[Norf.] |
A. 6201. Grant by brother John de Stithenache the prior, and the
convent, of Wymundham, with the consent of Sir John de Maryns, abbot
of St. Albans, to Mary de Dunham, as long as she live in secular garb,
of a daily corrody of bread, ale, and meat or fish, from their house of
Wymundham, with a robe every other year, and in each year a cartload of
wood, and one of turf, with straw. Sunday the feast of St. Edmund the
king and martyr, A.D. 1306. |
Linc. |
A. 6202. Sale by Robert Bossall of Barton upon Humber, yeoman,
and Margaret Bossall his wife, to John Ion of Barrowe, esquire, of three
closes in Barton aforesaid, in a place called 'Mewith.' 18 May,
33 Elizabeth, A.D. 1591. Signed. Portion of seal.
Underwritten: Names of witnesses to sealing and delivery.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to livery of seisin. |
Warw. |
A. 6203. Release by Ralph de Wolsley, of the county of Stafford,
to William Hatte of Loddebrok, of all his right in all the lands and
tenements lately belonging to William Geydon, the releasor's kinsman, in
Knyghtcote. Coventre, the eve of All Saints, 6 Henry IV. Seal. |
[Glouc] |
A. 6204. Grant by Henry de Penebrugge, lord of Wyneston, to
Geoffrey de Pulham, of all his goods in the manor of Wyneston in order
that the said Geoffrey may have full seisin of all the said manor, with the
advowson of the church there. Monday after St. Valentine, 3 Edward II. |
[Essex] |
A. 6205. Grant by Sarah, daughter of Ralph de Heny, to John de
Subiry, of all his land in Little Heny in the field of Spullingesleg'.
Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Pelham, William the clerk of Lammers, Reginald
de Middeltun, and others (named). |
Berks. |
A. 6206. Letter of attorney by John de Sancto Philiberto, knight,
authorising John de Mokkyngg to deliver seisin to Richard Hake of the
manor of Carsewelle by Faryndon. Schyrebourn, Thursday after the
Purification, 27 Edward III. Seal of arms. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6207. Charter of King John confirming Margaret de Chesneto's
grant of the whole town of Wrokesham to the nuns of St. Mary de Karho.
Witnesses:—J. bishop of Norwich, William Briewer, Gerard de Furnivall,
Peter de Stok. Given by the hand of Simon, archdeacon of Wells, at
Chinon, 17 Jan. 3 John. |
N'hamp. |
A. 6208. Release by John Nyghtyngale of Leycestre, son and heir of
John Nyghtyngale, late of Daventre, to John Catesby, esquire, and Mar-
garet his wife, of all his right in a messuage in Braundestone, and in a
croft in Falclewe, abutting 'into Fallamgrene', with other land in Braun-
destone and Falclewe, which Nicholas West, Henry Brewes alias Neuport,
and Thomas Fyssher of Daventre had of the feoffment of his said father,
and whose estate in the premises the said Catesby and Margaret now have.
Saturday before St. Gregory the Pope, 9 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 6209. Grant by Walter Helewis of Coventre, to William Boydin
of Stretton, of land with buildings in Coventre, in the street of Gossefford.
Witnesses:—Robert de Chilton and Henry the baker (pistor), then bailiffs,
Henry de Lilleburn, and others, (named). Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 6210. Demise by John Whyte, clerk, and John de Fylongleye, to
John Gibbe of Welton, Juliana his wife, and John their son, and to
Richard Gibbe of Welton, for their lives, of a messuage and land in
Welton. 2 July, 13 Richard II. Four seals. |
Kent. |
A. 6211. Bond by Thomas Judde, 'gentileman,' to Richard, the
prior of the exempt monastery of St. Mary Magdalene, Tonbrigge, for 20l.
to be paid at Easter next. Last day of January, 7 Henry VIII.
Also, Condition of above bond witnessing that if the said Thomas shall
obey the award of the arbitrators (named), between himself and the said
prior as to the possession of a parcel of woodland called 'Pynkersgrove'
in the parish of Tunbrigge, then the above bond shall be void. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 6212. Release by William son of Ralph de Wike, to Reginald
Croke and Joan his wife, of his right in land called 'Stukeslond' in the
manor of Lacoke at Wike, granted by Richard his brother to Richard
Sweyn. Witnesses:—Sir William Bluet and others (named). Seal. |
[Glouc.] |
A. 6213. Release by . . . . . de Penebrugge, . . . . . to . . . . . .,
[of all right] in . . . . . [Witnesses:—] . . . . Maunsel, John . . . . .
Cliveshale and others. Fragment. See A. 6204. |
[Hunt.] |
A. 6214. Grant by J . . . . . alle of Ramesey, chaplain, and John
Ramesey of Heightmondegrove, to Thomas Legat, citizen and sadler (?)
of London, of a messuage in Heightmondgrove. Feast of St. Barnabas,
14 Henry VI. Mutilated. |
[Berks.] |
A. 6215. Grant by Thomas son of Thomas son of Adam de Denches-
worth, to Adam de Stratton, of a messuage and land in Denchesworth.
London, Wednesday the feast of St. Mark, A.D. 1274. Seal. |
Berks. |
A. 6216. Acquittance by John de Sancto Philberto, knight, for
5 marks received from Richard Hake, farmer of the manor of Carsewelle,
for the farm of the said manor, for Easter term of the undermentioned
year. Basyng', Saturday the feast of St. Mark, 29 Edward III. Seal of
arms, broken. |
[Essex] |
A. 6217. Grant by Simon de Kory, to Sir Fulk Basset, bishop of
London, of land in Orsete, in the field called 'Estfeld.' Witnesses:—
Walter de Haltsted, clerk, Simon de Dunton, Michael de Stifford, and
others (named). Injured. [A.D. 1242–1259.] |
[Mddx.] |
A. 6218. Release by Denise Lovekote, late the wife of Gerinus le
Gorgerer, to Adam de Stratton, clerk, of all her right of dower in 2 marks
of rent in Westminster, given by the late Gerinus to the said Adam
the third part of which the releasor had claimed against Adam in the
King's court. Friday before St. Dunstan, 4 Edward I. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 6219. Grant by Thomas Danby of Heyford, son of Eva, daughter
and heiress of Richard son of Hugh le Flemyng of Heyford, to Henry
'o the chaumbir' of Bukeby, of 13s. 4d. rent from land, &c., in
Welton, with the reversion of 6s. 8d. other part of the said rent, held in
dower by Agnes late the wife of Richard Danby of Hayford, his brother
and assigned by her to John Malore, of Welton; the said rent of 20s.
having been granted by John Tuwe of Welton to the said Hugh and
his heirs in exchange for two cottages, &c., in Welton, now in custody
of the said John Malore, during the minority of the said John Tuwe's heir,
and having descended to him after the death of his said brother. 1 June,
6 Henry IV. Seal of arms. |
Kent. |
A. 6220. Bond by Thomas, marquis of Dorset, to Thomas Lovell,
Henry Marney, Thomas Englefeld, knights, John Erneley, and John Porte,
for 20l. for the King's use, to be paid at the feast of St. George the Martyr
next. 24 March, 3 Henry VIII. Signed, 'Thomas Dorssett.'
Underwritten in English: Conditions of above bond witnessing that if
the said Marquis cause the woods, &c. within the manors of Lee, Bankers,
and Shroffold, whereof the King, or any other to his use, is seised, to be
inclosed for the next three years, then the above bond shall be void.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Roll. |
Essex. |
A. 6221. Grant by William Wyseman, citizen and draper (pannarius)
of London, to Thomas Johnson of Barkyng, 'iremonger,' son and heir of
Ralph Johnson, late of Barkyng, 'yoman,' at his request, of a tenement
called 'Chesebrokes,' in Dagynham, which, together with Robert Ettell,
'pynner,' and William Awstone, bowyer, deceased, he had, to the use of the
said Ralph, of the feoffment of William Baldewyn, John Clerk of Esthull
and Henry Pecok, by deed dated at Dagynham, 1 Feb., 12 Hen. VII.;
with letter of attorney authorising Richard Staunton to deliver seisin.
25 September, 10 Henry VIII.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to delivery of seisin. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 6222. Grant by Alice, relict of Thomas Pydyngton of Yelvertoft,
widow, to William Pydyngton, vicar of Baddeby, John Pydyngton, his
brother, and Thomas Pydyngton, John's son, Henry Spenser, son of John
Spenser, William Hynde and Richard Hynde, clerks, of all her lands and
tenements &c. in Yelvertoft, with the advowson of the church there; with
letter of attorney authorising John Gunwyne to deliver seisin. 20 April
15 Edward IV. |
Leic. |
A. 6223. Grant, in tail, by Nicholas Craunford of Assebi Leger, co.
N'hampton,to Juliana his daughter, of a yearly rent of 13s. 4d. and a pound
of cummin, in Thedingworth, also of 16s. yearly rent from a messuage and
land in the same, with the reversion of the premises after the present
tenant's death, also of a cottage in the same, and of Thomas le Wareyner,
his bondman, with all his issue &c. together with the messuage and land
which Thomas holds in villenage in the same, paying 39s. yearly to the
grantor and to Katharine his wife; with remainder, in tail, to Henry, and,
in fee, to Robert, the grantor's sons. Monday after the Purification,
14 Edward III. Copy. |
[Warw.] |
A. 6224. Grant by Robert de Crowenhale, to Edith, late the wife
of Richard le Taillour, of Monkespath, of a messuage and land in
Toneworth, which he had of the feoffment of John, son of John le Smyth,
of Monkespath, reserving a stew (vivar') with a pond, &c. Wednesday
before St. Luke, 30 Edward III. Seal of arms. |
A. 6225. Demise by Agnes, daughter of the late Geoffrey Bromham,
of Clifton, widow, to Roger le Smeremonger of Clifton, for four years, of
a messuage with a cottage in Clifton. Sunday after St. Valentine the
martyr. 3 Edward III. |
[Berks.] |
A. 6226. Release by William Hecches of Shynyngfeld, to John
Caylok of Herteley, of all his right in the tenement called 'Fougheresplace'
[in Reading], which the releasor had of the grant of Joan, daughter of
Richard Stonyngford. Witnesses: John White, mayor of Radyng, and
others (named). Friday before St. Matthew, 5 Henry IV. See A. 557. |
[Essex] [Suff.] |
A. 6227. Grant in frank almoin by . . . . . . . ., to the nuns of
Wikes, of . . . . . . . ., as much as belongs to Purleie, and to the fee
which the grantor holds of the Holy Trinity, Norwich, and all the tithe
of Purleie of the grantor's fee, also land in Oteley with the grantor's sister,
Agnes. Witnesses:—Lescelina de Traili, the grantor's wife, Philip de
Herleberge, Robert de Windlesores, and others named. Twelfth century.
Injured. |
[Berks.] |
A. 6228. Acquittance by John de Seynt Philbert, knight, for
5 marks received from Rychard de Hake, farmer of the manor of Carsewelle,
for rent for Easter term next coming. Scherburne, Wednesday before
Easter, 28 Edward III. French. Seal of arms. |
[Warw.] |
A. 6229. Memorandum as to certain lands in the town and fields
of Derset, called 'Dastyn land' (la terre Dastyn) viz. a messuage and
land which has always been of the right and inheritance of Dastyn, and
a messuage and land formerly the right of one Payn, and now in the hand
of Dastyn, held of the lordship of Derset, at a yearly rent of 11s. 4d.
which last mentioned messuage and land has come, by alienation, into the
possession of various persons (named) and others. Also as to the wish of
the tenants with regard to the apportionment of the said rent to be paid
and as to the relative quantity of land in the fields of Dorset to be sown
and to lie fallow, with suggestions as to the amount of rent to be paid;
note of complaint made by William de Geydon who holds a parcel of the
said land, called 'Payneshuyrlong,' as to the amount levied on him for the
same, for which he seeks remedy from the Lord of Derset, &c. Fifteenth
century. French. |
[Essex] |
A. 6230. Surrender by Philip Basset to the prior and convent of the
Holy Trinity, London, of all the land in Warle which he held from them,
for his life. New Place (novum locum), Monday in Whitsun week, A.D.
1264. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6231. Grant by Thomas Crabbe of Honynghamthorpe, and John
Crabbe, dwelling with the king, to William Turnowre of Honyngham-
thorpe of a messuage in the same, abutting on 'le Mylledam.' 2 November,
18 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6232. Grant by William Turnowre of Honynghamthorpe, to
John Palmer of Costeyssey, and Roger Coche of the same, of a messuage
in Honynghamthorpe, abutting on 'le Mylledam.' 15 May, 31 Henry VI.
Seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6233. Grant by John Palmer of Costeyssey, and Roger Coche of
Beeston by Norwich, to William Wygnale alias Fowlere and Cicely his
wife, of Honynghamthorpe, of a messuage in Honynghamthorpe abutting
on 'le myldam.' Last day of September, 3 Edward IV. Two seals. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6234. Demise by Robert Lyve of Honynghamthorppe, 'sengylman',
to William Wygenhale alias Fowlere, of Honynghamthorppe, and Katharine
his wife, of a messuage in Honynghamthorppe, abutting on 'le milledam,'
which he lately had of the grant of the said William. 10 March, 11
Henry VII. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6235. Grant by William Wygenhale alias Fowlere of Honyngham-
thorpe, to Robert Lyve of the same, 'sengylman,' of a messuage in the same,
butting on 'le milledam.' 20 February, 11 Henry VII. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6236. Grant by Katharine Fowlere alias Wygenhale, widow, of
Honynghamthorpe, to Henry Plumbe, chaplain, vicar of the church of
Honyngham, and Robert Lyve, of the messuage described in A. 6235.
25 June, 15 Henry VII. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to livery of seisin. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6237. Feoffment by Henry Plumbe, chaplain, vicar of the church
of Honyngham, to Alice Pert, widow, John Lyve, chaplain, John Greve,
and John Crook, all of Honyngham, and Henry Crook of Norwich, of the
messuage described in A. 6235, which he with Robert Lyve, deceased,
lately had of the grant of Katharine Fowler alias Wygenhale, widow, of
Honynghamthorpe. 1 January, 1 Henry VIII. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6238. Feoffment by Alice Pert of Honyngham, widow, John Crook,
late of Honyngham, and Henry Crook of Norwich, to Richard Aleyn of
Honynghamthorpe, Olive his wife, Ralph Sonneman of Honyngham, and
John Precher and Edmund Estwyk, of the same, to the use of the said
Richard and Olive, of the messuage described in A. 6235, which they
lately had, together with John Lyve of Honyngham, chaplain, and John
Greve of the same, now deceased, of the feoffment of Henry Plumb, chaplain,
vicar of the church of Honyngham. 20 June, 23 Henry VIII. Three
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to delivery of seisin. |
[Herts.] |
A. 6239. Counterpart indenture being a grant by Sir Adam de
Stratton, clerk, to Robert le Botiler of Hertford, and Ellen his wife, of land
&c. of the fee of Richemund, in the town of Benegho, and elsewhere,which
he had of the gift of the prior and convent of Bermundesey; part in the
field called 'Godeskolesleye', part in the field called 'Richemund,' and part
in the field called 'Leye,' part by Aylene Wode, part in Longelonde, part
in the field called 'Morfeld,' part in 'Peseleye,' part in Richemund, and
part in the wood called 'Maunwestock.' The Annunciation, A.D. 1275.
Seal with legend. S'Roberti Fili Willelmi. |
[Worc.] |
A. 6240. Attornment by Margery, late the wife of Richard Croupes
of Aldremuston, to Walter de Piriton and Richard Rees, for a messuage,
six cottages and land, in Aldremuston and Goldicote, which she holds for
her life, the reversion of which has been granted to the said Walter and
Richard Rees by William de Auneford; with further attornment to the
said Walter and Richard for 10s. of rent from a messuage and land which
John Isabel and Joan his wife hold for their lives, and for the reversion of
the said messuage and land, if she survive the said John and Joan.
Pershore, Sunday after St. Matthias the apostle, 18 Edward III. Seal. |
Hants. |
A. 6241. Award by Martin Yalden of Winchester, gentleman, in an
arbitration between Humphry Ludlowe of Allington, esquire, and John
Trussell of Winchester, gentleman, by which the said Ludlowe is to pay
10l. to the said Trussell in manner specified, in discharge of divers sums
of money disbursed by the said Trussell 'in soliciting of many suites in
lawe' for the said Ludlowe, and the said Trussell is to deliver up to the
said Ludlowe, within six days after the payment of the said 10l., a certain
bond which the said Trussell 'hath putt in suite against the sayd Humphry
Ludlowe'; also the said parties are to deliver to each other 'severall
generall releases' of all actions, &c. 26 May, 14 Charles I. A.D. 1638.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to sealing and delivery. |
London. |
A. 6242. Grant by King Henry [II.] to the canons of Christ
Church, London, that they shall hold their tenements in peace, with sac
and soc and toll and team and infangenethef, with all the liberties which
they had in the time of King Henry his grandfather. And no one shall
compel them to plead for the men of the said church, or concerning their
tenements elsewhere than in the court of that church. Witnesses:—
Eleanor the queen, and Thomas the Chancellor, and Richard de Luci, at
Westminster. Small fragment of seal.
Endorsed: 'Libertates.' [A.D. 1155–1162.] |
[France] |
A. 6243. Release by Soudic de la Traue, to the king, of all his right
to an annuity of 200 crowns granted to him for life by Prince Edward,
father of King Richard, on 1 January A.D. 1356, from the moneys which
should be minted (faites et batues) in the city of Bordeaux, and which
annuity the present king had granted to him for life from the revenues
of the provostship of the Ombriere (de la proviste de lombrer) of the said city.
London, 23 May, 1.381. French.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Roll.
[See Close Ball, 4 Ric. II. m. 6. d.] |
[Bedf.] [Surrey] |
A. 6244. Assignment by William Persone, merchant of Florence,
to Sir Hugh le Despenser, in discharge of money due to him, of two bonds
for 40 marks and 35 marks respectively, in which Sirs Robert de Clifford
and Henry de Grei, knights, are respectively bound to the said William
for two horses sold by him to them in Donestaple and Guldeford.
Odiham, Monday after St. Martin, 32 Edward [I.] French. Portion of
seal of arms. |
[Hants.] |
A. 6245. Grant by Peter Beneroo of Winchester, clerk, Robert
Munkeston, rector of the church of Farlyngton, and John Norton of Nuttele,
late of Suthwyk, to Robert Snokeshull and Agnes his wife, in tail, of
two burgages in Farham, and land &c. in Frendstaple and Farlyngton,
which they lately had of the grant of Geoffrey Hore of Lovedene; with
remainder in tail, successively, to Henry, John, Richard, Thomas and
Emoricus, brothers of the said Robert, and to the right heirs of the
said Henry. Wednesday, the morrow of the Purification, 12 Henry VI.
Two seals and portion of seal. See A. 6584. |
Warw. |
A. 6246. Feoffment by Alice Suffocke of Nonn Eton, widow, late
the wife of John Suffocke, late of Nonn Eton, deceased, to John Wilson,
of Nonn Eton, 'bocher,' and Richard Forde of the same, 'yeoman,' of a
new cottage, with a garden, &c. in Nonn Eton, near the lane called
'Worshipps Lane.' 27 April, 31 Elizabeth. Mark of the grantor.
Endorsed: The within named feoffees are to stand seised of the said
premises to the use of Fraunces Ford late the wife of Henry Suffocke the
grantor's son, deceased, and now the wife of Thomas Ford who occupies
the premises, until Edward Suffocke, son of the said Henry and Fraunces,
shall attain the age of twenty-one years; if the said Edward die, before
reaching the said age, then the feoffees are to hold the premises to the use
of the said Fraunces for her life; if the said Edward attain the said age,
then the feoffees are to hold the premises to his use in tail, his mother
either living with him, or receiving from him, yearly, for her life 20s.; in
default of issue of the said Edward the feoffees are to hold the premises to
the use of the right heirs of the within named John Suffocke for ever.
Also: Names of witnesses to sealing and livery of seisin. |
[Notts.] |
A. 6247. Grant in frank almoin by Henry de Stratona, with the consent
of his heirs, to the nuns of Langley (Langeleia), of two bovates of land in
Wilwebi with his daughter Avice, viz. the land with a toft and croft which
Ralph son of Osmund held, together with the said Ralph and his suit
(secta). Witnesses: Thomas, prior of Bredon, Roger the dean of Watton,
Walter the clerk of Dahencurt, Serl the clerk of Hessore, master Robert
de Leka, Roger de Sidenhale, Robert de Gretewic, and others (named).
Endorsed: "Carta Henr[ici]de Strettona de ten[ementis] in Willouby." |
[Oxford.] |
A. 6248. Release by Henry Lovel, to Sir Philip Basset, his lord,
of the land in Dadinton, Clifton and Henton, which he had of his grant.
Witnesses: Sirs Alan la Zuche, William de Hodingeseles, Nicholas de
Sanfort, Gaudin de Blancmoster, Adam Mauveisin, and others (named). |
London. |
A. 6249. Demise by Alice, late the wife of William de Haverhell,
widow, to Sayer son of Henry son of Reiner, of 8s. rent of her frank
marriage, in London. Witnesses: Richard Reinger, then mayor, Andrew
Bokerell and John Travers, sheriffs, of London, Richard de Russye then
alderman, and others (named). [8–9 Henry III.] |
London. [Herts.] [Surrey] |
A. 6250. Release by Joan de Salerne, late the wife of John son of
Saer, widow, to Sir Adam de Stratton, clerk, of her right in the lands
which he had of the demise of her said husband, William de Cre and Mary
his wife, in London, Shenle and Retherehe; with general release to him
touching the will, &c. of the said John; in return for which the prior
and convent of the Holy Trinity, London, have granted to her at his
instance, 100s. yearly rent, for her life. Witnesses: Sir Henry le
Waleis, mayor of London, Peter Cosyn and Robert de Melleburne,
sheriffs, brother Eustace, prior of the Holy Trinity, and others (named).
St. Cecilia's day, A.D. 1273. Portion of seal. |
[Salop.] [Herts.] |
A. 6251. Grant by John de Mara, of Offeley, to Hugh de Lewer-
dane, of all the land which he held of Walter, son of William de Giros, in
Lega and in the parish of Quatte, and the meadow which he had in
Bructone in exchange for land in Offeley (pro eschambio de terra de Offeleya
quam tenni de Johanne de Mara et de aliis seynuragiis meis in eadem villa
de Offeleya). Witnesses:—Sir Peter de Dudemannestune, Thomas de Mara,
Peter de la Mara, and others (named). Portion of seal. |
[Linc.] |
A. 6252. Grant by Walter de Evermue, to Walter, son of Roger
Purcel, of land in Kney, with a toft, &c. Witnesses:—Sirs Robert de
Wlrington, Robert de Boytona, and T. de Colevill, and others (named). |
[Suff.] |
A. 6253. Grant by Hugh Revel, to Sir Philip Basset, of John
Snelling, with his issue and chattels, and the land and messuage he held
of him, in Watefeld. Witnesses:—Sirs Matthew de Leyham and . . . . . .
de Ruilly, knights, Roger de Audham, and others (named). Injured. |
[Wilts.] [London] |
A. 6254. Acquittance by John de Wylton, canon of Salisbury,
executor of the will of master Philip Bernardini, late canon of Salisbury,
for a chest with two locks belonging to the said Philip, received from the
prior and convent of the Holy Trinity, London, from the library of the said
monastery. London, the feast of St. Martin, 35 Edward III. |
A. 6255. Defeasance of a bond by Thomas, archbishop of Canter-
bury, Nicholas, bishop of London, Henry, bishop of Winchester,
Thomas, bishop of Durham, Edward, duke of York, John, earl of
Somerset, William Roos, Richard Grey, and Hugh de Burnell, knights,
John Prophete, clerk, and John de Stanley, knight, to Richard
Whityngton, John Chirche, John Rous, William Est and William
Bowes, merchants, in 4,000l. due at Michaelmas next,
on payment by the said archbishop and others of the said
sum either before the feast of Candlemas next from the moneys arising
from the subsidy on wools, &c. or on their delivering sufficient bonds on
the same subsidy, &c., notwithstanding the letters patent made by the King,
29 April last, to the said Richard Whityngton and others for other 4,000l. lent
by them to the King to be levied on the first money arising from a moiety
of the subsidy belonging to him from the wools, &c. shipped in the ports
of London, Kyngeston on Hull, Boston, and Gippeswick. 17th June,
ft Henry IV. French. Three seals and fragments of two seals. |
[Middx.] [Essex.] [Herts.] |
A. 6256. Release by Richard de la Grave, and Clarice his wife, for
15 marks, to Sir Adam de Stratton, of 12 marks, rent, due from him yearly,
to begin ten years hence, for lands, &c. formerly William Parys', in Stan-
mere, Eggeswere, Kingesbury, Borham, and Illeford, which they have
demised to him for ever. London, Tuesday, the eve of St. Thomas the
apostle, 1 Edward I. See A. 6311. |
[N'th'd.] |
A. 6257. Release by William Elmeden, knight, late receiver general
of the King's castle and lordship of Bamburgh, to the King, of 296l. 9s. 1d.
due on his account from 15 November, 7 Henry V, to Michaelmas,
8 Henry VI. 21 November, 21 Henry VI. Seal of arms, broken. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6258. Grant by William Cnot of Mettun, to William Grom, of
Sudstede, of two pieces of turbary in the marsh of Mettun. Witnesses:—
Robert Modi of Gresham, Richard de Monasterio of Sudstede, and others
(named). |
[Essex.] |
A. 6259. Grant by Walter de Excestria, to John, the foster-son
(nutrito) of William the chaplain, of land called 'Amad'; paying 6s.
yearly for services due to the King and to the grantor, viz.—for
the army, the wardship of towns, the county and hundred, &c.
the said William to hold the land for his life; John and his heirs,
viz.—in default of his issue, Ranulf his brother, or his sisters,
to carry their crops from that land whenever they wish by the road
belonging thereto, &c. Witnesses:—Emma, the wife of Walter, William
the chaplain of Nort [on], Peter the clerk of Stowe, John the clerk of
Wdeham, others (named), and nearly all the parishioners of Purle. |
[York, W.R.] |
A. 6260. Grant by John de Mora of Thome (Spineto), to Robert
le Erl of Wakefeld, of a meadow called 'Hodcrimbels' in Thorne (Spineto).
Witnesses:—Alexander Lucas, steward of the earl of Warrenne, Henry de
Swyulington, and others (named). Seal, defaced. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6261. Grant by William Hobbys, son and heir of Alan Hobbys,
late of Gillyngham, to Ralph Willughby, esquire, of all the messuages
lands, tenements and rents, &c. in Gillyngham, Geldeston, Wynston, and
Wyndell, or elsewhere within the soke of Stocton, which lately belonged
to the said Alan, except the pieces sold to Bartholomew Reston and Richard
Deye; with letter of attorney authorising John Bowys to deliver seisin.
13 January, 13 Henry VII. |
[Hunt.] |
A. 6262. Release by Walter Fuillet, to the church of Ramesey, and
the almoner there, of all his right in land in Broctun (in Wyllahida
de Broctun) with one bezant which he used to receive yearly therefrom;
which land Richard Fuillet, his son, granted to the said almoner by fine
for 10 marks, having previously bought it of Henry Fuillet, his uncle,
for 4 marks and a nag (runcino). See A. 6268–9. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 6263. Grant by John Bokelley, to John Luke and Eleanor his
wife, the grantor's daughter, in tail, of a yearly rent of 25s. from the
grantor's lands and tenements in Bokelly. Padistowe, 18 April, 13
Edward IV. Copy. Paper. |
[York N.R.] |
A. 6264. Bond by Nicholas, son of Sir William de Barton, dwelling
in Osewaldkirk in Rydale, to Peter de Appleby of York, in 50s., for furs and
a loan, to be paid at York at Whitsuntide, A.D. 1286. York, Wednesday
after St. Martin in the winter, A.D. 1285. Fragment of seal. |
[Monm.] |
A. 6265. Indenture of lease by Edward ap Ross', David ap
Rychert, G'l'm ap Yor', Thomas ap John ap Jevan, Ychan, David ap
Llewellin ap Jevan Philip, Ychan, to Sir William John, rector of Lan
Degveth, for ninety nine years, of a curtilage and land in Landegveth, in
the fee of Treirgryg. 1 May, 8 Henry VIII.
Endorsed: Opinion by Nicholas Williams that the validity of the above,
lease is not prejudiced by the fact of the lessee having written it with his
own hand. Signed. |
A. 6266. Grant by Walter son of Turstan Coc, to William Tresor, of
his share, on partition with Adam his brother, of land adjoining land
of Alan de Cnokeshelle, with all his share in a certain messuage.
Witnesses:—Adam de Tymewrthe, Robert de Neuhinthune, and others
(named). Portion of seal. Endorsed: Sacristar'. |
A. 6267. The like grant by Adam son of Turstan of his share of the
above premises. Seal. |
[Hunt.] |
A. 6268. Release by Richard, son and heir of Walter Foyllet, to the
almonry of St. Benedict of Ramsey, of his right in a rent of one
mark from 'la Wylyhida' in Brocton, with confirmation of the gift which
his said father made to the said office, in frank almoin of 2s. of the said
rent, which he used to receive yearly. Witnesses:—William de Wichington,
steward of Ramsey, and others (named). |
[Hunt.] |
A. 6269. Sale by Henry Fuillet to his nephew Richard Fuillet, for
4 marks and a nag (runcino), and 60s. which the vendor owed to Walter
Fuillet, Richard's father, who has remitted the same for his son's sake, of
all his tenement in Broton, viz., 'la Wilehide.' Witnesses:—William de
Wicheton, and others (named). |
[Chesh.] |
A. 6270. Release by Hamo de Edisselega, son and heir of William
de Edisselega, to Geoffrey de Chedle, knight, of all his right in all the
lands and tenements in Edgeley (Edisselega) which the said William
formerly gave to William le Hore. Witnesses:—Sir Richard de Stoke-
port, William de Baggelega, Richard de Bromhale, Henry de Bosedon', and
others (named). Seal, injured. |
[Chesh.] |
A. 6271. Release by Alice, daughter of Peter le Hore and late the
wife of William de Edisselega, to Sir G[eoffrey] de Cheddle, knight, of
her dower in Edgeley (Edisselega). Witnesses:—Master H[ugh], rector
of the church of Cheddle, Richard de Bromhale, and others (named).
Portion of seal. |
[Chesh.] |
A. 6272. Release by William le Hore, son of Peter le Hore, to Sir
G[eoffrey] de Cheddle, knight, of all his right in all the lands which
William de Edisselega gave to him in Edgeley (Edisselega). Witnesses:—
Sir Richard de Stokeport, Master Hugh, rector of the church of Cheddle,
and others (named). Fragment of seal. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 6273. Indenture between the King and Isabella, countess
[of Albemarle], relative apparently to certain lands and tenements
granted by the said countess to the King, in exchange, except four
manors, viz. Sevehampton, Whitle . . . . . . and . . . . . . . . . .
Winchester, the morrow of . . . . . . . . .
Much injured. See A. 7122. |
Essex. |
A. 6274. General release by John Salkyn of Great Okle, 'husband-
man,' to Robert Blosse of Lalford, the elder, 'smyth.' 5 November,
24 Henry VII. Fragments of seal. |
A. 6275. Letters patent . . . 27 Edward [I]. Seal. Illegible.
Endorsed: 'L[ite]ra J. de Wanetinge de cxxxj li. vjs. jd. de d[omi]no
r[ege]. Aquitan[cia] pro Hug[one] Spencer'. |
[Middx.] |
A. 6276. Release by [W] . . . . . de Stratford, to [the canons]
of the Holy Trinity, London, relative to premises in Edelmeton
(Edmonton). 9 Edward [I. or II.]
Endorsed:—'Edelmeton, quieta clamancio W . . . . . . . . . . le
Coner de . . . . . . . . . . . . . que [m] id [em] . . . . . . . . .
Loden . . . . . . . . .' Mutilated fragment. |
[Herts.] |
A. 6277. Acknowledgment, by the nuns of Haliwelle, that John de
Bracking ought to receive 15d. rent yearly from them, from 2 acres and 1
rood of land of the fee of Westmeln', which they hold of him in
perpetual alms. Witnesses:—Geoffrey the dean of Bracking, Thomas de
Bordesd [on], Hugh the clerk of Hunesd [on], Nicholas de Gatesb [iri],
and others. |
A. 6278. Letters patent of Anthony, bishop of Durham, being a
grant by him to Sir Hugh le Despenser, for 1,000 marks, of the marriage of
Edward, son and heir of Sir Philip Burnel, for the purpose of marrying
him to Alina, Sir Hugh's eldest daughter. Eltham, 3 May, A.D. 1302.
Fragment of seal. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 6279. Grant by John Bradwyne, of London, to Richard Nede-
ler of New Sarum, of land in the fields of Stratford Commone, under the
castle of Old Sarum; part lying at Wommanborw and extending
upon Uptonlond, part extending upon Buriwey, and part lying under a
'lynche' and extending upon 'le forlong' which extends upon Poulis-
dene adjoining a great 'linche' (unum magnum linche). Witnesses:—
Thomas Mason, mayor of Old Sarum, and others (named). Friday the
feast of St. George. 1 Henry VI. Seal, and portion of the seal of the
mayoralty of Old Sarum. |
[Berks.] |
A. 6280. Release by . . . . . de Bochelking, to Sir H [ugh le
Despenser ?], of all right in William de Grafton. Witnesses:— . . . . .
., . . . . . . Thomas le Boteler . . . . . . . Niewebury, Saturday
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 6 [Edward II. ?] Mutilated fragment. |
[Notts.] |
A. 6281. Demise by William Moryn of Flintham, to Sir Thomas,
perpetual vicar of the church of Flintham, for his life, of land in
Flintham, part in the meadow of 'la Clif,' part in the meadow towards
Hokysword, part in Croppildole, part by the tillage of the abbot of
Welbec, abutting on Flitker, part on the same furlong abutting on Ridspire,
part in Grenedole, part in Redspire, part in Leredegres, part under Codyl,
at Langbrige, part in the meadow of 'la Clif' at Hesylford, part
'atetwidole,' part at Holgate, part at 'le Flit,' part in Castilmedeu, and
part on Wlrichou in Galle. Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Gorran, Geoffrey
de Schelton, William Colston, and others (named). Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 6282. Grant by Geoffrey de Camera, to William de Langetot,
his brother, of all his meadow, which he bought of Thomas Parage,
between Westfeud and Langelond, with a sufficient road to it in Longelond
as far as Brodestrete. Witnesses:—William de Ayssingdun, Robert de la
Falayse, John de Hanigfeud, and others (named). |
[Hunt.] |
A. 6283. Release by William de Selby of Wodewalton, to Nicholas
de Yarwell and William de Hanley, of all his right in certain lands and
tenements, and in John Jopp, John Stubbard, Roger de Herford, and
Henry le Shephird, the releasor's bondmen, with their issue, goods, and
chattels, which the grantees lately had of the releasor's grant in Wodewalton.
Friday the eve of St. Luke the Evangelist, 17 Edward III. |
[Suff.] |
A. 6284. Grant by John son of Richard the hayward (messoris) of
Chedebor', to William de Neketune, and Margery his wife, of land in
Chedebor', in the field called 'Heldecroft.' Witnesses:—Robert Pain of
Hargrave, Roger son of Bartholomew de Chevent [on], and others
(named). Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: 'Chedeberi . . . . .' |
London. |
A. 6285. Bond by Robert Oughtred, knight, Anthony Pykeryng,
and Robert Ovey of London, 'gentilmen,' to Thomas Stephynson of
London, 'cook,' for 100l. 10s. to be paid on October 6 next. 5 September,
18 Henry VIII. Signed. Two seals and fragments of seal. |
London. |
A. 6286. Writ of King Henry [I.] to R [ichard], bishop of London
and the sheriffs and the reeve (preposito) and all his barons, French and
English, of London, declaring that what the canons of Holy Trinity,
London, hold of the alms of him and his wife Matildis in London, shall
be quit of all gelds and scots, aids, customs, &c. as at any time before;
and the men of that church shall plead only in the court of the said
church. Witness:—Roger the bishop [of Salisbury], at Westminster.
[A.D. 1108–1128.] |
[York.] |
A. 6287. Receipt by Thomasin Guydechn, of Lucca (de Luke),
merchant, of the society of the Riccardi, on behalf of himself and his
fellows, for 46 marks, from Sir Adam de Stretton, rector of the church
of Scipse, by the hands of Sir Richard de Hulram, chaplain, proctor of the
same church, to be repaid at London at the house of their society, at
the octave of Michaelmas next. York, Friday after the Exaltation of the
Holy Cross, 15 Edward [I]. Portion of seal. |
Suffolk. |
A. 6288. Writ of King Henry [II.] to the sheriff and ministers of
Suffolk, ordering them to allow Laweshell, a town of St. Benedict,
Ramsey, and all its men to be quit of shire and hundred [courts], and
pleas, and all other suits except murder and theft, and that it shall have soc
and sac, toll and team and infangeneteof, and all other customs as in the
time of King Henry his grandfather. Witnesses:—Thomas the chan-
cellor and Warin son of Gerold, the chamberlain, at Northampton.
[A. D. 1155 ?] |
[Glouc.] |
A. 6289. Defeasance of a bond by Sir John Mountagu, earl of
Salisbury, lord of Mounthermer, and Thomas Boteler, knight, of the
county of Gloucester, to William Grevel of Campeden, for 400l. to be paid
at Michaelmas next, witnessing that if the said William has peaceable
possession of all the woods in the manor and lordship of Cheddeworth and
Gothurste, with power to cut down and carry away at will, according to
indentures between the said Earl and the said William, then the said bond
shall be void. 21 March, 21 Richard II. French. Seal. See A. 925. |
[Camb.] |
A. 6290. Grant by Alwin son of Godwin de Fulb [urne], to John
son of the grantor's brother Simon, of land in Fulb [urn] e, with a croft
abutting on the road called 'Holm,' which land the grantor deraigned
(disrationavi) from the said Simon, by the King's writ, in the court of
Sir Bertram Barue, as his reasonable share, part lying in Wdebrige,
abutting on Grantestrate, part on Vrongelond, abutting on Vestuneweie,
part in Heie, part in Spinaleweie beyond Fensadeweie, part beyond the
path to Stapelforde, part extending to the Baberham road (apud viam
Baberamie), part in Gravedich, part in Chors, part beyond Scelfordeweie,
part in Scepelovehale, part abutting on Greneweie, and part abutting on
Berstonepat. Witnesses:—Everard Cach, Baldwin de Scal [arii] s, Vivian
de Holm, and others (named). |
[France.] |
A. 6291. Acquittance by William Pee and Peter Baltaser, masters
respectively of two ships, called 'Marie' and 'George,' both of Bayonne
(Baion), for 10l. received from Sir Roger Leche, treasurer of England, viz. 10
marks by the said William, and 5 marks by the said Peter. 24 April,
4 Henry V. French. Portion of seal. |
[Herts.] |
A. 6292. Agreement between Sir Thomas de Leuekenore and Sir
Geoffrey Bussell, viz. that the said Thomas shall give to Sir Geoffrey 6
marks a year, for his life, beginning at Michaelmas in the undermentioned
year, and the said Geoffrey shall celebrate for the soul of Sir Nicholas de
Leuekenore, father of the said Thomas, and for the souls of the ancestors
of Thomas; the said Thomas submitting himself to the distraint of the
sheriff of Essex and Herts if he fail in the said payment, &c. Witnesses:—
Brian de Trokkinge, John de Brokesheved, and others (named). 55
Henry III. |
Surrey. Warw. |
A. 6293. Grant by John de Burgo, the elder, to the King, of the
manors of Bansted co. Surrey, and Cumpton co. Warwick, except certain
land in the manor of Bansted given by John to Anselm de Gise. Wit-
nesses:—Sirs Henry de Lascy, earl of Lincoln, Roger de Mortuo Mari,
Payn de Cadurcis, Master William de Clyfford, chancellor of the
Exchequer, and others (named). Edward [I]. |
[Linc.] |
A. 6294. Release by Agnes late the wife of Alexander son of the
priest (presbyteri) of Boby, to Henry de Finham, of all her right in all the
land which the said Henry has from the said Alexander. Witnesses:—
William, rector of the church of Boby, Thomas de Henges, John de
Letteres, Reginald de Coleby, and others (named). |
[Suff.] |
A. 6295. Grant by Richard le Brab . . . . of . . . . ., to John son
of Richard de Suber [i], of land in . . . . . . ., in the field called
'Cleylond.' Witnesses:—Warin the clerk of Suberi, and others (named).
Much injured. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6296. Grant by Richer Culling, John Houman, and Adam de
Westgate, to Sir Roger de Colevile, knight, and Galiena his wife, of two
messuages and lands &c, which the grantors have deraigned by writ de recto
in the court of Sir John Rocelin, at Audeby. Witnesses:—Hugh de
Duntun, Robert de Rothenhale, William de Stoctun, William de Harding-
ham, and others (named).
Endorsed: Names of persons vouched to warranty by Roger de Coleville,
viz. Culling and Westgate, and Olive, Maud, Agnes and Isabel, daughters
and heirs of John Houman. |
[Oxford.] |
A. 6297. Letter of attorney by Osbert Giffard, knight, lord of
Dadynton, to John de Croxford to place Robert de Ellesfeld of Dadynton
and Amicia, his wife, in seisin of a messuage and land in Dadynton. The
eve of the Assumption. 31 Edward [I]. |
[Essex.] |
A. 6298. Letters patent by Richard, duke of Gloucester, constable
and admiral of England, granting to Robert Tyrell and Thomas Grene,
esquires, the wardship and marriage of Henry Marney, son and heir of
John Marney, knight, deceased, and the wardship of all the manors, lands,
and tenements, lately belonging to the said John Marney, and now in the
King's hands; which wardship, marriage, &c. the King had granted
to the said Richard, duke of Gloucester, on April 1, last past. London
'in hospicio nostro', last day of July, 12 Edward IV. Copy. Paper. |
[Somers.] |
A. 6299. Bond by Thomas Maunsell, esquire, to Nicholas, abbot of
Glastonbury, for 100l. to be paid at Michaelmas next. 3 July, 27 Henry
Underwritten: Condition of above bond witnessing that if the said
Thomas shall, before the feast of All Saints next, cause the said abbot to
have an assignment, considered sufficient by William Carent, esq., or
Alexander Hody, by the King's letters patent, or by tally, for the
100l. borrowed from him for the King's use, to be repaid out of subsidies
granted to the King, then the above bond shall be void. |
[Norf.] |
A. 6300. Grant by Richard de Betelee, bedell of the university of
Cambridge and Juliana his wife, to Masters William de Gotham, Thomas
March, John de Wysbech, clerks, and William Fysshwyk, bedell of the
said university, of a messuage and toft, &c. in Walpol, abutting on the
common road called 'Estdrove,' with the right of having liberum taurum
et liberum aprum. Cambridge, Monday after Michaelmas, 42 Edward III. |