The Manuscripts of Lincoln, Bury St. Edmunds Etc. Fourteenth Report, Appendix; Part VIII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1895.
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Historical Manuscripts Commission, 'The Dean and Chapter of Lichfield', in The Manuscripts of Lincoln, Bury St. Edmunds Etc. Fourteenth Report, Appendix; Part VIII(London, 1895), British History Online [accessed 25 February 2025].
Historical Manuscripts Commission, 'The Dean and Chapter of Lichfield', in The Manuscripts of Lincoln, Bury St. Edmunds Etc. Fourteenth Report, Appendix; Part VIII(London, 1895), British History Online, accessed February 25, 2025,
Historical Manuscripts Commission. "The Dean and Chapter of Lichfield". The Manuscripts of Lincoln, Bury St. Edmunds Etc. Fourteenth Report, Appendix; Part VIII. (London, 1895), British History Online. Web. 25 February 2025.
In this section
The muniments of the cathedral church of SS. Mary and Chad, Lichfield, are preserved in the Chapter Registry, in the chamber (once the Chapel of St. Chad's Head) above the Consistory Court on the south side of the choir of the church. With them are preserved also the muniments of the Vicars of the church, who form a corporation. The arrangements for the safe keeping of the collections are excellent. The Registry is approached by two locked doors, of which the only keys are kept by the Chapter Clerk. The volumes are stored in a tin box; the documents are in presses and drawers. Many of the more interesting documents are exhibited in five locked glass cases in the Library over the Chapter House, and remain for the time under the charge of the Librarian, the Rev. Canon Lonsdale. Every document bears a distinct number, and there is no difficulty in finding any of them.
The whole collection has had the great advantage of being arranged and numbered in an orderly system by the Rev. J. Charles Cox, LL.D., to whose work, the "Catalogue of the Muniments and Manuscript Books pertaining to the Dean and Chapter of Lichfield; Analysis of the Magnum Registrum Album; Catalogue of the Muniments of the Lichfield Vicars: compiled 1881–1886," the present report may serve as a supplement. Indeed, for local and antiquarian purposes that Catalogue may be considered to meet all necessary demands, though it would have been a good thing had the names of witnesses been uniformly given at length in the case of all documents before the end of the thirteenth century. I am however bound to point out that errors of transcription are extremely frequent in it. (fn. 1) It must also be ex- pressly stated that Dr. Cox's work suffers from an imperfect acquaintance with ecclesiastical, historical, and legal terms. Documents too are sometimes assigned precisely to a given year where the evidence does not authorise us in approaching more closely than within a range of several years. Other documents are completely misdescribed: a Missal is called a "Commentary on the New Testament" (p. 107), and "pontifical," that is episcopal, letters are almost always stated to proceed from popes. (fn. 2) Nor did Dr. Cox succeed in identifying among the contents of the Registrum Album the new and unknown texts of the Burton and of the Chester Annals, earlier than any previously discovered, which formed the great surprise of my first day's work in the Registry. If then I am bound to place restrictions upon the confidence with which his Catalogue may be used, I wish to express without qualification my sense of its service as a systematic guide to the Lichfield muniments, which renders access to them sure and easy, and which, I gratefully add, has made my task of examination a light one. Thanks to it I have been able to restrict myself to those documents which are of an early date, or which in some way or another may be considered of more than merely local interest. The history of a great secular foundation such as is that of Lichfield is one that deserves working out in detail; but I have held myself bound to limit my studies to those materials among its muniments which throw light upon ill-understood or disputed questions, or which bring out distinguishing and characteristic features in the growth of this particular church.
Foremost among the books in the Lichfield Registry is the Registrum Album, a quarto volume, of which the greater part may be assigned to the reign of King Edward II. At the beginning and end of the volume are eight leaves of a Missal written in the latter part of the twelfth century and containing portions of the services for the Epiphany and others. These are followed by twelve leaves written towards the end of the thirteenth century and bearing a distinct numeration from the rest of the volume. They present a new and unknown recension of the Chester Annals, which have been published by Mr. Chancellor Christie for the Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society under the title of "Annales Cestrienses." (fn. 3) Of this work two copies only have hitherto been known. That in the possession of Lord Mostyn was written in various handwritings assigned to "the end of the fifteenth or early part of the sixteenth century," (fn. 4) and extends from the birth of Christ to the year 1297. The other manuscript, which was made for bishop Gastrell early in the eighteenth century, and is preserved in the Diocesan Registry at Chester, contains only extracts, and runs from 594 to 1295. Mr. Christie has made the Mostyn MS. the text of his edition, and has printed the Gastrell MS. in an appendix. The copy hitherto unnoticed in our Lichfield Register is of still shorter compass, and extends only from 1226 to 1259, but it has the advantages of being almost contemporary with the last events recorded as well as of including some notices which are absent from the other manuscripts. I have made a full collation of it with Mr. Christie's text, from which I here extract such variants as are either of substantial value or may serve to elucidate the relation of the three manuscripts. (fn. 5)
Mostyn MS. | Lichfield MS. | Gastrell Ms. | |
1226. Marmiun. | Marmyun. Item obiit Lodowycus Rex Francorum. | Marmiun. | |
1228. Duganum. | Dungannew. | om. | |
om. | om. | Obiit Willielmus Abbas Cestriae. | |
Kenes. | Kery. | om. | |
1229. Vernum. | Vernun. | Vernun. | |
1230. remanserunt ad festum. paucis. | remansertunt. Item circa festum. paucis. Item Gregorius nonus papa cepit per Angliam decimacionem omnium ecclesiarum tam de nigris monachis quam de canonicis et clericis beneflciatis. | om. | |
mulier carcerata custodia diu. | mulier ipsa diu carcerali custodia detinetur. | " | |
1231. Boverum. | Bouerun. | " | |
1232. Hawerthin. | Hawurthin. | Hawerthin. | |
1233. Phiton. | phitun. | Phiton. | |
Item guerra. | Item orta est guerra. | om. | |
1234. Maedestan. | Maydeston. | " | |
episcopus Hierford unde prius decanus . . . pridie non. | episcopus Herford. unde prius decanus fuit pridie nonas. | " | |
1237. Darnale vij idus. Junii. | Darnale vij kal. Iunii. | Darnal vii Idus Iunii. | |
Cestresyris. | Cestres'. | Cestriaesiria. | |
custos Ricardus de. | Custos et Ricardus de. | Custos. Ricardus etiam de. | |
1238. episcopus Cestrie. | episcopus Lich. (fn. 6) | Epũs Cestriae. | |
om. | om. | [apud Andover.] | |
Item clerici Oxonie iusultum fecerunt Otoni legato apud Osneye. | " | om. | |
1240. benedixit [space of 2½ lines] Roger Frend. | benedixit Rogerum Frend. | benedixit Rogerum Frend. | |
1241. obitum suum. | obitum suum. Item. Eclipsis in die Sancte Fidis circa horam nonam apparuit. | om. | |
Item obiit Stephanus de Sagreve. | om. | " | |
fecit et fundare. | Item fecit finmare. | " | |
1244. Natus est Edmund fllius Henrici regis. | om. | " | |
Item roboria facts est a clericis. | " | " | |
1245. Moslt. | Moald. | " | |
captum v. kal. Aprilis. | et captum est v. kal. Aprilis. Item Magister Rogerus de woseham Decanus Lincolnie Consecratus est episcopus Cestr'. (fn. 7) | " | |
comes Habemar...comes | comes de Alba Mara H. comes. | " | |
Withford. | Wicheford. | " | |
Gannoc. | Gannoto. | " | |
Bicoth. | Bigot. | " | |
alii unacum Rege. | alii nuncii regis. | " | |
Redeuntes postea Mauricius. | Rediens postea Mauricius. | " | |
equos plurimos. | equos summarios. | " | |
est primi. | est ea primi. | " | |
Item facta fuit nova moneta. | om. | " | |
1246. Sepultus apud Abercon. | aput Aberconew et sepultus est. | om. | |
equo ultimi morbo perierunt. | equo capite percussus est corruitque et exspiravit. Duo ultimi in morbo perierunt. | " | |
Ideneveth. | Idenewet. | " | |
1247. apud Helelwele. Item in Cestrisiria eodem die. | apud Heselwelle in Cestresir'. Item eodem die. | " | |
fuerunt. | Fuerunt infecte; istut viderunt multi in Cestresir'. Item eodem an no cito post predictum mirum obiit Landegrave Romanorum imperator. Item caristies magna illo anno, ita ut summa bladi fere pro duodecim solidis venderetur. Item obiit Robertus Barun (fn. 8) ordinis fraturum predicatorum. Item obiit Willelmus de Abindon egregius predicator. | fuerunt infectae; id viderunt multi in cestriaesiria. | |
1248. terram sanctam. | terram sanctam. Item eodem anno obiit frater Ricardus de Fisbage. | om. | |
1249. v mille. | quinque ville. | " | |
1250. festum clasusum. | post clausum. | " | |
Sodano. | a Soldano. | " | |
in illo bello tanta strages quanta nuncquam temporibus nostris accidit, in eodem bello interfectus Willelmus fuit longapie qui multas probitates fecit cum . . . suis et senescallo templi unus autem illorum solus ut di[citur] | bello illo strages ineffabilis numquam temporibus nostris maior. Item eodem anno interfectus fuit Robertus comes frater regis Francie. Secundum autem quosdam profugiendo cum Francigenis se ipsum quadam unda submersit. Et tunc interfectus fuit Willelmus Longespeye in bello, qui multas cum hominibus suis fecit probitates et cum senescallo templi et cum multis militibus templi; unus autem illorum solus, ut dicebatur, evasit. | " | |
1251. numero scilicet 1 milia. | numero CL milia. | " | |
1253. in Wasconia. | in Wasconiam. | " | |
1254. de Peche et. | Peche. | de Peche. | |
in Wasconia. | in Gasconiam. | om. | |
de Castell et Legn. | de Castell in Hysan. (fn. 9) | " | |
et [misit]. | om. | " | |
Anglie. | Anglie dimisit. | " | |
reformandum. | reformandam. | " | |
in Wasconia. | in Gasconiam. | " | |
1255. pacem reformatam. | pace reformata. | " | |
decimas parum H. rex Angli (fn. 10) pluribus concedendo. | decimas ipsarum ecclesiarum domino H. regi Angl. plurimis annis concedendo. (fn. 11) | " | |
1256. in Wallia. | in Walliam. | in Wallia. | |
Englfeld. | Engelfeld. | om. | |
terras illas subdens domino. | terras illas suo subdens dominio. | " | |
Rogerus de Weseham. | R. de Woseham. | Rogerus de Woseham. | |
percussus. | om. | percussus. | |
circa festum [followed by a blank]. | circa festum S. Michaelis sponte cessit racionabili et sufflcienti accepta provisione. Cui successit dominus Rogerus de Mewling' a conventu Conventr' et canonicis Lich., canonice et sine contradiccione apud Conventr' [electus die Martis ante purif. ii. kal. Febr. (fn. 12) ] Item obiit (fn. 13) magister Rogerus de Woseham prius episcopus Conventr'. | Circa festum S. Michaelis sponte cessit rationabili et adficienti accepta provisione. Cui successit Dompnus Rogerus de Meulinges a Conventu Conventriae et Canonicis Lichesfeldiae canonice . . . apud Coventriam. Item obiit Magister Rogerus de Woseham prius Epũs Coventriae. | |
1257. | in vigilia. | 1257. (fn. 14) et in vigilia. | om. |
in die Pentecostes sequenter apud capelam de Ryse coronatus. | in die Pentecosten (fn. 15) sequenti apud (fn. 16) de Eyse (fn. 17) coronatus. | " | |
marchia Herfford et Salop. | marchiam Herford et Salopusbur'. | " | |
Londonie. | Cant'. (fn. 18) | Londini. | |
Meulinges. | Mewlinge. | Meulinges. | |
Waniton. | Wauton'. | om. | |
1258. Tempore illo Henricus rex Anglie quatuor semifratres suos [followed by two columns blank]. | Tempore illo dominus H. rex Angl' quattuor semiframes suos Audomarum electum Wintonie, Willelmum de Walente, Galfridum et Gwy de Lesinan usque adeo ditavit quod ipsi nobiles Angl' despicientes mediocres conculcabant. Quod Simon de Monte forti et Ricardus de Clare, comites Leycestr' et Glovern' ceterique magnates Anglie indigne ferentes in festo sancte Trinitatis Oxoniam venerunt, coniurantesque adinvicem de statu regni in melius reformando xij. pares sibi elegerunt, qui statim dominum Hugonem Bigot summum iusticiarium tocius Anglie statuentes, omnesque ministros hospicii regis, custodes castrorum, et vicecomites comitatuum regi et regine iuratos de communi eorum consilio ordinates, restituerunt domino regi omnes terras et castra a corona iniuste separata, et prefatos domini regis semifratres statutis eorum contradicentes circa festum sancti Kenelmi de regno violenter eiecerunt. | om. | |
om. | Item fames nimia in Anglia ita prevaluit quod circa gulam autumpni apud Northampton' summa frumenti pro xvi. s. et viii. d. vendebatur, pauperibus pluribus per plateas civitatum iacentibus fame interemptis. (fn. 19) | om. | |
" | Item eodem anno circa festum beati Barnabe apostoli obiit Eadmundus de Lascy comes Lincoln'. | om. | |
Item eodem tempore Rogerus de Monte alto tunc iusticiarius Cestr' graviter infestans dominum T. abbatem et conventum Cestr' pro confirmacione sua super maneriis de Lauton et Gorstre et advocacione occlesiarum de Neston, Bruer', et Codinton, tandem manerium de Brotton' ab eis extorsit. Obiitque Iohannes dicti Rogeri primogenitus infra quindenam illam. Pluraque incomoda valda notabilia eidem Rogero non multo post acciderunt. | Rogerus de Monte Alto tunc iusticiarius Cestriae graviter infestans dnũm Thomam Abbatem et Conventum S. Werburgae de Cestria pro confirmacione sua super maneriis de Lauton et Gostre et advocacione ecclesiarum de Neston, Bri . . ., et Codington, manerium de Brotton' ab eis extorsit. Obiitq. dicti Rogeri primogenitus infra quinde' am illam. Pluraq: incommoda valde notabilla eidem Rogero non multo post acciderunt. Qui Rogerus infra biennium egenus obiit, ignorante tunc vulgo certam eius sepulturam. | ||
1259. | Willelmus de Doncestria prior sancte Werburgae Cestrie cui successit | Willelmus de Rowcestre prior sancte Werburge Cestr'. | Willielmus de Doncestria prior S. Werburgae Cestriae. |
Henry de Wenham. | Henricus de Wingeham. | om. | |
lincenciavit. | licenciavit. | licenciavit. |
In the following sentence, with the words pro dicta licencia, the Lichfield MS. ends.
As for the relation subsisting between these manuscripts, it is in the first place to be noticed that there existed in the Cottonian library a volume marked Otho B. iii., which was destroyed in the fire of 1731, and contained a work sometimes cited as "Annales Cestr." or "Chron. Cestrens." This extended from the birth of Christ to 1255, but is shown from the two leaves which remain (though these are for the most part undecipherable) to have been "a chronicle or continuous narrative, and not mere annals." (fn. 20) It was not therefore strictly the original of our three manuscripts, but it is possible that these were abridged from it. On the other hand, the Cottonian MS. is stated to have stopped short at 1255, while the Lichfield text runs on to 1259, the Gastrell to 1295, and the Mostyn to 1297. Mr. Christie considers it probable that the Cottonian chronicle "was the original (or a copy of an earlier original) compiled and preserved in the abbey of Chester, from which many of the entries in the Mostyn and Gastrell MSS. relating to events before 1255 were copied, and that the subsequent entries, and probably the whole of the MS. of which the Mostyn MS. is a copy, were made and compiled under the direction of Simon of Whitchurch and completed after his death." (fn. 21) Abbat Whitchurch was elected in 1265 and died in 1290. The Lichfield MS. was, therefore, it may be inferred, transcribed from the Chester Annals at the time when they were in process of compilation.
For the period through which it extends it includes all the notices of the Mostyn MS., with three exceptions (under 1238, 1241, and 1244), and in several places supplies considerable lacunæ in it, besides correcting the grammar and the spelling of proper names. It should be remarked that in two cases where these lacunæ occur there is a space left blank in the Mostyn MS. There seems no reason for doubting that the Lichfield and Mostyn MSS. are both transcripts of the same original; only the one is by an early and competent, while the other is by a late and ignorant, scribe. The Gastrell MS. is disfigured by interpolations which cannot be earlier than the fourteenth century, but it too is no transcript of either of the other copies, but is a series of extracts taken, either directly or more likely through an intermediate (interpolated) copy, from the same original. At the same time the possibility always remains—though I consider it less probable—that the two older manuscripts on the one side, and the Gastrell MS. on the other, represent respectively a longer and a shorter body of extracts from the destroyed Chester Chronicle in a copy which was continued down to 1259 at the time the Lichfield transcript was made, and to 1297 when the Mostyn MS. was written. (fn. 22) It will be noticed that in the Lichfield MS. an attempt has been made to accommodate the title of the bishop to the Lichfield tradition. The Annals speak always of the bishop of Chester or of Coventry; but under 1245, when the Mostyn MS. makes Roger of Weseham consecrated bishop of Chester, a later corrector of the Lichfield MS. has substituted the word Lichfield, (fn. 23) and under 1238 an erasure doubtless betrays a similar change.
Where these Annals end on f. 5a, the vacant space is occupied by a long index of the contents of the Register, some leaves of which are obliterated by galls. Then follow, ff. 11, 12, some documents added about 1400 and later.
After these twelve leaves there begins with a new foliation a copy of the Annals of Burton, written towards the end of the thirteenth century (ff. 1—77). The text is important because the editor of the work, the late Dr. Luard, was ignorant of the existence of any other copy than that found in the Cottonian MS., Vespas. E. iii., from which he printed it in the Annales Monastici, vol. i. (1864), and which belongs, excepting "the first few leaves," to the fourteenth century. (fn. 24) The Lichfield MS. ends with the words 'Obiit Iohannes filius Galfridi' (fn. 25) in the year 1258, thus omitting the last four years of the Annals as they stand in the Cottonian MS. (fn. 26) The deficiency is not due to the destruction of the concluding portion of the transcript or to the loss of any leaves. The last sentence ends on the seventh line of the second column of f. 77, and is written in a style which gives the impression that the writer meant to proceed further.
The fact that the substantive part of these Annals ends in 1258, as the preceding copy of the Chester Annals does a year later, seems to show that about that date the ambition of the secular chapter of Lichfield was roused to emulate the example of so many of the regular churches by drawing up a body of annals which, while recording the great events of English history, should devote special attention to the affairs of the church and diocese. For this purpose it may be presumed copies were ordered to be made of the annals kept at the neighbouring religious houses of Burton and Chester, and these copies, made within not many years of the last records contained in them, were placed at the head of a newly opened register of the church of Lichfield. That the intention of continuing them was not seriously carried out is but one more illustration of the characteristic habits of the clergy in a secular chapter. They had not, like monks, their daily apportioned tasks, whether in writing or in manual labour, and the projected Lichfield Annals were never made.
The relation of the Lichfield MS. to the Cottonian as printed by Luard is not hard to indicate in general terms. That the latter is not derived from the former is proved by its greater compass as well as by certain varieties of reading. I take it that they both were transmitted from the same original at Burton, but that the Lichfield MS. was copied before the original had been continued beyond 1258. If this be so, we are able to carry back the date of the composition of the Annals a stage earlier than was previously ascertained. It is evident that the Lichfield copy was made for use elsewhere than at Burton Abbey, since for example under 1087 the words "Hic dedit nobis, videlicet monasterio "Burtoniensi (fn. 27) " appear in our text as "Hic dedit monasterio Burton'"; and this fact supports the hypothesis I have suggested above that the book was written definitely for the church of Lichfield. A later hand has here and there added a few words (fn. 28) or an entire sentence. (fn. 29)
In the space left vacant where the Annals end a hand of the latter part of the fourteenth century has supplied the headings of years from 1259 to 1312, but the entries under these years are few and unimportant. They are written in several hands, and in different ink, and are as follow:—
1264. Bellum apud Lewes.
1265. Bellum apud Euesham.
1272. Obiit Henr. rex quartus.
1274. Cor. Edward in f. sancti Māgni.
1280. Mr. Radulfus de Semprinham decanus Lich. x. kal. April. (fn. 30)
1291. Electus est Walterus de Lang' in episcopum Lich. et in cap. Eccl. (fn. 31)
1295. El. Walterus de Langetoun in ep[iscopu]m. Lich.
1305. Ob. rex Edwardus filius Henrici apud Burgum super sabt. die translacionis sancti Thome.
On the next leaf, f. 78, begins a series of narratives of interest for the history of Mercia, and in particular for that of the church and see of Lichfield. These narratives, which are written in a hand of the fourteenth century, are all abridged, with unimportant modifications from William of Malmesbury's Gesta Regum, i. 74—95.
The abridgment has been made from an inferior text: thus we have Egritum for William's Egricum, and Mecelnnum for Mercelinum ( (fn. 30) 74), Ehgelbrithum for Egelbrihtum ( (fn. 30) 86), Lambrichium for Iambrihtum ( (fn. 30) 87). The narrative ends with the murder of St. Kenelm, "Nomen et decus martirii adeptus ibidem est sepultus," (fn. 32) to which is subjoined "De quo dicitur,
In Clen sub spina iacet in convalle (fn. 33) bovina
Rege puer natus Kenelmus decapitatus." (fn. 34) (f. 81 a col. 1.)
The margin contains a number of glosses, of nearly the same date as the text, some of which deserve quotation. I prefix to each the passage to which it belongs and the reference to the corresponding section in William of Malmesbury within brackets.
[Et tandem anno xxxmo, ab Oswio fratre Oswaldi interfectus, (fn. 35) infernalium animarum numerum auxit. (fn. 30) 74.]
Interfectus in Deuiseb'na iuxta rivum de Uisi.
Auxit, quia paganus ut in legenda sancti Oswaldi.
[Oswius regnum suscepit. (fn. 30) 75.]
Oswius: sub quo beatus Cedda, abbas sancte Marie in Listingay, a Wyne Lundoñ episcopo in archiepiscopatum Ebor' est consecratus.
[Episcopatum Lundonie cuidam Wyne vendidit. (fn. 30) 76.]
Wyne: qui prefuit anno viclxvii, Theodoro tunc archiepiscopo Cant', qui Ceddam administracioni Eboracensis ecclesie fecit presidente Wilfrido, ut in legenda sancti Cedde.
[Wlfero post xix annos defuncto. (fn. 30) 77.]
Defuncto. Eius tempore sanctus Ceadda fuit episcopus Lich. anno gracie viclxxvo, ut in eiusdem legenda patet.
[Ethelredus * * * apud Bardeneyam in monachum tonsus mox in abbatem est alteratus. (fn. 30) 77.]
Hic eciam Burc sancti Petri construxit. Unde versus:
Tres fratres fuimus fundantes Burc. Ego primus
rex ego dum vixi Burc post Peada bene rexi.
Hii Burc fecerunt. Confirmo quod ambo dederunt.
Hoc dictum est de Ethelredo fratre Wlfridi.
In quingenteno simul anno ter duodeno, sub Peada rege valido fulgenteque lege est hec fundata domus et Medehamsteyde dicta tunc, nunc voce rata urbs Petri benedicta. (fn. 36)
De isto tamen Peada non inveni scriptum: unde credo quod erratum sit. Sit in nomine Pead. pro Weda. (fn. 37)
[Denebertus Wigorñ, Werenberthus Legecestr', Edulfus Sitnacestr', Wlford Herford., Alheard Helmanensis, Ticlifrid Danuicensis. (fn. 30) 87.]
Legecestr' unitur Lincolñ.
Hodie est Norwi&ctilde;. (fn. 38)
Danuicensis: hodie Lincolñ.
These historical articles are followed by a few documents which occupy the remainder of the leaf. First, in the same column, in a charter hand, also of the fourteenth century, is a writ of Edward III. for the release of a prisoner:—
f. 81a. The King to the sheriff of Warwick. 'Ex parte Roberti de Luggor', quem ad denunciacionem venerabilis patris Walteri archiepiscopi Cant', tanquam excommunicatum et claves ecclesie contempnentem, per corpus suum secundum consuetudinem Anglie per te iusticiari precepimus, donec sancte ecclesie tam de contemptu quam de iniuria ei illata ab eo fuerit satisfactum; nobis est ostensum quod, licet idem Robertus eidem archiepiscopo frequenter obtulerit ydoneam caucionem de parendo mandatis ecclesie in forma iuris, ut per hoc absolucionis beneficium consequi possit, idem tamen archiepiscopus caucionem illam ab eo hactenus admittere recusavit: de quo miramur. Et quia nolumus quod idem Robertus diucius in persona contra iusticiam detineatur, tibi precipimus quod in propria persona tua accedas ad prefatum episcopum, et ipsum ex parte nostra moneas et efficaciter inducas ut, accepta ab eodem Roberto caucione predicta, ipsum a prisona predicta mandet deliberari. Et si idem archiepiscopus id facere noluerit, tunc ipsum Robertum a prisona predicta, si ea occasione et non alia detineatur in eadem, deliberari facias.' Nottingham: 8 May, a. 1 [1327].
Licence of Henry III. (fn. 39) to the dean and chapter (on the application of Mr. W., precentor of the church and of canon Hugh de Shoteby) for the election of a bishop, 3 May, a. 23 [1239].
f. 81b. Licence of the same (on the application of Mr. Ralph de la Coke and Mr. Alexander le Blund, canons of the church) for the same purpose, 14 June, a. 26 [1242].
Licence of Edward I. (on the application of Mr. Luke of Ely and Mr. Henry of Cornwall, canons) for the same purpose. 12 Jan. a. 24 [1295–6].
The next article, f. 81b, col. 2, is the first of a series of papal instruments which form a remarkable and characteristic feature of the Register. None of them, except those printed by Dugdale, are calendared in the Registrum of Jaffé (2nd ed.) or Potthast, unless the fact is stated. (fn. 40)
Letter of Boniface VIII., notifying the appointment of administrators of the see of Coventry and Lichfield during the suspension of bishop Walter Langton, 30 March 1302 (a very ignorant copy).
Bonefacius episcopus servus servorum Dei dilectis: filiis. Priori et Conventui Coventr' et . . Decano et Capitulo Lich. ecclesiarum Salutem et apostolicam benedictionem.
Inter cetera quibus comissa nobis a Domino universali cura Dominiee gregis (fn. 41) astringimur, exitant nos ecclesiarum status quas inspicimus ex quovis casu vel causa fluctuare turbinibus vel eis deformacionis iminere dispendium, ut ipsis, ne detrimentum incurrant, de oportuno et solubri remedio per nostre cooperacionis ministerium succurratur. Dudum siquidem ad audienciam nostram gravi relacione perducto quod Gualterus Coventr' et Lich. episcopus diversa et gravia scelera, que tamen ex causa duximus subticenda, commiserat ac eciam committebat, et quod super eis erat in illis partibus publice diffamatus: nos, volentes scire super illis plenius veritatem, episcopum peremptorie citari fecimus, ut infra certum terminum nostro se conspectui personaliter presentaret, recepturns pro meritis, ac alias facturus et recepturus quod iusticia suaderet, nostrisque pariturus beneplacitis et mandatis, vel suam, si posset, innocenciam ostensurus. Set quia prefatus episcopus, citacioni huiusmodi parere (fn. 42) contempnens, in dicto termino [f. 82] et post illum per plures menses eciam expectatus non comparuit personaliter coram nobis, nos contra ipsum taliter contumacem pro huiusmodi contemptu et contumacia procedentes eum ab execucione pontificalium duximus autoritate apostolica suspendere. Eodem autem episcopo ad nostram postmodum presenciam accedente, cum de ipso nobis super diversis criminibus gravis delacio facta esset, nos super illis in curia nostra, quadam inquisicione (fn. 43) premissa, quam sibi non duximus publicandam, pensata negocii qualitate, prefatum episcopum ab administracione spiritualium et temporalium duximus per nostras sub certa forma litteras suspendendum, et nichilominus ad eliciendum super huiusmodi criminibus plenius veritatem per easdem precepimus litteras inquiri super eis in partibus Anglicanis. Ne igitur Coventr' et Lich. ecclesie interim exposite neglectui videantur, neve careant oportune cure presidio, ac incurrere valeant in spiritualibus et temporalibus detrimentum, nos cupientes tales ad ipsarum custodiam deputare personas quarum bonitate ac studio preservari a noxiis, ad salubria dirigi, et prosperis possint (Deo propicio) successibus ampliari, dilectis filiis magistris Philippo de Evordoñ, Helie de Naptoñ, et Thome de Adberbur., canonicis Lich., de quorum providencia, discrecione, ac diligencia circumspecta plenam in Domino fiduciam optinemus, curam, administracionem, et procuracionem ipsarum Coventr' et Lich. ecclesiarum tam in spiritualibus quam in temporalibus apostolica autoritate commisimus libere in omnibus exercendas: ita quod in utriusque disponendi, precipiendi, et ordinandi, prout earundem ecclesiarum utilitati expedine viderent, et contradictores per censuram ecclesiusticam, appellacione postposita, compescendi habeant plenam et liberam facultatem, donec id per apostolicam sedem revocari contingat, vel de dictis ecclesiis aliter ordinari, alienacione verum ipsarum ecclesiarum eis penitus interdicta. Ceterum, ne interim prefatus episcopus in obprobrium pontificalis officii mendicare cogatur, pensatis facultatibus ecclesiarum predictarum ac persone ipsius episcopi condicionibus diligenter, de fructibus earundem ecclesiarum dicto episcopo sustentacionem non excessivam sed temperatam expensarum autoritate nostra ministrare procurent. Idioque universitatem vestram rogamus, monemus, et ortamur, attente per apostolica vobis scripta mandantes, quatinus administracionibus et procuracionibus ipsius super premissis sic umiliter et efficaciter intendatis quod possitis exinde merito commendari: alioquin sentenciam quam ipsi propter hoc rite tulerint in rebelles ratam habebimus, et faciemus auctoritate Domino usque ad satisfaccionem condignam appellacione remota inviolabiliter observari. Dat' Laterañ iii Kal. April. pontificatus nostri anno octavo.
f. 82b. Writ to the sheriff of Staffordshire to put under surety Robert de Prika parson of the church of Overton quatermars, to appear before the justices at Westminster in the octave of St. Michael, whereas the recognisances of debtors not relating to wills or matrimony pertain to the king, and "idem Robertus * * * magistrum Iohannem Clarel archidiaconum Stafford, occasione cuiusdam recognicionis quater viginti marc' eidem Roberto per prefatum Iohannem coram Decano de Arcubus Lond. (ut dicitur) facte, que quidem recognicio non est de testamento vel matrimonio, traxit in placitum in curia Christianitatis in lesionem eorone et dignitatis nostre et contra prohibicionem nostram." Tudheu [Tudhoe, co. Northumberland]: 18 July a. I. [Edw. III., 1327].
Writ to the sheriff of Staffordshire, "quoniam intelleximus quod quam plures de comitatu tuo per sacramenta et alio modo confederaciones, congregaciones, et conventicula illicita hominum ad arma et aliorum tam equitum quam peditum facientes in diversis locis in comitatu tuo tam infra libertates quam extra armata poteneia incedunt, vagantur, et discurrunt, mala plurima indies perpetrando in nostri contemptu, pacis nostre lesionem, et terrorem populi nostri manifestum, unde dampna et pericula graviora in brevi timetur evenire nisi remedium cicius ad hoc apponatur: Nos dampnis et periculis huiusmodi (fn. 44) precavere volentes, ut tenemur, assignavimus dilectos et fideles nostros Hugonem de Menill., Iohannem de Hinkeleye, et Iohannem de Myners, et (fn. 45) duos eorum ad inquirendum per sacramentum proborum et legalium hominum de comitatu tuo, tam infra libertates quam extra, per quos rei veritas melius sciri poterit de nominibus illorum qui huiusmodi confederaciones, congregaciones, et conventicula illicita scu alia huiusmodi mala, per que pax nostra ledi seu populus noster terreri valeat, fecerunt seu fieri procurarunt; et de confederacionibus, congregacionibus, et conventaculis predictis et premissis omnibus et singulis plenius veritatem. (fn. 46) The sheriff is to summon witnesses before the said commissioners. Lincoln: 18 Sept. a. 1 [Edw. III., 1327].
This writ ends in the middle of the column, the rest of which is left blank; and on the next leaf (f. 83) begins the Register properly speaking, from which numerous documents have been printed by Dugdale, and of which a fairly detailed description is furnished by Dr. Cox. Among the contents are:—
f. 87a. Confirmation by Honorius III. to the chapter of Lichfield of the churches of Arnleg,, Canoc, and Ruggel.. Lateran: 5 May a. 5 [1221]. Printed by Dugdale, vi. 1245 seq., No. xi.
f. 88a. Letters patent of Edward II., reciting that complaints had been made of the non-observance of the provisions of the first Statute of Westminster made by Edward I. in protection of the corn and other goods of the clergy, and requiring the sheriffs and others the king's servants to observe the same. York: 24 Nov. a 10 [1316].
f. 88b. Letters patent of Edward II. containing his answers to articles of the prelates and clergy at the parliament of Lincoln (a. 9) concerning the use of royal writs and prohibitions in matters affecting the clergy. York: 24 Nov. a. 10 [1316].
On f. 93b begins a series of documents concerning the church of Harborne and the chapel of Edgebaston claimed by Henry de Gamo, prebendary of Gaye Minor as pertaining to his prebend, and by the dean and chapter as pertaining to the common fund (communa) of the church. Both parties agreed, with the consent of the bishop, to refer the dispute to the arbitration of Jordan de Wimburn, archdeacon of Chester, and of Walkelin de Houton, canon of the church, 1279, who gave their decision in favour of the chapter. Henry de Gamo accepted the decision and resigned the benefice, 9 Oct. 1279. In course of time a suit was brought against the dean and chapter by Reynierus de Wichio, called de Florencia, clerk of the archbishop of Canterbury, in the archbishop's court; but the prosecutor withdrew from the case, 11 May 1283. (fn. 47)
f. 95a. Deeds relating to the houses in London within and without Newgate acquired by Hugh [of Nunant], bishop of Coventry, and by him, "cum assensu maioris et omnium baronum civitatis illius, in communi hustingo, et assensu eciam domini Rothomagensis archiepiscopi tunc iusticiarii et omnium aliorum iusticiariorum ipsius," conveyed to his successors in the see, to serve as a town-house for them in perpetuity, without power of sale or alienation. n. d. [end of twelfth century].
f. 105b. Confirmation by John [of Derby], dean, and the chapter [20 June 1315] of a grant by Walter [Langton], bishop, to the vicars of the church of the site since known as the Vicar's Close. "Dilectorum nobis in Christo vicariorum in ecclesia nostra Lich. iugiter ministrancium non habencium infra clausum Lich. ubi capita sua reclinent honestatem pariter et quietem corditer affectantes, considerantes eciam pericula que ecclesie nostre predicte, ex eo quod vicarii ipsi extra clausum predictum nocturnis temporibus hospitantur, possent forsitan imminere, Nos ad honorem Dei, beate Marie virginis, et beati Cedde patroni nostri assignamus predictis vicariis quandam placeam in clauso Lich. cum omnibus domibus superedificatis, columbariis et grangia dumtaxat exceptis, que fuit quondam magistri Thome de Adberburi, que se extendit in longitudinem iuxta murum lapideum dicti clausi, ab area magistri Walteri de Thorp. usque ad altam viam que ducit ad portam occidentalem dicti clausi, in latitudine vero se extendit a predicto muro lapideo usque ad metas et bundas per nos positas et ordinatas." Lichfield: 6 January 1314/5, a. cons. 19.
f. 118. Release by Richard de Harcurt to R. [Weseham or Meulan ?], bishop, of "totum ius et clamium quod habui vel habere potui in omnimodis animalibus adventiciis que Gallice dicuntur Wayf in tota terra mea et toto feodo meo que de ipso teneo in comitatu Stafford inventis."
f. 126b. Grant by Stephen to the church of Lichfield and to Walter its bishop to hold a market (forum) at Lichfield and Eccleshall every Sunday throughout the year. Witnesses: Osb. Marc', Wid. fil. Test," William de Fraxino. "Apud Wicumbam in obsidione" (fn. 48) [1153].
f. 127. Mandate of Alexander III. (headed "Delegacio apostolica contra Archidiaconum Staffordie et Monasterium de Oseneye super possessorio ecclesie de Lich. in Ecclesia de Schenstan").
"Alexander episcopus, servus servorum Dei, venerabili fratri episcopo (fn. 49) et dilecto filio priori (fn. 50) Conventr' salutem et apostolicam benediccionem. Ex parte decani et capituli de Lich. ad nostram noveritis audienciam ervenisse quod ecclesia de Senestan sine iudicio et iusticia sint (fn. 51) spoliati, quam Radulfus archidiaconus Staff' et canonici de Osueia irracionabiliter detinent occupatam. Quoniam igitur memorato decano et capitulo ex commisso nobis officio et iure suo adesse tenemur, discrecioni vestre per apostolicasc ripta precipiendo mandamus, quatinus, partibus ante vestram presenciam convocatis, prefatum Radulfum et canonicos moveatis attencius et inducatis, et si necesse fuerit districcius compellatis, ut eisdem decano et capitulo prescriptam ecclesiam cum redditibus inde perceptis sine diminucione et maliciosa dilacione restituant et in pace dimittant vel in presencia vestra, sublato appellacionis remedio, exhibeant iusticie complementum. Siqua vero parcium a vobis legitime citata ad presenciam vestram (fn. 52) accedere vel iudicio vestro in hoc parere contempserit, vos nichilominus in eadem causa quantum racio patitur procedatis. Porro si hiis exequendis uterque vestrum interesse non poterit, alter viris discretis et honestis ascitis (fn. 53) ea nichilominus exequatur. Dat' Ferentiñ, ii Kalñ Augusti. [31 July 1175. (fn. 54) ]
f. 140b. Confirmation by Henry III. of the liberties granted in his minority in the Charter of the Forest and in Magna Carta. 28 Jan. a. 21. [1236–7.] Printed in Statutes of the Realm i. 28 (1810).
f. 141. Licence from Richard I. to Hugh [Nunant], bishop of Coventry, to hold a weekly market at Eccleshall on Sundays. Freit Mantel [Freemantle]: 30 Oct., a. 1 [1189].
Grant by Henry III. to Roger, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, and his successors of free warren on their manors of Lichfield, Hewod, Langedoñ, Rugget, Kanocbur', Berkewic', Ecclesale, Brewode, and Beudesert, in Staffordshire; Preez in Shropshire; Sallowe in Derbyshire; and Ichentoñ, Tachebrok', in Warwickshire. Woodstock: 2 June, a. 43 [1259].
f. 141b. Grant by Henry III. to bishop Alexander of full testamentary powers. Westminster: 18 March, a. 18 [1233/4].
f. 142b. Writ of John to Geoffrey fitz Peter, earl of Essex, and Hugh de Nevill, forbidding them to hinder the bishop of Coventry "quin possit claudere de bosco suo de Brewode parcum quoddam qui contineat in circuitu duas leucas, et firmare castellum suam de Eccleshale" wherefore he has licence. Witness: W. Marshall earl of Pembroke. Worcester: 10 April. [1200 (fn. 55) ]. Printed by Dugdale, vi. 1249, No. xxv.
Writ of Richard I. to the barons of the exchequer ordering them, whereas he has putaway his anger and indignation against H[ugh Nunant] bishop of Coventry, to account to the bishop for whatever is owing to him from his lands, and also to pay 25s. to the church from the market of Lichfield for the soul of Henry II., to be specially mentioned by the said church. (William [Longchamp] bishop of Ely, chancellor.) Le Mans: 20 May [1195 (fn. 56) ].
Confirmation by John of the latter grant. Apud Bonum Portum [Bonport]: 13 July, a. 4. [1202].
Fine made at Herford, Thursday after Octave of Easter [15 April, 1176] proxim[a] postquam dominus rex Anglie accepit fidelitatem et liganciam Scotorum apud Eboracum, (fn. 57) coram Bertramo de Verduno et W. fil. Stephani et Thurstino fil. Simonis iusticiariis domini regis, (fn. 58) concerning lands at Prees.
f. 143. Agreement between Hugh le Despenser and bishop Walter de Langetoñ concerning the closing of a deerleap, "quoddam saltatorium descendens de parco ipsius episcopi de Terueñ in parcum predicti domini Hugonis in manerio suo de Barewe."
f. 143b. Confirmation by John of the liberties and immunities enjoyed by the bishop. Valoyne: 2 [Febr. (fn. 59) ], a. 1, [1200].
f. 147. Appropriation of the church of St. Michael, Coventry, to the priory of Coventry subject to a pension of 30 marks to the dean and chapter of Lichfield and other charges. Warwick: 29 June, 1248.
f. 151b. Confirmation by Honorius III. of the union of the church of Adbaston with the deanery of Lichfield. Lateran: 7 April, a. 8, [1224].
f. 155. Commission of John XXI. to the abbat of St. Mary's and the chancellor of York to deal with the dispute between the dean and chapter of Lichfield and the prior and convent of Lenton concerning tithes [at Bakewell &c.] claimed by the former. Viterbo: 17 May, a. 1. [1277]. (fn. 60)
ff. 156, 157. Confirmations by Eugenius III. (Signi: 14 Febr. 1151[–2]), Lucius II. (Lateran: 4 May 1144), and Celestine II. (Lateran: 5 December a. 1 [1191]) of all or some of the possessions of the church and of the bishop of Lichfield. Printed by Dugdale, vi. 1249, seq., No. xxvi–xxviii; calendared by Jaffé, Regest. Pontif. Rom. (2nd ed.), No. 9556, 16767, 8592.
f. 158b. Commission of Gregory IX. to the bishop of London and the priors of Merton and Westminster to deal with the dispute between the bishop and the prior and convent of Coventry concerning St. Michael's chapel in that city. Lateran: 10 July, a. 7 [1233].
f. 159b. Writ of Henry II. to the sheriff of Staffordshire to hear claims of the bishop of Chester and to see that he suffers no injustice. Witness: W. fil. Ger., chamberlain. Northburn. (fn. 61)
Mandate of Innocent IV., relating the disputed election to the bishoprick of Richard abbat of Evesham and of William [of Montpellier], and the death of the former and resignation of the latter, and appointing R[oger Weseham] dean of Lincoln. Lyons: 4 July, a. 3 [1245].
f. 160b. Mandate of Martin IV. to the abbat of St. Mary de Pratis, Leicester, the archdeacon of Northampton, and Master Giffrid de Vecano[?], canon of Cambray, to hear the cause brought by Walch[el]inus, canon of Lichfield, against Raynerius de Vichio, called de Florencia, in the matter of the church of Horburne [Harborne]: Orvieto: 20 May, a. 2 [1282].
f. 161. Mandate of Nicolas III. to the dean of Salisbury to inquire into charges of alienation of their lands and possessions by the dean and chapter of Lichfield, and to restore the same to them. St. Peter's, Rome: 13 Apr., a. 2 [1279].
Mandate of Gregory X. to the prior of Coventry to inquire into charges of alienation of his prebend [at Harborne] by Henry de Gamo, canon of Lichfield, and to restore the same. Lyons: 1 July, a. 3 [1274].
f. 162b. Mandate of Martin IV. to the abbat of Lilleshull, ordering him, at the petition of the dean and chapter of Lichfield, to procure the restoration to them of lands improperly alienated. Orvieto: 27 June, a. 1 [1281].
Mandate of Martin IV. to William de Conflens, archdeacon of Hereford, and to the treasurer and precentor of the same, to hear the appeal of the dean and chapter of Lichfield against the sentence of the archbishop of Canterbury in the dispute concerning the church of Harborne. Orvieto: 27 June, a. 1 [1281].
f. 163. Mandate of Martin IV. to the abbat of St. James' and the prior of St. Andrew's at Northampton, and to the archdeacon of the same, to decide the case of the dean and chapter of Lichfield against the dean and chapter of Pencriz [Penkridge], who resisted their right in the moiety of the mortuary fees of Cannock. Orvieto: 31 Jan., a. 1 [1381–2].
f. 163b. Mandate of the same to the same to decide the case of the dean and chapter of Lichfield against the dean and chapter of Penkridge as to their spiritual jurisdiction in Cannock, disputed by the latter. Orvieto: 5 Jan., a. 1 [1381–2].
f. 164. Letters patent of Edward I. to bishop W[alter Langton] granting him "in auxilium civitatis paviande" a variety of customs and other dues, of which a tariff is given, at Lichfield for seven years. 18 April, a. 27 [1299].
f. 165b. Mandate of Boniface VIII. to the prior of Coventry to hear a dispute between the church of Lichfield and the prior and convent of Routon as to tithes [at Adbaston]. Lateran: 5 Jan., a. 6 [1301].
f. 166. Decision of commissioners under a mandate of Honorius [III.] (Lateran: 26 Jan., a. 5 [1221]) in a dispute touching the chapel of Wanere. Witnesses: Geoffrey prior of Coventry, William prior of Kenilworth, Mr. William de Manecester, Roger de Canvitt, Roger Panculf, and others named.
f. 167. Mandate of Gregory IX. to H[ugh] elect of Coventry (fn. 62) to execute judgment on the monks who asserted rights and levied tithes in parish churches during the vacancy of the see. Lateran: 20 April, a. 14 [1240].
Mandate of Innocent IV. for the hearing of a dispute between the dean of Lincoln and the bishop of Coventry and Lichfield concerning the presentation to the vicarage of Wirkesworth.
Bull of Boniface VIII. to the chapter of Lichfield declaring the innocence of Bishop W[alter Langton] of the charges brought against him by Sir John de Lunetot, (fn. 63) corresponding to that to the King, of the same date, printed in Rymer's Fœdera, i. 956 seq. (ed. 1816). Anagni: 8 June, a. 9 [1303].
f. 182b. Acknowledgment by Albert de Nevilla, rector of Mamecestr', of his obligation to pay yearly to the bishop the cathedraticum of 2s. [Beginning of thirteenth century, before 1214].
f. 183b. Writ of Richard I. to the knights and burgesses of Coventry and all belonging to the priory requiring them to do homage and fealty to Hugh [Nunant] the bishop. Witness: Earl William, at Guaidint' [Geddington, in Northamptonshire], 17 Sept. [1189]. (fn. 64)
Ff. 184 seqq. contain numerous documents relative to the constant differences between the churches of Coventry and of Lichfield as to their respective rights in the election of their common bishop; and include (f. 187b.) a mandate of Honorius III. (Lateran: 31 May, a. 8 [1224].)
f. 184b. A brief statement of the jurisdiction possessed by the secular cathedral churches of the province of Canterbury: Salisbury, Chichester, Wells, London, Lincoln, Exeter, and Hereford.
f. 187b. Mandate of Martin IV. for the determination of the jurisdiction of the bishops of Coventry and Lichfield and of St. Asaph. Montefiascone: 27 Sept., a. 2 [1282].
f. 190b. Mandate of Innocent IV. to restrain the abbat of Burton and others from dealing with matrimonial and other causes. Lyons: 18 Mar., a. 7 [1250].
Mandate of Innocent IV. to the bishop of Coventry to restrain his archdeacons from exacting procurations when they did not visit personally or in due manner. Lyons: 20 Mar., a. 3 [1246].
Mandate of Martin IV. for the hearing at Reading of the complaint made by the bishop of Lichfield and Coventry concerning the jurisdiction exercised by the archbishop of Canterbury over persons subject to the former. a. 2 [1282–3]. (fn. 65)
f. 191. Judgment of Innocent IV. in the dispute between R[obert Grosseteste], bishop of Lincoln, and his dean and chapter concerning the visitation of the prebendal churches and other questions of jurisdiction and canonical obedience. N.d. [Lyons: 25 Aug. 1245 (fn. 66) ] (Potthast, No. 11,833). Followed by the composition between the dean and chapter of Lincoln and Boniface, archbishop of Canterbury, touching the jurisdiction and episcopal power during the vacancy of the see. Lambeth: 11 Kal. June [22 May] 1261.
f. 198b. Confirmation by Honorius III. of the chapter's right to elect their dean. Lateran: 23 April, a. 5 [1221].
Confirmation by the same of the liberties and immunities of the church of Lichfield. Lateran: 7 June, a. 8 [1224].
Letter of Honorius III. to bishop Alexander empowering him to enforce the statute against non-resident canons. Lateran: 20 April, a. 8 [1224].
f. 199. Confirmation by the same of the church of Torenthon [Thornton] to the chapter. Lateran: 24 April, a. 5 [1221].
Licence from Innocent III. to bishop G[eoffrey de Muschamp] to resume lands alienated by his predecessors. Lateran: 7 Jan., a. 1 [1199]. (Potthast, No. 564.)
Letter of Urban III. empowering H[ugh Nunant], bishop elect of Coventry, to appoint the prior of that monastery. Verona: 18 June (1186). (fn. 67)
In the following leaves, ff. 199b, 200, are five documents relating to the possessions of the church of Lichfield, which are printed by Dugdale, vol. vi., 1251, seq., No. xxx.–xxxiv.
f. 201. Confirmations by Innocent IV. of the taxation of vicarages; two letters dated Lyons 5 and 4 April, a. 7 [1250].
f. 201b. Indulgence by Innocent IV. to the church of Lichfield in respect of the reception of letters of provision. Lyons: 5 March, a. 3 [1246].
Solemn bull of Innocent II. confirming the possessions of the church of Lichfield. Lateran: 18 April, 1139. Printed by Dugdale, vi. 1252, No. xxxv.
f. 202. Confirmation by Clement III. of the restoration of the priory of Coventry. Lateran: 12 February, a. 2 [1188–9].
Confirmation by Innocent II. to bishop Roger of his possessions and liberties, and in particular of the collegiate churches of Stafford and Pencridge. Lateran: 21 April, 1139.
f. 202b. Confirmation by Lucius II. to the same of the churches of Stafford, Pencridge, and Wolverhampton. Lateran: 4 May, 1144. Printed by Dugdale, vi. 1252, No. xxxvi.
Solemn bull of Innocent II. confirming the possessions of the church of Coventry. Lateran: 19 April, a. 10 [1139].
f. 203. Confirmation by Lucius II. of the same. Lateran: 4 May, a. 1, 1144. Printed by Dugdale, vi. 1252, No. xxxvii.
f. 204. Carta Henrici ducis de cuneo monete Lich.. Henricus dux Norm. et Aquit' et comes And' omnibus, &c. "Seiatis me dedisse et concessisse ecclesie sancti Cedde Lich. et Waltero Coventr' episcopo familiari et dilecto amico meo, ut unus cuneus monete et moneta sit imperpetuum apud Lich. sicut rex Stephanus concessit et carta sua confirmavit. Quare volo et firmiter precipio ne quis ei iniuriam (fn. 68) aliquam faciat. Teste Reg' com. Cornub., Guar' fil. Ger' Camerario (fn. 69), Henrico fratre suo, apud Rouecestr." [1154.] (fn. 70)
The charter is followed by that of Stephen, also to bishop Walter, here confirmed. (fn. 71) (Witnesses: Richard de Luci, William Mart[el], R. de Canvilla. London [1151 ?]) and that of Richard I. (12 Nov., a. 1 [1189]).
f. 204b. Confirmation by Honorius III. of a sentence of S[tephen Langton], archbishop of Canterbury, annulling an election to the see of Coventry and Lichfield. Lateran: 12 May, a. 8 [1224]. (fn. 72)
f. 206b. Confirmation by the same to the dean and chapter of their churches of Bakewell and Hope. Lateran: 4 May, a. 5 [1221].
Confirmation by Gregory IX. of the judgment against the monks of Coventry in their claim to exemption from the bishop's visitation. Viterbo: 8 Jan., a. 9 [1236].
f. 215b. Ordinance of bishop Hugh [Nunant] touching the union of the church of Adbaldestoñ [Adbaston] with the deanery of Lichfield. Easter next after the death of Reginald bishop of Bath [i.e., 1192].
f. 216b. Confirmation by Honorius III. of the same. Lateran: 7 April, a. 8 [1224].
f. 217. Confirmation by R[ichard] archbishop of Canterbury, as legate of the holy see, of the possessions of the dean of Lichfield. [1177– 1182]. (fn. 73)
f. 219. Letters of Henry III. exempting the bishop and the canons of Lichfield from the obligation of hospitality in their houses within or without the close. 25 Oct., a. 56 [1271].
f. 232b. Bull of Clement IV. confirming the excommunication of the dean and chapter of St. Mary's, Stafford, for resisting the bishop's visitation. Viterbo: 3 Aug., a. 3 [1267].
f. 235b. Minutes of the election of a dean in succession to John of Derby, 31 Oct. and 5 Dec., 1319.
f. 240. Mandate of Honorius III. to the chancellor [of England] and to M[artin] de Pateshella, canon of London, to hear and decide a dispute concerning the alienation of portions of the prebends of the church of Lichfield. Lateran: 4 June, a. 8 [1224].
f. 241. Letter of R., prior of Coventry, accepting the votes of the canons of Lichfield at the election of bishop Hugh de Pateshutt in spite of there being but few present. [1239.]
f. 241b. Two charters of Stephen granting to bishop Roger and the church of Lichfield the church of Wolverhampton, and the churches of Pencridge and Stafford. (fn. 74) Both are printed by Dugdale, vi. 1252, No. xxxix., xl.
f. 242. Grant by Edward I. to bishop Roger [de Meulan] of the forest of Cannock. 1290. Printed by Dugdale, vi. 1252 seq., No. xli.
f. 255. Notification by the churches of Lichfield and Coventry of the death of bishop Roger de Meuland, Friday after St. Lucy [16 Dec.], 1295; and summons to the two chapters to meet on the Friday after St. Hilary [20 Jan., 1295–6] to elect a successor.
Convention between bishop Roger and the prior of Coventry settling the form of the visitation of the house by the former. 1283.
f. 267. Rescript of John XXII. to the archbishop of Canterbury: (fn. 75)
Johannes episcopus servus servorum Dei venerabili in Christo fratri . . . archiepiscopo Cantuariensi tocius Anglie primati salutem et fraternam in domino caritatem.
Quoniam ex iniuncto tibi administracionis officio animarum cura teneris salubriter gerere, et pro domo Domini ascendentibus ex adverso murum inexpugnabilem te prebere, verbum Domini in ore tuo alligatum esse non expedit, quin loquaris in spiritu libertatis quod quietem populi, quod ecclesie libertatem, honorem Dei, et liberacionem patrie conferat, et specialiter karissimum in Christo filium nostrum, Edwardum regem Anglie illustrem, ad viam veritatis et iusticie (Domino inspirante) reducat. Sane, frater, aperte vides, nisi forte dissimules, (fn. 76) quod ecclesia, que libera debet esse, sub regis predicti regimine variis exaccionibus et angariis infestis opprimitur, sicque depressus est status eius a multo iam tempore ut evidenter ancillari cogatur. Bona eius, ad que laica manus extendi non debet pro libito, diripiuntur in predam; clerus vexatur indebite et habetur probroso contemptui; vixque reperitur aliquis quem sic zelus dominice domus comedat, ut (fn. 77) velit super illius concussione moveri. (fn. 78) In regno iusticia, que principaliter elucere debet in principe, debito cultu non colitur; set ad iniurias et oppressiones iniquas frenum multorum impune laxatur. Officiarii regii, regalibus iuribus non contenti, bona et iura fidelium tirannidem (fn. 79) excercentes occupant et usurpant. Inter hec Terribilis in consiliis super filios hominum, sponse sue zelans honorem et comodum, guerrarum dispendia suscitat, in quibus ecclesie thesaurus iniuste direptus expenditur; nec commissa ex hiis prelia prosperantur, cum nunquam ecelesie spolia vel depredaciones pauperum felicem habuisse reperiantur eventum. Inter hec eciam Ille qui iudicat pro mansuetis terre, gemitibus oppressorum pie compaciens, propter iniusticias huiusmodi regem et regnum humiliat; eosque ab illis quibus olim consueverant imperare inaniter affligi permittens, eorum statum ignominiose conculcat. Miramur igitur, si te in premissis, que ut credimus ignorare non potes, zelus Domini aut ecclesie non tangit afflictum, si regis vel regni compassio te non movet. Miramur, si, veluti canis mutus, latrare non valens aut non volens, impietatem suam non annunciaverit impiis ne, si in (fn. 80) impietate sua mortui fuerint, eorum anime de tuis manibus requirantur. Miramur, si, homini deferens contra Deum, officiarios predictos avertere, quantum necesse (fn. 81) fuit in hac inhumana tirannide, timuisti. Quid autem? sic fraternitatem tuam monendam duximus et ortandam in Domino Iesu Christo, per apostolica scripta tibi precipiendo mandantes, quatinus ad excellencie regie puritatem, gratam Regi regum, per quem datur regnare principibus, conservandam intendens, ipsum in regno suo eiusque regnum sub eius regimine dirigere pro viribus satagas, [f. 267b] eumque exhortacionibus efficacibus solerter inducas, quod ecclesias ac personas ecclesiasticas regni sui semper habeat in honore, ab eorum iniuriis omnino desistat, suosque officiarios desistere faciat; iura et libertates eorum manuteneat, protegat, et defendat, ac eos favorabiliter prosequatur; expediciones bellicas non de ecclesiarum vel pauperum spoliis, set fiscali errario faciat, ut eas feliciorem exitum habere contingat; iusticiam ministret et ministrari faciat; talesque ministros publici iuris statuat, qui Deum timeant et iusticiam diligant, et nullum in eius execucione formident, qui non sequantur retribucioues et munera, qui penarum graciam non acceptent, et qui de assistencium sibi favore fiduciam impunitatis aut audaciam non habeant serviendi. Quid eciam? ipse idem (fn. 82) interdum se pauperibus visibilem, adhibilem, et affabilem prebeat, eorum clamores et gemitus non con- tempnat, tam vidue adiutorium introeat, oppressiones pauperum relevet, pupillo et orphano sit adiutor. Conquerentes de se aut officiariis et familiaribus suis audiat pacienter, cicius quam alios illes expediat, nec conviciis affici vel comminacionibus deterere permittat; et ut ea que semper digna sunt principi cogitet et se in illis libenter exerceat, prelatos et viros illuminatos (fn. 83) suo assistentes habeat lateri, qui ea maturitate et honestate profulgeant quod in eorum presencia (fn. 84) inordinatum aliquid agere vereatur. Speramus etenim quod, si rex ipse implere premissa curaverit, Rex regum sibi et regno suo placabitur, eiusque negocia diriget, et, cum illi plaeuerint vie eius, inimicos eius pia dignacione ad pacem convertet. Porro, (fn. 85) ut hiis cor regum ad suum vertat arbitrium, ille eciam in cuius manus sunt corda regum requirenda, esse credimus ad divinum auxilium, ut ipse qui supra regna hominum dominatur regem ipsum et regnum eius et eius incolas benigne respiciat, suam eis tranquillitatem et pacem misericorditer tribuat, eosque in beneplacito suo dirigens vias et actus eorum in sua prosperitate disponat. Et ut quod in hac parte petimus multiplicatis intercessionibus facilius assequamur volumus et mandamus, quatinus tu ceterique prelati quibus super hoc scribimus per singulas vobis subiectas ecclesias in missarum celebracionibus et oracionibus certa faciatis suffragia fieri pro rege et regno predictis, ut in sermonibus publice faciendis, fideles ad implorandum pro eis Patris eterni clemenciam inducatis et faciatis induci, publicaturi et publicari facturi indulgenciam quam per apostolicas litteras orantibus pro rege predicto nuper graciose (fn. 86) concessimus, et nichilominus autoritate nostra alias, de quibus nobis videbitur, largituri.
Dat', &c.
f. 269b. Grant by John to the archbishop of Dublin of the advowson of Pencridge. Dour' [Dover]: 13 Sept., a. 17 [1215].
f. 274b. Ordination of the vicarage of St. Michael's, Coventry. 1249. (fn. 87)
The following section, beginning with f. 275, is in a new hand of the latter part of the fourteenth century:—
f. 278b. Monition of bishop Alexander [of Stavensby] to the dean and chapter against exhuming the body of bishop William of Cornhill. N.d. [c. 1224].
f. 287b. Ordinance of the chapter for saying the mass of St. Chad at dawn. 1327.
f. 288b. Memorandum of the customs of the secular chapters of cathedral churches in the province of Canterbury (Wells, Hereford, London, Lincoln, Salisbury, and Exeter (fn. 88) ) as to the custody of temporalities and spiritualities during the vacancy of the see.
f. 295b. Confirmation by Honorius III. of the liberties and possessions of the church of Lichfield. Lateran: 7 June, a. 8 [1224].
f. 297b. Rescript of Gregory IX. touching the election of a bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. Lateran: 18 March, a. 1 [1227–8].
f. 298. Letter of Honorius III. to the bishop of Coventry [Alexander of Stavensby] relieving him from the burthen of certain causes unless expressly committed to him. Lateran: 15 June, a. 10 [1226].
With this leaf the Register closes.
Among the other volumes in the possession of the dean and chapter are the following:—
I.—VIII. The Chapter Act Books, beginning in 1384, (fn. 89) contain much that is of more than local interest, and it would be well that a further calendar of their contents should be published than that given by Dr. Cox, who necessarily limits himself to "brief notes." (fn. 90) With occasional hiatus, and a long blank in the middle of the seventeenth century, the series, so far as it is preserved in the Registry, extends continuously down to 1795. Besides these there are two books (XI., XII.) of rough minutes of chapter acts, 1531–3 and 1541–2; a volume (IX.), entitled "Acta capitularia," relating to jurisdiction in the peculiars, 1709–1731, and seven volumes (X.) of the "Acts of the hebdomadary Chapter," which also begin in 1709.
The earliest book of Statutes now preserved in the Registry, named on the cover "Liber primus Miscellaneorum" (XIII.), was written near the end of the sixteenth century. (fn. 91) It contains the older collections of Statutes arranged under bishops, together with some miscellaneous articles. The statutes down to those of bishop Geoffrey Blythe are printed by Dugdale vi. 1255–1266, No. xlvii. (fn. 92) The book itself includes also those of bishop Overton and other documents. There are besides several later volumes containing the statutes of the church.
A volume (XVIII.) containing dean Heywood's visitation of the vicars of the church and of the citizens of Lichfield, 1461–1466, together with some wills.
A fragmentary book (XXIII.) containing charters, &c., relative to the pensions due to the chapter. 15th–16th cent.
Two chartularies of the church (XXIVa., XXV.). 15th and 16th cent.
Three volumes (XXVI.–XXVIII.) containing records of dean Heywood's benefactions to the church in the latter part of the fifteenth century (lettered "Cantaria S&ctilde;i Blasii"). These are preserved in the Chapter Library, but are properly included by Dr. Cox among the Muniments. Another volume (XXIX.) contains duplicates of a portion of the same documents.
Accounts of the garrison of the close (LIII. B) 1645–6. The "Oliverian Surveys" of the capitular estates and jurisdictions, in two volumes (LIV., LV.). 1649.
Various books of leases, accounts, &c.
From the great collection of single Documents in the possession of the dean and chapter I select a few specimens which either from their antiquity or for other reasons appear to be of special interest. Those to which an asterisk is added are exhibited in glass cases in the chapter library.
A. 1.[ (fn. 93) ] Grant by Robert Marmiun "pro satisfactione patris mei et pro salute anime eius" [i.e. of the Robert Marmion who died excommunicate in 1143] to the church of Lichfield in perpetual alms of the church of Torentone [Thornton] with the appertinences thereto. Witnesses: Roger, archdeacon of Salop; Nicholas, king's chaplain and treasurer of the church of Lichfield; master Terricus; master Geoffrey de Lent[on]; Richard de Curzun; William clerk; Robert De Moy; Ralph Poter; Ridelus; Ivo De Moy; Hugo De Cuilli; Jordan son of Simon; William son of Thomas; and many others. N.d. [Middle of 12th century].
A. 2.[ (fn. 93) ] Grant by William son of John, with the assent of Seburga his wife and of his heirs, to Matthew, (fn. 93) canon of Lichfield, of land "intra toftum quod fuit Lamberti" and a fishpond, in consideration of the payment of 3½ marks of silver by Matthew; after whose death the said William and Seburga are to pay from this land for ever 2s. to the "Martirlogium" and 2s. to the fabric of the church of Lichfield. Witnesses: Ernulf, canon; Dionisius, canon; master Robert de Pencriz; Henry, canon; Robert, chaplain; Nicholas, chaplain; Richard de Wurefeld; William, the dean's clerk; Adam, chaplain; Ovianus; Richard son of Matilda, chaplain; Richard de Freford, chaplain; Jordan, deacon; William, master R. de Pencriz's clerk; Samson of Lichfield; Henry King; William Curant; Henry the goldsmith; and many others. [Late 12th cent.] Seal fragm.
A. 3. Deed of the same, engaging to carry out their promise with respect to the payments to the church of Lichfield. Witnesses: the same as in the preceding, but with the omission of Robert the chaplain, Ovianus, Richard son of Matilda, Richard of Freford, Jordan, and Henry King, and the addition of Geoffrey the deacon, John de Pipa, and Henry the reeve (who occupies the same position in the list, and is no doubt identical, with Henry King). (fn. 99) [Same date.] William son of John's seal imperfect.
B. 17. Grant by bishop Hugh and the dean and chapter of Lichfield to canon Matthew, who at the time of the grant to the church of Lichfield of the church of Baucwell possessed a prebend in the latter, confirming him therein at a yearly pension of one aureus. [1188–1198.] Bishop's seal fragmentary.
A. 5. Grant (fn. 100) by king John to the church of the blessed Mary and St. Cedda of Lichfield and to Geoffrey bishop of Coventry and his successors, of the church of Bathecwell [Bakewell] "secundum ordinem ct dispositionem quam Hugo bone memorie Coventrensis episcopus super eadem ecclesia de Bathecwell fecit," conditional on the maintenance of three priests to do service in the church of Bakewell; the church of Lichfield agreeing further to provide a "presbiter prebendarius" to sing mass daily for the king's health and after his death for the salvation of his soul. Witnesses: William Maresc', earl of Pembroc; William, earl of Salisbury; John de Pratett; Robert de Turnham; Thomas Basset; Engelr. de Pratell.; Richard de Reveriis; William de Cantilupo. Given by the hand of S[imon] archdeacon of Wells, Valoyn' [Valognes], 3 Febr., an. 1. [1199–1200]. Great seal restored.
A. 6. Grant by Thomas de Hamstede to Geoffrey son of Simon de Pipe of a rent of 12d. in the town of Lichfield from the houses of William son of Thomas Swalve, "que domus stant inter capitales domos Iacobi de Staus et domos Iohannis filii Nicholai Albi," at the rent of one roseflower on St. John Baptist's day. Witnesses: Master Henry Cheynturel; Richard de Hulton; William de Hovediswoche; Henry le Kyng; Alexander le King; Richard le yung; John Bonde; and many others. [end of twelfth cent.] Seal fragm.
B. 1. Grant by Geoffrey bishop of Coventry to the "communa Licheffeldensis ecclesie que supra modum tenuis est et modica" of 20 marks yearly "ad cervisam habendam" charged on the church of Hope and its chapels. Witnesses: Mr. Erard canon of York, Mr. John de Newerc, Mr. Nicholas de Westoñ, Osbert de Witintoñ, Michael the chaplain, William de Damartin, Thomas of Beverley. [Beginning of 13th cent.]
B. 9. Grant in frankalmoign to the church of Tydeswell, and to Ralph, the dean, and the chapter of Lichfield of a toft at Litton "ad edificandum et claudendum prout viderint sibi expediri," with full perambulation, "pertica continente viginti pedes;" mention being made of the "iter quod extenditur a capite ville de Lyttoñ et sic ad crucem lapideam versus Tideswell." Witnesses: Thomas, precentor of Lichfield; Ralph Rusteng, canon; John de Uttokeshal; Thomas de Crawett successor; Alan, vicar of Tideswell; Ralph son of Ralph, priest, Henry de Lytton, Simon de Ascett, Hugh Martin, and others. (fn. 101) [1214–1222].
B. 3. Confirmation by bishop W[illiam of Cornhill] to the church of Lichfield of one third of the church of Bakewell which Stephen Ridel (fn. 102) had held. Witnesses: Mr. John Blund; Mr. Nicholas de Weston; John de Guiges; William de Hadfield; Richard de Chaucumb. Henry de Sancto Botulfo; Ralph, clerk of London; Simon Pinel; Robert de Marisco, and many others. [1215–1223.] Seal imperfect.
B. 4. Grant by the same to the same of the church of Hope with the chapel of Tideswell. Witnesses: Mr. Ralph de Meidestañ, archdeacon of Salop; Mr. Robert de Bosco; sir William, chaplain; William de Hatfield; Ralph de Pointoñ, clerk; and many others [1215–1221].
B. 11. Confirmation by bishop Alexander [de Stavensby] of the grant to the chapter of the churches of Bauewell, Hope, &c. Witnesses: the dean and many of the chapter and others, by name. [1231–2 (fn. 103) ]. Printed by Dugdale, vi. 1251a.
D. I. Indenture between Henry de Lexinton, the king's treasurer, and Ralph Vernon, whereby the former grants the latter the right to plough and sow certain lands "que seminate fuerunt die et anno quo assisa nove dissaisine commune pasture in Baucvett capta fuit inter eos aput Notingeham," Monday before St. Luke, 25 Hen. III., without exceeding or altering the extent tilled. 1243.
B. 14. Confirmation by bishop Roger [Weseham] of B. 11. Witnesses: Mr. Ralph, archdeacon of Chester; Mr. Henry de Wyshawe, the bishop's official; Mr. R. de Lacoke, Mr. T. Cumin, Mr. A. de Staunford; Wakelin and William, chaplains; Roger de Thorton, William de Burgton, Thomas de Bradeford, the bishop's clerks; and others. Tachebroc: 11 April, a. 2 [1247].
MM. 8.[ (fn. 103) ] Judgment of the papal commissioners in the dispute between the priory of Lenton in Nottinghamshire and the church of Lichfield. 1252. Seals of Walter, prior of the Friars Minor of Leicester; of Adam of Stanford, archdeacon of Chester; (fn. 104) of the priory of Lenton; and of its proctor, the subprior. Printed by Dr. Cox in the Journal of the Derbyshire Archæological and Natural History Society, vol. v. (1883), pp. 157–161.
Y. 2. Acknowledgment by William de Luceby, archdeacon of Derby, of the exemption of the churches of Bathekwalle, Hope, and Tideswelle from his jurisdiction, as decided by the archdeacon of York, 'iudice a domino papa delegato.' Witnesses: Mr. William de Manecestr', dean; Mr. Thomas, precentor; Mr. Richard de Glovernia, treasurer; Mr. Peter de Radnoure, archdeacon of Salopesbir'; Masters William de Kilkenni, Hugh de Sotteby, Walter de Pertoñ, Robert de Chebbeseie, Alexander Blund, and sirs William de Eccleshal., Simon de Norwis, John Francisc', Ralph de Terne, canons of the church of Lichfield; and many others. N.d. [c. 1254.] Seal.
D. 5. A bond of Robert son of Hugh of Hope, reciting "quod cum viri venerabiles Radulfus decanus et capitulum Lych. ecclesie mihi et heredibus meis concessissent et dedissent in feodum et hereditatem unum mansum et duas bovatas terre in Hope, tenenda et habenda de eis et eorum successoribus per liberum servicium dimidie marce annue que Henricus prepositus quondam de eisdem et eorum ecclesie de Hope in villenagio tenuit: ego ex certa et expressa ac fideli paccione obligavi me et heredes meos eisdem decano et capitulo et eorum successoribus in perpetuum, quod nec ego nec heredes mei dictum tenementum particulatim unquam possimus diminuere nec per partes in aliquem vel aliquos transferre, set illud in perpetuum integrum conservabimus et indivisum hiis quibus de gradu in gradum iure debebitur hereditario; nec illud integrum Iudeis aut viris religiosis seu cuicunque alteri dare, vendere, vel invadiare aliquando possimus nisi de eorumdem et successorum suorum assensu expresso." Witnesses: Dominus Thomas de Wymondham, precentor; Mr. William de Attelberge, William de Stanford', William de Neuton', and Walkelin de Houton', canons of the church of Lichfield; William, vicar of Hope; John Daniel; William Folegambe; Thomas his brother; Thomas le Archer; William Alli; Peter le Hore; and others. N.d. [1254–1278]. Seal.
A. 7. Grant by Simon the chaplain "filius Radulfi Ruffy Lycchyfeldye" to William chaplain of Lycchyffeld, called Bonde, 4½d. of yearly rent, to be received 2d. from Henry de Ang[u]lo, 2d. from Hugh Pyte, and ½d. (or else "unum par albarum cerotarum ad Pentecosten") from Hugh's servant. Witnesses: Henry le Kyng, Richard de Hylton, Richard de Fosseto, Nicholas Blund, John Bonde, Richard Felawe, Ralph Tenghy clerk, and others. [Second half of thirteenth century.]
A. 9. [ (fn. 103) ] Inspeximus of Henry III. of the grant by his father John, when earl of Moriton, to Hugh bishop of Coventry of the church of Hoppe with the chapel of Tidewell (which John had sealed and laid "super altare dominicum ecclesie Coventreie" and which bore date 1192, given by the hand of Stephen Ridel, his chancellor, with witnesses, Robert, earl of Meuslent; William Brieguerr'; Gerard de Canvitt; Engeram de Pratett; Regiñ de Wassenvitt; Hugh de Nevitt; William de Hardredeshitt; and the whole chapter of the church of Coventry; and many others).—Witnesses: W[alter], bishop of Bath and Wells; Roger de Leybourne; Robert Aguillon; John de Verdun; William de Grey; William de Aette; Nicholas de Leukemore; William Belet; Ralph de Bakepuz; Bartholomew de Bygod; and others. (fn. 103) Kenilworth: 7 Sept. a. 50 [1266]. Great seal restored.
N. 12. Bailiff's account of the town of Lichfield. 2 & 3 Edw. I. [1273–4.]
Z. 1. [ (fn. 103) ] Ordinance of John [Peckham], archbishop of Canterbury, touching the revision of the stipends of the clergy at Bakewell, &c. 1280. Seal ('restored from a duplicate (fn. 104) ') representing an archbishop vested in pall, chasuble, stole, &c., and with mitre, having in his left hand an archiepiscopal cross and holding up his right in blessing; legend Iohes: dei: gra: archieps [: cantua]rien: tocius: anglie: prima[s]: the reverse showing the martyrdom of St. Thomas. Printed from a transcript in the Registrum Album, f. 102, in Dugdale, vi. 1246b– 1248a, No. xv., but with a bad text. (fn. 105)
A. 10. [ (fn. 103) ] Letters patent of Edward I. quitclaiming to the bishop of Coventry & Lichfield and to the dean and chapter of Lichfield all right in the advowson of the church of Bakewell. Rothelanum [Rhuddlan]: 12 Nov. a. 10 [1282]. Great seal restored.
RR. 3. [ (fn. 103) ] Rental of the treasurer of York cathedral. 1292. 13 leaves, of which the first and last pages are much defaced.
AA. 5. [ (fn. 103) ] Letter to Walter Langton [canon of Sandiacre in the church of Lichfield, afterwards bishop] from a clerk sent on business [possibly connected with the king's wardrobe] to the North. 29 June 1293–5.
Domino suo reverentissimo, (fn. 103) domino W. de Langetoñ suus clericus de Estham cum salute se totum.
Ecce, domine, nocte qua veneram apud Morpath, infirmabar ibidem, et ibi languebar fere usque ad mortem per v. dies, et in convalescendo per iiii. dies, ita quod vix veniebam apud Berwycum in vigilia apostolum Petri et Pauli. Sed modo, laudato Deo, sum satis incolumis et omnes littere mee sunt integre et salve similiter. In crastino apostolorum predictorum ego cepi (fn. 104) iter meum versus regem Scottorum qui (fn. 105) est in remocioribus partibus tocius regni sui. Et visitabo debitores domini nostri regis undique per viam et ostendam eis litteras potestatis nostre et eis strictissime iniungam quod sint apud Berwycum infra certum tempus cum pecunia in qua tenentur. Et impetrabo litteras regis ad compellendum omnes et singulos debitores predictos si necesse fuerit ad debitum solvendum in quo tenentur. Ac bene promitto, volo in fide qua teneor, quod non dormiam in exequcione huius negocii, ut videbitis dum fuero sanus. Litteras directas magistro Johanni Louel et vic' Novi Castri eisdem tradidi ut iussistis. Valeat dominus meus per tempora longiora. Scriptum apud Berwyk' die apostolorum predictorum.
RR. 5. [ (fn. 103) ] "Exitus maneriorum abbacie Burgi sancti Petri tempore vacacionis de baronia a xxv. Sept. anno r. r. xxvij" [1298].
RR. 6. Writ of Edward I. concerning a payment to merchants of Lukes [Lucca] out of the wardrobe. Fragm.
AA. 4. Mandate by W[alter Langton] bishop of Coventry and Lichfield to the prior and chapter of Norwich, for the publication of Clement V.'s decree annulling King Edward I.'s confirmation of the charters. 1306.
W. permissione divina Conventr' et Lich. episcopus, executor ad infrascripta exequenda a sacrosanta sede apostolica deputatus, venerande religionis (fn. 106) viris priori et capitulo Norwy&ctilde; salutem et mandatis apostolicis humiliter obedire. Mandatum sanctissimi patris divina providencia summi pontificis domini Clementis pape quinti, non abolitum, non cancellatum, non abrasum, set suspicione omni carens nec in aliqua sui parte viciatum, vera bulla plumbea et filo canapis modo consueto bullatum, nos recepisse noveritis sub verborum continencia infrascripta:
Clemens episcopus servus servorum Dei venerabili fratri . . episcopo Conventr' et Lich. salutem et apostolicam benediccionem. Regalis devocionis integritas carissimi in Christo filii nostri Edwardi regis Angl. illustris, que in exequendis votis apostolice (fn. 107) sedis viget et viguit manifesta, digne meretur ut sedes ipsa ab eo obnoxia amputet, abstergat incomoda, et fructuosa procuret. Sane nuper digna relacione percepimus quod, ipso olim in Flandrea et antequam illuc eciam accessisset pro sui iuris tuicione contra nonnullos suos emulos et hostes agente, nonnulli regni sui magnates et nobiles alieque persone suo nomini inimice, ex eo oportunitate aptata quod extra regnum occupabatur in oposito emulorum, nisi eisdem quasdam concessiones varias et iniquas, forestas aliaque iura ad coronam et honorem sui culminis spectancia ab antiquo (que eciam priusquam a dicto regno secederet ab ipso impor- tune petebant), fecisset, contra eum conspiraverunt, concitabant populos, et scandala plurima seminabant. Idemque rex prudenter illorum machinacionem advertens ac volens tunc currentis temporis vitare pericula, concessiones huiusmodi duxit plus coactus quam voluntarie faciendas, et tandem in regnum predictum eo postmodum revertente, licet non dum guerris sedatis eisdem, iidem magnates et alii concessiones huiusmodi per importunitatem et presumptuosam instanciam per eum optinuerunt eciam innovari, regalibus super hoc exhibitis litteris ut in omnes infringentes concessiones prefatus bis annis singulis per omnes regni predicti cathedrales ecclesias excommunicacionis sentencia promulgetur, sicut in eisdem litteris regis sigillo signatis plenius et seriosius continetur. Cum itaque sedes ipsa, que regnum prefatum diligit inter omnia regna mundi, et regem ac ipsum regnum gerit in visceribus caritatis, agnoscat concessiones easdem presumptas et factas in sui honoris dispendium et regalis excellencie detrimentum, concessiones easdem et vigorem ipsarum et quicquid per eas fuit quomodolibet subsecutum, ac eciam excommunicacionum sentencias, que in eisdem ecclesiis vel alibi fuerunt per illarum observacionem forsitan promulgate, autoritate apostolica de plenitudine potestatis revocavimus, anullavimus, cassavimus, cassas nullas et irritas nunciavimus, litteras super illis confectas viribus vacuantes, ac descernentes regem ipsum et successores suos reges Angl. ad illarum observanciam decetero non teneri, eciam si de observandis eisdem sacramentum forsitan prestitisset; presertim cum, quando coronacionis sue suscepit solempnia de honore et iuribus corone prefate tenendis (sicut ex parte sua asseritur), prestiterit iuramentum, aut si ad penas aliquas se propterea obligasset, a quibus et reatu periurii, si quem propterea noscitur incurrisse, eum eciam absolvimus ad cautelam: districcius inhibentes venerabilibus fratribus nostris . . archiepiscopis et . . episcopis ceterisque personis tam ecclesiasticis quam secularibus per regnum ipsum ubilibet constitutis, ne ipsi vel quivis ipsorum . . archiepiscopis vel . . episcopis videlicet sub pena suspensionis et ab officiis et beneficiis, quam si per mensem sustinuerint sub [pena] excommunicacionis, quam eos ex tunc nec non omnes et singulos alios incurrere illico volumus ipso facto, ne contra huiusmodi revocacionis, anullacionis, cassacionis, irritacionis, et decreti nostri tenorem aliquid attemptare presumant. Nos enim ex tunc irritum decrevimus et inane si secus super hiis contigeret attemptari . . Quo circa fraternitati tue per apostolica scripta mandamus, quatinus anullacionem, cassacionem, irritacionem, absolucionem, inhibicionem, suspensionis et excommunicacionis sentencias et decretum, ac omnia et singula supradicta, in ecclesiis tuis et locis aliis, de quibus et quociens expedire videris, coram populo solempniter publicare procures, faciens illas autoritate nostra inviolabiliter observari; non obstante si aliquibus a sede apostolica sit indultum quod interdici, suspendi, vel excommunicari non possint per litteras apostolicas non facientes plenam et expressam ac de verbo ad verbum de indulto huiusmodi mencionem, contradictores autoritate nostra appellacione postposita compescendo. Dat. Lugd. Kal. Ianuar. pontificatus nostri anno primo.
Quocirca fraternitati vestre ea que decet reverencia, in virtute obediencie qua sedi apostolice tenemini, iniungendo mandamus, quatinus prefatum mandatum apostolicum in ecclesia vestra Norwycensi cathedrali per tres dies solempnes et festivos post exhibicionem presencium vobis factam immediate sequentes in processionibus solempnibus astante populi multitudine, nee non in sinodis et consistoriis; archidiaconis nichilominus locorum mandantes ut in capitulis singulisque ecclesiis parochialibus et aliis congregacionibus ubi populi occurrit multitudo, publice legi et populo distincte seriatim et aperte exponi solicite procuretis, ipsi eciam id procurent: idem quoque mandatum apostolicum per singula loca colligata vestre diocesis publicari solempniter fac[iatis]: ne ipsius mandati per tot loca et varia promulgati ignorancia futuris valeat temporibus haberi quomodolibet seu pretendi. Ista taliter impleturi in devocionis promptitudine eam quam debetis domino nostro regi reverenciam ostendatis eidem et debitam impendatis obedienciam mandatori, et de execucione huiusmodi rite facta nos certificetis Londoñ citra quindenam Nativitatis beati Iohannis proximo futuram per vestram litteram patentem harum seriem continentem. Ad regimen ecclesie sue sancte in prosperis et votivis per longa tempora feliciter valeatis. Dat. Londoñ iii Id. Maii anno Domini m° ccc° sexto et consecracionis nostre decimo.
A certificate of the authenticity of the bull is appended by the transcriber John "dictus Bouhs," notary public, and John de Colonia and William Bouhs, clerks. 13 May 1306.
A. 11, 12. [ (fn. 108) ] Inspeximus, in duplicate, by Edward II. of A. 10. Westminster: 25 October, a. 14 [1320]. (Fine 100s.) Great seals.
B. 22, 23. Two rolls containing transcripts of royal charters from John to Edward II., and a confirmation by Honorius III. (Lateran: 4 Mar., a. 5 [1221]). [14th cent.]
R. I. Draught of a protestation of the proctor of certain secular priests [presumably canons of Lichfield] claiming the rights of the deanery during a vacancy in the office. [Second quarter of 14th century.]
O. 3. Schedule of muniments inspected in London by William of Brunalston, proctor in the court of arches. 1340:—
"Memorandum quod die lune in festo sancti Edmundi regis anno Domini mcc[c]xl inventa fuerunt omnia infra scripta per magistrum Walterum de Leye' et I. Salamonem [?], visa et inspecta Lond. in domo M. Willelmi de Brunalston procuratoris in Curia de Arcubus, et per manum ciusdem in quadam parva carta depicta * * quibusdam rotunc' purioribus dimissa." (fn. 108)
Vide licet in primis quedam generalis confirmacio episcopi Rogeri recitans cartam Alexandri que sic incipit: Universis sancte matris ecclesie filiis presentem paginam inspecturis; Rogerus miseracione divina Coventr' et Lich. episcopus, &c. Et sic finit: Dat' apud Stanlegh. xij Kal. Maii pontificatus nostri anno quinto. Hiis testibus, fratre Osberto, &c. Non est alia carta.
Item confirmacio eiusdem R. episcopi super ecclesiam de Horburne et capellam de Burbyngham et de Egebastoñ que incipit: R. Dei gracia Cestr' episcopus, &c. Et sic finit: Testante et confirmante hoc capitulo de Lich. et convenlu de Coventr'. Et sunt appensa duo sigilla.
Item composicio de Wolveya inter dominum Galfridum Coventr' episcopum et ecclesiam Lych. ex parte una ct abbatem et monachos de Cumba (fn. 109) ex altera. Et incipit sic: Hec est amicabilis composicio, &c. Et sic finit: Thoma de Beverlaco et multis aliis. Et sunt tria sigilla, sed non est datum.
Item concessio episcopi Ricardi sigillo suo signata super ecclesiis de Thornetoñ et Danileg' et capella de Offelee et Birmyngham et incipit: Ricardus Dei gracia Coventr' episcopus, &c.; et in fine sunt nomina testium, sed caret dato.
Item confirmacio Roger de Wossenham super Baucquell, Hope, et Tyddeswell.. Et incipit: Universis, &c. Et sic finit: Dat' apud Heywod' Nonis Mar' anno Domini mccli. Et memorandum quod ibi dicitur quod subsunt decano et capitulo pleno iure.
Item collacio vicarie de Baucquell facta per capm M. R. Bernard.
Item, quedam littera clausa abbatis de Burtoñ collectoris arrer[iorum] cuiusdam decime, missa decano Lych. pro execucione facienda in ecclesia de Baucquett.
Item, quoddam aliud mandatum directa dicto decano per eundem collectorem &c. Et sic incipit: Viro venerabili, &c. Et sic finit: Anno Domini mcccxv. (fn. 110)
Item, aliud mandatum prolixum continens processum factum per eundem abbatem pro Waltero de Neutoñ. Et incipit: Willelmus permissione, &c. Et sic finit: Indiccione prenotata.
Item, rubricelle extracte in una cedula per Idesworthe et Gloucestr' super visitacione ecclesiarum de Baucquett cum tribus aliis cedulis quedam argumenta continentibus eisdem annexis.
Item, quedam cedula continens copiam statutorum Rogeri vel Hugonis.
Item, quedam commissio Johannis Gasci facta locum tenentibus, que sic incipit: Johannes Gasci, &c. Et sic terminatur: Ad hec vocatus.
Item, procuratoria et substituciones sub manu publica facta et facte dicto M. Willelmo et alils diversis: erant [?] in numero xxxii.
Item, copia unius procuratorii signata in dorso signo magistri Philippi [?] de Pateneye que sic incipit: In Dei nomine, amen. Noveritis universi, &c.
Item, quedam littere et instrumenta concernentes Logor. Inprimis tres commissiones facte priori de Suthwerk per principales delegatos in quadam bulla Iohannis pape ex parte decani et capituli et ceterarum personarum de capitulo contra R. Logor impetrata nominatos.
Item, quinque littere colligate sive annexe concernentes eundem Robertum; videlicet, una inhibicio, una commissio, due subdelegaciones, et una cedula continens acta habita in ecclesia cathedrali Wygorñ.
Item, quoddam instrumentum publicum sub manu Simonis Laurencii de presentatis [? (fn. 111) ] super appellacione facta occasione relaxac' sequestr' interposit' in fructibus ecclesie de Sutham &c.
Item, quedam littera episcopi clausa missa capitulo in qua interdicitur eis quod permitterent offic[ialem] Coventr' (fn. 112) disponere de fructibus ecclesie de Sutham.
Item, quedam bulla pape Iohannis ex parte decani et capituli contra Iohannem de Saleford rectorem ecclesie de Radestok' impetrata.
Item, iiij instrumenta publica sub manu dicti Simonis; videlicet, ii super actis et processu habitis contra dictum Johannem, tercium super porcione [? (fn. 113) ] apostolorum, quartum perhibens testimonium de citacione eiusdem.
Item, commissio prioris Wygorñ.
Item, execucio archidiaconi Wygorñ.
Item, certificator' dicti Iohannis de Saleford.
Attached to this is the certificated transcript of William of Brunalston, which repeats the substance of a portion of the inventory, but is to a great extent effaced.
A. 13. Inspeximus by Edward III. of A. 11. Westminster: 10 April, a. 19 [1345]. (Fine 40s.) Great seal restored.
O. 1. Sacrist's roll, 1346. Printed by Dr. Cox, Catal., append. i., pp. 199–207.
GG. 1.[ (fn. 114) ] Judgment of bishop Roger [Norbury] touching the residence of Roger de Nassyngton chancellor of the church and prebendary of Allerwas. 1357. Seal of bishop Norbury (a prelate vested, holding his right hand in blessing and having in his left a crozier, standing within a tabernacle on the pillars whereof on each side is an escutcheon charged with three leopards passant, and in the space at the base another shield charged with three roses) well preserved.
M. 12. Draught of deed by R. (fn. 115) bishop of L[ichfield] to the master and scholars of St. Michael's House, Cambridge, reciting that whereas "inter cetera que celestis Agricole summa benignitas plantavit in orto ecclesie militantis, illa decet collegia dignis honoribus attollere et favoribus prosequi graciosis, in quibus divinis obsequiis ferventer insistitur ac ad honorem Dei et sacrosancte ecclesie ad ortodoxe fidei incrementum fructuosa sciencia germinatur," Hervey de Staunton, now deceased, "dictam domum vestram fundavit et scolares in sacris ordinibus constitutos in domo ipsa sub perpetuo titulo moraturos et divinis obsequiis instituros ac in theologie et philosophie studio profecturos salubriter ordinavit" but died before completing his endowment, so the house is "manifeste paupertatis onere * * gravata, facultatesque demus predicte pro piis oneribus iuxta ipsius fundatoris ordinacionem iniunctis supportandis non sufficiunt, quantoque ipsa domus vestra opulencioribus facultatibus fuerit augmentata, tanto vos et vobis inibi successuri Deo poteritis devocius famulari et laudabilius proficere in sciencia litterarum": the bishop authorises the appropriation to the House of the church of C[headle] in its patronage.
H. 2. Will of James Denton, dean of Lichfield, making provision "for the payment of vi s. viii d. to one to preche a sermone apon estere day after none yerely in the Cath. churche of lich. aforesaid that is to wytte if my lorde the bysshopp be presente & will preche he to have the said vi s. viii d. or ell if [he] will not then the Dean if he will and if he will not then one of the Chanons resydensary As the said Dean & chapter thynkyth mete and elle suche as the said Dean and chapter shall appoynte" and also 2s. 4d. to the "sexten" "for rynging of the greatt bell to warne & gyffe knowlege for the sermone xii d. and xvi d. for sysz of waxe to the Chauntre preiste such as shalbe presente at matens which be seyd over nyght." 12 May 22 Hen. VIII. [1530].
S. 18–25. Correspondence between Richard Bancroft, archbishop of Canterbury, and the dean and chapter arising out of the former's attempt on three occasions to procure the election of his nominee to a canonry in the church. 1605–1608.
S. 9. Grant by bishop Robert [Wright] to Roger Fleetwood of the prebend of Bobenhull with power to exercise jurisdiction "iuxta vim, formam, et effectum statuti Parliamenti incliti huius regai Angliae." 11 Oct. 1644. (fn. 115)
O. 23. "A Catalogue of plate & Utensils belonging to ye Cathedral Church of Lich: given into Chapter Octr 10th 1726."
Among the documents calendared under O are many accounts, fabric rolls, and other papers relating to the repairs of the cathedral church after the Restoration, and in 1788 and the years following.
Among the Vicars' Muniments, now preserved in the Chapter Registry, is a general pardon by Edward IV. to the succentor and vicars choral (numbered IV. in Dr. Cox's postscript, p. 197 [ (fn. 115) ]). 28 Oct., a. 2 [1462]. Great Seal. With this is preserved the painted and ironbound oak casket in which, as is supposed, the pardon was preserved.
I have, in conclusion, to offer my thanks to the Very Rev. the Dean and the Rev. the Chapter for the liberality with which they granted me every possible convenience in pursuing my examination of their muniments; and I desire especially to express my grateful acknowledgments to the Rev. Canons Lonsdale and Curteis, (fn. 116) and to C. Gresley, Esq., the chapter clerk, for much kindness during my visits to Lichfield.
Reginald L. Poole.