House of Lords Journal Volume 13: 4 April 1678

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 13, 1675-1681. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 13: 4 April 1678', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 13, 1675-1681( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 13: 4 April 1678', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 13, 1675-1681( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 13: 4 April 1678". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 13, 1675-1681. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.


In this section

DIE Jovis, 4 die Aprilis.


Domini tam Spirituales quam Temporales præsentes fuerunt:

His Royal Highness the Duke of Yorke.
Arch. Cant.
Epus. London.
Epus. Durham.
Epus. Winton.
Epus. Sarum.
Epus. Rochester.
Epus. Ely.
Epus. Chester.
Epus. Chichester.
Epus. Landaff.
Epus. Lyncolne.
Epus. Exon.
Epus. St. David's.

Dux Cumberland.
Ds. Cancellarius.
Ds. Custos Privati Sigilli.
Dux Norff.
Dux Bucks.
Dux Albemarle.
Dux Monmouth.
Marq. Winton.
L. Chamberlain.
Comes Oxon.
Comes Kent.
Comes Huntingdon.
Comes Lyncolne.
Comes Dorset & Midd.
Comes Bridgwater.
Comes North'ton.
Comes Clare.
Comes Manchester.
Comes Berks.
Comes Rivers.
Comes Carnarvon.
Comes Sunderland.
Comes Scarsdale.
Comes Rochester.
Comes St. Albans.
Comes Clarendon.
Comes Essex.
Comes Cardigan.
Comes Bath.
Comes Carlile.
Comes Craven.
Comes Aylesbury.
Comes Burlington.
Comes Shaftesbury.
Comes Powis.
Comes Feversham.
Vicecomes Stafford.
Vicecomes Hallyfax.
Vicecomes Newport.

Ds. Mowbray.
Ds. Berkeley.
Ds. Stourton.
Ds. Windsor.
Ds. Cromwell.
Ds. Eure.
Ds. Paget.
Ds. North & Roll.
Ds. Hunsdon.
Ds. Petre.
Ds. Arundell W.
Ds. Tenham.
Ds. Grey de Wark.
Ds. Maynard.
Ds. Coventry.
Ds. Ward.
Ds. Colepeper.
Ds. Lucas.
Ds. Gerard B.
Ds. Wotton.
Ds. Delamer.
Ds. Frescheville.
Ds. Arundell T.
Ds. Butler West.


E. of Pembroke's Trial.

The House, taking into Consideration the Formalities to be observed in the Proceedings of the Trial of Phillip Earl of Pembrooke and Mountgomery in Westm. Hall, agreed, that the Serjeant at Arms be continued in the House, to make Proclamations.

That, after Proclamation is made for all Persons to be uncovered, the Judges are not to be covered until the Lord High Steward ask Leave of the House.

Then the House adjourned into Westminster Hall, whither the Lords went in that Order as formerly they had directed. And the Lords being placed, the Clerks of the Crown both in Chancery and King's Bench presented the Commission, under the Great Seal, for Lord High Steward, to the Lord Chancellor, sitting upon the Woolsack; which, after Proclamation made for Silence, was read by the Clerk of the Crown in the King's Bench (who, by Order of the Lords, was appointed to be Assistant to the Clerk of the Parliaments in this Service); all the Lords standing up uncovered while the said Commission was read.

The Tenor of which Commission followeth:

"Carolus R."

Commission for L. Chancellor to be L. High Steward.

"Carolus Secundus, Dei Gratia, Angliæ, Scociæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ Rex, Fidei Defensor, &c. Prædilecto & Fideli Consiliario Nostro Heneagio Domino Finch Domino Cancellario Nostro Angliæ, Salutem: Sciatis, quod cum Philippus Comes Pembrochie et Mountgomery, nuper de Parochia Sancti Martini in Campis, in Com. Nostro Midd. coram Dilectis & Fidelibus Nostris Ed'o Bury Godfrey Mil. Reginaldo Forster Baronetto, Will'o Bowles Mil. Carolo Pitfeild Mil. Thoma Robinson, Humsr'o Wyrley, Jacobo Dewy, Will'o Hempson, & Thoma Harriott, Armigeris, Justiciariis Nostris ad inquirendum per Sacrament. proborum & legalium Hominum de Com. Nostro Midd. prædict. ac aliis Viis, Modis, & Mediis, quibus melius scire (fn. 1) potuit (tam infra Libertates quam extra), per quos Rei Veritas melius scire potuit, de quibuscumque Proditionibus, Misprisionibus Proditionum, Insurrectionibus, Rebellionibus, Controf'tur. Tonsur. Lotur. falsis Fabricationibus, & aliis Falsitat. Monetæ hujus Regni Nostri Angliæ, & aliorum Regnorum five Dominiorum quorumcunque, ac de quibuscunque Murdris, Feloniis, Homicidiis, Intersecfionibus, Burglar. Raptibus Mulierum, Congregationibus & Conventiculis illicitis, Verborum Prolationibus, Coadunationibus, Misprisionibus, Consederationibus, falsis Allegantiis, Transgressionibus, Riotis, Routis, Retentionibus, Escapeis, Contempt. Falsitat. Negligentiis, Concelamen. Manutenen. Oppressionibus, Cambipartiis, Deceptionibus, & aliis Maleficiis, Offens. & Injuriis quibuscunque, nec non Accessar. eorumdem, infra Com. prædict. tam infra Libertates quam extra, per quoscumque & qualitercunque habit. fact. perpetrat. five commiss. & per quod, vel per quem, cui, vel quibus, quando, qualiter, & quomodo; ac de aliis Articulis & Circumstantiis præmissa seu eorum aliquod vel aliqua qualitercumque concernen. plenius Veritat. & ad easdem Proditiones & alia præmissa audiend. & terminand. secundum Legem & Consuetud. Regni Nostri Angliæ nuper assignat. de Felonia & Murdro per ipsum Philippum Comitem Pembroch. et Mountgomorie commiss. & perpetrat, per Sacrament. proborum & legalium Hominum Com. Nostri Midd. prædict. indict, existit: Nos, considerantes quod Justitia est Virtus excellens, & Altissimo complacen. volentesque quod prædict. Philippus Comes Pembroch. et Mountgomor. de & pro Felonia & Murdro unde ipse ut præsertur indictat. existit coram Nobis in præsenti Parliamento Nostro secundum Leg. & Consuetudines hujus Regni Nostri Angl. audiat. examinet. sententiet. & adjudicet. cæteraque omnia quæ in hac Parte pertinen. debito Modo exerceant & exequant.; ac pro eo quod Ossicium Senescalli Angliæ, cujus Præsentia in hac Parte requirit. ut accepimus, jam vacat. Nos, de Fidelitate, Prudentia, provida Circumspectione, & Industria vestris plurimum confidentes, ordinavimus & constituimus vos, ex hac Causa, Senescallum Angliæ, ad Officium illud, cum omnibus eidem Officio in hac Parte debit. & pertinen. hac vice gerend. occupand. & exercend.; & ideo vobis mandamus, quod circa præmissa diligenter intendatis, & omnia quæ in hac Parte ad Officium Senescalli Angliæ pertinen. & requirunt. hac vice faciatis, exerceatis, & exequamini cum Effectu. In cujus Rei Testimonium, has Literas Nostras fieri fecimus Patentes.

"Teste Meipso, apud Westm. Decimo Octavo Die Martii, Anno Regni Nostri Tricesimo.


"Per ipsum Regem, propria Manu signat."

After this, the Certiorari, the Caption, and the Indictment found by the Grand Jury before the Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer, were read, as follow:


"Carolus Secundus, Dei Gratia, Angl. Scoc. Franc. & Hib. Rex, Fidei Defensor, &c. Dilectis & Fidelibus Nostris Ed'o Bury Godfrey Militi, Reginaldo Forster Bar. Will'o Bowles, Carolo Pitfield, Militibus, Thomæ Robinson, Humfr'o Wirley, Jacobo Dewy, Will'o Hempson, & Thomæ Harriott, Ar. Salutem: Vobis mandamus, quod Indictament. de Felonia & Murdro unde Philippus Comes Pembroch. et Mountgomery, nuper de Parochia S'cti Martini in Campis, in Com. Nostro Midd. coram vobis in Com. Nostro Midd. prædict. & penes vos jam remanen. indictat. existit (ut dicitur), cum omnibus illa tangen. Nobis in præsenti Parliamento Nostro sub Sigillis vestris, vel unius vestrum, delib'etis indilate, una cum hoc Brev.

"Teste Meipso, apud Westm. 18 Die Martii, Anno Regni Nostri Tricesimo.


The Indorsement was in these Words:

"Virtute istius Brevis mihi & aliis direct. Indictament. in eodem Brevi mentionat. cum omnibus illa tangent. Domino Regi in præsenti Parliamento, sub Sigillo meo, in isto Brevi content. in quibusd. Schedulis huic Brevi annexat. mitto, prout interius mihi præcipitur.


"Ed'i Bury Godfrey Mil. unius Justic. Domini Regis ad inquirend. &c. infra script.

"Edm. B. Godfrey."


"Midd. ss.

"Memorand. quod per quandam Inquisition. capt. pro Domino Rege apud Hicks' Hall, in St. John Streete, in Com. prædict. Die Mercurii, scilicet, Decimo Tertio Die Martii, Anno Regni Domini nostri Caroli Secundi, Dei Gratia, Angliæ, Scociæ, Franciæ, & Hib. Regis, Fidei Defensoris, &c. Tricesimo, coram Reginaldo Foster Bar. Ed'o Bury Godfrey Mil. Will'o Bowles Mil. Carolo Pitfeild Mil. Thoma Robinson, Humsr'o Wyrley, Will'o Hempson, Jacobo Dewy, & Thoma Haryot, Ar. Justiciar. dicti Domini Regis, ad inquirend. per Sacrament. proborum & legalium Hominum Com. Midd. prædict. ac aliis Viis, Modis, & Mediis, quibus melius sciver. aut (fn. 2) poterint, tam infra Libertates quam extra, per quos Rei Veritas melius sciri poterit, & inquiri de quibuscunque Proditionibus, Misprisionibus Proditionum, Insurrectionibus, Rebellionibus, Controf'tur. Tonsur. Lotur. falsis Fabricationibus, & aliis Falsitatibus Monetæ hujus Regni Angliæ & aliorum Regnorum five Dominiorum quorumcunque, ac de quibuscunque Murdris, Feloniis, Homicid. Interfectionibus,& aliis Articulis & Offensis in Literis Patent. dicti Domini Regis, eis & quibuscunqne Quatuor vel pluribus eorum inde direct. specificat. nec non Accessar. eorumdem, infra Com. prædict. tam infra Libertates quam extra, per quoscunque & qualitercunque habit. fact. perpetrat. five commiss. ac de aliis Articulis & Circumstantiis præmissa & eorum aliquod, vel aliqua qualitercunque concernen. plenius Veritat.; & ad easdem Proditiones & alia præmissa audiend. & terminand. secundum Legem & Consuetudinem hujus Regni Angl. assign. per Sacramentum Joh'is Cutler Mil. & Bar. Henrici Ashurst Ar. Joh'is Ball Ar. Adlard Welby Ar. Abrahami Jacob Ar. Thomæ Mash Ar. Alexandri Napper Generosi, Henrici Gibbs Gen. Joh'is Crosse Gen. Humphridi Holcome Gen. Georgii Clarke Gen. Samuelis Lynn Gen. proborum & legalium Hominum Com. prædict. adtunc & ibidem jurat. & onerat. ad inquirend. pro dicto Domino Rege & Corpore Com. prædict. præsentat. existit. prout patet in quodam Indictament. huic Schedulæ annexat.

"Edm. B. Godfrey."


"Midd. ss.

"Jur. pro Domino Rege, super Sacramentum suum præsentant, quodPhilippus Comes Pembrochie et Mountgomor. nuper de Parochia S'cti Martini in Campis, in Com. Midd. Deum præ Oculis suis non habens, sed Instigatione Diabolica motus & seductus, Quarto Die Februarii, Anno Regni Domini nostri Caroli Secundi, Dei Gratia, Angl. Scociæ, Franciæ & Hib. Regis, Fidei Defensoris, &c. Tricesimo, Vi & Armis, &c. apud Paroch. prædict. in Com. prædict. in & super Nathanielem Cony Generosum, in Pace Dei & dicti Domini Regis nunc adtunc & ibidem existen. felonice, voluntarie, & ex Malitia sua præcogitata, Insult. fecit; & quod prædictus Ph'us Comes Pembrochie et Mountgomor. cum Pugno suo Dextro, Anglice his Right Fist, præfatum Nathanielem Cony in & super Sinistram Partem Capitis ipsius Nathanielis Cony, adtunc & ibidem, felonice, voluntarie, & ex Malitia sua præcogitata, percussit & contusit, Anglice did strike and bruise, & ipsum Nathanielem Cony cum Pugno suo Dextro prædict. adtunc & ibidem, felonice, voluntarie, & ex Malitia sua præcogitata, ad Terram dejecit & prosternavit; & quod prædict. Ph'us Comes Pembrochie et Mountgomor. cum Pedibus ipsius Ph'i Comitis Pembrochie et Mountgomor. præfat. Nathanielem Cony sic super Terram jacent. in & super Caput, Collum, Pectus, Ventrem, Latus, & Dorsum ejusdem Nathanielis Cony adtunc & ibidem, felonice, voluntarie, & ex Malitia sua præcogitata, percussit & calcavit, Anglice did strike and kick, ratione quarum quidem Percussionis & Contusionis præfat. Nathanielis Cony in & super dictam Sinistram Partem Capitis ipsius Nathanielis Cony cum dicto Dextro Pugno prædicti Ph'i Comitis Pembrochie et Mountgomor. & Dejectionis & Prosternationis præfati Nathanielis Cony cum Pugno suo Dextro prædict. ad Terram prædict. ac etiam ratione prædictarum Percussionis & Calcationis præfati Nathanielis Cony in & super dict. Caput, Collum, Pectus, Ventrem, Latus, et Dorsum ipsius Nathanielis, cum dictis Pedibus præfati Ph'i Comitis Pembrochie et Mountgomor. idem Nathaniel Cony a prædicto Quarto Die Februarii, Anno supradicto, usque ad Decimum Diem ejusdem Mensis Februarii, Anno supradicto, apud Paroch. prædict. in Com. prædict. languebat & languidus vixit; quo quidem Decimo Die Februarii, Anno supradicto, prædictus Nathaniel Cony apud Paroch. prædict. in Com. prædict. de Percussione, Contusione, Dejectione, & Calcatione prædict. obiit. Et sic Jur. prædict. dicunt super Sacrament. suum prædict. quod prædictus Ph'us Comes Pembrochie et Mountgomor. præfatum Nathanielem Cony apud Paroch. prædict. in Com. prædict. Modo & Forma prædict. felonice, voluntarie, & ex Malitia sua præcogitata, interfecit & murdravit, contra Pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc, Coron. & Dignitat. suas, &c.

"Billa Vera."

There was indorsed the Names of the Witnesses:

"William Vyner.
"Henry Goringe.
"Richard Uphill.
"John Shelley.
"Richard Savage.
"David Bruce.
"Thomas Heymes.
"William Raven.
"Charles Jackson.
Charles Cony.
Alice Avery.
Richard Wheeler.
Robert Thompson.
William Browne.
Henry Crooke.
Thomas Roberts.
William Cadman.

Then the Lord High Steward asked Leave of the House for the Judges to be covered; which was granted.

E. Pembroke brought to the Bar.

Proclamation was made, requiring the Constable of The Tower of London to bring to the Bar Phillip Earl of Pembrooke and Mountgomery, his Prisoner; who, by his Deputy, immediately brought him.

Upon this, the Lord High Steward opened and represented the State and Condition of the Earl of Pembrooke unto him.

And then the Clerk of the Crown, arraigning of him according to the usual Manner in such Cases, asked his Lordship, "Whether he was Guilty, or Not Guilty?" Who pleaded, "Not Guilty."

And he being asked, "How he would be tried?" He said, "By God and his Peers."

After this, Proclamation was made for such Persons to come in as could give any Evidence against the Earl of Pembrooke, on Behalf of the King.

Then the King's Attorney General and others of His Majesty's Counsel opened the Effect of the Evidence against the Earl of Pembrooke; and called several Witnesses, who were fully heard upon Oath.

The Earl of Pembrooke and Mountgomery being asked, "Whether he had any Thing to offer?" He desired, That some Witnesses might be heard for him." Who were produced and heard, but not upon Oath.

His Majesty's Solicitor then desired to know, "Whether the Earl of Pembrooke had any Thing further to say?" Who answering, "No;" Mr. Solicitor summed up the whole Evidence given, both for the King and the Earl of Pembrooke; submitting the Case to the Consideration and Judgement of the House.

Memorand. That, upon this Adjournment, in the Lords Return from Wesim. Hall to their House above, their Lord ships went in the same Man ner as before, except that the Lord High Steward had the Precedency of his Grace the Lord Archbishop of Cant. his Highness the Duke of Cum berland, and his Royal High ness the Duke of Yorke.

The Lords hereupon adjourned from the Hall to the House, where the Lord High Steward reported the Sum of the Evidence which was given in Westm. Hall, both against and for the Earl of Pembrooke.

And, upon Consideration had thereof, a Question arising, "Whether the Lord High Steward be to give his Vote as Lord High Steward in this Case?"

It was ORDERED, That the Lord High Steward, upon this Trial, shall give his Vote in his Place as Lord Chancellor.

Memorandum, That, as the Lords went back to the Hall, they proceeded exactly in the same Order as they came up, save that all the Lords Spi ritual withdrew themselves.

The Lords adjourned back into Westm. Hall; where the Lords being placed, the Lord High Steward put the Question, "Whether the Earl of Pembrooke and Mountgomery be Guilty of the Felony and Murder whereof he stands indicted, or Not Guilty?" To which the Lords severally gave their Judgement, beginning at the Youngest Baron; whereof the Lord High Steward took an Account, and then declared, "That, by the Judgement of the Peers, the Earl of Pembrooke and Mountgomery is found Guilty of Manslaughter."

Then the Earl of Pembrook and Mountgomery being brought to the Bar, the Lord High Steward did let his Lordship know, "That the Lords had considered the whole Matter of his Indictment; and declared their Judgement, by which his Lordship is found Guilty of Manslaughter:" And asked his Lordship, "What he had to say, why the said Judgement should not be pronounced against him?"

To which the Earl of Pembrook answered, "He prayed that he might have his Privilege of Peerage, according to the Statute."

Which was allowed him by the Lords.

And thereupon the Lord High Steward declared, "That the Earl of Pembrooke and Mountgomery is discharged concerning this Matter, paying his Fees."

Memorandum, That the Lords returned in the same Order as they went down the Fast Time.

Then the Lord High Steward, by breaking his White Staff, declared the Dissolving of his Commission to be Lord High Steward for this Trial.

The Lords then adjourned into their House.

Knatchbull to be Receiver of the Peers Poll Money.

ORDERED, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That Mr. Thomas Knatchbull be, and is hereby, appointed to be Receiver and Collector of the several Sums of Money rated and taxed, or to be rated and taxed, upon the Lords Spiritual and Temporal by virtue of an Act, intituled, "An Act for raising Money, by a Poll and otherwise, to enable His Majesty to enter into an actual War against the French King, and for prohibiting several French Commodities;" which said Sums of Money he the said Thomas Knatchbull shall dispose of and pay to such Persons respectively, and at such Time, and for such Uses and Purposes, as is appointed by the said Act.


Dominus Cancellarius declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque in diem Mercurii, decimum diem instantis Aprilis, hora nona Aurora, Dominis sic decernentibus.

The Proceedings of this Day, and the Three Memorandums in the Margin, have been examined by,

J. Bridgewater.
R. Chichestr.
North & Grey.
