[Norf.] |
A. 10601. Feoffment by Robert Fyssher and Thomas Fyssher to
Clement Pounefreyte, Thomas Pounefreyte, John Pounfreyte, clerk, and
John Bullok, of a close in Skernyng field, which, together with John
Fyssher and Richard Fyssher, since deceased, they had by the feoffment of
William Belde the younger by charter dated at Skernyng, 17 July,
5 Edward IV. Skernyng, 6 January, 2 Henry VIII. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Endorsed: Thomas Hoo. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10602. Feoffment by William Beld the younger of Skernyng to
John Fyssher of Skernyng the elder, Robert Fyssher, Richard Fyssher
the elder, and Thomas Fyssher, of the same, of a close in Skernyng field
which, together with Edmund Tabbe, Thomas Beld, Robert Langtoft, and
John Trypelot, late of Skernyng, since deceased, he had by the release of
Robert Reve, son and heir of Adam Reve, late of Skernyng, dated 17 July,
5 Edward IV. Skernyng, 12 April, 14 Henry VII. Seal.
Endorsed: For parte of Brendwode clos; Thomas Hoo. |
[Warw] |
A. 10603. Release by Emma, late the wife of Geoffrey le Waydur of
Coventre, to Peter son and heir of Nicholas le Deistere of the same, her
brother, of her right in a messuage next 'le Irenmongeresrowe' in
Coventre, which she had for the term of the life of the said Nicholas her
father, &c. Witnesses:—John de Clyfton, bailiff, Roger de Pacwode,
coroner, of Coventre, and others (named). Wednesday after St. Cedde, 6
Edward III. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10604. Release by Simon le Archer of Toneworthe to John de
Middelmor, of his right in two fields of land in Toneworthe, one between
the road to Warrewyk and 'le Clerkeslond,' the other hetween William
Dolfyn's land and the other road to Warrewyk. Friday after the Apostles
Peter and Paul, 14 Edward III. |
Warw. |
A. 10605. Bond by John Hale of Stretford, co. Warwick, 'smyth,'
William Hale of the same, 'wever,' and John Careles of Bysshoppuston in
the said county, 'husbondman,' to Thomas Palmer and William Catesby,
esquires, in 10 marks, at Midsummer next. St. Luke the Evangelist,
24 Henry VI. One seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10606. Feoffment by John Broun, of Thoneworth, to John Waters,
and Agatha, his wife, of a place of meadow with the wood thereon, in the
territory of Thoneworth, between land of the said John Waters and of
Simon de la Heth, &c.; rent, 4d. to the chief lords. Saturday after
St. Hilary, 15 Edward II. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10607. Feoffment by John Attewelle, rector of Matelaske, to
Robert Hereward of Aldeburgh, of all his land &c. in Toun Bernyngham,
North Bernyngham, Baconthorp, Plumpstede and Matelaske. Toun-
bernyngham, Sunday after the Ascension, 34 Edward III. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10608. Feoffment by John de Kellygren to Oliver de Caermenou
and Elizabeth his wife, of a ferling of land in the town of Treberveth beside
Kenel, viz. a moiety of the whole town of Treberveth. Witnesses:—Sir
John de Trejagu, knight, Roger de Reskemmer, John le Bret, James de
Trevyados, Walter de Carnduyou. Caermenou, Friday the feast of St.
Mark the Evangelist, 13 Edward II. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10609. Feoffment by Clement de Bliclynge, chaplain, to
Geoffrey de Frausham, of a piece of arable in Great Frausham. Friday
before St. Luke the Evangelist, 10 Edward II. Seal, broken.
Endorsed: . . . dimidia acra. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10610. Chirograph indented being the counterpart of a demise
in fee farm by Robert abbot of Wendling and the convent of the same to
Richard Angevile and Maud his wife and their heirs lawfully begotten of
them, of a messuage and croft of 2½a. land, in Great Frausham, formerly
Robert Rasthyen's; rent, on the feast of St. Faith the Virgin, 2½ quarters
barley, and two hens at Christmas, for all service, save suit of court
twice a year at Wendling. Thursday after Midsummer, 31 Edward [I].
Seal cracked. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10611. Release by William Hard of Creyke to John atte Dale,
William Dale, and Thomas Peyntour of Brunham Norton, of his right in
2a. land in the field of Brunham Thorpph in the furlong (stadio) called
'Braky Wong,' abutting on Holkhamhevedys, &c, which he had by the
feoffment of Roger Coldham of Brunham Thorpp. Brunham Overe,
15 July, 15 Henry VI. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10612. Feoffment by Roberl Bulman of Holkham to Richard Prat,
rector of Brunham Thorp, and Roger Coldham of the same, of 2a. land
there in the furlong (stadio) called 'Braky Wong,' abutting on Holkham-
hevedys, &c. 3 June, 2 Henry V. Seal, broken. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10613. Feoffment by Roger Coldham of Brunhamthorp to John
Dale, William Dale, and Thomas Peyntour of Brunham Norton, of 2a.
land in the field of Brunham Thorp, in the furlong (stadio) called 'Braky
Wong,' abutting on Holkhamhevedys, &c. Brunham Overe, 15 July, 15
Henry VI. |
[Cornw] |
A. 10614. Letter of attorney by Richard Herry and Joan his wife to
John Bevyle and John Spede to deliver seisin to John Tretherf of land &c.
in Truruburgh. Witnesses:—Sir William Bodrugan, knight, Henry
Trevenoure, John Trewyk. Monday before the Translation of St. Thomas
the Martyr, 8 Henry VI. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10615. Feoffment by Ralph le Charter of Little Frausham to
Robert son of Roger atte Scale (ad scalam), of 3 roods arable in the
field of Little Frausham, &c., to assign to whom he pleased &c. except
religious houses; rent, 2d.; consideration, ½ mark in gersum. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10616. Grant in free alms by Geoffrey de Swtwode to the abbot
and canons of the Premonstratensian order of St. Mary of Wendling, of all
the land &c. which they held of his fee in the town of Great Fraunsham,
quit of all services &c. Witnesses:—Sir Jordan Folyot, Sir William his
brother, Sir Osbert de Caly, Sir William de Fraunsham, Sir John de Dunham,
knights, and others (named). Wendling, Wednesday in Easter week,
6 Edward [I]. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10617. Letter of attorney by John the chaplain son of Roger the
Leche (medici) of Skerning to Walter Tutfayt of Skerning to pay to the
abbot and convent of Wendling 4d., which the said Walter used to pay him
for two pieces of land in Skerning. XVII. Kal. June, 3 Edward II. Seal.
Endorsed:—Sacrista debet percipere . . . . |
[Warw.] |
A. 10618. General release by Agnes daughter of William Creke, late
tanner of Nuneton, to Richard Bagot. All Hallows day, 18 Henry VI. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10619. Feoffment by John Eede of Est Bradenham, son and heir
of Henry Eede of Skernyng, to John Trypelot of Skernyng the elder, John
Trypelot of the same the younger, and Thomas Anger of the same, of
1a. arable in Skernyng field, which descended to him on his father's death.
Friday before St. Faith the Virgin, 4 Edward IV. Seal.
Endorsed: Thomas Hoo. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10620. Feoffment by Edmund Tabbe and Thomas Newman of
Skernyng, to Robert Baker, vicar of a mediety of the church of Skernyng,
William Tabbe of Est Bradenham and John Mechell of Skernyng
the elder, of a piece of arable, reckoned at 3a. in Skernyng, at 'Ser Howes
Crosse,' &c., which together with John Fayreman, clerk, since deceased,
they had by the gift of William Colcy, son of John Colcy of Skernyng,
by charter dated there, 6 July, 6 Edward IV. Skernyng, 8 February,
3 Henry VII. Seals.
Endorsed: Thomas Hoo. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10621. Feoffment by Nicholas Baron, late of Skernyng, Edmund
Tabbe, and John Colyn of the same, to Richard Baron of Est Bradenham,
Geoffrey Awncell of Skernyng and William Tabbe, of a half-acre, with a
messuage with buildings, in Skernyng, which they had by the gift of
Thomas Rownyng, Amice his wife, and William Rownyng of Est Dyrham,
by charter dated at Skernyng, 20 July, 15 Edward IV. Skernyng, Lady
Day, 22 Edward IV. Seals.
Endorsed: Tomlinsons; Thomas Hoo. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10622. Confirmation by Roger son of John le Gleuman of
Skerningg to Ralph, his brother, for his service, of a piece of the messuage
which his father give him, &c.; rent, to the chief lord, 4d. yearly and ¼d.
to a scutage. Est Derharn, the day of St. Matthias the Apostle, 35
Edward [I]. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10623. Feoffment by John Attelund of Suthreppes to William
his son, of 2 messuages, 18a. arable, 1 rood meadow, 7a. heath
and 7s. rent, in Suthreppes. Sunday before St. Botolph the Abbot,
26 Edward I. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10624. Indenture being a feoffment by Robert Herward, John
Attefen of Great Yarmouth and Clement Hereward, to Roger Bonagent, of
a place of land in Shepeden containing two perches in width; rent 2s.
Thursday after All Hallows, 2 Richard II. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10625. Indenture being a feoffment by Robert Hereward, John
Attefen of Great Yarmouth and Clement Herward to Adam Hare and John
Red the elder, of two perches in width of land in Shipeden; rent 2s. Mon-
day after St. Nicholas, 2 Richard II. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10626. Feoffment by Robert Soppe, vicar of the church of
Skernyng, to Thomas Stanton, 'baxstere,' of Estderham, John Sygger
and Thomas Munjoye of the same, of the half-part of a messuage called
'Sketys,' with 1 rood arable, in Skernyng. Monday after the Apostles
Peter and Paul, 13 Henry IV. Seal.
Endorsed: Thomas Hoo. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10627. Grant in pure alms by Alexander son of Gilbert de Frausham
to the church of St. Mary of Karhoe and the nuns there, of a piece of
meadow in Skerninge. Witnesses:—Sir Gilbert de Frausham, Sir Simon,
vicar of Wrokesham, Adam de Runton. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10628. Counterpart of a feoffment by John Pomefrey of Skernyng
the elder, to William Pynchebek, Clement Pomfrey and John Bullok
of the same, of 1½ rood meadow there, at Sponebryg, which, together with
Joan his wife, John Colyn, Edmund Tabbe and Thomas Newman, late of
the same, deceased, he had, inter alia, by the feoffment of John Westhaghe,
late rector of a mediety of the church of Skernyng, by charter dated
12 November, 14 Edward IV; rent, a ginger-root at Christmas. 20 November
23 Henry VII. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10629. Release by William son of Reiner at Hill (de monte) to the
abbot and canons of St. Mary of Wendling, for the souls of himself, his
parents, ancestors and successors, of his right in 19½d. rent from a messuage
in the town of Narbug, due at Michaelmas, which they had by purchase and
gift of Sir William de Wendling.
Endorsed: . . . . in Narburg. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10630. Acknowledgment by Ralph son of Stephen de Penteneye
that he owes to the abbot and convent of St. Mary of Wenling 26d. yearly
rent for the tenement he held of them in Narbruth. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: Narburk. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10631. Feoffment by William son of Reiner at Hill (de monte)
to William the chaplain son of John del Menegate, for his homage and
service, of ½a. 1 rood land in Nerburg; rent, 19½d.
Endorsed: . . . . Narburg. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10632. Chirograph indented being the memorandum of an
exchange between Sir John de Bysshopesdone, knight, and Hugh son of
Henry de Braundestone, of the land &c. in Lappeworthe which Sir John
had by the feoffment of William de la Chaumbre and Alice his wife for
other land &c. there. Witnesses:—Sir William de Luci, Sir Robert de
Vaal, Sir Roger de Ailesburi, and others (named). Thorndone, Monday
after Michaelmas, 7 Edward III. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10633. Feoffment by Simon de Sekkyndon, parson of the church
of Thorp Constantyn, to Sir Peter de Monteforti of lands, rents and
reversions in Colleshull. Witnesses:—Sir John Pecche, knight, and others
(named). Monday after St. Faith the Virgin, 28 Edward III. Seal of arms. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10634. Feoffment by Roger Buncheqwel of Skernyngg to Ralph
de Skernyngg and John Steven, of a messuage and 6a. arable there.
Monday after the Holy Trinity, 23 Edward III. Seal.
Endorsed: Thomas Hoo. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10635. Feoffment, of even date, by same to same, of four pieces
of arable in Skernyngg. Seal.
Endorsed: Thomas Hoo. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10636. Feoffment by Roger son and heir of Roger Buncheqwel
of Skernyngg, to Roger Ede of the same and Marjory his wife, of a
messuage and 6a. land there, as in A. 10634. Tuesday after St. Agnes,
49 Edward III. Seal. Endorsed: Thomas Hoo. |
Warw. |
A. 10637. Counterpart of feoffment by Thomas Meryngton, Simon
de Catesby, rector of the church of Wolfhamcote, William Broke, chaplain,
and John Broke, to John Wyleby of Bobenhulle, of the land &c. there,
which they had by his gift, subject, during twenty years, to 13s. 4d. rent.
1 April, 14 Richard II. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10638. Release by John son of Walter Amys of Skerningg to his
brother William of his right in land there. Friday after the Translation
of St. Thomas the Martyr, 10 Edward II. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10639. Letter of attorney by Robert Balton of Brunham St.
Clement, to Robert Waynfleth of Brunham, to deliver seisin to Alice, late
the wife of Bartholomew Shropham of Brunham aforesaid and Geoffrey
Schropham of Echam, of a messuage and 3a. land in Brunham, which,
together with the said Bartholomew, he lately bought of John Prest of the
same. Monday after Michaelmas, 19 Richard II. |
Warw. |
A. 10640. Feoffment by Joan Warde, widow, to William Ludford,
alias William Smyth, of Nuneton, co. Warwick, 'smyth,' and Elizabeth
his wife, and his heirs and assigns, of a messuage and garden in 'Bakehouse
Lane' there. 20 May, 20 Henry VII. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10641. Counterpart of demise by Dame Margaret Catesby and
William Catesby, esquire, to John Boteler of Henley in Arden, for fifty
years, at 4s. 6d. rent, &c., of a messuage there and 5a. arable in the fields
of Henley, Wottun and Wyttley, containing 26 selions. Assheby Leger,
4 April, 25 Henry VI. Seal, chipped. |
Warw. |
A. 10642. Deed poll by William Parsons, son and heir of Richard
Parsonns, of Lappworth, deceased, reciting that John Brome of the same
by his charter of fee simple, dated there, Monday, Christmas Day, 22
Richard II, gave all his lands in Lappworth, Henley and Stodley, to the
said Richard Parsons, Rose Mountfort, John Barowe alias Smythier, of
Coventre, and John Sly of Lappworth; and reciting that the said Richard
outlived the others and that his estate in the premises descended to the said
William, as his son and heir; acknowledgment by William that Thomas
Byllyng the elder, John Catesby, serjeant at law, Thomas Throgmerton,
Nicholas Catesby and Edmund Newenham, are lawfully and peacefully
seised of the said lands and tenements in Lappworth, and release to them
of his right therein, with warranty. 17 March, 5 Edward IV. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10643. Grant in pure alms by John the chaplain, son and heir of
Roger the leech (medici) of Skernyng, to the abbot and convent of St. Mary
of Wendling, of 1d. rent which Walter Tutfayt of Skernyng used to pay
him for a piece of land in Skernyng. Seal.
Endorsed: Carta Sacriste de Wendling. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10644. Insperimus and confirmation by William Park, son and
heir of John de Park, of the grant made by his father, dated at Knol, Sunday
after St. Andrew the Apostle, 9 Henry IV, to John Knol and Enora his
wife for the term of their lives in survivorship, of all his land &c. in the
town of Knol, subject to 22s. rent and 12d. for a heriot, and toll of tin,
when they happen; with release to the said John Knoll of all his right in
the premises, viz. in the whole town of Knol. Knol, 8 February,
14 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10645. Release by same to same of same. Knol, 9 February, 14
Henry VI. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10646. Release by John de Badynton, of Coventre, and Joan his
wife, to William Prest of the same, butcher, of a place of land, whereof the
said Joan was enfeoffed, together with Hugh de Welmeleyghton, formerly
her husband, for a term, in Little Park Street (minori vico Parci), Coventre,
by the said William Prest's demise. Monday after St. Gregory the Pope,
12 Edward III. |
Warw. |
A. 10647. Feoffment by Margery Aston, late the wife of Robert
Aston, and previously of William Felson, widow, and Thomas Felson, son
and heir of the said William and Margery, to Humphrey Blyke, of a
tenement and garden adjacent in the suburb of Warrewic, in Coton Street.
Witnesses, John Bache, under bailiff of Warrewic, and others (named).
Saturday after the Finding of the Holy Cross, 18 Henry VII. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10648. Feoffment by Richard Payn of Coventre, to Nicholas
Boyden of the same, merchant, of two messuages there, one in 'Hullestrete'
and the other in 'Doggelone.' Witnesses, John Warde, then bailiff of
Coventre, and others (named.) Wednesday in Whitsunweek, 18 Edward III.
Seal. |
Warw. |
A. 10649. Release by William Treweman, parson of the church of
Loddebroke, William de Ofchyrche, John de Napton, chaplain, and
William Broke, chaplain, to John de Catesby, of their right in a messuage
in Coventre, called 'le Bellehous,' between 'Lewynneslane' and John de
Catesby's tenement, and in two shops under the chamber (subtus cameram)
of the said John, called 'le Garet,' which they had by his feoffment.
Witnesses:—Richard Clerk, mayor, John Foundur, Geoffrey Hampton,
bailiffs of Coventre, and others (named). 2 May, 9 Richard II. Two
seals. |
Leic., Salop, Warw. |
A. 10650. Letter of attorney by John Arundell, knight, son of the earl
of Arundell, to David de Hanmere, John de Cockynge and John de Catesby to
receive seisin from Henry de Coten and Thomas de Budenhal, clerks, of
the manor of Braundon, co. Warrewyk, and to receive the intendence
(attendance) of all the tenants of the said manor, and of all other the
tenants which the said Henry and Thomas had granted him in the
counties of Warrewyk, Leycestre and Salop; also to receive the intendence
of all the tenants which he had, or should have, of the grant of Henry de
Delves, brother and heir of Sir John de Delves, William Stel, clerk, John
de Goldsborogh and Henry de Coten, clerks. Braundon, Saturday
20 November, 44 Edward III. French. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10651. Feoffment by Thomas Mowtyng, of Estderham, and
William Erll of Skernyng, to John Bullok of Skernyng, William
Pynchebek of the same, and Thomas Bullok of Shipdham, of
1a. arable in Skernyng, which, together with Thomas Erll the
elder and Thomas Erll the younger, late of Skernyng, since deceased,
they had by the gift of Thomas Anger, late of Skernyng, by charter dated 9
June, 17 Henry VII; William Erll attorney to deliver seisin on behalf of
Mowtyng. 12 September, 24 Henry VII. One seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10652. Feoffment by Richard George of Nuneton, Maud his wife,
and John Freman of Coventre, 'baker,' to John Deye and Agnes his wife, of
a burgage and a half-burgage in Nuneton. Warranty by Richard and Maud.
1 October, 13 Edward IV. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10653. Feoffment by Adam de M . . . . of . . .
butcher, and Alice his wife, to William son of John called (dicti) Preest of
. . . . and Avice daughter of Richard Chaplain (capellani) of Stonlee,
in tail, of the moiety of a tenement in Little Park Street (minori vico parci),
Coventre . . . ., 3 Edward II. |
Warw. |
A. 10654. Feoffment by William Felson of Warrewyk to Thomas
Heyne and Robart Compton of the same, of the land &c. which descended to
him on his father's death in Warrewyk, Calcote, Hardwyk, Grymbold and
Thurlaston. Witnesses:—Henry Lonesdale, bailiff of Warrewyk, and
others (named). 20 December, 3 Edward IV. Seal. |
Warw. |
A. 10655. Bond by William Catesby of Lappeworth knight, to
Margaret Underwode, of Warrewyk, widow, in 8 marks, at St. Andrew's
day, 1471. 20 March, 8 Edward IV. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10656. Letter of attorney by Henry de Braunteston, to William
de Charyndon and John Burnel to deliver seisin to Sir John de Bisshopesdon
of the whole manor of Lapworth. Bispwode, Saturday the eve of
St. Andrew, 14 Edward II. Seal of arms, broken. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10657. Bond by Adam de Coventre of Collyshull, to John Prest,
of Coventre, merchant, in 6l. at Christmas next. 16 September, 34
Edward III. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10658. Indenture being a feoffment by Paulin Assheby of
Alspath, to George Assheby his brother, in tail, with reversion in default
to himself, of all the land &c. in Lapworth, which Margaret Assheby his
mother then held after the death of Thomas Assheby her husband, and
also of his land &c. there called 'Fowlersthyng'; rent, 10s. a year to him
for life. Lapworth, 24 September, 14 Henry VI. Fragment of seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10659. Letter of attorney by John de Saundrested to Robert de
Sutton of Coventre, 'mercer,' and John de Shrouesbury of the same,
'cordewaner,' to deliver seisin to William de Catesby, of all the lands and
tenements which he had in Coventre, Radeford and Coundelme. Tuesday
the feast of St. Lawrence, 24 Edward III. Seal of arms, broken. |
Warw. |
A. 10660. Feoffment by Thomas Bate and John Bate, 'glovers,' of
Nuneton, co. Warwick, sons and heirs of John Bate, 'glover,' late of Nuneton,
to Thomas Thomson, 'tanner,' of Nuneton, of a tenement there. 26 April,
2 Henry VIII. Seals. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10661. 'Hit is to be remembyrd that late was enqueryd of us
Symkyn Skynner of Lappeworth and of John Parsons of the same tenauntes
unto Sir William Catisby, knyght, whether ever we payd eny rent unto John
Brome of Warrewyk fathir unto John Brome of Baddisley for suche landes
and tenementes as we hild in the sayd towne of Lappeworth parcell of the
landes and tenementes callyd Bromes there or evir knewe that the same
John Brome fathir hedde ever astate or possession in the sayd landes and
tenementes. We sey and confesse by this owre writyng to all suche persons
to whome it shall come to that we neythir payd peny of rent eythir to the
handes of the sayd John Brome fathir or to the handes of the sayd John
Brome sone but to suche as were theyr rent gethirres. whethir to the behowfe
and use of the fathir or the sone in the lyfe of the fathir or to eny othir
standyng enfeffid theryn we knowe not. And ovir this we sey that we
remembir not the state and feffement that was made of all the sayd
landes and tenementes callyd Bromes by Thomas Cokkes one of the
feffees to John sumtyme Duke of Bedford in the same landes and tenementes
to whom the sayd feffement and astate was made and possession of the
same delyveryd whethir to the sayd John Brome fathir or to the sayd
John Brome his sone or to eny othir to eny of theyr behouvis as we shull
unswere to fore godde at the dredefull day of dome. Gevyn at Lappeworth
the iiijth day of June the vijte yere of Kyng Edward the fourthe.' |
[Warw.] |
A. 10662. Release by William Bonde of Nunn Eton, and William
Astell of the same, to Thomas Bagott of Coventre, of their right in a garden
in Cotonend beside Eton aforesaid, which they had by the gift and feoffment
of Marjory Bagott of Nunn Eton, widow. 27 June, 15 Edward IV.
Endorsed: Cotten End . . . |
[Norf.] |
A. 10663. Feoffment by Robert Man and Henry Man the younger
to Thomas Man the elder of Skernyng, Thomas Aunger of the same, John
Pounfreyth the younger and Geoffrey Auncell, of a messuage and cottage,
which were Adam Man's, a croft adjacent, four pieces of arable, one piece
of underwood in the common, an acre of meadow for mowing, and all
other the lands which lately were John Man's in Skernyng; all of which
they had by the feoffment of Thomas Man the elder and Richard Crowe of
Skernyng. Skernyng, 8 August, 17 Edward IV. Seals, one broken.
Endorsed: Thomas Hoo. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10664. Feoffment by Roger son of Thomas Baldewin of
Skerninge to Sir William de Wenling, of the homages and all the services
of Alexander Odeler (Odeleri), Thomas de Eston and Robert Gilbert of
Skerninge and their heirs, for the tenements they held of him in Skerninge;
rent, a peppercorn at Easter for all service. Witnesses:—Sir Gilbert de
Frausham, Sir Reginald de Dunham, Sir Henry de la Leye, Sir Sayer de
Frivile, and others (named). |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10665. Bond by William Roscowrek to Ralph Reskymmer,
esquire, in 20l. at Easter next, conditioned for the payment of 100s. on the
said feast. 25 January, 1 Edward IV. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10666. Feoffment by Alexander son of Richard son of William de
Terstune to God and St. Mary and the canons of the Premonstratensian
order at Wendling, for 9 marks which they gave him for the use of Richard
his nephew (nepotis), of his alder-bed (alnetum), called 'Schorteker,' in
Sckerning; rent, a clove gillyflower at Easter for all service. Witnesses:
—Sir Sayer de Frivill, and others (named). Seal, broken, with legend,
s. alexandri de t . . . . . .
Endorsed: Carta Alexandri de Sterstun. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10667. Feoffment by Richard le Botoner, merchant of Coventre,
to Henry de Therdele, merchant of Coventre, of a tenement in Earl Street
(vico comitis), Coventre, &c. reaching to 'Erlesorchard.' Witnesses:—
Robert Baker (pistore), bailiff, Anketin de Coleshul, coroner of Coventre,
and others (named). Midsummer eve, 2 Edward II. Fragments of seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10668. Release by John son and heir of Robert Broun of
Warrewyk to William fitz Herry, esquire, William Casteleyn, esquire,
William Botyner, John Yate and John Bokemore, of his right in all those
lands, &c. in Lapworth which the said Eobert his father, William del
Spyne and John Jory, chaplain, had by the gift and feoffment of Philip de
Ayllesbury and Agnes his wife. Warrewyk, the feast of St. Barnabas the
Apostle, 2 Henry V. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10669. Release by Amycia Broun and Walter Broun to John son
of Walter Broun of Thaneworth, of their right in two places of land there,
one between 'le Longelone' and land of Simon del Heth, land of Henry
Elys and the lane from Monkespath mill to 'le Longeloneende,' the
other at 'Calvedenelond' toward 'le Hethsyde.' Thursday the feast of
St. Matthias the Apostle, 16 Edward II. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10670. Indenture being the memorandum of an agreement
between Alice late the wife of Roger Herbad of Taneworthe and Simon de
Coddebarue, smith, viz. she granted him in frank marriage with Amycia,
her daughter all her land &c. (totam partem omnium terrarum . . . . . que
habuit) in the territory of Holenhale, with the third part of the crop then
in the ground; for this he agreed that the issues of the said land &c. and
the moveables he had with her should be applied to the said Amycia's
promotion, as in buying land or building houses; they have sworn on the
gospels (fide media . . . . juraverunt) to observe these covenants, under
penalty of 100s. to the assistance (subsidium) of the Holy Land and 100s. to
the Queen's gold. Taneworthe, Thursday in Whitsun week, 4 Edward II.
Fragment of one seal. |
Warw. |
A. 10671. Indenture whereby Thomas Burdet, knight, after reciting
that John Brome of Lappeworth gave to him, and others, since deceased,
the manor of Lappeworth Halle, with all other the said John's lands &c.
in Lappeworth, to them and their heirs forever, enfeoffs William de
Bisshopesdon, knight, of the said manor. Witnesses:—Alfred Trussell,
knight, and others (named). Lappeworth Halle, the feast of the Beheading
of St. John the Baptist, 7 Henry V. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10672. Release, in consideration of 12d., by Elviva, late the wife
of Ralph Rose, widow, to the canons of St. Mary of Wendling, of her right
in a piece of land in Skerninge, which Nicholas son of Alice had of the gift
of Sir William de Wendlinge and held of them. Fragment of seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10673. Grant by Agnes de Aylesbury, widow, to Margaret Wodard
of Tonworth, of 10s. rent for thirteen years, to be received at her manor of
Loppeworth from Richard Prat, her tenant there, viz. 40d. at Michaelmas,
the Purification, and Whitsuntide. Henle, 20 September, 14 Richard II. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10674. Defeasace of a letter of account (litera de compoto) whereby
Robert Raulot, 'pursere,' in Coventre, was bound to Robert de Buricote,
'scherman,' in Coventre, in 18l., viz. on payment, before the feast
of . . . . . next, of 9l. Coventre, Monday after the Holy Innocents,
10 Edward III. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10675. Feoffment by John Dey of Nuneton and Agnes his
wife, to Sir William Carpenter, perpetual vicar of the parish church of
Staunton beside Pembryg, co. Hereford, John Carpenter, brother of the
said William, Thomas Shepey of Nuneton, and Nicholas Dalton, otherwise
Called Tayler, of Kynges Newnam, co. Warwick, of a burgage and a half-
burgage in Nuneton, which they had by the gift of Richard George, Maud
his wife, and John Freman of Coventre, who had the same by the feoff-
ment of John Thorp, late of Coventre, 'wever,' to them and the heirs and
assigns of the said Richard and Maud; to hold to them and the heirs and
assigns of the said William and John Carpenter. Witnesses:—Sir Richard
Cokkes, vicar of the parish church of Nuneton, William Asshe, then bailiff
of the said town and others (named). The Conception, 19 Edward IV. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10676. Letter of attorney by William Dallyng of Brunham
Norton and Katharine his wife to William their son, to deliver seisin to
Robert Makemayden of the same, William Fuller of Elgheton, and Henry
Wryght of Brunham aforesaid, of 3½a. in Brunham Norton. Monday after
the Purification, 10 Henry IV. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10677. Chirograph indented being a feoffment by Robert de Repp
to William ate Lund of Suthrepp of 3r. 10p. land in Suthrepp, in exchange
for the like amount of land there. Saturday before Lady Day, 18 Edward II. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10678. Feoffment by Robert son of the late Richard de Suthwode
of Estderham to Peter Bate of the same, Alice his wife, and their heirs and
assigns, of a close there, with a piece of land in the croft of the same close.
Sunday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 36 Edward III. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10679. Feoffment by John Davy, vicar of the church of
Estodenham, Benedict atte Welle, Thomas atte Hyl, 'smyth,' and John
Schyrcheman of the same, to Richard Teny of Estodenham, and Emma
his wife, their heirs and assigns, of 10½a. arable and a piece of heath in
Estodenham and Hokeryng, lying dispersed in eleven pieces. Tuesday after
St. Augustine, 6 Henry VI. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10680. Feoffment by John Fyssher of Skernyng, to John
Pomefrey of the same the elder, John Pomefrey his son and Clement
Pomefrey likewise of the same, of two pieces of arable, lying apart in
Skernyng field, which, together with Thomas Lampken of Gressenhale,
Simon Toke of Betelee, and Henry Gedgh of Wurthyng, since deceased, he
had, inter alia, by the gift of Thomas Eycoll of Hoo, and John Bolyon of
Swanton Morlee, by charter dated at Skernyng, 12 November, 8 Henry VII;
rent, to him, or to the proprietors of the messuage of Watlyngtonys, in
Skernyng, 1d. at Michaelmas, for all service. 21 November, 22 Henry VII.
Endorsed: Thomas Hoo. |
Surrey. |
A. 10681. Release by John Rokele and Joan his wife to Nicholas
Carrou the elder and Nicholas Carrou the younger of their right in the
lands &c. which belonged to Nicholas Davy, late husband of the said Joan,
in the county of Surrey, and which on Davy's death ought to have come to
her by descent or in dower, in the parishes of Cresalton, Bedyngton, or
elsewhere in the said county. Tuesday after Christmas, 13 Richard [II].
Seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10682. Confirmation by Reginald son of Adam de Gressenhal, so
far as in him was, to the abbot and canons of St. Mary of Wendlinge, that
they and their successors might peacefully possess and freely hold for ever
in severalty, and as their own soil, a piece of land or pasture with the
herbage therein in Skerning, being 2½a. next the stream between Skerning
and their messuage in Wendling, which piece of land or pasture was
formerly common of pasture. Witnesses:—Sir Jordan Folyot, Sir William
de Frausham, Sir John L'Estrange (extraneo) and Sir Warin de Hertford,
knights, and others (named). Wednesday, the first after the feast of
St. James, 16 Edward [I]. Seal, broken (a pelican in her piety). |
[Norf.] |
A. 10683. Feoffment by John Elfer of Great Frauesham to Clement
the chaplain of Bleyclyngg, of a half-acre of his land. Great Frausham,
Sunday before St. Philip and St. James, 9 Edward II. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10684. Feoffment by Thomas son of Walter of Great Frauesham
to William son of William de Wenling, for his homage and service, and
26d. William gave him, of 3d. rent William used to pay him for a piece of
land called 'Butteslond'; rent, ½d. at Michaelmas for all service. Wit-
nesses:—Gilbert de Frausham, Alexander his son, Adam de Gressinghal,
and others (named). |
Norf. |
A. 10685. Feoffment by Robert Soppe, vicar of the church of
Skernyngg, to John Sterlyngg the elder of Estbradenham, Alexander
Reve of Skernyng, Thomas son of Geoffrey of Skernyng and Robert Baye
of Westbradenham, of the lands, tenements, rents and services called
'Northendehalle,' which came to Margaret, late the wife of Thomas de
Holton, dwelling in Sandon, by inheritance, on the death of Henry
Lacy, her brother, in Skernyngg and elsewhere, co. Norfolk, with
the following exceptions:—A rent called Wesenham rent, of 18d. yearly,
which John Peyntour, the elder, of Skernyngg had bought of him; 3½d.
rent from an acre of land called 'Stowys' at Bytfeld in Skernyngg, bought
of him by the said John Peyntour; 29d. rent, bought of him by Simon
Auncell and John his son, formerly due for Cayftes tenement in Skernyngg;
5d. rent, bought by the said Simon, from ½a. there called Stumpdock; four
antumn boon-works, and three-quarters of a day of the same, bought of him
by Reginald Senkeler, formerly due from the tenement there of Leva and
Juliana Gybbes; one autumn boon-work and a quarter of a day of the same,
bought of him by the said Reginald, formerly due from the tenement of
Adam de Holgate there; two autumn boon-works, bought of him by Richard
Senkeler, formerly due from the tenements of Thomas Lechys and. Thomas
Asselenys there; half an autumn boon-work, which the said Richard
Senkeler bought of him, formerly due from Lenotys tenement there; and
except four autumn boon-works, which Adam atte Dam bought of him,
formerly due from the tenements of Maud atte Dam, Geoffrey Back,
Roger atte Dam and Adam atte Dam in Skernyngg; to hold the said
lands, tenements, rents and services, with the above exceptions, to the
said John, Alexander, Thomas and Robert, their heirs and assigns, of the
chief lords of the fee &c. Skernyngg, Sunday the feast of St. Edmund the
Archbishop, 1 Henry [VI].
Endorsed: Thomas Hoo. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10686. Feoffment by Ralph son of Henry Ruffin of Frausham to
William son of Leffein of Wendling, of all that moiety of the mill which
(quod) was Robert Cuthemer's, which (quam) William held of Henry his
father in Wendling; with a moiety of the alder-bed (alneti) which is of
the fee of Sir William de Stutevill, to wit which lies between the alder-bed
of Emma late the wife of Lewin and the stream; to give &c. as he please,
except to religious (preter in religionem); rent, 4d. at the Purification, for
all service; Ralph and his heirs are bound to give the said 4d. to the lord
of Gressinghale on account of the overflow (propter refulacionem) of the
water and on account of the said moiety of the alder-bed; for this gift and
confirmation William gave him 12s. in gersum and did homage to him. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10687. Feoffment by John Man of Skernyng, Geoffrey Brakke,
and Edmund Mychyll of the same, to Walter Tudenham of Skernyng,
Thomas Brakke, John Fyssher the younger and Thomas Secker the
younger of the same, of a piece of arable, containing 3 roods, lying at
'Stubbez,' next land of the manor of Skernynghalle &c.; which piece of
land they had together with John Wright, late of Skernyng aforesaid, since
deceased, by the feoffment of John Pomefreyth the elder of Skernyng, by
charter dated 31 August, 23 Henry VII; to hold to them, their heirs and
assigns, but to the use of the said Walter Tudenham, his heirs and assigns,
paying therefore at the messuage of the said John Man yearly 1¼d. at
Michaelmas, for all service. 6 June, 23 Henry VII. Seals.
Memorandum of livery of seisin, endorsed.
Endorsed: Thomas Hoo. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10688. Feoffment by Henry Clerke of Skernyng, son and heir of
John Clerke, late of the same, son and heir of Henry Clerke formerly of
Skernyng, to John Fyssher of the same the elder, of a messuage, void,
with 18a. arable, meadow and pasture lying dispersed there; also grant of
35½d. rent at Michaelmas from lands &c. late Chabbes in Skernyng, in the
occupation of Edmund Tabbe and John Pomefrey, all of which descended
to him on the death of John Clerke, his father. Witnesses:—Jerome
Crowe, rector of one mediety, and Robert Baker, vicar of the other mediety
of the parish church of Skernyng, and others (named). 12 November,
12 Henry VII. Seal.
Endorsed: Thomas Hoo. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10689. Release by Alice daughter of John le Buckemongere of
Coventre, widow, to John Abbot of Coventre, of her right in a messuage
in Earl Street (vico comitis) in Coventre; also of her right in 12a. rent
from a tenement, formerly Adam le Wythe's in the same street, next the
said messuage. Witnesses:—John Lewyne, then coroner, and others
(named). Thursday after Michaelmas, 32 Edward I. Seal, with legend
s. alicie. l[e] . bocmonger. |
Norf. |
A. 10690. Feoffment by Robert Mendham of Sporle and Thomas
Sekker to John Bullok of Skernyng, co. Norfolk, 'yoman,' William
Pynchebek of the same, 'husbondman,' and Thomas Lumbard of Ship-
dam, co. Norfolk, 'husbondman,' of a messuage, with buildings, and a
piece of land reckoned at half an acre, in Skernyng, between Thomas
Rownyng's close, called 'le Grove,' the church-way (viam ecclesiasticam),
&c.; also of two pieces of land and pasture in the town and field of Skernyng,
one containing 3½a. and the other 1½a.; all of which they had by the
feoffment of Robert Tomlynson of Skernyng, Geoffrey Brakke and John
Cokden alias Cotton of Wendlyng. Skernyng, 26 October, 22 Henry VII.
One seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Endorsed: Thomas Hoo. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10691. Indenture being a feoffment by Silvester de Lannergh
Vyghan to John Myn of Hellestonburgh and Joan his wife, in tail, with
reversion in default of their issue to himself and his heirs, of all his
messuages &c. in the town of Lannergh Vyghan, to hold of him during
his life by service of a pair of white gloves at Michaelmas yearly, and after
his death of the chief lords thereof by the services thereto belonging.
Hellestonburgh, Saturday before the Apostles Philip and James, 3
Richard II. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10692. Feoffment by Thomas, John and Edmund, sons of Henry
Clerk of Skernyng, deceased, to Richard Tabbe of the same, of a mesauage
with buildings, 3½a. 1 rood land lying dispersed there. Friday after the
Finding of the Holy Cross, 27 Henry VI.
Endorsed: Thomas Hoo. |
[Warw] |
A. 10693. Release by John son of John son of Simon Patte of
Coventre, to Henry del Sartrye of Coventre and Joan his wife, their heirs
and assigns, of his right in all that tenement which William Patte and
Helewisia his wife formerly held of him for their lives in the High Street
towards 'Potteresrowe' in Coventre, between the tenements of Robert
Bonhome and Isabel Patte, formerly Simon Patte's. Witnesses:—John
de Clifton, then bailiff, Roger de Pacwode, coroner, of Coventre, and
others (named). Tuesday after All Hallows, 20 Edward II. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10694. Letter of attorney by John Mayell of Stretford on Avene
and Alice his wife to Walter Pratte of Henley in Ardern and John Hereford
of the same, to deliver seisin to Robert Tyscote of Henley and Isabel his wife
and the heirs and assigns of Robert of a messuage and garden in Henley.
Saturday the feast of the Circumcision, 30 Henry VI, 1451. Seals. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10695. Indenture being a release by Henry Godlord of Hucthorp
to Richard del Combe of Coventre, William Prest of the same and Thomas
de Franketon of Coventre of all actions &c. for any transgression against
beating or imprisonment of him by them. Warwick, Wednesday after the
Holy Trinity, 5 Edward III. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10696. General release by Agnes Kyng, late the wife of John
Kyng of Atherston, to Richard Bagot of Noneton and Amisia his wife, late
the wife of John Cauthorne of Atherston. Atherston, 4 January, 26 Henry
VI. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10697. Feoffment by Richard Barne of Estbradenham and William
Tabbe of the same to Thomas Rownyng of Skernyng and William Rownyng
of Estdyrham of a half-acre of land and a messuage with buildings in
Skernyng, which, together with Geoffrey Awncell, since deceased, they had
by the gift of Nicholas Barne, Edmund Tabbe and John Colyn; warranty
by Richard Barne; letter of attorney by William Tabbe to Richard Barne
to deliver seisin. The feast of St. Katharine the Virgin and Martyr, 2
Henry VII. Seals.
Endorsed: . . . nuper Tomlinsons. Thomas Hoo. |
[York, W.R.] |
A. 10698. Chirograph indented being a demise by Richard de
Hauvill, with the consent of Cecily his wife, to the prior, Albert, and
convent of Lewes of a bovate of land in Breidewelle, for ten years from
Michaelmas, 1243, in consideration of 34s. paid beforehand; he may not
sell, pledge or alienate the said land during the said term without the
assent of the prior and convent; if they suffer loss for defect of warranty or
acquittance the land shall remain in their hands till the loss is fully made
good to them, the prior's word, without other proof, to be taken as to such
loss; Richard and Cecily have sworn to keep this agreement and have
promised (fide sua media promiserunt) to submit to excommunication, in
default, by the dean of Danecastre, &c.
Endorsed: Bradewelle, Eboracensis Diœcesis. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10699. Feoffment by Lettice, late the wife of Peter de Veautre,
of Brunham, widow, to her son Walter of a site, with a house on it, in the
parish of Brunham Ulp, two perches long and two wide; also of two roods,
in one piece, in the field of Thorp; also of one part of a messuage, formerly
Walter son of Alvered's, in Brunham Thorp, which she had by the gift of
the said Walter, 41 ft. by 39 ft. Witnesses:—Sir Walter de Calthorp and
Sir Thomas de Snyterton, knights, William de Veautre and others (named).
Wednesday after St. Gregory the Pope, 2 Edward II. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10700. Feoffment by Robert Tomlynson of Skernyng, Geoffrey
Brakke, and John Cokden alias Cotton, of Wendlyng, to Robert Mendham,
of Sporle, and Thomas Sekker, of a messuage, with buildings, and a piece
of land, reckoned at ½a., in Skernyng; also of two pieces of land and
pasture there, of 3½a. and 1½a. respectively, which two pieces they had by
the gift of William Choket, by charter of the said William, Thomas
Michell, chaplain, and Alan Whitopp; the messuage &c. they had by the
gift of Thomas and William Rownyng. Skernyng, 12 September, 22 Henry
VII. Seals.
Endorsed: Thomas Hoo. |