Person indicted for burglary |
1 |
Persons " " horse-stealing |
7 |
" " " larceny |
13 |
" " " larcenies with violence, including highway robberies |
15 |
" " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
2 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
38 |
" " " forcible entry and disseisin |
6 |
" " " forestalling and ingrossing |
8 |
" " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
6 |
" " " keeping alehouses without licence |
4 |
Person " " keeping a brothel |
1 |
" " " keeping a concubine and living dissolutely |
1 |
Persons " " neglecting to keep watches |
2 |
" " " nuisance, in neglecting to scour sewers |
2 |
" " " nuisance, in neglecting to repair a bridge |
2 |
" " " playing unlawful games |
2 |
" " " quarrelling or fomenting quarrels &c. |
3 |
" " " trespassing on private ground and injuring the crop |
2 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
28 |
" acquitted of " " |
4 |
Felon confessing indictment |
1 |
Felons pleading and having benefit of clergy |
2 |
" sentenced to be hung—males 23, female 1 |
24 |
" reprieved |
2 |
" described as being "late of London" |
14 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
2 |
Person " " larceny |
1 |
Persons " " murder |
6 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
9 |
Person indicted for adultery |
1 |
Persons " " forcible entry and disseisin |
3 |
Person " " inducing a servant to desert service |
1 |
Persons " " keeping alehouses without licence |
8 |
Person " " keeping a bowling-alley, frequented by ill-disposed persons |
1 |
" " " keeping a brothel |
1 |
Persons " " keeping a disorderly alehouse with unlawful games |
2 |
Person " " quarrelling and provoking to breach of peace &c. |
1 |
" " " selling wine by retail at excessive rates |
1 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
4 |
Person acquitted of " " |
1 |
Felon pleading and having benefit of clergy |
1 |
Felons sentenced to be hung—males 2, female 1 |
3 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
4 |
Person indicted for burglary |
1 |
Persons " " larceny |
7 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
4 |
" " " larcenies from the person (done with secrecy or violence), including highway robberies |
9 |
Person " " murder |
1 |
" " " sheep-stealing |
1 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
23 |
" " " assault and battery |
1 |
Persons " " keeping alehouses without licence |
2 |
" " " keeping brothels |
2 |
" " " selling wine by retail at excessive rates |
2 |
Person " " stopping a public way |
1 |
Persons " " trespassing on private ground and taking underwood |
12 |
" " " " and trampling down grass |
19 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
20 |
" acquitted of " " |
3 |
Felons pleading and having benefit of clergy |
8 |
" sentenced to be hung—males 11, female 1 |
12 |
" reprieved |
2 |
" described in the indictments as being "nuper de London" |
14 |
Number of Persons. |
Persons indicted for burglary |
7 |
" " " coining and uttering counterfeit money |
6 |
" " " horse-stealing |
13 |
" " " larceny |
29 |
Person " " larceny with housebreaking |
1 |
Persons " " larcenies with violence, including highway robberies |
16 |
" " " manslaughter |
4 |
" " " murder |
2 |
" " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
2 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
80 |
" " " assembling riotously and making riot |
15 |
Person " " converting arable land into pasture |
1 |
Persons " " forcible entry and disseisin |
7 |
Person " " forestalling |
1 |
Persons " " keeping alehouses without licence |
2 |
" " " keeping disorderly alehouses |
5 |
" " " keeping a gambling-house |
2 |
" " " neglecting to fence in "the young sprynge of underwood" |
2 |
" " " neglecting to repair bridges |
2 |
Constable " " neglecting to pursue a thief |
1 |
Parish " " neglecting to have stocks, cage and buttes |
1 |
Persons " " neglecting to provide themselves with bows and arrows |
13 |
" " " nuisance, in diverting or stopping water-courses |
3 |
Person " " " in keeping swine offensively |
1 |
" " " " in putting dung &c. on a highway |
1 |
" " " pretending to be in Lord Pagett's service |
1 |
Persons " " quarrelling, fomenting quarrels &c. |
6 |
" " " refusing to take service in their proper vocations |
2 |
Person " " selling wine unlawfully |
1 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
51 |
" acquitted of " " |
7 |
Felons confessing indictments |
7 |
Culprit standing and sentenced to the 'peine forte et dure' |
1 |
Felons pleading and having benefit of clergy |
6 |
" sentenced to be hung—males 39, females 3 |
42 |
" reprieved |
11 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
6 |
Felons described as being "late of London" |
33 |
N.B.—The recorded sentence of Philip Furney, convicted of making and
uttering counterfeit half-sovereigns, is "quod trahatur et suspendatur," no
mention being made of the other usual penalties of the offence.
Number of Persons. |
Person indicted for larceny |
1 |
" " " sheep-stealing |
1 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
2 |
Persons " " assault and battery |
2 |
Person " " " with sword |
1 |
Persons " " keeping alehouses without licence |
3 |
" " " keeping disorderly houses and harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
2 |
Bailiff " " making an illegal arrest &c. |
1 |
Person " " nuisance, in neglecting (to the injury of a highway) to cleanse ditches and lop branches |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in neglecting to repair a public way |
1 |
Persons " " trespassing on private ground and cutting oak-trees |
3 |
" " " " and driving off cows |
7 |
Person convicted of capital felonies |
1 |
Felon pleading and having benefit of clergy |
1 |
Culprit (with an indictment for capital felony found against him) at large |
1 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
8 |
" " " horse-stealing |
9 |
" " " larceny |
19 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
6 |
" " " larcenies done with violence, including highway robberies |
5 |
Person " " manslaughter |
1 |
" " " murder |
1 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
49 |
Persons " " forcible entry and disseisin |
3 |
Person " " enclosing part of a highway and neglecting to scour a ditch by the side of the same way |
1 |
" " " keeping a bowling-alley |
1 |
" " " keeping a disorderly alehouse |
1 |
" " " keeping a disorderly house and harbouring suspected persons |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in making a laystall near a public way |
1 |
Parish " " nuisance, in neglecting to repair a highway |
1 |
Person indicted for pretending to be in the service of Richard Dennys esq. |
1 |
" " " quarrelling, fomenting discords &c. |
1 |
" " " refusing to provide a cart for the repair of highways |
1 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
32 |
" acquitted of " " |
5 |
Felon confessing indictment |
1 |
Culprit standing mute and therefore sentenced to 'peine forte et dure' |
1 |
Felons pleading and having benefit of clergy |
5 |
" sentenced to be hung—males 21, females 2 |
23 |
" reprieved |
3 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
8 |
Felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
18 |
N.B.—The record of sentence on the one culprit who stood mute is
'Ideo eat ad penam,' nothing being said as to the nature of the penalty;
but the 'peine forte et dure' is of course indicated.
Persons indicted for burglary |
7 |
" " " horse-stealing |
3 |
" " " larceny. |
49 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
6 |
Person " " murder |
1 |
Persons " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
8 |
Person " " rape |
1 |
Persons " " sheep-stealing |
3 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
78 |
" " " assembling riotously and making riot &c. |
4 |
Person " " brawling in church |
1 |
" " " entering a close and distraining swine |
1 |
" " " inducing a servant to desert service |
1 |
Persons " " keeping alehouses without licence |
2 |
Person " " keeping a bowling-alley |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in neglecting to repair a public way |
1 |
" " " paying a servant excessive wages |
1 |
Persons " " quarrelling, fomenting quarrels, inciting to breach of peace &c. |
5 |
Person " " selling beer at excessive price |
1 |
" " " selling wine against the form of a certain statute |
1 |
" " " trespassing on private ground and carrying off a post and gate |
1 |
Person indicted for trespassing on private ground and driving off cows |
1 |
" " " unlawful arrest and imprisonment |
1 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
59 |
" acquitted of " " |
14 |
Felons confessing indictments |
3 |
" pleading and having benefit of clergy |
19 |
" sentenced to be hung—males 29, females 2 |
31 |
" reprieved |
11 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
2 |
Felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
41 |
Person indicted for horse-stealing |
1 |
Persons " " larceny |
12 |
Person " " larceny with housebreaking |
1 |
Persons " " larcenies with violence, including highway robberies |
5 |
Person " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
1 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
20 |
Persons " " assault and battery |
2 |
Person " " following a vocation without having served an apprenticeship to it |
1 |
Persons " " forcible entry and disseisin |
9 |
Person " " keeping alehouse without licence |
1 |
" " " keeping disorderly alehouse |
1 |
" " " keeping a disorderly house with unlawful games |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in keeping a tallow-melting house |
1 |
Parishes " " nuisance, in neglecting to guard a deep pond with chain or railings |
2 |
Persons " " quarrelling, fomenting quarrels, inciting to breach of the peace &c. |
4 |
Person " " trespassing on private ground and driving off cattle |
1 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
16 |
" acquitted of " " |
4 |
Felons pleading and having benefit of clergy |
6 |
" sentenced to be hung,—males 6 |
6 |
" reprieved |
3 |
" described in the indictments as "late of London" |
5 |
Number of Persons. |
Persons indicted for burglary |
5 |
Person " " fowl-stealing |
1 |
Persons " " horse-stealing |
3 |
" " " larceny |
20 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
17 |
" " " larcenies from the person (done with secrecy or violence), including highway robberies |
9 |
Person " " manslaughter |
1 |
Persons " " ox (cow, &c.) stealing |
2 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
58 |
Person " " assault with sword |
1 |
Persons " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
4 |
" " " keeping alehouses without licence |
4 |
Person " " keeping a bowling-alley |
1 |
Persons " " keeping disorderly houses with unlawful games |
8 |
Person " " nuisance, in keeping a slaughter-house |
1 |
Persons " " nuisance, in keeping swine in the street |
4 |
Person " " nuisance, in neglecting to empty a privy |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in neglecting to cleanse and scour a sewer |
1 |
Parish " " nuisance, in neglecting to guard a deep pond with chain or railings |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in neglecting to repair a highway |
1 |
Person " " nuisance, in neglecting to repair a pavement |
1 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
43 |
" acquitted of " " |
3 |
Felons confessing indictments |
3 |
" pleading and having benefit of clergy |
9 |
" sentenced to be hung,—males 20, females 2 |
22 |
" reprieved |
13 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
3 |
Felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
16 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
6 |
" " " fowl-stealing |
2 |
" " " horse-stealing |
8 |
" " " larceny |
23 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
3 |
Persons indicted for larcenies from the person (done with violence), including highway robberies |
5 |
" " " manslaughter |
4 |
Person " " murder |
1 |
Persons " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
3 |
" " " sheep-stealing |
4 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
59 |
Person " " assault and battery |
1 |
Persons " " breaking into a free warren, and killing rabbits and assaulting persons there |
6 |
" " " forcible entry and disseisin |
5 |
Person " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons and playing unlawful games |
1 |
Persons " " keeping alehouses without licence |
2 |
Person " " keeping a bowling-alley |
1 |
Persons " " keeping disorderly alehouses |
2 |
Person " " neglecting to keep watch |
1 |
Parish " " not having butts |
1 |
Person " " nuisance, in keeping swine and an offal-yard offensively |
1 |
Persons " " nuisance, in neglecting to scour ditches |
2 |
Person " " nuisance, in neglecting to repair a bridge |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in putting dung &c. on the highway |
1 |
Persons " " quarrelling, fomenting quarrels, &c. |
3 |
Person " " trespassing on private ground and trampling down grass |
1 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
45 |
" acquitted of " " |
4 |
Felons confessing indictments |
5 |
" pleading and having benefit of clergy |
8 |
" sentenced to be hung,—males 27, females 3 |
30 |
" reprieved |
7 |
Culprit (with indictments for capital felony found against him) at large |
1 |
Felons described in the indictments as "late of London " |
16 |
Persons indicted for larceny |
2 |
" " " larcenies (done with secrecy or violence), including highway robberies |
8 |
Person " " manslaughter |
1 |
" " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
1 |
Persons " " rape |
2 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
14 |
Person indicted for adultery and disorderly living |
1 |
Persons " " assault and battery |
4 |
Person " " assault with dagger |
1 |
Persons " " assembling riotously and making riot &c. |
15 |
" " " forcible entry and disseisin |
8 |
Parish " " nuisance, in neglecting to repair a highway |
1 |
Persons " " trespassing on private ground and trampling down grass |
3 |
Person " " unlawful imprisonment and extortion |
1 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
9 |
" acquitted of " " |
4 |
Felon pleading and having benefit of clergy |
1 |
Felons sentenced to be hung,—males 5, females 2 |
7 |
Felon reprieved—before sentence 1 |
1 |
Felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
6 |
Person indicted for horse-stealing |
1 |
Persons " " larceny |
14 |
Person " " larceny from the person, done secretly and without notice |
1 |
Persons " " sheep-stealing |
3 |
Person " " ox-stealing |
1 |
Total of persons indicted for capital felonies |
20 |
Persons " " assault and battery |
2 |
" " " " with sword |
2 |
Person " " assaulting an officer and hindering him &c. in the execution of his duty |
1 |
" " " quarrelling and provoking to breach of peace |
1 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
13 |
" acquitted of " " |
5 |
Felons pleading and having benefit of clergy |
4 |
" sentenced to be hung,—males 9 |
9 |
Culprit (indictment for capital felony found against him) at large |
1 |
Felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
11 |
Persons indicted for horse-stealing |
2 |
" " " larceny |
8 |
Person indicted for manslaughter |
1 |
" " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
1 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
12 |
" " " assault and battery |
1 |
" " " assault with dagger |
1 |
" " " extortion by abuse of office as King's wain-taker |
1 |
Persons " " forcible entry and disseisin |
6 |
" " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
6 |
Person " " inducing an apprentice to desert service |
1 |
Persons " " keeping disorderly houses with unlawful games |
2 |
Person " " nuisance, in diverting a water-course |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in diverting and stopping a watercourse |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in removing a public foot-bridge |
1 |
Persons " " pretending to be and unlawfully acting as constables |
4 |
" " " quarrelling and provoking to breach of peace &c. |
4 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
11 |
" acquitted of " " |
1 |
Felons pleading and having benefit of clergy |
2 |
" sentenced to be hung,—males 7, female 1 |
8 |
" reprieved—before judgment 1, after judgment 1 |
2 |
" described in the indictments as "late of London" |
8 |
Person indicted for burglary |
1 |
Persons " " horse-stealing |
5 |
" " " larceny |
20 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
3 |
" " " larcenies with violence, including highway robberies |
9 |
" " " manslaughter |
2 |
Person " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
1 |
" " " pig-stealing |
1 |
" " " sheep-stealing |
1 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
43 |
Persons " " petty larceny |
2 |
" " " assault and battery |
2 |
" " " assaulting officers and hindering them in the execution of their duty |
2 |
" " " assembling riotously and making riot &c. |
10 |
Person " " deserting service |
1 |
Person indicted for encroaching on a highway by building |
1 |
Persons " " forcible entry and disseisin |
2 |
" " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
5 |
" " " keeping ale-houses without licence |
10 |
" " " keeping disorderly ale-houses, with unlawful games |
2 |
" " " keeping disorderly houses |
3 |
" " " neglecting to move and turn earth, dug up for making tiles |
7 |
Person " " nuisance, in neglecting to repair a public way |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in putting dung &c. on a public way |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in blocking a public sewer |
1 |
" " " quarrelling and provoking to breach of peace &c |
1 |
" " " trespassing on private ground and taking wood |
1 |
" " " " and trampling down grass &c. |
1 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
34 |
" acquitted of " " |
4 |
Felons pleading and having benefit of clergy |
9 |
" sentenced to be hung—males 22 |
22 |
" reprieved—before sentence 3, after sentence 1 |
4 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
4 |
Felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
22 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
8 |
" " " horse-stealing |
5 |
" " " larceny |
26 |
Person " " larceny with housebreaking |
1 |
Persons " " larcenies done with violence, highway robberies |
2 |
Person " " manslaughter |
1 |
Persons " " murder |
2 |
" " " sheep-stealing |
3 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
48 |
" " " petty larceny |
2 |
" " " assault and battery |
12 |
" " " assaulting and hindering officers in the execution of their duty |
2 |
" " " assembling riotously and making riot on private ground |
9 |
" " " buying and selling grain without licence |
4 |
Person " " cheating and cosening |
1 |
Persons " " following lawful callings in forbidden ways |
8 |
Persons indicted for forcible entry and disseisin |
2 |
" " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
4 |
" " " keeping ale-houses without licence |
4 |
" " " keeping bowling-alleys |
4 |
Person " " killing and dressing flesh in Lent |
1 |
" " " not coming to church |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in keeping a savage dog |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in making a privy |
1 |
Persons " " quarrelling, fomenting quarrels, inciting to breach of peace &c. |
8 |
" " " taking livery, given in consideration of service &c |
9 |
Person " " taking and removing a horse |
1 |
" " " trespassing on private ground &c. |
1 |
Persons " " vagabondage |
28 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
34 |
" acquitted of " " |
10 |
Felons pleading and having benefit of clergy |
12 |
" sentenced to be hung—males 18, females 3 |
21 |
" reprieved—before judgment 1, after judgment 2 |
3 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
2 |
Felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
20 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
3 |
" " " horse-stealing |
4 |
" " " larceny |
14 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
2 |
Person " " larceny from the person, done with violence |
1 |
" " " manslaughter |
1 |
Persons " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
4 |
Person " " sheep-stealing |
1 |
" " " witchcraft &c |
1 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
31 |
" " " cheating and cosening |
1 |
" " " forestalling |
1 |
" " " forcible entry and disseisin |
1 |
Persons " " keeping brothels |
2 |
Person " " keeping a disorderly house, with unlawful games |
1 |
Person " " nuisance, in putting dung &c. near a public way |
1 |
Persons " " stopping public ways |
2 |
Persons indicted for trespassing on private ground and cutting trees |
2 |
" " " vagabondage |
11 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
18 |
" acquitted of " " |
9 |
Felons pleading and having benefit of clergy |
4 |
" sentenced to be hung—males 13, females 1 |
14 |
Felon reprieved—after judgment 1 |
1 |
Felons described in the indictments as " late of London " |
8 |
Persons indicted for horse-stealing |
17 |
" " " larceny |
34 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
2 |
" " " larcenies from the person done with violence, including highway robberies |
9 |
Person " " manslaughter |
1 |
" " " murder |
1 |
Persons " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
4 |
Person " " rape |
1 |
Persons " " vagabondage (persistent and incorrigible) |
3 |
Person " " witchcraft |
1 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
73 |
Persons " " petty larceny |
3 |
" " " assembling riotously and making riot &c. |
6 |
" " " breaking into a chase and hunting deer |
2 |
Person " " discharging a servant without cause |
1 |
" " " encroaching on a highway by building |
1 |
" " " forcible entry and disseisin |
1 |
" " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
1 |
Persons " " keeping ale-houses without licence |
2 |
" " " keeping brothels |
3 |
Person " " keeping a disorderly house, with unlawful games |
1 |
" " " keeping a savage dog |
1 |
Butchers " " killing, dressing, and selling flesh in Lent |
14 |
Person " " negotiating a usurious bargain |
1 |
Person " " nuisance, in neglecting to repair a pavement |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in stopping a public way |
1 |
Mainpernors " permitting their prisoner to escape |
1 |
Person " " seducing a married woman |
1 |
" " " usury |
1 |
Persons " " vagabondage |
32 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
52 |
" acquitted of " " |
9 |
Felons pleading and having benefit of clergy |
15 |
" sentenced to be hung—males 35, female 1 |
36 |
" reprieved before judgment |
1 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
5 |
Felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
28 |
Person indicted for burglary |
1 |
Persons " " horse-stealing |
3 |
" " " larceny |
18 |
Person " " larceny with housebreaking |
1 |
" " " manslaughter |
1 |
Persons " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
2 |
" " " sheep-stealing |
13 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
39 |
" " " petty larceny |
2 |
" " " assault and battery |
2 |
" " " assembling riotously and making riot |
11 |
" " " desertion of service |
2 |
Person " " forcible entry and disseisin |
1 |
Persons " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
9 |
Person " " inclosing public ground |
1 |
Persons " " keeping ale-houses without licence |
6 |
" " " keeping bowling-alleys |
4 |
" " " keeping disorderly houses, with unlawful games |
3 |
Butchers " " killing, dressing, and selling flesh in Lent |
71 |
Person " " neglecting to aid a constable in the performance of his duty |
1 |
" " " neglecting to assist in the repair of highways |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in encroaching on a highway by building |
1 |
Persons " " nuisance, in neglecting to scour sewers |
2 |
Person " " nuisance, in neglecting to draw water off a highway |
1 |
Persons " " nuisance, in putting leystalls or dung-hills on highways |
3 |
Person " " nuisance, in stopping a public way |
1 |
Persons " " playing football riotously |
15 |
Persons indicted for quarrelling, fomenting discords, inciting to breach of peace |
6 |
" " " selling bread by light weight |
2 |
" " " trespassing riotously and making riot on private ground |
8 |
" " " vagabondage |
12 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
27 |
" acquitted of " " |
5 |
Felons pleading and having benefit of clergy |
11 |
" sentenced to be hung—males 12 |
12 |
" reprieved, before judgment |
4 |
Culprit (with an indictment for capital felony found against him) at large |
1 |
Felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
18 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
2 |
" " " horse-stealing |
6 |
" " " larceny |
33 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
5 |
" " " larcenies from the person, done with violence, including highway robberies |
6 |
Person " " manslaughter |
1 |
Persons " " murder |
3 |
" " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
5 |
" " " sheep-stealing |
2 |
" " " vagabondage (persistent and incorrigible) |
3 |
Person " " witchcraft |
1 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
67 |
" " " petty larceny |
1 |
Persons " " assault and battery |
2 |
Person " " assaulting an officer and hindering him in the execution of his office &c. |
1 |
" " " cheating and cosening |
1 |
Persons " " forestalling and ingrossing |
3 |
" " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
3 |
Person " " holding a coroner's inquest-post-mortem without authority |
1 |
Persons " " keeping ale-houses without licence |
2 |
Person " " keeping a bowling-alley |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in keeping a privy offensively |
1 |
Person indicted for nuisance, in making a ditch by the side of a highway |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in stopping a public sewer |
1 |
Persons " " refusing to keep watch |
2 |
Person " " trespassing into a house and destroying a bench there |
1 |
Persons " " vagabondage |
5 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
50 |
" acquitted of " " |
8 |
Felons confessing indictments |
7 |
" pleading and having benefit of clergy |
10 |
" sentenced to be hung—males 34, females 3 |
37 |
" reprieved -before judgment 3, after judgment 1 |
4 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
6 |
Felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
36 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
11 |
" " " horse-stealing |
12 |
" " " larceny |
44 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
6 |
" " " larcenies from the person (done with secrecy or violence), including highway robberies |
10 |
" " " manslaughter |
2 |
" " " murder |
4 |
" " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
2 |
" " " pig-stealing |
2 |
Person " " rape |
1 |
Persons " " sheep-stealing |
2 |
" " " vagabondage (persistent and incorrigible) |
3 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
99 |
Persons convicted of petty larceny, five of them being so convicted on indictments for grand larceny |
7 |
Persons indicted for aiding &c. in celebration of mass |
2 |
" " " assault and battery |
3 |
" " " assaulting officers and hindering them in the execution of their duty &c. |
3 |
" " " assembling riotously and making riot |
3 |
Priest " " celebrating mass |
1 |
Person " " cheating and cosening |
1 |
" " " forcible entry and disseisin |
1 |
Persons " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
3 |
" " " keeping ale-houses without licence |
2 |
Persons indicted for keeping brothels |
4 |
Person " " keeping a disorderly house, with unlawful games |
1 |
" " " neglecting to aid in repairing highways |
1 |
Persons " " nuisance, in keeping swine offensively |
3 |
" " " nuisance, in putting dung or rubbish &c. on high ways |
2 |
Person " " nuisance, in removing a public gate |
1 |
Persons " " nuisance, in stopping public footways |
2 |
" " " playing with dice |
3 |
Person " " putting wheels and wheelwrights' goods in a highway |
1 |
Persons " " quarrelling, inciting to quarrel &c. |
3 |
Person " " refusing to keep watch |
1 |
" " " selling unwholesome meat |
1 |
Persons " " vagabondage |
23 |
" " " wearing the " Agnus Dei' |
2 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
70 |
" acquitted of " " |
12 |
Felons confessing indictments |
12 |
" pleading and having benefit of clergy |
11 |
" sentenced to be hung—males 53, females 3 |
56 |
" reprieved—before judgment 3, after judgment 1 |
4 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
10 |
Felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
47 |
Persons indicted for horse-stealing |
14 |
" " " larceny |
24 |
" " " larcenies done with violence, including highway robberies |
2 |
" " " manslaughter |
2 |
" " " murder |
2 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
44 |
Person convicted of petty larceny, being so convicted on an indictment for grand larceny |
1 |
Persons indicted for assault and battery |
3 |
" " " assembling riotously and making riot |
13 |
" " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
4 |
" " " keeping ale-houses without licence |
4 |
Person " " keeping a brothel |
1 |
Persons " " keeping disorderly houses, with unlawful games |
2 |
Persons indicted for nuisance, in keeping swine offensively |
3 |
Person " " nuisance, in putting rubbish and garbage on the highway |
1 |
" " " raising a riot and rescuing animals distrained for rent |
1 |
Persons " " trespassing riotously on private ground |
5 |
Person " " " " and taking away two wains of corn |
1 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
31 |
" acquitted of " " |
3 |
Capital felons confessing indictments |
7 |
" " pleading and having benefit of clergy |
12 |
" " sentenced to be hung—males 17, female 1 |
18 |
" " reprieved—before judgment 1, after judgment 2 |
3 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
7 |
Capital felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
25 |
Persons indicted for horse-stealing |
2 |
" " " larceny |
16 |
Person " " larceny with housebreaking |
1 |
Persons " " larcenies from the person (done with secrecy or violence), including highway robberies |
4 |
" " " murder |
4 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
27 |
Persons convicted of petty larceny, one of them being so convicted on an indictment for grand larceny |
2 |
Persons indicted for assault and battery |
2 |
" " " forcible entry and disseisin |
4 |
" " " gathering tumultuous assemblies to hear and see plays at 'the Theatre' |
2 |
Person " " keeping an alehouse without licence |
1 |
" " " keeping a brothel |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in keeping swine offensively |
1 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
20 |
" acquitted of " " |
6 |
Felons confessing indictments |
2 |
" sentenced to be hung—males 18 |
18 |
" reprieved—before judgment 2, after judgment 1 |
3 |
Felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
17 |
Number of Persons. |
Person indicted for burglary |
1 |
Persons " " horse-stealing |
6 |
" " " larceny |
30 |
" " " larcenies from the person (done with secrecy or violence), including highway robberies |
3 |
Person " " manslaughter |
1 |
Persons " " murder |
6 |
" " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
3 |
" " " sheep-stealing |
2 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
52 |
Persons convicted of petty larceny, four of them being so convicted on indictments for grand larceny |
7 |
" indicted for assault and battery |
13 |
" " " assembling riotously and making riot with daggers &c |
4 |
Person " " buying and selling victuals as an unlicensed "kydder" |
1 |
Persons " " forcible entry and disseisin |
7 |
" " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
6 |
" " " keeping ale-houses without licence |
3 |
" " " keeping brothels |
2 |
" " " keeping disorderly houses, with unlawful games |
4 |
" " " maliciously causing persons to be arrested |
2 |
" " " not coming to church &c. |
66 |
Person " " nuisance, in building a hog-sty |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in emptying a privy |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in encroaching on a highway |
1 |
Persons " " trespassing riotously on private ground |
8 |
" " " " " and bathing in a brook |
2 |
Person " " " " and trenching and sowing the same ground with seed |
1 |
Persons " " vagabondage |
6 |
" convicted of capital felonies |
34 |
" acquitted of " " |
10 |
Felons confessing indictments |
2 |
" having benefit of clergy |
13 |
" sentenced to be hung—males 15, females 3 |
18 |
" reprieved before judgment |
3 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
7 |
Felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
18 |
Number of Persons. |
Persons indicted for burglary |
2 |
" " " horse-stealing |
20 |
" " " larceny |
35 |
" " " larcenies from the person (done with secrecy or violence), including highway robberies |
13 |
" " " manslaughter |
2 |
Person " " murder |
1 |
Persons " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
8 |
Person " " pig-stealing |
1 |
" " " rape |
1 |
Persons " " sheep-stealing |
12 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
95 |
" convicted of petty larceny, five of them being so convicted on indictments for grand larceny &c. |
7 |
Person " " assault and battery |
1 |
Persons " " assaulting and hindering officers &c. |
4 |
Priest " " celebrating mass |
1 |
Administrators " detaining money of an intestate's estate |
2 |
Persons " " following the vocation of tailors in a prohibited way |
3 |
" " " forcible entry and disseisin |
4 |
" " " keeping ale-houses without licence |
6 |
Person " " keeping a bowling-alley |
1 |
" " " keeping a brothel |
1 |
" " " keeping a disorderly house, with unlawful games |
1 |
Persons " " not coming to church &c. |
34 |
" " " nuisance, in keeping swine offensively |
4 |
Person " " nuisance, in making a saw-pit |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in neglecting to scour a sewer |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in neglecting to provide tenements with privies |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in stopping a water-course |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in stopping a footpath |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in throwing offal and garbage into a sewer |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in throwing offal &c. on a public way |
1 |
Persons " " playing unlawful games |
2 |
" " " quarrelling, inciting to breach of peace, &c. |
4 |
" " " trespassing riotously on private ground |
3 |
" " " " " into a private house and committing assaults &c. |
8 |
" " " " " into a private house and breaking a window |
7 |
Persons indicted for trespassing riotously into a private house and pulling down a wall |
2 |
" " " vagabondage |
8 |
" convicted of capital felonies |
70 |
" acquitted of " " |
13 |
Felons confessing indictments |
14 |
" pleading and having benefit of clergy |
25 |
" sentenced to be hung—males 39, female 1 |
40 |
" reprieved—before judgment 5, after judgment 5 |
10 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
7 |
Felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
30 |
Persons indicted for horse-stealing |
7 |
" " " larceny |
43 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
3 |
" " " larcenies done with violence, including highway robberies |
7 |
" " " manslaughter |
3 |
" " " murder |
4 |
" " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
2 |
" " " sheep-stealing |
3 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
72 |
" convicted of petty larceny, two of them being so convicted on indictments for grand larceny |
4 |
Person " " assault and battery |
1 |
Pessons " " assault with dagger |
2 |
" " " assembling riotously and making riot &c. |
24 |
" " " extortion by colour of office |
2 |
" " " following the vocation of baker without having been apprenticed thereto |
3 |
Person " " following vocation of tailor in prohibited way |
1 |
Persons " " forcible entry and disseisin |
2 |
Person " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
1 |
Persons " " keeping ale-houses without licence |
2 |
" " " not coming to church &c. |
36 |
Person " " nuisance, in not providing tenements with privies |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in stopping a public way |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in throwing offal into a street |
1 |
Persons " " quarrelling, inciting to breach of peace &c. |
2 |
Person " " selling unwholesome flesh |
1 |
" " " trespassing on private ground and putting sheep thereon &c. |
1 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
46 |
" acquitted of " " |
18 |
Felons confessing indictments |
9 |
" pleading and having benefit of clergy |
18 |
" sentenced to be hung—males, 24 |
24 |
" reprieved—before judgment, 4 |
4 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felons found against them) at large |
Felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
35 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
10 |
" " " horse-stealing |
28 |
" " " larceny |
100 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
10 |
" " " larcenies from the person (done with secrecy or violence), including highway robberies |
14 |
" " " manslaughter |
4 |
" " " murder |
5 |
" " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
6 |
Person " " rape |
1 |
Persons " " sheep-stealing |
11 |
Person " " witchcraft |
1 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
190 |
Persons convicted of petty larceny, six of them being so convicted on indictments for grand larceny |
8 |
" indicted for assault and battery |
2 |
" " " assembling riotously and making riot |
7 |
Person " " extortion |
1 |
Persons " " forcible entry and disseisin |
4 |
Person " " keeping an ale-house without licence |
1 |
" " " keeping a brothel |
1 |
" " " keeping a school without the bishop's licence |
1 |
Persons " " not coming to church &c. |
33 |
Person " " nuisance, in stopping a public way |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in throwing blood and offal on a highway |
1 |
" " " quarrelling, inciting to breach of peace &c. |
1 |
" " " speaking seditious words |
1 |
" " " threatening to burn a barn |
1 |
" " " trespassing on private ground &c. |
11 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
120 |
" acquitted of " " |
43 |
Felons confessing indictments |
26 |
" pleading and having benefit of clergy |
39 |
" sentenced to be hung—males 65, female 1 |
66 |
" pardoned or reprieved—before judgment 15 |
15 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
18 |
Felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
75 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
5 |
" " " horse-stealing |
10 |
" " " larceny |
31 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
9 |
" " " larcenies from the person (done with secrecy or violence), including highway robberies |
4 |
" " " manslaughter |
3 |
Person " " murder |
1 |
Persons " " sheep-stealing |
5 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
68 |
Persons convicted of petty larceny, one of them being so convicted on an indictment for grand larceny |
5 |
Person indicted for aiding in the celebration of mass |
1 |
Persons " " assault and battery |
4 |
Person " " buying and selling beans as "a badger" without a licence |
1 |
Priest " " celebrating a private mass |
1 |
Persons " " forcible entry and disseisin |
3 |
" " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons &c. |
3 |
Person " " incest |
1 |
" " " keeping an ale-house without licence |
1 |
" " " keeping a brothel |
1 |
Persons " " keeping disorderly houses, with unlawful games |
4 |
" " " not coming to church &c. |
53 |
Person " " nuisance, in keeping a slaughter-house |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in keeping swine offensively |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in throwing blood and offal on a highway |
1 |
Persons " " playing unlawful games |
4 |
" " " quarrelling, fomenting quarrels and inciting to breach of the peace &c. |
5 |
Person " " refusing to keep watch |
1 |
" " " withholding a servant from service |
1 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
39 |
" acquitted of " " |
17 |
Felons confessing indictments |
7 |
" pleading and having benefit of clergy |
15 |
" sentenced to be hung |
16 |
" reprieved—before judgment 8 |
8 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
7 |
Felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
22 |
Persons indicted for horse-stealing |
3 |
" " " larceny |
22 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
2 |
" " " sheep-stealing |
3 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
30 |
Persons convicted of petty larceny, all of them being so convicted on indictments for grand larceny |
3 |
Person indicted for assault and battery |
1 |
" " " assaulting officers and hindering them in the execution of their duty |
1 |
Persons " " assembling riotously and committing riot |
6 |
Person " " inclosing public ground |
1 |
Persons " " keeping disorderly houses, with unlawful games |
2 |
" " " not coming to church &c. |
25 |
" " " quarrelling, inciting to breach of peace &c. |
3 |
" convicted of capital felonies |
17 |
" acquitted of " " |
8 |
Felon confessing indictment |
1 |
Felons pleading and having benefit of clergy |
3 |
" sentenced to be hung—males 10 |
10 |
" reprieved—before judgment 3 |
3 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
2 |
Felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
7 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
14 |
" " " horse-stealing |
13 |
Persons indicted for larceny |
44 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
2 |
" " " larcenies done with violence, including highway robberies |
11 |
" " " manslaughter |
3 |
Person " " murder |
1 |
Persons " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
2 |
" " " sheep-stealing |
19 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
109 |
" " " assault and battery |
3 |
Person " " forcible entry and disseisin |
1 |
Persons " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
12 |
" " " keeping ale-houses without licence |
6 |
" " " keeping brothels |
6 |
" " " not coming to church &c. |
55 |
Person " " nuisance, in making a privy near a highway |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in keeping swine offensively |
1 |
Persons " " trespassing riotously on private ground |
3 |
" convicted of capital felonies |
69 |
" acquitted of " " |
23 |
Felons confessing indictments |
19 |
" pleading and having benefit of clergy |
31 |
" sentenced to be hung—males 28 |
28 |
" reprieved—before judgment 10, after judgment 1 |
11 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
10 |
Felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
48 |
Catholic priests indicted for being and remaining traitorously in the country |
2 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
3 |
Person " " forging and counterfeiting an obligatory bond |
1 |
Persons " " horse-stealing |
17 |
" " " larceny |
33 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
3 |
" " " manslaughter |
2 |
" " " murder |
7 |
" " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
3 |
Person " " receiving and comforting &c. catholic priests being and remaining traitorously in the country |
1 |
Person indicted for sheep-stealing |
1 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
73 |
Persons convicted of petty larceny, two of them being so convicted on indictments for grand larceny |
6 |
Person indicted for assault and battery |
1 |
" " " assault with sword |
1 |
" " " cheating and cosening |
1 |
" " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
1 |
" " " keeping an ale-house without licence |
1 |
" " " not coming to church &c. |
5 |
" " " nuisance, in stopping an ancient way |
1 |
Persons " " nuisance, in throwing garbage and offal into a pit near a highway |
2 |
" " " quarrelling, provoking to breach of peace &c. |
3 |
Person " " selling wine at excessive price |
1 |
Persons " " taking wrongful possession of a way leading into a stable |
2 |
" " " trespassing riotously on private ground &c. |
3 |
Person " " " and throwing down a wall |
1 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
43 |
" acquitted of " " |
18 |
Felons confessing indictments |
16 |
" pleading and having benefit of clergy |
15 |
" sentenced to be hanged—males 19, females 2 |
21 |
" reprieved—before judgment 4, after judgment 2 |
6 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
10 |
Felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
28 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
5 |
" " " horse-stealing |
2 |
" " " larceny |
9 |
" " " larcenies from the person (done with secrecy or violence), including highway robberies |
16 |
Person " " manslaughter |
1 |
" " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
1 |
" " " sheep-stealing |
1 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
25 |
Persons convicted of petty larceny, one of them being so convicted on an indictment for grand larceny |
4 |
Person indicted for assault and battery |
1 |
" " " assaulting a constable and rescuing his prisoner |
1 |
Persons " " assembling riotously, breaking into private ground and destroying fences |
22 |
" " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
3 |
Person " " keeping an ale-house without licence |
1 |
Persons " " neglecting to keep watch |
2 |
" " " not coming to church &c |
8 |
" " " quarrelling, fomenting quarrels, inciting to breach of peace &c |
6 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
20 |
" acquitted of " " |
13 |
Capital felons confessing indictments |
3 |
" " pleading and having benefit of clergy |
8 |
" " sentenced to be hung—males 5 |
5 |
" " reprieved—before judgment 6, after judgment 1 |
7 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
2 |
Capital felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
14 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
20 |
Person " " fowl-stealing |
1 |
Persons " " horse-stealing |
7 |
" " " larceny |
68 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
3 |
" " " larcenies from the person (done with secrecy or violence), including highway robberies |
16 |
" " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
5 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
120 |
Persons convicted of petty larceny, six of them being so convicted on indictments for grand larceny |
7 |
Person indicted for assault and battery |
1 |
Persons " " assembling riotously and making riot in a private house |
6 |
Person " " breaking into a close and hunting rabbits |
1 |
Persons " " following the vocation of tallow-chandler without have served an apprenticeship thereto |
2 |
" " " forcible entry and disseisin |
3 |
" " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
6 |
Persons indicted for keeping ale-houses without licence |
3 |
" " " keeping brothels |
3 |
" " " keeping disorderly houses, with unlawful games |
2 |
" " " not coming to church &c |
4 |
" " " nuisance, in making dunghills &c. in highways |
3 |
Person " " nuisance, in make a 'seller-door' in the High Street of High Holborne |
1 |
Persons " " nuisance, in neglecting to scour sewers |
2 |
Person " " nuisance, in putting and leaving a cart in a public place |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in pulling up the paling of a public place |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in stopping a public way |
1 |
Persons " " vagabondage |
63 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
70 |
" acquitted of " " |
29 |
Capital felons confessing indictments |
15 |
" " pleading and having benefit of clergy |
17 |
" " sentenced to be hung—males 41, females 6 |
47 |
" " reprieved—before judgment 6 |
6 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
15 |
Capital felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
47 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
2 |
" " " embezzling the Queen's military stores |
3 |
" " " horse-stealing |
14 |
" " " larceny |
24 |
Person " " larceny with housebreaking |
1 |
Persons " " larcenies from the person (done with secrecy or violence), including highway robberies |
8 |
" " " manslaughter |
3 |
Person " " rape |
1 |
Persons " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
9 |
" " " sheep-stealing |
5 |
" " " witchcraft |
2 |
Total of persons indicted for capital felonies |
72 |
Person convicted of petty larceny |
1 |
Persons indicted for assault and battery |
2 |
Person " " assault with dagger |
1 |
Persons indicted for assaulting officers and hindering them in the execution of their office &c. |
2 |
" " " assembling riotously and making riot |
5 |
Person " " fornication and adultery |
1 |
Persons " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
3 |
Person " " giving poison without causing death |
1 |
" " " keeping an ale-house without licence |
1 |
Persons " " not coming to church &c |
35 |
Person " " nuisance, in putting a dunghill on a highway |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in putting and leaving a cart in a public place |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in raising a paling on public ground |
1 |
" " " quarrelling and breaking the peace |
1 |
Persons " " rioting and breaking windows |
2 |
Person " " speaking seditious words |
1 |
Persons " " vagabondage |
13 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
48 |
" acquitted of " " |
18 |
Capital felons confessing indictments |
18 |
" " pleading and having benefit of clergy |
15 |
" " sentenced to be hung—males 26, females 3 |
29 |
" " reprieved—before judgment 4, after judgment 1 |
5 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
6 |
Capital felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
32 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
8 |
" " " horse-stealing |
11 |
" " " larceny |
56 |
" " " larcenies from the person (done with secrecy or violence), including highway robberies |
28 |
" " " manslaughter |
4 |
" " " murder |
1 |
" " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
9 |
" " " pig-stealing |
2 |
" " " rape |
3 |
" " " sheep-stealing |
4 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
126 |
Person convicted of petty larceny, being so convicted on an indictment for grand larceny |
1 |
Persons indicted for abducting a maiden under sixteen years of age and compassing her unauthorized marriage |
2 |
" " " assault and battery |
4 |
Person " " assaulting an officer and hindering him in the execution of his office |
1 |
Persons " " forcible entry and disseisin |
9 |
Person " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
1 |
Persons " " keeping ale-houses without licence |
2 |
Person " " negociating a usurious contract |
1 |
Persons " " not coming to church &c. |
28 |
Person " " speaking disloyally of the Queen |
1 |
Persons " " trespassing riotously on private ground and cutting wood |
11 |
Person " " trespassing on private ground and taking away horses |
1 |
Persons " " trespassing on private ground |
6 |
" " " vagabondage |
8 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
71 |
" acquitted of " " |
25 |
Capital felons confessing indictments |
19 |
" " pleading and having benefit of clergy |
38 |
" " sentenced to be hung—males 26 |
26 |
" " reprieved—before judgment 7 |
7 |
Culprits (with capital felonies found against them) at large |
30 |
Capital felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
60 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
3 |
" " " horse-stealing |
6 |
" " " larceny |
12 |
" " " larcenies from the person (done with violence), including highway robberies |
10 |
Person " " manslaughter |
1 |
Persons " " murder |
3 |
" " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
2 |
" " " sheep-stealing |
6 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
43 |
Person convicted of petty larceny, being so convicted on an indict-ment for grand larceny |
1 |
Persons indicted for assault and battery |
3 |
" " " forcible entry and disseisin |
7 |
" " " not coming to church &c. |
8 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
29 |
" acquitted of " " |
8 |
Capital felons confessing indictments |
8 |
" " pleading and having benefit of clergy |
14 |
" " sentenced to be hung—males 12 |
12 |
" " reprieved—before judgment 3 |
3 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
5 |
Capital felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
21 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
10 |
" " " counterfeiting themselves gypsies and consorting with gypsies for a month |
5 |
" " " fowl-stealing |
2 |
" " " horse-stealing |
7 |
" " " larceny |
22 |
Person " " larceny with housebreaking |
1 |
Persons " " larcenies from the person done with violence, including highway robberies |
9 |
" " " manslaughter |
2 |
Person " " murder |
1 |
Persons " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
4 |
" " " sheep-stealing |
2 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
65 |
Person convicted of petty larceny, being so convicted on an indictment for grand larceny |
1 |
Persons indicted for assault and battery |
4 |
" " " assault with sword |
2 |
" " " forcible entry and disseisin |
7 |
" " " not coming to church &c |
36 |
Person " " nuisance, in stopping a water-course |
1 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
38 |
" acquitted of " " |
19 |
Capital felons confessing indictments |
4 |
" " pleading and having benefit of clergy |
15 |
" " sentenced to be hung—males 17, female 1 |
18 |
" " reprieved before judgment |
5 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
6 |
Capital felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
24 |
Number of Persons. |
Persons indicted for burglary |
9 |
" " " horse-stealing |
15 |
" " " larceny |
32 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
2 |
" " " larcenies from the person (done with violence), including highway robberies |
18 |
Person " " manslaughter |
1 |
Persons " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
9 |
Person " " rape |
1 |
" " " receiving, harbouring and comforting catholic priests |
1 |
" " " sheep-stealing |
1 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
89 |
Persons convicted of petty larceny, one of them being so convicted on an indictment for grand larceny |
3 |
Persons indicted for assault and battery |
4 |
Person " " deer-stealing |
1 |
" " " keeping an ale-house without licence |
1 |
" " " trespassing on private ground and breaking windows |
1 |
" " " " and destroying a wooden gate |
1 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
57 |
" acquitted of " " |
9 |
Capital felons confessing indictments |
15 |
Culprit standing mute and sentenced to the "peine forte et dure" |
1 |
Capital felons pleading and having benefit of clergy |
16 |
" " sentenced to be hung—males 27 |
27 |
" " reprieved—before judgment 9, after judgment 1 |
10 |
Culprit's (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
9 |
Capital felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
32 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
11 |
" " " horse-stealing |
10 |
" " " larceny |
28 |
Person " " larceny with housebreaking |
1 |
Persons " " larcenies from the person (done with secrecy or violence), including highway robberies |
7 |
Person indicted for manslaughter |
1 |
Persons " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
6 |
" " " sheep-stealing |
5 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
69 |
Persons convicted of petty larceny, two of them being so convicted on indictments for grand larceny, and one of them being sentenced to be whipt |
6 |
Persons indicted for assault and battery |
9 |
Person " " assaulting a constable and rescuing his prisoner |
1 |
" " " exercising the art and mystery of a cutler without having served an apprenticeship thereto |
1 |
Persons " " not coming to church &c |
3 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
54 |
" acquitted of " " |
7 |
Capital felons confessing indictments |
25 |
" " pleading and having benefit of clergy |
26 |
" " sentenced to be hung—males 25 |
25 |
" " reprieved—before judgment 3, after judgment 5 |
8 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
7 |
Capital felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
44 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
21 |
" " " fowl-stealing |
2 |
" " " horse-stealing |
27 |
" " " larceny |
67 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
3 |
" " " larcenies from the person (done with secrecy or violence), including highway robberies |
19 |
Person " " manslaughter |
1 |
Persons " " murder |
6 |
" " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
11 |
Person " " rape |
1 |
Persons " " sheep-stealing |
8 |
" " " witchcraft |
2 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
168 |
Persons convicted of petty larceny, five of them being so convicted on indictments for grand larceny |
18 |
Persons indicted for assault and battery |
8 |
Persons indicted for assault with sword &c. |
3 |
" " " assaulting officers and hindering them in the execution of their duty &c. |
2 |
" " " cheating and cosening |
2 |
" " " forcible entry and disseisin |
6 |
Person " " keeping an ale-house without licence |
1 |
Persons " " keeping bowling-alleys |
8 |
" " " keeping brothels |
4 |
" " " not coming to church &c. |
8 |
" " " selling beer at excessive price |
2 |
Person " " shooting pigeons against the form of a statute of 2 Edward VI |
1 |
" " " trespassing on private ground and cutting down trees |
1 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
105 |
" acquitted of " " |
32 |
Capital felons confessing indictments |
16 |
" " pleading and having benefit of clergy |
40 |
" " sentenced to be hung—males 52, female 1 |
53 |
" " reprieved—before judgment 12, after judgment 1 |
13 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
19 |
Capital felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
62 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
26 |
" " " fowl-stealing |
3 |
" " " horse-stealing |
34 |
" " " larceny |
101 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
16 |
" " " larcenies from the person (done with secrecy or violence), including highway robberies |
25 |
" " " manslaughter |
6 |
" " " murder |
12 |
" " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
20 |
" " " pig-stealing |
3 |
Person " " rape |
1 |
Persons " " sheep-stealing |
11 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
258 |
Persons convicted of petty larceny, thirteen of them being so convicted on indictments for grand larceny |
21 |
Persons indicted for assault and battery |
16 |
Persons indicted for assault with dagger or knife |
2 |
Person " " assaulting a constable and rescuing his prisoner |
1 |
Persons " " assembling riotously and making riot &c. |
18 |
" " " assembling riotously and assaulting the watch |
6 |
Person " " extortion |
1 |
" " " following the trade of a chandler against the form of a certain statute |
1 |
Persons " " forcible entry and disseisin |
2 |
Person " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
1 |
" " " keeping an ale-house without licence |
1 |
Persons " " keeping brothels |
8 |
" " " not coming to church &c. |
6 |
" " " selling beer in short measure |
2 |
" " " trespassing on private ground |
3 |
" " " " " and injuring the grass |
3 |
" " " " " and destroying a slaughter-house. |
3 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
143 |
" acquitted of " " |
73 |
Capital felons confessing indictments |
52 |
Culprit standing mute and sentenced to the "peine forte et dure" |
1 |
Capital felons pleading and having benefit of clergy |
61 |
" " sentenced to be hung—males 62, females 7 |
69 |
" " reprieved before judgment |
11 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
24 |
Capital felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
89 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
27 |
" " " counterfeiting themselves to be gypsies and consorting with gypsies for the space of a month |
3 |
" " " horse-stealing |
19 |
" " " larceny |
35 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
3 |
" " " larcenies from the person (done with secrecy or violence), including highway robberies |
16 |
" " " manslaughter |
3 |
" " " murder |
8 |
" " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
8 |
" " " sheep-stealing |
4 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
126 |
Persons convicted of petty larceny, four of them being so convicted on indictments for grand larceny |
11 |
Persons indicted for assault and battery |
21 |
Person " " assault with knife |
1 |
Persons " " assaulting a constable and rescuing his prisoner |
2 |
Person " " brawling in church |
1 |
Persons " " conspiring to defame a virtuous woman |
3 |
" " " fornication and being a harlot |
2 |
" " " forcible entry and disseisin |
2 |
Person " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
1 |
" " " keeping an ale-house without licence |
1 |
Persons " " keeping brothels |
12 |
Person " " keeping a gaming-house |
1 |
" " " not coming to church &c. |
41 |
" " " nuisance, in narrowing a highway by a ditch and fence |
1 |
Persons " " quarrelling, fomenting quarrels, inciting to breach of peace &c. |
4 |
" " " rioting at night and breaking the door of a house |
4 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
73 |
" acquitted of " " |
33 |
Capital felons confessing indictments |
15 |
Culprit standing mute and sentenced to the "peine forte et dure" |
1 |
Capital felons pleading and having benefit of clergy |
20 |
" " sentenced to be hung—males 45, females 4 |
49 |
" " reprieved—before judgment 4, after judgment 1 |
5 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
10 |
Capital felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
52 |
Person indicted for arson |
1 |
Persons " " burglary |
27 |
" " " horse-stealing |
18 |
" " " larceny |
36 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
5 |
" " " larcenies from the person (done with secrecy or violence), including highway robberies |
17 |
" " " manslaughter |
3 |
" " " murder |
3 |
" " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
5 |
" " " rape |
3 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
118 |
Persons convicted of petty larceny, four of them being so convicted on indictments for grand larceny |
10 |
Persons indicted for assault and battery |
14 |
" " " assault with dagger or knife |
3 |
" " " assaulting officers and hindering them in the execution of their duty &c. |
2 |
Person " " cheating and cosening |
1 |
" " " consorting with and sustaining harlots and lewd women |
1 |
" " " extortion by colour of office |
1 |
Persons " " dividing tenements into several dwellings, and building new habitations, and placing tenants in the same |
3 |
" " " forcible entry and disseisin |
10 |
" " " keeping ale-houses without licence |
3 |
" " " keeping brothels |
2 |
" " " not coming to church &c. |
7 |
Person " " nuisance, in throwing dung &c. into pits near a fountain and so defiling the water thereof |
1 |
" " " quarrelling, fomenting quarrels, and inciting to breach of the peace |
1 |
" " " rescuing himself from a sub-bailiff who had him in lawful custody |
1 |
Persons " " trespassing riotously on private ground |
7 |
Person " " trespassing on private ground and removing a cartload of hay |
1 |
Persons " " trespassing on private ground and putting cattle on the grass |
5 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
44 |
" acquitted of " " |
34 |
Capital felons confessing indictments |
14 |
" " pleading and having benefit of clergy |
7 |
" " sentenced to be hung—males 29, females 3 |
32 |
" " reprieved—before judgment 5 |
5 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
16 |
Capital felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
32 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
12 |
" " " counterfeiting themselves to be gypsies and consorting with gypsies for the space of one month |
2 |
" " " horse-stealing |
22 |
" " " larceny |
63 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
13 |
Persons indicted for larcenies from the person (done with secrecy or violence), including highway robberies |
24 |
" " " manslaughter |
4 |
" " " murder |
4 |
" " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
9 |
" " " pig-stealing |
2 |
Person " " rape |
1 |
Persons " " sheep-stealing |
7 |
Person " " unnatural offence with a cow |
1 |
" " " witchcraft |
1 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
165 |
Persons convicted of petty larceny, five of them being so convicted on indictments for grand larceny |
21 |
Persons indicted for assault and battery |
10 |
" " " assault with dagger |
4 |
" " " assaulting officers and hindering them in the execution of their duty |
2 |
" " " assembling riotously and making riot |
5 |
Person " " building a melting-house against the form of a certain statute |
1 |
" " " building new dwellings against the form of a certain statute |
1 |
" " " cheating and defrauding by a counterfeit writing |
1 |
" " " converting a shed into a habitable cottage and putting tenants therein |
1 |
" " " dividing a house into four several tenements |
1 |
Persons " " entertaining 'inmates' in their dwelling-houses |
3 |
" " " following the blacksmith's vocation without having served an apprenticeship to it |
2 |
" " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
3 |
" " " keeping ale-houses without licence |
19 |
Person " " keeping a bowling-alley |
1 |
Persons " " keeping brothels |
3 |
" " " keeping disorderly and suspected houses |
4 |
" " " making starch of wheat against the form of Her Majesty's proclamation |
8 |
Person " " neglecting to repair a bridge |
1 |
Persons " " not coming to church &c |
12 |
Person " " nuisance, in keeping swine offensively |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in making a great hole in a highway |
1 |
Persons " " nuisance, in neglecting to repair a public way |
2 |
Person " " nuisance, in stopping a public footway |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in throwing 'lome' on a highway |
1 |
" " " nuisance, in throwing dung &c. on a highway |
1 |
Persons " " refusing to keep watch |
3 |
Person " " selling 'meazeled' pork for human food |
1 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
86 |
" acquitted of " " |
45 |
Capital felons confessing indictments, fifteen of them following up their confessions by pleading their clergy effectually |
19 |
" " pleading and having benefit of clergy |
28 |
" " sentenced to be hung—males 41, females 7 |
48 |
" " reprieved—before judgment 10, after judgment 1 |
11 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
22 |
Capital felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
68 |
Catholic priest indicted for being and remaining traitorously in the country |
1 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
13 |
" " " horse-stealing |
10 |
" " " larceny |
40 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
14 |
" " " larcenies from the person (done with secrecy or violence), including highway robberies |
18 |
" " " manslaughter |
3 |
" " " murder |
7 |
" " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
9 |
" " " receiving aiding and comforting a catholic priest |
2 |
" " " sheep-stealing |
9 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
126 |
Persons convicted of petty larceny, nine of the number being so convicted on indictments for grand larceny |
17 |
" indicted for assault and battery |
4 |
Person " " assault &c. with knife |
1 |
" " " assault &c. with pistol |
1 |
Persons " " assaulting officers and hindering them in the execution of their duty &c. |
3 |
" " " assembling riotously and making riot |
13 |
" " " " " and pulling down a house |
12 |
Person " " cheating and cosening |
1 |
" " " exercising the art and mystery of an oar-maker, without having served an apprenticeship thereto |
1 |
Persons " " forcible entry and disseisin |
6 |
" " " harbouring ill-disposed and suspected persons |
2 |
" " " keeping ale-houses without licence |
3 |
" " " keeping brothels |
4 |
Persons indicted for not coming to church &c. |
13 |
Person " " nuisance, in keeping swine offensively, near a highway |
1 |
" " " publishing false rumours |
1 |
Persons " " quarrelling and inciting to breach of peace &c. |
2 |
" " " rioting and frightening a horse, so as to make it run away and knock down &c. several people in a highway |
4 |
" " " speaking seditiously |
2 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
60 |
" acquitted of " " |
36 |
Capital felons confessing indictments, two of them following up their confessions by pleading their clergy effectually |
7 |
" " pleading and having benefit of clergy |
22 |
" " sentenced to be hung—males 27, females 6 |
33 |
" " reprieved—before judgment 5, after judgment 3 |
8 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
13 |
Capital felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
50 |
Persons indicted for burglary |
7 |
Person " " fowl-stealing |
1 |
Persons " " horse-stealing |
6 |
" " " larceny |
26 |
" " " larceny with housebreaking |
11 |
" " " larcenies from the person (done with secrecy or violence), including highway robberies |
6 |
" " " manslaughter |
2 |
" " " murder |
2 |
" " " ox (cow &c.) stealing |
6 |
" " " pig-stealing |
2 |
Person " " rape |
1 |
Persons indicted for capital felonies |
70 |
Persons convicted of petty larceny |
3 |
" indicted for assault and battery |
18 |
" " " assembling riotously and breaking into and injuring a private house |
5 |
" " " keeping brothels |
3 |
" " " nuisance, in putting dung and offal in a public thoroughfare |
2 |
Persons convicted of capital felonies |
41 |
" acquitted of " " |
21 |
Capital felons confessing indictments, seven of them following up their confessions by pleading their clergy effectually |
16 |
" " pleading and having benefit of clergy |
10 |
" " sentenced to be hung—males 26, female 1 |
27 |
" " reprieved—before judgment 4 |
4 |
Culprits (with indictments for capital felonies found against them) at large |
3 |
Capital felons described in the indictments as "late of London" |
34 |