Inquisitions: 1599

Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem For the City of London: Part 3. Originally published by British Record Society, London, 1908.

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'Inquisitions: 1599', in Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem For the City of London: Part 3, ed. E A Fry( London, 1908), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Inquisitions: 1599', in Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem For the City of London: Part 3. Edited by E A Fry( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Inquisitions: 1599". Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem For the City of London: Part 3. Ed. E A Fry(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

In this section

William Ingram, Baker.

Inquisition taken at the Guildhall, 26 Oct., 41 Eliz. [1599], before Stephen Soame, knight, escheator, after the death of William Ingram of London, baker, by the oath of William Crowche, Edward Pilsworth, Hugh Ingram, John Jennynges, Cuthbert Lee, Andrew Feild, Michael Crowche, James Taylor, Henry Earsley, Nicholas Askwith, Thomas Thomas, Richard Crayford, William Abbott, Richard Gosson and Elias Parry, who say that

William Ingram was seised on the day that he died in his demesne as of fee of 2 messuages in the parish of St. Katherine Christchurch within Aldgate, which are held of the Queen in socage in chief by fealty only, and are worth per ann., clear, £4.

William Ingram died 27 March last past in the said parish in the ward of Algate without issue of his body; Elizabeth Trewman wife of Richard Trewman and Susan Middleton wife of Thomas Middleton are the sisters and next heirs of the said William Ingram and are both aged 28 years and more.

Chan. Inq. p. m., ser. 2, vol. 258, No. 49.

Thomas Bowes, gentleman.

Inquisition taken at the Guildhall, 2 July, 41 Eliz. [1599], before Jeremiah Bettenham, of Gray's Inn in co. Middlesex, esq., Clement Goldsmith, esq., William Necton, gent., feodary of the City of London, and Simon Spatehurst, gent., deputy escheator, after the death of Thomas Bowes, gent., by the oath of William Crowche, Edward Pillesworthe, Hugh Ingram, John Jenninges, Robert Durant, Clement Bucke, Peter Nixon, Cuthbert Lee, Andrew Feilde, Michael Crowche, Henry Earsley, Richard Blinckerne, Richard Craiford, William Abbott, Elias Parry, and Robert Spatchehurste, who say that

Thomas Bowes, long before his death was seised in his demesne as of fee-tail, viz. to him and the heirs male of his body of the grant of Martin Bowes, knight, as by the last will of the said Martin it more fully appears, of 8 messuages situate in Lumberd street in the parish of St. Mary Wolnoth in the City of London, now or late in the several tenures of — Bernerd, John Atkinson, John Maninge, Thomas Clarke, George Samuell, George Humble, — Dutton and Lazarus Garthes; 5 messuages, lying in Burchen Lane in the parish of St. Edmond the King within the City of London, now or late in the several tenures of Philip Curtise, John Crowley, William Croseley, Robert Goodwinhouse, and Philip Tiballes; 1 messuage situate in the Old Change in the parish of St. Augustine within the said parish, now or late in the tenure of William Moorehall.

So seised, the said Thomas Bowes in consideration of a reasonable jointure to be by him made for Bridget Bowes his wife by indenture dated 20 August, 37 Eliz. [1595], agreed with Christopher Burrow and Richard Starlinge that before Christmas then next following they should recover against him in the Court of Hustings all the said messuages in Lumberd street and the tenement in Burchen Lane, to the use of the said Thomas Bowes for his natural life; and after his decease, to the use of the said Bridgett during her natural life, for her jointure; and after her death to the use of the heirs male of the body of the said Thomas with divers other uses to other persons; by virtue whereof and by force of the Statute of Uses the said Thomas was seised of the said premises in his demesne as of freehold, with remainders as above.

The messuages in the parish of St. Mary Wolnoth are held of the Queen in chief by the service of the 20th part of a knight's fee, and are worth per ann., clear, £12. The messuages in Burchen Lane and the said messuage in the Old Change are held of the Queen in free burgage by fealty only and not in chief, and are worth per ann., clear, £10.

Thomas Bowes died 26 November, 41 Eliz. [1598], Thomas Bowes is his son and next heir and was then aged 2 years and 3 months.

The said Bridget still survives.

Chan. Inq. p. m., ser. 2, vol. 258, No. 67.