[Leic.] [N'hamp.] [Warw.] |
A. 6601. Indenture between Emma, wife of John de Catesby, and
William Brok, chaplain, specifying various sums of money received from
the said William, viz.: as rents from Lodbrok and Rodbourne, as from the
bailiff of Bobenhulle, as rents from Coventre and Swynford, as from Thomas
Wymmere, and from the abbot of Halees, as from land and pasture called
'Hurdenhede,' in Fylonley, as from the bailiff of Loddebrok, as rents from
Upton, Avenderset, Netherschuckeborgh and Overschuckeborgh, as from
sale of underwood at Corley, as rents from Thorlaston and Happesforde, as
from Whetheley, as rents from Asscheby, as for a pasture called 'Rouden,'
as perquisites of court at Netherschuckeborgh, as rent from Newbold, as
from a meadow called 'Monkesmedewe,' as rents from Gildesborgh, as rent
of Bobenhulle mill, and as from a meadow called 'Waterlayres' at Over-
schuckeborgh, &c., &c. Sunday before St. Thomas the Apostle, 10 Richard
II. |
Worc. |
A. 6602. Indenture between Sir William Catesby, of Lambeth, co.
Surrey, knight, of the first part, Robert Acton of Ribbesforde, esquire, of
the second part, William Burlas of Little Marlowe, co. Bucks, esquire,
Edward Alforde of Hicham, co. Bucks, esquire, and Robert Woodeforde
of Burnham, co Bucks, esquire, of the third part, and Thomas Rydlie
D.C.L. and Margaret his wife, of the fourth part; witnessing that the
said Robert Acton, at the request of the said Rydley, hath assigned to
the said parties of the third part, the manor of Greane in the parish of
Alchurche, and all his estate therein, with certain indentures recited
herein, one containing a grant of the said manor by Katharine Throck-
morton of Castleton, co. Oxford, widow, to George Throckmorton, youngest
son of the said Katharine and of Anthony Throckmorton, her late
husband, for forty-one years from the death of the said Katharine, and
another containing a grant by the said George to the said Acton of the said
manor for the remainder of the said term of forty-one years then unexpired;
the present grant being made on trust that the said parties of the third part
shall permit the said Thomas Rydley and Margaret, his wife, to enjoy, in
tail, the rents, &c., of the said premises, during the rest of the said term,
with remainder, successively, in tail, to the said Thomas by himself, and to
the said Margaret by herself, and further remainder to Anne Day, wife of
William Day, dean of Windsor; if the said Anne die before the end of the
said term, Launcelot Rydley, brother of the said Thomas, is to have one
moiety of the said rents, and William Day, eldest son of the said William
Day, the other moiety, during the rest of the said term, &c., &c. 1 February,
32 Elizabeth. English. Signed. Two seals.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to sealing and delivery. Memorandum
signed by Thomas Ridley, that it is agreed at the sealing of the above deed
that the parties of the third part and one Anthony Tyringham, and John
Catisby, esquires, shall grant a rent charge of 20l. out of the lands within
mentioned to Anne Day, wife of William Day, to begin after the decease of
the said William Day. |
N'hamp. |
A. 6603. Demise by William Catesbie of Legers Ashebie, esquire, to
Edmunde Grobe of the same, 'housbandman,' for twenty-one years, of a
messuage and land, &c. in Ashebie. 20 December, 17 Elizabeth. English.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to sealing and delivery. |
N'hamp. Staff. |
A. 6604. Letter of attorney by John Swynerton of Wheleton,
authorising Thomas Crowley of the same, and Hugh Cook of Hilton, to
deliver seisin to Ellen daughter of John Malore of Welton, and to the heirs
of the bodies of herself and John, her late husband, son of the said John
Swynerton, of all the said Swynerton's lands and tenements, &c. in Staver-
ton, and of the lands and tenements which Nicholas Clerc and William
Combe hold from him separately at will, in Wheleton co. Northampton, and
of all his lands and tenements, &c. in Stretton by Pencrych, and Wirlee, co.
Stafford. 6 June, 9 Henry IV. Seal of arms. |
[Warw.] |
A. 6605. Demise by John de Bisschoppesdon, knight, to his sons,
Roger and Nicholas de Bisschoppesdon, for their lives, of all his lands and
tenements &c. in Wellesbourne Mounford. Lappeworth, Sunday before the
Purification, 1 Edward III. Portion of seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 6606. Demise by William Legeard of Northampton, and Joan
his wife, to Robert Spicer, burgess of the same, and Mabel his wife, for
their lives, of all their shops in the east part of the street of the bridge of
Northampton. Witnesses:—Almaric Vynter, mayor of Northampton, and
others (named). Thursday in Christmas week, 41 Edward III. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 6607. Grant by Roger de Watford, to Robert de Craunforde, and
Margaret his wife, of a messuage in Assheby Leger, and land between it and
road called 'Mulneweye,' formerly belonging to Nicholas de Craunford his
father. Sunday after St. Philip and St. James, 23 Edward III. |
[Warw.] |
A. 6608. Release by Roger, son and heir of Roger Oky, of Coventre,
to Richard Frebern and Henry le Clerk, of Coventre, merchants, of all his
right in all the lands and tenements, &c. which descended to him after the
death of his said father in Coventre and Raddeford. Witnesses:—Walter
Whitwebbe, mayor of Coventre, and others (named). Monday the feast of
St. Matthias, 28 Edward III. |
Oxford. |
A. 6609. Sale by George Catisbey of Grysemonte, co. Monmouth,
Richerde Catisbey of Legers Asshebey, co. Northampton, Edmonde Catisbey
of Lapworthe, co. Warwick, and Edwards Catisbey, late of Warwick,
gentlemen, to John Catisbey of London, gentleman, of all their woods and
trees being 'vallett wood' in all the lands, &c. which lately belonged to Sir
Richerde Catisbey, knight, deceased, in Walcot in the parish of Charleburey.
12 December, 14 Elizabeth. English. Signed. Four seals. |
[Warw.] |
A. 6610. Demise by William de Catesby, to Thomas Haukshawe, for
four years, of three fields lying within the grantor's close in Toneworthe,
between the field called 'Wynmelfelde' and the running water dividing the
parishes of Sullihile and Toneworthe, and extending to the wood called
'Tylhous Grove,' with a free entry from the said fields to the high road in
breadth between the running water and 'le Tylhous Ovene.' Sunday in
the quinzaine of Easter, 48 Edward III. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 6611. Release by Alice late the wife of Thomas Brynkelowe, of
Coventre, and daughter of Thomas Boltyng of Welton, to John de Catesby,
of all her right in a cottage and curtilage in Welton, adjoining the lane
called 'Leddereslake.' Asscheby Leger, Monday the eve of the Assumption,
20 Richard II. Seal. |
Suff. |
A. 6612. Demise by Master William Capon D.D. first dean of
Cardinal College, Ipswich, and the Fellows of the same to Rauf Canterell,
gentleman, for twenty-one years, of lands in Hemyngston, Gosbacke and
Codenham, reserving all great wood and timber, the said Rauf to deliver to
the said dean and Fellows, at Christmas next, one boar of the price of 5s.
or the money value of the same. 10 September, 21 Henry VIII. English. |
Middx. |
A. 6613. Demise by John Wale of the parish of St. Mary Matfellon
alias Whitechappell without Algate, London, sawyer, to John Somerland,
citizen and grocer of London, for eleven years and three quarters of a year,
of a garden plot on the south side of Whitechappell strete in the said
parish, within the lordship of Stebbunhuth. 23 March, 11 Elizabeth,
A.D. 1568. English. Signed. Seal.
Underwritten: Name of witness to sealing and delivery. |
N'hamp. |
A. 6614. Confirmation by Richard son and heir of Joan, daughter of
William Ryvell, of a grant by Richard Southard and John Happesford, of
Coventre, merchants, Thomas Ryvell of Edmescote, and John Everdon of
Coventre, 'hosyer,' to William Attilburgh of Coventre, for his life, of the
manor of Buckeby, the reversion of which, in fee, belongs to the said
Richard son of Joan. 28 May, 9 Henry IV. Seal, broken. |
[Warw.] |
A. 6615. Counterpart of demise by Emma de Catesby, and John
Catesby, to William Garet of Coventre 'wever,' for thirty years, of a
messuage in Coventre, in Well Street (vico fontis), extending to 'Hulle-
mullebrok.' Witnesses:—Laurence Cook, mayor of Coventre, and others
(named). Feast of the Annunciation, 3 Henry V. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 6616. Grant by John Jurdan of Toneworth, to Richard de
Mountfort, and Roesia his wife, of a toft with two crofts, and all the
meadow in the said crofts, called 'Kanounescroftes,' lying by the road to
Henley. Toneworth, Sunday after St. Andrew, 43 Edward III. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 6617. Demise by John de Lodbrok, son of Sir Henry de Lodbrok,
to Simon the miller of Herburbury, and Marjory his wife, for life, of land,
with a mill in the same, which he had of the feoffment of John Wilekokes
of Herburbury. Tuesday after Michaelmas, 2 Edward III. See A. 6647. |
[Warw.] |
A. 6618. Grant by Robert, son and heir of William le Goldsmyth, of
Coventre, to Alexander de Hampton of Coventre, and Margery his wife, for
their lives, of a messuage in Coventre lying in 'le Westorchard.' Saturday
after St. Scholastica, 9 Edward III. Seal and portion of seal. |
[Suff.] |
A. 6619. Bond by William van Toughyr, servant and factor of James
due Pryor of Antwerp, merchant, to John Valentyn and Robert Deraugh,
gentlemen, collectors of customs and subsidies in the port of Ipswich, for
20 marks to be paid at the feast of All Saints next. 5 September, 27
Henry VIII. Signed. Cancelled. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 6620. Grant by Benedicta del Hul of Welleton, to John Martin of
the same, and John son of Adam de Scoccheboru, of land with a croft, in
Welleton. Witnesses:—John Mallori of Welleton, and others named. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 6621. Defeasance of a grant by John son of Ralph, called the
chapman (mercatoris) of Great Derset, to William le Clerk of Geydon, of 4s. 6d.
rent from two tenements and land in Southend and Herdewik, held by
certain persons named, for their lives, with the reversion of the premises
after the death of the said persons; witnessing that if the said John pay to
the said William in his house at Geydon, at the feast of the Translation of
St. Thomas next, 51s. 2d. then the said grant shall be void. Southend in
Great Derset, Wednesday after St. Chad, 6 Edward III. Seal. |
[Kent.] |
A. 6622. Demise by brother Stephen the prior, and the convent, of
the Holy Trinity, London, to Henry Box, citizen of London, for thirty
years, of land in Lesnes, lying by the street of Grymmeslane, part adjoining
the marsh of Lesnes, and two gardens in the same. Michaelmas day, 24
Edward I.
Endorsed: Memorandum of surrender of the above premise to the prior
by Thomas Cros, who had the wardship of the son of H [enry] Box, on Friday
after the Annunciation, A.D. 1308. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 6623. Grant by Simon Terry of Yelvertoft, to William his brother,
of land in Yelvertoft which Richard Terry, his father, formerly gave to the
said Simon, and other land which he had of the feoffment of Amice Lyne.
Wednesday the feast of St Valentine, 4 Edward III. |
[Herts?] |
A. 6624. Grant by Roger Rivel of Watford, to Robert his brother,
for his life, of a cottage in Watford, and land there, part at Coppedemor,
and part on Crosfurlong. Sunday after St. Luke, 7 Edward II. |
[Warw.] |
A. 6625. Grant by Henry du la Lee of Taneworth, to Simon de
Coddebarwe, of a field called 'Holewey' in Taneworth. 31 Edward [I.]
Portion of seal, defaced. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 6626. Grant by John Malore, of Welton, to Simon Wright of
Cranesle, chaplain, of all the lands and tenements, &c. in Welton which
formerly belonged to John Mareschall; with further grant of the reversion
of land in the same, held, for his life, by John Wolf, vicar of the church of
Welton. Copy. Undated. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 6627. Release by Henry le Heire of Welton, to John de Catesby,
and Emma his wife, of all his right in land in Welton, which the said
John and Emma lately had of the grant of William atte Brigge, vicar of
the church of Asscheby Leger, and John Doget, of the same, chaplain, who
had it of the grant of the releasor. Thursday after St. Andrew, 17 Richard II. |
[Warw.] |
A. 6628. Conveyance by Roger Oky of Coventre, clerk, to Hugh de
Blaby, Christian his wife, and John, their eldest son, for their lives, of a
messuage in Coventre, in Well Street (vico fontis). Monday after St.
Martin, 14 Edward III. Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 6629. Release by Henry Engelond, to John de Catesby and Emma
his wife, of all his right in a messuage in Welton. Friday, the feast of the
Translation of St Benedict, 17 Richard II. Seal.
Endorsed: Relaxac[io] Henr[ici] Engelond de ten[emento] nuper
Henr[ici] le Eyr.' |
[Warw.] |
A. 6630. Demise by Dame Rose (Roysa) Mountefort, to Nicholas
Wybert of Henleye in Ardern, Margery his wife, and John (sic), for their lives,
of a cottage in Henleye aforesaid, with a garden, between a garden of the
rector of Beudesert church, and land of the abbot of Bordesleye, and extending
from the road leading to the castle, to the water called 'le Holdebrok.'
Sunday after St. Katharine, 2 Richard II.
Endorsed: Letter from the above-mentioned Dame Rose Mountefort
requesting her cousin to bring a writ of trespass against Richard Ford of
Sulyhul, Wyliam Notyng of Yerdeley, and Wilyam Ducy of Northfeld, for
20 marks. The manor of Codbarowe, feast of St. Ambrose. French and
English. |
[Warw.] |
A. 6631. Demise by John Burnel, of Hodenhull, to Avice, daughter
of John Gilby, of Warrewyk, and to Henry and John, her sons, for their
lives, of a messuage and land in Hodenhull, which descended to him by
right of inheritance after the death of Emma late the wife of John de
Napton. Wednesday after St. Hilary, 5 Richard II. Seal, injured. |
[Warw.] |
A. 6632. Release by John Tumour of Beushale, and Anabilla his
wife, to John de Pyrie of Hatton, of all their right in all the lands and
tenements, &c., which formerly belonged to Thomas Lovekyn, in Shyreues-
lye, except a cottage, &c., in Koutwemore, which said premises were lately
shared among the releasors and the said Pyrie, and Juliana, his late wife
and sister of the said Anabilla, the said Pyrie holding them after Juliana's
death by the Courtesy of England, and the remainder in fee, after Pyrie's
death, belonging to the releasors. Sunday, the feast of St. Matthew, 39
Edward III. Two seals. |
[Warw.] |
A. 6633. Grant by Richard ad Fontem, of Hatton, to Simon atte
Pyrie, of land in Hatton, lying on a tillage called 'Rowelowe' and
extending from the lower Vyldeneweye to the higher. Monday the feast
of St. Edmund the bishop, 12 Edward III. |
[Warw.] |
A. 6634. Release by Anabilla, late the wife of John Tornour of
Beausale, widow, to John ate Pirye of Hatton, of all her right in all the
lands and tenements formerly belonging to Thomas Lovekyn in Schriuele,
except a cottage and land in Couthwemor. Sunday 16 March, 50 Edward
III. Seal. See A. 6632. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 6635. Grant by Simon son of Sir Ralph de Throp near Daventre,
to John Mallore, son of the late Sir Robert Mallore, of Weleton, and to
Joan his wife, of all the rent and service of the grantor's freemen (named)
in Weltone. Witnesses:—Sirs Robert le Baud, sheriff of Northampton,
Robert son of Walter, lord of Daventre, knights, and others (named). |
[Chesh.] |
A. 6636. Grant by William son of Richard de Bulkylegh, of Chedle,
to Philip Phyppe, of the manor of Tymperlegh. Saturday after the
apostles Philip and James, 45 Edward III. |
N'hamp. Leic. |
A. 6637. Demise by William Tresham and Robert Isham, to William,
lord La Zouche and Saymour, and Elizabeth his wife, in tail, with
remainder, in default, to Henry Hodilston and others, named, of all the lands
and tenements in Westhaddon, co. Northampton, and Houghton on the hill,
co. Leicester, which John Plaumfoly and Henry Fermour then held to
farm, and which they lately had jointly with William, lord Lovell,
and others, named, of the grant of the said William, lord La Zouche.
2 April, 28 Henry VI. Two seals. |
[Warw.] |
A. 6638. Grant by Margery Dastyn of Great Derset, to William le
Clerk of Geydon, of 3s. yearly rent from a messuage in Derset, and from
land in the same, and in Herdewik, part lying 'in to' Westbrok, part upon
'le Overebradeforlong,' part 'in tothesiche,' part upon 'le Gosforlong,' and
part upon 'le Croftes.' Friday after St. Gregory, 22 Edward III. Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 6639. Grant by William Martyn of Welton, to Thomas de
Sadyngtone of the same, of land in Welton, part lying at 'le Cockelesmede-
overende,' and part upon 'Coppedewelleforlong.' Thursday after St. Peter
ad Vincula, 18 Edward II. Fragments of seal. |
A. 6640. Acquittance by Fraunceys Rigau, merchant of Catalonia,
as attorney of the merchants of Catalonia and Majorca, dwelling at Bruges
in Flanders, for certain goods and chattels, specified, received by him in
the month of August, in the under-mentioned year, from the mayor and
bailiffs of Winchelsea, which, with other goods, &c., were taken from a
vessel (tarite) of Majorca called St. Anthony and St. Vincent, the masters of
which were Nicholas Bertran and George Francoloy, which vessel was
burnt off St. Mathieu by the English. London, 28 October, A.D. 1374.
French. |
Warw. |
A. 6641. Letter of attorney by William de Tyrington and Joan his
wife, authorising William Broke, clerk, and William Bayllyf, of Bobenhull,
to deliver seisin to John de Catesby and Emma his wife, of all the lands
and tenements in Bobenhull and Schoteswelle which the said Joan holds in
dower of the tenements which lately belonged to Robert le Fizwith her
former husband. Seal of arms and seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 6642. Release by Joan, late the wife of John Raulyn of Great
Derset, to William le Clerk of Geydon, of all her right in all the lands and
tenements, &c. which the said William had of the grant of her said husband,
in La Southende and Herdewyk in Derset aforesaid. Tuesday before the
Ascension, 21 Edward III. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 6643. Grant by Alice daughter of Margery Kyntes of Lappeworthe,
to William Hunfrey of the same, of land in Lappeworthe, lying by the
high road from Burmigham to Warrewyke. Witnesses:—Simon de Stoke,
Nicholas de Curdeshale, and others (named). |
N'hamp. |
A. 6644. Release by William Walsch, Nicholas Walsch, William
Willys of Watford, and Thomas Hanwell son of Richard Hanwell, to
William Hastynges, knight, lord of Hastynges, William Catesby, knight,
John Catesby, serjeant-at-law, John Catesby of Olthorp, Thomas Wyndesore,
esquires, Thomas Kebeell, and Edmund Newnham, of all their right in two
crofts late belonging to John son and heir of Thomas Watford in Watford.
24 January, 16 Edward IV. Two seals, and portions of two seals. |
[Camb.] |
A. 6645. Grant by Cicely daughter of Richard son of Peter de
Saham, widow, to Robert le Munfort, of Schotesham, of all her land in
Saham and Fordham, her fishery, as well of Selode as elsewhere, her
faldage, and all her share of the mill of Fordham, with all her holding
(tenementum) by way of inheritance, &c. Witnesses:—Sirs Nicholas de
Hasting and Henry de Bedekesham, and others (named). |
[York, w.r.] |
A. 6646. Grant by John de Osbalduston, knight, and Thomasina his
wife, to Henry le Norres, knight, and William le Merser, chaplain, of their
manor 'del Lund,' with all their messuages and lands, &c. in Burton and
Thornton or elsewhere within the wapentake of Londesdale. Lund, Sunday
after the Purification, 3 Henry V. Seal and fragments of seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 6647. Grant by John son of John Wylecokes of Herburbury, to
John de Lodbrok, son of Sir Henry de Lodbrok, knight, of part of a croft in
Herburbury. Friday after St. Gregory, 1 Edward III. See A. 6617. |
[Linc.] |
A. 6648. Grant by Walter de Wyttilshey and John de Auveray of
. . . . . ., to Alice, Margaret, Joan, Cicely, Mary and Agnes . . . . . .
de Quadering, in tail, of land in Quadering, with remainder in fee to Joseph
. . . . . . Wednesday before St. Alphege, . . . Edward III. Mutilated. |
Wilts. |
A. 6649. Demise by John Moggridge of Bounteous Courte near New
Sarum, gentleman, to William Blanford of Potterin, yeoman, for twenty-
one years, of a 'copes' or close of pasture called 'Parsons grove,' in the
parish of Potterin aforesaid, reserving the trees thereon. April 1, 31
Elizabeth. English.
Underwritten: Names of witnesses to sealing and delivery. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 6650. Release by Richard Barkare alias Curryour, of Coventre,
and Agnes his wife, to William Catesby, esquire, of all their right in a croft
with a little orchard, and other land, in Welton. 20 January, 28 Henry
VI. Seal and portion of seal. |
[Suff.] |
A. 6651. Grant by Walter son of Roger le Noreys, to Richard le
Tollere, of Ipswich, of a curtilage in St. Peter's parish, Ipswich, abutting
on the high way from the bridge to the corn market. Witnesses:—
Thomas Aylred and Laurence Horold, bailiffs of Ipswich, and others
(named). |
[Warw.] |
A. 6652. Grant by Margery daughter of Simon son of Warin de
Screuel [eye], to Robert de Brunei [eye], of Bovynton, of land with a
messuage and curtilage in Screuel [eye], adjoining the wood there, and
extending to the lane leading from the said wood to the house of William
de Alveston in Hatton. Witnesses:—John, lord of Screuel [eye], and
others (named,). Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 6653. Grant by Robert Brounleye of Schreueleye, to Isabella,
daughter of Walter Lovekin of the same, of land in Schreuel [eye],
adjoining the waste of Schreuel [eye]. Witnesses:—Jurdan de la Wodegate,
and others (named). |
[Suff.] |
A. 6654. Acquittance by John de Hevenyngham, knight, for 100l.
received from John Mounk of Branfelde, in which sum the said Mounk
was bound to him; with general release. Hevenyngham, Monday after
the Epiphany, 10 Henry IV. Seal of arms, injured. |
[Middx.] |
A. 6655. Release by William de Kelebourne, of Willesdone, to John
de Middeltone, citizen of London, of all his right in 12d. yearly quit rent,
which he used to receive from the said John, for land lying in 'le Horc-
herd,' and in Harlebe croft, in the parish of St. Mary, Willesdone. First
Sunday in Lent, 33 Edward I. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6656. Demise by William Snecke of Ormesby, to Ralph Aylmer
of Thirkeby, of a fishery in his turbary at Soinol, with permission to make
a bridge and weir in any part of the same, and to fish, in the said William's
name, in the common [fishery] of Ormesby, paying yearly to the said
William 24d. at the feasts named, and half-a-quarter of small pike, at
Christmas, each of the measure of a man's foot. Sunday after St. Peter
ad Vincula, 8 Edward II. Portion of seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6657. Copy of court roll, being a grant made at a court held at
Peddham hall in Ormesbye, on the undermentioned date, by the lord to
Nicholas Nudde of a close in Scrowtby called 'Lemes Closse,' and other land
in the same, which premises are parcel of the lands of the lord as of his
manor of Castons in Scrowtby aforesaid, &c. 18 September, 38 Henry VIII. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6658. Grant by Oliver Groos and Nicholas Wychyngham,
esquires, to Robert Clere, son and heir of John Clere, son and heir of
William Clere of Ormesby, in accordance with the last wills of the said
William and John, of the reversion of the manor of Ormesby, with the
advowson of the church of Wynterton and of the chapel of Estsomerton,
and of all other lands and tenements, &c. formerly belonging to the said
William in Ormesby, Hemesby, Wynterton, Somerton, Scrouteby, Mauteby,
Filby, and Castre in Flegge, certain lands and tenements, &c. called 'Ver-
nons' and 'Taverhames' excepted, all which premises are held by Elizabeth,
late the wife of the said John Clere, for her life, of the demise of the present
grantors. 20 March, 7 Henry VI. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6659. Grant by Alexander Hervy of Ormesby, and Beatrice hia
wife, to Robert Clere and Alice his wife, of land in Ormesby, in exchange
for land called 'Gallesaker.' Sunday after the Conception, 28 Edward III.
Two seals. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6660. Sale by Kateryne Grene, late the wife of Roberte
Ravyngham, to Thomas atte Lee of the same town, for 20 marks, of a
messuage in Ormesby and land there, and two acres of 'gwyndole' on
Ormesby heath, reserving to herself the 'chaumbre before the dese' and
access to her 'hyve skeppys,' the said Thomas to sow 'hempsed and flax'
for her occupation and to acquit her of her 'gyld corne' against the gilds
of our Lady and St. Margaret, with various other covenants between them.
Tuesday the feast of St. Katharine, 10 Henry VII. English. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6661. Agreement between Robert Kent of Ormesby, of the one
part, and William Ide of the same, and Joan his wife, of the other part,
for the marriage of Thomas, son of the said William and Joan, with
Margaret Dunnynge, daughter of the said Robert; viz. the said Robert is
to give 6 marks with the said Margaret, and the said William and Joan
are to make an estate in fee simple, by recognizance in court before the
steward and tenants of the said town, to Nicholas Wace, vicar of the
churches of Ormesby, John Seyve, and Robert Kent, of land and heath,
with a capital messuage in Ormesby, Filby, and Hemmesby, and the said
Nicholas and others named shall then re-enfeoff the said William and Joan
in the said premises for their lives, with remainder in fee to the said
Thomas and Margaret &c. Sunday before St. Edmund the archbishop,
13 Henry IV. |
Dorset. |
A. 6662. Deed by Robert Gardner of the city and county of Bristol,
witnessing the delivery by him to Edward Cheesman of nineteen 'pooles of
writinges in a lytle plaine box with a cover' touching the land of John
Stone of Wareham, petty chapman, and Katheryne his wife, with all the
said Robert's right by virtue of any conveyance from the said John and
Katheryne, or any other person, touching two messuages or tenements and
two tofts or garden plots in Wareham; the said writings having been
received by the said Robert from the said John for a debt due from the said
John to the said Robert. 15 September, 6 James I. A.D. 1608. English.
Signed. Seal.
Underwritten: Names of witnesses to signing, sealing, and delivery. |
[York.W.R.] |
A. 6663. Grant, in tail, by Gregory son of John de Thorenton, to
Thomas his brother, of all the land of Kirkethuait with the mill and the
suit belonging thereto, which John his father gave to the said Thomas,
with reversion to the grantor. Thorenton, Thursday before St. Gregory,
23 Edward [I.] Fragment of seal. |
[Linc.] |
A. 6664. Surrender by Alice Drant, widow, late the wife of John
Drant, son and heir of John Drant late of Harington, to Thomas Drant
son and heir of the said John Drant the younger, of all her estate for life
in lands and tenements in Harington which John Linn late of'Forthington,
kinsman and heir of Ralph Linn late of Aswardby, demised to the said
John Drant and Alice his wife and the heirs of the said John Drant, &c.
5 June, 36 Henry VIII.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to sealing and delivery. |
Linc. |
A. 6665. Sale by Thomas Drant son and heir of John Drant late of
Harington, deceased, to Sir John Copuldyke of the same, knight, for 60l.
of all the messuages, cottages, and lands, &c. in Harington, Hagworthing-
ham, and Aswardby, or elsewhere in the same county, of which the said
John Drant was seised in his lifetime. 6 June, 36 Henry VIII. Seal,
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to sealing and delivery. |
Linc. |
A. 6666. Grant by the same, to the same, in part fulfilment of the
above, of all his messuages, cottages, lands, and tenements &c. in the above
mentioned places. 8 June, 36 Henry VIII.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to sealing and delivery and taking of
seisin. |
[Linc.] |
A. 6667. Release by Alice Drant, widow, late the wife of John
Drant son and heir of John Drant late of Harington, to John Copuldyke,
knight, of all her estate for life in the lands and tenements in Harington
specified in A. 6664. 18 June, 36 Henry VIII. Seal.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to sealing and delivery. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6668. Sale by John Doo of Great Yarmouth, executor of the
will of William Corriour alias Coryour, of Ormysby, to Richard Ilberd of
the same, John Ufford of Clippysby, John Pallyng.of Byllokby, and Henry
Manton, burgess of Great Yarmouth, in execution of the said will, of a
messuage called 'Myllers' in Ormysby, with twelve pieces of land, specified,
lying in Ormysby and Castre. 4 November, 17 Henry VII. Fragment
of seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6669. Declaration by Jafferey Spyrlyng late auditor of Sir John
Fastolf, knight, as to the amounts of rent paid yearly by the said Sir
John and his co-feoffees to Elysabeth Clere of Ormesby, and to divers of her
tenants, and as to an agreement (A. 6678) between the said Elisabeth'
and her said tenants by which the said rent paid by Sir John, &c. to the
said tenants was in future to be paid to the said Elisabeth, and certifying
the said Jafferey's personal knowledge of Sir John's approval of the said
assent, &c. English. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6670. Certificate of William Barker, one of the auditors of Sir
John Fastolf, as to 20d. rent paid by Sir John to Elizabeth Clere, lady of
Ormesby, as appears in the accounts of the manor of Castre belonging to
the said Sir John, and 8s. 9d. to certain of her tenants, for certain lands
with a tenement called 'Reppys,' in Castre, Ormesby, and Scrowdeby:
also as to the agreement (A. 6678) afterwards made between the said
Elizabeth and her said tenants relative thereto, and the said Sir John's
assent to the same. English. Signed. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6671. Certificate by Edmond Clere of Stokesby, esquire, John
Berkyng of Rollesby, gentleman, John Paynot of the same, and John Man
of Ormesby, of their having heard Walter Shipdam, one of the auditors of
Sir John Fastolf, at Filby, in his own house, acknowledge the truth of a
statement made there by William Barker another of Sir John's auditors,
as to certain rents paid by Sir John to Elizabeth Clere's tenants of
Ormesby, &c. 4 February, Saturday after Candlemas day, 3 Edward IV.
English. Two seals, one broken, and portions of two seals. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6672. Demise by Robert Bencelyn and John Levote of Scrouteby,
to John Mychell of the same, for his life, of all the lands and tenements,
&c. formerly Edmund de Clepesby's in Scrouteby, Hemmesby, and Ormesby
in Flegg, which they lately had of the demise of the said John Mychell, with
remainders to Margaret, late the wife of William Caston of Scrouteby, for
her life, and to Robert Clere, William Paston, Thomas Hogham, parson of
the church of Rollesby, and others, named, who, after the said Margaret's
death, are to carry out the will of William Caston of Scrouteby and of the
said John Mychell. 10 January, 7 Henry V. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6673. Release by William Lyncoln, Nicholas Larwode, Thomas
Wattes, and others, named, to Simon Smyth, Thomas Norman, John
Smyth of Wynterton, John Cappe, and Richard Grene, to the use of the
said Simon, of all their right in land which the said Simon lately acquired
from them in Ormysby and Scrotby. 20 December, 24 Henry VIII.
Seven seals.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to sealing and delivery. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 6674. Grant by Robert Fraunces of Tretherf, to Walter de Tret-
herf and Matilda his wife, of a messuage and all his land in Tretherf and
Gonrestyr with common of pasture for all cattle, and estover of peat
and furze through all the land and moor of Gonrestyr, in exchange
for a messuage and all the land which the said Walter and Matilda had in
Trewens. Witnesses:—Oger de Nanshogth, Odo de Trevel, Stephen de
Boswydel, John de Nanskilli, and others (named). Monday after St.
Barnabas, 14 Edward III. Seal. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 6675. Release by John Fraunces of Haeuos, to Walter de Tretherf
and Matilda his wife, of all his right in a messuage and land which they
had of the gift of Robert Fraunces, the releasor's son, in Tretherf and
Gonrestyr. Monday after St. Ciricius and St. Julita, 14 Edward III. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6676. Grant by Richard de Revyngham of Ormysby, to William
Hornyng, Thomas Herrys, and Simon Mannell, of the same, of all his lands
and tenements, &c. in Ormysby which the grantor lately had with others,
named, now deceased. 8 February, 20 Henry VII. Fragment of seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 6677. Assignment by George Hyckson, skinner, and Robert Kyrk-
ham, haberdasher, citizens of London, to Robert Johnson, citizen and
merchant taylor of London, and Gabriell Johnson and John Johnson, his
sons, for 274l. of all their estate, under certain leases recited, in a tenement,
with a shop, cellar, and sollars, &c. in St. Michael's lane, in the parish of St.
Michael by Crooked Lane, in the city of London, parcel of a tenement there
called 'the Cuppe,' with a little shop now used as part of the said
tenement, together with the said leases. 7 July, 31 Elizabeth. English.
Signed. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6678. Counterpart indenture being an agreement between Elysa-
beth Clere, lady and owner of a life estate in the manor of Ormesby, and
certain persons, named, holding lands, tenements, pasture or whyndoles,
in Ormesby, Scrowteby, Castre, or Fylby, of the said Elizabeth as of the
said manor; whereby the said tenants are to pay yearly to her a specified
money rent in lieu of 'many grete rentes and services, sommes of money
and custumes called gersumes, poundescore, rowmoles, hervest werkes,
cariages, plowsilver, relevies, and . . . . .'; and they also grant to the
said Elizabeth all the rents, &c. which they have for any lands or tenements
in any of the said towns holden mediately, or immediately, of her, as of the
said manor, viz. from Sir John Fastolf, knight, and others, named; the
said tenants to sue only to four courts holden in the said manor yearly, &c.
22 August, 5 Edward IV. English. Injured. Five seals. |
Norf. |
A. 6679. Release by Edward Styrrop of London, 'haburdassher,' to
Thomas Godsalve of Norwich, gentleman, John Marsham, William Hert,
Edward Reede, John Tyrry, and Reginald Litleprowe, merchants of Nor-
wich, and William Beynham, gentleman, to the use of the said Thomas, of
all his right in the manor of Bokenhamfery and in the advowsons of the
churches of Bokenhamfery and Hasingham, and in all other lands, &c., in
the said towns and in others adjoining, formerly belonging to John Jenny
of Bokenhamfery, esquire, and afterwards to Margaret Ideleye, late the wife,
and executrix of the will, of the said Jermy; with general release to the
said Thomas, and to John Flegge of Nedeham Market, co. Suffolk, gentle-
man. 24 February, 10 Henry VIII. Signed. Portion of seal.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to sealing and delivery. |
Glouc. |
A. 6680. Demise by Richard the abbot, and the convent, of Teukes-
bury, to John Salbrugge of Alvescote, and to William, Humphrey, and
Thomas, his sons, successively, for thirty years, of two water mills at
Preston on Stour, and the house of the said mill, and one other house for
the dwelling of the miller, together with a several fishery in the water there,
belonging from of old to the grantors' priory of Derhurst; the lessees to
keep the premises and 'le forbay, flodegates, stankis, brakkis,' or banks of
the water in good repair; if the lessees observe the covenants, specified,
faithfully, their bond, of even date, for 20l. to the said abbot is to be void.
20 December, 12 Henry VII. |
Norf. |
A. 6681. Release by George Legh of Newington, co. Surrey, gentle-
man, and Thomas Draytoune of the same, 'yoman,' executors of the will, or
administrators of the goods and chattels, of Margaret Ideley, late of
Newington, widow, deceased, to Thomas Godsalve of Norwich, gentleman,
and others, named, (as in A. 6679), to the use of the said Godsalve, of all
their right in the premises described in the above quoted deed; with general
release to the said Godsalve and to John Flegge of Nedeham Market, co.
Suffolk, gentleman. 24 February, 10 Henry VIII. Signed. Two seals.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to sealing and delivery. |
London. |
A. 6682. Mandate by King H [enry] to G [ilbert], bishop of London,
to permit the canons of the Holy Trinity, London, to hold their churches,
tithes, and parishes &c. as freely as in the time of Richard, the predecessor
of the said G [ilbert] &c. Witness:—Bishop of St. David's, at Burnam.
[A.D. 1128—1134.] Fragment of Great Seal.
Printed in Pipe Roll Society's Publications, Vol. X. Ancient Charters, &c.
No. 16. |
London. |
A. 6683. Confirmation by King S [tephen], to the canons of the
Holy Trinity, London, for the soul of King Henry, and for his own welfare
and that of Matilda the queen, his consort, and of Eustace his son, and his
other children, of the land of Smethefelde which earl Geoffrey had taken
for making his vineyard; to hold the said land as King Henry granted it
to them. Witnesses:—M [atilda] the queen, Thomas the chaplain, William
de Ipra and Richard de Luci, at London. See Charter Roll, 3 Richard II.
membrane 3.
Printed in Pipe Roll Society's Publications, Vol. X. Ancient Charters, &c.
No. 28. |
London. |
A. 6684. Confirmation by T [heobald], archbishop of Canterbury
and papal legate, to the canons of the Holy Trinity, London, of the grant
which William de Ipra made to them of Edredeshyda (Queenhithe),
according as King Stephen confirmed it to them; with further confirmation
to them of the custody of the hospital of queen Matilda, with the mill, near
the Tower of London, with the land belonging thereto, according to the
said queen's grant and the confirmation thereof by the King. [Stephen.]
Portion of seal.
Printed in Pipe Roll Society's Publications, Vol X. Ancient Charters, &c.
No. 32. |
[Berks.] |
A. 6685. Grant by King H [enry], in frank almoin, at the request of
the Empress, his mother, and of Gilbert, then abbot of Citeaux, and his co-
abbots, to the monks of the abbey of Stanley, which is of the foundation of
the said Empress and of the King, of a certain member of his manor of
Ferendon called Worda, which the abbey of Tame held of the grant of the
King's enemies, but which it has wholly resigned to him. Witnesses:—
H [ugh], bishop of Lincoln, Roger, Richard, and Nicholas, the King's
chaplains, Hugh de Morewich and Hugh Bardulf, sewers (dapiferis), Ralph,
son of Stephen the chamberlain, Robert de Witefeld, and Michael Belet;
at Wudestoch.' [A.D. 1186-1189.] Portion of Great Seal broken.
See Chancery, Cartæ Antiquæ, Roll X., No. 22. Printed in Pipe Roll
Society's Publications, Vol. X. Ancient Charters, &c. No. 52. |
Norf. |
A. 6686. Grant by John, count of Moretain, brother of the King, to
Robert de Bernariis, of all his manor of Ormesby, at a yearly rent of 16l.
Witnesses:—Peter de Pratellis, Ancher de Freschenvill, William de Canta-
lupo, then steward, Fulk de Cantalupo, and Hubert de Burco, then
chamberlain; at the isle of Andely, 12 July, 9 Richard I.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the Lord Treasurer's Remem-
brancer's Memoranda Roll. Michaelmas, 15 Richard II.
Printed in Pipe Roll Society's Publications, Vol. X. Ancient Charters, &c.
No. 67. |
London. |
A. 6687. Confirmation by King H[enry] of the foundation by his
wife, M [atilda], the queen, of the canons of Christchurch, free from all
subjection except to the bishop of St. Paul's; the said canons to hold their
lands, &c. freely, with sac and soc, &c. and with all their customs as well
within the city as without. Witnesses:—Roger, bishop of Salisbury, and
Robert, bishop of Lincoln. At Westminster. [Circa A.D. 1109.] Great
Seal, injured.
Printed in Pipe Roll Society's Publications, Vol. X. Ancient Charters, &c.
No. 2. |
Kent. |
A. 6688. Grant by M [atilda] the empress, daughter of King Henry,
and lady of the English, to the canons of Christchurch, London, in frank
almoin, for the souls of her father and mother, and for the welfare of her
own soul, of the land which Picot Empastorator gave them in Bekaham,
and land to the value of 7s. yearly which Picot bought from the men of that
town, and Æstmund's land, to the value of 8s. yearly, and the land of
Claiherste, together with pasture for ten oxen among the grantor's oxen,
and ten hogs without pannage. Witness:—Robert, earl of Glo [ucester],
the chancellor. [A.D. 1141.] |
[Sussex.] |
A. 6689. Grant by R [alph alias Rodolphus], archbishop of Canter-
bury, to the priory of Lewes (Latisaquensi), of the land in Caresleia which
Alwin the priest and his son held, for the souls of the grantor and preceding
archbishops, and for the welfare of those hereafter to be instituted.
Cerringis, A.D. 1121, 'in manu filii nostri domini H. Latisaquensis
Printed in Pipe Roll Society's Publications, Vol. X. Ancient Charters, &c.
No. 7.
Endorsed: 'de Rap de Pevense.' |
[London.] |
A. 6690. Agreement between Reginald, abbot of Ramsey, and
Norman, prior of the Holy Trinity, London, by which the said abbot
releases his claim on the land of the English Knightengild (de Anglica
Cnithta gilda) which the same English (ipsi Anglici) gave to the church of
the Holy Trinity; also the said prior releases his claim on the chapel of
the abbot, and on the garden between the chapel and his chambers; the
church of Ramsey is to hold from the church of the Holy Trinity the land
which extends from the abbot's hall to the street leading to the chapel, &c.
paying 5s. 3d. rent for the same, &c. Witnesses:—Hervy the monk, Eadric
the priest, Andrew Bocunte, Eaduuard de Corhulla, Edward son of Aluard,
Wlfwin Grant, Wlfwin Albus, Brunloc, Dermann Clanewater, and others
Printed in Pipe Roll Society's Publications, Vol. X. Ancient Charters, &c.
No. 14. |
[Sussex.] [Wilts.] |
A. 6691. Confirmation by King S [tephen], in frank almoin, to the
monks of St. Pancras, of land of the chapelry of Pevensey, which Roger,
bishop of Salisbury, had given to them in exchange for land in Netheravon
(Nederavena); to hold the said land as King Henry, the King's uncle,
granted it to them. Witnesses:—William, earl of Warenne, William de
Braiosa, Roger de Frax [ino], and Robert de Hasting'; at Lewas. [A.D.
Printed in Pipe Roll Society's Publications, Vol. X. Ancient Charters, &c.
No. 31. |
[Camb.] |
A. 6692. Confirmation, in frank almoin, by King H [enry], to the
poor of the house of Montmorel (domus Dei de Monte Maurelio), for the soul
of William, count of Boulogne, whose body lies there, of land in Eclintone,
according as Turold de Boreham, sewer of the said count, divided the same
by command of Reginald de Warenne. Witnesses:—William, the King's
brother, Richard de Luceio, and Man [ser] Bis [set] the sewer; at Loudun
(Losdunum). [Henry II.]
Printed in Pipe Roll Society's Publications, Vol. X. Ancient Charters, &c.
No. 38. |
[Sussex.] |
A. 6693. Confirmation by William de Sancto Johanne, to the convent
of St. Pancras, Lewes, of the grant which his father, Roger de Sancto
Johanne, made to the said convent, in frank almoin, of the church of
Compton (Comthonia); with agreement between the said convent and
William, made in the presence of Richard, archbishop of Canterbury, that
after Hugh, chaplain of the earl of Warenne, the present holder of the said
church, the monks shall not present any clerk to the said church who will not
minister in the said church, always in his own person, and be faithful to
the convent in all things. Witnesses:—Richard, archbishop of Canterbury,
Master Girard, Sir Robert de Novo Burco, Gualeran, archdeacon of Bayeux,
and others (named). [A.D. 1171–1183.]
Endorsed: 'De rapo de Arundel, Cycestr' dioc'.'
Printed in Pipe Roll Society's Publications, Vol. X. Ancient Charters, &c.
No. 44. |
[Sussex.] |
A. 6694. Certificate by G [uerricus], abbot of Faversham, and
A [Ian], prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, to Odo, abbot of Battle,
relative to a dispute between H [ugh] the prior, and the monks, of Lewes,
and Stephen the clerk, as to the church of Porteslade, the settlement of
which had been committed to the said G [uerricus], A [lan], and Odo, or
any two of them, by the pope; stating that the said Stephen had appeared
before the writers and acknowledged the said church to belong to the said
prior and monks of Lewes, to whom they have restored it, &c. [Circa A.D.
Printed in Pipe Roll Society's Publications, Vol. X. Ancient Charters, &c.
No. 48. |
A. 6695. Mandate by William, bishop of Ely, legate, chancellor of
the King, to Richard the treasurer, and to the chamberlains (named), of
the King, ordering them to deliver 50l. from the King's treasury to Peter
Blund for the payment of the King's servants. Witness:—W. preceptor
of the Temple, Westminster, 13 May. [Richard I.]
Printed in Pipe Roll Society's Publications, Vol. X. Ancient Charters, &c.
No. 58. |
[Staff.] |
A. 6696. Grant by John son of Adam de Whytemor of Madeleye, to
John son of Thomas Kene of the same, of all the land which he acquired
from Thomas son of Thomas de Whytemor, in the fee of Madeleye under
Lyme. Wednesday after the Epiphany, 26 Edward III. |
[Staff.] |
A. 6697. Grant by Henry son of Rfchard Kene of Madeleye under
Lyme, to Thomas his brother, of land called 'le Rudynges,' which he had
of the feoffment of the said Thomas, in the fee of Madeleye under Lyme.
Tuesday the feast of St. James, 9 Edward III. |
[Ches.] |
A. 6698. Letter of attorney by Richard Spark, chaplain, and Hugh
de Holes of Chester, authorising William de Clyve to deliver seisin to
William de Tranemoll, of all their lands and tenements in Tranemoll
which they had of the grant of Hugh del Sherd. Chester, 21 April,
5 Richard II. Two seals, defaced. |
[Leic.] |
A. 6699. Grant by Richard Phuher, to the poor brethren of the
hospital of Jerusalem, in frank almoin, of land in Houes, on behalf of
himself and his wife and the souls of his ancestors, on condition that
Alestan and his heirs shall hold the said land from the said brethren freely;
also confirmation of previous like gifts from the grantor's fee by himself
or his men. Witnesses:—William de Vallibus, Robert Arrabi, and others
See C. 2216. |
[Staff.] |
A. 6700. Grant by Petronilla daughter of Richard the baker of
Madeley, to Richard son of Richard de Camera, of all her land in the
fee of Madeley which she inherited from her father. Witnesses:—
Richard de Vernay, Robert de Camera, and others (named). |