Townships: Worsthorne with Hurstwood

A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 6. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1911.

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'Townships: Worsthorne with Hurstwood', in A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 6, ed. William Farrer, J Brownbill( London, 1911), British History Online [accessed 21 September 2024].

'Townships: Worsthorne with Hurstwood', in A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 6. Edited by William Farrer, J Brownbill( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed September 21, 2024,

"Townships: Worsthorne with Hurstwood". A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 6. Ed. William Farrer, J Brownbill(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 21 September 2024.

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Wrdestorn, 1202; Wrdeston, 1242; Wrthisthorn, 1258; Wursthorn, 1328. Hirstwode, Hirstewod, 1323.

A large part of this triangular township consists of the moorland hill country which forms the boundary between Lancashire and Yorkshire. The county boundary on the east is formed by Black Hameldon, a ridge which for nearly two miles has an altitude of about 1,500 ft. above sea level; while across the north of the township extends the height of Hameldon, descending from 1,500 ft. on the Yorkshire border to 700 ft. at Bottin, 2½ miles to the west. North of this hill is the valley of Swinden, down which flows Swinden Water to join the Brun; a reservoir has been formed here for the water supply of Burnley. There is no boundary between the two parts of the township. The Brun is formed by the combination of Hurstwood, Cant Clough and Shedden Brooks on the southern side of the township. In the western end, in the lower ground between the Brun and Swinden Water, lies the village of Worsthorne proper, having Hurstwood a mile south-east, and Rowley nearly the same distance north-west. High Halstead is to the north of Bottin, overlooking Swinden. On the moor to the east of Hurstwood is the large Cant Clough reservoir. The area of the township is 3,510 acres. (fn. 1) In 1901 it had a population of 852.

The principal roads cross at Worsthorne village. One goes east from Burnley over the hills into Yorkshire; the other goes south from Briercliffe to Holme in Cliviger, with a branch to Hurstwood.

The agricultural land is used for pasturage. The soil is clay, overlying shale. There is a colliery at Rowley. Cotton goods are manufactured.

On the hills are remains of a neolithic settlement, with tumuli, stone circles, or 'Ringstones,' and a Roman camp, or walled station. (fn. 2)

Though in 1332 Worsthorne was regarded as an independent township, contributing separately to the subsidy, it is noteworthy that Dr. Whitaker in 1800 wrote of it as being no more than a hamlet of Briercliffe. (fn. 3) It is now governed by a parish council.


At an early time the lords of Clitheroe appear to have divided Worsthorne among a number of free tenants, among whom in 1202 the Pilkington family were numbered. (fn. 4) The value of Worsthorne, which was assessed as two ploughlands, was in 1242 returned as £8 1s. 11½d., to which rents of a sore sparrowhawk and a pair of white gloves must be added. (fn. 5) In 1258 the free tenants in Worsthorne paid 20s. for the dye house, and 21½d. rent is also recorded. (fn. 6) In 1292 Henry de Lacy granted to Oliver de Stansfield, his receiver for Pontefract, the homage and service of the free tenants of Worsthorne, twenty-one tenements being given, of which three had belonged to Richard de Towneley. (fn. 7) This was the origin of the later manor of WORSTHORNE, for which Oliver and his heirs by Emma, formerly his wife, were to pay 1d. a year at St. Giles's feast. (fn. 8) In 1311 Oliver de Stansfield was recorded as holding of Henry de Lacy the hamlet of Worsthorne by rendering 1d. yearly. (fn. 9) He was a clerk, but his issue appear to have been legitimate, (fn. 10) and the manor descended (fn. 11) to Joan daughter of Giles Stansfield, who married Simon Haydock, as recorded in the account of Heysandforth in Burnley. The freeholders, headed by the Towneleys, disputed the Haydock lordship, (fn. 12) and in 1560, after an arbitration, it was decided that all homages, services, heriots, courts, knights' service, wards, marriages and other claims by Simon Haydock in right of Joan his wife should be released to the freeholders, who were, however, to continue to pay the ancient yearly free rent of £2 0s. 1½d. and £1 6s. 8d. increment. (fn. 13) The manor was thus dissolved, except in name, (fn. 14) and in 1627 the Haydocks sold their right to William Thornton. (fn. 15) After this time there is no further record of any manor there.

The early division into tenements has been related above, but from rentals of uncertain date, perhaps the 14th and 15th centuries, it is shown that the vill had been divided into four parts of half a plough-land each, the names of the lords being given as Alexander de Patrington, Alexander de Nevill, Robert Pelie or Polie and Roger de Thornton. (fn. 16) In a dispute in 1548 it was explained that within the township there were four principal freeholders called the four 'posts,' who all held their lands of Simon Haydock and Joan his wife. Upon the death of any one of them a heriot of 45s. was due to the lords, to the payment of which the freeholders had to contribute. (fn. 17) The existence of these minor lordships affords a clue to the disputes which led to the agreement of 1560. This agreement contains a list of the tenancies then existing and fixes the contribution of each to the chief rent. (fn. 18)

Some of the earlier occupiers used Worsthorne as a surname, (fn. 19) but in later times the chief families were those of Halstead or Halsted of Rowley and Towneley of Hurstwood.

ROWLEY is mentioned in a number of early charters (fn. 20) and by the beginning of the 16th century was held by the Halsteds, (fn. 21) Lawrence Halsted of Rowley in 1522 making an exchange of lands with William Halsted of Worsthorne. (fn. 22) Oliver Halsted in 1548 was said to hold of Simon Haydock and Joan his wife by a yearly rent of 3s. 9d. (fn. 23) John Halsted of Rowley in 1631 paid £10 as composition on refusing knighthood. (fn. 24) John, who died at Rowley in 1632, held four messuages, &c., of the king as of his manor of Clitheroe. His heir was his son John, aged 28. (fn. 25) The estate descended to Lawrence Halsted, who died in 1786. Passing over the next male heir, Banastre Halsted, he bequeathed the estates to Banastre's brother Nicholas, whose children afterwards inherited. Two of these were daughters, Ellen Esther, who married Robert Holgate, and Eliza, who married Edward Every-Clayton; in 1846 Eliza and Amelia, daughters of the former, took Halsted as a surname, and resided at Hood House in Habergham Eaves. (fn. 26) Much of the family property has been sold, but Rowley is the property of Major Charles Edward Every-Halsted, (fn. 27) son of the abovenamed Mrs. Every-Clayton.

Halsted of Rowley. Gules an eagle displayed ermine beaked and legged or, a chief chequy of the last and azure.

ROWLEY HALL is situated on high ground at the extreme north-west corner of the township, about 1½ miles east of Burnley, and is a two-story stonebuilt house with mullioned windows and balled gables, the principal front facing south, and with a projecting gabled porch on the west. The house, which appears to be originally of 16th-century date, has been considerably modernized and wholly restored, retaining little architectural or antiquarian interest. Large additions have been made on the north side, and the building is now divided into two. The walls are of roughly-dressed stone with angle quoins, and the roofs are covered with stone slates. The old gables on the south-west sides have been retained, but many of the windows are new and the interior is wholly modern. On stone shields in the spandrels on either side of the restored doorway to the porch are the initials of John Halsted and Mary (Sellars) his wife with the date 27 September 1593. (fn. 28) A peculiar feature of Rowley Hall was that a roadway from Netherwood to Brownside Bridge originally passed in at the front door and out at the back, and was in use till nearly the end of the 18th century. (fn. 29)

There were other Halsted families in the township, (fn. 30) of which the Rowley family is supposed to have been a younger branch, but no proper account can be given of them. William Halsted of Worsthorne died in 1589, leaving a son John, aged thirteen. He had held two messuages, &c., in Worsthorne of the queen as of her honor or castle of Clitheroe by the eleventh part of 1d. yearly; had a rent of 9s. 4d. from Hurstwood and lands in Foulridge and Barnoldswick. (fn. 31)

WORSTHORNE HALL occupied a site on a rising piece of ground on the west bank of the narrow stream which runs through the village, and was a large three-story gritstone building with gables and boldly projecting porch. It is described as having been one of the best examples of substantial and ornamental domestic architecture in the county, (fn. 32) but having fallen into decay, mainly due to mining operations underneath, it was taken down in 1893. The porch, which went up the full height of the house, had a semicircular-headed doorway, the rooms on the first floor being lit by a large six-light mullioned and transomed window with returns of four lights on each side, and over the door was a sunk and moulded panel with raised letters, inscribed 'Robertus Halstead et Elizabetha uxor ejus, Anno Domini 1638.' (fn. 33) The windows to the ground and first floor were all large with transoms and double reveals, and those to the second floor in the gables had a raised middle light with the heads of the side lights curved inwards—a characteristic of many gable windows in this district. Philip Gilbert Hamerton, who at one time resided at The Hollins close by, was of the opinion, 'after studying a great deal of architecture,' that Worsthorne Hall was one of the most harmonious and complete houses of its type that he had ever seen. (fn. 34)

The Legh and Towneley families were early owners in the township. (fn. 35) Other names which occur are Windle, (fn. 36) Blackburn, (fn. 37) Halliday, (fn. 38) Barcroft, (fn. 39) Birtwisle, (fn. 40) Woodroffe, (fn. 41) Folds, (fn. 42) Hitchon, (fn. 43) and Eastwood. (fn. 44)

HURSTWOOD gave a surname to landowners there. (fn. 45) Tattersall (fn. 46) and Ormerod families (fn. 47) had an estate there which by marriage came to Bernard son of John Towneley of Towneley. (fn. 48) It descended to two daughters, Ellen and Catherine, of whom the latter married Richard Whyte. Hurstwood Hall was devised to his nephew Richard Chamberlain, by whose representatives it was sold to William Sutcliffe. In 1803 it was purchased by Charles Towneley of Towneley, and became part of the Towneley estates. (fn. 49)

HURSTWOOD HALL is an interesting twostory gritstone building standing on the north side of a deep clough overlooking a small stream called the Thorndean Water, just before its junction with the River Brun. The house is L-shaped in plan, the longer wing with a frontage north and south to the road and garden, with mullioned windows and stoneslated roofs. The north side to the road has a wide projecting gable in which is a four-centred arched doorway with a sunk and moulded panel above on which is inscribed in raised letters 'Barnardus Townley et Agnes uxor ejus' with the date 1579. The windows in this side are small and mostly of three lights with hood moulds, but on the south there is a long range of eleven lights to both ground and first floor with rounded heads under a continuous label. The windows in the gable of the projecting west wing are of the same type, but of six lights each and there are two good external chimneys at the west end, one of which is carried on corbels from the first floor. The entrance on the south side is by a projecting porch towards the east end with a room above and small gable over, and the building has been extended eastward at some later time by the addition of a lower two-story wing. The exterior is well preserved, but internally the fine oak panelling which once covered the walls has almost entirely disappeared. The hall is now used as a farm-house and the principal entrance is by the door on the north side facing the roadway.

The Spencer or Spenser family was of long continuance in Hurstwood. (fn. 50) Upon very doubtful evidence the poet Edmund Spenser is alleged to have sprung from this family, and it is supposed that he composed his Shepherd's Calendar while staying with his relatives here. (fn. 51) The building known as Spenser's House stands north-west of the hall, and is a small house of somewhat similar type and apparently of about the same date with three plain gables without copings facing south to the road, between the two westernmost of which is a projecting porch with low-arched doorway and with a room over. The porch has a lean-to roof which is almost a continuation of that of the house, but at a flatter pitch, and was probably not the intention of the original builder. Some of the windows have been modernized, but others, including those over the porch, retain their rounded lights. Like other buildings in the village, the house is constructed of gritstone and is covered with stone slates, but its chief interest lies in its reputed connexion with the family of the poet.

At the extreme western end of the village in a fine situation is Tattersall's House, (fn. 52) another picturesque late 16th-century building with square-headed mullioned windows and semicircular arched doorway in the centre, a good type of the substantial home of the Lancashire yeoman of the period, largely constructed of massive gritstone blocks. The Tattersalls have been noticed under Briercliffe. (fn. 53)

John, Lawrence and William Halsted and Richard Jackson were the landowners contributing to the subsidy of 1524. (fn. 54) Oliver Halsted and William Hurstwood paid for lands in 1543. (fn. 55) In 1597 the following so paid: John Halsted of Rowley, John Towneley, Robert Jackson and John Halsted. (fn. 56) In 1626: John Towneley, John Halsted of Rowley, the heirs of John Halsted, John Halsted of High Halstead and Christopher Jackson. (fn. 57)

In 1666 it was recorded that sixty-four hearths were liable to the tax; the largest houses, with seven hearths each, were those of John Halsted of Rowley and Mrs. Katherine Towneley; Lawrence Whitwham's had five. (fn. 58)

In connexion with the Church of England, St. John the Evangelist's, Worsthorne, was built in 1835 and had a district assigned to it in 1843. (fn. 59) The Hulme Trustees are patrons.

The Wesleyan Methodists built a chapel here in 1837. The General Baptists had a meeting-place in 1776, but removed to Burnley. (fn. 60) There is now a Baptist chapel at Hurstwood, dating from 1876.


  • 1. The Census Rep. 1901 gives 3,507 acres, including 28 of inland water.
  • 2. Watkin, Roman Lancs. 210.
  • 3. Whitaker, Whalley, ii, 228.
  • 4. Final Conc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 18; Thomas de Rivington released to Alexander de Pilkington, William his brother and Alice his sister, the tenants, lands in Rivington and Worsthorne claimed by inheritance. Henry de Pilkington gave a similar release to Alexander; ibid, i, 22.
  • 5. Lancs. Inq. and Extents (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 156.
  • 6. Ibid. 217.
  • 7. The charter is printed in Whitaker, op. cit. ii, 229–30. The free tenants were John de Legh, Henry son of Gilbert de Worsthorne, Adam le Heir, Adam le Spencer, Robert son of Alexander, William de Halstead, John de Windle, Richard son of Henry, Thomas del Stock, Adam Rudd, John le Hunt, Richard Strideovermoor, Robert Fitel, Robert Chapman, Adam de Bottedene (Bottin), Ellis son of Roger de Halstead, Adam son and heir of Robert Juste, Agnes daughter of Richard de Towneley, Philip de Clayton and Isabel his wife (in her right), John de Legh and Cecily his wife (in her right), and Gilbert de Birtwisle (of the inheritance of Adam his son).
  • 8. Oliver de Stansfield obtained various tenements in Worsthorne from the proprietors, both before and after the lordship was given to him. Robert son of Robert de Cnavnecastel (Knavecastle— see Cliviger) granted to Oliver the homage of William son of William de Windle for lands held in Worsthorne; Towneley MS. C 8, 13 (Chet. Lib.), C 107. Robert son of Richard Fitel granted him all his part of the mill appurtenant to half an oxgang of land, viz. the thirty-second part, with land on Fitel Green on Shedden Brook, his part (a tenth) of the new inclosure of Shedden, and all his part of Thistleyard; ibid. F 37. Adam son of Adam de Hurstwood gave to Oliver de Stansfield, clerk, land in Worsthorne at 1d. rent, Richard de Towneley and Michael de Legh being witnesses; ibid. H 251. The same Adam granted to Oliver the clerk of Stansfield and Emma his wife land at 2d. rent, Michael de Legh and Gilbert his son being witnesses; Add. MS. 32104, no. 813. Robert son of Robert son of Alexander de Worsthorne gave Oliver the tenth part of Shedden inclosure, between lands of Richard son of Henry and (lately) of Richard son of Thomas Strideovermoor; ibid. no. 835. Adam son of Henry de Worsthorne released to Oliver the 1d. rents from Robert the Chapman, from Gilbert de Birtwisle and Margery his wife, and from Oliver himself; these came from lands in Smethefynee, Heald and Crookhalgh, and Nether Whitacre (formerly William de Windle's); C 8, 13, W 109. John le Hunte son of Richard granted a curtilage in Hurstwood; ibid. H 266. These are undated, but some at least are earlier than 1292. In 1295 Adam son of Adam son of Adam the Chapman of Hurstwood released to Oliver de Stansfield a messuage and half an oxgang of land which grantor had had from Henry son of Richard de Worsthorne; ibid. C 110. Adam afterwards released the 1d. rent due; ibid. C III.
  • 9. Lancs. Inq. and Extents, ii, 10.
  • 10. He had a son William (by Mabel) who was apparently illegitimate; Whalley Couch. (Chet. Soc.), iv, 1065. William son of Oliver de Stansfield attested a charter in 1334; ibid. iv, 946. Oliver de Stansfield, probably the same Oliver, attested charters in 1323 and 1334; ibid. iv, 988, i, 313.
  • 11. The details of the descent are not certainly known. Richard de Stansfield in 1373 received from Alice Rudde the lands in Worsthorne she had as dower and by the gift of Richard son of John Rudde; C 8, 13, R 162. From Alice sister and heir (or co-heir) of Richard Rudde he received her lands; ibid. R 164. John de Stansfield son and heir of Richard in 1386–7 released to Robert Hoppay the lands which Robert had had from Richard de Stansfield, who had had the same from Alice the widow and Alice the daughter of John Rudde; ibid. S 230. John de Stansfield attested a charter in 1413; he and Oliver de Stansfield in 1420; Add. MS. 32104, no. 193, 194. James Stansfield occurs in 1443, when it was found that Richard Hoppay, who was sentenced to be hanged for having mortally wounded Robert Hoppay his brother, held two messuages and 6 oxgangs of land in Worsthorne of James; Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 5, m. 22b. In 1453 James Stansfield the elder of Burnley, Geoffrey Stansfield and others were bound to John Towneley to submit to an arbitration; C 8, 13, S 100, 102. See the History of the Stansfeld Family, by John Stansfeld (1885). The arbitrators decided in favour of the Stansfields, awarding £40, as appears from an acknowledgement for 5 marks, part of that sum, from Geoffrey son of James Stansfield to John Towneley in 1456; ibid. S 83. In 1496 Geoffrey son of James Stansfield granted to Lawrence Townley (as trustee) the manor of Heysandforth and lands and rents in Worsthorne; Final Conc. iii, 145.
  • 12. William Barcroft, Oliver Halsted, William Halsted, John Hurstwood and Edmund Spencer in 1548 complained that Simon Haydock had seized some of their cattle as heriots. They alleged that they held, not of him, but of the king as of his castle of Clitheroe; Duchy Plead. iii, 39. See also the dispute as to wardship, ibid. 140.
  • 13. Add. MS. 32104, no. 1300; a grant of the rights to the freeholders by Simon and Joan Haydock. The agreement was confirmed by a fine; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 22, m. 149. It was also entered in the Court Rolls.
  • 14. Evan Haydock died in 1596 holding the manors of Hurstwood and Worsthorne of the queen as of her duchy in socage by 1d. rent; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xvii, no. 40. In 1607 Simon Haydock was stated to hold not the manors but a rent-charge of £3 6s. 8d. from Worsthorne and Hurstwood in socage, by rendering a rose yearly; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 81, 123.
  • 15. Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 113, no. 7; Add. MS. 32104, no. 461–2. The parties to the sale were Evan Haydock the younger (son of Simon), Anne his wife, Gilbert his brother, and Evan Haydock the elder, uncle of Evan and Gilbert. William Thornton was described as of Clement's Inn, Middlesex.
  • 16. Folds D. Nothing is known of the lords. The earliest list, which appears to be earlier than 1292, gives twenty-one tenements, as follows: Petrington—John de Windle, ½ oxgang of land, paying 16d.; Adam the heir, 1, 32d.; Henry son of Cyprus, ½, 16d.; John Honne, ½, 16d.; Adam son of Adam de Hurstwood, ½, 16d.; Oliver de Stansfield, ½, 13½d.; Robert son of Nicholas, ½, 13d.; giving totals of 4 oxgangs and 10s. 2½d. rent. Nevill—Thomas son of William, ½, 16d.; William de Windle, ½, 16d.; Adam de Bottin, ½, 16d.; Richard son of Henry, ½, 17½d.; Gilbert de Birtwisle, 1, 32d.; ditto, 1, 26½d.; total, 4 oxgangs, 10s. 3¾d. Pelie—Robert son of John, 1, 32d.; Roger de Halsteads, ½, 18d.; Richard son of Henry, ½, 17d.; Gilbert Bridd, ¾ 20¼d.; Nicholas de Towneley, ¼, 6¾d.; Adam Spenser, ½, 13½d.; Robert son of Richard, ½, 13½d.; total, 4 oxgangs, 9s. 11¼d. Thornton—Henry de Clayton, ½, 27d.; Robert son of Alexander, 1, 27d.; William de Windle, ½, 13½d.; Henry son of Gilbert, ½, 13½d.; Nicholas de Towneley, ½, 13½d.; Richard de Halsteads, ½, 16d.; Gilbert de Birtwisle, ½, 6d.; total, 4 oxgangs, 9s. 8½d. The total rents amount to 40s. 2d. In the third part the total does not agree with the details. Many of these tenants are named in the charter of 1292. The second list records twenty-three holdings: Petrington (by Hoppay) — Robert Hoppay, 1; Richard Holgate, 1; John de Barcroft, jun., ½; Richard de Towneley, 1; Lawrence de Legh, ½. Nevill (by Halliday)—John Halliday, ½; Robert Hoppay, ½; Richard de Towneley, ½; Robert de Grimshaw, ½; Michael Tattersall, 2. Pelie (by Hurstwood)— John de Hurstwood, 1; John de Halsteads, ½; Richard Hichson, ½; Michael Tattersall, ¾; Richard de Towneley, ¼; John de Barcroft, jun., ½; William Dickson, ½. Thornton (by Towneley) — Richard de Towneley, 1; John Halliday, 1; Robert Hoppay, ½; John Spenser, ½; Richard de Towneley, ½; William de Halsteads, ½. The third list, about the beginning of the 16th century, records: Heriots with Peter Hoppay—Agnes, Alice, and Joan Hoppay, daughters and heirs of Peter Hoppay (1); Lawrence Towneley, 1; William Barcroft, ½; Sir John Towneley, 1; the same, for Legh's tenement, 1 (?½). Heriots with Peter Halstead— John Halstead (his brother), ½; Peter Hoppay, ½; Richard Towneley, ½; Thomas Grimshaw, ½; John Ormerod, 2. Heriots with William Hurstwood— William Hurstwood, 1; John Halstead, ½; Richard Hichson, ½; heirs of John Ormerod, ¾; Richard Towneley, ¼; William Barcroft, ½; heirs of William Hurstwood, ½. Heriots with Sir John Towneley — Sir John Towneley, 1; William Halstead, 1; Hoppay lands, ½; Edmund Spenser, ½; Lawrence Towneley, ½; Oliver Halstead, ½. The heriots were paid at the rate of 11s. 3d. an oxgang of land, at the death of the person named at the head of each section. It is stated that after the death of Peter Hoppay 'Simon Haydock did strain upon the late his lands one cow of the goods' of his daughters.
  • 17. Duchy Plead. iii, 41. Three of the four 'posts' had been Sir John Towneley, Robert Hoppay and William Hurstwood.
  • 18. The freeholders and rents were: John Towneley, 16s. 2¾d.; William Barcroft, 3s. 5½d.; Bernard Towneley and Agnes his wife, 5s. 6¾d.; Oliver Halstead, 6s. 9¼d.; William Halstead, 6s. 8d.; John Halstead, son of William, 2s. 3¼d.; John Halstead of High Halstead and Robert Halstead, 3s. 2¾d.; John Woodroffe, 1s. 10¾d.; William Folds, 2s. 3d.; Christopher Jackson, 4s. 11d.; John Halstead of Windle House and Alice his wife, 2s. 3¼d.; John Hurstwood, 4s. 2½d.; Edmund Spenser, 1s. 10¾d.; Richard and John Hichson, 4s. 0¼d.; John Aspden, chaplain, 1s. 0¾d.
  • 19. Various early charters have been preserved by Christopher Towneley. Some of them illustrate the subdivisions already described. John son of Dolphin de Worsthorne gave to Ralph de Clayton the homage of Peter his brother (22d. rent); Towneley MS. C 8, 13, W 123. John son of Matthew de Worsthorne gave to Ralph de Clayton the service of Adam the Chapman of Hurstwood (3d. rent), Robert son of Alexander de Worsthorne (1 d. rent), Nicholas son of Dolphin (3d. rent), and Gilbert son of Peter (6d. rent); ibid. W 130. Richard son of Westmund de Worsthorne granted half an oxgang of land at 6d. rent to Reynold son of Then as de Worsthorne, 20s. being paid to him. Among the witnesses were Geoffrey de Whalley and Robert his son, Osbert de Worsthorne, Mar'do de Habergham and Richard his son, and Michael de Lichtness; ibid. W 104. William son of Robert son of Westmund de Worsthorne gave half an oxgang of land, formerly occupied by — son of Wolf, to Adam son of William de Worsthorne at 1d. rent; ibid. W 105. Robert son of William son of Westmund released to Oliver de Stansfield the rent of 1d. due from lands in Worsthorne; ibid. W 125. Henry son of Richard son of Matthew de Worsthorne granted to Adam son of Adam de Hurstwood all his land in the township at 1d. rent, Oliver the Clerk of Stansfield being a witness; ibid. W 103. Henry son of Robert de Worsthorne gave to William son of Adam de Windle all his land in Worsthorne—namely, half an oxgang; also the rents of 4d. from Richard at Bridge (½ oxgang), 1d. from Henry son of Hypper—cf. Cyprus above— (½ oxgang), 4d. from Adam de Bottin (2 acres), 6d. from Alexander de Kuhelagh (2 acres); and the service of Adam son of Henry de Worsthorne for 1 oxgang. Adam de Blackburn and Richard Fitton were witnesses; ibid. W 209. The surname continued in use somewhat later. In 1312 Richard son of Thomas de Worsthorne granted to Gilbert de Legh all the land between land of William de Halstead and Bottin Clough; ibid. W 95. A messuage with half an oxgang of land was in 1323–4 given by Henry son of Robert son of Richard de Worsthorne to Lawrence son of John de Legh; ibid. W. 96. In the following year Robert son of Alexander de Worsthorne gave to Gilbert de Legh land for a 'colwindle' to be built on; ibid. W 97.
  • 20. For example, in the grant to Osward Brun (before 1194) quoted under Briercliffe. Robert son of Robert son of Alexander de Worsthorne in 1295 released to Oliver de Stansfield his right to a rent of 3d. for Rowley in Worsthorne; C 8, 13, W 98. William son of William de Windle gave to his brother Geoffrey half an acre in Rowley bought from John le Hunte of Worsthorne; ibid. W 110 (s. d.). John son of William de Windle in 1310–11 gave to John son of Gilbert de Legh 1d. rent from land in Rowley and 2d. from another messuage in Worsthorne; ibid. W 115. Adam son of Gilbert de Rowley (Ruelay) granted land in Extwistle to Henry de Holrenhead; ibid. C 8, 13.
  • 21. The place-name in the older deeds is in the plural, Hallsteads.
  • 22. Add. MS. 32104, no. 199. The pedigree in Whitaker, op. cit. ii, 234, has been followed.
  • 23. Duchy Plead. iii, 40. The will of Oliver Halsted of Rowley, dated and proved 1582, mentions his sons John, William and Henry. The inventory shows goods worth about £100.
  • 24. Misc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 217.
  • 25. C 8, 13, p. 504. The pedigree cited continues: John -s. Lawrence, keeper of the records in the Tower of London -s. Charles, d. 1732—sons Banastre (who had the son Lawrence named in the text) and Nicholas -s. Nicholas, d. 1808— sons Lawrence, d. 1832; Rev. Charles, d. 1833; and daughters Ellen Esther (Holgate), Eliza (Clayton), Jane Harriet Anne, Amelia Mary. The will of Banastre Halsted of Rowley (dated 1738, proved 1739) is printed in Wills (Chet. Soc., new ser.), iii, 114. His sons Lawrence and Charles are named.
  • 26. Miss Halsted, the survivor, died in 1893.
  • 27. He took the surname Halsted in lieu of Clayton in 1885.
  • 28. A sketch of the house made by the Rev. S. J. Allen in September 1837, now in the possession of Mr. Henry Taylor, F.S.A., shows the porch at the time with a lean-to roof continuous with that of the house, and other differences in the building on this side. The porch appears to have been wholly rebuilt, the gable and the smaller one adjoining it in the north being new features or old ones restored.
  • 29. Trans. Burnley Lit. and Scient. Club, v, 67.
  • 30. In 1321 there was a complaint by Adam de Halstead, William de Windle and others that John de Legh and others had assaulted them, taken their goods, &c.; Cal. Pat. 1317–21, p. 606. William and Ellis son of Roger de Halsteads occur among the tenants of 1292. Amery widow of Ellis de Halsted in 1343 released to Lawrence son of John de Legh her right in lands granted by her son Richard, whose charter is also preserved; C 8, 13, H 245, 256. William son and heir of Richard de Halsted in 1390 warranted lands in Worsthorne and Hurstwood; ibid. H 246. To William de Halsteads John son of John de Windle in 1326 granted lands inWorsthorne, with the reversion of the dower of Avice widow of John, and rents of 4d. from Richard at Bridge, 2d. from Robert Legh and 1d. from Adam Rudde; ibid. W 93. In 1397 Adam de Halsted obtained from William Robard and Agnes his wife messuages, &c., in Worsthorne and Hurstwood; Final Conc. iii, 53. This was perhaps the Adam de Halsted of Worsthorne to whom his nephew William son of Richard de Halsted in 1388–9 released all rights in Worsthorne and Hurstwood; C 8, 13, H 248. A dispensation was in 1518 granted by the Pope's delegate for the marriage of William Halsted and Agnes Hoppay; Add. MS. 32108, fol. 298b.
  • 31. Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xv, no. 2. Isabel mother of William Halsted and Anne widow of William and in 1592 wife of John Mere are named. For a fine concerning the estate (1555) see Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 16, m. 144. Christopher Towneley had some deeds from Mrs. Halsted of Worsthorne, widow, in 1658; Add. MS. 32104, no. 190–201. The earliest is a grant in 1413 by John Halliday of Pendle (son of John Dicon) to William Halsted, of a messuage and half an oxgang of land; ibid. no. 193. Lawrence as son and heir-apparent of Peter Halsted in 1509 released to William son of John Halsted his right in lands granted by his father Peter; ibid. no. 191. Other deeds show that William had sons John and William living 1548–58; ibid. no. 195, 201, &c. In 1577 occurs William Halsted of Worsthorne (son and heirapparent of John), who mentions an uncle William; ibid. no. 196. The will of William Halsted of Worsthorne in 1589 names John his son and heir-apparent and also John Halsted of Rowley; C 8, 13, H 401. John Halsted of Windle House and John Halsted of Rowley made an exchange of lands in 1615–16; ibid. H 410. See other deeds, ibid. H 402–12. The will of a John Halsted was proved at Burnley in 1576; Pennant's (MS.) Acct. Bk.
  • 32. Trans. Burnley Lit. and Scient. Club, v (1893).
  • 33. Ibid. v, 66. The name is usually given as 'Gulielmus Halstead,' having been so copied by the Rev. S. J. Allen, who made a sketch of the house about 1835.
  • 34. Letter dated Autun, 30 Dec. 1886. Previously, 6 May, he had written, 'The building was always a great favourite of mine, and I used to think that if ever I built a house I should like to have Worsthorne Hall simply copied in stone of its own size.' Quoted by Ormerod, Calderdale, 109.
  • 35. This appears from the lists of 1290, &c. In 1328 Gilbert de Legh obtained from Philip de Clayton and Isabel his wife the fourth part of an oxgang of land in Worsthorne; Final Conc. ii, 75. John son of Gilbert de Legh was plaintiff in 1325, alleging that Robert de Holrenhead and Roger de Windle had committed waste in his land in Worsthorne; De Banco R. 256, m. 109. Alice widow of Gilbert de Legh in 1388 held of Richard de Stansfield certain lands, &c., in Worsthorne by dry rent; Inq. p.m. 11 Ric. II, no. 33. In 1399 John de Towneley was said to hold an oxgang of land in Worsthorne of John de Stansfield in thegnage; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc.), i, 157. In 1454 the estate is called a manor; ibid. ii, 59. No 'manor' appears later; in 1608 the tenure was socage; ibid. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 96. Various charters have been preserved, in addition to those already cited. In 1306 Adam de Bottin (Bottesdene) gave to John son of Gilbert de Legh all his lands in Bottin and elsewhere in Worsthorne; C 8, 13, B 283. John de Whitaker was a witness. About the same time Oliver de Stansfield granted to John de Legh a messuage and 2 oxgangs of land in Worsthorne, together with his part of the mill; ibid. S 99, 101. Gilbert de Legh in 1315–16 gave to John his son all his right in lands in Hurstwood obtained by John from Oliver de Stansfield; ibid. L 178. Robert son of Robert son of Alexander de Worsthorne in 1314 gave to Gilbert de Legh all his land between Holdsyke and Swinden, and between Bottin Clough and Rogerson Dyke; ibid. W 101. In 1342 Mabel widow of Adam de Burnley released to Gilbert de Legh land called Kidplagh between Brome (? Brun) and Worsthorne Wood; ibid. B 256. The minor family of Legh has occurred several times in this and other townships. In 1465 Gilbert son and heir of Lawrence Legh of Clifton released to John Towneley all his lands in Worsthorne; ibid. L 177, 180, T 87.
  • 36. John de Windle in 1312 confirmed to Gilbert de Legh land the bounds of which began at 'Breck of Water' and went down at the south to touch the land of Gilbert de Ormerod; C 8, 13, W 114. In 1314 the same John gave Gilbert parcels in Over Northfield and Bottin Butts and his part (for half an oxgang of land) in the mill of Worsthorne; ibid. W 116. William son of Geoffrey de Windle about 1332 gave Gilbert de Legh a messuage, &c., in Worsthorne and Extwistle; ibid. W 117–18. William son of John de Windle was non-suited in a claim against Gilbert de Legh and John his son in 1324–5; Assize R. 426, m. 9.
  • 37. Matthew son of Matthew de Worsthorne gave to Adam son of John de Blackburn the homage of Adam son of Matthew de Legh (and 9d. rent), of Robert son of Nicholas (18d.), of Gilbert de Hurstwood (2d.), of Adam son of Ellis (6d.), Henry de Windle (pair of gloves), and Robert de Knavecastle (2d.); C 8, 13, W 106. In 1295 Robert son of Robert son of Alexander de Worsthorne granted to Oliver de Stansfield 4d. rent from his part of Thirswallhurst in Worsthorne, which Gilbert de Bottin held of John de Blackburn, lord of Wiswell, or of Adam son of Gilbert de Bottin; ibid. W 108.
  • 38. The Hallidays occur above as owners or mesne tenants of one of the quarters of Worsthorne. Lawrence Legh of Clifton in 1404 (or 1417) gave to William Halliday of Worsthorne two selions called Cloughlands lying on the Cliff (lying between land formerly of Richard Mocockson of Hurstwood and William's land in the south field of the vill), which William had in exchange for a selion called the Walland (lying between lands of John Hoppay and Richard Hichson in the north field) and for the Fordoland; C 8, 13, L 267, H 242. In 1424–5 Roger Banastre of Doncaster and John Robard of Hurstwood gave William Halliday 1¾ acres containing ten selions at Hurstwood, Worsthorne, Millbridge and Colsnapehead; ibid. B 465.
  • 39. William Barcroft of Barcroft in Cliviger in 1525 held two messuages, &c., in Hurstwood and Worsthorne of Simon Haydock by services unknown; rent 2s. 5½d. yearly; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. vi, no. 39. A later William Barcroft, who died in 1621, was stated to hold his lands in Worsthorne and Hurstwood of the king in socage by 1/16d. rent; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), iii, 401.
  • 40. This name occurs in the lists of tenants. Nicholas son of Adam de Birtwisle about 1356 obtained a writ concerning messuages, lands, &c., the fourth part of a mill, and 5s. rent in Hurstwood and Worsthorne; Dep. Keeper's Rep. xxxii, App. 335.
  • 41. John Woodroffe the elder in 1550 obtained two messuages, &c., from Lawrence Townley and Ellen his wife; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 14, m. 315. The name occurs among the owners in 1560.
  • 42. William Folds in 1568 made a feoffment of a messuage, &c., in Worsthorne held by his brother John; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 30, m. 15. William Folds of Burnley died in 1604 holding a messuage (called parcel of Walstreams) of the king in socage as of the honor or castle of Clitheroe by 1/36d. rent. Richard his son and heir was aged sixty-four in 1617; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), ii, 62.
  • 43. John Hitchon the elder died in 1614 holding his messuage there of the king as of his castle of Clitheroe by 1/16d. rent. His heir was a son John, aged twenty-four in 1619; ibid. ii, 150.
  • 44. John Eastwood died in 1640 holding a messuage in Worsthorne of the king in socage, as of his castle of Clitheroe; his son John was twenty-five years of age; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xxix, no. 82.
  • 45. Some instances have been given in former notes.
  • 46. Michael de Tattersall and Alice his wife in 1370 acquired from Nicholas de Kighley and Joan his wife a messuage and 3 oxgangs of land in Worsthorne and Hurstwood; Final Conc. ii, 178.
  • 47. The Tattersall estate afterwards belonged to John Ormerod, as appears by the lists of tenants already given.
  • 48. Simon Haydock and Joan his wife alleged that George Ormerod held a messuage, &c., of them in the time of Henry VIII. It descended to his son John, twelve years of age, who became their ward, and died before attaining his majority. His sister Agnes, also under age, was his heir, but Bernard Towneley in 1550 seized her and married her, by the 'maintenance and bearing' of Sir Richard Towneley, to the loss of the Haydocks; Duchy Plead. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), iii, 140. Bernard Towneley of Hurstwood died in 1603, having by his wife Agnes (who died in 1587) a son John, aged fifty-five in 1619. He held, in right of his wife, a messuage, &c., of the king as of his castle of Clitheroe in socage by 1/8d. rent; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), ii, 149–50. John Towneley died in 1628 holding similarly. His heir was his son John, aged twenty-eight; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xxvi, no. 14. He had also the manor of Dalton in Yorkshire. John Towneley in 1631 paid £13 6s. 8d. as composition for declining knighthood; Misc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 217. Next year he was ordered to pay £6 13s.4d. a year instead of the sequestration of twothirds of his estate for recusancy; Trans. Hist. Soc. (new ser.), xxiv, 177. He recorded a pedigree in 1664, wherein it is stated that his son John had died, leaving a son and heir also named John; Dugdale, Visit. (Chet. Soc.), 311. According to the pedigree in Whitaker (op. cit. ii, 235), the last-named John died in 1704, leaving the two daughters named in the text, viz. Ellen wife of John Wilkinson of Greenhead, and Catherine wife of Richard Whyte.
  • 49. Whitaker, loc. cit.
  • 50. See the lists of tenants above. John Spenser of Hurstwood in 1526 granted to feoffees lands in Worsthorne and Hurstwood. His will names Janet his wife; Towneley MS. C 8, 13, S 229. Edmund Spenser in 1548 held two messuages, &c., of Simon and Joan Haydock by a rent of 13½d.; Duchy Plead. iii, 41. Edmund and Robert Spenser occur in pleadings of 1564; Ducatus Lanc. ii, 249, 298. An agreement was made in 1571 for the marriage of Isabel daughter of Edmund Spenser of Hurstwood with John son of Robert son of John Halsted of High Halstead. The agreement names John as the son and heir-apparent of Edmund Spenser, as well as many of the Halstead family; Add. MS. 32108, no. 675. Edmund Spenser's will (dated 1586, proved 1587) is printed in Wills (Chet. Soc. new ser.), ii, 6. It mentions his eldest son John and his son Edmund. The will of his widow Margaret (1602–5) is printed ibid. 13. She left money to the poor of Burnley to be distributed on the first Good Friday after her decease. Grace Spenser in 1591 claimed a messuage, &c., against John Spenser; Ducatus Lanc. iii, 263.
  • 51. T. Wilkinson, Memories of Hurstwood, 29; N. and Q. (Ser. 9), iii, 481.
  • 52. Trans. Burnley Lit. and Scient. Club, v, 64.
  • 53. T. Wilkinson, op. cit. 141–2.
  • 54. Subs. R. Lancs. bdle. 130, no. 82.
  • 55. Ibid. no. 125.
  • 56. Ibid. bdle. 131, no. 274.
  • 57. Ibid. no. 317.
  • 58. Ibid. bdle. 250, no. 9.
  • 59. Lond. Gaz. 3 Jan. 1843.
  • 60. A. Taylor, Hist. of Engl. Gen. Baptists, 193.