Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1869.
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'Extracts from the Records: 1512', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528, ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1403-1528/pp136-139 [accessed 13 February 2025].
'Extracts from the Records: 1512', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Edited by J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1869), British History Online, accessed February 13, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1403-1528/pp136-139.
"Extracts from the Records: 1512". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1869), British History Online. Web. 13 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1403-1528/pp136-139.
4 January 1511–12.
Railstoun querrell. [Ravelston quarry.]
William Rynde, in the name and behalf of John Rynde, clerk, prebender of Railstoun, with consent and assent of he prouest baillies and counsale patronis of the samyn, hes lotat and sett the qwerrell of railstoun till Robert Cvnyng hame quariour for all the dayis of his lyfe, paynad thairfor yeirlie thre pund to the said prebender, exceptand for the first yeir becaus he mon clenge the querrell, and craig sua that na reasonalble caus of complaynt be had vnder the pane of tynsale of his tak and removing thairfra, keipand the corne and gers as he wes wont till do, and to furnys the rkirk wark and the nychtbouris of the toun of the auld portes and the commoun warkis of the toun.
23 Jul 1512.
xxiii Julii anno Domini Jm vc xii°. The quhilk day dauid layng is becum myn souerte and lawborgh for anges his spous that Katerine Wardlaw salbe harmeless and skaithles of hir and all that scho may lett but fraude and gyle bot as law will vndir the payne of x lib. Extractum de libra actorum currie burgi de Edinburght per me Henricum Strathauchin notarium publicum communem scribam eiusdem ac deputatum magistri Ade Ottirburne communuis clerici huiusmodi burgi sub meis signo et subscriptione manualibus. [Extracted from the act book of the Burgh court of edinburgh, by me, Henry Strathauchin, notary-public, common writer thereof and deputy of Master Adam Ottirburne, Common Clerk of the same burgh, under my sign and subscription manual.]
14 October 1512.
Pest To reveill.
It is statute and ordanit be the provest baillies and counsale, for to eschew be Goddis grace this contagious seiknes of pestilence laitlie rissin, that in tyme to cum quhair ony happinis to be seik within the towne and boundis thairof, bairnis or vtheris, that incontinent the principle persouns thairof man or woman or bayth reveles the samyn to the provest and baillies or to ony ane of thame incontinent, vnder the payne of banesing and byrening of the gudis and vther corporale payne that sall be thocht expedient.
And quhair that ony persoun happinis to be chairgeit to remayne in thair hous, that thai cum nocht but speciall licence of the said provest and baillies vnder the said payne.
Item, that na maner of persouns of infectit places owtwith the touce cum and enter within this towne this towne vnder the payne of byrning, gif it be ane woman on the cheik, gif it be ane man of sic pvnitioun as sall be thochtr expendient.
And als that na maner of folkis hous harbery or ressett ony maner of persoun cummand furth of suspect places vnder the payne of paynis as sall be thought expendient be the provest and baillies.
Puir folks.
Item, anent the multitude of beggares quhilk ar stark and may wirk, and now becaus the daynger of seiknes, that the Act of Parliament (fn. 1) be putt to executioun, and thairfore the provest baillies and counsale hes devysit that Certane taikins be maid als mony as sall be thocht expedient, that is to say, als mony pure folks that ar impotent and aigeit ilk ane of thame to haif ane of the signes and taikins, and thai to remane within the towne allenarly, and that all vthers that ar of yowthheid and may wirk that other thai pas in seruice or pas furth of he towne, and nane to remane thaieintill fra Fryday furth nixttocum vnder the payne of banesing thair persouns furth of the towne.
Doggis and swyne.
Item, it is statute and ordanit that na doggis nor swyne be haldin in this towne furth of band vnder payne of slawchter of thame.
Alswa that the baillies pas and cheis in euery wynde or vinell twa, or ane at the leist, and that thai diligently serche and seik quhair ony persoun beis seik within thair bounds that thai cum and reveil the samyn incontinent to the baillies; and that all persouns dwellansd with in that close or vinell quhair that ony persoun bairn or vthers happins to be seik within thair hous that the man or woman principale of that hous ane or bayth reveill the samyn to the baillies.
And now laitly it is concludet be the provest baillies counsale and communitie conformand to the statutes maid abefore, that all persouns dwelland within this burgh and bounds thairof that hes offendit ageane the said statutes and brokin the samyn twicheing this contagious seikness of pestilence, that is for to say, that hes noncht reveillit yhe seikness that happinit into thair hous quhat sumeuir, that they be pvnist with birning and banesing and destructioun of thair gudis at the discretioun of the provest baillies and counsale.
And in lykewyis that the persouns quhatsumeuir that hes repairit to the said seik persouis or houssis infectit without speciall licence be pvnist siclyke.
And that all persouns dwelland within this towne that hes passit furth of infect places after thai wer commandit be the officers to remayne that thai be pvnist siclyke as abefore.
Indwellers of this towne.
Item, that na maner of persoun of infect places dwelland owtwith this towne enter or repair thairintill without speciall licence of the provest and baillies vnder the paynis in the statutes maid abefore; and als that the nycht bouris indwellars of this towne nother resserr harbery heill nor conceill thame in thair houssis vnder the said paynis now laitlie concludet in the said statute abefore.
[Duties of quater masters.]
Item, that the quaters maistersi of euery and vincell that ar chosin for till eschew this contagious seiknes of pestilence, that thai convene with the baillies euer ilk day, and thair to schaw quhat persouns ar seik in quhatsumeuir seiknes, and gif thai be negligent heirntill to pay ane vnlaw of xl s., or vther coporall pvuitioum that sall be devysit be the provest and baillies to be imputt to thame.
[Reset or removeal of suspected goods.]
Item, that na nychtbouris indwellares within this burgh tak upoun hand to resaue or resaitt ony vthers suspect geir, or they ony pynouris tak vpoun hand to flitt or remouve ony vther place without the officeris be wairnit thairto for that intent, vnder the paynis contenit and concludet in the statutes maid a before.
Item, it is statute and ordanit anent the clengeing of this towne and infectit geir, sercheing and seiking of infect places, that the nychtbouris or quatermaisteris beand requirit thairto pas with the officeria to visey and se the samyn clengeit, vnder the payne of xl s. to be gevin and imputt to thame for thair demerits.
[Bailies convening.]
Item, that the baillies convene euery day at ix or viij houris before none, and thre or four houris afternone, for the guid rewle of this towne to be had, and putting of the said falts to execution dewly as efferis.
Diuisioun of the towne.
The toune devydit in thre pairts, in the first fra the east syne of Foresters Wynd on bayth the sydes of the streitt and vnder the wall to the Castell hill; that to be a pairt for Thomas Wardlaw. Item, fra the Tolbuith stair quhair Walter Young dwellis in the north pairt of he gaitt to the Loply stane; that to be ane vther pairt, and the said Wlaters pairt. Item, fra the Loply stayne till Foresters Wynd in the Sowth pairt of he gaitt with the pairt of the Cow gaitt to be the third pairt for george Diksoun.
Villa Fermortoens.
The quhilk day the provest hes chairgit the baillies sittand in judgement to pas and tak samekle of the guidis of the fermoreris of he mylnis and wild aventouris this last yeir, viz., james Johnestoun, William Halkerstoun and Walter Young for the myllis, and mak penny of thair said guidis foar payment to the toun of the rest awand thairof.