayoral accounts, indentures, and lists of municipal officers, with other matters touching the affairs of the corporation and inhabitants of the town, this book contains, together with other multifarious memoranda that should be carefully examined by future historians of the community,
(a.) 17 Henry VII. Letter from the Mayor bailiffs and burgesses of the town of Suthampton "to the v. portes for certeyne variaunces betwene this Towne of Suthampton and the same v. poortes"; with answer to the same letter, addressed to the same Mayor bailiffs and burgesses by "youre Lovers the bailif and Jurates of Hastynges."
(b.) Henry VII. Memoranda of arrangements for receiving His Majesty on the occasion of his visit to the town; under the heading "Provision for to resceyve the Kynges Grace."
(c.) 10 December, 1 Edward IV. Precept directed to the Sheriff of the town of Suthampton for payment of cxxxiijli. vis. viiid. "Johanni Fogge militi thesaurario hospicii nostri vel ejus in hac parte deputato . . . pro expensis hospicii nostri predicti."
(d.) 3 December 1 Edward IV. Precept, dated under the Privy Seal at Westminster, and directed to the Mayor bailiffs sheriff and burgesses of the town of Suthampton, for the payment, out of the fee-farm of the said town, of cxxviili. vis. iiiid. to Richard Earl of Warrewyk, for considerations set forth in these words, "Wher' Humfrey late Duke of Buk and late Constable of oure Castell of Dovowr dud (sic.) the x daye of Jule in the yere of the Reigne of Henry the Sext late in dede and not in righte King of England xxxviiiti the same late kyng gave in commaundement to oure right trusty and welbeloved cousin Richard Erle of Warrewyk to occupie and exercise that office and to attende and provide for the sustentacion of the prestes servauntes watchemen officers and artificers ther for the saufgard of the same, by force of which commaundement the same Erle occupied that office having the charge of the other officers servauntes and other aforeseide contynuelly from the saide x daye of Juylle unto the fourthe daye of Marche in the fyrst yere of oure Reigne, and by oure commaundement occupied and exercised the saide office of Constable of the seide Castelle of Dovorre from the same daye of Marche vnto the vii daye of May the seide first yer of oure Reigne and contynually by alle the tymes founde and had within the same Castelle prestes and servauntes wacchemen officers and artificers according to the nombre of them aforetyme had, and for that the seide Erle hath no paiment nor contentacion of or for eny wages for him self in this behalve or for the fyndyng of the saide prestes wacchemen officers and artificers for the seide tymes, We understond that the seide late Duke had for his sustentacion and for the sustentacion of the seid prestes servauntes wacchemen officers and artificers amonges other cliiijli. by yere of the fe-ferme of the towne of Southampton, &c."
(e.) 7 May, 1 Edward IV. Letters Patent of the grant of the office of Constable of the Castle of Dovor, together with office of Warden of the Cinque Ports, and all powers and privileges pertaining to the same offices, to Richard, Earl of Warwiek. Dated at Middelham.
(f.) 20 Richard II. Concordia inter Priorem Sancti Dionisii et Maiorem ac Communitatem ville Suthampton.
(g.) 5 July, 2 Richard III. Writ of Precept and Mandate directed by the King to the Mayor sheriff and bailiffs of the town of Suthampton, for the prohibition of the wearing and bearing of "livereis clothinges conusaunces or bagieus" in the said town. Dated under the Signet at the Castle of Scarburgh.
(h.) 2 Richard III. "Fines facte ad opus ville Suthampton tempore Vincencii Tehy maioris ibidem anno regni regis Ricardi III. secundo." Containing a recipe for curing the cancer, inserted in the midst of particulars congruent with the heading of the record, this curious account exhibits the following items "per finem iiiid. Item for a swerde left in the courte and brought over to the Audite Hous and afterward sold to Robert Tregolle, and in so moche the lasse for be cause it was of litulle valur.
"A medicyne for a canker. Take the juce of the rote of a bethewynde other wise callid Wethewynde and a noynte the cankyr therwith ix or x days till he be hole.
"Item receved the xvith day of Janyvere of on' John Galyman taken with a woman in Sent John's parishe—xiid."
(i.) On a later page of the book appear, without a date, the following items of another account of the same reign:—
"Item for a fyne made by Laurens Baker for his wyf because she is endyted at Sessions for a mysgyded woman and she hath fyned here be fore. And nowe in lyke wise vpon this condicion that if she may be founde gilte herafter she shalbe banished owte of Towne with grete shame—xiid.
"Item for a fyne of Agnes Couper in Seint John' parisshe in lyke wyse—xiid.
"Item that Market and his wyf be warned agenst Michaelmasse next cummyng to voyde the towne if they may be founde in any fawlte herafter.
"Item that Agnes the wyf of Thomas Staunton is warned in like wise to voyde if she maye be founde any more fawte.
"Item that John Walys [? and his] wyf voyde in lyke wyse if they be founde any more fawte at the saide fest of Mychelmasse.
"Item that Nicholas de Prese and his wyf voyde in lyke wyse if they may be founde any more fawte."
(j.) 1 Henry VII. The account of the receipts and disbursements of the town during the year of William Gunter's mayoralty. Containing the following entry:—"Per Johannem Godfray senescallum. Also paied unto Thomas Reynold one of the burgeses of parlament the fryday next afore Seint Leonardes day anno primo Regis Henrici VII. by the handes of John Godfray then Steward of Suthampton lxvis. viiid. of the whiche he shuld have fer hymmeselfe and Thomas Overey, burgese of the parlement for theyr wages in parte xls., and xiijs. iiijd. to delyver to Edmund Denny our attorney in the Estcheker for the Shiriff Mighelmas pro...., and xiijs. iiijd. to delyver unto the same Edmunde for his fee due att Mighelmash last past."
(k.) 2 Henry VII. A similar account for the next mayoral year, containing these entries having reference to Prince Arthur's birth.
"A Prynce is borne at Wynchestere. Memorandum, that in Vigilia Sancti Mathei Apostoli videlicet the xxthe day of Septembre the iide yere of the reigne of our sovereigne Lorde Kyng Henry the VIIth, One John Burnard yoman of the menys chambre comme unto Suthampton unto the Maire and to his brethern and tolde the tythynges and seid ther is a Prynce borne that nyght next affor at Wynchestre, And that the Kyng commaunded that alle the Curetes prestes and clerkes of the seide town shold goe in prossesssion and aftre synge Te Deum laudamus yn wurshipyng God therfor.
"And for the gode tydynges the said John Burnard had yn reward of the Maire and his bretherne paid by the handes of John Godfray steward of the same day vis. viiid."—Followed in the same account by this entry. "Also the steward John Godfray hath rescevid the xxiiithe day of September anno secundo Regis Henrici viii. for a fyne made with John Pyper in estrete for kepyng a Sklosshe pley contrary to the Mairis commaundement and other defautes &c.—iijs. iiijd."
Affording divers matters of some value to general historians, and of especial interest to illustrators of Southampton in olden times, these Remembrances comprise numerous entries, having reference to the yearly pension of 154l. accruing from the fee-farm of the town to William, Earl of Arundell, as Constable of Dover Castle and Warden of the Cinque Ports in the times of Edward the Fourth and Henry the Seventh, which annuity the earl was wont to receive altogether or in part from the town "in kind," i.e., in wine, forreign fruits, spices, and other articles of necessity or luxury for the provision of his household; a form of payment that of course lightened considerably the burden of the feefarm to the burgesses.
(5.) 1489 to 1593 A.D. The "Liber De Finibus ville Suthampton." Consisting of yearly accounts of the moneys coming to the municipal exchequer by way of fines and forfeitures for offences and petty perquisites, this ledger affords a general view of the orderliness and disorderliness of the town throughout successive generations, and also exhibits for a shorter period the yearly disbursements of the corporation on such petty affairs and exceptional incidents or 'Mayoral Casualties,' as in the case of boroughs with chamberlains usually pertained to the financial duties of those officers. Amongst the Elizabethan accounts of expenditure appear the following particulars of the costs and charges incurred by the town for the Queen's entertainment in 1569 A.D.:—
Occasionally the searcher of the accounts comes upon payments to players, such as the following of 19–20 Elizabeth,—
Save that they usually tell the number of persons in the wandering troops (information seldom given by municipal chroniclers) the entries touching players are unimportant.
(6.)—1496 to 1704 A.D. The Book of Oaths, ordinances and burgesses, admissions. Opening with forms of oaths to be sworn on admission to franchise or office by (1) Burgesses, (2) Commoners "admytted to set vp in any arte, scyence or occupacion withyn the towne, (3) Maiors, (4) Aldermen and Justices of the Peace, (5) Constables of the Staple, (6) Recorder or Town Clerke, (7) the Sheriffe, (8) Bailiffes, (9) the Crowners, (10) Cunstables, (11) the Pettye Customer, (12) the fower Discretes of the Market, (13) the Fower Serjantes, (14) the Receaver of Custome and Brocage at the Bargat, (15) Brokers betwixt merchante and merchante, (16) Measurers of Clothe, (17) the Steward, (18) Measurers of Salt and Corne and other, (19) the Teller of Leather, and (20) the Alderman of Portiswoade, this book of record contains on later pages more recent forms of oaths to be sworn by Assistants, Packers of Herrings, and other officers of the community; the earlier set of oaths being followed in the register by "Certaine olde auncient and laudable ordinaunces touching the Burgesses and their duties of and within Suthampton," in eighty chapters, comprising the French ordinances of the Oak Book translated into English and other orders.—Beginning with the record of Richard Wotton's admission into the gilde on 15 June, 11 Henry VII., the Register of burgesses' admissions is continued to 21 July 1704, and contains the records of the enfranchisement of the following more or less notable persons:—
Maurice Barkeley, seconde sonne of Edward Barkeley late burgesse of this towne, 10 September, 22 Henry VII.
John Arpit vicar of St. Michaelle's churche in the towne of Suthampton, on Friday next after the feast of St. Michael, 2 Henry VIII.
John Wilcok, D.D., vicar of the parisshe churche of Holy Rodes in the towne of Southampton, on the Friday after Michaelmas, 2 Henry VIII.
William Seint-John, otherwise called William Poninges, 18 March, 3 Henry VIII.
Walter Maye, Prior of the priory of Sainte Dennys by the towne of Suthampton, 2 April, 3 Henry VIII.
Thomas Skevington, Bishop of Bangor and Abbot of the monastery of Sancte Mary the Virgin of Kinges Bewly, on Friday after Michaelmas, 6 Henry VIII.
John Corne, Abbot of Letley, 3 August, 16 Henry VIII.
William, the Honorable Erle of Arundelle, 13 January, 16 Henry VIII.
Master John Alen, Doctour of both lawes, Chancelour of our Lorde the Kinge, one of the Maisters and . . . of the churche of Sainte Mary the Virgen of the towne of Suthampton, 28 March, 18 Henry VIII.
Thomas Pace, gentleman, 31 December, 25 Henry VIII.
John Newton, esquire, 24 October, 26 Henry VIII.
Anthony Guidotty, merchante of Florence, 14 January, 26 Henry VIII.
Thomas Welles, gentleman, 1 July, 27 Henry VIII.
Thomas Bettes, son of James Bettes esquire, 18 October, 27 Henry VIII.
John, Abbot of the monastery of Saint Mary the Virgen of Kinges Bewly, 28 January, 27 Henry VIII.
Thomas, Abbot of the monastery of Sainte Mary the Virgen of Kinges . . . ., 28 January, 27 Henry VIII.
William, Abbot of the monastery of Sainte Mary the Virgen of Kinges Waverley, 28 January, 27 Henry VIII.
William, Abbot of the monastery of the blessed Virgen Mary of Kinges Guarre, 28 January, 27 Henry VIII.
Michael Lyster esquire, 12 September, 27 Henry VIII.
Francis Dautrey esquire, 12 September, 27 Henry VIII.
William Thorpe esquire, 12 September, 27 Henry VIII.
William Barkeley knt., 18 January, 28 Henry VIII.
James Wursley knt., 20 August, 29 Henry VIII.
The Honorable Lord Maltravers, 27 September, 29 Henry VIII.
John Walloppe knt., 27 September, 29 Henry VIII.
Thomas Lisle knt., 27 September, 29 Henry VIII.
Clement Harleston knt., 27 September, 29 Henry VIII.
Richard Blounte esquire, 27 September, 29 Henry VIII.
Thomas Welles the elder esquire, 16 September, 32 Henry VIII.
Thomas Sherley gentleman, 27 February, 32 Henry VIII.
John Warener, barbour and surgyn, 4 January, 35 Henry VIII.
William Kalway esquire, 29 July, 1549 A.D.
Sir Hugh Paulet knt., 23 November, 3 Edward VI.
Sir John Kingesmill knt., 8 April, 7 Edward VI.
Olyver Saint-John esquire, 26 September, 2 & 3 Philip and Mary.
Richarde Worsleye esquire, 2 January, 1555 A.D.
William Bowier gentleman, 16 August, 2 & 3 Philip and Mary.
Thomas Shukborowe, 16 August, 2 & 3 Philip and Mary.
Edmund Cockerrelle gentleman, 30 September, 1 Elizabeth.
Thomas Carewe esquire, 19 September 1561 A.D.
John Hoper esquire, 28 November 1561 A.D.
Charells Vaghan gentleman, 12 December 1565 A.D.
Henry Wallopp esquire, 20 April 1569 A.D.
John Worsley esquire, 16 September 1569 A.D.
Oddet de Colligny, Cardinall de Chastillon 29 October 1570 A.D.
Edward Horssey esquire, Captayne of the Quene's Majesties Isle of Wight, 29 October 1570 A.D.
James Pagget esquire, 29 October 1570 A.D.
Gilbert Wells esquire, 13 January 1571 A.D.
John Searlle gentleman, 13 January 1571 A.D.
John Barnabie gentleman, servant to the Rt. Hon. the Earle of Lecester, admitted at his lordship's request, 31 March 1572 A.D.
John Penrodocke esquire, Recorder of the town of Southampton, 21 May 1572 A.D.
The Rt. Hon. Henry, Earl of Suthampton, 1 December 17 Elizabeth.
The Right Worshipful Roger Manwood, one of the Quene's Justices of the Court of Comen Place at Westminster, 28 March 1577 A.D.
Thomas Fleming esquire, 28 February 1579 A.D.
Sir Thomas Leighton knt., Captain of the Quene's Majesties Isle of Guarnzey, 1 April 1580.
Foulk Grevill esquire, son and heir of Sir Foulk Greuill knt., 27 January 1580.
Thomas Wilkes esquire, one of Her Majesties clarkes of the Privy Council, 28 January 1580.
Richard Knight esquire, 9 September 1581.
William Lewkner esquire, 1 February 1581.
Henry Knowlls esquire, 17 March 1581.
Martin Furbusher gentleman, 17 March 1581.
Frauncis Mills gentleman, 17 March 1581.
Sir Humfrey Gilbert knt., 27 August 1582.
The Rt. Hon. Henry, Lord Haward and Viscount Bindon, 14 September 1582.
William Wallope esquire, 20 March 1584.
Sir George Carie knight, Marshal of Her Majesties Household and Captain of the Isle of Wight, 2 August 1584.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Carey, K.G., Baron Hunsdon, 28 October 1585.
Thomas West esquire, 28 October 1585.
The Rt. Worshipful Sir Walter Raleigh knt., 10 September 1586.
Caro Raleigh esq., 10 September 1586.
Sir Edward Hobbi knt., 2 May 1587.
Sir John Norrys knt., Lord President of Munster in the realm of Ireland, 1 May 1588.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Edward Seymour knt., Lord Beauchamp and Earle of Hertforde, 4 June 1588.
John Seymour esquire, 4 June 1588.
The Rt. Hon. Charles, Lord Howard and Baron of Effingham, Lord High Admiral, 23 June 1589.
The Rt. Hon. Robert Earl of Essex, 13 August, 31 Elizabeth.
The Rt. Hon. George, Earl of Comberlande, 13 August, 31 Elizabeth.
The Rt. Hon. Ferdinando, Lord Straunge, 3 October, 32 Elizabeth.
The Rt. Hon. Henry, Earl of Suthampton, 9 January, 33 Elizabeth.
The Rt. Wor. Thomas Candishe esquire, 9 July, 33 Elizabeth.
The Wor. Olliuer Cromewell esquire, son and heir to Sir Henry Cromewell knt., 9 July, 33 Elizabeth.
Don Anthonio, King of Portugal, 11 May, 33 Elizabeth.
The Right Wor. Julius Caesar D.C.L., Judge of Her Majesty's High Court of Admiralty, 10 August, 34 Elizabeth.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Edmunde Anderson knt., Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 19 March, 34 Elizabeth.
The Rt. Hon. Thomas Gent, Baron of the Court of Exchequer, 16 July, 34 Elizabeth.
Sir Walter Sandes knt., 30 December, 35 Elizabeth.
The Rt. Hon. Lord Henrie Seymour, 7 January, 35 Elizabeth.
Sir John Savadge knt., 8 August, 35 Elizabeth.
The Rt. Hon. Robert, Lord Riche, 28 May, 36 Elizabeth.
Sir Charles Blunt knt., Governor of Portesmuthe, 28 May, 36 Elizabeth.
Rt. Wor. Robert Duddeley esquire, 6 November, 36 Elizabeth.
Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas Wallmesley, Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, 6 February, 37 Elizabeth.
The Wor. Edward Fermer esq., one of the Justices of Her Majesty's Bench, 13 August, 37 Elizabeth.
Sir Anthonie Sherley knt., 16 April, 38 Elizabeth.
Thomas Lambert esquire, 16 April, 38 Elizabeth.
Hampden Pawlett esquire, 20 July, 38 Elizabeth.
The Worshipful John Trevor esquire, 13 August, 38 Elizabeth.
The Worshipful Robert Sackvill esquire, son and heir of the Lord Buckhurst, 5 September, 38 Elizabeth.
The Rt. Worshipful Sir Mathewe Arrundell knt., 30 September, 38 Elizabeth.
Sir Olliver Lambert knt., 27 November, 39 Elizabeth.
The Rt. Hon. William, Lord Seint John, 16 January, 39 Elizabeth.
The Rt. Hon. William, Lord Sandys, 16 January, 39 Elizabeth.
Henry Wallop esquire, son and heir of Sir Henry Wallop knt., 16 January, 39 Elizabeth.
Benjamin Ticheborne esquire, 16 January, 39 Elizabeth.
William Uvedall esquire, 16 January, 39 Elizabeth.
Gyles Hobbie esquire, 16 January, 39 Elizabeth.
Henry Audeley esquire, 16 January, 39 Elizabeth.
Richard Kingeswell esquire, 16 January, 39 Elizabeth.
Henry Collthorpe esquire, 16 January, 39 Elizabeth.
Sir Henry Durant knt., 5 November, 39 Elizabeth.
Thomas Connawaye esquire, 5 November, 39 Elizabeth.
Carey Reynolds esquire, one of Her Majesty's gentlemen pensioners, 5 November, 39 Elizabeth.
William Cotton esquire, 5 November, 39 Elizabeth.
William Duttson esquire, 7 November, 40 Elizabeth.
John Yonge of Chichester esquire, 7 November, 40 Elizabeth.
William Gressham esquire, 7 November, 40 Elizabeth.
Thomas Kervyse of Stanbridge esquire, 9 November, 40 Elizabeth.
Roger Tuchborne of Shervill co. Southampton, 9 November, 40 Elizabeth.
Thomas Cheeke esquire, 8 January, 41 Elizabeth.
Thomas Fleminge esquire, son and heir of Thomas Fleminge esquire, Her Majesty's Solicitor-General, 8 January, 41 Elizabeth.
Symon Steward esquire, 8 January, 41 Elizabeth.
William Fletewood esquire, Her Majesty's Receiver-General of the Court of Warde and Liveries, 8 January, 41 Elizabeth.
Robert Wright D.D., 8 January, 41 Elizabeth.
Thomas Clerke of Avington esquire, 3 May, 41 Elizabeth.
Sir William Clarcke knt. 13 August, 41 Elizabeth.
Sir Robert Needham knt., 13 August, 41 Elizabeth.
Sir Michael Blunt knt. 13 January, 42 Elizabeth.
The Worshipful Rowland Litton of Knebbworth, co. Hertford, esquire, 2 May, 43 Elizabeth.
Sir Richard Fetteplace knt. 4 June, 44 Elizabeth.
Thomas, Lord Dellawarr, 22 September, 44 Elizabeth.
Sir Thomas Sherley the elder knt., 22 September, 44 Elizabeth.
Sir John Tracey of Tuddenham, co. Gloster, knt., 22 September, 44 Elizabeth.
Sir Peter Warberton, knt., Justice of the Common Pleas, 31 July, 1 James I.
Edward Savadge, esquire, 31 July, 1 James I.
Sir William Rider knt., Lord Mayor of London, 12 August, 1 James I.
Sir Thomas Laake knt., Clerk of His Majesty's Signet, 12 August, 1 James 1.
Sir William Peyton knt., Gouernor of Jersey, 30 August, 1 James I.
Sir John Peyton knt., son of the said Sir William, 30 August, 1 James I.
Sir Thomas Edmondes, a Clerk of the Privy Council and His Majesty's Secretary for the French Army, 7 September, 1 James I.
Sir Lewis Lewckner knt., Master of the Ceremonies and one of the Honorable Band of His Majesty's Gentlemen Pensioners, 19 September, 1 James I.
Sir Robert Sidney knt., Lord Sidney of Penshurst, Lord Chamberlain to the Quene's Majesty and Governor of Flushinge, 14 October, 1 James I.
Sir Frauncis Knollys knt., 14 October, 1 James I.
Sir William Courtney knt., 14 October, 1 James I.
John Leweson esquire, "Querry to the Quene's Majesty," 14 October, 1 James I.
The Rt. Hon. Henry, Earl of Northumberland, 15 October, 1 James I.
The Rt. Hon. Lodovike, Duke of Lenox, 21 October, 1 James I.
The Rt. Hon. Thomas, Earl of Suffolke, 21 October, 1 James I.
The Rt. Hon. William, Earl of Pembroke, 21 October, 1 James I.
The Rt. Hon. John, Earl of Marr, 21 October, 1 James I.
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Hewme, 21 October, 1 James I.
The Rt. Hon. William, Lord Effingham, 21 October, 1 James I.
Sir Thomas Areskin, knt., captain of His Majesty's Guard, 21 October, 1 James I.
Sir Philipp Harbert knt., 21 October 1 James I.
Sir James Haye knt., 21 October, 1 James I.
To the records of these admissions of 21 October, 1 James I., is appended this marginal memorandum " The Kinge's Matie was this daye in this towne & came hither yesterdaye the xxth of October & this daye went to Sarum."
The Rt. Hon. John, Lord Ramesey, 14 September, 4 James I.
The Rt. Hon. John, Lord Areskin, son and heir of the Earl of Marr, 14 September, 4 James I.
Sir Patricke Moory knt., 14 September, 4 James I.
Sir Thomas Savage knt., 28 July, 5 James I.
Sir Walter Tichborne knt., 28 July, 5 James I.
Sir Peter Bucke knt., 1 September, 5 James I.
Sir John Doddridge knt. S. L., 14 September, 5 James I.
Sir Myles Fleetwood knt., 14 September, 5 James I.
Sir Gerrard Fleetwood knt., 14 September, 5 James I.
Sir Richard Gifforde knt., 21 December, 8 James I.
Sir Frauncis Castilian knt., 21 December, 8 James I.
Robert Wallopp esquire, 21 December, 8 James I.
Payne Fisher gentleman, 21 December, 8 James I.
William Conaway, Doctour of Phisicke, 1 September, 9 James I.
Hennage Finche of the Inner Temple, London, esquire, 6 September, 12 James I.
Frauncis Asheley of the Middle Temple, London, esquire, 6 September, 12 James I.
The Rt. Hon. Charles, Lord Lambarte, 17 September, 17 James I.
The Rt. Hon. Lionell Lord Cranfield, Earl of Middlesex and Lord High Treasurer of England, 4 June, 21 James I.
The Rt. Hon. . . . Lord Marquesse Hamilton, Earl of Cambridge, K.G., 4 June, 21 James I.
The Rt. Hon. Thomas, Earl of Arundell and Surrey, 4 June, 21 James I.
The Rt. Hon. Arthur lord Chichester, Baron of Bellfaste, Lord Treasurer of Ireland, 4 June, 21 James I.
Sir William Spooner knt., 4 June, 21 James I.
Sir Thomas Badger knt., 4 June, 21 James I.
Inigo Jones, esq., 4 June, 21 James I.
James, Lord Wriothesley, son and heir of the Rt. Hon. Henry, Earl of Southampton, 6 July 1623.
Thomas Wriothesley, esq., 6 July 1623.
Richard Cromwell of Henshinbrook co. Hunts. esq., 6 July 1623.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Ritche knt., Earl of Warwick, 25 October, 2 Charles I.
Raphael, Allen, barber-surgeon and servant to the Rt. Hon. Edward Lord Conway, 25 October, 2 Charles I.
The Rt. Hon. Edward, Lord Conway, 9 December, 2 Charles I.
Sir Henry Mildemay knt., Master of the King's Jewel House, 11 December, 2 Charles I.
Bearing in mind that it might be extended to three times its length, the peruser of the foregoing list of exemplary names will not hesitate to infer that during several successive generations, it was the practice of chiefs of the corporation to draw within their lines, by means of complimentary enfranchisement, most of the persons of rank or considerable quality who passed through the town. The entries of the commonwealth period may be especially commended to the consideration of students and historians of Hampshire in the seventeenth century.
(7.) Extracts from the Books of examinations, informations, and depositions; an imperfect series of books, beginning with Volume 1576–7.
16 June 1590. Letters (from Lords of the Council to all Mayors, sheriffs, &c., &c.) of safe-conduct and free passage for John Battrae, Michael Hornet, and Mathias Petrus, all of Hungarie, who in defence of the Gospel have been taken prisoners by the Turk, and are bound to redeem themselves by the payment of heavy ransoms, "for the answeringe whereof they have accordinglie putt their friends in pledge;" With permission to the same John Battrae, Michael Hornet, and Mathias Petrus to return beyond the seas, and on their way to gather money of Her Highness's "subjects towards their relief, recoverie of theire estate and redemption of theire pledges abovesaide." Dated (with nine signatures) from the Court at Greenwich.
22 February 1663. Deposition of Richard Massey of Milbrook co. Southampton gentleman, aged sixty-three years, before John Stepto, mayor of Southampton. Deposing "that hee hath alwaies hitherto heen a true and faithfull subject to our souverein Lord the King that now is, That he never searched either in the Lord Treasurer's house or any other house or place whatsoever for him (as maliciously hath been lately affirmed against him); but on the contrary ever earnestly desired his Maties restauracion and was and yett is ready to serve him with his life and fortune and hath alwaies been conformable to the discipline of the Church of England as it is now established; Further he deposeth that hee suffered very much in the late troubles by being plundered by the Parliament's forces and was not only by their power carryed a prisoner to Portsmouth but unduly put out of the Surveyor's place in the Custome House of the Port of Southampton."
3 May 1577. From the Lords of the Council to all Justices of the Peace, maiors &c. Letters (copy) of safe-conduct and free-passage for the bearers thereof, viz., "Mounser de la Persone, Mounser de Hearcourt, Mounser de Bonecourte and Mounser de la Hugnery frenche gentlemen wth their traynes and servantes to the number of xxx persons," who have "hir Maties good favor and licens presently to repayer into Fraunce." Dated from Westminster.
29 March 1628. Deposition of George Gregorie of London merchant, aged 24 years, that Richard Tirrill of Southampton "sett forth in a voyage to St. Christopher's Island from Yarmouth in the Isle of Wight about the xxixth day of Aprill last past in a shipp called the Faith of London, of the burthern of 300 tonnes or thereabouts, . . . and dyed on that voyage"; the deponent being qualified to speak to the facts, "because he went the same voyage in the same shipp in the companie of the said Richard Tirrell, being factour for one Mr Maurice Tompson, a merchaunt of London, who was an adventurer in that same shipp."
13 September 1629. Relation of Steven Day of St Katherine's near London, "Marriner-gunner of a shipp called the St. Claude, whereof Capteine Leonard Caluert, soune of the Lord Baltimore was capteine, in a voyage to Newfoundland, set forth about Aprill last past, being one of His Majesty's shipps, lent to carrie provision thither for the Lord Baltimore." With several other depositions touching the same ship and voyage.
28 November 1624. Several depositions respecting the suspicious behaviour and language of one William Morgan B.A. Oxon, and clerk, charged with saying that the Queen Elizabeth was a whore and a witch, that the King of Spain paid his soldiers more in a single year than all the revenues of England were worth, and that before the body of Henry late Prince of Wales was cold on earth "his soule was frying on a gridiron in hell;" one of the depositions being the same William Morgan's account of his education, employment in England, travels in foreign countries, and experience since his return from foreign parts to his proper country. In this long and curious narrative of his personal adventures, the deponent certified that he was born in Merionethshire, was a Bachelor of Arts of Oxford, and had kept a school and served a cure in Somersetshire, when moved with desire to see lands beyond sea, he threw up his school and cure, and starting forth with 18l. in his pocket and no other resources went to Boulogne, Paris, and Rome, on withdrawing from which last-named capital, he "travelled over the Alpes into Germanye" and concluded his continental wanderings by taking ship at Dunkirch for Ipswich co. Suffolk, whence he journeyed to Cambridge, Bedford, Wallingford, Newbury, and Southampton, being aided and sustained on his way by the hospitalities of the clergy, who befriended him as an unfortunate member of their own order, and by the benevolences of other charitable individuals. As to the charges made against him, the deponent averred, that in answer to a question, he had said of Queen Elizabeth "In Spayne they say shee was a whore and a witch," and only repeated what was said on the authority of a Catholic priest in Rome to the late Prince of Wales's discredit, viz., "that before his body was cold on earth, his soul was frying in hell."
Containing particulars of evidence touching the more important of the various criminal matters and civil causes, that held the attention of the Borough Magistrates, these books of depositions and examinations are notably rich in evidential writings, having reference to suits in the Southampton Admiralty Court, and the doings of our merchant adventurers from the reign of Elizabeth to the close of the seventeenth century. The historian of England's maritime interests, desirous of producing a complete narrative of the exploits of our merchant adventurers—and more especially of those of them who were concerned in the first settlement and maintenance of our plantations in the West Indies and the mainland of North America—should seek access to these books, in order that he may search them for particulars respecting the vessels, seamen, and colonizing adventurers who crossed the Atlantic in the days of Elizabeth and the seventeenth century Stuarts.
(8.) 1591 to 1689 A.D. Book of Remembrances of the town of Southampton; with Assembly orders and minutes, &c.: Containing the following copy of Letters certificatory and commendatory, dated by Anne of Denmark in behalf of her players:—"Warrant from the Queene's Majestie of her Players. Anna Regina.—Anne by the grace of God Queene of England, Scottland, Fraunce, and Ireland. To all Justices of the Peace, Maiors, Sheriffs, Bayliffes, and all other his Majestes Officers and loving subiectes to whom yt shall or maye appertaine greetinge, Know yee that of our speciall grace and favour, Wee are well pleased to authorize under our hand and signett the bearers hereof our sworne servauntes Robert Lee, Martin Statier and Roger Barfeld with theyr fellowes and associates being our Commedians vppon theyr humble suite unto us for theyr better mainetenaunce, Yf att annie time they should have occasion to travell into anie parte of his Majestes Dominions to playe Tragedyes, historyes, commedies and pastoralls as well in anie about the Cittye of London, and in all other cittyes vniversities and townes at all time anie times (the time of divine seruice onlye excepted), Theise are therefore to will and requier you uppon the sight hereofe quiettlye and favourably with your best favours, to permitt and suffer them, to use theyr sayd qualitye within your Jurisdiccions without anie of your molestacions or troubles, and also to affourd them your Townehalls and all other such places as att anie time have been used by men of theyr qualitye, That they maye be in the better readiness for our seruise when they shalbe thereunto commaunded, Nott doubtinge butt that our sayd servauntes shall find the more favour for our sake in your best assistaunce, Wherein you shall doe vnto us acceptable pleasure. Given att the Court of Whitehall, the seaventh daye of Marche 1605."
(9.) Extracts from the Assembly Books: An imperfect series of volumes, beginning with the register of 1602–3 A.D.
2 October 1, 1605. "Uppon the repaire hither of iiiixx x Irishmen souldiers bounde for Flushinge vnder the conduct of one Lieutenant Tirrell under Captain William Darsie, whose cominge to the Towne was from St. Ives in Cornewall, hopinge here to meet with a barke for there transportacion as was promised them as they saye, and missinge the said barke and againe the winde beinge contrarie not likelie to come thither a longe time, they beinge in great want of monie for their reliefes, not havinge anie to supplie there wantes, exhibitinge there peticion to that effect vnto the Maior, desiering that he or the Towne would take order for there victuallinge and diettes in this Towne for iii or iiii dayes within which time (as they alleadged) they hoped to receave monies from there Capten.—Yt was rather ordered by the Howse to ridd them out of the Towne, and to bestow vppon them in monie fortie shillinges which was by the consent of the Howse presentlie giuen them by Mr Maior, together with a passport for there travell to London."
2 April 1613. "This daie Stephen Chaplyn is admitted to be one of the musitians of this towne in the place of William Tompson, and the saide Stephen Chaplyn is to furnisshe the companie with him selfe and two others, and William Greene one other the said musitians is to furnisshe the said companie with himselfe and one other. And the saide Stephen Chaplyn doth hereby covenaunt . . . . to redeliver or cause to be redelivered unto the said Mayor bailiffes and burgesses and their successors or assigns, one of the Cognizaunces or Badges above mencioned (which he is presentlie to receave) at any tyme or tymes when he shalbe thereunto required.
12 August 1608. "Alsoe this daye Judith Bradinge, daughter of Besse Brankie (sic), approoved to be a whore by her owne confession, As also Walter Bands wife, a notable Bawde, havinge bene heretofore punished for bawdrye and now alsoe approved against her: Yt is ordered that the saide bawde Wooddye bande shalbe soundlye whipped at a carts tayle throughout the towne, and the said Judith to be whipped closelye in the Townehall.
10 February 1608. "Hughe New a Sargeweaver havinge by letter complayned to Mr. Maior of a lewd houswife named Judith Bradinge daughter of Elizabeth Brankin (sic), heretofore detected for her honestie and punished, was this daye sent to the house, and the said Judith alsoe present; Uppon heeringe of whiche complainte in the presence of both parties, yt plainelie appeareth by her owne confession uppon her knees askinge God and said Hughe New forgivnes, acknowledginge she hath slaundered him without anie cause . . . . . . Yt was thought fittinge by the House that she should receave open punishment, but that, uppon her humble suite and peticion promissinge to depart this towne, her punishment is respetted."
28 April 1615. "This daie Jane Maiior being presented at last Sessions by the Grand Jurie for a churwoman and this daie sent for to this house was appoynted to place herself in service within a month now next comynge at her perille."
28 April 1615. "Susan Vibert a churwoman, who latelie came out of Jarsey is this daye appoynted to returne againe into the saide Ile of Jarsey in the next barcke that saileth thither."
28 April 1615. "Margaret Rumboll a churwoman was this present daie sent for to this house and charged to gett herselfe into service presentlie uppon payne of a whippinge."
28 April 1615. "Mary Quinton a churwoman was this present daie alsoe sent for and charged to gett herselfe into service within one moneth next at her perill."
27 October 1615. "This day Ordered, that whereas it hath pleased Almightie God to vysite Mrs Toldervey, wife of Mr Phillip Toldervey, alderman, with a lunacy and great distemperature of minde, as too notoriously appereth; The like wherof he may (if so be it his pleasure) lay uppon any one of us: from the which we humblie beseech his Majestie to preserve us and all others, and for his mercies sake to restore her to her former sence and understanding: In the meane time, seeing that her speches are manie times most idle odious and scandalous againste His Majestie and the state, and that also her walking abrode appereth to be verie daungerous, bothe in regarde of her owne percon and also of others her neighbours whoe stand in great feare of her: It is thought fitt and so ordered by the Assembly of this house this day, that the said Mr Toldervey be required to take course, that she may not hencefourth walke abrode out of his house, but be closely kepte upp, untill it shall please god to geve her a feeling of his grace. All which we require to bee done, as well to prevent all daunger of hurte unto her owne percon as aforesaid as to others, Whoe alredie stand in great feare of her, to avoide all disquiettnes in the Church at the Assemblies, both on the Sabboth daies and other daies for Christian exercises, As also all occasion of scandall by reason he is one of our Company: which if he shall refuse or wilfully neglect to do, we shalbe forced to take such further order, as we are and shalbe unwilling to proceede unto."
5 May 1620. "Stephen Chaplyn one of the Musitians of this towne beinge for drunkennes and other mysdemeanours by him oftentimes committed thought an unfitt person to be one of the Companie of the Musitians of the same Towne, and therefore he being this daie called to this house and forbidden to be anie more of the saide Companye, his Lyverie was taken from him: It being then agreed that he shall have so much allowed him as the making of the Lyverie amounted unto . . . . Memorandum that he had his lyverie redelyvered againe, uppon promise that he will not be drunken againe hereafter."
6 February 1623. "Stage players. Forasmuch as the grauntinge of leave to stage players or players of interludes and the like, to act and represent theire interludes playes and shewes in the towne-hall is very hurtfull troublesome and inconvenyent for that the table benches and fourmes theire sett and placed for holdinge the Kinges Courtes are by those meanes broken and spoyled, or at least wise soe disordered that the Mayor and bayliffes and other officers of the saide courts comminge thither for the administracion of justice, especially in the Pipowder Courts of the said Towne, which are there to bee holden twice a day yf occasion soe require, cannot sit there in such decent and convenient order as becometh, and dyvers other inconvenyences do thereupon ensue, It is therefore ordered by generall consent that from hensforth no leave shall bee graunted to any stage players or interlude players or to any other person or persons resortinge to this towne to act shewe or represent any manner of interludes or playes or any other sports or pastymes whatsoever in the said hall."
18 May 1632. "This day there was a certificate made and sealed with the lesser seale of office of mayraltie and was signed by those whose names are in the margent directed to the Lords and others of His Majesties most Honble Privie Councell concerninge the venting and selling of tobacco by retaile, what persons were thought most fitting within this towne to use that trade, according as the Mayor and aldermen of this towne were required by theire honors letters, bearing date the last of Aprill last paste, And Joseph Mason, Richard Cornelius, and William Stanley, grocers, James Mason. John Harman, and Thomas Dowse chaundlers, and John Thackham apothecaric were returned in the certificate fitt persons to vent and sell Tobacco by retayle."
10 May 1639. "This day Jacob Thring a fencer being sent for to this house and questioned for infamous words and lyes by him reported about the Towne concerning Mr Gollop alderman, and constantly denying them till it was proved to his face by William Higgins, was committed to the bargate prison, there to remaine till hee shall finde sufficient sureties for his appearance at the next Sessions, there to be ordered for his lewd carriage. Hee reported that hee had putt a tricke vpon Mr Gollop by way of scoffe and derision, saying that Mr Gollop mett him in the streete and called him Syrrah, askeing how often his servant had beene in the said Thringes schoole: And that hee the said Thring disdayning to be called Syrrah presently clapt on his hatt and stucke it up before Mr Gollop: And that Mr Gollop asked him whether hee knew to whom hee spake, and that hee the said Thring answered him scoffingly, that hee did not ride a gallop, but hee knew that hee spake to Alderman Gallop. . . . . . . All which are notorious lyes."
8 November 1642. "It is this day ordered and agreed in the presence of Mr Maior and Mr Whitehead, Mr Button, and Mr Hooper esqrs., three of the Deputie Lieutenants of the countie of Southampton, and of the towne and countie of Southampton with the assent of the aldermen and assistants then present, That the said Mr Whitehead, collonell of a regiment in com. Southampton, doth or shall bring into this towne and countie of Southampton the number of 300, 400 or 500 men for appeasing the present tumult within this towne and such as may in future time arrise, and for the defence of the same towne, shalbe admitted into the saide towne, Provided that the said collonell doth duly and orderly pay the said 300, 400 or 500 men."
27 November 1642. "It is this day ordered and agreed that the persons undernamed shall have authority for the defence and safegard of this Towne, to summon by beating [drum], in case any assault shalbe made upon the same, the inhabitants of the several wards to them hereby assigned, and in the meane time to putt them into such a posture of defence as they shall thinke best for the security and keeping of the same towne, vizt. For the ward of Holly Roodes Henry Bracebridge . . ., Peter Legay, Robert Mason, and James Mason: For the ward of All Sts Peter Clungeon and Robert Wroth aldermen, Roger Pedley and William . . . . ; For the wards of St Michaell's and St John's, Edward Richards esq. Joseph Delamotte and Gyles Clement."—Also, on the same leaf (1 December 1642). An order for deferring all enquiry respecting the recent tumults in the town, lest the inquisition should occasion fresh tumults, which "might draw forces upon the Towne from the Kinges ships."
2 December 1642. Letter from Richard Swanley to the Mayor and aldermen of the Town of Southampton.—"You well know in what distraccions this kingdome is in at this Time. I am placed here by authority of Parliament, for the quiett and peace of this parte of the kingdome, which I shall endeavour to maintaine as farre as my abillity of life and fortune may extend. Your Towne is a considerable place of merchandizing, and by reason thereof are men amongst you of very good fortune and estates, and to preserve their estates and soe in generall through the whole kingdome, with their religion and libertie is the only ayme of Parliament, and noe question those that shall oppose either of these are vnfitt to enjoy either, but to be branded with baseness; There are divers reports in the County of your forwardnes in opposing the Parliament herein, but I hope you wish your owne peace herein, better then soe, if you should there can nothing befall you but ruin and destruccion. To know the truth of this I have sent my letter unto you, as likewise whether you will submitt your selves obedient to the commands of Parliament, and soe consequently to the direccions and commands of the Gouvernor of Portsmouth, and the Committee there authorized by both houses of Parliament for the peace of this parte of the kingdome. I have seized Cashott Castle, disabled St. Andrewes Castle and Netley Castle, I have seased all the boats at Hirth and thereabouts, I have given order to stop all provision from comming out of the Isle of Wight, all wch I have done by Command of the Committee at Portsmth. I have alsoe authority to summon you and that Towne to your obedience to the Grand Councell of England to which I desire an answer, if noe answer I shall take it as a deniall, and then if any unhappines befall you thanke yourselues, for I shall to my uttermost endeavour use all my power to bring you thereunto. I pray you lett this letter bee knowne to the Commons as to your selves. Thus expecting an answer by this messenger I rest Yours as you use your selves. Ric. Swanley.
Dated from "On board his Majesties ship the Charles."
3 December 1642. Letter from the Mayor and aldermen of Southampton to Captain Swanley aboard the Charles, riding at anchor neere Cowes. —"Sir, Yours of this month wee received this day about one of the clocke, the contents whereof cannot be communicated to the Inhabitants of this Towne untill Munday next; in the meanetime, We cannot but marvell that reports of our disaffeccion to the Parliament should bee spread of us, not knowing that wee haue done any acte to deserve the same. A more full answer to your letter you shall receive some time the next weeke. This with our hearty commendacions unto you remembered, Wee remaine Your very loving Freinds, Peter Seale, Maior" (with nine other signatures).
5 December 1642. Letter from the Mayor aldermen and burgesses of Southampton to Captain Richard Swanley; with a copy of the following letter of the same date, from the same Maior aldermen and burgesses to the Committee for the Countie of Southampton at Portesmouth.—"Worthy Sirs, It may please you to take notice that Wee lately received from Cap. Swanley a letter which wee thought fitt herewith to send you: We are heartily sorry that such suspicions should be uppon this Towne, being confident that there will appeare noe just cause for the same: Mr Maior hath summoned the Inhabitants of the Towne according to direccions and they whose names are hereunder written doe cheerefully and unanimously consent and agree to submitt themselves in obedience to the commands of the King and Parliament (according to the protestacion by them taken), and to the direccions of the Committee authorized by the Parliament for the Countie of Southampton. Our due respects presented wee humbly rest. Your Affectionate Servants." (With ninety-four signatures.)
22 August 1655. Letter from the Lord President Lawrence to [the aldermen and burgesses of Southampton]. "Gentlemen, His Highnesse and the Councell haveing taken into consideration the miscarriages and misdemeanours of William Higgens, Mayor of your Town of Southampton, William Stanley alderman, Edward Downer late High Sheriffe of that Corporacion, appearing by severall examinacions, have resolved That the said William Higgens, William Stanley and Edward Downer be dischardged from holding bearing or exercising the respective offices or places wherein they now are in that Corporacion, and doe hereby require that you and such others as have right in elections of this nature doe forthwith proceede to the elections of other fitt persons in their respective places, and that the persons so to bee chosen bee men of integrity piety and well affected to the present government. Whereof his highnesse and the Councell expect a due observance. Signed in the name and by order of His Highnesse and ye Councill, Hy. Lawrence, President." Dated from Whitehall. Followed in the book by the record of the elections made in accordance with the letter.
1659 December 11; Portsmouth. Letter from Sir Arthur Heselrigge and Colonels Robert Waller and H. Morley to the Mayor aldermen and burgesses of Southampton.—"Gentlemen, God by his providence having brought us hither to the Towne of Portsmuth, the Garrison hath declared for the Parliament. Wee are now considering how the forces and garisons of the Commonwealth according to the trust reposed in us by the Parliament can be disposed of and settled: And having busines of great importance to advise with you about, Wee desire that you or some of you come with all convenient speed to us at Portsmouth where wee shall readily advise with you for the publique good, and the welfare of your Towne. Wee are gentlemen," &c., &c.
13 December 1659. Letter from the Mayor aldermen and burgesses of Southampton to Sir Arthur Hesibrigge and Cols. Waller and Morley. "Gentlemen, Your Honours' of the xith of this instant is this day come to our handes, which hath beene communicated to the Common Councell of this Towne, who have desired us to acquaint your Honours that this Towne is, and hath for a long time beene under the Command of a Major and Company of Foote Souldiers sent hither by order of the Parliament, who have the keyes of the gates in their possession, and of late they are reinforced which some horse and foote which quarter in this Towne, so that at present the Civil Magistrate hath not any power or capacity left in them to answere Your Honours' desire in waiting on Your Honours, in order to any treaty about it, and doe therefore humbly begg your Honours charitable opinion of us and this Towne, and your favourable excuse of us here in desiring and praying that God may dispose Your Honours hearts and all others of this nation to a generall and settled peace, which hath beene is and shall bee the dayly continued prayers of" &c., &c. (With fourteen signatures.)
8 June 1660. Subscriptions of acceptance of the King Charles the Second's Free and General Pardon, dated at Breda under His Majesty's sign-manual and signet on 4/14 April last past.
23 June 1662. Letters dated under the Sign Manual and Signet of Charles the Second, and directed to the Mayor and Common Council of the town of Southampton, for the suppression of factious and disobedient persons within the Corporation.
11 July 1665. Letters from Lords of the Council to the Mayor and aldermen of Southampton. For the relief and due care of poor sufferers from the pestilence of the plague, raging within the said town. Followed by a list of contributions towards the relief of the same sufferers, headed "The Charitable Guifts of well Disposed Persons for the Releife of the Poore of this Towne and County in this tyme of visitacion and distresse." Several other entries, having reference to this outbreak of the Plague, appear in the book about the same time.
. . . . August 1669. Orders for the loyal reception of His Majesty the King, on the occasion of his visit to Southampton.
26 November 1669. This House (haveing taken into consideracion the practice of the Citty of Winton and the Corporacion of Rumsey in setting out of halfe pence and farthings for changeing of Money) have unanimously ordered, That whereas severall Inhabitants of this Towne and County have heretofore put forth halfe pence and farthings upon their own private account, Proclamacion to be forthwith made that they severall Inhabitants of the Towne and County aforesaid doe by the first day of January next call in all their half pence and farthings by them severally sett forth, against which said first of January, It is decreed that the Mayor of this Towne send for twenty-five pounds worth of brasse halfe pence and farthings, and cause them to be stamped with the Towne Armes on one side and this Inscripcion on the other side, vizt., "The Corporacion of Southampton to be distributed to the several shop keepers, that have occasion for the same, for the benefitt of the Poore of the Corporacion."
(10.) A Group of Seven Books that may be styled the Molyneux Books, as they pertained in former time either to William Molyneux (the mathematician, who was John Flamsteed's friend) or to his son Samuel Molyneux, and were probably placed amongst the muniments of the Corporation by some Town Clerk, who acted as attorney for either the said William Molyneux or Samuel Molyneux, or some other member of the Molyneux family.
(1.) 2 September 1681, to 10 May 1690. John Flamsteed's and William Molyneux's Letters: a Folio (lettered at the back 'Mr Flamsteed's Letters No. 7') containing seventy-one original letters that passed between John Flamsteed of the Greenwich Observatory and William Molyneux of Dublin between the above-given days; the epistles, which relate chiefly to questions arising from the scientific pursuits of the correspondents, being arranged in chronological order between the leaves of the volume in which they are preserved, without being stitched or otherwise fixed. Flamsteed's letters, dated usually from the Greenwich Hospital, are addressed in most cases "To Mr William Molyneux at his father's house near Ormond Gate in Dublin;" and several of the scientific intercommunications of the two correspondents are illustrated with carefully executed diagrams. Reference is made once and again in the correspondence to the labours of Sir Isaac Newton.
(a.) 1681 September 17; Dublin. From William Molyneux to John Flamsteed. ". . . . I must returne you my thanks for the troble you put yourself to in trying my glasses. I hope their goodnesse will incourage me to use them to some purpose, especially now that I have the help and advice of one of the most celebrated Astronomers of Europe. . . . But, Sir, I must confesse to you I have not the advantages I expect hereafter. One thing I wanted was the assistance of one skilled in this Cœlestiall Knowledge, but in this I am abundantly and beyond my deserts releived by your generous selfe, for which I shall never be able to make a competent returne. The other is that living here in a kingdome barren of all things, but especially of ingenious artificers, I am wholly destitute of instruments that I can rely upon; but in this too I hope in a short tyme to be supplied."
(b.) 1681 December 3; Dublin. From William Molyneux to John Flamsteed. "Honor'd Sir, I deferd my answer to your last of October 12, knowing the ingagements you are under in Terme Time by your Gresham Lectures, which I am hartily sorry to hear you call allmost ruined. Truly 'tis pity so noble a designe shoulde fall to the ground. And 'tis a shame for the gentry of London to suffer the Great Professors of that Colledge to read sometimes to almost bare walls. Were a seditious balling (sic) fanatick in the pulpit, he would have a thick audience to hear his infernall doctrines, whilst the Cœlestiall Discourses of a learned astronomer or other mathematician are heard but by a few, and perhaps by them neglected."
(c.) 1686 February 20; Dublin. From William Molyneux to John Flemsteed. ". . . . There is lately come up to this Town from the country a gentleman that pretends to discover the Longitude, Jonathan Alland, a man perfectly ignorant of Mathematicks and Astronomy, and yet pretends to this (I believe) by inspiration, for he has no reason; he has pestered our Society with his banter severall times, and tho' what he proposes is to no manner of purpose, yet so hardened he is, as to print his stuff, and has already gotten a Silly Astrologicall Almanack-Scribler in this place to prefix before his Almanack, that the Dublin Society have approved of his (Alland's) Folly, whereas nothing can be more false, for we have told him in a civill way that he is an Asse, but thinking himself a Hind will find his mistake in leaping a ditch. His way in brieff is by the distance of the moon from fixt stars, and he thinks he has invented an instrument for avoiding of errours of Refraction and Parallax, whereas certainly the poor man never heard of either Refraction or Parallax till our Society hinted it to him, and to this moment he understands neither fully."
(d.) 1688 June 16; . . . From John Flamsteed to William Molyneux. ". . . . I have read some 60 pages of Mr Newton, after which I found the most materiall parte of that booke being mastered the rest would be easy, but it cost me many dayes paines to get through them, and yet I thought my time well requited. At present I have layd him by, but as soone as Mr Sharpe (whom I have hired to supply Stafford's place) returne to me, I shall resume and goo through with him. Mr Sharpe is become an excellent geometrician and algebraist. As soone as he comes to his post and is setled, I shall acquaint you with my labours, for I have resolved that I will persist to the accomplishment of my designe, without any consideration of our present circumstances, and by so doeing I thinke I shall be lesse troubled with the thought of them."
(2.) . . . October 1681. Of the Motion of Heavy Bodys Falling and Projected; In Two Books; Wherein are shewn the Ingenious Performances of Nature by Motion in a Parabolick Line, and the universal Doctrine of Projects is Dispatched by the Description of a Semicircle. By Evangelista Torricellio. Translated from the Latin by W. M. (William Molyneux) for his Father's Use. Dublin: October, 1681. —Two Volumes.
(3.) "Ogygia seu Rerum Hibernicarum Chronologia. Ex pervetustis monumentis fideliter inter se collatis eruta atque e sacris ac profanis literis primarum orbis gentium tam genealogicis quam chronologicis sufflaminata præsidiis &c.: Liber Primus ab universali deluvio ad annum Virginei Partus 428 &c. With dedicatory Letter to the Duke of York (Epistola Dedicatoria Duci Eboracensi) by Rodericus O'Flaherty.—MS. Copy in William Molyneux's handwriting.
(4.) . . . . . . Galileo's Dialogues: Translated into English by William Molyneux. With this dedicatory letter to the translator's Honoured and Affectionate Father. "Sir,—I here present you with as much of Galileo in English as serves for your designs. I need not tell you (who very well know already) the disadvantagious circumstances under which I set upon this Translation. But because no one knows the fate of his papers, or into whose hands they may fall hereafter, I must needs intimate, that I had not look'd into an Italian Grammar or other Italian Author over three days before I undertook this work. This I am the more willing to prefix before the following sheets, least hereafter they may be viewed by some that may censure me for the badness of the Translation. But these I will inform beforehand, That I [?did] this only for your Private Use; And also, that tho' I dare not undertake for the litterall exposition of some few places herein, yet I will promise for the full sense of the Whole, two or three passages (which are not at all materiall to the Doctrine) of which I am something distrustfull being excepted. And moreover I will venture to go a little further, and will aver in my own justification, that I do veryly beleive, taking the whole work together, I have performed it better than one more skilld in the Italian, and wholy ignorant in the Doctrine could possibly have done; and for Proof of this I could instance severall passages of the following work, which [? could] not easily (if at all) be rendred by the greatest Masters of that Language, that understood not the matter treated off. As for the baldnes, and sometimes impropriety of the English hereof, I was e'en forced thereto by the Italian, to which (where it was possible with any manner of fairnes) I have indeavoured to keep close, least otherwise (especially in matters of the Doctrine) I should vitiate the author's sense, not studying so much Netitude(?) as plainess of expression. Lastly, least I should seem in this translation 'Actum agere,' I must intimate also, That Mr Salisbury's Translation of these same Dialogues perishing all in the Fire of London, not one copy thereof could possibly be procured, or else I should never have undertaken a work for which in some circumstances I must confess myself so unfitt. And if any one on this my confession ask me, Why then did I undertake it, I answer them by saying, it was only for your perusall, to whose service, obedience and satisfaction my whole life shall be devoted, and in part of that great debt of duty and love which is owing to you by, Your Most Affectionate Sonn, William Molyneux."
(5.) 9 January 1707 to 19 December 1709. The Letter-Book of Samuel Molyneux of Trinity College, Dublin. Containing copies of the following letters, that passed between the said Samuel Molyneux and various correspondents between the above-given dates.
(a.) 1707. January 9.; Wine Office Court, Fleet Street, London. F. Hauksbee to Samuel Molyneux. Letter about air-pumps. Dated from Wine Office Court, Fleet Street, London.
(b.) 1707 January 25; Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to the abovementioned F. Hauksbee. About air-pumps.
(c.) 1707 February 27; London. F. Hauksbee to Samuel Molyneux. About an air-pump and apparatus with bill for the same, amounting to £26 8s. 0d.
(d.) Paper entitled "A Description of the Air-Pump," with illustrative diagrams.
(e.) 1707 June 24; London. A. Churchill to Samuel Molyneux. About certain "letters of Mr Lock's," which Mr Molyneux has kindly contributed to a collection that is being made of Mr Lock's (John Locke's) letters.
(f.) 1707 June 24 . . . . Samuel Molyneux to Short note in which Mr Molyneux begs his correspondent to transmit an enclosed letter "to the ingenious Mr Derham" who "is well known to all the gentlemen of the Royal Society."
(g.) 1707 June 24 . . . . Samuel Molyneux to Mr Derham. Respecting "an extraordinary phenomenon of an unusual glare of light visible in the heavens at Dublin on 2 March 1706 (? 1706/7), and the eclipse of the moon that occurred on the 6th of last April." In a postscript the writer says, "Sir I know not whether my Father, Wm. Molyneux, had ye honour of being known to you during his life. If he had the happiness of your acquaintance, I beg yt may in some way excuse the ill manners of his son in thus troubling with an impertinent letter a person no otherwise known to him than as he is to the whole learned world by his great worth and learning."
(h.) 1707 July 31; London. F. Hauksbee to Samuel Molyneux. Containing "the farther account of the Condensing Engine."
(i.) 1707 August 31; Upminster. Mr William Derham of Upminster to S[amuel] Molyneux. Touching the spots on the sun observed by Captain Stanyan in the year 1703, the last eclipse of the moon, and other matters of astronomical interest.
(j.) 1707 September 27; Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to the Rev. Mr William Derham, Rector of Upminster near Rumford, in Essex. On astronomical matters.
(k.) 1707 November 27; Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to the Reverend Father in God the Lord Bishop of Clogher. Touching the affairs of the Dublin Philosophical Society, and beginning thus—"My Lord, The underserved honour ye Philosophical Society of Dublin have lately done me in commending me to officiate as their Secretary I am never more sensible of than when it gives me power of addressing myself to such worthy persons as your Good Lordship."
(l.) 1707 November 29; Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to the Revd Mr John Keogh of Strokestown co. Roscommon. Touching "the Revival of the Philosophical Society of Dublin, who have lately honoured" the writer "with the office of their Secretary."
(m.) 1707 November 30; Clogher. The Bishop of Clogher to Samuel Molyneux. Touching the Dublin Philosophical Society, and beginning with these words, "Sir I doe very heartily congratulate you on your being chosen Secretary to the Philosophical Society. Your worthy Father was our first Secretary upon our Establishment, and you are so upon our Revival. May you still succeed to and inherit every one of your father's valuable good qualitys."
(n.) 1707 December 6; . . . . Samuel Molyneux to the Bishop of Clogher. Comprising the list of the recently elected Council and Officers of the Dublin Philosophical Society.
(o.) 1707 December 6; Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to "the Ingenious Dr. Hans Sloan, Secretary to the Royal Society." For the establishment of correspondence between the Royal Society of London and the Philosophical Society of Dublin.
(p.) 1707 December 6; Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to Mr Ansham Churchill," at ye sign of ye Black Swan in Pater Noster Row, London." Relating chiefly to books published or about to be published. "I fear," says the writer, "we cannot yet awhile hope to see the excellent Mr Lock's Letters in Print. It would be a great satisfaction to me to know what measures you have taken concerning 'em. But while this brings to my mind the late Death of the worthy Dr Burrige, I can't but with sincere sorrow condole with you and all the world on the loss they have lately sustained of so deserving a person. You will oblige me in sending me a late [ ] Book of Algebra called 'Arithmetica Universalis sive de Compositione et Resolutione Arithmetica Liber,' which goes under Mr Isaac Newton's name."
(q.) 1707 December 6; Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to his former Tutor, the Revd Mr Walter Alkins, Roxborough, near Youghal co. Cork. Touching the Philosophical Society.
(r.) 1707 December 22; Stokestown near Elphin. John Keogh to Samuel Molyneux. Communications for the Philosophical Society, including memoranda in respect to a giant's bones examined by Mr James Reynolds of Loughscurr co. Letrim, and the Ambergrise gathered by the natives at Broad Haven, Eris co. Mayo, "who make thereof candles for themselves not knowing the value of it."
(s.) 1707/8 January 29; Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to Mr Charles Norman at his house in Londonderry. Inviting communications to the Dublin Philosophical Society, and asking particularly for "an account of your Barnacles in the Lough of Derry, and particularly as to their being fat and good meat, and no where else in Ireland, proceeding as we are informed from their peculiar feeding on a Sweet Tasted kind of Grass growing in an Island in that Lough."
(t.) 1707/8. February 13; Londonderry. Mr Charles Norman to Samuel Molyneux. In reply to the last described epistle. Touching the barnacles of the Lough of Derry, the writer says, "As to the account which you desire of our barnacles, all that I can be informed of them is, that they come in here in vast flocks about the beginning of September, and goe away I suppose to a colder climate about the middle of March. They are the shyest birds that can be when they are abroad, but no sooner are they taken, but they become as familiar as any Tame fowl whatsoever, and will feed and grow fat upon oats or any other food that is thrown to common Poultry. They are usually taken here by Netts in dark nights, sett in the places which they frequent. You are rightly informed that the reason why they are good meat here and not fit to be eaten in other places is from their feeding upon a certain kind of sweet grass; but it is the roots and not the stalks which they eat, of which according to your desire I send you some inclos'd. The same kind of grass is also in Lough Swilly in the county of Donnegall where the barnacles also are very good."
(u.) 1707/8 February 16; Antrim. Mr John McLean to Samuel Molyneux. Touching an invitation for communications to the Dublin Philosophical Society.
(v.) 1707/8 February 19; Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to Mr John Me Lean of Antrim. Touching communications to the Dublin Philosophical Society.
(w.) 1707/8 March 13; Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to Mr Francis Nevill at Dungannon. An invitation to Mr Nevill to communicate with the Dublin Philosophical Society.
(x.) 1707/8 March 13; Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to Mr Rotherick O'Flagherty at Park nigh Galloway. Inviting Mr O'Flagherty to correspond with the Dublin Philosophical Society, and making reference to his extremely interesting MS. Description of Gallway.
(y.) 1707/8 March 13; Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to the Revd John Keogh at Stroaks near Elphin. Soliciting communications to the Dublin Philosophical Society.
(z.) 1707/8 March 13; Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to Mr Walter Alkins at Roxborough near Youghall or Cork. Letter for the same purpose.
(aa.) 1707/8 March 13; Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to —. Asking for communications to the Dublin Philosophical Society.
(bb.) 1708 April 5; Upminster. The Rev. William Derham to Samuel Molyneux. Touching Mr Flamsteed's Calculations in respect to Circumjovial Eclipses, the Migration of birds, experiments with the Air-Pump, and other matters of scientific interest.
(cc.) 1708 April 9; Park nigh Galway Westward. R. O'Flaherty to Samuel Molyneux. Declaring the writer's readiness to further the ends of the Dublin Philosophical Society, and concluding with petulant remarks on the unfriendly critics of the "Ogygia." In the earlier part of the long letter, the writer, speaking gratefully of his dear friends Mr Molyneux and Dr Loftus, the said Mr Molyneux's successor in the Court of Chancery, observes "your father was a means (perhaps not unknown to you) of the good Bishop of Meath's bounty to me, wch wd prove more bountifull, had not he been prevented by Death at your father's house."
(dd.) 1708 April 10; . . . . Walter Alkins to Samuel Molyneux. Communications (of no moment) for the Philosophical Society.
(ee.) 1708 April 11; London. A. Churchill to Samuel Molyneux. Making reference to the printing of "your collection of letters,' and other matters of interest to the book-trade.
(ff.) 1708 April 20; Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to Walter Alkins, Touching Dr Harris's Lexicon Technicon, and containing observations on the migration of birds and other matters; with long postscript on the ways of finding the time for celebrating Easter.
(gg.) 1708 April 20; Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to Mr Rotherick O'Flagherty.
(hh.) 1708 April 25; Park, Westward of Gallway, St. Marks. R. O'Flaherty to Samuel Molyneux.
(ii.) 1708 May 4; Upminster. The Rev. William Derham to Samuel Molyneux. Having reference to astronomical observations.
(jj.) 1708 May 19; Park. R. O'Flaherty to Samuel Molyneux.
(kk.) 1708 June 8; . . . . Dr Hans Sloan to Samuel Molyneux. A communication that Dr Wall has demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the Royal Society, "that jet-black amber, gum-lacca or sealing-wax made of it, and diamonds, espetially table ones, when rub'd in the dark after sunsett, ye first 3 or 4 with flannell and the last with silk will emitt a considerable light."
(ll.) 1708 July 15; London. A. Churchill to Samuel Molyneux. Announcing that the collection of letters (i.e., John Locke's and William Molyneux's letters) is at length published, and that eight copies of the work have been dispatched to Dublin,—two copies for Dr Molyneux, and the other six copies for the recipient of the letter.
(mm.) 1708 August 3: Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to the Rev. William Derham of Upminster. Long letter touching eclipses, atmospherical phenomena, migration of birds, and other matters. "As to the Migration of Birds," the writer observes, "I have not myself made any observations as yet, but I hope next Spring I may from my own or my friends' observations let you know something of the matter. I find among some notes of my Father the following observation to have been made by Coll. Solom. Richards, an inhabitant of Wexford, that it is most certain the Barnacles in the Harbour of Wexford from the 21 of August on which they come to the 21 of May on which they goe every year, are in numbers wonderfull, but on May the 21st they all leave it going northwards by sea and in the opinion of many curious observers they goe to the northern Isles of Scotland to breed, for on the 21st of August following they doe certainly and constantly return, bringing their young ones with them in numbers beyond expression. This relator, as he rode forward and backward between Dublin and Wexford, hath often seen them at sea, coming a day or two before their arrival as also going a day or two after their departure, and for above 20 years hath observed their not failing the time of going and coming, as also of their swimming when the Tide is with them, and flying when against them, and now and then resting on the water."
(nn.) 1708 August 15; . . . . Christopher Ussher to Samuel Molyneux. Memoranda for the Philosophical Society.
(oo.) —. R. O'Flaherty to Samuel Molyneux. Entreating that Mr Molyneux will use his influence to procure for the writer's son-inlaw (Mr Edward Tyrrill of Gallway, a protestant) the "place of a boatman in Her Majesty's boat in Gallway." No date.
(pp.) 1708 August 5; Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to Mr R. O'Flaherty. Reply to the last-described epistle.
(qq.) 1708 August 5; Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to Mr A. Churchill. Respecting the publication of John Locke's letters. "The originalls," says the writer, "will come to my hands if you please to bundle and seal them up, directing for Mr Samuel Madden at Young Men's Coffee House in London who will bring them for Ireland to me."
(rr.) 1708 August 5; Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to — [? Dr Hans Sloane). Touching Dr Wall's experiments for the production of light by friction.
(ss.) 1708 August 19; London. A. Churchill to Samuel Molyneux. Respecting the publication of Lock's Letters.
(tt.) 1708 August 20; Park. R. O'Flaherty to Samuel Molyneux.
(uu.) 1708 August 27; Portadown. Edward Chichester to Samuel Molyneux. Reminding Mr Molyneux of his promise to lend one of his father's books, "relating to the Priviledges of Ireland," to the writer.
(vv.) 1708 September 9; Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to —, who is thanked for civilities offered to the writer's cousin, Dropping.
(ww.) 1708 September 10; Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to Sir Patrick Dunn "at his house on the Inns." Making reference to mathematical calculations and instruments.
(xx.) 1708 September 27; Park. R. O'Flaherty to Samuel Molyneux. Another letter in behalf of the writer's son-in-law, Mr Edward Tyrill.
(yy.) 1708 October 2; Park. The Same to the Same. Touching Mr Edward Tyrill's affairs.
(zz.) 1708 October 10; Park. The Same to the Same. "I writt you in relation to the quæries of the Dublin Society, that some time this year a star was seen as near the Compass of the Moon, as was to the wonder of many. . . . But this day a nephew of mine being at his Ant Madame Stafford's house at Karrow Barr in the County of Antrim at the same time saw a Resplendent Starr in the middle of the Moon, much wondered by the people. You read the Shining Star seen at noon in London on May 29th 1630, the Birth-day of King Char. the 2d."
(aaa.) 1708 November 30; Upminister. The Rev. William Derham to Samuel Molyneux. A long letter of astronomical observations; with a reference to Mr Molyneux's enquiries respecting "the pictures of the Greenwich Observatory."
(bbb.) 1708 December 17; Park. R. O'Flaherty to Samuel Molyneux. Making reference to modes of calculating the right time for the celebration of Easter. "I doe not," the writer observes, "offer this to carry coales to New Market,"—a curious slip for an Irish philosopher.
(ccc.) 1708 December 25; . . . . . Samuel Molyneux to R. O'Flaherty, who is asked for information respecting the money used by the Irish before the Conquest, if indeed they used any. I shall," says the writer in a postscript, "soon be better acquainted with the Ogygia and your Manuscript, having set about the reading them together this day."
(ddd.) 1708/9 January 2; Park. R. O'Flaherty to Samuel Molyneux, Long letter in reply to enquiry about the money of the ancient Irish.
(eee.) 1708/9 January 18; Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to Mr Tooke, book seller near Temple-Bar in Fleet Street, London. Offering notes, if they may be discovered, for the amendment of the advertised 2nd edition of his father's Treatise of Dioptricks, Mr Molyneux invites the bookseller to communicate with him.
(fff.) 1708/9. February 8; London. Benjamin Tooke to Samuel Molyneux. Announcing that the advertised second edition of the "Treatise of Dioptricks" is no genuine second edition of the work, but merely an effort to dispose of 200 " remainder copies," by offering them under a new title-page and with the diagrams printed on better paper, the bookseller says, "I had no expectation of making those" (i.e., the 200 copies, wanting the "cuts," in stock) "perfect so soon, but the letters which were published some time agoe between Mr Molyneux and Mr Lock having several times mentioned the Book, it occasioned a fresh demand for them, which soon took away the few which I had perfect and printing all the cutts again for' em on much better Paper than the former, and this occasioned my calling it a Second Edition, and printing a new title to it, which has turn'd to so good an account that since the advertisement I have disposed of 25 of them which is more than I did in 2 years before."
(ggg.) 1708/9 February 17; Park. R. O'Flaherty to Samuel Molyneux.
(hhh.) 1708/9 March 8; Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to R. O'Flaherty. Touching Irish coins, and certain proposals for the publication of a work, at present in MS., by Mr O'Flaherty.
(iii.) 1709 April 2; Trinity College, Dublin. Samuel Molyneux to Rev. William Derham. "I beg the favour of you that you would be pleas'd to send me the Satellit Eclipses for 1709, if you have received them from Mr Flamsteed."
(jjj.) 1709 April 11; Killeglaw. Samuel Molyneux to Dr Molyneux. Familiar gossip about the writer's journey into Connaught, the aspect of the country, and matters of domestic interest.
(kkk.) 1709 April 12; Upminster. The Rev. William Derham to Samuel Molyneux. Scientific notes and intelligence.
(lll.) 1709 April 21; Dublin. Dr T. Molyneux to Samuel Molyneux. In acknowledgment of Samuel Molyneux's account of his Aunt Ussher's health, and his successful journey into Connaught.
(mmm.) 1709 August 1; Burton near Charleville. George Berkeley to Dr Molyneux. Containing notes on the Monastery of Buttefont and the Castle of Liscarol,—places recently visited by the writer. Dated from Burton near Charleville.—Also, three other letters (of some value for the personal historian) from George Berkeley to the same correspondent; dated respectively 26 November 1709, 8 December 1709, and 19 December 1709, from Trinity College, Dublin.
(6.) Copy in Book-form of the Testament (dated 18 August 1819), with Codicil, proved on 1 June 1721, of Dorothy Lady Capell, Baronessdowager of Tewksbury, widow of Henry Lord Capell, Baron of Tewksbury: Containing bequests In Trust to the Honble Samuell Molyneux esq., Principall Secretary to his Royall Highness George, Prince of Wales, Sir Philip Jackson knt., John Lely esq. and Christopher Appleby gentleman, and bequests to the Right Honourable the Lady Elizabeth Molyneux, wife of the said Samuell Molyneux esq. and eldest daughter of the Rt. Hon. Algernon Earl of Essex deceased; With appointment of the aforesaid Samuell Molyneux to be one of the executors.
How these seven volumes came into the hands of the Corporation of Southampton is unknown; but it is reasonable hypothesis that they were left with the muniments of the borough by some Town Clerk, who acted as Attorney for Mr Samuel Molyneux or some other member of the Molyneux family.