Somerset. [Dorset.] |
C. 8001. Declaration by Sir Richard Rogers, knight, of the uses
of C. 7999, namely to the use of Andrew his son and heir in tail male until
the said Andrew shall deprive John, Richard or Thomas his brothers
of any possessions that the said Sir Roger may give or bequeath to
them, or shall alienate or defeat his own estate tail in the manors and
lands of Bryanston, Sutton Walrond, Langton, Langton Latell, Langton
Butler, Langton Longe Blandford, Lyttelton, Nutford, Pymperne,
Blandford Forum, and the farm of Furmage; the said John, Richard,
and Thomas to be compensated for such deprivation out of the profits
of the manors of Kylve alias Kulve, and Holford and also to take
the profits of the manors successively in tail male during the remainder
of the demise. 1 December, 1598. English. Signed: Rychard
Rogers. Seal of arms.
Endorsed with signatures of witnesses. |
Montg. |
C. 8002. Indenture, dated 10 January, 45 Elizabeth, between
John ap David ap Jevan ap David and Maurice ap Hugh ap David
ap Bedo of Kevenkleisiog, yeomen, witnessing that the term of
redemption of a messuage called 'Tyddyn yn y Voel Lwyd' with
lands thereto belonging in the parish of Garthbeibio, sold to the said
Maurice for 20l., is extended from All Hallows' Day, 1603 to All
Hallows' Day, 1606, 1610, or 1614, in consideration of a payment of
12l. and the price of redemption being increased from 20l. to 32l.
English. Attested copy. Signature of Maurice David ap Jevan. |
Norfolk. |
C. 8003. Indenture, dated 25 November, 1585, witnessing that
William Dyx of Wickmer, esquire, has demised to Nicholas Clover
of Thetford, mercer, the Castle Mill in Thetford with its stream and
fishery and two meadows and an alder-carr near by for twenty-one
years if Philip, earl of Arundel, and Lord Thomas and Lord William
Howard, sons of the late Duke of Norfolk, shall so long live; rent,
10l.; the lessee to leave two millstones of specified size in the mill at
the end of his lease, forfeiting 7s. for every inch of deficiency in breadth
or thickness and receiving 7s. for every inch of excess. English.
Signature of William Dyx.
Endorsed with signatures of witnesses. |
N'hamp. |
C. 8004. Indenture, dated 17 November, 14 Elizabeth, witnessing
that Edward Barnewell, gentleman, has demised to Anthony Cotes,
gentleman, the mansion house of the manor of Cransley, the orchard,
garden, and close enclosed by the said Anthony, all lands thereto belong-
ing sown with corn, or to be sown before the tenth of May, and common
of pasture for 300 sheep in Maseley field in Cransley, to hold the arable
lands till 30 October next and the mansion house, &c. for three years;
rent, 4l. English. Signature of Anthony Cotes. Seal.
Endorsed with signatures of witnesses. |
Staff. Chester. |
C. 8005. Indenture, dated 16 October, 4 Elizabeth, witnessing
that Sir Ralph Egerton of the Wrynehill, knight, and Dame Anne,
his wife, have demised to Robert Hardynge his servant, Agnes wife
of the said Robert, and Richard their son, for their lives in survivorship,
for a fine of 22l. 6s. 8d., a messuage and land in Ransall, and a croft
called 'Browne Hill' with two others in the Wryme; rent, 19s. 2d.
and two capons. English. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: Leace for Reves Howse of Ransale. |
Staff. |
C. 8006. Indenture, dated 20 October, 28 Elizabeth, witnessing
that the above Sir Ralph and Dame Anne have demised to Ralph
son of John Brassington, husbandman, for a fine of 40 marks and
10s., a messuage in the occupation of the said John and Joan Woolsenam
his mother, with lands and rights of common in Chedulton, for ten
years from Lady Day, 1598; rent, 39s. 4d. and two capons at
Christmas; the best beast as a heriot, suit to the court and mill
of Chedulton, and the usual services. English. Signed: Ra. Egger-
ton. Seal of arms, damaged.
Endorsed with signatures of witnesses. |
York [N.R.] |
C. 8007. Indenture, dated 29 May, 44 Elizabeth, witnessing that
Edwin Sandys of London, esquire, has demised to Christopher and
Brvan Kitchinman of Carlton, yeomen, enclosures called 'South
Wildon Hill, North Wildon Hill' (with the 'loning' adjoining), 'South
Lockwood Close, North Lockwood Close, and Fuister Close' with a
cottage and two pieces of ground adjoining the latter, all parcels of
Wildon Grange, for four years if the lessor, Edwin Sandys of Omberslie,
co. Worcester, or Robert Sandys of Claberie, co. Essex, gentlemen,
so long shall live; rent, 23l. 6s. 6d.; the lessees to pay an additional
rent of 6s. 8d. an acre on any further land ploughed up except it be
in North and South Wildon Hill, not to carry hay off the premises,
and to pay one-fourth of the assessments on the north moiety of
Wildon Grange; covenant as to fencing. English. Paper. Mark.
Endorsed with signatures of witnesses, note of area, &c. |
N'hamp. |
C. 8008. Indenture, dated 16 November, 13 Elizabeth, witnessing
that Anthony Cotes, gentleman, has sold to Edward Barnewell, gentle-
man, his interest in the mansion house of the manor of Crannesley,
and all lands thereto belonging, which he had by the gift of Thomas
Dexter of Fedyngeworthe, co. Leicester, gentleman, son of Humphrey
Dexter, deceased, together with a lease thereof to the said Humphrey
from the dean and canons of the New College of the Blessed Lady of
Leicester. English. Signature of Anthony Cotes. Seal.
Endorsed with signatures of witnesses. |
Chester. |
C. 8009. Indenture, dated 4 November, 1575, witnessing that
Sir Ralph Egerton of Wrinehill, knight, has demised to Hugh Gidmon,
husbandman, a moiety of the lands belonging to a tenement in
Newbolde Astburie, late in the occupation of the said Hugh jointly
with John Stretton, for twenty-one years; rent, 8s. 4d.; power to
the tenant to dig marl and to burn Newbold Wood; Sir Ralph to pro-
vide timber to build a house and barn; the tenant to do the usual
services and to carry to Wrinehill once a year three bushels of barley
of Congleton measure. English. Seal. |
Herts. Bedford. |
C. 8010. Indenture, dated 24 June, 33 Elizabeth, witnessing that
Robert Hide, gentleman, has sold to Nicholas his brother all the
woods and underwoods (except oak-trees and such firewood as the
said Robert shall use in his house at Aldebury) that shall be growing
on Aldebury Heath during the said Robert's life; and demise of
the rectory and tithes of Eaton for the unexpired term of a lease for
forty years from 16 June, 3 & 4 Philip and Mary, granted to Thomas
their father by Trinity College, Cambridge; rent, 19l.; covenant
by the said Robert to pay to Trinity College the rent of 20l. reserved
in their said lease. English. Fragment of seal. |
Huntingdon. |
C. 8011. Indenture, dated 26 June, 15 Elizabeth, witnessing that
Jane, late the wife of William Naylor of London, esquire, one of the
Six Clerks of Chancery, has granted to Gilbert Dethicke, Garter King
of Arms, a yearly rent of 50l to be charged on the rectory of
Godmanchester during her lease of thirty-six years. English.
Signatures of G. Dethick and others. |
Kent. |
C. 8012. Hackington alias St. Stephen. Fragment, with signature
of Edward Nethersole. |
Kent. Sussex. |
C. 8013. Indenture of grant by Thomas Darell, esquire, to George
Robertes, gentleman, his nephew or grandson (nepoti), of a yearly
rent of 26l. charged on the manor of Scotney in the parish of
Lamberherst, and on all his lands there and in Wadherst, Tyseherst,
Brenchysley, Pepyngbury, and Horsmonden, redeemable for 260l.
on the feast of All Hallows, 1567. 23 November, 7 Elizabeth.
Signed: Thomas [Da]rell.
Endorsed with signatures of witnesses. |
Durham. |
C. 8014. Sale by John Sympsone, serjeant-at-mace of Hartlepole.
to John Atherall, shipwright, for 30s., of his burgage in Northgate,
Hartlepole, which he had by the gift of Christopher, son and heir
apparent of Robert Devaunde of South Sheiles, mariner, John Hodge
and Joan his wife, and James Atchinsone and Katherine his wife, of
Westowe. 2 January, 1586. Mark. Seal.
Endorsed with signatures of John Browne, mayor, and other
witnesses, &c. |
Oxford. |
C. 8015. Indenture, dated 20 January, 29 Elizabeth, witnessing
that Morgan Williams, clerk, rector of Swarford, has sold to John
Butcher of Church Enston, for 49l., a messuage and land at Clieveley
in Enston free of all charges other than rents due to the chief lords
of the fee. English. Signature of Morgan Williams. Mark.
Endorsed with signatures of witnesses to livery of seisin. |
Montg. |
C. 8016. Indenture, dated 20 September, 25 Elizabeth, witnessing
that Edward Leighton of Watlesborough, co. Salop, esquire, has
demised to John Dackyn, yeoman, for 9s. 4d., 2a. land in Balseley
adjoining the highway from Dythor to the Crewe Grene, formerly
part of the waste of the manor of Balseley called 'Balseley Wood,'
and now enclosed, for one thousand years; rent, 3s. 4½d., and the
customary services of the lordship ('rente services and tacke of swyne
excepted'); the lessor not to be bound to go further than Mountgomery
or Poole to complete the conveyance; covenants as to felling of
timber and further enclosure of the waste. English. Signed: E.
Leighton. Seal, wrapped in paper.
Endorsed: For Mr. John Hardinge seaven parcelles. |
— |
C. 8017. List of deeds dated 1607–1693 delivered into Chancery
in the suit Wallis and others v. Usher. 21 March, [16]95. English.
Two sheets of paper. Signed: Tho. Pitt. |
Middx. [Staff.] |
C. 8018. Assignment by Robert Hardinge, alderman and sheriff
of London, to Simon his son of the messuage wherein he dwells, with
the contents thereof, which he bought from William Parkar, and of the
park of Abbottes Bramley; and gift of his interest in a ship called
The Christe of London and of his swans, swan-game, and swan-mark
on the Thames. 24 October, 10 Elizabeth. English. Paper. Signed:
Robert Hardyng. Seal. |
Herts. |
C. 8019. Indenture, dated 3 May, . . Elizabeth, witnessing that
Thomas Allyn, yeoman, has sold to John Allyn, labourer, for 13l. 6s. 8d.,
a close in Betlow and 3½a. arable in Betlow, Tyscott and Nawldwyck
in the parish of Tryng, with common for one cow, over and above
the common of the said lands, to be taken in the lands in the said
places bought by the said Thomas from William Allyn, husbandman,
a yearly quit-rent of 16d. being reserved to the manor of Betlow, with
suit of court, in lieu of all other rents. English.
Endorsed with names of witnesses. |
— |
C. 8020. Indenture, dated 19 June, 18 Elizabeth, of defeasance
by Gilbert Cawdrey of Westminster, gentleman, of a statute staple
for 100l. acknowledged by John Williams of Stoforde, co. Devon,
esquire, and Walter Wottone, on condition of the performance of the
terms of an indenture of even date between the said Gilbert and John.
English. Mark. Seal, damaged.
Endorsed with signatures of witnesses. |
Herts. Bucks. |
C. 8021. Grant by Thomas Allen, yeoman, to Eobert Hide of
Aldebury, esquire, of lands in Tiscote, Naldwick and Betlowe, in
exchange for 5a. land there and in the parish of Masworthe, partly
adjoining Marson Brook. 15 November, 24 Elizabeth. Seal.
Signatures of witnesses. |
Wilts. |
C. 8022. Indenture, dated 16 July, 23 Elizabeth, witnessing that
John Wren of Hungerford, tanner, has sold to William Darell of Little-
cott in the parish of Ramesbury, esquire, for 4l., land in a field called
'Charletonfeild alias Charnamfeild,' in the parish of Hungerford,
without encumbrance by him or by George Hidden of Shalborne,
yeoman. English. |
N'hamp. |
C. 8023. Sale by Richard Davison, Edward son of Giles Barnewell
(Richard Wourthington erased) and Richard Stevenson to Robert
Finall of their interest in land in Cranslaye for the term of years for
which they hold it from Leonard Chaumberlayne, gentleman.
12 August, 20 Elizabeth. English. Signed: Edwarde Barnewell,
Rychard Stephenson. Mark. Three seals.
Endorsed with signed note of livery of seisin. |
Lincoln. |
C. 8024. Indenture, dated 5 January, 25 Elizabeth, witnessing
that Henry Sapcotte of Bracebridge, esquire, has assigned to John
Hope of Naynbye, yeoman, a lease of the parsonage of Wellingore
for sixty-one years from Midsummer, 3 Elizabeth, at a rent of 15l.,
granted by the dean and chapter of Lincoln to Edward Sapcotte,
whose executor he is. English. Signed: H. Sapcote. Seal.
Endorsed with signatures of witnesses. |
Kent. Sussex. |
C. 8025. Indenture, dated 7 November, 6 Elizabeth, witnessing
that George Robertes of Gray's Inn, gentleman, has demised to Thomas
Darell of Scotney, esquire, the messuages and lands called 'Derondalle,'
with the forge and ironworks thereto belonging, a messuage and
land called Sandeherst in the parishes of Lamberherst, Pepyngebury,
Brencheley and Franthe, and lands called 'Abdale' in the parishes of
Lamberherst, Tyseherst, and Wadherst, for seven years; rent, 100l.;
power to fell timber and dig iron. English. Signed: Thomas Darell. |
Flint. |
C. 8026. Indenture, dated 26 September, 6 Elizabeth, witnessing
that Piers Mostyn, esquire, has demised to Jevan ap Harrie ap John
the lands in Pictyn and Axton which he bought from Harry ap . . ,
ap . . . and Agnes verch David ap Jevan, and the said Jevan their
son; rent, 36s. 8d., the lessee paying all Crown rents. English.
Signature of Piers Mostyn.
Endorsed with signatures of witnesses. |
—. |
C. 8027. Release by Sir John Popham, knight, lord chief justice
of England, and Thomas Hanam, serjeant-at-law, to Edmund Uvedale,
esquire, of all actions and claims in respect of any bonds given by the
said Edmund or by Henry his father before the marriage of the latter
with Elizabeth now his wife. 10 September, 1592. English. Signed:
Jo. Popham, Tho. Hanam. Two seals of arms.
Endorsed with signatures of witnesses. |
Kent. |
C. 8028. Indenture, dated . . November, 20 Elizabeth, witnessing
that Ralph Drayton of Benenden has sold to George Day of the parish
of Charte by Sutton Vallence, for 7l. 10s., 5a. pasture called '[Ove]ries
Field' in the parish of Sutton Vallence (as in C. 7976) clear of all en-
cumbrances except the rent due to the chief lords of the fee. English. |
Kent. |
C. 8029. Indenture, dated 11 April, 1589, witnessing that Thomas
Smythe of London, esquire, has demised to Roger Leake 36a. land
in the old inned marsh in the parish of Ereth for eighteen years;
rent, 21l. 12s.; the lessee to do all repairs except to the main walls
and common sewers of the marsh, and a deduction from his rent to be
assessed by the justices of the peace in case of a flood. English.
Signed: Roger Leeke. Fragment of seal. |
Salop. |
C. 8030. Indenture, dated 22 May, 44 Elizabeth, witnessing that
Edward Onislowe of Onislowe, esquire, has demised to Alice, wife
of William Peplowe of Shrewesbury, cooper, and Eleanor and Elizabeth
her daughters successively for their lives in survivorship, in con-
sideration of the surrender of a similar lease made to Mary late the
wife of Edward Harecourte, Eleanor late the wife of William Hasylwall,
mercer, and the said Alice, by the name of Alice Harecourte, his messuage
near the stone bridge in Shrewesbury in the occupation of the said
William Peplowe and Alice; rent, 20s. to the lessor and 2s. 4d. to the
bailiffs and burgesses of Shrewesbury. English. Three marks.
Fragments of three seals.
Endorsed with signatures of witnesses. |
Staff. |
C. 8031. Assignment by George Mylner of the parish of Chedulton,
husbandman, to Thomas Bromale of the Ringe, husbandman, of a
lease by Sir Ralph Eggerton of the Wrinehill, knight, to Thomas
Smythe of Rownall, 'corvisor,' of an enclosure of 20a. land made by
agreement between the said Sir Ralph and the tenants of the manor
of Chedulton in Watley Moor, with common of pasture and turbary
therein, for twenty-one years from 20 October, 25 Elizabeth. 27 August,
1590. English. Paper. Mark. Seal. Signatures of witnesses. Cf.
C. 8034. |
Staff. |
C. 8032. Indenture, dated 4 August, 19 Elizabeth, witnessing
that the above Sir Ralph, Dame Anne his wife, and Edward his son
and heir have demised to William Taylior of the Fernyhalgh,
husbandman, a meadow called 'the Wyldmore Meadow' in Basford
in the lordship of Chedleton for twenty-one years from Lady Day, 1592;
rent, 5s. and the customary services; the lessee to have 'trowse'
and stakes for fencing. English. Signed: Ra, Eggerton, Anne
Edgerton, Fragment of seal. |
Staff. |
C. 8033. Indenture, dated 20 December, 32 Elizabeth, witnessing
that Sir Ralph Eggerton of Lychfielde, knight, has demised to
Katherine Benteley, spinster, a cottage in Rownall in the lordship of
Chedulton, with a leasowe or pasture adjoining Sowthlowe meadow
and abutting on Cunsall Edge, with common of pasture and turbary
and stakes and 'trowses' for 'tynnynge' and fencing, for twenty-
one years, if he shall live so long; rent, 8s. 4d. and two capons at
Christmas; the tenant to pay a heriot and do the customary services.
English. Signed: Ra. Eggerton.
Endorsed with signatures of witnesses. |
Staff. |
C. 8034. Indenture, dated 20 October, 25 Elizabeth, witnessing
that Sir Ralph Eggerton of Wrinehill, knight, has demised to Thomas
Smith of Rownall, 'corvysor,' land on Watteley Moor (as in C. 8031)
for twenty-one years; rent, 16s. and two capons on New Year's Day;
the tenant to pay a heriot and do the customary services, to build
'twoo bayes of howsinge' before Lady Day, 1586, receiving timber
therefor and 'trowse, tynselde and stakes' for fencing, and not
to sublet the premises to any freeholder of the lordship without leave.
English. Signed: Ra. Eggerton. Seal of arms.
Endorsed with signatures of witnesses. |
Staff. |
C. 8035. Indenture, dated 3 August, 19 Elizabeth, witnessing that
the above Sir Ralph, Dame Anne his wife, and Edward his son and
heir have demised to John Brounte, husbandman, for 25l., a messuage
in Forde in the lordships of Bradnapp and Gryndon for twenty-one
years from 24 October, 1592; rent, 23s. 2d. and two capons on New
Year's Day; the tenant to pay a heriot and do the customary services,
and to do repairs, receiving timber therefor. English. Signed:
Ra. Eggerton, Anne Edgerton. Two seals, one of arms. |
Staff. |
C. 8036. Indenture, dated 18 July, 28 Elizabeth, witnessing that
the above Sir Ralph and Dame Anne have demised to Barbara Boote,
widow, for 8l. 10s., the messuage wherein she now dwells in Chedulton
for twenty-one years; rent, 21s. and two capons at Christmas; the
tenant to pay a heriot and provide the customary services; covenant
transferring the lease to her son Thomas Boote if she marry or die
during the term. English. Signed: Ra. Eggerton.
Endorsed with signatures of witnesses. |
Staff. |
C. 8037. Indenture, dated 3 August, 19 Elizabeth, witnessing that
the above Sir Ralph, Dame Anne his wife, and Edward his son and
heir have demised to Richard Manyfold, husbandman, for 8l., a
messuage and land in the Forde in the lordship of Gryndon for
twenty-one years from 24 October, 1592; rent, 15s. 4d.; services, &c.
as in C. 8035. English. Signed: Ra. Eggerton, Anne Edgerton.
Two seals, one of arms. |
Staff. |
C. 8038. Indenture, dated 4 February, 32 Elizabeth, witnessing
that Sir Ralph Egerton of Lichfield, knight, has demised to Thomas
Watson, husbandman, for 5 marks, the messuage in which the said
Thomas dwells in Chedulton for twenty-one years from Lady Day, 1598,
if Sir Ralph should live so long; rent, 11s.; the tenant to pay a heriot
and do the usual services and to do repairs, receiving great timber
therefor. English. Signed: Ra. Eggerton.
Endorsed with signatures of witnesses. |
Staff. |
C. 8039. Indenture, dated 10 September, 3 Elizabeth, witnessing
that Sir Ralph Egerton of the Wryne Hyll, knight, and Dame Anne
his wife have demised to William Forde, husbandman, for 12l., a
messuage in the occupation of the said William in the lordship of
Chedulton for twenty-one years from Lady Day, 1577; rent, 24s. 1d.;
the tenant to perform the customary services and to do repairs, receiving
timber therefor. English. Signed: Ra. Eggerton, Anne Egerton.
Seal, marked H, and fragments.
Endorsed with note of assignment of the premises by Ralph Forde,
son of the said William, to John Forde of Consall, his brother-in-law,
to the use of Ralph's children as declared in his will. 25 June,
29 Elizabeth. English. Mark. |
Staff. |
C. 8040. Indenture, dated 12 September, 22 Elizabeth, witnessing
that the above Sir Ralph, Dame Anne his wife, and Edward their son
and heir have demised to Ellen Fentton, widow, and William her son
for 20 marks, half a messuage in the lordship of Chedulton for ten years
from Lady Day, 1591; rent, 16s. and two capons at Christmas;
covenants as to services and repairs (as in C. 8035). English. Signed:
Ra. Eggerton, Anne Edgerton. Seal of arms.
Endorsed with names of witnesses. |
Staff. |
C. 8041. Demise by Richard Goulde of Grindon, yeoman, to
Robert Grundye, husbandman, for 40 marks, of half a messuage at
the Foorde in Grindon, and grazing for 4 beasts in a close called 'the
Haye' in Leeke, held on lease from Sir Ralph Egerton, knight, to be
held by the said Robert for ten years for a yearly rent of 12d. and
the services due to the queen and to the parish church of Grindon.
12 November, 28 Elizabeth. English. Paper. Mark. Seal. |
Middx. |
C. 8042. Indenture, dated 16 February, 35 Elizabeth, witnessing
that John Potte of Mannyngton, co. Norfolk, esquire, has demised
to Miles Helme, citizen and grocer of London, a garden near Gray's
Inn Lane alias Purpoole Lane, abutting on the common sewer there,
for twenty-four years from Christmas, 1599; rent, a peppercorn
if demanded. English. Signed: John Potte. Fragments of seal, in
wrapping. |
Staff. |
C. 8043. Indenture, dated 4 June, 28 Elizabeth, witnessing that
Sir Ralph Eggerton of Wrynehill, knight, and Dame Anne his wife
have demised to William Fernihalghe husbandman, for 6l., half a
messuage at Barsforde in the lordship of Chedulton for twenty-one
years; rent, 9s. and two capons at Christmas; covenants as to a
heriot, services, and repairs. English. Signed: Ra. Eggerton. Seal
of arms.
Endorsed with signatures of witnesses. |
Staff. |
C. 8044. Assignment by Thomas Roode, yeoman, Elizabeth Barsford
widow, and Dorothy Gould, widow, to Ralph Sherrarde of Hils in the
parish of Chedulton, yeoman, of their interest in all the messuages
in the occupation of themselves, Robert Grundie, Thomas and
Humphrey Meller, and Robert Walbanke in the lordships of Grindon
and Bradnapp. 6 May, 38 Elizabeth. English. Paper. Signed:
Thomas Rodt. Marks. Three seals. |
Staff. |
C. 8045. Indenture, dated 15 May, 1591, witnessing that Sir
Ralph Eggerton, knight, has demised to William Tatton, husbandman,
for 40s., a cottage in Rownald in the lordship of Chedulton inhabited
by the said William, with common of pasture on Wetley Moor, for
twenty-one years, if Sir Ralph should live so long; rent, 4s. and a
capon at Christmas; covenants as to the payment of a heriot and
the performance of the usual services. English. Signed: Ra.
Eggerton. Fragment of seal of arms. |
Staff. |
C. 8046. Indenture, dated 10 July, 28 Elizabeth, witnessing that
the above Sir Ralph and Dame Anne his wife have demised to Robert
Wall, husbandman, for 8l., a messuage in the occupation of the said
Robert and of William his father in the lordship of Chedulton for
fourteen years from Lady Day, 1593; rent, 21s., and two capons at
Christmas; covenants as to services, repairs and the payment of a
heriot. English. Signed: Ra. Eggerton.
Endorsed with signatures of witnesses. |
N'hamp. |
C. 8047. Assignment by Joan Fynall of Hardingston, late the wife
of Robert Fynall, and Ralph Adyngton of the same, husbandman,
executors of the will of the said Robert, to William Cammock and
Thomas Clarke, yeoman, servants to Sir Thomas Cecill, knight, son
and heir apparent of William Cecill, lord Burghley, of their interest
in the tenements in Cranesley acquired by the said Robert from
Edward Barnwell, gentleman, Leonard Chamberlayne, gentleman,
Richard Davyson, Edward son of Giles Barnwell, Richard Stevenson,
and Richard Worthington. 6 September, 27 Elizabeth. English.
Two marks. Two seals.
Endorsed with note of livery of seisin. |
Chester. |
C. 8048. Confirmation by Sir Ralph Eggerton of Kinges Bromley,
co. Stafford, knight, of a lease made verbally on 1 May, 1586, to John
Lowndes, yeoman, for life, of a messuage in the tenure of the said
John in Newbold Astburie at the ancient rent and services. 15 January,
1591. English. Signed: Ra. Eggerton. Seal of arms, broken.
Endorsed with signatures of witnesses. |
Middx. |
C. 8049. Release by Edward Treene, citizen and goldsmith of
London, late the husband of Elizabeth Fuller, deceased, and James
Naylor, citizen and embroiderer of London, and Margaret his wife,
to George Pitt, esquire, executor of the will of Richard Fuller, citizen
and barber surgeon of London, father of the said Elizabeth and
Margaret, of all actions and claims in respect of the will of the said
Richard, by the custom of London, or otherwise concerning the said
Richard's estate. 11 January, 1626. English. Paper. Signed:
Edward Treene, James Naylor. Seals.
Note.—166l. in full payment of the orphanag money and legacie
money due to Johan Fuller and allso for the proceed or profitt that
hath bene raised. |
Surrey. Berks. |
C. 8050. Quitclaim by Robert Malthus of London, yeoman, son
of Richard Malthus of the Inner Temple, esquire, deceased, to James
Munsey, citizen and grocer of London, of his interest in his father's
messuages and lands at the Banckes Side and in Warfeilde and
Bynnefeilde. 4 March, 1588. English. Signed: Robert Malthus.
Seal, marked J.R., damaged. |
Montg. |
C. 8051. Indenture dated 16 November, 1597, witnessing that
Peter Raby, citizen and merchant tailor of London, has demised to
Humphrey ap Thomas of Rhose Auloe, husbandman, his messuage
called 'Castell Eigion' and 3a. land parcel of land called 'Gwaun
Jevan Vigel' in Rhuhiriarth, for twenty-one years; rent, 20s. to
the lessor, 8d. to the chief lords of the fee, and 2s. to the heirs of Jevan
ap Llywelyn Gwynn; the lessor to build a house containing two
bays of sawn timber with a solar over one of them ready to be thatched
and clayed within three years. English. Seal.
Endorsed with names of witnesses. |
Surrey. |
C. 8052. Indenture, dated 1 September, 40 Elizabeth, witnessing
that Robert White of Aldershott, co. Hants, esquire, has demised
to Richard Geale of Frimley, yeoman, the parsonage of Frimsum and
4a. land called 'the Personage Close' for six years at a yearly rent
of 50s., reserving the rooms belonging to the archdeacon of Surrey,
all 'mortuaries,' and the ponds, fishings and swans. English. Paper. |
Wilts. |
C. 8053. Indenture, dated 4 June, 27 Elizabeth, witnessing that
William Davye, fishmonger, has granted to John Venarde the younger,
gentleman, and Thomas Ellyott, draper, all of Salisbury, his corner
messuage in the Fisherowe adjoining the market-place of Salisbury,
and his houses in Browne Street to his own use for life, with remainder
in fee simple to Richard Godfrey, fishmonger, his stepson. English.
Signed: William Davy, John Venarde. Mark. Fragments of seals.
Endorsed with signed note of livery of seisin. |
Worc. |
C. 8054. Grant by John Cooke, smith, to Thomas his son, shoe-
maker, both of Parshor, of his messuage in Parshor in 'le Millstrete.'
29 December, 30 Elizabeth. Mark. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed with names of witnesses. |
Norfolk. |
C. 8055. Grant, indented, by Geoffrey Myghte, gentleman, to
Thomus Myghte of Flitcham, his brother, and Thomas and Cuthbert
Norrys and Stephen Shortinge, his kinsman, of 12a. land called 'Mayes
and Bodhams,' which he had from William and Edmund Lomnour,
gentlemen, in Gunthorpe, lands which he had from Gregory and
Christopher Davy in Gunthorpe, Thurisford and Hindringham, 18a.
land which he had from Robert Bozome in Birnyngham, 4a. land
which he had from Edmund Framingham, yeoman, in Hindringham,
25a. ½r. land which he had from James Borne in Feldalling, and
85a. 3r. land which he had from Joan wife of Thomas Dygbye in
Bathely alias Bale and Gunthorpe; the grantees to pay to Richard,
his eldest son, who has disappeared, or to the heirs of his body, a
yearly rent of 30l. to be charged on the above lands. 18 August,
33 Elizabeth. English. Signature of Geoffrey Might.
Endorsed with note of livery of seisin and attornment of John
Fletcher, a tenant. |
Berks. |
C. 8056. Quitclaim by Margaret Englefild, widow, to Francis
Moore, esquire, of her interest in the manor of West Compton, Bottom
Hampsted and Hampsted Norrys and all other lands in the county,
demised jointly to her and the said Francis by Katherine, late Countess
of Northumberland, by indenture dated 20 July, 36 Elizabeth. 24 July,
39 Elizabeth. English. Signed: Margaret Englefylde. Fragment
of seal.
Endorsed with signatures of witnesses. |
Berks. |
C. 8057. Indenture, dated 20 November, 45 Elizabeth, witnessing
that Sir Edwin Sandys of Eyton, co. Bedford, [knight], has demised
to William Sandys of Flattburie, co. Worcester, esquire, the manor
and park of Remnam, redeemable on repayment of certain debts.
Endorsed with signature of a witness. |
Denbigh. |
C. 8058. Indenture of defeasance, dated 20 January, 43 Elizabeth,
by John ap Morys of Scrwgon, yeoman, of a conveyance in fee simple
by William ap Gryffith of the same, yeoman, of land called 'Yr Ole
Las,' on condition of the payment of 4l. 6s. 8d. at Michaelmas, 1607,
or at the end of any third year from then within fifteen years. English.
Mark. Seal.
Endorsed with names of witnesses. |
— |
C. 8059. Acknowledgment by John Danyel of Clement's Inn,
gentleman, of the receipt from William Averell of Asheldham, co,
Essex, gentleman, of 5l. in part payment of a debt. 23 February.
1563–4. English. Paper. Signature of John Danyell. Seal. |
Norfolk. |
C. 8060. Indenture, dated 24 August, 34 Elizabeth, witnessing
that Nicholas Hyde of Isellhamstede Latymers, co. Buckingham,
esquire, has assigned to Henry Barrett of Gressenhall, yeoman, Michael
Denby of Skarninge, clerk, and John Hamond of Wendlinge, in
consideration of 140l., for the payment of which by the feast of All
Hallows a bond for 200l. has been given by John Ferrour of Beteringe
in Gressenhall, Henry Ferrour of Wendlinge, and Edmund Ferrour
of Skarnynge, gentlemen, his interest under an extent in the manors
of Dighton and Brockdishe in Atlebridge and in lands and a fold-course
in Atlebridge, Swannyngton, Alderforth, Taverham, Rynglond,
Morton. Gressenhall, and elsewhere, until they have recovered
therefrom the sum of 200l. and his expenses; the assignment to be
void if the said sum of 140l. or the penalty of the bond be not paid.
English. Paper. Signed: Henry Barret, Michael Denbigh. |