Historical Memoranda of John Stowe: General, 1564-7

Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1880.

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'Historical Memoranda of John Stowe: General, 1564-7', in Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe, ed. James Gairdner (London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol28/pp128-147 [accessed 13 February 2025].

'Historical Memoranda of John Stowe: General, 1564-7', in Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe. Edited by James Gairdner (London, 1880), British History Online, accessed February 13, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol28/pp128-147.

"Historical Memoranda of John Stowe: General, 1564-7". Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe. Ed. James Gairdner (London, 1880), British History Online. Web. 13 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol28/pp128-147.

General, 1564–7

Poynts of Devinitie: Anno 1564 (by order of the Kalendar), ye yere to be accomptid from newe yers daye forward, on ye Wedynsdaye, beynge ye 26 of Januarie, wasse a solome sermon made at Powlls Crosse by Coale, (fn. 1) Archedecon of Essyxe, wherunto was warnyd ye Lord Mayre of London with ye Aldarmen and Shrives, with alls the crafftis of ye citie in theyr lyveries. Wher in ye prechar dyd move ye awdyence to rejoyce that ye plage wasse cleane sessyd, and that God had cleane takyn it awaye from us. He sayd ye cawsse ther of was ye superstysyows relygyon of Rome, whiche was (as he sayd) so myche favoryd of ye sytysyns. He gave ws warnynge to be ware therof, callynge it a fallce relygyon, worsse then ethar ye Turkis or ye devyles relygyon. Moreover he sayd it stode uppon iiij pilars which wer rotyn postis, that is to say, Imagis, Purgatory, ye Sacraffice of ye Masse, and Transubstansyation, agaynst ye which he dyd invaye, and sayd that yf we dyd not beware of falce relygyon, and thowght God had cleane takyn a way ye plage, he wold send a worse apon use, that is to say, fyre and sword, which shuld slee ye children at ther mothars brestes, ye wyffes shuld be slayn from theyr husbonds, ye husbonds from theyr wyffes, and one neyghbour shuld sleye an othar to have his goods. But to conclud with all, he perswadyd all states of ye citie to rejoyce for that ye plage was sesyd, for now, sayd he, shall yowr mayre ryde honorably acco[m]panyed with ye aldermen and othar ther assystence ye worshypffull of ye citie; now shulde ye lawyers be frequentyd and set a worke, now shall ye skolles be openyd, now shuld the marchantis have fre traffryke into all cuntries and nacions, wher as before all nasyons dyd abhore them, now shall yow artyffysers rejoyce, for ye shall now sell yowr wares aboundantly, and now shall ye be sett a worke even thorowly, wher as of longe tyme ye have had no worke but lyvyd in great penurye. Now, O ye artyfysers, shall ye take mony aboundantly. O ye prentysys rejoyce, for now shall ye have yowr bellys full of meate, whiche of longe tyme have bene starvyd thrughe your mastars skarsytie.

On Wedyndyns daye, beynge Sent Mathews eve, and ye xx day of Septembar, anno 1564, was suche hye tydes that all ye marshys abought East Hame, and so to London, was ovar flowyd with watar, whiche dyd myche harme.

On the xxvj day of Septembar, in anno 1564, beynge Tweseday, ware araynyd at ye Gyldhalle of London iiij persons and there caste, for ye stelynge and receyvynge of ye queens lypott, (fn. 2) combe, and lokynge glasse, with a bodkyn of gold to brayd hir heare, ans suche othar small ware out of hir chambar in her progresse. And on Thursday next afftar, beynge Myhilmas even, and ye xxviij day of Septembar, ij of them whiche had bene servantis in Chepesyd, one of them with Master Bakehowse, dwellyng agaynst ye Standard, beyng a sylke man, were bothe hangyd before ye Cowrte gatte, upon ye gallows that stode on Haye Hyll, whiche was for that tyme removyd for that purpose to Saynt James, before ye wall, beynge at that tyme ye quee[n]s cowrte.

The xxix of Septembar, in Anno Domini 1564, was ye Lorde Robart Dudleye, master of ye queens horsse, creatyd Baron of Denbyghe and Erle of Lescestar at ye queens cowrtte, then beynge Saynt James, be sydes Charing crosse.

The second day of Octobar, beynge Mondaye, in anno 1564, was kepte at Paulls a sertayne kynde of evenynge prayer as an osequye or memoriall of ye deathe of Fardynando, latte Emperowr of Germanye, where ye Lorde Hyghe Tresorar of England was ye cheffe mowrnar amongest dyvars othar, as ye Byshope of Cauntowrbery, ye Byshopes of London and Rochester, with ye Deab of Powles, &ct. And on ye morow, beynge ye iij of October, was selebratyd a comunyon to ye offatory and no farther, and so ye Byshope of London went to the pulpyt and prechyd a sermond, and ye herce, whiche was very fayr, of clothe, velvyt, and sylke, with frynge of golde, and banars very many and fayre, but no lyghts of waxe or othar wyse, stode tyll Monday next folowynge, whiche was ye ix dai of October.

The vij day of October, beynge Satowrdaye, anno 1564, at viij a cloke at nyghte, was sene comynge out of ye northe easte very great lyghtes lyke great flames of fyre, whiche shott forthe as it [were] gonpowdar fyeryd and spred out in a longe frome ye northe easte, northe, and northe west, in dyvars placis at once; and all mett in ye mydes of ye fyrmament, as it war ryght ovar London, and desendyd somewhat west warde, and all ye flames beynge ther gatheryd grew in to a rednys, as it were a very sangwyn or blode cowlar, and this contynewyd tyll ix of ye cloke; and all ye same nyght was more lyghtar then yf ye mowne had shone moste bryght, wheras no mone shone that nyght, for yt chaungyd but one day before, whiche was Fridaye.

Anno Domini 1564, Master Newalle, Deane fo Powles, preachyd at Polles Chrose ye 19 of November, where he protestyd that ther was not one trew worde in Master Dormars boke latly browght ovar from beyonde ye seas.

The 20 of November, beynge Monday, in ye mornynge, a bowt vj of ye clocke, throghe neglygence of a mayden with a candell, ye snoffe ther of fawlynge into an hundryd wayght of gonne pothar, thre howssys in Bucklersbury war sore shaken, and ye backar partes of ye same howsys wer all to blewne and shattard in pecis, and ye afore sayde mayde was so byrnt that she dyede ther of with in ij dayes afftar; yf this powthar had bene in a sellar, as it was in a garret, it had donne myche more harme.

This yere 1564 was a sharpe froste, whiche began on Seynt Thomas daye before Cristmas, on ye 21 daye of Desember, beynge Thursdaye, and contynewyd tyll ye 3 day of Janewarie beynge Wednysdaye; on ye whiche Wedynsedaye it thawyd bothe ye daye and nyght folowynge, and ye morow beyng Thursdaye allos this forst as before is sayde begynynge on Sent Thomas day before Cristmas was so sharpe that on newyers even men went ovar ye Thams as saffe as on the dry land, not only betwyxt Westmystar and Lambythe, but in all placis betwyxt Lambethe and the Olde Swane, they wente bothe ovar ye Thames and alonge ye same from London to Westmystar and from Westmystar to London, comynge a lande salffelly (thankis be to God) wher they wolde betwen Westmystar and ye Olde Swan, whiche is very nere unto ye brydge. And ye same newyers even, beynge Sondaye, people playd at ye footte ball on ye Thams by great nombars. On newyers day beynge Monday, and on Twesday and Wednyseday, dyvars jentyllmen and others set up pryckes on ye Thams and shott at ye same, and great nombars of people beholdynge ye same standynge at ye prykis as boldly (and thankis be gyvyn to God a saffly) as it had bene on ye drye lande. And I my selffe who write this notte wentte on ye Wedynsday before namyd frome Lambythe to Westmystar and there dynyd with Master Burre, who went thetar with me. And then we went agayne to ye comon stayrs of Westmystar, and so upon ye Thames to ye Baynards Castell, where we went a land (thankys be to God) as salffe as ever I went in eny place in all my lyffe, where we sawe men shewte at a payre of prykes set up agaynst ye qweens cowrte upon ye Thams, and costardmongars playnge at ye dysse for aples, and ye people went on ye Thams in greater nombars then in eny streat in London. The people went ovar ye Thams on ye Thursdaye at nyght, and on ye morow, beynge Fridaye, was no yce on ye Thams to be sene, but that all men myght rowe ovar and alonge ye same, it was so sodaynly conssumyd.

Anno 1565, ye yere beginynge ye first of Januarie. The xxvj day of Januarie, beynge Frydaye, at nyght was ij tydes at London brydge; and on ye morow, beynge Satardaye, was ij tydes in ye mornynge and ij in the evenynge of ye same day, and ye morow, beynge Sonday and ye xxviij day of Januarie, was lyke wys ij in ye mornynge and one in ye evynynge.

The iij daye of Februarye ye Lorde Darley departyd toward Scotland, who afftarward maried ye Quene of Scotts, &ct.

The vij of Marche beynge Asshe Wedensday, in anno 1564, Master Newalle, Deane of Powls, prechid at Westmystar before ye Queens Majestye, wher he so handelyd his mattar that the Quenes Majestie spake to hym owt at a wyndowe and bad hym goo to his texte, &ct.

The xxviij day of Aprylle in ye afftar none, anno 1565, fell so great an haylle that yt lay on ye grownd in many placys abowt London more then xxiiij owres and ther with was iij or iiij great clapps of thundar. The morow, beynge Lowe Sonday and ye xxviiij day of Aprille, was Wylyam Man, of Soffolke in Sudbury, fownde hangyd with in Mistres Kyrtons palle in S. Andrews Wndarshafft paryshe in London; he honge hym selffe with his nyghte kercheffe on one of ye pykes of ye palle so that one of his fett towchyd ye grownd. The morrow, beynge Monday and ye xxx day of Aprill, one mane rode on two staves borne on iiij mens showldars at S. Katheryns for that his next neybor sofferyd his wyffe to beat hym. There went with hym ny iijc. men with handgunes and pikes well armyd in cowrslytts.

On Lowe Sonday an Eryshe byshope of Irlande, beyng prisonar in ye Towr of London, went quietly frome thens, beynge sene and spokyn with at his so goynge, and yet not knowne, whiche was myche to be merveylyd at, but he cowld not be founde.

Anno 1565, ye 20 dyay of June, at vij of ye cloke at nyght, was ye Lady Lynyt (fn. 3) sent prisonar unto ye Towr of London.

Anno 1565, the 16 day of Julii, at nyghte, beyng Monday, was very tyrable lyghtnynge and thundar, that the lyke in many yers hathe not bene sene; ye moste force therof was frome xij of ye cloke at nyghte unto iij of ye cloke in ye mornyng; whiche dyd myche hurt in many placys of this realme.

Anno 1565, ye 11 day of Septembar, beynge Tewsdaye, the K. of Swedons systar (fn. 4) cam to London, and lodgyd at ye Earle of Bedfords place at Yve brydge, and was ther delyveryd of male childe on ye Satarday at nyght next folowynge, or ye 15 day of Septembre.

Anno 1565, ye 8 day of Octobar, ye Mayre of London, beyng Ser Richard Malarie, ridynge toward the Towr Hyll thorow Towar Streate to take the mustar of sertayn horsmen, was mett by Ser Frauncis Jobson, Levetenaunte of the Towr (with a band of men dyd assalt), (fn. 5) who forsably wolde have taken the swerd from the swerdberar before ye mayre, in so myche that, the swerdberar holdynge the same very fast, the leffetenawnt so pulld therat that he pluckyd a way ye skabard, rentynge the same with stryffe of them and ye mayrs offysser, so that the mayre and his ofysars had myche wyrke to deffend and kepe the sayd swerd, in so myche that the lyfftenaunt callyd for more ayde and assystaunce out of ye Towr, and the offysars war myndyd to have rayssyd the Towre Streate, and so the holle citie with wepons, but the lord maior made proclaymacion that no man shuld draw eny wepon or stryke eny stroke, but every man to depart home, and all so the horssmen lyke wysse to depart tyll they were warnyd agayn, whiche on ye same daye sevennygh, beynge lykewys Monday and the 15 day of October, they dyd ther mustar beffore the maior in that sam place on the Towr Hyll before apoyntyd, and ther the mayr bare his swerd peasably as it befor tyms had bene used.

A Noate of Divinitye.

Colle, Assedeacon of Essexe, prechinge at Powlls Crosse, anno 1565, the xj day of November, lykenyd the pristes unto appes, for, saythe he, they be both balld alyke, but yt the pristes be balld before, the appes behynd.

Anno 1565, ye Lorde Ambros Dudley, Erle of Warwyke, ye 11 day of Novembar, maryed ye Earle of Bedfords dowghtar, named Lady Anne, at Westmynstar. For ye space of iij wekes before, a chalenge was set on ye cowrt gate at Westmyster, as folowyteh:

Yow that in warlikw ways and dedes of arms delight,
Yow that for cuntryes cawse or ells for ladyes love dare fyght,
Know yow foure knyghts ther be that come from foren land,
Whos hawtye herts and corage great hathe movd to take in hand,
With sword, with speare and shild, on fote, on horse backe, to,
To try what yow by force of fyght, or otharwyse, can do.
Prepare yowr selves ther fore this challenge to defend,
That trompe of fame yowr prowes great abrod may sownd and send.
And he that best can do, ye same shall have the price.
Ye day, ye place, and forme and fyght, loo here before yowr eyes.

The day was apoyntyd ye iiij of November, whiche was put of to ye xj day of November. At ye tylt with eache one vj courses, at ye torney xij strokes with ye swerd. Thre pusshes with the pounchen staffe and xij blows with ye swerd at barryars, or twenty yf any be so dysposed.

The same xj day at nyght, sertayne peales of chambars was shot of at ye bank ovar agaynst Westmyster, and one of ye chambars brekynge slew ye quenes scheffe master goonnar of Engeland, which was Master Robart Thomas.

The xxiij day of Decembar, beynge Sondaye, at nyghte, in anno 1565, was a great tempest of wynde where thrwghe many persons were drownyd on the Thams and othar placis, and the great gattes at the weste ende of S. Pawls churche in London, wher is the brasen pilar was blowne wyde open, the wynd beynge in ye west was of suche force.

The xxij day of February, 1565, beynge Friday, the howsys nere to ye Cunduite in Cornhylle, abowt ye nombar of lx housholds, poore and ryche, were cryed by the bell man a bowte ye citie of London to be solde to them that wowld gyve moaste for them, and remeve the same from thens, that in that place ye marchaunts mowght buyld theyr bursse. Thos howsys were dyverse tymes so cryed and at ye last solde, and they begane to pull downe ye same shortly aftar owr Lady day in Lent. In ye pullynge downe wherof dyverse persons were sore hurt and ij in great poryll of deathe; and by Whitsontyd next followynge in 1566 ye same howsys were all pullyd downe and ye grownd clearyd: all whiche chargis was borne by ye citizens of London, and then possessyon gyven by sertayn aldarmen to Syr Thomas Gressham, who layed ye fyrst stone (beynge bryke) of ye fowndacion on ye vij day of June, beynge Friday, in ye aftar none next after Whitson halydays, betwen 4 and 5 of ye cloke.

The xxvj day of Marche, in anno 1566, beyng Twesday, ye parsons and mynystars of ye churches in and abought London were (by commaundyment) at Lambethe, before ye Archebyshoppe of Caunterbury (fn. 6) and othar of ye cownsell, wher charge was gyven to them to sarve theyr churchis and were theyr aparayll accordyng to ye quens injunctions, or ells to do no sarvyce. And that same weke or ye begynyng of ye next came forthe a boke in print subscribed by ye Archebyshope of Cauntorbury, (fn. 6) ye Byshopps of London, (fn. 7) Wynchester, (fn. 8) Elii, (fn. 9) and dyvers othar, whiche apoyntyd ye sayd mynistars to were theyre gownes and clokes with standynge colars and corneryd capse, and at theyr servyce to were syrplysys, or els not to mynystar, &ct. Afftar this folowyd myche troble with ye mynystar of ye citie of London; for in moost paryshis ye sextyn of ye churche dyd all shuche servys as was done, and that in his coate or gowne as he comonly went about othar busynes. In sume placis ye mynystars themselves dyd servyse in theyr gownes or clokes with turnyng colars and hatts as they wer wont to do, and prechid stowtly and agaynst ye ordar taken by ye quene and counsell and counsell and ye byshopps for consentynge ther unto. And on ye 23 (fn. 10) day of Apryll a beryeng beynge at S. Gylls with owt Criple gate, vj clarkes weryng syrplicys befor ye corps, Crowley, (fn. 11) vickar of that churche, stode in ye churche dore and with stode them ther to entre, saynge the churche was his, and ye quene had gyvne yt hyme duryng his lyffe and made hym vickar therof, wherfore he wold rule that place and wold not soffer eny suche superstycius rages of Rome ther to entre; wher uppon was lyke to have bene a great tumolte by the reson of partyse takynge, but in ye end ye clarks and those who toke theyr parte accordynge to ye quenes prosedynge wer fayne to gyve ovar and to tary with owt ye churche dore. Ye 7 day of Aprell, beyng Palme Sondaye, ye paryshe of S. Marie Magdalyn in Mylkestret, makynge labour to ye byshope, had by hym a mynister apoyntyd to serve them with communion that day. And when ye sayd mynystar was at sarvyce in a syrplyce and came doune to rede ye pistle and ghospell, in ye meane space one of ye same paryshe cawsyd his servant to convey ye comunyon cupe and ye bread frome ye table, wherby many persones that were determyned that day to have reseyvyd wer dysapoyntyd, ye which fact was aftar but made a lawhyn game.

The xxx day of Marche, 1566, beyng Satarday, in ye aftar none was a sore tempest of lyghtenynge and thundar with rayne very great. The day before was ye Prynce and Martgrave of Badyn (fn. 12) arestyd or stayed at Rochestar, wher he was dysguysyd lyke an espye and so to have stolne owt of ye realme and his Lady Cisily his wyffe to have stolne afftar hym, levynge a great nombre of creditowrs unpaid, as theyr buttchar, bakar, bruar, mercer, taylowr, skynar, grocer, habbardashar, and othar, and yet his creditors for ye same stayeng of hym were by ye cowncell commaundyd, some to the Flett and some to ye Marshalsey. The 26 or 28 of Aprell Ciscily Marquese of Bawde was conveyed thrughe Kent towards Dovar and so to sayll towar hir natyv cuntrye.

Robart, Erle of Lecestar, 1566.

The 2 of Aprell ye Erle of Leycester cam to London, beyng accompanyd with lords, knyghts, ye pencionars and a great nombar of gentylmen and othars with ye quenes fottmen and his owne also, all in theyr riche cotes and to ye nombar of 700. He came in at ye Temple barre and so thrughe Ludgate, Powlls churchyard, Cheape, Cornhyll, Gracious Strete, and then turnyd downe Lombard Strete and downe S. Nicholas Lane, and so to London Stone to ye Erle of Oxfords place in S. Swythyns churche yard, wher it was apoyntyd that the Quenes Majestye (who had come frome Grenewytche secretly in to Sothewarke, takynge a whiry with one payr of ors for her and two othar ladyes at S. Mary Overyes stayres, and so rowyd ovar to the Thre Crannes in ye Vyntre, wher she entryd a cowche cyveryd with blewe and so rode to ye same Oxforde place) to mett with ye sayd Earle of Lescestar, who or her gracis comynge was retorned with his trayn thrughe Candelwyke Strete and Easte Cheape, and downe New Fyshe Strete, ovar ye brydge, thrwghe Sothewarke, and so by S. Georgys churche toward Grenewytche. Not fer be yonde ye sayd churche of S. George he stayde tyll ye Quenes Majestie came frome ye sayd Oxford Place before namyd the same way that she had passyd thethar tyll hym. She cam owt of hir coche in ye highe way, and she imbrased ye earle and kyssed hym thrise, and then they rode togythar to Grenewytche. The same day at nyght from vij of the cloke tyll ix was sene in ye elyment as thowghe the same had openyd ye bredghte of a great shete and shewyd a bryght flame of fyre and then closyd a gayne, and as it ware at every mynute of an howre to opyn and close agayne, ye whiche I beyng at ye Barrs with owt Allgate sawe playne easte as it war ovar the churche namyd Whitchappell. It is sayd ye Erle of Leycester was retornyd frome London Stone be fore ye Quenes Majestie came ther, for that she was not come when he came thethar.

Ye same Palme Sonday in anno 1566, ye 7 of Aprill, a Scott (who prechid ij tymes every day at Sent Magnus, and mynysteryd every day to all comars of ye paryshe or eny othar in his gowne or cloke) prechid in ye afternone at Lytle Allhalows in Thams Stret. Ye moaste part of his sermon was (as the othar of his sermons were and are) agaynst ye order takyn by ye quene and councell for ye aparayll of mynystars before namyd, with very byter and vehement words agaynst ye quene not here to be namyd, and allso agaynst mynystars as receyvyd ye same ordre. The mynyster of ye churche for savgarde of his lyvynge had receyvyd ye cappe and syrplyce, where fore some tyme in ye sermon he smylyd at vehemente talke by ye prechar usyd to the contrary. Wher upon aftar ye sermon sertayne of ye paryshe, namly, Wyllson, a dyar, and Dyckynson, a fyshemonger, resonyd with ye mynystar for his smyllyng at ye prechar, who resonably aunsweryd; but they toke ye matter so grevowsly that they fell from rwghe wordes at ye last to blowes with them who toke parte with ye mynystar. The lyke dysquyet doyngs wer that daye in dyvars churches of ye citie, and allso ye lyke on Estar day or rather worsse, so that in some paryshe churchis ye people in great nombar beynge redy to reseyve, suche quarylynge and contencion was betwen ye mynystars and parishoners that to quyat ye mattar ye churche dores wer fayn to be closyd, and ye paryschyns to departe unreseyvynge for that day. And on Low Sonday, beynge ye xxj of Aprell, ye worshypffull of ye paryshe of Seynt Myldred in Bred strett, bryngynge a mynystar to serve the aftar none with a syrplyce, wer with stand by ye parson and his adherents, so that at ye last the cheffe of ye paryshe with ye aldarmans deputy of ye warde were fayne to cawse ye mynystar to put on his syrplys and to do his servys, they standyng by on ethar syde to defynd hym tyll ye end of servyce. Ye mynistars and prechars that wer prehibytyd to preche or mynister dyd mayny of them nevartheles mynystar and preache as they before had don, yewsynge words of great vehemencie agaynst ye ordar before sayd set forthe, as also agaynst ye quene, counseyll, and byshops for settynge forthe ye same. Ye lyke sedycious lybells wer wryttyn and strewyd abowt in ye strets, and ij sortis of sedycious bokes wer set forthe in prynt and gyven at theyr mornynge congratyngs; the one entytelyd "The Voyce of God,"set owt by one Towrs ye coole takar of the Towre. a smaterar in musyke, and hathe of longe tyme laboryd to serve in Powls churche, and ther dayly to were a syrplice wer it but for xli. the yere. Thothar by ye wholl multytud of London mynystars, every one of them gyvynge theyr advyce in writynge unto Robart Crowley (somtym a boke sellar), now redar at Sent Antholyns, person of S. Petar ye Powre, prebend of Pawlls, vickar of S. Gills with owt Criple gate, and deane of Harfford in Wales, who compilyd ye same in to one booke, namynge ye same "Ye Unffoldynge of ye Popyshe atyr;" agaynst ye whiche boke an othar boke, beynge "A Playn Confutacion," was set forthe in print with ye quens priveledge. It is to be notyd that ye awcthors of thos two books before namyd were no ways punyshid for ye same, but only ye printars were kepte in ye Contar nyghe a fortnyght, tyll they had openyd who war ye awcthors, but they had frinds ynowe to have sete ye whole realme togethar by the eares.

On the 3 day of June, beynge Whitson Monday, at nyght, ye Scott (who before had ussyd to preche at S. Magnus and so sore to envey agaynst ye capps, syrplisis, and suche lyke) dyd servys at S. Margaret Pattyns in Roode Lane, wher he ware a syrplice; and a sertayne nonbar of wyves threw stons at hym and pullyd hym forthe of ye pulpyt, rentyng his syrplice and scrattyng his face, &ct.

On ye 4 day of June, beynge Twewssdaye in Whison weke, Philpot, summe tyme a scrivoner, othar redar at Sent Antholyns, person of S. Mihells in Chornhyll, person of Stepnye and othar spirituall possesyons, and Gowghe, and othar scrivoner, the third redar of S. Antholyns, person of S. Petars in Cornhyll, for that they were the moaste ernyste withstondars of ye lawes of this realme before namyd consernynge ye ordar of mynystracions, and ye greatyst animators of all ye wholl citie to do the lyke, upon whom ye greatest nombar of othar mynystar dyd depend, beynge apoyntyd by the byshops to go to Wynchestar to Robert Horne, ther byshope, withe hym to perswad or be perswad or be perswadyd for ye space of xxj days, toke theyr jorney ovar London brydge thrughe Sothewarke and so forthe to ward Wynchestar, beynge accompanyed with a great nombar of wymen to ye nombar of ij or iij c. ladyn with baggs and bottells to bancket at theyr departynge, gyvynge them golde, sylvar, sugar, spice, or othar wyse suche as they had, anymatynge them moaste ernystly to stand fast in ye same theyr doctryn whiche they had tawght touchynge syrplysis, caps, and suche lyke. At Myhelmas next foloyng, Philpot subsribyng to them came to London agayn, wher beyng myche rebukyd of his brethern he sold up his movable goods and went to Rie, in Kent, wher he hathe xxxli. a yer, and servythe with owt a syrplice, and kepithe all his othar promocions still as Stapney, Cornhill, &ct.

The 26 day of Januarie next folowynge, beynge Sonday, ye Byshope of London comynge to Seinte Margarets in Olde Fishe Strete to preache in the fore none, the people (especially the wymen) that ware in ye sayde churche unreverently howtyd at hym with many oprobrious words, and cryed "Ware horns," for that he ware a corneryd capp. For ye whiche on ye Satarday next, beynge the 1 day of February, one woman, beynge the wyfe of one — (fn. 13) Symsone, a tynkar, dwellynge in Sowthewarke, was sett uppon two laddars lyke a cuckengstole before the same churche, where she satt the space of one owre, greatly rejoysynge in that her lewde behavowr, and that she was punyshyd for the same, and lyke wyse the beholdars of ye same dyd myche rejoyce ther in and anymatyd the lewde woman to rejoyce and prayse the Lorde for that He had made hir worthy to soffer persecution for ryghywysnes, and for the truths sake (as they said) and for crienge owt a gaynst supersticion as the termed it.

The 17 day off Februarie at nyght, beynge Monday, was a great watche in ye citie of London, so that ye Lord Maior, ye shrives, and dyvers aldarmen them selves were abrode in the strets all that nyght with great nombars of people; whiche great watche contynewyd all that weke. Whiche watche was for feare of an insurrection agaynst ye strangars whiche wer in great nombar in and abowt ye citie, as in all othar porte townes and havens of the whole realme, and styll increasyd and do tyll this day, for ye whiche we ar bownd to pray to God that some ordar may be taken by owr Prince for ye contrarie. They have browght mayny howsys in ye citie frome 40s. ye yere to 20 nobles or 10li. with othar anoyauncis to ye comon welthe with out nombar. The occasyon of this watche was thrwghe a portar who went about to dyvars prentises, tellynge them that that nyght folowynge wowlde be ye lyke stire agaynst straungars as was at Evyll May Day, (fn. 14) &ct.; some of whiche pre[n]tesys gave knowledge ther of to theyr mastars and theyr mastars to ye lord maiore, &ct. The same portar was take, layd in ye Countar, and on Friday aftar stod in Cheape on a scaffold.

On Shrove Monday, beynge ye 10 day of Februarie, in ye mornynge, ye Lorde Henrie Dernley, Kynge of the Scotts, was mourderyd in Scotland. And on Fryday, beynge the 22 day of Februarie, in the evenynge about 5 of ye cloke, ye Lady Lynioxe, mothar to ye sayd Kynge of Scotts, was delyveryd owt off the Towr of London and loddgyd at Salysbury Courte, callyd Sakvyll Place, in ye Flete Strete.


The 4 day of Aprill, beynge Fryday, at nyght deseasyd Alderman Lambart, one of ye shrives of London; and on ye 5 day, beynge Sattarday, was chosen shrive for hym Alderman Langleye.

On Twsdaye, ye 15 day of Aprill, ye Earle of Arondell aryvyd at Dovar, and on Thursday in ye aftarnone, whiche was ye 17 day of Aprell, he was honorably and with a great trayne of horse men conductyd thrughe ye citie of London.

James, ye bastard of Scotland, (fn. 15) with his brothar and othar Scots, came to London on Wedyneseday ye 16 of Aprell. The xxij day of Aprill iiijxx howses was brente, and xv in Oswestre, and xviij barens, (fn. 16) it began byrynynge and contynuyd but vj owrs.

The 24 days of Aprell, beynge Thursday, the Sargaunts feaste was kept at Grys In, nere to Holborne, and aftar dynnar the new sargaunts, beynge 7 in nombar, cam in theyr gowns, hodds, and coyves to Seynt Thomas of Ackars, nere to the great Conduite in Cheape, and from thens to Seynt Pawls, and in bothe placis observyd serimonys, and then went in the same order into Flete strete, and then departyd to theyr severall lodgyngs.

The 4 days of Maye, beyng Sonday, in the mornynge was fownd sertayn bylls agaynst the Flemyngs that latly had fled owt of Flaundars, with galowsys, and as it wer hangynge of Flemyngs drawne in the same papars, or bylls, fyxid on posts abowte the citie, for the whiche was aftarward very strayght watche kepte in London ye same nyght and longe afftar.

The 2 day of June, beynge Monday, in ye fornone, one ambasador from ye Emperowr and one othar from ye Lady Regent of Flaundars, landyd at ye Towr stayres, and wer ther receyvyd by ye Earle of Sussexe and by hym convayde to Mastar Dymoks place in Fanchurche Strete and ther lodgyd. On ye Thursday next folowynge they went to ye quens cowrte at Westmynster wher ye ambasador from ye Emperowr delyveryd to ye quene one boke and one lettar, beynge bothe seallyd. And the Sonday next folowynge ye Emperowrs ambasadowr, to the marvayll of many, went to ye Duche churche in London, and ther herd ye sarmond and servysse done by ye Calvenystys, and then went to ye cowrte. And on Fryday next in ye aftarnone they wer at ye Towr, and from thens to ye Mynorys, were Capitayn Pellam made them a banquit with bakon and powlderyd netts tonges, wher wher was suche eattynge and drynkynge that (by ye reporte of thos which made clean ye hows) ye howse was mervelowsly by pyste and by spewyd to the great shame of thos banquettars; at which banquet was ye Dutches of Suffolke, and it was moste parte or all at hir cost. The same embasāors went to Richemount to ye Quenes Majestie of ye Sonday next folowynge, and agayn ye next Sonday, &ct. And on Wedenseday, beyng ye 25 day of June in ye mornynge, the Earle of Sussex with ye yonge Lord Northe went onward of his jurney as ymbasador to the Emperowr, and the same day in ye aftarnone ye embasadors of ye Emperowr and of ye Lady Regent of Flaundars departyd from London toward the sea to pase home warde.

The fyrst day of Julii to carts loden with haye, one betwen Eslendoune and Clerkenwell, ye othar beyonde Eslyndon and Holowway at Rynge Crosse, wer set affyre and byrnt, no man can tell how, excepte ye heate of ye exeltrie showld be ye cawse.

The ij day of Julii Syr Nycholas Throkemorton toke his jorneye towards Scotland (as it was sayd by comon reporte, to fetche ye yonge Prynce of Scotland); ye 10 of September he enteryd into London homeward agayne.

The xxix day of Julii ye yonge Prince of Scotland was crownyd Kynge of Scotland.

About that tyme were many congregations of the Anabaptysts in London, who cawlyd themselvs Puritans or Unspottyd Lambs of the Lord. They kept theyr churche in ye Mynorys with out Algate. Afterwards they assomblyd in a shype or lyghtar in Seynt Katheryns Poole, then in a chopers howse, ny Wolle Key in Thamse strete, wher only the goodman of the howse and the preachar, whose name was Brown (and his awditory wer cawlyd the Browyngs), were comyttyd to ward; then aftarward in Pudynge Lane in a mynisters hows in a blynd ally, and vij of them were committyd to ye Countar in ye Poultrye. Then aftar, on ye 29 of February, beyng Shrove Sonday, at Mountjoye Place, wher ye byshop, beyng warnyd by the constables, bad let then alone. Then at Westmystar, the 4 of Marche, and in a goldsmythis house nere to the Savoy, the 5 of marche, wher beynge taken to the nombar of 60 and odd, only 3 were sent to the Gatehous. In many othat placis were and are the lyke. On Estar day at Hogston in my Lord of Londons mans house to ye nombar of 120, and on Lowe Sonday in a carpentars hous in Aldarman bury. It is to be noated that suche as were at eny tyme comitted for suche congregatynge were sone delyvered without punishemente.

Anno Domini 1564, from ye 7 of Julie of ye plage in London.

Unto ye 14 of Julie, 1.
Unto ye 21 of Julie, 1.
Unto ye 28 of Julie, 2.
Unto ye 4 of August, 3.
Unto ye 11 of August, 2.
Unto ye 18 of August, 1.
Unto ye 25 of August 1.
Unto ye 1 of Septembar, none.
Unto ye 8 of Septembar, 3.
Unto ye 15 of Septembar, 1.
Unto ye 22 of Septembar, none.
Unto ye 29 of Septembar, 6.
Unto ye 6 of Octobar, 1.
Unto ye 13 of Octobar, none.
Unto ye 20 of Octobar, none.
Unto ye 27 of Octobar, none.
Unto ye 3 of Novembar, 1.
Unto ye 10 of Novembar, none.
Unto ye 17 of Novembar, none.
Unto ye 24 of Novembar, none.
Unto ye 1 of Decembar, none.
Unto ye 8 of Decembar, none.
Unto ye 15 of Decembar, 2.
Unto ye 22 of Decembar, none.
Unto ye 29 of Decembar, none.
Unto ye 5 of Januarie, none.
Unto ye 12 of Januarie, none.
Untjo ye 19 of Januarie, none.
Unto ye 26 of Januarie, none.
Unto ye 2 of Februari, none.
Unto ye 9 of Februari, none.
Unto ye 16 of Februari, none.
Unto ye 23 of Februari, none.
Unto ye 2 of Marche, none.
Unto ye 9 of Marche, none.
Unto ye 16 of Marche, none.
Unto ye 23 of Marche, none.
Unto ye 30 of Marche, none.
Unto ye 6 of Aprill, none.
Unto ye 13 of Aprill, none.
Unto ye 20 of Aprille, none.
Unto ye 27 of Aprile, none.
Unto ye 4 of May, none.
Unto ye 11 of May, none.
Unto ye 18 of May, none.
Unto ye 25 of May, none.
Unto ye 1 of June, none.
Unto ye 8 of June, none.
Unto ye 15 of June, none.
Unto ye 22 of June, none.
Unto ye 29 of June, none.
Unto ye 6 of Julii, none.
Unto ye 13 of Julii, none.
Unto ye 20 of Julii, none.
Unto ye 27 of Julii, none.
Unto ye 3 of August, none.
Unto ye 10 of August, none.
Unto ye 17 of August, none.
Unto ye 24 of August, 1.
Unto ye last of August, none.
Unto ye 7 of Septem. none.
Unto ye 14 of Septem. none.
Unto ye 21 of Septem. none.
Unto ye 28 of Septem. none.
Unto ye 5 of October, none.
Unto ye 12 of October, none.
Unto ye 19 of October, none.
Unto ye 26 of October, none.
Unto ye 2 of November, none.
Unto ye 9 of November, none.
Unto ye 16 of November, none.
Unto ye 23 of November, none.
Unto ye 30 of November, none.
Unto ye 7 of December, none.
Unto ye 14 of December, none.
Unto ye 21 of December, none.
Unto ye 28 of December, none.
Unto ye 4 of January, one.
Unto ye 11 of January, none.
Unto ye 18 of Januray, none.
Unto ye 25 of January, none.
Unto ye 1 of February, one.
Unto ye 8 of February, none.
Unto ye 15 of February, none.
Unto ye 22 of February, none.
Unto ye 1 of Marche, none.
Unto ye 8 of Marche, none.
Unto ye 15 of Marche, none.
Unto ye 22 of Marche, none.
Unto ye 29 of Marche, none.
Unto ye 5 of Aprill, none.
Unto ye 12 of Aprill, none.
Unto ye 19 of Aprell, none.
Unto ye 26 of Aprell, none.
Unto ye 3 of Maye, none.
Unto ye 10 of May, none.
Unto ye 17 of May, none.
Unto ye 24 of May, one.
Unto ye last of May, one.
Unto ye 7 of June, none.
Unto ye 14 of June, none,
Unto ye 21 of June, one.
Unto ye 28 of June, none.
Unto ye 5 of Julii, none.
Unto ye 12 of Julii, one.
Unto ye 19 of Julii, none.
Unto ye 26 of Julii, none.


  • 1. Thomas Cole, A.M.
  • 2. Chamber pot.
  • 3. Lennox.
  • 4. Cicely, wife of Christopher, Margrave of Baden. See Stowe's Chronicle, 659.
  • 5. "(with—assalt)" This is an interlineation which spoils the grammer.
  • 6. Matthew Parker.
  • 7. Edmund Grindall.
  • 8. Robert Horne.
  • 9. Richard Cox.
  • 10. Originally written "22." The second figure is corrected, but whether into a "3" or a "1" it is difficult to say.
  • 11. Robert Crowley. See p. 1 Robert Crowley. See p. 139.39.
  • 12. See page 131, noteb.
  • 13. Blank in MS.
  • 14. In 1517.
  • 15. The Earl of Murray.
  • 16. In margin—"iiijxx & xv howsys & xv barns byrnt in Oswestrye."