Walwick - Wapping

A Topographical Dictionary of England. Originally published by S Lewis, London, 1848.

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'Walwick - Wapping', A Topographical Dictionary of England, (London, 1848), pp. 457-461. British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/england/pp457-461 [accessed 2 July 2024].

. "Walwick - Wapping", in A Topographical Dictionary of England, (London, 1848) 457-461. British History Online, accessed July 2, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/england/pp457-461.

. "Walwick - Wapping", A Topographical Dictionary of England, (London, 1848). 457-461. British History Online. Web. 2 July 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/england/pp457-461.

In this section


WALWICK, a liberty, locally in the parish of Warben, union of Hexham, N. W. division of Tindale ward, S. division of Northumberland, 5¼ miles (N. W. by N.) from Hexham. This place, which is situated on the western bank of the North Tyne, and on the line of Severus' Wall, was the Cilurnum of the Romans, and the station of the Ala Secunda Asturum. Its extent may still be traced, being, from east to west, 570 feet, and from north to south 400. Among the numerous relics that have been discovered are a spacious vault, a mutilated statue of Europa neatly sculptured in freestone, and a curious tablet commemorative of the rebuilding of some edifice by the second wing of the Astures. In the district are two good mansions, Walwick Hall and Walwick Chesters. Walwick Grange, formerly the seat of the Errington family, built out of an old tower, has been converted into a farmhouse. In Homer's-lane are fragments of an ancient cross.


WALWORTH, a township, in the parish of Heighington, union of Darlington, S. E. division of Darlington ward, S. division of the county of Durham, 4½ miles (N. W.) from Darlington; containing 152 inhabitants. It is divided into the two hamlets or districts of High and Low Walworth, in the former of which is Walworth Castle, beautifully situated. The tithes have been commuted for £261, of which £31 are payable to the vicar.


WALWORTH, a hamlet, in the parish and union of St. Mary, Newington, E. division of the hundred of Brixton and of the county of Surrey, 2 miles (S.) from London. This place comprises a continued line of modern houses on the road to Camberwell, and also extends on the west to Kennington, and on the east to the Kent-road, several streets in each direction having been built within a few years. The Royal Surrey Zoological Gardens, opened in August, 1831, occupy an area of about 17 acres attached to the manor-house, which have been inclosed and tastefully laid out in parterres of flowers, lawns, and shrubberies, intersected by gravelwalks leading to the various objects of attraction within the grounds. A literary institution has been established. A church, dedicated to St. Peter, was erected in 1825, at an expense of £19,126, of which one moiety was granted by the Parliamentary Commissioners, and the other advanced on loan for eight years without interest, to be repaid by a rate on the inhabitants. It is a spacious and handsome edifice of brick ornamented with stone, having at the western entrance a receding portico of four Ionic columns supporting a cornice and balustrade, with a slender square tower. The tower is adorned at the quoins with pillars of the Corinthian order, and surmounted by a circular campanile turret, surrounded with Corinthian pillars and crowned by a conical dome. The living, which will eventually become a district incumbency, is a perpetual curacy, in the patronage of the Rector of Newington. In Beresford-street is an episcopal chapel, originally built in 1818, and now containing 1600 sittings. There are also places of worship for Baptists, Independents, and Wesleyans; and several schools.

Wambrook (St. Mary)

WAMBROOK (St. Mary), a parish, in the union of Chard, hundred of Beaminster, Bridport division of Dorset, 2 miles (S. W.) from Chard; containing 223 inhabitants. It is situated near the great western road from London, and comprises 1889a. 2r. 14p., of which about 150 acres are woodland and plantation, 100 furze and rough pasture, 55 orchard, and the remainder meadow, pasture, and arable. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £8. 7. 1., and in the patronage of the Rev. H. Edwards; net income, £262. The church, which was anciently a chapel to the vicarage of Chardstock, contains 150 sittings.


WAMPOOL, a township, in the parish of Aikton, union of Wigton, Cumberland ward, and E. division of the county of Cumberland, 4¾ miles (N. by W.) from Wigton; containing 107 inhabitants.


WANBOROUGH, a parish, in the union of Guildford, First division of the hundred of Wokeing, W. division of Surrey, 4 miles (W.) from Guildford; contaming 171 inhabitants. The parish comprises about 1792 acres, and is intersected by the high ridge of land called the Hog's Back, which commands an extensive and richly-diversified view of the surrounding country. Nearly one-third of the area is coppice and common waste; the soil is light, and there are several chalk-pits. Wanborough is tithe-free, and exempt from ecclesiastical jurisdiction. The church, which was presented to by the abbot of Waverley, has fallen into decay; part of it was converted into a mausoleum by the late James Mangles, Esq., who was interred here in 1838.

Wanborough (St. Andrew)

WANBOROUGH (St. Andrew), a parish, in the union of Highworth and Swindon, hundred of Kingsbridge, Swindon and N. divisions of Wilts, 4 miles (E. by S.) from Swindon; containing 992 inhabitants. It is about a mile from the Hungerford and Swindon road, and comprises 4617 acres, of which about twothirds are pasture; the soil is in general clayey. The living is a vicarage, valued in the king's books at £21. 10. 7½.; net income, £375; patrons and appropriators, the Dean and Chapter of Winchester. The tithes were commuted for land and annual money payments in 1779. There is a place of worship for Wesleyans.

Wandsworth (All Saints)

WANDSWORTH (All Saints), a parish, and the head of a union, in the W. division of the hundred of Brixton, E. division of Surrey, 6 miles (S. W.) from London; containing 7614 inhabitants. The name is derived from the river Wandle, which falls into the Thames here. The town consists chiefly of one street, occupying the declivities of two hills, on each of which are several mansions of a superior description; the inhabitants are supplied with water from springs. The manufactures comprise scarlet-dyeing, established at Wandsworth for more than a century; hat-making, introduced by some French emigrants who settled here in the time of Louis XIV.; the making of bolting-cloths, the printing of kerseymeres and silk handkerchiefs, the whitening and pressing of stuffs, and calico-printing. There are also three corn-mills, and some mills for the preparation of iron, white-lead, and linseed-oil, now on the decline; some vinegar-works, distilleries, and a large brewery; the whole furnishing employment to several hundred persons. The Richmond railway crosses the valley of the Wandle by a brick viaduct 1000 feet long, consisting of 22 arches, three of which are of 70 feet span each: here is a station. An act was passed in 1846 for a railway from Wandsworth to Croydon. A fair is held on Whit-Monday, for cattle, horses, and pigs; and there is a pleasure-fair on the two following days. The town is under the metropolitan police: pettysessions for the Western division of the hundred of Brixton are held here every Saturday; and the powers of the county debt-court of Wandsworth, established in 1847, extend over the two registration-districts of Richmond, and Wandsworth and Clapham. The parish comprises 2245a. 3r. 4p., of which about 463 acres are arable, 1020 meadow and pasture, 131 in market-gardens, and 201 common and waste.

The living is a vicarage, valued in the king's books at £15. 5. 5.; net income, £840; patron, the Rev. Dr. Pemberton; impropriators, the Trustees of Marshall's charity. The church is a plain brick structure in the Grecian style, built in 1780, with the exception of the square tower at the west end; it contains several monuments. An additional church, also in the Grecian style, capable of accommodating nearly 2000 persons, and dedicated to St. Anne, was erected in 1822, at an expense of £14,600, by Her Majesty's Commissioners for building new churches: the living is a perpetual curacy; net income, £270; patron, the Vicar. The parish has been divided into two ecclesiastical parishes, under the 16th section of the act 58th George III., c. 45. There is also a chapel, with a parsonage-house, in the hamlet of Summer's-Town, the former erected at the cost of James Gordon and Joshua Stanger, Esqrs., and the latter at the sole expense of Mr. Stanger, who also gave about half an acre of garden-ground: the minister is appointed by the latter gentleman. The Baptists, the Society of Friends, the Independents, and Wesleyans, have places of worship; and there is a Roman Catholic chapel, consecrated in November 1847. In a school belonging to the Society of Friends, Sir John Barnard, the eminent citizen, was educated. The first Presbyterian congregation established in the kingdom was at this place, in the year 1572. On the south-west portion of the common is the Surrey Pauper-Lunatic Asylum, erected in 1841, at an expense of nearly £65,000, after a design by Mr. W. Moseley, and having 96 acres of land attached. It is a spacious and handsome building of red brick with stone dressings, in the Elizabethan style, 535 feet in length, and consisting of a centre and two wings, the latter projecting 85 feet from the line of the principal range, of which the central portion has also a projection of 47 feet. Fifteen watermen of the parish receive £4 per annum each, the produce of bequests; and amongst the miscellaneous charities, those of the famous Alderman Smith, who was born and buried here, deserve particular notice, extending not only to Wandsworth, but to most of the parishes in the county. The poorlaw union of Wandsworth and Clapham comprises six parishes, and contains a population of 39,853. In Garratt or Garrett lane, between Wandsworth and Tooting, a mock election used to be held after every parliamentary election, to which Foote's dramatic production of "the Mayor of Garratt" has given celebrity. Mulberry Cottage, on the common, was the residence of Grose the antiquary.

Wangford (St. Peter)

WANGFORD (St. Peter), a parish and post-town, in the union and hundred of Blything, E. division of Suffolk, 3½ miles (N. W. by N.) from Southwold; containing, with the hamlet of Henham, 818 inhabitants. It is situated on the road from London to Yarmouth, and comprises 811 acres. The living is a perpetual curacy; net income, £79; patron and impropriator, the Earl of Stradbroke, whose seat, Henham Hall, is in the parish. The tithes have been commuted for £93. The church is chiefly in the later English style, and has a steeple at the north-east angle. It is supposed to have belonged to a Cluniac priory, a cell to that of Thetford, founded here before 1160, by Doudo Asini, steward to the king's household, or, as some think, by Eudo Dapifer, and which, at the suppression, had a revenue of £30. 9. 5. In the church are handsome monuments to members of the noble family of Rous who lie interred here.

Wangford (St. Denis)

WANGFORD (St. Denis), a parish, in the union of Mildenhall, hundred of Lackford, W. division of Suffolk, 3 miles (S. W. by W.) from Brandon-Ferry; containing 46 inhabitants, and comprising about 3000 acres. The road from London to Lynn, by way of Mildenhall, passes through the parish. The living is a discharged rectory, annexed to that of Brandon, and valued in the king's books at £9. 11. 8½.: the tithes have been commuted for £570, and there are 16 acres of glebe. The church is a small ancient structure.

Wanlip (St. Nicholas)

WANLIP (St. Nicholas), a parish, in the union of Barrow-upon-Soar, hundred of West Goscote, N. division of the county of Leicester, 3¼ miles (S. E. by S.) from Mountsorrel; containing 122 inhabitants. It comprises about 950 acres; the soil is partly loam, and partly a sandy earth, and the surface in some places hilly. The river Soar, or Leicester and Melton-Mowbray navigation, runs through the parish, and is crossed here by a bridge. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £14. 4. 4½., and in the gift of Sir G. J. Palmer, Bart.: the tithes have been commuted for £275, and the glebe comprises 26 acres. The church was founded in the reign of Richard II., by Sir Thomas Walsh, over whose tomb in the building is a brass plate. Near the old Fosse-road, which passes in the vicinity, a Roman tessellated pavement, some coins, broken urns, and other relics, have been found.

Wansford (St. Mary)

WANSFORD (St. Mary), a parish and post-town, in the union of Stamford, soke of Peterborough, N. division of the county of Northampton, 36 miles (N. E.) from Northampton; containing 205 inhabitants. This parish, which comprises 469 acres, is situated on the river Nene, and traversed by the great road from London to York. The Peterborough and Blisworth railway passes within a mile of the place; the Wansford station is equidistant from the Oundle station and the station at Peterborough. The living is annexed to the rectory of Thornhaugh: the tithes were commuted for land and a money payment in 1807. The church exhibits specimens of various styles.


WANSFORD, a township, in the parish of Nafferton, union of Driffield, wapentake of Dickering, E. riding of York, 3 miles (E. S. E.) from Driffield; containing 242 inhabitants. Some persons here are employed in the manufacture of cotton goods and of carpets, the establishment for the latter of which is situated on the navigable river Hull, and is the only one in this part of the kingdom. There are extensive cornmills; and by the Driffield canal, vessels of seventy tons' burthen can come up to the village. The tithes were commuted for land and a money payment in 1769. There is a place of worship for Wesleyans.

Wanstead (St. Mary)

WANSTEAD (St. Mary), a parish, in the union of West Ham, hundred of Becontree, S. division of Essex, 6½ miles (N. E.) from London; containing 1608 inhabitants. The parish is separated from that of Barking by the river Roden, and comprises 2004a. 27p., of which about 273 acres are arable, 582 pasture, and 1148 woodland, waste, and water. The village is situated on the borders of Waltham Forest, near the main road from London to Cambridge; and is principally worthy of note as the site of Wanstead House, built in 1715, by Sir Richard (son of Sir Josiah) Child, created Viscount Castlemain in 1718, and Earl of Tylney in 1731. This splendid mansion was considerably enlarged and embellished by his descendants, and was surrounded by a very extensive park, laid out with great taste, and interspersed with gardens, pleasure-grounds, and grottos. It was the temporary residence of the Prince of Condé Having come, by marriage, into the possession of the Hon. W. T. L. P. Wellesley (now Earl of Mornington), it was sold and demolished in 1822, since which time the park has been let out in portions for grazing cattle; and of the buildings, nothing remains but the stables and outoffices. Snaresbrook, a hamlet in the parish, situated on the borders of the forest, contains several handsome houses, occupied by respectable families; the scenery is beautifully picturesque, and enlivened with a fine sheet of water. The immediate neighbourhood abounds with seats and pleasing villas.

The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £6. 13. 9., and in the gift of Lord Mornington: the tithes have been commuted for £377, and the glebe comprises 83 acres. The church, rebuilt about the year 1790, is of brick and Portland stone, with a fine Doric portico, and a cupola supported on eight Ionic pillars; the interior is of light and elegant appearance. In the chancel is a window of stained glass by Eginton, representing Christ bearing the Cross, in imitation of the altar-piece in the chapel of Magdalen College, Oxford; also a superb monument to the memory of Sir Josiah Child, who died in 1699. A free school, in connexion with the National Society, is partly supported by the proceeds of £200 three per cents., the bequest of George Bowles, Esq., in 1805. On the high road is the InfantOrphan Asylum, of which the foundation-stone was laid by his Royal Highness Prince Albert, on the 24th of July, 1841. The institution was originally established in 1827, at Dalston, in the parish of Hackney; but it becoming necessary to provide larger and more convenient premises, the present handsome edifice, for the admission of 400 children, was erected at a cost of about £40,000, and opened with much ceremony, the King of the Belgians presiding, on the 27th June, 1843. It is in the Elizabethan style, contains an excellent chapel, and is surrounded by extensive gardens. About the year 1735, a tessellated pavement of considerable dimensions, some brass and silver coins, fragments of urns, and other relics of antiquity, were dug up on the south side of Wanstead Park.

Wanstrow (St. Mary)

WANSTROW (St. Mary), a parish, in the union and hundred of Frome, E. division of Somerset, 6 miles {S. W.) from Frome; containing 438 inhabitants. It comprises 2054a. 1r. 11p., of which about 1378 acres are pasture, 424 arable, 117 wood, and 111 common. A new road has been formed in the parish, which has added considerably to its advantages. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £13. 9. 9½., and in the gift of Mrs. E. H. Clarke: the tithes have been commuted for £320; there is a parsonage-house, and the glebe comprises 57¾ acres.

Wantage (St. Peter and St. Paul)

WANTAGE (St. Peter and St. Paul), a markettown and parish, and the head of a union, in the hundred of Wantage, county of Berks; containing, with the chapelry of Grove, and the hamlets of Charlton and West Lockinge, 3650 inhabitants, of whom 2850 are in the town, 9 miles (S. W. by W.) from Abingdon, 24 miles (W. N. w.) from Reading, and 60 (W.) from London. This town is celebrated as the birthplace, in 849, of Alfred the Great, and as a royal residence in the time of the West Saxons. It was made a borough after the Conquest, through the influence of Fulk Fitz-Warren, who had obtained a grant of the manor from Bigod, earl-marshal of England. Wantage is situated at the edge of the Vale of Whitehorse, on a branch of the river Uck. The streets are irregular, but contain many good houses; the town is lighted, paved, and watched, under a local act, and the inhabitants are supplied with water from wells, and from a brook which runs into the river. The principal articles of trade and manufacture are sacking, twine, malt, and flour. Coal is brought hither, and corn, flour, and malt are sent to different parts, by means of a branch of the Wilts and Berks canal, which comes up to the town, affording a communication with Bath, Bristol, and London. The Great Western railway passes two miles to the north. The market is held every alternate Saturday, and is chiefly for corn, but also for pigs and cattle. Fairs take place on the first Saturdays in March and May, for cattle and cheese, and on July 18th, for cherries; on October 18th is a statutefair, and on the first Saturday in every month, a cheesefair. The town-hall, in the centre of the market-place, was erected in 1835. The petty-sessions for the division are held here every Saturday, and a manorial court annually: the powers of the county debt-court of Wantage, established in 1847, extend over the registrationdistrict of Wantage. The parish comprises 5889 acres, of which 3566 are arable, 2308 meadow and pasture, and 12 wood.

The living is a vicarage, in the patronage of the Dean and Canons of Windsor (the appropriators), valued in the king's books at £35. 2. 8½.: the tithes have been commuted for £750; there is a parsonage-house, and the glebe contains 3 acres. The church, a spacious and handsome cruciform structure, with a square embattled tower rising from the intersection, is said to have been built by some of the Fitz-Warrens, to different members of which family are several monuments. At Grove is a separate incumbency. There are places of worship for Baptists, Independents, and Wesleyans. About £400 per annum, the proceeds of town lands bequeathed in the reigns of Henry VI. and VII. and in 1598, and formerly vested in twelve governors for the support of a free grammar school, are now appropriated to the purchase of cloth to the amount of £100, the payment of £160 in pensions to aged widows, the maintenance of apartments for poor persons, and to the support of an English school. Twelve almshouses were endowed by Richard Styles, in 1680, with land in Hampshire, producing about £70 a year. The union of Wantage comprises 34 parishes or places, and contains a population of 16,826. King Alfred's memory is retained here by a petrifying spring called Alfred's Well. Dr. Joseph Butler, Bishop of Durham, and author of The Analogy, was born at Wantage; as was also the Rev. Isaac Kimber, a learned theological writer, who died in 1755.

Wantisden (St. John the Baptist)

WANTISDEN (St. John the Baptist), a parish, in the union and hundred of Plomesgate, E. division of Suffolk, 6 miles (E. N. E.) from Woodbridge; containing 110 inhabitants, and comprising 2000 acres by computation. The living is a perpetual curacy; net income, £64; patron and impropriator, N. C. Barnardiston, Esq. The church has many Norman details.

Wapley (St. Peter)

WAPLEY (St. Peter), a parish, in the union of Chipping-Sodbury, Lower division of the hundred of Grumbald's-Ash, W. division of the county of Gloucester, 2½ miles (S. S. W.) from Chipping-Sodbury; containing 366 inhabitants. The parish is intersected by the road from Bristol to Malmesbury, and comprises 2448 acres, of which 41 are common or waste. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £7. 18.; net income, £400; patrons and appropriators, the Dean and Chapter of Bristol. The great tithes of Wapley with Codrington have been commuted for £95, and the vicarial for £340; £9 are paid to the rector of Tate.


WAPLINGTON, a township, in the parish of Allerthorpe, union of Pocklington, Wilton-Beacon division of the wapentake of Harthill, E. riding of the county of York, 2¾ miles (S. W.) from Pocklington; containing 45 inhabitants. The township is situated near the York and Hull road, and comprises by measurement 790 acres, of which 647 are arable, 53 meadow and pasture, 50 wood, and 40 moorland. The surface is level, and the soil of a sandy nature. There are some marl and clay pits, and kilns for bricks and draining-tiles. Within the last few years, about 300 acres of land, forming a rabbit-warren, have been brought into a good state of cultivation; and a mansion-house has been built in the rustic style, called Waplington Manor, surrounded with plantations. The Pocklington canal passes at a short distance. The impropriate tithes have been commuted for £61. 2. 6., and the vicarial for £13. 12.

Wappenbury (St. John the Baptist)

WAPPENBURY (St. John the Baptist), a parish, in the union of Warwick, Southam division of the hundred of Knightlow, S. division of the county of Warwick, 5 miles (N. E.) from Leamington; containing 260 inhabitants, of whom 85 are in the township. The parish comprises 1356 acres, mostly arable, with 90 acres of woodland, and of undulated surface. Of this area 576 acres are in the hamlet of Eathorpe, separated from Wappenbury township by the river Leam. The living is a vicarage, valued in the king's books at £8: the income is derived from 32 acres of land, situated at Bishop's-Itchington and Napton-on-the-Hill, and valued at £60 per annum; and from £10. 8., the ancient stipend, paid by Lord Clifford, who is patron and impropriator. The church was built about the beginning of the 15th century, with a chancel of more ancient date; the tower has grotesque heads and figures at the corners, upon the moulding. There is a Roman Catholic chapel.

Wappenham (St. Mary)

WAPPENHAM (St. Mary), a parish, in the union of Towcester, hundred of King's-Sutton, S. division of the county of Northampton, 5 miles (W. S. W.) from Towcester; containing, with the hamlets of Astwell and Falcutt, 641 inhabitants, of whom 513 are in Wappenham township. The parish comprises 3933a. 3r. 3p., of which 1790 acres are in Astwell and Falcutt. At Astwell is an ancient mansion-house, formerly the seat of the earls Ferrers. Most of the females are employed in making pillow-lace. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £21. 9. 9½., and in the gift of the Bishop of Lincoln: the tithes were commuted for land in 1761; there is a parsonage-house, and the glebe altogether comprises about 314 acres. The church embraces most styles of architecture, from the early English of the chancel door, to the Tudor of the east window; the tower is a tolerable specimen of the time of Wykeham. Here is a place of worship for Wesleyans.

Wapping (St. John the Evangelist)

WAPPING (St. John the Evangelist), a parish, adjoining the city of London on the east, in the union of Stepney, Tower division of the hundred of Ossulstone, county of Middlesex; containing 4108 inhabitants. This place, originally overflowed by the Thames, was recovered from inundation, and denominated Wapping Wash, in the time of Queen Elizabeth, under whose auspices it was inclosed and defended by walls. In the early part of the reign of Charles II. it comprised one street, which extended from within a quarter of a mile of the Tower, along the Thames, to the entrance of the present St. Katherine's Docks. In the reign of William and Mary it was made a parish, by act of parliament. About the end of the last century, upwards of 60 houses and other buildings were destroyed by fire, and several lives lost, from the explosion of some barrels of gunpowder; the damage sustained on which occasion was estimated at more than £200,000. The parish consists of several streets, paved, and lighted with gas; the main street has been widened in several places within the last few years, and the inhabitants are well supplied with water. The business transacted is chiefly of a maritime and commercial character, and the construction of the London Docks has materially contributed to its growth. The living is a rectory not in charge; net income, £258; patrons, the Principal and Fellows of Brasenose College, Oxford. The church contains a very fine monument by Roubilliac. There is a place of worship for Roman Catholics. A free school was established by subscription, in 1704; and in 1822, its funds were augmented by a bequest of £5000 from Samuel Troutbeck, of Madras, Esq. Thomas Dilworth, author of the spellingbook, and a system of arithmetic, was master of the school. On the abdication of James II., the notorious Judge Jeffreys, who had fled in order to escape the probable effects of popular rage, assumed the disguise of a sailor, and concealed himself for a short time in an obscure part of Wapping, but was at last discovered and committed to the Tower, where he died in a few days.