Townships: Old and New Accrington

A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 6. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1911.

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'Townships: Old and New Accrington', in A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 6, ed. William Farrer, J Brownbill( London, 1911), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Townships: Old and New Accrington', in A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 6. Edited by William Farrer, J Brownbill( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Townships: Old and New Accrington". A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 6. Ed. William Farrer, J Brownbill(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

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Acrinton, 1277; Akeringtone, 1296; Akryngton, 1311.

The two townships of Accrington, united since 1878, have the following areas: Old, 792 acres; New, 2,633 acres. (fn. 1) Old Accrington forms the northern edge of the whole, but has two detached portions (fn. 2) within New Accrington, while the modern town spreads over both portions. The population in 1901 numbered 43,122.

The town lies at the foot of Hameldon Hill to the east and the Haslingden hills to the south, and from these hills three brooks descend westward, north-west and north to join near the old church, and as one stream flow west to the Hyndburn. The town grew up along the road from Clitheroe to Haslingden and the south, here called Whalley Road, Abbey Street and Manchester Road in succession. It passes close to the brooks named near their junctions, and is joined by the Blackburn Road from the west, while the Burnley Road goes off from it to the north-east. The Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company's line from Clifton to Colne passes through the centre of the town, the station (1848) being in Old Accrington; at that point the line is joined by one from Blackburn.

On the north side of the town are the districts of Milnshaw, Meadow Top and Lane Side. On the west side the town is continuous with Church; Antley, Dunnyshope and Scaitcliffe being to the south-west. On the south side are Woodnook and Hollins, and on the south-east border, on the road to Haslingden, is the modern village of Baxenden. On the east of the town are High Riley and Warmden Clough.

The hearth tax return of 1666 shows that thirtyeight hearths were liable in Old Accrington, only one house there having as many as four; but ninetythree were liable in New Accrington, where John Cunliffe had the largest house, six hearths, and there were others with five and four hearths. (fn. 3)

A century ago Accrington was only a 'considerable village,' but by 1830 it had become a centre of calico printing and cotton spinning. These trades continue to be the principal ones, but there have also grown up extensive works for supplying the machinery used in those factories, and some minor industries. Collieries and quarries are worked, and there is a brewery. A mine of ironstone is mentioned in 1462. (fn. 4) The agricultural land is almost entirely devoted to pasture, there being no arable land, 1,987½ acres in permanent grass and 26 used for woods and plantations. (fn. 5) The soil is a heavy clay. Near Accrington is a good deal of bog soil, out of which oak trees have been dug. (fn. 6)

At a point in the east of the township, where the boundaries of Hapton and Huncoat join, was a well formerly called Mare or Mere Hole Well, at which a popular festival was formerly held on the first Sunday in May. (fn. 7)

The town contains a Mechanics' Institute, founded in 1845, and possessing a good library. There are also Liberal and Conservative clubs. The Cooperative Society has a large membership. The Victoria Cottage Hospital was founded in 1897 to commemorate Queen Victoria's jubilee; there had been a dispensary previously. The Territorial Army is represented by part of the 5th Battalion of the East Lancashire Regiment. There are three local newspapers, published once or twice a week, the Advertiser, Observer and Gazette.

William Ryley the elder, herald and archivist, a Parliamentarian, is supposed to have sprung from the Ryleys of Accrington.


The manor of ACCRINGTON was a member of the honor of Clitheroe, and was by Henry de Lacy granted to Hugh son of Leofwine together with Altham before 1177. (fn. 8) It must have been surrendered to the grantee or his successor, for Robert de Lacy gave it to the monks of Kirkstall by way of compensation for the grange at Cliviger which had been recovered from them by Richard de Elland. (fn. 9) The gift was confirmed by William son of Hugh de Altham for the love of God and for the salvation of the souls of himself, his wife and kindred. (fn. 10)

The bounds recited in Robert de Lacy's charter (fn. 11) show that the whole of New Accrington was granted, and possibly Old Accrington also; the New may be 'the wood called the hey' which is mentioned, for in later times New Accrington was regarded as in the forest, while Old was copyhold land. (fn. 12) The monks made a grange there, removing the inhabitants to make room for it; and these, taking it ill, revenged themselves by setting fire to the new building, destroying everything in it and killing the three lay brothers who were in charge. Due punishment was meted out. (fn. 13) The monks' tenure was of no long continuance, for in 1287 the abbot resigned his lands to Henry de Lacy, who agreed to pay 80 marks a year in return, chargeable upon Accrington, Cliviger, Huncoat and other manors. (fn. 14) From that time the manor has remained a part of the lordship of Clitheroe. It is often called a chase. (fn. 15)

The Lacy accounts of 1296 (fn. 16) show that considerable amounts of oats, cheese (fn. 17) and butter were sold; linseed is mentioned. Ryley Carr was at farm for 6s. 8d.; Broadhead was the free tenement of William de Bradshagh, and 3s. was paid as dower to his widow Mary. The mill and bridges had had something spent upon them. Robert de Ryley had charge of the grange. In the receipts are sums of 31s. 9d. from the farm of 52¼ acres, 103s. 1¾d. from three vaccaries, 36s. 8d. from the mill, 34s. for brushwood and ore sold to the forge, and other moneys from the herbage of Brockholehurst (Brocklehurst), Pesecroft, &c. Of the stock of cattle some had died of murrain and others had been killed by a wolf. The officers named are Gilbert son of Michael the Stockkeeper, Macock and William de Antley, Simon the Geldherd and Geoffrey the Parker. 'Accrington' in the accounts extended over Huncoat, Hoddlesden and Cliviger. Further accounts have been printed for 1305, (fn. 18) 1311 (fn. 19) and 1323–4. (fn. 20) No free tenants are named. The Court Rolls for 1324 have been printed, (fn. 21) and there are others at Clitheroe Castle and the Record Office. In 1349 the Earl of Lancaster held one plough-land in Accrington by the eighth part of a knight's fee. (fn. 22) The manor was sold by Charles I, (fn. 23) and Humphrey Chetham in 1653 purchased it from William Farrer and others. (fn. 24)

The Act of 1609 for confirming the copyholds of Clitheroe applied to Accrington. (fn. 25) Tenants of the 'old hold' (fn. 26) and the 'new hold' (fn. 27) appear in pleadings of the time of Elizabeth, but there is little to record of the township till modern times. (fn. 28) There was a dispute as to the boundary between Accrington and Oswaldtwistle in 1559. (fn. 29)

The Radcliffes of Winmarleigh had some land in Accrington, said to be held in socage. (fn. 30) The families of Rishton of Antley (fn. 31) and Rishton of Dunnyshope or Donishope (fn. 32) recorded pedigrees in 1664. Higher Antley now belongs to St. James's Church, Accrington. Other prominent names were those of Cunliffe of Hollins, (fn. 33) Hayleys, (fn. 34) Kenyon (fn. 35) and Ryley. (fn. 36)

ICORNHURST, though considered to be in Old Accrington, was part of the forest. In 1464 it was held by Edmund Waddington at a rent of 16s. 2d. (fn. 37) In 1527 this rent was paid by Nicholas Rishton and Edward Kenyon. (fn. 38)

BAXENDEN, in New Accrington, in 1527 contributed a rent of £5 13s. 4d., the tenants being Henry Cunliffe, Denis Ryley, Lawrence Holden, Ralph Holden and the Abbot of Whalley. In 1609 John Cunliffe held the first and second of these tenements, while the third had become divided between Abraham Holden and Agnes Hargreaves. John Cunliffe was the chief tenant in 1662. (fn. 39)

FRIARHILLS, also in New Accrington, was in 1527 tenanted by Nicholas Rishton, who paid 6s. 8d. a year. (fn. 40) The tenants of Cowhouses, High Ryley, New Laund and Fernhagh at that time are also recorded. (fn. 41)

William Ryley and Thomas Kenyon contributed to the subsidy in 1543 for their lands; in 1600 the contributors were John Ryley and Christopher Kenyon in Old Accrington, Nicholas Rishton, William Rishton and John Hargreaves in New Accrington; in 1626 Thomas Ryley and William Kenyon in Old, and in New Nicholas Rishton, Edmund Rishton, John Cunliffe, Christopher Hargreaves and James Walmesley. (fn. 42)

The land tax returns of 1788 show that Widow Kenyon and Lord Petre were the chief owners in Old Accrington; Robert Nuttall, Wilson Braddyll, Mr. Aspinall and William Halsted in New Accrington. (fn. 43)

Charles I in 1632 gave a lease of the mines of coal, iron, &c., to Roger Nowell for twenty-one years, but the lessee in 1639 surrendered it. (fn. 44)


A local board was constituted for Old and New Accrington by Act of Parliament in 1853, (fn. 45) and the town was incorporated in 1878, with mayor, eight aldermen and twenty-four councillors. There were at first four wards, (fn. 46) but in 1901 the borough was divided into the following eight: Central, East, North, South, West, Higher Antley, Peel Park and Spring Hill. A Commission of the Peace was granted in 1880, and a police force was formed in 1882. Gas and water were supplied by a private company, (fn. 47) but the undertaking was taken over by the Accrington District Board, formed in 1894 for Accrington, Clayton-le-Moors, Great Harwood, Rishton, Church, Huncoat and part of Altham. (fn. 48) Electric lighting works were opened in 1900. There is also a sewerage board for Accrington and Church. (fn. 49) The town hall, (fn. 50) built in 1857, was purchased by the local board in 1864, the market hall was built in 1869, the abattoir in 1891, the technical school, recently enlarged, in 1894, and the free library in 1908. The corporation have opened baths, two public parks—Milnshaw (1880) and Oak Hill (1893)—and a cemetery (1864); this last is in Huncoat. It has also established an electric tramway service to Church on one side and Rawtenstall on the other. Fairs are held in April and August (fn. 51); Tuesday and Saturday are the market days.

Borough of Accrington. Gules on a fesse argent a shuttle proper, in base two rolls of a calico printing machine therefrom issuant a piece of calico proper, a chief per pale or a lion rampant purpure impaling vert a hart courant proper.


It is possible that the monks of Kirkstall during their brief tenure built a small chapel adjacent to their grange (fn. 52) for the convenience of the brethren or officials residing there and their tenants in the township, but nothing is known from the records. At the Reformation the chapel at Accrington, whatever its true origin, was confiscated by the Crown as a chantry, (fn. 53) but was restored to the inhabitants in 1553 on a payment of 46s. 8d. (fn. 54) The vicar of Whalley was responsible for the maintenance of divine worship, but the place had usually no minister of its own, being served, when served at all, by the curate of one of the adjacent chapels. (fn. 55) Yet about 1610 Accrington was regarded as 'well affected,' the inhabitants 'maintaining Mr. Marcroft of their voluntary benevolence.' (fn. 56) Under the Commonwealth also (fn. 57) it had in 1650 a minister of its own, Roger Kenyon, 'an able and orthodox divine,' who had £40 a year allowed him out of Royalist or ecclesiastical sequestrations. (fn. 58) The allowance was increased to £50. (fn. 59) On the return of the old order at the Restoration it ceased to have a curate, (fn. 60) and in 1717 was served by the curate of Church, who preached there once a month (fn. 61) and then was from 1721 to 1804 united with Altham. The vicar of Whalley nominated the curates until Hulme's Trustees acquired the patronage about 1840.

The endowment in 1717 was only 15s. yearly, but subscriptions were raised to the amount of £8 12s., (fn. 62) and in 1729 the Rev. Roger Kay left £100 on condition that the people raised another £100, so that a grant from Queen Anne's Bounty might be obtained, and this was effected in 1731. (fn. 63) Other augmentations have been secured and the net value is now £560 a year. (fn. 64) A district was assigned in 1870. (fn. 65) The registers date from 1754. St. James's Church was built in 1763, replacing the old chapel.

The following have been curates and vicars:—

1804 George Wearing
1813 Thomas Thoresby Whitaker, M.A. (fn. 66) (University Coll., Oxf.)
1817 John Hopwood
1854 George Garbett, M.A. (Brasenose Coll., Oxf.)
1865 William Kenneth Macrorie, M.A. (fn. 67) (Brasenose Coll., Oxf.)
1869 John Rogers, M.A. (fn. 68) (Brasenose Coll., Oxf.)
1905 Abraham Spencer, M.A. (fn. 69) (Brasenose Coll., Oxf.)

In connexion with St. James's is a school-chapel at Green Haworth.

In recent years a number of new churches have been erected. Christ Church, Quarry Hill, was built in 1840–1 (fn. 70); the patronage is vested in five trustees. The iron mission church of St. Paul is connected with it, and services are held in St. Mary's School. St. John the Evangelist's, Burnley Road, was built in 1864–70 (fn. 71); St. John's, Baxenden, 1877 (fn. 72); St. Peter's, Richmond Street, 1889 (fn. 73); St. Mary Magdalen's, Milnshaw, founded as a school church in 1895, (fn. 74) raised a permanent building in 1904; St. Andrew's, 1898, is a temporary iron church. (fn. 75) The vicar of St. James's presents to all except Baxenden, which is in the gift of the Bishop of Manchester.

The Free Church of England is represented by St. Matthew's, built in 1889.

Methodism was introduced a century ago and the Wesleyans built a chapel in Union Street in 1807, replaced by the present church in 1845. An additional one was opened in 1866 and more recently others at Antley and Baxenden; there are also three school-chapels and a mission room. The Primitive Methodists built a chapel about 1828 and it was rebuilt in 1894; they have also another, and the United Free Methodists have one also.

Congregationalism was introduced in 1839, when a church of six members was formed; they built a chapel in Oak Street, opened in 1842, to which the present church succeeded in 1889. (fn. 76) A secession in 1875 led to the founding of a school-chapel in Whalley Road (fn. 77); another chapel has since been added.

A Baptist cause was founded from Bacup at Oakenshaw in Clayton-le-Moors about 1735, (fn. 78) and from it sprang the Accrington church in 1760; the present building in Cannon Street was erected about 1874. There are two other churches dating from 1858 and 1891; also two Particular Baptist chapels and one Strict Baptist (Salem).

The Swedenborgians built their first place of worship in 1805; this was succeeded by the present New Jerusalem in 1849.

The Unitarians, Catholic Apostolic Church (Irvingites) and Salvation Army have meeting-places and there is also an unsectarian mission room.

The Roman Catholic mission was formerly served from Clayton-le-Moors. (fn. 79) The first chapel in the town was opened in 1851 (fn. 80) and the present church of the Sacred Heart was built in 1868; it is in the hands of the Jesuits. St. Anne's school-chapel, served by secular priests, was founded in 1897.

A school was built in 1716, but was not endowed till a century later. (fn. 81)


  • 1. The Census Rep. 1901 gives a total of 3,427 acres, including 42 of inland water.
  • 2. Called Ferngore and Icornhurst.
  • 3. Lay Subs. Lancs. bdle. 250, no. 9.
  • 4. Whitaker, Whalley, i, 322. In 1584 commissioners for inquiring into 'concealed lands' reported that there were mines of coal, cannel and lead at Accrington not yielding any rent. 'As the countries near adjoining are already well provided with sufficient store of fire and fuel' it was recommended that these mines should be let for 5s. a year; Duchy of Lanc. Special Com. 353.
  • 5. a Statistics from Bd. of Agric. (1905).
  • 6. Baines, Lancs. (ed. 1836), iii, 287.
  • 7. N. and Q. (ser. 9), iv, 396; also a long summary, ibid. vi, 151. The festival was stopped before 1870 on account of the damage done to fences, &c., and the well was covered up.
  • 8. See Altham above.
  • 9. Kirkstall Couch. (Thoresby Soc.), 196; Misc. (Thoresby Soc.), iv, 184.
  • 10. Whitaker, Whalley, ii, 286, where both charters are printed; Kirkstall Couch. 197.
  • 11. On the Huncoat side the bounds went as far as the brook of Wirmleyclough, by the crest of the hill to Hambledon, across the moor to Ormstones, thence to Warmden and to the head of Blackbrook; down the brook to Baxendenclough, and so to the head of Esseneclough to Redlache, Orsett, and by Antley syke to Hyndburn. The northern boundary is not described in detail.
  • 12. Whitaker, op. cit. i, 292.
  • 13. Misc. (Thoresby Soc.), loc. cit. A charter has been preserved by which R. Abbot of Kirkstall gave to Roger son of Richard the lands in Accrington formerly held by Randle son of David; Kuerden MSS. ii, fol. 241b. Ralph of Newcastle was abbot about 1216. The abbot in 1258 prosecuted a number of the inhabitants for having thrown his hedge down. They said the inclosure belonged to their common of pasture, but the jury decided against them; Whitaker, op. cit. ii, 287. William de Altham in 1277 renounced all claim to a messuage and plough-land in Accrington, the abbot giving him 80 marks of silver; Final Conc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 153.
  • 14. From the king's ratification in Pat. 81 (15 Edw. I), m. 2, no. 7; of the 80 marks, 50 marks was charged on the Lancashire manors. The charters themselves are in Duchy of Lanc. Anct. D. (LS 34, 199) and Great Couch. i, fol. 73, no. 56. The abbot's rent was the subject of inquiry in 1322; Lancs. Inq. and Extents (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), ii, 44.
  • 15. Cal. Pat. 1313–17, p. 65.
  • 16. De Lacy Compoti (Chet. Soc.), 1–3, 11, 37–40.
  • 17. The account of stock shows 156 cheeses made, sixteen of which were given for tithe and the rest sold; ibid. 2.
  • 18. The accounts of 1305 give similar information. The wages paid (ibid. 89) included 17s. 9d. and 7s. for a ploughman in seedtime, who acted as wagoner for the rest of the year; 3s. 3d. for wages to a ploughman-harrower at seedtime; 26s. 9d. for mowing 80¼ acres of meadow; 8s. 2d. for reaping, &c., 12 acres of oats; 3s. 0½d. for threshing and winnowing 41½ qrs. of oats and 2s. 11d. for making a road through the middle of Accrington Wood. Twelve ashes had been sold for 15s.; ibid. 108.
  • 19. Lancs. Inq. and Extents, ii, 8. The profits of the chief messuage, mill, halmotes, &c., were estimated at £5 15s. 6½d.
  • 20. Ibid. 193, 198–201. The perquisites of the halmote amounted to 1s., and the fines for impounding cattle to 1s. 2d. There were four vaccaries— Baxenden, Antley, Cowhouses and Riley or Ryley. The stock at the last named was recorded by Matthew de Antley as follows: 1 bull, 15 cows, 1 heifer, 8 twinters and 7 calves.
  • 21. Lancs. Ct. R. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), 35–6; two halmotes were held. The farmers of the four vaccaries were John de Balshaw 30s., Richard de Antley 30s., William de Swinethwaite 40s. and Matthew de Antley 26s. 8d.; ibid. 72–3. Roger Rishton and other tenants are recorded in 1443; Farrer, Clitheroe Ct. R. i, 501.
  • 22. Lansdowne Feodary in Baines' Lancs. (ed. 1870), ii, 693.
  • 23. Pat. 1 Chas. I, pt. ii; Haslingden was included.
  • 24. Chet. D. (Chet. Lib.). The vendors were William Farrer, Frances his wife, Richard Sikes and Elizabeth his wife; see also Whitaker, op. cit. ii, 288 n. Accrington is named among the Clitheroe manors in 1699; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 243, m. 110.
  • 25. Lancs. and Ches. Rec. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 32; ii, 290, 292.
  • 26. Ibid. 258.
  • 27. Ibid. 242.
  • 28. The mill was the subject of disputes in the time of Elizabeth; Ducatus Lanc. (Rec. Com.), ii, 351; iii, 27; Lancs. and Ches. Rec. ii, 258. Henry Haworth in 1590 claimed against George Haworth a messuage and a right of way for carrying marl and stone in Westmonclough; Ducatus Lanc. iii, 219. There are other references to 'Accrington Manor' cases, but some of them may refer to places outside the township.
  • 29. Add. MS. 32104, fol. 307b, no. 1256. The queen's steward (John Towneley) made the bounds commence at the High Oller (Alder) on the south side of Ibott's house straight to the Grey stone, then to Barton stone, and straight to Ridlachefoot stone.
  • 30. Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. iii, no. 75. It is not named in the later inquisitions of the family.
  • 31. Dugdale, Visit. (Chet. Soc.), 249. The place occurs as Anteley in 1296. A lease of the vaccary of Antley for ten years was granted to John Rishton in 1417 at £5 6s. 8d. rent; Whitaker, op. cit. i, 321. In 1483 it was granted to Hugh Gartside and Nicholas his son for seven years at £6 rent; ibid. 322. The Rishtons of Accrington have been noticed already in Oswaldtwistle. The will of Ralph Rishton of Antley in 1510 mentions his wife Isabel and his sons Nicholas (who was to have Antley) and Robert; Add. MS. 32104, fol. 194b, no. 803. Nicholas Rishton, 'gentleman,' made an agreement with Robert Rishton, 'yeoman,' in 1522, respecting certain parcels of land in the vaccary of Antley; Nicholas was to have the New Close otherwise called the Friar Hill, a parcel on the west side of Greenslade, a house called Cunliffe House, and 2s. rent from Cornhurst, but was to pay 6s. 8d. a year to the king; ibid. no. 1254. A further agreement was made in 1536; ibid. no. 809, 1248. The rental of 1527 shows that Nicholas Rishton paid £6 and Robert £3 for Antley; Duchy of Lanc. Rentals, bdle. 5, no. 12. See also Ducatus Lanc. ii, 51; iii, 26. In 1536 Nicholas Rishton of Accrington granted Antley to trustees to fulfil his will. Grace Hancock his wife was to have the lower end of Green Haworth. He names Geoffrey Rishton his bastard son and three bastard daughters; also Aymer Rishton his nephew; Towneley MS. C 8, 13 (Chet. Lib.), R 57. Another Nicholas Rishton occurs in 1589; Add. MS. 32104, no. 808. He was a freeholder in 1600; Misc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 237. A later Nicholas paid £10 in 1631, having declined knighthood, and Aymer Rishton did the same, ibid. 216. There is a long pedigree in Whitaker, op. cit. ii, 299. Nicholas Rishton of Antley was a member of the Presbyterian classis of 1646. Geoffrey Rishton, M.D., who recorded the pedigree, was member of Parliament for Preston from 1661 till his death in 1667; Pink and Beaven, Parl. Repre. of Lancs. 154. His grandson sold the estate in 1721 and it was afterwards owned by Kay and Nuttall; Raines in Gastrell's Notitia (Chet. Soc.), ii, 305.
  • 32. For pedigrees see Dugdale, Visit. 251; Whitaker, op. cit. ii, 300. Robert son and heir of Gilbert Rishton occurs in 1572 and is called of Dunnyshope in 1583; Add. MS. 32104, no. 800, 806. Robert was in 1597 succeeded by his son William, who next year married Jane daughter of Lawrence Brownlow of Tonge; ibid. no. 1250, 1245, 805. The name Dunschopfal occurs in 1305.
  • 33. Whitaker, op. cit. ii, 288, 259. Ellis Cunliffe was a freeholder in 1600; Misc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 237. John Cunliffe of Hollins was a member of the Presbyterian Classis in 1646. The Cunliffes were benefactors to the poor. Hollins was acquired by the Kays and Nuttalls; Raines, loc. cit.
  • 34. This family occurs in the adjacent townships. In 1404 a pardon was granted to Thomas son of William Hayleys; Pal. of Lanc. Chan. Misc. 1/9, m. 112. William Hayleys was a debtor in 1443; Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 5, m. 3.
  • 35. William Kenyon of Milnshaw had in 1499 other lands called Fernigore and Bridgeholme; Towneley MS. C 8, 13, K 13. Provision was then made for Margaret the wife of William and for Janet wife of William son of John Kenyon. In another deed about the same estate, dated 1531, William Kenyon is concerned, also Janet his mother and George Kenyon; ibid. T 170. Thomas Kenyon of Milnshaw occurs 1525–8; Ducatus Lanc. ii, 28; i, 136. He claimed to be brother and heir of the younger William; the pleadings and depositions illustrate several of the customs of the manor of Accrington as well as the family history; Duchy Plead. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 127–37. Christopher Kenyon of Milnshaw was a freeholder in 1600; Misc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 237. Roger Kenyon of Whalley died in 1635 holding a barn in Accrington of the king as of the manor of Enfield by a rent of 5s. 6d.; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xxvii, no. 55. It had probably belonged to the Abbey of Whalley.
  • 36. Henry IV in 1402 and 1410 demised a place called Riley to Robert Ryley for life; Duchy of Lanc. Misc. Bks. xvi, 41, 54 d. (pt. ii). The family occurs in the time of Elizabeth; Ducatus Lanc. iii, 99, 116, 405.
  • 37. Whitaker, op. cit. i, 360.
  • 38. Duchy of Lanc. Rentals, bdle. 5, no. 12.
  • 39. Ibid.; Honor of Clitheroe MS. (Towneley).
  • 40. Duchy of Lanc. Rentals, bdle. 5, no. 12.
  • 41. Ibid. The following were the names: Cowhouse—Thomas and George Walmsley, Richard Haworth, the wife of Roger Duckworth, Alice and John Duckworth, John Ormerod; paying in all £8 7s. 8d. High Ryley—Christopher Hargreaves, the wife of Alexander Ryley, Christopher Ryley, the wife of George Ryley, Edward Ryley, sen. and jun., £6 16s. 9d. New Laund—Edward Ryley, sen. and jun., £1 each. Fernhagh—Thomas Ryley, 17s. 6d., John Aytay, the wife of Thomas Collinson and Nicholas Grimshaw, each 5s. 10d. Nicholas Rishton held 'Sclateclyff,' paying 11s. 1d. Milnshaw was divided into three tenements, held (1) by N. Rishton, George and Ralph Kenyon and William Chetham, for 52s.; (2) Piers Ryley, 20s. 9d.; (3) Ralph and John Baxenden, John Slater and Ralph Walmsley, also 20s. 9d. Pennyworth was occupied by Adam Duckworth at 1d. rent; Hawkesey by Thomas Ryley at 24s. 2½d.; Ryley Place by N. Rishton and four others, at 34s. 2½d.; and Hill House by three tenants, at 16s. 8½d.; ibid.
  • 42. Lay Subs. Lancs. bdle. 130, no. 125; 131, no. 274, 317.
  • 43. Returns at Preston.
  • 44. Duchy of Lanc. Misc. Bks. xxv, 102. The area included the manor of Accring ton, Rossendale, Haslingden, Musbury, Huncoat, Oswaldtwistle, Yate Bank and Pickup Bank.
  • 45. Act 16 & 17 Vict. cap. 126. The two townships were united into one called Accrington simply in 1878 by 41 & 42 Vict. cap. 114.
  • 46. North-east, North-west, South-east, South-west.
  • 47. Established in 1840; Act 4 & 5 Vict. cap. 27. In 1854 power was given to sell or lease to the local board.
  • 48. Act 57 & 58 Vict. cap. 134.
  • 49. Formed in 1884; Act 47 & 48 Vict. cap. 214.
  • 50. It was built as the Peel Institution, for the Mechanics' Institute and Newsroom.
  • 51. They were first held about 1833; Baines, Lancs. (ed. 1836), iii, 287.
  • 52. Whitaker, Whalley, ii, 288. The site is within New Accrington, but on the border of Old Accrington.
  • 53. Raines, Chantries (Chet. Soc.), 277.
  • 54. Whitaker, loc. cit.
  • 55. It is not mentioned in the earlier visitation lists. By his will of 1590 Richard Cunliffe of Accrington left 6s. 8d. to the amending of the chapel there; note by Mr. Earwaker.
  • 56. Hist. MSS. Com. Rep. xiv, App. iv, 10. In 1619 the curate's name was Worthington; in 1622 surplice, font and communion cup were all lacking; Visitation Returns at Chester. In 1622 Mr. Crompton was 'lecturer' at Accrington; Misc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 68.
  • 57. As early as 1645 the Parliamentary Committee allowed £40 a year to 'an able divine' at Accrington, and John Bell was approved in 1647; Whitaker, op. cit. i, 221.
  • 58. Commonw. Ch. Surv. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), 165.
  • 59. The increase was made at the end of 1650, the £50 to be taken from the rectory of Childwall sequestered from James Anderton, 'delinquent'; Plund. Mins. Accts. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 87. The money seems to have been paid; ibid. 235, 248. A Roger Kenyon was afterwards minister of Orton in Westmorland, 1662–1704; Burn, Westmld. and Cumb. i, 484; Trans. Cumb. and Westmld. Antiq. Soc. xi, 263.
  • 60. The church papers at Chester begin in 1694 when Christopher Sudell, B.A., was nominated to the chapel of Accrington by the vicar of Whalley. In 1700 George Rishton, B.A. (T.C.D.), was nominated, and in 1721 Edward Rishton, on resigning, was succeeded by Nicholas Houghton, who held Altham also. Bishop Gastrell gives the name of the curate of Church and Accrington in 1718 as H. Rishton; Notitia Cestr. (Chet. Soc.), ii, 305, 324. The Rishtons were of Antley; ibid. 305 note.
  • 61. Ibid. 304.
  • 62. Gastrell, loc. cit.
  • 63. Ibid. 305 note.
  • 64. Manch. Dioc. Dir.
  • 65. Lond. Gaz. 20 May 1870.
  • 66. Son of the vicar of Whalley; also curate of Colne 1811–17.
  • 67. Bishop of Maritzburg 1869–92, afterwards Canon of Ely.
  • 68. Rector of Habberley 1862–9, Hon. Canon of Manchester 1892.
  • 69. Vicar of Goodshaw 1882, of Haslingden 1892.
  • 70. The parish was formed in 1842.
  • 71. A district was assigned in 1871; Lond. Gaz. 28 Mar.
  • 72. The parish was formed in 1878; ibid. 22 Jan.
  • 73. The parish was formed in 1890.
  • 74. The parish was formed in 1895.
  • 75. The parish was formed in 1898.
  • 76. Nightingale, Lancs. Nonconf. ii, 128. One of the ministers (1863–6), the Rev. Evan Lewis, has a memoir in Dict. Nat. Biog.
  • 77. Nightingale, op. cit. ii, 136.
  • 78. A. J. Parry, Cloughfold Bapt. Ch. 199.
  • 79. There were eighty-six 'Papists' in Altham and Accrington in 1767; Trans. Hist. Soc. (new ser.), xviii, 216.
  • 80. A school-chapel known as St. Oswald's.
  • 81. Gastrell, Notitia Cestr. ii, 305–6.