Lincoln. |
C. 5901. Grant by Roger son of Norman de Monte Alto, late
parson of Hermeston, and Agnes his wife, daughter of Alan le Porter
of Welleborne, to Hugh son of the said Alan, clerk (clerico), and Edusa
daughter of Ralph de Kayteborton, wife of the said Hugh, of seven
selions in the south field of Welleborne, whereof one selion lies on a knoll
(tertrum) and abuts on Sutheyng and Littlelgate, between the land of
Nicholas Nayandeyo the reeve (prepositi), &c. and four selions called
'Wollemere Croft' abut on 'Gumeshevedland' and one selion called
'Goldinehevedland' abuts on Suthbek, and one selion lies between
the land of the master and brethren of the Temple, &c. and abuts
on 'Goldinehevedland'; rent, ½d. at Midsummer. Witnesses:—
Walter de Shelfangre, sheriff of Lincoln, William de Notingham in
Stanford, John de Mouebray of Welleborne, Richard Prygun, and
others (named). Tuesday after St. Ambrose, 1274. |
[Essex.] |
C. 5902. Grant by John Pourchaz of Rikeling to John son of
John Gelous of the same, for his homage and service and for 7½ marks
in gersum, of 5a. land with a hedge called 'Harperesheg' in the town of
Rikeling in a field called 'Grovefeld' between the land of the lady of
Rikeling and the land of the lord of la Brendehalle. |
[Essex.] |
C. 5903. Sale by John de Ocham, chaplain, executor of the will
of Margaret late the wife of Gilbert de Piggeslee of New Hythe (nova
Hetha), Colecestr', deceased, to Geoffrey Dawe of the same, Sir John
Beneyte, rector of St. Leonard's, Colecestr', Sir Roger Ry,
priest, and Ralph Algar, under the will of the said Margaret, of a
messuage at the said New Hythe in a lane called 'le Northlane.'
Witnesses:—John atte Foorde and John Pebmersch, bailiffs of
Colecestr', and others (named). Sunday after Michaelmas,
48 Edward III. |
[Dorset.] |
C. 5904. Grant by Adam Soydyn of the town of Weyemouthe
to Richard Barbor of the same of his place of land on the quay, with
half the wall between him and Thomas Dovere. And if Margaret his
wife shall claim and recover dower in the said place, he will give
the said Richard a tenement near 'le Nyweweye.' Witnesses:—
Henry Grooz and John Fraunceys, bailiffs, and others (named).
Monday after Midsummer Day, 45 Edward III. |
[Norfolk.] |
C. 5905. Letters of attorney from John Bresyngham of Norwich,
spicer, to Robert Pirle, yeoman of Bouthorp, to deliver seisin to John
Wode of Honyngham and. Thomas Grene, gentlemen, and John Palmer,
of his messuage, alder-holt, and meadow in Over and Nether Erlham.
Witnesses:—John Sabern, John Foune, and others (named). 9 August,
23 Henry VI. Seal, damaged. Endorsed, Statum per Petrum Bumsted. |
[Norfolk.] |
C. 5906. Grant by Ralph Skeet and Stephen Sil[ve]stre, citizens
of Norwich, Geoffrey de Sweynsthorp, and Roger Cole of Holt,
chaplain, to William de Bliclyngge, citizen of Norwich, Sir William
Sqwyer, vicar of Erlham, and John son of Robert de Erlham of a
tenement in Nether Erlham and two pieces of meadow and seventeen
pieces of arable in Over Erlham which they had by the gift of James
Yve, late citizen of Norwich. Friday after St. Dunstan, 3 Richard II.
4 seals. |
[Norfolk.] |
C. 5907. Conveyance by Michael Burgate, weaver, and Nicholas
Calwe, smith, citizens of Norwich, executors of the will of Annabel
Bokenham, late the wife of Robert Bokenham, raffman [rafman], to
Thomas Warner, raffman [rafman], and Benet Joly, chandler,
citizens of Norwich, under the will of the said Annabel, of 4a. arable
in the field of Erlham between a heath called 'Heiham Heythe' and
the land of the abbot of Langele. 24 October, 10 Henry VI. Seal,
damaged, and fragment. |
[Pembr.] |
C. 5908. Quitclaim by Adam Hey of Lychenardiston to William
and Philip sons of Walter Bulton of his right in three messuages
and a plough-land in 'le More' by Re . . . f Castell. Saturday, the
feast of St. Leonard, 1361. |
[Carm.] |
C. 5909. Grant by Geoffrey de Camvyle, lord of Landest[ephan],
to Robert de Penmayn of a burgage in Landestephan with common
rights pertaining thereto, and land late of Philip son of Martin at
Martynisgrave and Langavang, and of steuineure at all the grantor's
mills in Penrynde . . . r; rent, 12d. as paid by the other burgesses,
saving suit of the grantor's hundred of Landestephan at two
'lagdays.' [Draft or contemporary copy.] |
[Oxford.] |
C. 5910. Quitclaim by John Kynne of Northleya to J . . ., chaplain,
of his right in a place lying within his close and in a wall built on the
place on the north side of his hall in a place called 'le Forehey.'
Witnesses:—William le Blunt of Faulore, Robert le Boteler of
Wevelkot'. Northl[eye], the feast of St. Nicholas, . . Edward . . |
[Pembr.] |
C. 5911. Grant by John son of Robert le Hull to Thomas Piketon
of Newborough in Kemmeys, Agnes his wife, and the heirs of their
bodies of all his lands in Haverford which he had by the gift of the said
Thomas; remainder to the right heirs of the said Thomas.
Witnesses:—Henry Sturmyn, reeve (preposito) of Haverford, and
others (named). Saturday after Martinmas, 29 Edward III. |
[Glouc.] |
C. 5912. Copy of the will, dated Monday after St. Luke, 1330,
of Thomas de la Grave the elder of Bristol, whereby he directs his body
to be buried in the church of St. Werburgh, Bristol, near the body of
Agnes his wife, and bequeaths to the high altar of the church,
40d.; to every chaplain celebrating there, 6d.; to the clerk of the place
(clerico loci), 12d.; for wax for the testator's body, 20s.; to the Friars
Minors, 40d.; to the Friars Preachers, 12d.; to the Augustinians,
12d.; to the Carmelites, 12d.; to the sisters of the hospital of
St. Bartholomew, Bristol, 2s.; to the poor of the infirmary of St. John,
Bristol, 12d.; to the hospital of St. Lawrence by Bristol, 12d.; to
the brotherhood of the Kalendars, Bristol, 12d.; and to the hospital
of St. Mary Magdalen, Bristol, 2s.; also he bequeaths a yearly sum
for masses for his soul and the souls of Margery and Agnes his
wives in the church of St. Werburgh and for his funeral 20s.; to
Robert his son he bequeaths 10 marks on condition of his releasing
to Christian his sister a tenement in Bristol in a lane near Cornstret; to
Sir Thomas his son he bequeaths 60s., his best coffer, &c. Further
bequests of money, plate, &c. to Alice his daughter and others;
residue for masses for his soul or bread for the poor. |
[Kent.] |
C. 5913. Grant by Henry [Chichele], archbishop of Canterbury,
to Thomas Kempe of Wy, William Scotte of Braborne, Master William
Duffeld and John Bernyngham, clerks, of the custody of the
temporalities of the bishopric of Rochester vacant by the death of
Richard Yonge, bishop of the diocese. The archbishop's house
(hospicio) at Maunte in Normandy, 27 July, 1419. |
[Middx.] |
C. 5914. Extract from the will, proved 10 Edward III, of Rose
(Roisie) styled 'la Bowyere': bequest to Thomas her son and the
heirs of his body of all her tenements in the parish of St. Andrew
so that he may maintain during his life a chaplain in the said church
for the celebration of divine service for her soul and the souls of Walter
Hert, father of the said Thomas, Master Ralph de Holebech and all
those to whom she is bound (quibus teneor); remainder to the heirs
of the said Thomas on condition of maintaining two chaplains for ever.
And if the said Thomas shall fail to maintain one chaplain or his heirs
to maintain two chaplains, the rector and four parishioners shall be
able to distrain for the arrears of their maintenance. |
[Surrey.] |
C. 5915. Renunciation for this time only by the prior and convent
of St. Peter, Cherteseye, in favour of William, bishop of Winchester,
of the right of nominating an abbot to succeed Thomas Angewyn.
11 February, 1461. Endorsed, Commendation to the bishop of
William Goddyng, John Halle, Walter Stanwell, and Owen ap Rees,
monks of Cherteseye, and John May, formerly a monk there and now
prior of Cardigan. |
[Notts.] |
C. 5916. Grant by Maud de Lovecot, late the wife of Sir Gerard
de Furnivall, for her soul and the souls of her ancestors and
Sir William de Furnivall her son to the canons of Wirkesop in
frankalmoin of her windmill on the west side of Gringeleye, with suit
of the whole township as of old. Witnesses:—Sir Adam de Eyville,
Sir Robert de Mounteni, and Sir Gervase de Bernacle, knights,
Sir Richard de Shirburn, Henry, rector of Walcingham, John de Vilers,
and others (named). |
[Middx] |
C. 5917. Statute staple given by Robert Tresilyan, knight, to
William de Wykeham, bishop of Winchester, for 200 marks. The
Staple at Westminster, 15 July, 8 Richard II. Endorsed with note
of certification into Chancery, 1 September, 12 Richard II, and of
cancellation by consent of the bishop, 12 November, 12 Richard II. |
[Berks.] |
C. 5918. Grant by John, duke of Bedford, to his yeoman (valecto)
Nicholas Cleve and Margery his wife of a yearly rent of 20 marks
for their lives and the life of the survivor charged on the issues of
his manor of Swalfeld. Witnesses:—Richard Leyot, doctor of laws,
William Mossy and William Chanceller, esquires, and others (named).
Ruyslep, 18 May, 3 Henry V. |
[Wilts.] |
C. 5919. Copy of a grant by John de Meisi, son of John de Meysi,
knight (militis) to John Jorge, Margery his wife, Thomas their son,
and the heirs of the said John Jorge, of his manor of Merstone. |
[Surrey.] |
C. 5920. Grant by Reynold de Brutingehurst to Hugh son of Gerard
of 1½a. land in the parish of Kamerwell which John Gerlande demised
to the said Hugh; rent, 6d. For this grant Hugh gave him 8s. in
gersum. Witnesses:—Henry de Dilewiss, Roger Dawnay (de Alneto),
and others (named). Seal. |
[Warw.] |
C. 5921. Grant by William de Haseclif of Solihull to William atte
Birches, Richard and William, his sons, of the same and the heirs
of the said sons of a field in Solihull between lands called
'Hamtonelond' and 'Maggecroft.' Wednesday after St. Matthias,
20 Edward II. Foot-note: Reddit per annum duos solidos. |
[Essex.] |
C. 5922. Grant by Richard de Bolitone son of Peter de Boliton
to John de Bolitone,' his brother, for his homage and service, of a
messuage and 26a. land in Boliton and Rikelingg which he had by the
gift of William brother of John de Loketone, partly adjacent to the
way (vicum) from Maneweden to Newport, and partly lying in
Scheggeleshale and Hyngoresleze, by Kyngesmere, at Northcroft in
the field of Northei, and at Poselonde and Madewelle; rent, 6s. 8d.,
for all service save scutage. Witnesses:—Sir Hubert la Vele, Robert
Walkelyn, and others (named). Fragments of seal. |
[Wilts.] |
C. 5923. Grant by Roger de Calstone to Gilbert, vicar of Remnies-
buri, and Thomas de Lidierd, chaplain, of two messuages, a plough-
land, and a rent of 8s., in 'Somerfelde' in the parish of Remmesburi.
Witnesses:—Sir Hildebrand de London, knight, and others (named).
Litlecote, Sunday before Christmas, 7 Edward III. |
C. 5924. Writing of Hugh le Despenser, lord of Glaumorgan,
deferring the payment of a sum of 100l. payable to him or to the
merchants of Perouche on his behalf by Richard, abbot of Waltham
Holy Cross, and the convent of the same till the feast of All Hallows.
Westminster, 28 November, 29 [sic] Edward II. French. |
Kent. |
C. 5925. Quitclaim by Simon Gentil, citizen of London, to Reynold
Love, citizen and merchant of London, tenant of the manor of Great
Dels by Rouchestr, of his share of a yearly rent of 10l. in the same
manor, purchased by him and William de Horkested from Benet de
Fulsham, citizen of London. 15 February, 47 Edward III. Endorsed
with note of enrolment on the Close Roll during the same month. |
Berks. [Oxford.] |
C. 5926. Acknowledgment by Thomas Benham of Esthanneye
that he owes John Bygonet of Wytteneye 20l. to be repaid at Christmas.
Witnesses:—John Gibbes, mayor of Oxford, and John Bray, clerk of
recognizances. 8 November, 8 Richard II. Endorsed as certified
by Edmund de Kenyane, mayor of Oxford and John Bray, clerk.
4 July, 6 Henry IV. |
Oxford. |
C. 5927. Grant by John Blount to John Chilterne of lands, rents,
and services in [Kyngeston] Blount. Kyngeston, 19 June, 13 . . . |
C. 5928. Release by Alan Hull to Joan Caller of all actions, real
and personal. 18 April, 4 Henry V. |
[Berks.] |
C. 5929. Grant by John Grenewey of Esthanney to William Yorke
the elder of London of 3r. arable in the field of Hanney which he had
by the gift of Roger Grenewey, his father. Witnesses:—Thomas Say
and . . . Hyde, esquires, and others (named). 19 . . ., 22 Edward IV. |
Bucks. |
C. 5930. Grant by Margery late the wife of John Lambard of
Bledelawe to Sir Robert de Marny, knight, of 2a. land in the town of
Kyngeseye in meadows called 'Devondebrok' and 'le Sydhal' near
the abbot of Thame's meadow called 'Lytteleye.' Witnesses:—
Sir Gerard de Braybrok and Sir Reynold Malyns, knights, and others
(named). 7 November, 35 Edward III. |
Berks. |
C. 5931. Defeasance of a bond for 20l. dated 29 September,
33 Henry VI, whereby Thomas Gawyne of Cokkelescote was bound
to John Dauryge on condition that Ralph Plot of Upton in the parish
of Blebury shall demise or assign the tenement which he has in farm
there to no persons other than John Plot and Lettice his wife. |
[Berks.] |
C. 5932. Grant by Henry Hardyng of Esthanney to John
Bury . . . lle of Grove, Alice his wife, and his heirs of land in
Esthanney. Wednesday, the feast of St. Matthias, 4 Henry VI.
Seal marked 'T.' |
C. 5933. General release by Roger Weste, styled 'Thoker,' of
Taunton to William Monfort of Brideport of all debts. 10 August,
1 Henry IV. French. |
C. 5934. Bond given by Thomas Ormond to William Carlyll, clerk
for 10l. 10 July, 22 Edward IV. |
Kent. |
C. 5935. Grant by Stephen Scroop, esquire, son and heir of Stephen
Scroop, knight, to William Cheyney, the king's justice, John Fastolf,
son of Alexander Fastolf, Edmund Wychyngham, William Ferrour,
and Constantine Dalby, clerk, of his two manors called
'Hevercobham' and 'Heverbroket,' and all other his lands, &c. in
the county of Kent. 6 March, 8 Henry V. |
Berks. Wilts. |
C. 5936. Letters of attorney from Thomas Estbury to John
Douforde and William Shepherde to deliver seisin to Henry
Hungerford, vicar of Chepynglambourne, and W . . . Westron,
chaplain, of his part of the manor of Chepynglambourne and of all his
lands, &c. in Uplambourne, Hadele, Neubury, Spene, Spenehamlonde,
Benham, Mymbury, Whityndich, Knyghton, Wynterborne Forde,
Daunteseye, Larkestoke, and Langeford. 11 January, 8 Henry IV.
Seal of arms, damaged. |
Kent. |
C. 5937. Bond given by John Bagth . . . of the parish of
St. Mary Cray, gentleman, and Thomas Cawston of the parish of
Orpyngton to Thomas, prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, for
40 marks. 7 February, 15 Henry VIII. |
[Bedford.] |
C. 5938. Grant by Henry Northwod of Dunstapl' to Richard de
Spina the younger of Houton of three half-acres of his land in the
west field of Houton abutting on Sasscwey. Dunstapl', Friday after
St. Leonard, 14 Edward II. |
[Wilts.] |
C. 5939. Grant by Richard le Skyppere and Christian his wife of
Chuselden to Sir Roger de Hanyndon, chaplain, and Sir Walter
Gybbes of Chuselden, deacon, of an acre in the common meadow of
Esterewamberg and of two stitches (stychyas) of meadow there to the
west of 'la Haywardesgore,' which they had by the right and
inheritance of the said Christian. Chuselden, Sunday after Christmas,
18 Edward III. |
Berks. |
C. 5940. Quitclaim by Henry Heyne alias Coygnes to Ralph
Buttiller, lord of Seudeley and treasurer of England, of his right in a
yearly rent of 13s. 4d. granted to him for his life by John Golofre,
issuing out of the manor of Westlakynge. 12 April, 22 Henry VI.
Seal, damaged. |
[Wilts.] |
C. 5941. Letters of attorney from Robert Crook of Wyke by Lacok
to John Trepas to deliver to Nicholas Wotton seisin of a toft and
croft in Draycote Foliot called 'Bacons.' Wednesday, the morrow
of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 4 Henry V. |
Middx. |
C. 5942. Grant by George Selot of Twykenham to John
Somerseth, William Barnaby, clerk, and William Sunneman of 1a. 3r.
arable at Lanehethe and elsewhere in the south field of Twykenham.
26 January, 23 Henry VI. Seal, damaged. |
C. 5943. Bond by Thomas Ormond, esquire, to John and William
Beamond of Dordright in Holand, merchants, for the payment of
21l. at Midsummer next. 29 April, 1479. Signed, Thomas Ormond.
Endorsed with condition of payment at various dates to
Christmas, 1482. |
[Dorset.] |
C. 5944. Grant by Emma relict of John Gilbert of Weymouth to
Thomas Cole and Christian his wife of the same town and his heirs of
his tenement and enclosure (hayam) in Weymouth. Witnesses:—John
Alday and Robert Skynnere, bailiffs, and others (named). Weymouth,
the feast of St. James the Apostle, 3 Henry IV. |
[Heref.] |
C. 5945. Quitclaim by Henry de Burhope son of Walter de Burhope
to Richard de Bagingeden, of his right in half a yard-land with a
messuage in the town of Welinton which he held from the said Richard.
For this quitclaim the said Richard gave him one sore sparrowhawk
beforehand. Witnesses:—Walter Restot, Robert Series, John Mervin,
and others (named). Seal. |
[Wilts.] |
C. 5946. Grant by Thomas de Wroxhale, with the consent of Alice
his wife, to Robert de Lydierd of Remmesbury and Edith his wife
and the heirs of the said Robert of a tenement in Remmesbury in the
street called 'Old Garden' (vetus gardinum) between the highway
and the bank of the Kenete. For this grant the said Robert and Edith
gave him 10 marks beforehand. Friday after St. Scholastica,
6 Edward II. Fragments of seal. |
[Wilts.] |
C. 5947. Grant by Edith Yonge, widow, to William Persone and
Robert Lily of all her land in the town of Remmesbury. The
Conception of the Blessed Virgin, 1 Henry IV. Seal, damaged. |
[Wilts.] |
C. 5948. Grant by William Persone and Robert Lily to John
Damwers and Edith his wife of all their land in the town of
Remmesbury which they had by the gift of Edith Zonge, widow.
Sunday, Candlemas Eve, 1 Henry IV. Fragment of seal. |
[Wilts.] |
C. 5949. 'I Wylyam Howse feffe my brothers son Jafaray in all
the londes that I have for lac of eyre male. Wher as iff ye schall under-
stond brothern all that my fathers laste wyll was that hys londes schuld
returne unto the eyre male and never to the female as wher ye schall
understond that her ys made ij feffars the wyche be ij nobyll
gentylmen that ys to sey master Edwarde Langford of Bradfeld and
master George Derell of Lytyll Cotte the wyche seid gentyllmen now
heth feffyd Roberd Howsys son Jefray in all this londe that ys to sey
in all the lond of Roberd Howse John Howse and Wylyam Howse.
Also theis ij gentylmen master Langforde and master Derell hath in
geifftte of the forseid Wylyam Howse a cs. to be good masters and
oversears and ther yssue after them to kepe the ryghtfull eyre in hys
ryght in all the londes above rehersyd whatt interrypcion that ever hit
fall yn. And herto we sett to owr sealys. Yeven the the (sic) last yer
of reigne of kynge Harry of Munemow.' Seal, fragment, and tag for
a third seal. |
Dorset. |
C. 5950. Grant by Hugh Hyder of Britport to Thomas Knolles,
alderman of London, and Thomas Knolles his son of all his possessions.
15 January, 2 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
C. 5951. General release by Roger de Bockemor of Solihull of all
actions, &c. against William son of Thomas atte Birches of the same.
Sunday after St. Edith, 20 Edward III. |
[Heref.] |
C. 5952. Chirograph indented, dated Martinmas Eve, 10 Edward III,
being a defeasance by Walter son of Adam le Taylour of Maddeleye
and Joan his wife of a feoffment by Alice Restot of Weolintone of
3a. land in Weolinton, on condition of payment of 3l. 7s. 4d. at All
Hallows next. |
[Berks.] |
C. 5953. Bond by John Martolf of Blebury son of Richard
Protays of the same to John Zork of West Hakebourne and Richard
Baron of Blebury for 50l. to be paid on St. George's Day next. Easter
Eve, 10 Henry IV. Seal. |
[York, W.R.] |
C. 5954. Quitclaim by Alice late the wife of John son of Roger de
Wambewell to William del Hill of Thurleston of her dower-right in
all lands, &c. late of the said John in Thurleston. Berneslay,
Wednesday, the Beheading of St. John the Baptist, 1330. Seal. |
[Dorset.] |
C. 5955. Indenture dated . . . before Michaelmas, . 6 Henry VI,
witnessing that William Olyver and John Starr, bailiffs of Brudeport,
have demised to John Sokerell the younger a butcher's stall
(macellum) in Brudeport for his life at a yearly rent of 5s. |
[Essex.] |
C. 5956. Grant by Adam son of Thomas de London to Hamon
. . . el of Arkesden, for his homage and service and for 6½ marks
in gersum, of a messuage and land in Arkesden partly adjoining the
land of the abbot of Waleden and the highway to Claneford, to hold
to him, his heirs and assigns except religious houses and Jews; rent,
8d., for all service save scutage at the rate of 18½d. for 40s., and 1d. at
Easter for the sheriff's aid. |
Dorset. |
C. 5957. Bond by John Causemont, burgess of Melcombe Regis,
vintner, to William Mountford for the payment of 15l. 15s. at the
Purification of the Blessed Virgin next following. Thursday before
the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, 2 Henry V. Seal. |
[Suffolk.] |
C. 5958. Bond by Walter son of Humphrey Miles to Sir Robert
de Bures, knight, and Hilary his wife for the repayment of 100 marks
at their manor of Aketone at Easter next. Aketon, Sunday after
St. Thomas the Apostle, 13 Edward II. |
[Essex.] |
C. 5959. Grant by John Marny to Thomas Cooke and John
Stase, of his manor of Gybcrake in Little Totham. 27 February,
9 Edward IV. |
Wilts. |
C. 5960. Appointment by John Penycoke, esquire of the body
to the king, of Thomas Gynnour, Thomas Eyre, and Thomas Chaper
as his deputies to receive from Thomas Dyn of Hungerford, gentleman,
the body of John Leye son and heir of John Leye late of Flamezston,
esquire, of whom the king has granted him the wardship. 4 February,
31 Henry VI. Seal. Endorsed, Sigillatum per visum Roberti
Kyrkham clerici custodis hanaperii domini regis. |
Suffolk. |
C. 5961. Grant by Thomas Giffard of Stokes Neylond to Richard
son of Ranulf de Cavenedis and Parnel (Petronille) his wife, of all his
corn, beasts, fowls, dogs, cats, and mice and other goods in his messuage
of Werstede and elsewhere in the county. For this grant they paid
him 20l. beforehand. Sunday after the feast of St. Valentine,
27 Edward I. |
[Kent.] |
C. 5962. Grant by John de la Haye to Geoffrey . . ., his heirs
and assigns except religious houses, of a tenement in . . .; rent, 1d.
payable on the feast of St. Margaret at Horsmundenne for all service
save the king's service. For this grant the said Geoffrey gave him
23 marks in gersum. Witnesses:—Master Robert de Pevenese,
Sir John, vicar of Cranebrok, Benjamin de Guthrste, Roger de Pette,
Wylard de Beghyndenne, Tubert de Merdenne, and others (named).
Endorsed, Carta domini Johanis de la Haye. |
C. 5963. Bond by Thomas Ormond for the payment of 2l. 13s. 4d.
to Master John Morton, master of the Rolls, at Candlemas next.
8 January, 13 Edward IV. Signed, Thomas Ormond. English. |
C. 5964. Bond by Richard Stargrave of Winchester, gentleman,
to William York the younger and John Brigges, citizens of London,
for the payment of 5l. on 22 January next. 11 November,
7 Edward IV. Seal, damaged. Endorsed with condition that if he
pay 50s. on 22 January next, the bond shall be void. |
Kent. |
C. 5965. Grant by Stephen Lescrop, son and heir of Stephen
Lescrop, knight (militis), to Roger Fenys, knight, Richard Wakeherst,
and Thomas Baynden, of his manors of Hevere Cobham and Hevere
Brokays and of all his lands, &c. in Hevere and Chidyngstone.
Witnesses:—Reynold Cobeham and Thomas Sakevile, knights, and
others (named). 7 December, 2 Henry VI. |
Bedford. |
C. 5966. Grant by Thomas H . . . of Bykelyswad and Thomas
Newman of Hylle in the parish of Wardon to Gregory Halywell of
Bykelyswad, Thomas Horley, John Neas . . ., and John Grene of
Caldecote of a messuage and 1a. ½r. land in Hylle partly under the
Ryggewey and partly abutting on Castellgate and 'le Brooke.'
8 January, . 1 Henry VI. |
[Suffolk.] |
C. 5967. Quitclaim by Matthew son of Adam de Losse to Nicholas de
Tunstall and Margery his wife, for her life, and the heirs of the said
Nicholas of his right in 3r. land in Hestham in the hamlet of Losse,
between land of Alice his mother, &c. and abutting on the road to
Peperisle . ., which land the said Nicholas and Margery acquired
from Robert de Bressete, clerk. Monday, the feast of St. Nicholas,
34 [Edward I]. |
[Warw.] |
C. 5968. Grant by John de Blesmovill of Solihull to Richard atte
Shawe of the same of his place of land, which he had by the gift of
Thomas de Cimiterio, in Solihull called 'Blithelond'; rent to the chief
lords of the fee, 12d. He also grants him the right to continue digging
his ditch to complete the enclosure. Mondav, the eve of Lady Day,
19 Edward II. |
[Herts.] |
C. 5969. Demise by Roger H[ysk]yffe, clerk, Robert Whelpyngton,
Thomas Starkey, and Robert Thorne to John Savage and John
Bykman, clerks, Edmund Westby, Richard Sares, Henry Maiot, and
Richard Stwedelay of a tenement in Halywellstrete, St. Albans,
adjoining a hedge called 'Dottreyshegge.' 17 Henry VI. Two seals,
damaged, one with arms. |
[Dorset.] |
C. 5970. Letters of attorney from Lawrence Gilbert of Weymuth
appointing William Soydon to receive from Richard Barbor of Weymuth
10l. for a tenement by the common quay. Weymouth, Thursday,
. . . St. Clement the Pope, 30 Edward III. |
[Norfolk.] |
C. 5971. Bond for 40l. given by Roger Fullere, Richard Haldeyn,
Roger Spark, sherman, and John . . . rd of Great Yarmouth
to the lord Edward of Wyndesouere, king of England. Tuesday
after St. Bartholomew, 49 Edward III. Endorsed with condition
to make no conspiracies against the king or the freedom of Great
Yarmouth. Fragments of two seals. |
[Kent.] |
C. 5972. Letters of attorney from William Isle and John Rowe
to [William] Purchas, Hugh Joye, and Gilbert Savage to deliver
to Geoffrey Boleyn, citizen and mercer of London, Thomas Boleyn
and Thomas Mannyng, clerks, Thomas Urswyk, Thomas Burgoyn,
Thomas Bryan, and Hugh Fenne, gentlemen, and Richard Suthwell,
esquire, seisin of land in the parishes of Hevere and Chydyngston
which they had, jointly with James Fenys, esquire, and John Mason,
clerk, by the gift of Ralph Co . . . t and Robert Slyghtere.
12 February, 39 Henry VI. |
C. 5973. General release by Walter le Smeth of Shenley to Reynold
le Walshe of Theydon atte [Mou]nte of all debts, actions, &c. London,
Tuesday after Lady day, 17 Edward III. Fragment of seal. |
[Wilts.] |
C. 5974. Grant by Edmund de Wymondiswold, chaplain, and Roger
de Flete, citizen and clothworker of London, to Peter Koc and Robert
Braunch of half the manor of Fitelton, and of lands there of the gift of
Thomas de Harna', parson of Odestouk, and John Wode, and of the
advowson of the church. All Hallows Eve, 36 Edward III. |
Berks. |
C. 5975. Bond by John Dawson of Upton, husbandman, for the
payment of 3l. 2s. to William York the elder of London, esquire, at
Michaelmas next. 16 January, 13 Edward IV. |
[Wilts.] |
C. 5976. Grant by James de Combe, chaplain, to Robert de
Burebach, Denise daughter of John de Radenham his niece (nepote
mee), and the heirs of their bodies of a messuage and a yard-land in
Fiteltone which he had by the gift of Simon de Combe, late lord of
Fiteltone. . . Edward II. |
Surrey. |
C. 5977. Grant by William Petley and Katherine his wife to John
Skynner, John Polsted, and William Arnold of all their tenements, &c.
in Pekham which late were of John Forstall. 30 April, . . Edward IV.
Two seals, with fragments of leaves adhering. |
[Notts.] |
C. 5978. Grant by Thomas de Merdeley of Sutton to Ralph
Torkard of Notyngham, Cecily his wife, and Ralph's heirs, of his
right in 60a. arable, uncultivated land (frichearum), and meadow in
Notyngham which Henry de Bradmere of Notyngham and Thomas
Bothale had by the grant of John de Normanton. The feast of
St. George, 4 Richard II. Seal of arms, damaged. |
Dorset. |
C. 5979. Bond by Stephen Russell, chaplain of the chantry of
St. Michael, Brideport, for the payment of 40l. to William Olyver and
Richard Burgh at Michaelmas next. 8 August, 4 Edward IV. Seal,
damaged. |
C. 5980. General release by Robert Say, citizen and mercer of
London, to Richard Cater of Salisbury, mercer, of all actions real
and personal. 10 February, 6 Edward IV. Seal. |
C. 5981. General release by John Mene to Richard Wyot and
Thomas atte Watere of all personal actions. Monday after All Hallows,
6 Henry IV. Seal. |
[Wilts.] |
C. 5982. Grant by Robert son and heir of Henry Taylur of
La Brodeton to John Jokin, rector of the chapel of [Corft]one, and
William son of William Jokin [for their lives], for 2 marks in hand,
of land in the west field of La Brodeton. Saturday, the feast of
St. Simon and St. Jude, 9 Edward II. |
Berks. |
C. 5983. Bond by John Dawson of Upton, husbandman, for the
payment of 4l. 4s. 4d. to William York, the elder, of London, esquire,
at Easter next. 10 May, 14 Edward IV. |
Middx. Surrey. |
C. 5984. Indenture dated 15 November, 22 Edward IV, witnessing
that John Edmonde, son and heir of Andrew Edmonde and Jane late
the wife of the said Andrew have sold all their lands, &c. in
Twykenham, Whiton, Warton, Thystelworth and Mulsey to Dame
Elizabeth Yourk, widow, for 46l. 6s. 8d. beforehand. English. |
C. 5985. Indenture being the defeasance of a bond made between
Ellen late the wife of William Rybourgh and John Cutyll, executor of
the will of the said William relating to the execution of the will.
17 March, 8 Richard II. French. Seal, damaged. |
[Suffolk.] |
C. 5986. Grant by Geoffrey de Semere to Godfrey son of Alexander
de Lavenham of 11a. land in the town of Meleford which he holds
(teneo) of Gilbert son of William de Lavenham of the fee of Roger
son of William de Meleford and the homage and service of John son of
Hugh de Cruce; rent to the said Roger, 2s. and to him a pair of gloves
worth ½d. at Easter. Witnesses:—Sir Thomas, son of William de
Lavenham, and others (named). |
[Warw.] |
C. 5987. Quitclaim by Agnes daughter of John le Sawyer of Berkes-
well to John Barry the elder, her uncle, of her right in 5a. land in
Berkeswell adjoining the roads to Balisale and from Keneleworth to
Colshull. Seal in white wax, damaged. |
C. 5988. Bond by John Held of Mortymere Clibery, co. Salop,
weaver, and Robert Smyth of London, yeoman, for the payment of
20s. to Thomas Strodere and John Styward on 3 May next. 28 January,
2 Edward IV. Two seals. |
[Suffolk.] |
C. 5989. Confirmation by Robert de Brissete, clerk, to Nicholas de
Tunstalle and Margery his wife for her life and to the heirs of Nicholas
of a grant of lands in Hecham and Monks Illeye; rent, 4 marks.
Witnesses:—Sir Hugh de Morieaus, Sir John de Geddinge, and
Sir John . . ., knights, and others (named). Tuesday before
St. Luke, 2 Edward II. Seal, damaged. |
Kent. |
C. 5990. Demise by William Rotheley and John Sharp to John
Outlaw of land in a field called 'Depeden' in the parish of Eard.
35 [Henry VI]. Two seals. |
[Hants.] |
C. 5991. Quitclaim by Thomas de Foxcote to Henry de Harnhell
for his life (vitam suam) of his right over Henry Bafeli, Thomas Ywon,
and William Paty, bondmen, dwelling (nativos manentes) in Hetherdene,
and in their lands, chattels, and issue. Peniton Meysi, 30 April,
16 Edward II. |
[Suffolk.] |
C. 5992. Quitclaim by Thomas son of Adam de Lose to Nicholas de
Tunstall and Margery his wife for her life, and to the heirs of Nicholas
of his right in all the land which the said Adam had in a hamlet called
Losse in Heescham. Witnesses:—Sir Hugh de Moriaus and
Sir John de Geddinge, knights, and others (named). |
[Lancaster.] |
C. 5993. Indenture witnessing that the commonalty of Liver-
pull has granted to the king a farcost (farecoste) called the 'Nicholas,'
equipped and manned (names of crew given) to go to the north parts
and remain there for 20 days, according to the king's command received
through his clerk William de Werdale, and note of the arrest of a ship
called the Mariol for going to sea without the king's wages and protec-
tion, with a request to know the pleasure of the king and council.
French. |
[Heref.] |
C. 5994. Grant by Roger [le Long]e of Sutton, John Furches,
Edmund Brugge, and John Sylvestr' to Thomas Verne of Wisteston
in the parish of Maureden and Juliana his wife of all lands, &c. which
they had by the gift of Thomas Svlvestr' in Maureden, Bodenham
and La Venne. Palm Sunday, 14 Henry IV. Three seals. |
Middx. |
C. 5995. Grant by William Howes, chaplain, to Maud late the wife
of Richard Toky, citizen and woolman of London, of all his tenements
in the parishes of St. Edmund of Lumbardestret and St. Benet of
Graschirche, London, bought under the will of Maud late the wife
of John atte Rose. 24 April, 36 Edward III. Seal, damaged. |
[Wilts.] |
C. 5996. Acknowledgment by William Clyterer of Salisbury of the
receipt of 13s. 4d. from Thomas Mayzowe of Hongurford. Michaelmas,
8 Henry VI. |
Bucks. Oxford. |
C. 5997. Grant by Joan relict of Henry Cryps of Cobbecote to
John Cotusmore and Peter Fetiplace of all his lands, &c. in Kyngesey.
Towresey and Thythrop. 3 May, 5 Henry VI. |
[Devon.] |
C. 5998. Grant by William atte Hill and Gilbert Wronge to Richard
Damarle, Joan his wife, and the heirs of their bodies of all their
lands, &c. in Morcokyshegys and Willem ton in the parishes of Schete
and Ofwille; remainder to John Damarle, Lucy his wife, and the heirs
of John's body; remainder to the right heirs of the said Richard.
Thursday before the Epiphany, 14 Richard II. Two seals, damaged,
one with arms. |
N'hamp. |
C. 5999. Lease dated Thursday, the feast of St. John before the
Latin Gate, 33 Edward I, by Thomas Barfot of Torp to the master and
brethren of the house of the Holy Trinity without Xorhampton of
½r. arable without the gate of the Holy Trinity, Norhampton, for
20 years. Fragments of seal in wrapping. |
[Bedford.] |
C. 6000. Grant by Richard Countesse of Dunstaple and Joan his
wife to Richard Aungewyn of the same of 1a. land in 'les Westinnyges'
of Dunstaple adjoining 'Skiftesbuttes.' Saturday after St. Valentine,
44 Edward III. |