House of Lords Journal Volume 13: 12 November 1680

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 13, 1675-1681. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 13: 12 November 1680', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 13, 1675-1681( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 13: 12 November 1680', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 13, 1675-1681( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 13: 12 November 1680". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 13, 1675-1681. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.


In this section

DIE Veneris, 12 die Novembris.

Domini tam Spirituales quam Temporales præsentes fuerunt:

Arch. Cant.
Epus. London.
Epus. Durham.
Epus. Rochester.
Epus. Ely.
Epus. Bath & Wells.
Epus. Chester.
Epus. Petriburg.
Epus. Worcester.
Epus. Oxon.
Epus. Exon.
Epus. St. David's.
Epus. Bristol.
Epus. Landaff.
Epus. St. Asaph.
Dux Cumberland.
Ds. Cancellarius.
L. President.
L. Privy Seal.
Duke Albemarle.
Duke of Monmouth.
Marq. of Worcester.
L. Chamberlain.
Comes Oxon.
Comes Kent.
Comes Rutland.
Comes Huntingdon.
Comes Bedford.
Comes Suffolke.
Comes Dorset & Midd.
Comes Salisbury.
Comes Bridgewater.
Comes Leycester.
Comes North'ton.
Comes Denbigh.
Comes Bristol.
Comes Clare.
Comes Westmerland.
Comes Manchester.
Comes Mulgrave.
Comes Rivers.
Comes Stamford.
Comes Winchilsea.
Comes Carnarvon.
Comes Chesterfield.
Comes Thannet.
Comes Sunderland.
Comes Scarsdale.
Comes St. Alban.
Comes Clarendon.
Comes Essex.
Comes Bathe.
Comes Carlile.
Comes Craven.
Comes Aylesbury.
Comes Burlington.
Comes Shaftesbury.
Comes Guildford.
Comes Sussex.
Comes Feversham.
Comes Hallyfax.
Comes Maclesfeld.
Comes Yarmouth.
Comes Berkeley.
Comes Conway.
Vicecomes Fauconberg.
Vicecomes Newport.
Ds. Mowbray.
Ds. Ferrers.
Ds. Conyers.
Ds. Windsor.
Ds. Cromwell.
Ds. Eure.
Ds. Wharton.
Ds. Paget.
Ds. North & Grey.
Ds. Chandos.
Ds. Norreys.
Ds. Brooke.
Ds. Grey de Wark.
Ds. Deincourt.
Ds. Lovelace.
Ds. Maynard.
Ds. Howard Esc.
Ds. Herbert Chirb.
Ds. Hatton.
Ds. Ward.
Ds. Rockingham.
Ds. Wotton.
Ds. Cornwallis.
Ds. Delamer.
Ds. Crewe.
Ds. Arundell T.
Ds. Butler Weston.


Irish Cattle, to prohibit the Importation of, Bill.

Hodie 2a vice lecta est Billa, "An Act prohibiting the Importation of Cattle from Ireland."

Committed to the Consideration of these Lords following:

L. President.
L. Privy Seal.
Marq. of Worcester.
Comes Kent.
Comes Huntingdon.
Comes Bridgewater.
Comes North'ton.
Comes Denbigh.
Comes Westmerland.
Comes Rivers.
Comes Peterborough.
Comes Winchilsea.
Comes Clarendon.
Comes Essex.
Comes Carlile.
Comes Craven.
Comes Hallyfax.
Comes Macle'feld.
Vicecomes Fauconberg.
Epus. Durham.
Epus. Ely.
Epus. Bath et Wells.
Epus. Exon.
Epus. St. Asaph.
Ds. Ferrers.
Ds. Conyers.
Ds. North & Grey.
Ds. Herbert.
Ds. Hatton.
Ds. Delamer.
Ds. Arundell T.

Their Lordships, or any 5 or more of them; to meet To-morrow Morning, at 9 of the Clock, in the Prince's Lodgings.

Smithson's Bill.

Hodie 1a vice lecta est Billa, "An Act to enable Sir Jerome Smithson Baronet, and Hugh Smithson Esquire his Son, to make and settle a Jointure on Elizabeth, Daughter of the Lord Langdale and Wife of the said Hugh Smithson."

Report concerning vacating Proceeding against D. of Bucks & al.

Upon Report made by the Earl of Bridgwater, from the Lords Sub-committees for Perusal of the Journal Book, "That, in Pursuance of the Order to them directed, their Lordships have perused all the Places in the Journals, relating to the Duke of Buckingham, the Earl of Salisbury, the Earl of Shaftesbury, and the Lord Wharton, which they are ready to shew to the House, in order to their being vacated; their Lordships conceiving that the best Way for vacating thereof may be by an Order, if it be drawn with Reference to the several Places to be vacated:"

Whereupon it is ORDERED, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That it be (fn. 1) referred to the Lords Sub-committees, to prepare an Order for that Purpose, to be reported to the House.

L. Chancellor indisposed:

The Lord Chancellor not being well; the House gave him Leave to retire for a while.

Leave to withdraw.

The House was adjourned into a Committee; and the Lord Chancellor withdrew.

Chute versus Ly. Dacres.

Then the Counsel of Challoner Chute, upon his Appeal to this House from Decrees in Chancery, and likewise the Counsel of the Lady Dacres and others upon their Answers, were heard at this Bar.

The House was resumed.

Message from H. C. for Trial of Lord Stafford;-- and for the Lords to be consined more strictly in The Tower.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Sir William Jones and others:

To acquaint their Lordships with their Resolution to proceed to the Trial of the Lords in The Tower, and forthwith to begin with William Viscount Stafford; and to desire their Lordships to appoint a convenient Day for the Trial of the said William Viscount of Stafford.

Also to desire the Lords in The Tower may be confined, and kept from holding Correspondency with one another, as Persons impeached and committed for High Treason by Law ought to be.

Hereupon the Lords made these ensuing Orders following:

L. Stafford's Trial appointed.

"ORDERED, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That Tuesday the 30th Day of this Instant November be, and is hereby, appointed for the Trial of William Viscount of Stafford, now Prisoner in The Tower, upon the Impeachment of the House of Commons.

Lords in The Tower to be confined separate.

"ORDERED, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That the Lieutenant of His Majesty's Tower of London be, and is hereby, required to take Care and Order, That William Earl of Powis, William Viscount Stafford, William Lord Petre, Henry Lord Arundell of Warder, and John Lord Bellasis, Prisoners under his Charge for High Treason, be so confined and kept from holding Correspondence with one another, as Persons impeached and committed for High Treason by Law ought to be."

The Answer returned by the Messengers was:

Answer to H. C.

That the Lords have ordered, That the Lords in The Tower shall not have any Correspondency one with another.

Also that the Lords have appointed, That Tuesday come Fortnight is appointed for the Trial of the Lord Viscount Stafford.

Address for High Steward, for L. Stafford's Trial.

ORDERED, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That the Lords with White Staves do attend His Majesty, to let Him know from this House, "That they have appointed to have William Viscount Stafford brought to his Trial on Tuesday the 30th of this present November, in Westminster Hall, upon the Impeachment of the House of Commons against him;" and humbly to desire His Majesty, "That He will be pleased to appoint a Lord High Steward for the Purpose aforesaid, to continue during the said Trial."

Chute versus Ly. Dacres.

The Lord President reported what was said by the Counsel of the Lady Dacres and Challoner Chute this Day at the Bar, upon the Appeal of Challoner Chute and the Answer of the Lady Dacres this Day.

And, after Consideration and Debate thereof,

The Question being put, "Whether the First Decree in this Case shall be confirmed?"

It was Resolved in the Affirmative.

Grosvenor versus Cartwright.

Upon reading the Petition of Ursula Cartwright, who was appointed to put in her Answer to the Appeal of Fulk Grosevenor Esquire, depending in this House, within a Week after Notice; praying, That she may have Ten Days longer Time to put in her Answer:

It is ORDERED, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That the said Ursula Cartwright give Notice to the said Fulke Grosevenor, that she shall have Ten Days Time longer allowed, unless he shew Cause to the contrary to this House To-morrow Morning.

Protestant Dissenters.

ORDERED, That the Consideration of the Case of the Protestant Dissenters shall be the First Business Tomorrow Morning.

The Committee for enquiring into the Commissions of the Peace is revived; to meet To-morrow Morning, at 9 of the Clock.

Dodington versus Williams.

The House being moved, on the Behalf of Hester Dodington, "That the Hearing which was appointed to be To-morrow, upon her Appeal and the Answer of Abraham Williams, may be put off to another Day:"

It is ORDERED, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That the Hearing of Counsel at the Bar, upon the said Appeal and Answer, be, and is hereby, put off to Saturday the 20th Day of this Instant November, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon; whereof the said Hester Dodington is to cause timely Notice to be given to the said Abraham Williams, to prevent his attending with Counsel To-morrow.


Dominus Cancellarius declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque in diem Sabbati, 13um diem instantis Novembris, hora nona Aurora, Dominis sic decernentibus.


  • 1. Origin. ferred.