The parish of Heysham

A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 8. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1914.

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'The parish of Heysham', in A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 8, ed. William Farrer, J Brownbill( London, 1914), British History Online [accessed 19 September 2024].

'The parish of Heysham', in A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 8. Edited by William Farrer, J Brownbill( London, 1914), British History Online, accessed September 19, 2024,

"The parish of Heysham". A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 8. Ed. William Farrer, J Brownbill(London, 1914), , British History Online. Web. 19 September 2024.

In this section

HEYSHAM (fn. 1)

Hessam, Dom. Bk.; Hessein, 1194; Hessem, Hissein, 1200; Hesham, 1208 and common; Heshem, 1209; Hesaim, 1212; Heesam, 1246; Heesham, 1291; Hegsham, 1292; Hesam, 1297.

The local pronunciation is Hee-sham.

The seaside parish of Heysham contains but a single township, which has from ancient times contained the two hamlets or manors of Higher and Lower Heysham. These hamlets are situated on the rocky hill which was probably in former times the only habitable part of the parish, being mostly over 50 ft. above sea level and rising at several points to 100 ft. The place must have been almost isolated. To north, east and south the surface falls away to the low-lying lands of Poulton, Heaton and Middleton, much of this tract being moss, described as 'a spongy flat' in 1820. (fn. 2)

On the west the hill-side, here well covered with trees, falls sharply from one of its highest points down to the Irish Sea. On the edge of the cliff, some 40 or 50 ft. above sea level, at a point where the coast line makes a sharp turn to the east for a little space, stand the ruins of ST. PATRICK'S CHAPEL. It is an undivided rectangular building, (fn. 3) of early preConquest date, 27 ft. 6 in. long inside by 9 ft. wide, with walls 2 ft. 6 in. thick, constructed of irregularlycoursed rubble masonry. The greater part of the south wall, the whole of the east wall (where the gable remains about 12 ft. in height) and a portion of the north wall, 11 ft. 6 in. in length from the east end, are still standing; but the west wall and the western part of the north wall are razed to the foundations, and there is a gap in the south-east corner. The north and south walls are about 9 ft. high. There is no east window, nor any opening in the north wall so far as it remains, but at the east end of the south wall there are the west jamb of a window splayed on the inside, and towards the west a doorway 2 ft. 7 in. wide and 7 ft. 6 in. in height. The jambs consist of upright slabs going through the whole thickness of the wall alternating with smaller slabs laid horizontally, and the head is a semicircle of rather irregular shape cut out of one stone. On the outside the door-head is scored round with three hollows or flutes, the ridges between which stand out slightly beyond the face of the stone. A rebate to fit a door to the inner side of the doorway has been formed at a later time. The building is unlike the usual Saxon type of church both in plan and detail, and suggests a Celtic influence in keeping with its traditional dedication, but no suggestion as to the exact date of its erection can be offered. In 1903 the foundations of the chapel were strengthened, a coping of old flagstones was laid on the top of the walls, and the joints repaired with cement.

Plan of St. Patrick's Chapel, Heysham

To the west of the chapel are six rock-hewn graves, (fn. 4) varying in size, but all in the form of a body, and on the eastern side of the hill are two smaller ones.

A little to the east of the chapel, on a somewhat lower level, is the parish church; by it, or beneath it, in a little clough, lies the hamlet of Lower Heysham. The churches, cross and other carved stones make this spot one of the most interesting in the country from the archaeological point of view. (fn. 5) The coast line then turns north again, and there is a footpath along it as far as Morecambe. Higher Heysham lies nearly a mile south-east of the church, on the southern slope of the hill. Whittam lies in the north-east corner. Sandylands, on the border of Morecambe, is a residential district. Bronneberh or Bruneberh was a rock. The area is 1,774 acres, (fn. 6) and in 1901 there was a population of 3,381.

The principal road leads south from Morecambe through Higher Heysham—with branches west to the church and east to Oxcliffe—towards Middleton and Overton. The tramway from Morecambe is laid along it for more than a mile. The Midland Railway Company's line from Lancaster to Heysham Harbour goes round the hill on the east and south. The new harbour, with its railway station and docks, begun in 1896, is at Near Naze, about a mile and a half south-south-west of the church. The company use the dock for the regular Belfast service and other services to Londonderry and Dublin, also for summer passenger steamers to the Isle of Man. The railway is now worked by electric traction. The harbour was opened in 1904.

The history of this small solitary place has been quite uneventful. At the time of the Pilgrimage of Grace it was reported that some of the people had gone to join the 'pilgrims.' (fn. 7) Under Elizabeth one of the rectors resigned, unable, apparently, to conform any longer to the new ordinances; but the rector of the Civil War period kept his benefice all through, and only two or three of the residents suffered sequestration. To the county lay of 1624, based on the old fifteenth, Heysham had to raise £2 2s. 9¾d. when £100 was required from Lonsdale Hundred. (fn. 8) The manor was forfeited for participation in the Jacobite rising of 1715, (fn. 9) but otherwise there is no sign that the people were affected by the Revolution and its sequels. The inhabitants earned their living by fishing and agriculture. Dr. Whitaker wrote thus about 1820:—

Of this parish it is remarkable that there is in it no market, no shop, and till the last year no butcher; no medical practitioner, no attorney, no endowed school, no sea boat, and thanks to the want of water no manufactory. To these negations, some of good and some of evil, is to be added one of the latter kind; namely, that in the whole parish there is not a spring of clear and tasteless water, the wells being mere puddles, and those too rendered brackish by some secret communication with the sea through crevices in the rocks. Two or three gentlemen's families reside here, to the great advantage of the poor, for the salubrity of the air. The rest of the population it divided between a race of old yeomanry, tenants at rack rents, and poor families earning a wretched subsistence by unskilful fishing. (fn. 10) [Mussels formed a] considerable part of the tillage used in husbandry. (fn. 11) Above the rectory begins a line of perpendicular rock, which shelters both that and the village at once from the sun and the storms; but notwithstanding this partial disadvantage, fruit trees and garden vegetables are seen to thrive on platforms won out of the rock. (fn. 12)

There were two holy wells in Lower Heysham, one by the church and another called the Sainty Well. (fn. 13)

Lower Heysham, in spite of recent changes, remains a picturesque village, with many quaint houses; one, with half a dozen rude steps leading up to it, and therefore known as the Greese House, is said to have been the ancient rectory.

In recent times the healthiness of the place has attracted residents and summer visitors, so that even in 1826 Heysham was a 'fashionable resort for sea bathing.' (fn. 14) The ancient churches are visited by great numbers of those who spend their summer holidays in Morecambe and its neighbourhood. The establishment of the railway harbour may lead to other commercial enterprises.

The soil is a light loam over millstone grit; wheat, oats and barley are grown, as well as potatoes, but much of the land is in pasture. The arable land now occupies 425 acres, while there are 792 acres in permanent grass.

The township is governed by an urban district council of twelve members, formed in 1899 in place of the then existing parish council. Gas is supplied by the Corporation of Morecambe, and water is derived from the Lancaster Corporation works. (fn. 15)


Earl Tostig held HEYSHAM in 1066, it being a member of his fee of Halton; at that time it was assessed as four ploughlands, (fn. 16) but later apparently as three, of which the. Prior of Lancaster held one in free alms by grant of Count Roger of Poitou. (fn. 17) This was Lower Heysham. The other two-thirds, or Upper Heysham, was afterwards held by serjeanty, the tenant being bound to sound his horn against the coming of the lord of Lancaster into the county, to meet him at the boundary with horn and staff, accompany him and conduct him back again. (fn. 18)

Adam Gernet held it at the end of the 12th century, and, meeting a violent death about 1200, (fn. 19) was succeeded by his son Thomas, (fn. 20) who in 1212 held two plough-lands in Heysham 'by venery—that is, by his horn.' (fn. 21) He had two plough-lands in Caton also, held in thegnage. (fn. 22) He died in 1221, (fn. 23) and his son and heir Vivian in 1246. (fn. 24) Roger, the son and successor of Vivian, (fn. 25) sold the manor to Randle de Dacre and Joan his wife. (fn. 26) Joan, a widow in 1290, held Over Kellet, Bare and Heysham in 1297. (fn. 27) Their successor, Edmund de Dacre, (fn. 28) in 1309 obtained a charter of free warren in his demesne lands in Heysham. (fn. 29) He died before 1341, (fn. 30) and his son Thomas de Dacre in 1346 held the two plough-lands in Upper Heysham by the old serjeanty, paying 3s. 4d., doing suit to county and wapentake and providing puture. (fn. 31) He was succeeded by his son Edmund (fn. 32) and grandson Thomas; the latter, dying 1 December 1419, left a daughter and heir Elizabeth, under age, (fn. 33) who carried the manor to her husband Sir Thomas Harrington. With the other Hornby manors it came into the possession of the Lords Mounteagle. (fn. 34)

Dacre. Gules three escallops argent.

Harrington. Sable fretty argent, a label or.

In 1597 William Parker Lord Mounteagle and Elizabeth his wife sold the manor, with messuages, lands, rents, water mill, windmill, dovecote, willow grove, salt and fresh marshes, free warren, free fishery, wreck of sea, view of frankpledge and all appurtenances, to John Bradley (fn. 35) of Thornley, whose daughter and co-heir Jane carried it to the Leyburnes, (fn. 36) and it was forfeited, like Nateby, in 1715. (fn. 37) The manor is not named again until 1724, when the Corporation of Lancaster were empowered to buy it. (fn. 38) They sold it again in 1766 for £672, and in 1836 it was held in sixteen shares by twelve proprietors. (fn. 39)

Parker, Lord Mounteagle. Argent between two bars sable charged with three bezants a lion passant gules, in chief three bucks' heads caboshed of the second.

The present proprietors are eleven in number, and hold the manor in nineteen unequal shares. They no longer claim any exclusive right of fishery. (fn. 40) As owners of the foreshore they have recently sold considerable portions of their property to the Midland Railway Company for the construction of the new docks. No manor courts have been held for a very long time. (fn. 41)

Heysham Old Hall: South-east Front

Heysham Old Hall, a picturesque late 16th-century two-story house with mullioned and transomed windows and gables, is situated in Higher Heysham, standing back some distance from the road, from which it is separated by a well-kept garden and high fence wall. (fn. 42) The building, which is now a farmhouse, is constructed of dressed masonry in coursed blocks, and the roofs are covered with stone slates. The front faces south-east, and the plan follows the usual type with central hall and projecting end gabled wings 19 ft. wide, with a porch going up the full height and terminating in a smaller gable within the angle formed by the west wing. The hall measures 18 ft. by 16 ft. 6 in. and is lighted on the south side by a window of six lights. The ceiling is crossed by two heavy moulded beams, and the fireplace opening, which has a four-centred arch, is 6 ft. 9 in. wide. All the other windows in the front elevation are of five lights except in the gables, where there are low openings of three lights to the attics, and all have external hood moulds and retain their diamond glazing. The doorway has a low four-centred arched head under a square hood mould, and the gables have all stone finials. In the apex of the east gable is a stone panel on which are carved what were probably the initials of the owner, now almost obliterated, but which look like P.E., R.E., together with a Tudor rose and the date 1598 set within a geometrical pattern. In the west wing on the ground floor is an oak-panelled room, and the east wing has a small parlour in front, with kitchen and offices behind, the kitchen retaining its ancient fireplace opening 9 ft. wide, into which a modern range has been inserted. The building was restored about 1880, when the floors were renewed and a 'secret chamber' opened out in the south-west chimney stack. (fn. 43) The house contains a quantity of good oak furniture.

Of the Prior of Lancaster's third part a large share at least was applied to the endowment of the rectory, (fn. 44) and in 1593 the rector was recognized as one of the lords of the place. (fn. 45) The remainder was included in the sale of Bulk and Aldcliffe to Robert Dalton of Thurnham. (fn. 46) Furness Abbey also had land in Heysham. (fn. 47)

Several minor estates appear in the records, including those of Heysham, (fn. 48) Lawrence, (fn. 49) Travers, (fn. 50) Ward, (fn. 51) Waleys, (fn. 52) and Washington. (fn. 53) In more recent times Richard Shireburne acquired lands, (fn. 54) and his son Thomas died in 1635 holding of the heirs of John Bradley as of his manor of Heysham. Richard, his brother and heir, was forty years of age. (fn. 55) The estate passed later to Edmondson and West. (fn. 56) Thomas Clarkson died in 1640 holding a messuage of the king as of his duchy of Lancaster (fn. 57); his son Thomas, a Royalist, had his estate sequeitered by the Parliament. (fn. 58)


The church of ST. PETER is situated in Lower Heysham at the north-west of the village, close to the sea, and consists of a chancel 23 ft. 6 in. by 1 5 ft. 6 in., with north vestry and organ chamber and south aisle 10 ft. wide, nave 30 ft. by 15 ft. 6 in., with north and south aisles, south porch, and bell-cote over the west gable, all the measurements being internal. The church is of very ancient date and has a good deal of Saxon work remaining in the west end of the nave, and there was more on the north side till it was pulled down at the time of the addition of the north aisle. The Saxon church was no doubt of the usual type, consisting of a nave and small presbytery, the nave being the same in extent as the present one. The west door is still standing under the modern west window, but is now blocked up, and another door on the north wall, 5 ft. from the north-west angle, was taken down with the wall and set up as a quasi-ruin on the south-west side of the churchyard. (fn. 59) As the approach must always have been principally from the south, there was probably a door on that side also, and there is a tradition, without evidence to support it, that there was formerly a west tower. (fn. 60) The walling is perfectly plain, and there is no detail to suggest its date, but the absence of long and short work suggests an early building. (fn. 61) The chancel is of 14th-century date, and the south aisle of the nave, which is 9 ft. 9 in. wide, about a century later, though it may be a rebuilding of an earlier aisle erected about the same time as or earlier than the chancel. The windows, however, do not suggest anything earlier than the 15th or even early 16th century. The south aisle, which originally extended only the length of the nave, was restored in the 17th century, when it was extended a bay eastward and a south porch built. (fn. 62) The aisle was further extended in the first half of the last century flush with the east wall of the chancel, and the north-east vestry belongs to the same period. The north aisle, which is 11 ft. 6 in. wide, was added in 1864, when the church was restored, the whitewash removed from the walls, and the old square pews and two galleries which had been erected on the north wall as private pews taken down.

The older walling is of gritstone rubble, and the roofs are covered with stone slabs and have overhanging eaves. The chancel and its aisles are under three separate gabled roofs, and the nave and aisles under a higher single roof of wide span. The chancel has a three-light pointed window with trefoiled lights and quatrefoil tracery, and has wavemoulded jambs and head but no hood mould; and on the south side is a two-light pointed window with a quatrefoil in the head, now opening into the extended south aisle. The chancel floor is tiled and level with that of the nave, the sanctuary being raised only two steps, and there is a 13-ft. length of wall on each side from the east, beyond which the chancel is open to the aisles by segmental arches of a single chamfered order, that on the south being of 17th-century date and the north one modern. The arches are of slightly different shape and height and the openings are filled with modern oak screens.

Heysham Church: Saxon Doorway

Plan of Heysham Church

The existing roof, which is of recent construction, has been plastered between the spars, and the walls here and throughout the building show the original rubble masonry. The chancel arch is 12 ft. high and semicircular in form, springing from cable-moulded imposts on chamfered responds, and is 2 ft. 3 in. thick, of a single order chamfered on the angles. The imposts may be Saxon work and the wall above is probably Saxon masonry, but the arch itself appears to be of 17th-century date, inserted in the wall at the same time the south aisle arch was built in the chancel (as well as that dividing the south nave and chancel aisles), taking the place of an older and very likely Saxon one, and the cable ornament may even be a 17th-century reproduction of older work. The original arch was no doubt a tall and narrow opening of the usual type. The oak screen which now stands below the arch within the opening was formerly wider by two bays, and was originally placed within the chancel to the east of the arch. It is of 15th-century date and 7 ft. in height, with four openings with traceried heads on each side of the central doorway. It has been restored and the uprights renewed.

The chancel fittings, together with the pulpit and screens to the organ chamber and south aisle, are modern. Formerly there was a high churchwardens' pew of carved oak on the north side near the site of the present pulpit, the old pulpit, reading desk and clerk's seat being on the south.

The nave has two pointed arches on each side springing from an octagonal pier and responds. The arches on the south side are probably of 15th-century date, cut through the older Saxon wall, and are of a single order chamfered at the angles and of red stone; the north arcade is modern. The upper part of the walling on either side may be Saxon work, and is certainly of very ancient date, though patched up and repaired at various times subsequently. The nave roof is modern and 26 ft. in height to the ridge, and the floor is flagged. At the west end, under a modern two-light window, is the built-up Saxon doorway already mentioned, 3 ft. 2 in. wide, showing on the inside a slightly pointed arch, probably a later reconstruction, 5 ft. 6 in. in height, and on the outside a plain round-headed opening. The south aisle of the nave is lit by two square-headed windows, each of two lights, the easternmost one with trefoiled lights, the other later like that in the 17th-century extension eastward, and perhaps of the same date, and at the west end is a small single-light window placed high up in the wall. The porch, which is 7 ft. 9 in. by 5 ft. 6 in., has a pointed inner door, with plain chamfered jambs and head, and a round-headed outer doorway of two orders, the jambs of which appear to be constructed of older stones, now very much worn.

The font is of red sandstone, octagonal in shape, 2 ft. 4 in. in diameter and quite plain, and may be of 15th-century date or later. The cover is modern, in the Jacobean style.

At the west end of the north aisle is a sepulchral slab 6 ft. 8 in. in length with floreated cross and sword, and in the south chancel aisle are two 17thcentury gravestones with good raised lettering; and another to William Ward, 'pastor of this church' (d. 1670), in the chancel. During some recent alterations a stone coffin was found under the south window of the chancel containing the remains of a body and a portion of a small chalice. The coffin is now in the churchyard, but the chalice is preserved in a glazed niche in the wall. In the north wall of the vestry is built a stone with the initials T. L. and the date 1688.

The churchyard lies chiefly on the south side of the building, but has recently been extended on the north. On the west it rises abruptly to the higher rocky headland on which St. Patrick's Chapel is situated. In taking down the boundary wall on the north side several sepulchral slabs were found, and other discoveries of ancient stones, one probably the bottom of a pre-Conquest cross, have been made. (fn. 63) The chief interest of the churchyard lies in the hogback stone and the sculptured cross shaft, which have been already described. (fn. 64) There is also a stone pillar sundial dated 1696, which preserves its dial, but the gnomon is missing.

There are two bells, dated respectively 1723 and 1724.

The plate consists of a 17th-century chalice made at York, with the maker's mark of Robert Williamson; a chalice of 1788 without inscription; a paten of Sheffield make, 1867; and a flagon of 1896, given in that year in memory of Thomas and Sarah Tomlinson by their children.

The registers begin in 1658.


The church of Heysham was granted to the abbey of St. Martin, Sées, in 1094, (fn. 65) but was never appropriated, the rector paying 6s. 8d. a year to the Prior of Lancaster. (fn. 66) With the other possessions of the priory the church went to Syon Abbey. (fn. 67) After the Dissolution the advowson was sold to Thomas Fleetwood in 1554, (fn. 68) and after passing through many hands (fn. 69) was in 1844 acquired by Clement Royds, from whom it has come to the present patron, Mr. John Fletcher Twemlow Royds of Sandbach. (fn. 70)

In 1291 Heysham rectory was taxed at £10, but this was reduced after the Scottish raid of 1322 to £5, (fn. 71) which was the value in 1341. (fn. 72) The income was estimated at £10 in 1527, (fn. 73) and eight years later the clear value was returned as £8 9s. 2d. (fn. 74) This was probably much below the receipts, for in 1650 the profits of the rectory were about £100 a year. (fn. 75) In 1717, however, the certified value was only £70 9s. 6d. (fn. 76) At present the net value is stated to be £570. (fn. 77) The glebe consists of 90 acres.

It is noteworthy that Heysham was formerly in the deanery of Kendal, though physically detached from it.

The following have been rectors:—

Instituted Name Patron Cause of Vacancy
c. 1190 Ralph (fn. 78)
c. 1250 Roger (fn. 79)
oc. 1335–44 Mr. Thomas de Gaylesthorpe (fn. 80)
12 June 1349 Thomas de la More (fn. 81) The King
11 Nov. 1352 John de Hornby (fn. 82) "
17 Jan. 1353–4 John Dibbleda (fn. 83)
19 Dec. 1369 Robert de Farington (fn. 84) The King
29 Mar. 1370 Roger de Farington (fn. 85) " res.Rt. de Farington
10 Apr. 1383 Mr. John Coly (fn. 86) "
8 June 1387 Ralph Gentyl (fn. 87) " exch. with J. Coly
14 Feb. 1394–5 Robert Brownfleet (fn. 88) "
29 Mar. 1396 Thomas Greenwood (fn. 89) "
8 Feb. 1409–10 Robert Bolt (fn. 90)
20 Jan. 1410–11 Thomas Whitacre (fn. 91)
7 Oct. 1434 Henry Highfield (fn. 92) Abbess of Syon
1488 Philip Halstead (fn. 93)
oc. 1517 John Waller (fn. 94)
c. 1522 John Singleton (fn. 95) Abbess of Syon.
oc. 1535 Roger Bradshaw (fn. 96)
June 1568 Edward Croft, M.A. (fn. 97) Gabriel Croft d. R. Bradshaw
16 Aug. 1583 William Thorpe, M.A. (fn. 98) " res. E. Croft
29 Dec. 1591 Matthew Kitchen (fn. 99)
23 Oct. 1606 Thomas Calvert, M.A. (fn. 100) The King
Sept. 1638 William Ward, M.A. (fn. 101) Chr. Philipson, &c. d. T. Calvert
15 Nov. 1671 John Briggs (fn. 102) Thomas Mather d. W. Ward
27 June 1674 Richard Taylor, M.A. (fn. 103) The King
12 Jan. 1698–9 William Bushell, M.A. (fn. 104) William Werden d. R. Taylor
13 Aug. 1735 Thomas Clarkson, M.A. (fn. 105) T. Clarkson d. W. Bushell
17 June 1738 James Fenton, D.C.L. (fn. 106) J. Fenton
18 May 1756 Thomas Clarkson, B.A. (fn. 107) T. Clarkson res. J. Fenton
22 July 1789 Charles Buck, M.A. (fn. 108) Bishop of Chester
1 Mar. 1791 John Widditt (fn. 109) T. Clarkson res. C. Buck
22 Sept. 1794 Thomas Clarkson, B.A. (fn. 110) " res. J. Widditt
13 May 1800
14 Jan. 1813 Thomas Dunham Whitaker, LL.D. (fn. 111) " d. T. Clarkson
19 Apr. 1819 Thomas Clarkson, B.A. (fn. 112) " res. T. D. Whitaker
24 Sept. 1824 Thomas Yates Ridley, M.A. (fn. 113) Jane Clarkson d. T. Clarkson
23 July 1838 Robinson Shuttleworth Barton (fn. 114) Jane Ridley, &c. d. T. Y. Ridley
1858 John Royds, M.A. (fn. 115) Clement Royds d. R. S. Barton
1865 Charles Twemlow Royds, M.A. (fn. 116) Charles Smith Royds d. J. Royds
Oct. 1900 Stirling Cookesley Voules, M.A. (fn. 117) J. F. T. Royds d. C. T. Royds
1908 Charles Chadock Twemlow Royds, M.A. (fn. 118) " res. S. C. Voules

There was no endowed chantry, and the rector or his deputy appears to have been alone in the little parish. The benefice being of small value, the changes are numerous, but the list, though lengthy, does not contain many names of importance. The growth of the hamlet of Sandylands, on the border of Morecambe, has led to the erection there of a chapel of ease, St. John's, 1901.

The Wesleyan Methodists have a chapel at Heysham, while at Sandylands are chapels of the United Methodist Free Church and of the Congregationalists.

A school was built in 1769. (fn. 119)


The commissioners of 1826 found nothing to report upon except the school. At the inquiry in 1898 it was recorded that Jane Humberston of Kirkdale, widow, had in 1859 left £500 to the rector and churchwardens for the benefit of the poor of the parish. This is invested in consols, and produces £15 12s. 4d. a year, which is distributed chiefly in clothing.


  • 1. For parish map, see Lancaster, ante.
  • 2. a T. D. Whitaker.
  • 3. In the description that follows Mr. J. T. Micklethwaite's account of the building in the Arch. Journ. (1898), lv, 348–9, has been largely followed. See also Baldwin Brown, Arts in Early Engl i, 312; ii, 100–3. In a grant of land made by Adam de Heysham son of Robert de Kellet to Thomas Travers it was stipulated that the yearly rent of an arrow should be paid on St. Patrick's Day; Duchy of Lanc. Anct. D. (P.R.O.), L 362.
  • 4. See V.C.H. Lancs, i, 267. The graves may not be older than the 13th century.
  • 5. See the accompanying descriptions.
  • 6. The Census Rep. 1901 gives: 1,835 acres, with no inland water; foreshore 1,254 acres. The apparent increase of area may be due to the harbour works, which inclose part of the shore between Far Naze and Near Naze.
  • 7. L. and P. Hen. VIII, xii(1), 671 (2, ii).
  • 8. Gregson, Fragments (ed. Harland), 23.
  • 9. See below.
  • 10. Richmondshire, ii, 323.
  • 11. Ibid. 322. This practice has been stopped by the modern Fishery Board's regulations as to the size of mussels which may be taken.
  • 12. Ibid. 321.
  • 13. Trans. Hist. Soc. (new ser.), xix-xx, 158.
  • 14. Baines, Lancs. Dir. ii, 661.
  • 15. Information of Mr. W. Tilly.
  • 16. V.C.H. Lancs. i, 288b.
  • 17. Farrer, Lancs. Pipe R. 290; onethird of the whole vill, it is called. In 1297 the prior was stated to hold one plough-land in Nether Heysham in free alms; Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 294.
  • 18. Ibid, i, 122–3.
  • 19. Adam son of Orm in 1200–1 proffered 6 marks and a chasour in order that he might not answer to anyone but the king concerning the death of Adam Gernet; Farrer, op. cit. 132. Thomas Gernet at the same time gave 5 marks as relief on succeeding to lands in Heysham and Caton; ibid. Adam, called 'de Heysham,' had in 1193–4 given 10 marks for having the king's goodwill after the insurrection of Count John; ibid. 78.
  • 20. Agnes widow of Adam Gernet at Easter 1200 complained that Roger de Leicester had married his daughter to her son Thomas, who ought to be in the king's custody, so that Roger held possession of Thomas's estate—viz. five plough-lands in Heysham and Caton; Curia Regis R. 16, m. 2 d. In 1216 or later it was reported that Agnes de Heysham (the widow), in the king's gift, had married again without licence; Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 118–19.
  • 21. Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 87. In 1208 Thomas Gernet purchased 2 oxgangs of land in Heysham from Martin de Hudale, Emma his wife, Richard Colbain, Alice his wife, Richard son of Malger, Ingusa his wife, Randle son of Galle and Godith his wife; Linc. Final Conc. 10–16 John, no. 7.
  • 22. Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 92; see the account of Caton, lands in which township he gave to Cockersand Abbey.
  • 23. Excerpta e Rot. Fin. (Rec. Com.), i, 89. The succession of Vivian to Thomas is noticeable in Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 122.
  • 24. Ibid. 161; Vivian de Heysham had held two plough-lands in Heysham in chief of the king by the service of 8s. 9d. a year, and two more in Caton. Roger his son and heir was of full age. Vivian de Heysham was a benefactor of Cockersand, giving the canons further lands in Caton. His widow Giliana or Juliana released to Thomas Travers land in Drakeholmepintle which she held in dower, also another piece which her son Roger de Heysham had given to her brother Roger de Kellet, and a third on Crosscop which her son had granted to Master Lawrence Travers; Dods. MSS. cxlii, fol. 80.
  • 25. In 1253 it was recorded that Roger son of Vivian held the third part of a knight's fee in Heysham by serjeanty; ibid. fol. 164. One alienation had been made— Thomas Gernet and Ellen, the sister of Roger, holding land worth 10s. a year; ibid. fol. 180. Roger, like his ancestors, was a benefactor of Cockersand Abbey. Roger de Heysham son of Vivian de Heysham granted Thomas Travers land adjoining his culture of the Whitecroft, the bounds on the sea side beginning at a rock called the Bronneberh. Sir Ralph de Dacre, steward of Lord Edmund's lands, was a witness; Duchy of Lanc. Chart, box B, no. 27.
  • 26. This appears from a complaint concerning road obstruction made by Thomas Travers in 1290–1. He alleged that Roger de Heysham, chief lord of the vill, had enfeoffed Lawrence Travers, plaintiff's uncle, of certain lands, &c., in Over Heysham, with all ways and paths, before Randle de Dacre and Joan his wife had purchased the lordship of the vill from Roger. The defendants were Joan, then widow of Randle, and Nicholas the reeve; Assize R. 1288, m. 12 d.; 407, m. 3 d. Sir Randle de Dacre had died in Sept. 1286; his wife was Joan daughter of Lady Alice de Lucy. They had purchased the manor about 1278; Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 262–3. William de Dacre was Randle's son and heir, perhaps by an earlier marriage.
  • 27. Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 293.
  • 28. His parentage does not appear in the records, but as there does not seem to have been any dispute concerning the descent, he was probably the son of Sir Randle and Joan.
  • 29. Chart. R. 2 Edw. II, m. 8, no. 25. From a pleading of 1323–4 it appears that Edmund de Dacre was lord of twothirds of Heysham and the Prior of Lancaster of the other third, though Edmund asserted that one Robert son of Thomas de Heysham held jointly with him; Assize R. 425, m. 3 d. About the same time it was recorded that Edmund de Dacre held the manor of Heysham by sounding his horn at Ramenscross on the king's entry into the county, which service had been commuted to a rent of 3s. 4d., and by 8s. 9d. for cowmale; Dods. MSS. cxxxi, fol. 41b.
  • 30. Elizabeth widow of Sir Edmund de Dacre, kt., was in 1341 plaintiff against Alexander Waleys respecting a tenement in Nether Heysham; De Banco R. 328, m. 269, 434 d.
  • 31. Survey of 1346 (Chet. Soc.), 72; in addition he paid 8s. 9d. yearly for the custom called cowmale. The pedigree is set out in a pleading of 1427 respecting the manor of Sedbergh, &c.; Gen. (new ser.), xvii, 115. Edmund son and heir of Sir Thomas de Dacre was in 1365 contracted to marry a daughter of Richard de Towneley; Whi taker, Richmondshire, ii, 321.
  • 32. Edmund de Dacre died in 1402 holding Heysham of the king as of his duchy by the old services of sounding his horn and cowmale, also the manor of Tatham. His son and heir Thomas was twenty-three years old; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc.), i, 78.
  • 33. Ibid. 139. The wardship of Elizabeth, then fifteen years of age, was on 11 Dec. granted to Sir William Harrington (ibid. 79), and she was within three months married to his son Thomas.
  • 34. Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. v, no. 64; xi, no. 1. The outline of a survey of the manor in 1529–30 is printed by Whitaker, loc. cit. This manor was with Ashton, &c., included in the conveyance or mortgage by Sir William Stanley (before his father's death) to John and Thomas Browne in 1553, and involved in the subsequent disputing; Com. Pleas D. Enr. East. 1 Mary; Ducatus Lanc. (Rec. Com.), ii, 222, 251. The same William as Lord Mounteagle in 1577 made complaints against several persons (claiming through Humphrey Newton and Thomas Standish) respecting Heysham moss and turbary; ibid, iii, 60.
  • 35. Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 58, m. 392; Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 280 m. 3 d. John Bradley died a few months after his purchase, and the tenure of the manor was unknown; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xvii, no. 28. See the account of Bradley in Thornley.
  • 36. For pedigree see Foster, Cumberland and Westmorland Visit. 82; Gillow, Bibl. Dict. of Engl. Cath. iv, 220. Thomas Clifton died in 1631, having inherited from his father William a messuage in Heysham held on lease of lives from John Leyburne, lord of the manor in 1611. His heir was his son William Clifton, aged eleven; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xxv, no. 39. John Yeates died in 1640 holding the Higher House, Lower House, Ormesome tongue, carrs, &c., in Heysham of John Leyburne, lord of the manor. Thomas his son and heir was nineteen years old; ibid. xxx, no. 19.
  • 37. Dep. Keeper's Rep. v, App. 114; the manors of Nateby and Heysham forfeited by John Leyburne were sold to Croft Coles of Holborne. This was a friendly purchase; see the account of Nateby.
  • 38. Pat. 10 Geo. I, pt. iii, no. 3.
  • 39. Baines, Lancs. (ed. 1836), iv, 560; no manor court had then been held for some years. The fisheries were extensive, and the lords of the manor received payments from the fishermen; ibid. 559. The following recoveries of the 'manor' are on record: 1812—Jacob Ridley and wife, vouchees; 1816–James Greenhalgh of Greenhalgh, vouchee; Pal. of Lanc. Assize R. Mich. 52 Geo. III and Lent 56 Geo. III.
  • 40. In 1874 the lords of the manor and the fishermen had a dispute as to the right of mussel fishing, and the fishermen's claim was sustained.
  • 41. Information of Mr. William Tilly of Morecambe, who has been steward of the manor since 1880. The names of the proprietors are: Miss Harriett Caton, Messrs. Francis Frederick Grafton, J. F. T. Royds, F. W. Smalley, and George Wright, Miss Anne Thompson, the Knowlys trustees, and the representatives of the late Col. Marton, Thomas Mashiter and John George Wright.
  • 42. There are a description and view of the house in Trans. Hist. Soc. Lancs. and Ches. xii (new ser.), 190–2.
  • 43. There were also 'ways of escape.' 'In the floor is a trap that gives admittance to the secret way of escape down one side of the chimney to an underground passage. Another way of escape is entered from the attic in the south-west gable. This also descends to below the ground level. Both of these ways of escape were filled up, but have in recent years been cleared of rubbish to below the level of the ground.' Trans. Hist. Soc. Lancs. and Ches. xii (new ser.), 192.
  • 44. The rectory has 50 Lancashire acres of glebe, but this can scarcely represent the 'third part of the vill' of 1094. A pleading of 1209 refers to the priory land, Master Benedict de Rames appearing against Ralph de Kellet respecting one plough-land in Heysham; Curia Regis R. 50, m. 3 d. Ralph had it from his brother, William son of Orm de Kellet; Lanc. Ch. (Chet. Soc.), ii, 305. The priors made several grants, and in 1299 obtained part at least from the tenants. On inquiry it was found that the king would suffer no loss if the Prior of Lancaster obtained three messuages and land in Heysham from Thomas de Heysham, who held the same in chief of the prior; also a messuage, &c., held similarly by Thomas Ward and an acre by Roger son of Walter; Lancs. Inq. p.m. i, 304. In 1292 William son of Adam de Urswick claimed an allowance in food and clothing which Warner, formerly Prior of Lancaster, had granted him for life in return for the lordship of the moiety of Little Heysham, a hamlet of Great Heysham, of which lordship he alleged his father had enfeoffed the prior. The jury rejected his claim; Assize R. 408, m. 102 d. The grant of Adam de Urswick (nephew of Benedict de Heysham) is recorded in Lanc. Ch. ii, 286–7. The prior in 1309 claimed a messuage and land against Thomas Travers, John the Harper and Thomas son of Adam de Heysham. It was found that Thomas de Heysham had secretly granted the lands to John, lately Prior of Lancaster and then Abbot of Sées, and that the prior afterwards procured the king's licence (as above) for alienation in mortmain. On the new prior's arrival Thomas de Heysham went to him and, showing him the late prior's demise (1295) to him for a term not then expired, persuaded him to confirm thisdemise for the unexpired term, and paid him £3 10s. The prior told him to go to his reeve at Heysham, John the Harper, who would give due seisin. Afterwards Thomas gave an acre to John the Harper and the remainder to Thomas Travers. The prior, on finding this out, raised objections, the subtenancies were declared void, and the land was restored to the prior; Assize R. 423, m. 2. Blackland and Crossforoland are named. Various grants to the priory in Little or Nether Heysham are recited in Lanc. Ch. ii, 284–304. The Culneburg or Kilnburg, where a barn was to be built; Suggeholm by land of John the Harper, Ormeshoime, Drakeholme, Standingstone field and other local names are given in the charters.
  • 45. Ducatus Lanc. iii, 290, 316. The claim was for an eighth part of pasture or great grounds called the In-pasture or Ox-pasture and the Out-pasture or Neatpasture, with rents, quarries, turbary and stint of beast-gates. Richard Shireburne claimed in right of William Morecroft and Thomas Bradley in common and per indiviso with Lord Mounteagle; the defendants were the freeholders and undertenants in right of Lord Mounteagle and the rector.
  • 46. Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xiv, no. 1. William Masheter was a Dalton tenant in 1584; Ducatus Lanc. iii, 142.
  • 47. There is no record in the Coucher, but see Lancs. and Ches. Rec. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 17.
  • 48. The local surname appears to have been used by several families, one of them, as already noticed, being tenants of the Prior of Lancaster. Emma widow of Robert son and heir of Thomas de Heysham in 1345 claimed dower in six messuages, &c., in Nether Heysham against Nicholas de Heysham; De Banco R. 343, m. 102 d. In 1368 John Duke of Lancaster claimed the goods of Thomas son of William de Heysham, who had drowned himself in the moss; he held of Edmund de Dacre; Memo. R. (L.T.R.) 133, m. 20.
  • 49. Sir James Lawrence, who died in 1490, was recorded to hold the manor of Heysham of the king as Duke of Lancaster by the service of a grain of pepper yearly; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc.), ii, 123, 132. See also Final Conc. iii, 158.
  • 50. Thomas Travers demised to Orm his son all his lands in Heysham, at a rent of 12 marks during the grantor's life; Dods. MSS. cxlii, fol. 67. The rent was reduced to 4 marks in 1308; ibid. fol. 79. It appears that Orm had espoused Alice daughter of Isolda de Croft at the door of Beetham Church, she being under twelve years of age; ibid, cviii, fol. 112. She survived Orm, and in 1343 was the wife of John de Heaton, having lands in Over Heysham; ibid. fol. 112,113b. Thomas was then son and heir of Orm Travers. Master Lawrence Travers, clerk, gave to his son Thomas Travers all his demesne lands of Heysham, the Middlerigg and the Bruneberh being named; Duchy of Lanc. Anct. D. (P.R.O.), L 358. Thomas Travers acquired other lands; ibid. L 361, &c. Lawrence Travers the elder and Joan his wife occur in a pleading of 1313–14; Thomas Travers and Alice his wife in another of the same year; Assize R. 424, m. 6 d. (Over Heysham), 4. In 1317 Alice widow of Thomas Travers claimed dower against Nigel Prior of Lancaster, and in another case Lawrence son of Thomas Travers was called to warrant; De Banco R. 219, m. 131 d. Lawrence son of Lawrence Travers in 1323–4 recovered land in Over Heysham from Juliana daughter of Alice de Heysham and Edmund de Dacre, Juliana giving warranty; Assize R. 425, m. 3. A Juliana wife of Gilbert de Langshaw occurs at Heysham in 1288; De Banco R. 70, m. 27. In 1323–4 also Orm Travers complained of disseisin by Edmund de Dacre, John son of Walter de Heysham, and others; Assize R. 425, m. 2. John son of Lawrence son of Lawrence Travers was plaintiff in 1332 respecting various messuages and half an oxgang of land in Heysham, the defendants being Alice the widow and Thomas the son of Orm Travers; De Banco R.288, m. 119d.; 291, m. 76 d. See also ibid. 304, m. 349; 332, m. 30d.; 311, m. 167; 316, m. 109 d. The last-named Thomas Travers claimed the same estate in 1350 against John son of Lawrence, Christiana his wife and Simon their son; Assize R. 1444, m. 4 d. John son of Roger Travers occurs in 1380–1; Final Conc. iii, 57.
  • 51. William Ward, as son and heir of Benedict de Heysham, between 1261 and 1275 granted to Alan Catherton land in Heysham held of the Prior of Lancaster; Anct. D. (P.R.O.), B 4019. William Ward was a benefactor of Lancaster Priory; Lanc. Ch. ii, 298. His father was a clerk; ibid. 288. In 1292 Ralph son of William de Lytiel of Heysham claimed by descent a tenement there against William Ward, but was non-suited; Assize R. 408, m. 42. In another claim—by Margery widow of Richard de Furness and Adam their son— the decision was against William Ward; ibid. 8 d. In a third case Roger son of William Ward was joined in the defence with John the Prior of Lancaster; ibid. m. 32. Again in 1296 Adam son of Richard de Furness made a claim against Roger son of William Ward for land in Heysham; De Banco R. 111, m. 48. In 1333 Agnes widow of Roger le Ward and then wife of William Smallwood claimed dower; ibid. 294, m. 11.
  • 52. Alexander Waleys in 1338 recovered against William le Gentyl the equivalent of certain land which William should have warranted to him; De Banco R. 314, m. 288. Alexander held two messuages in Heysham of Nicholas le Gentyl by 6d. rent, also messuages in Broughton in Cartmel; Add. MS. 32107, no. 157. In 1346 Thomas son of Alexander Waleys of Cartmel unsuccessfully claimed a messuage and 40 acres of land in Heysham against John son of William de Heaton, Alice his wife, Adam de Croft (dead) and others; Assize R. 1435, m. 31. The same Thomas made another claim in 1358; Assize R. 438, m. 18. Margaret widow of Robert 'Wales' claimed dower in three messuages, &c., in Heysham against John de Skerton of Lancaster and Alice his wife in 1374; De Banco R. 455, m. 200 d.; 460, m. 64. Possibly by marriage the Waleys' lands in Heysham and Cartmel came by 1420 into the possession of John Travers of Cartmel and Joan his wife, who sold the same to Rowland Thornburgh; Final Conc. iii, 77. William Thornburgh died in 1521 holding lands, &c., in Heysham and Flookburgh of Lord Mounteagle by 13d. rent; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. v, no. 41.
  • 53. John Washington of Warton and Joan his wife had land in Heysham in 1382; Final Conc. iii, 14. Robert Washington a century later held of Elizabeth Lady Harrington by 12d. rent; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc.), ii, 116. In 1517, however, Heysham was not distinguished from the rest of the Washington estate, said to be held of the king by knight's service; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. v, no. 10; vi, no. 59. Lancelot Lawrence of Yealand Redmayne held in 1534 messuages, &c., in Heysham. This seems to be the same estate, though the tenure is given as 'of the king by knight's service and a rent of 12½d. yearly'; ibid, vi, no. 41; vii, no. 36. In 1555 the tenure was 'of Lord Mounteagle in socage'; ibid. x, no. 38. Some minor notes may be added here: Thomas Turner and Margery his wife purchased two messuages and land in Nether Heysham in 1429 from John Baines and Agnes his wife; Final Conc. iii, 95. James Marshal in 1483 held land of Lady Harrington by 6d. rent; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc.), ii, 119. Robert Baines of Whittington in 1588 held in Heysham of Lord Mounteagle by knight's service and suit at his court of the manor of Heysham; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 6. Robert Lawson held two messuages, &c., of the king at his death in 1639. His son Thomas was thirty-eight years of age; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xxix, no. 54.
  • 54. William Morecroft purchased from Francis Tunstall in 1579, and Richard Shireburne purchased from him in 1583 and from Thomas Bradley in 1584; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 41, m. 69; 45, m. 181; 46, m. 52. Richard Shireburne, who died in 1 597, bequeathed his purchases in Heysham, Chipping, Preston, Broughton, Goosnargh, Cockerham and Thornley to his wife Eilen for life, with remainder to his son Thomas; Sherborn, Sherborn Fam. 68. His parentage does not seem to be known.
  • 55. Towneley MS. C 8, 13 (Chet. Lib.), 1083. Thomas Shireburne having declined knighthood compounded in 1631 by a fine of £10; Misc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 221. In 1632 he compounded for his recusancy in religion by an annual payment of £6 13s. 4d.; Trans. Hist. Soc. (new ser.), xxiv, 172. His will is given in Sherborn (op. cit.), from Smith's Chipping, 228.
  • 56. Sherborn, op. cit. 69. Richard's estates were sequestered under the Commonwealth for his recusancy; Cal. Com. for Comp. iii, 1997. He was dead in 1653.
  • 57. Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xxix, no. 50; his son was of full age. Thomas and Christopher Clarkson had in 1595 purchased a messuage, &c., from Nicholas Johnson; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 57, m. 101.
  • 58. He had 'taken up arms against the State in both wars' before 1649; Royalist Comp. Papers (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), ii, 42. He afterwards married Jane widow of Richard Shireburne, and two-thirds of her estate was sequestered for her 'recusancy only'; ibid.
  • 59. A brass plate affixed to the masonry reads as follows: 'This doorway, of undoubted Saxon work, was discovered when the north wall of St. Peter's Church, Heysham, was taken down in 1864 for the addition of an aisle on that side. It was hidden by a massive buttress, and was five feet from the north-west angle of the wall. Its threshold was 2 feet 5 inches below the floor of the present church. It was re-erected on this spot under the careful direction of the late Rev. John Royds, rector, every stone being placed in its original position.'
  • 60. Whitaker, Richmondshire (1823), ii, 319, where an illustration of the church is given showing the south aisle before its extension eastward. Whitaker states that when the tower was pulled down the bells were, according to tradition, removed to Hornby. The present ring of bells at Hornby, however, dates from 1761.
  • 61. J. T. Micklethwaite in Arch. Journ. lv, 348.
  • 62. A Guide to Heysham, by Miss Tomlinson, 4. Some rebuilding was done in the 18th century, a stone now placed against the north wall being inscribed: 'This was rebuilt by the Rev. Thomas Clarkson of Greese in this town a.d. 1737 when he was vicar of Chipping and patron and rector of this church,' but the original position of the stone appears to be lost. Glynne's description is dated 1846; Churches of Lancs. (Chet. Soc.), 13.
  • 63. Taylor, Anct. Crosses and Holy Wells of Lancs. 385.
  • 64. V.C.H. Lancs. i, 267; illustrations opposite p. 268. For fuller description of the hogback stone see Journ. Brit. Arch. Assoc. Sept. 1886, and Taylor, op. cit. 382–4.
  • 65. Farrer, Lancs. Pipe R. 290.
  • 66. The half-mark is named in 1246; Lanc. Ch. (Chet. Soc.), i, 129. The prior claimed this pension in 1353; Assize R. 435, m. 20. It was acknowledged as due by the rector in 1401; Lanc. Ch. ii, 474.
  • 67. See the account of Lancaster Priory; Cal. Pat. 1461–7, p. 145.
  • 68. Pat. 2 Mary; it was granted together with Layton, &c., and the advowson of Poulton-le-Fylde. The advowson of Heysham was sold to Cuthbert Croft next day.
  • 69. The changes are attested by the list of presentations. Gabriel Croft was patron in 1568, and in a settlement of the Croft manors, &c., in 1590 the advowson of Heysham is named; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 52, m. 169. Gabriel in 1587 bequeathed the next presentation to his sister's son, Gabriel Baines. In 1600 Robert Parkinson of Fairsnape in Bleasdale purchased the advowson from Edward Croft of Claughton and Elizabeth his wife, and it is mentioned in 1606 as having been held by William Croft; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 62, no. 198. A dispute as to the patronage occurred in 1607 between Calvert and Parkinson; Exch. Dep. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), 12, 13. Edward Hodgkinson in 1649 seems to have purchased it from George Parkinson (Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 146, m. 103), but this may have been in mortgage or trust only, as Parkinson was reported to be the patron a year later; Commonw. Ch. Surv. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), 131. At the end of the century William Werdcn was patron; he sold in 1735 to Thomas Clarkson, who then nominated himself to the rectory. His descendant, the Rev. Thomas Yates Ridley, was rector 1824–38, and his trustees sold the advowson to Mr. Royds; Raines in Notitia Cestr. (Chet. Soc.), ii, 556.
  • 70. The patron is younger son of the Rev. Charles Twemlow Royds, rector 1865–1900, who was son of the Rev. Charles Smith Royds, rector of Haughton and prebendary of Lichfield (d. 1879), brother of the Clement Royds of Rochdale named in the text; Fishwick, Rochdale, 512.
  • 71. Pope Nich. Tax. (Rec. Com.), 307, 327.
  • 72. Inq. Nonarum (Rec. Com.), 35; the diminution was due to the omission of small tithes and altarage, 40s., and to devastation by the Scots, 60s.
  • 73. Duchy of Lanc. Rentals, bdle. 5, no. 15.
  • 74. Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), v, 268. The parsonage-house and glebe were valued at 20s. a year; tithes of corn at £5 6s. 8d.; other tithes, including sea fish, 23s.; Easter roll, 30s. 6d.—£9 0s. 2d. in all. Synodals and procurations amounted to 4s. 4d., and the old rent or pension of 6s. 8d. was paid to Syon Abbey.
  • 75. Commonw. Ch. Surv. 131.
  • 76. Gastrell, Notitia Cestr. ii, 555; the parsonage-house, glebe, &c., £20; tithes let for £50; Easter dues, £1 10s. Dues of 20s. 6d. had to be deducted. There were two churchwardens, serving jointly for the whole parish. No school or endowed charity existed then.
  • 77. Manch. Dioc. Dir.
  • 78. Farrer, op. cit. 361; occurs between 1180 and 1199.
  • 79. Lanc. Ch. ii, 431. The church was vacant in 1247–8, when the sheriff was ordered to allow the Prior of Lancaster to present; Close, 62, m. 15 d.
  • 80. He is probably the ' Master Thomas' named about 1335 in Coram Rege R. 307. In 1338 he is named as Master Thomas de Gaylesthorpe; De Banco R. 316, m. 223. He was dead in 1344., when his executors appear; ibid. 339, m. 23.
  • 81. Presented by the king, the priory of Lancaster being in his hands by reason of the war with France; Cal. Pat. 1348–50, p. 333. His executors were plaintiffs in 1358; Assize R. 438, m. 15.
  • 82. Cal. Pat. 1350–4, p. 352.
  • 83. Lich. Epis. Reg. ii, fol. 131. He had been vicar of Childwall. He occurs again in 1359 and 1364; Add. MS. 32107, no. 2219; Standish D. no. 57 (Loc. Glean. Lancs. and Ches. ii, 55).
  • 84. Raines MSS. (Chet. Lib.), xxii, 389. One of this name was prebendary of Lincoln in 1379 and York in 1385; Le Neve, Fasti, ii, 109; iii, 200, 219.
  • 85. Raines MSS. loc. cit.; he was still rector in 1377. Roger Farington as rector complained of divers trespasses in 1370; Coram Rege R. 438, m. 36.
  • 86. The king presented by reason of the war with France; Cal. Pat. 1381–5, p. 241. There may have been some irregularity in this appointment, for in the following January the king presented Master Robert de Hodersale and then in April again presented John Coly; ibid. 362, 390.
  • 87. Cal. Pat. 1385–9, p. 306. Gentyl had been rector of West Kirby in Wirral since 1368; Ormerod, Ches. (ed. Helsby), ii, 487.
  • 88. Cal. Pat. 1391–6, p. 535.
  • 89. Ibid. 712. Ratification was granted in 1397; ibid. 1396–9, p. 199. Greenwood was rector in 1401, but was then only a subdeacon; Lanc. Ch. ii, 474. He was prebendary of Lincoln and York, and died in 1421; Le Neve, Fasti, ii, 195.
  • 90. Cal. Pat. 1408–13, p. 152. The king in 1410 ordered inquiry to be made as to the legality of his tenure; Towneley MS. 32108, no. 1538. A revocation of the presentation followed; Cal. Pat. 1408–13, p. 259.
  • 91. Ibid. p. 267. Whitacre was still rector in 1429; Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 2, m. 7; Dep. Keeper's Rep. xxxiii, App. 39 ('Ilesham' for Hesham); Rentals and Surv. R. 378 (1430).
  • 92. Raines MSS. xxii, 407; he was a deacon. He occurs in 1446; Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 9, m. 11. Elizabeth Abbess of Syon in 1480 claimed to present to the church of Heysham, then vacant, and her claim was allowed; Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 50, m. 7. She alleged that Maud, late abbess (oc. 1448), had presented Henry Highfield, who may therefore have been rector till 1479.
  • 93. The church was vacant 7 Jan. 1488–9; Exch. Aug. Off. Misc. xxxix, no. 130. This document records an inquiry held there by the dean and others as to the advowson, Sir Edward Stanley being found to be patron. It is not clear whether Halstead was resigning the rectory or had just been nominated.
  • 94. Hornby Chapel D. (about Burton in Kendal ch.).
  • 95. He was rector in 1527, and had held the benefice for about five years; Duchy of Lanc. Rentals, bdle. 5, no. 15.
  • 96. Valor Eccl. v, 268. He appeared at the visitations of 1548, 1554 and 1562, so that he conformed without opposition to all the changes of the time.
  • 97. Church Papers at Chester Dioc. Reg. It is supposed that he resigned from religious motives, becoming a recusant; Exch. Dep. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), 13.
  • 98. Church Papers and Act Bks. at Chester.
  • 99. Ibid. His appointment was probably considered simoniacal. Disputes in Rector Calvert's time show that Gabriel Croft of Claughton in 1590, during Thorpe's lifetime, directed Gabriel Baines to be presented at the next vacancy, but he (on Thorpe's death in 1591) agreed with Robert Parkinson for an annuity of 40s. that Kitchen should succeed. The Crown ignored this and in 1592 presented one William Covell, who was never instituted, and again in 1606 presented Calvert. Kitchen continued to claim the tithes and parsonage-house; Cal. Exch. of Pleas, H 133; Dep. Keeper's Rep. xxxviii, App. 518.
  • 100. Church Papers and Act Bks. at Chester. Calvert was merely 'a reading minister'; Hist. MSS. Com. Rep. xiv, App. iv, 8. He contributed to the clerical taxes 1624–35; Misc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 82, &c. His will was proved at Richmond in 1638.
  • 101. Church Papers at Chester. The patrons were Christopher Philipson of Calgarth and Henry Ward of Rigmaiden, by assignment of Robert Parkinson of Fairsnape. William Ward was educated at St. John's Coll., Camb. There was uncertainty as to the patronage, for the king nominated Oliver Calvert, M.A., and then (on cancelling this) presented Jeremiah Clayton, M.A., on 18 Sept. 1638; ibid. The Institution Books P.R.O. give Jeremiah Clayton as actually instituted 21 Nov. 1638, and William Ward 4 June 1641; Lancs, and Ches. Antiq. Notes, i, 96. William Ward was still there in 1650 (Commonw. Ch. Surv. 131) and retained possession till his death in Oct. 1670. His will as that of William Ward, rector of Heysham, was proved the same year. Another of the name was rector of Walton-on-the-Hill during the Commonwealth time.
  • 102. Church Papers at Chester; the late rector's name is wrongly given as Sir Henry Ward. Here the date of presentation is recorded as 8 Nov. 1670; but according to the Act Books and the Institution Books P.R.O. the institution took place a year later—15 Nov. 1671.
  • 103. Church Papers at Chester. The king presented 'because of simony,' so that Briggs must have been deprived. A Richard Taylor of Brasenose Coll., Oxf. (B.A. 1667), was incorporated at Cambridge (King's College), graduating M.A. 1671; Foster, Alumni Oxon.
  • 104. Church Papers at Chester. At this time Richard Fleetwood of Rossall put forward a claim to the advowson in right of the grant of 1555. Mr. Bushell (Brasenose Coll., Oxf., B.A. 1684) built a rectory-house at Heysham, but was more closely connected with Goosnargh, where he was curate from 1692 till his death in 1735.
  • 105. Church Papers at Chester. He was son of Robert Clarkson of Heysham, and educated at Queen's Coll., Oxf.; M.A. 1714; Foster, Alumni. He was vicar of Chipping 1721–38. For his curate at Heysham he nominated William Johnson, master of Lancaster Grammar School, at a stipend of £20 and surplice fees.
  • 106. Also vicar of Lancaster 1714–67.
  • 107. Church Papers at Chester. He was son of the former rector Clarkson and was educated at Queen's Coll., Oxf.; B.A. 1753; Foster, Alumni.
  • 108. The bishop presented 'by lapse.' Charles Buck had been vicar of St. Michael-on-Wyre 1784–9.
  • 109. Church Papers at Chester. Widditt occupied till the patron was old enough for institution. He was master of the Lancaster Grammar School and became vicar of Cockerham 1799–1821.
  • 110. Church Papers at Chester. He was son of the preceding rector Clarkson, and had been curate of Heysham for two years. He was educated at Queen's Coll., Oxf.; B.A. 1792; Foster, Alumni. He was instituted a second time in 1800, probably because in that year he took the incumbency of Hornby for a short time.
  • 111. The celebrated antiquary, noticed among the vicars of Whalley. He served Heysham by a curate, paying £80; the gross value of the rectory was then £850. He resigned when the patron (a minor) was ready to present himself.
  • 112. Church Papers at Chester; he had been curate of Burnsall. One Thomas Clarkson of Peterhouse, Cambridge, graduated (B.A.) in 1818.
  • 113. Church Papers at Chester. The widow of the last rector presented. The papers contain an account of the mortgage of the advowson. The new rector had been educated at Peterhouse, Cambridge; M.A. 1823.
  • 114. Church Papers at Chester. The patrons were Jane Ridley, widow, and Richard Godson. The new rector was vicar of Alconbury, Hunts., 1822.
  • 115. Son of the patron; educated at Christ's Coll., Camb.; M.A. 1847.
  • 116. Son of the patron; educated at Christ's Coll., Camb.; M.A. 1864.
  • 117. Educated at Lincoln Coll., Oxf.; M.A. 1870. Formerly rector of Ashley, Staffs., 1879–94; Rise, York, 1894– 1900.
  • 118. Educated at Trinity Coll., Camb.; M.A. 1904. Formerly vicar of Norton, 1905–8.
  • 119. End. Char. Rep. for Heysham, 1898.