Isham - Iver

A Topographical Dictionary of England. Originally published by S Lewis, London, 1848.

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'Isham - Iver', in A Topographical Dictionary of England, ed. Samuel Lewis( London, 1848), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Isham - Iver', in A Topographical Dictionary of England. Edited by Samuel Lewis( London, 1848), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Isham - Iver". A Topographical Dictionary of England. Ed. Samuel Lewis(London, 1848), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

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Isham (St. Peter)

ISHAM (St. Peter), a parish, in the union of Wellingborough, hundred of Orlingbury, N. division of the county of Northampton, 3 miles (S. S. E.) from Kettering, on the road to Wellingborough; containing 397 inhabitants. The parish consists of 1351a. 3r. 8p., of which three-fourths are arable and the remainder pasture. Limestone and building-stone are obtained, and on the river Ise is a small carpet-factory. The living was a rectory in two portions, Inferior and Superior, each valued in the king's books at £7. 10., but which were consolidated into one benefice by an order in council, Aug. 21st, 1841; net income, £371; patron, the Bishop of Lincoln. The tithes were commuted on the inclosure, in 1778. The church is an ancient edifice with a tower, and contains four Norman arches, and a curious monument. There is a place of worship for Methodists; a national school is supported by subscription, and the children have a right to instruction also in Pitchley school. On the inclosure, 36 acres were assigned in lieu of other land held for parochial purposes and for apprenticing children; the rent amounts to £34. Roman coins have been found in great quantities.


ISHLAWRCOED, a hamlet, in the parish of Bedwelty, union of Abergavenny, Lower division of the hundred of Wentlloog, county of Monmouth; containing 2484 inhabitants.

Isle-Abbot's (St. Mary)

ISLE-ABBOT'S (St. Mary), a parish, in the union of Langport, hundred of Abdick and Bulstone, W. division of Somerset, 4¾ miles (N. by W.) from Ilminster; containing, with the tything of Stewley and hamlet of Woodland, 413 inhabitants. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £8, and in the patronage of the Dean and Chapter of Bristol, under whom the vicar is lessee of the rectorial tithes. These have been commuted for £348, and the vicarial tithes for £100; there are three acres of rectorial, and 2 of vicarial, glebe. The Baptists have a place of worship.

Isle-Brewers (All Saints)

ISLE-BREWERS (All Saints), a parish, in the union of Langport, hundred of Abdick and Bulstone, W. division of Somerset, 4 miles (N.) from Ilminster; containing 338 inhabitants. It is separated by the river Isle from the parish of Isle-Abbot's, and comprises by admeasurement 1213 acres. The canal from Langport terminates at Westport, in this parish, where are convenient wharfs and warehouses connected with the coaltrade of the district. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £7. 10.; patron and impropriator, General John Michell: the great tithes have been commuted for £27, and the vicarial for £195; the glebe comprises 14 acres of land. The church is a handsome structure, in the later English style of architecture.

Isleham (St. Andrew)

ISLEHAM (St. Andrew), a parish, in the union of Newmarket, hundred of Staploe, county of Cambridge, 4½ miles (W.) from Mildenhall; containing 2127 inhabitants. The parish comprises about 5000 acres, and is intersected by the river Lark, which communicates with the Cam; the road from Ely to Mildenhall passes within two miles. Stone is quarried for building purposes and for burning into lime. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £13. 3. 1½.; net income, £450; patron and appropriator, the Bishop of Rochester: there are about three acres of glebe, and a glebe-house. The church, a handsome edifice, belonged to a priory dedicated to St. Margaret, founded here as a cell to the abbey of St. Jagitto, in Brittany, and granted by Henry VI. to Pembroke College, Cambridge; the revenue was valued at £10. 13. 4. The building was new roofed in the reign of Henry VII.; it contains many fine monuments, of which some are of the fourteenth century. There are places of worship for General and Particular Baptists. An hospital for five widowers and five widows was founded by the lady of Sir Robert Peyton, who died in 1518; the annual income amounts to £135. 16. The remains of a very old church here are now used as a barn. In the fens have been found deer's horns, bones of the old British beaver now extinct, and also human bones.

Isleworth (All Saints)

ISLEWORTH (All Saints), a parish, in the union of Brentford, hundred of Isleworth, county of Middlesex, 9 miles (W. S. W.) from London; containing, with part of the town of Hounslow, 6614 inhabitants, of whom 4903 are in the village of Isleworth. This place was principally distinguished for a splendid monastery, founded originally at Twickenham, in 1414, by Henry V., and dedicated to Our Holy Saviour, the Blessed Virgin, and St. Bridget, for sixty sisters, thirteen priests, four deacons, and eight lay brethren, of the order of St. Augustine, as reformed by St. Bridget. In 1432, the community removed to Isleworth, where a spacious edifice was erected, called the monastery of Sion; and the revenue, at the Dissolution, was £1944. 11. 8. The site was granted, in the 1st of Edward VI., to Edward, Duke of Somerset, Lord Protector, who erected the superb mansion of Sion House, which, in the seventh year of the same reign, was bestowed upon John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland. In the reign of Mary, the convent was refounded for an abbess and nuns; but it was finally suppressed in that of Elizabeth, and continued vested in the Crown till the time of James I., when it was given to Henry Percy, the ninth earl of Northumberland. The Dukes of York and Gloucester, sons of Charles I.; and their sister, the Princess Elizabeth, were placed here by the parliament, under the care of the countess, in 1646. The mansion, about the middle of the seventeenth century, underwent several alterations and repairs, and received considerable additions, from the designs of Inigo Jones; it is a spacious quadrangular and embattled structure, with towers at the angles, beautifully situated in an extensive park on the western bank of the Thames.

The village occupies a pleasant situation on the same side of the river, and has one principal street, well lighted with gas; the houses are in general respectable and well built, and the inhabitants are amply supplied with water. The environs are adorned with elegant mansions and villas, with their appendant pleasure-grounds and shrubberies. A considerable portion of land in the neighbourhood is occupied by market-gardeners, who supply the London markets, and the soil is peculiarly favourable for the cultivation of raspberries and strawberries. There are two extensive corn-mills, one of which belonged to the monastery; also a large brewery. A branch of the Paddington canal joins the Thames at the eastern extremity of the parish, near Brentford. A pleasure-fair is held on the first Monday in July. The Duke of Northumberland holds courts leet and baron in April and October, and the Dean and Canons of Windsor have an annual court leet. The Living is a vicarage, valued in the king's books at £18; patrons, the Dean and Canons; impropriators, various proprietors of land. The great tithes have been commuted for £275. 10., and the vicarial for £800. 10.; the impropriate glebe comprises 65 acres, and the vicarial about half an acre of garden, attached to the glebehouse. The church is partly in the early English style; the body was taken down and rebuilt of brick in 1704, and repaired and beautified in 1829: it contains many handsome monuments. There are places of worship for the Society of Friends, Independents, and Wesleyans, and a Roman Catholic chapel. The charity, or Blue, school, lately united with a national school, was established in 1715, and is endowed with land bequeathed by Lady Elizabeth Hill, in 1630; also with lands at Orpington, in the county of Kent, purchased with property left by Mrs. Ann Oliver, in 1672: William Chelcott, in 1658, bequeathed a rent-charge of £20 for apprenticing boys. The total amount of these several benefactions is upwards of £280 per annum. Almshouses were founded in 1671, by Sir Thomas Ingram, Knt., for six aged widows. There are houses for six aged unmarried men and six aged women, founded and endowed by Mrs. Ann Tolson (who died in 1750) in consequence of having unexpectedly succeeded to property of the value of £40,000; the income is £171 per annum. A house for six women was built in 1764, by Mrs. Mary Bell, who endowed it with land producing £60 per annum; and there are numerous other bequests, for distribution among the poor.


ISLEY-WALTON, a chapelry, in the parish of Kegworth, union of Shardlow, hundred of West Goscote, N. division of the county of Leicester, 7 miles (N. E.) from Ashby-de-la-Zouch; containing 65 inhabitants. A rent-charge of £123. 2. 3. has been awarded as a commutation for the tithes, and there is a glebe of 11¾ acres. The chapel has been enlarged, the Incorporated Society having granted £200 in aid of the expense. William Crank, in 1759, bequeathed two cottages with land, at Market-Overton, now producing £15 per annum, for distribution among the poor.

Islington (St. Mary)

ISLINGTON (St. Mary), a suburban parish, in the parliamentary borough of Finsbury, Finsbury division of the hundred of Ossulstone, county of Middlesex, 1½ mile (N.) from London; containing 55,690 inhabitants, of whom 29,452 are in the district of St. Mary, 4960 in the district parish of St. John, Holloway, 7551 in that of St. Paul, Ball's-Pond, and 13,727 in that of Holy Trinity. This village, called in Domesday book Iseldone, appears to have derived its name from its situation with regard to Tolentone (the modern Highbury), in relation to which it was the British Isheldone, or "Lower Town." It probably stood originally on and about the thoroughfare now designated the Lower-street. In the fields near Barnesbury Park are the remains of a camp, supposed by some, but with little reason, to have been that of Suetonius, after his retreat from London, when augmenting his forces prior to the battle with Boadicea, Queen of the Iceni, from which event the hamlet of Battle-Bridge, partly in the parish, is said to have derived its name. At Highbury, which could not have been far distant from the Ermin-street, the Romans had a summer camp, whose site, long afterwards, was occupied by a mansion, which, becoming the property of Alexander Aubert, Esq., was by him fitted up in part as an observatory, and furnished with astronomical instruments of various descriptions.

From its proximity to London, and the salubrity of the air, Islington, which seems to have been of some importance even in the time of the Saxons, was at a very early period one of the chief sources whence the inhabitants of the metropolis drew their supplies of agricultural produce, for which the place was famous. It afterwards became more remarkable as the residence of opulent citizens, and of many illustrious and distinguished families. In the year 1465, Henry VI., after his escape from the battle of Hexham, having wandered in disguise for some months, was taken, and being brought to London, was arrested at Islington by the Earl of Warwick. His successor, Edward IV., upon his accession to the throne, was waited on in the neighbourhood by the principal citizens; and in 1487, Henry VII., on his return after the defeat of Lambert Simnel and his adherents, was escorted into the metropolis in a like manner. Among the mansions erected here in ancient times, was Canonbury House, the country seat of the prior of St. Bartholomew's monastery in Smithfield, and of which, though the site is for the greater part occupied by modern dwelling-houses, there are still considerable remains. Of these remains, Canonbury Tower, a lofty square structure of brick, commanding an extensive view of the surrounding country, is still entire; and many vestiges of other parts are preserved in the out-buildings of the houses that have been erected near the spot. The seat of the prior of St. John's, Clerkenwell, at Highbury, was demolished in the reign of Richard II., during the insurrection of Wat Tyler and Jack Straw; in memory of which outrage, the small portion of it that remained was long denominated Jack Straw's Castle. Henry VIII. frequently visited Islington, where some of the nobility of his court resided; an old house formerly standing on Newington-Green is said to have been occupied by him, and in 1546 he issued a peremptory proclamation enforcing the preservation of game in the neighbourhood. During the reign of Mary, many Protestants suffered death at Islington, firm in their adherence to the faith which they professed. Queen Elizabeth exhibited much partiality to the place, which she repeatedly visited, and where some of her friends, including Sir Thomas Fowler, Sir John Spencer, of Canonbury, and Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, were resident. It was chiefly in this reign that the ancient houses, for which the village was some years since distinguished, were built. In 1603, James I., on his accession to the throne of England, was escorted through the fields of Islington into the city, with much ceremony; and Charles I. passed through the village on his return from Scotland, in 1641. In the next year several fortifications were erected here in common with other suburban districts, by order of the parliament, to protect the metropolis. About this time a great increase in the number of the houses began to take place; and shortly afterwards, the village became a well-known and favourite resort of the citizens, for whose amusement and recreation numerous places of entertainment were provided, for which this ancient suburban parish may be said to have been remarkable, until, by the extension of buildings since the commencement of the present century, and the change in the manners and customs of the people, all traces of these characteristics of the place were lost, or merged in its present state, as the mere residence of persons engaged in the trade and commerce of London.

The parish comprises an area of 3032a. 3r., partly laid out in meadow and pasture, but to a large extent occupied by houses and gardens. The more rural parts afford some agreeable scenery; and the New River, which pursues its winding course in a direction from north to south, imparts beauty to the lands through which it passes, and a pleasing relief to the monotony of buildings. The two most ancient roads are, the great north road, which leads through the upper or main street of the village, and a road branching off from this at the Green, and called the Lower-street. The Regent's canal, and the line of the Great York railway, cross the parish. It is well paved, lighted with gas, and amply supplied with water by the New River Company. There are many fine ranges of houses, especially at Highbury, which is composed of handsome rows of buildings and pleasant villas, agreeably situated on an eminence commanding good views. The trade of the place principally arises from the supply of the inhabitants with the means of subsistence; a few manufactories afford employment to a part of the population. A literary and scientific society was formed in 1833, and a handsome building has been since erected at an expense of £3500, comprising a reading-room, library, museum, laboratory, and a spacious and well-adapted theatre for the delivery of lectures; the number of members is about 600. Courts leet and baron are held for several manors in the parish, which is within the jurisdiction of the metropolitan police; and one of the county debt-courts established in 1847 is held in the lower part of the parish.

The living is a vicarage, valued in the king's books at £30; net income, £1155; patron and incumbent, the Rev. Daniel Wilson. The church, erected on the site of the ancient structure, in 1751, is a handsome edifice of brick, with a tower of the same materials, ornamented with quoins and cornices, and surmounted by a spire of stone, for the repair of which, in 1787, scaffolding was constructed of wicker-work, by an ingenious basketmaker. There are monuments to the memory of Dr. William Cave, vicar, a learned writer on divinity and ecclesiastical history, who died in 1713; and the celebrated Dr. William Hawes, founder of the Royal Humane Society, who was a native of the parish. In the churchyard were interred, the Rev. John Lindsay, an eminent nonjuring clergyman; and John Hyacinth de Magelhaens, F.R.S., a natural philosopher, who died in 1790. A chapel dedicated to St. Mary was erected at Lower Holloway in 1814. In 1827, three additional churches were built, from designs by Charles Barry, at an aggregate expense of more than £35,000, towards which the Parliamentary Commissioners contributed £23,000, the remainder being raised by a rate upon the inhabitants. They are annexed to district parishes, and are in the gift of Trustees appointed by the late vicar, on his being promoted to the bishopric of Calcutta: net income of St. John's, Holloway, £250; of St. Paul's, Ball's-Pond, £335; and of the Holy Trinity, £485. Trinity church, in Cloudesley-square, erected at an expense of £11,500, is a handsome structure with turrets and minarets: the nave, which is lofty, is lighted by clerestory windows, and separated from the aisles by arches and pillars of graceful proportions; and the whole edifice forms a specimen of beautiful design and correct embellishment. In 1833, St. Peter's church was erected, in River-lane, on the east side of the village, at an expense of £3000, partly defrayed by a grant from the Incorporated Society, but chiefly by subscription, towards which the vicar contributed £200, and his father, the Bishop of Calcutta, £100; in 1843 the edifice was very considerably enlarged, and a spire and other embellishments were added: the living is in the gift of the Vicar. Three further churches have been erected by subscription of the inhabitants, aided by a grant of £3500 from the Metropolis Churches' Fund: they are respectively annexed to the district chapelries of St. James, at Holloway, All Saints, and St. Stephen; the first and last being in the patronage of the Vicar, and the other in that of the Incumbent of Holy Trinity district parish. The church of All Saints', at Battle-Bridge, is in the early and later English styles, with a campanile turret of stone, surmounted by a crocketed dome; it was consecrated July 3rd, 1838, and cost £4600. St. Stephen's church, in the New North road, is a neat edifice of brick, in the early English style, with an ornamented spire rising 100 feet from the pavement; it was consecrated June 18th, 1839: the expense of its erection was £4400. In Norfolk-street is a small chapel, formerly belonging to dissenters, but now licensed for divine worship according to the rites of the Establishment, service being performed by a curate of the minister of St. Paul's church. A church was commenced at Highbury, in August, 1847. There are places of worship for Independents, Wesleyans, Presbyterians, and Baptists, one for a congregation professing the principles of the late Edward Irving, and a spacious Roman Catholic chapel.

The Church Missionary Society, having, in 1827, purchased the house and grounds formerly occupied by Mr. Sabine, opposite Tyndale-place, erected a handsome building for the residence and preparation of young men intended for foreign missions, capable of affording accommodation to 40 students. Highbury College, established at Mile-End in 1783, removed to Hoxton in the year 1791, and thence to Highbury in 1826, is an institution for young men intending to become ministers of the Independent denomination; the building, which consists of a centre with a fine portico, and two wings, cost £22,000. A proprietary grammar school, in connexion with the Church of England, was instituted in 1830, for which handsome premises were erected, in the later English style, in Barnesbury-street, at an expense of £1400, defrayed by shares of £15 each. The parochial charity schools, established by subscription in the beginning of the last century, were in 1842 divided into two branches, one to belong to the parish church, and the other to the chapel at Holloway; the former is held in a commodious schoolroom in Church-street, and the latter in the old rooms in the Liverpool road, built in 1815, at an expense of £3000, and lately much improved. The parish has the right of sending some scholars to the free school in Owen-street, Clerkenwell, founded by Alice Owen; adjoining which are ten almshouses, founded by the same lady, for aged widows of this parish and that of Clerkenwell. In Queen's Head lane are eight neat houses, erected in 1794, by Mrs. Jane Davis, in pursuance of the will of her husband, who, in 1793, had bequeathed £2000 three per cent. consols., for their endowment. In Frog-lane are eight houses, for widows of decayed members of the Clothworkers' Company founded in 1538, by Margaret, Countess of Kent. There are various bequests for distribution among the poor; and £925 a year, arising from the Stonefield estate, bequeathed in 1517 by Richard Cloudesley, for superstitious uses, are, by an act passed in 1811, applied to the repair and maintenance of the chapel at Holloway and the three district churches erected in 1827.

Among the eminent persons who have resided at Islington, are, Halley, the astronomer; the classic Addison; William Collins, the highly-gifted but ill-fated poet; Colley Cibber, the actor and dramatist, who died in 1757; Alexander Cruden, author of the Concordance of the Bible, who died in 1770; Christopher Smart, the poet; Oliver Goldsmith; James Burgh, a voluminous writer on moral and political topics, who died in 1775; the Rev. Dr. Price, known for his financial calculations; Morland, the painter; Captain Huddart, F.R.S., an eminent engineer; the Rev. W. Tooke, an accomplished man and refined scholar, chiefly known by his valuable works on Russia; John Nichols, F.S.A., the indefatigable author of numerous antiquarian and biographical works, who was born in the parish in 1744, and died in 1825; John Quick, the comedian, who died in 1831; and Charles Lamb, the distinguished essayist and author of Elia.—See Holloway and Ball's-Pond.

Islington (St. Mary)

ISLINGTON (St. Mary), with Tilney, a parish, in the union of Wisbech, hundred of FreebridgeMarshland, W. division of Norfolk, 3¾ miles (S. W. by W) from Lynn; containing 251 inhabitants. The parish is situated on the western bank of the broad part of the old river Ouse, where the waters were diverted into the Eau-brink cut, and the land converted into pasture ground. It comprises 1691a. 1r. 8p., of which about 900 acres are arable, and 725 pasture, meadow, and woodland. A good road between Wisbech and Lynn now crosses the river, which before was nearly half a mile wide. Islington Hall is the beautiful seat of Edward Bagge, Esq.: the pleasure-grounds are laid out in the old Dutch style; the mansion bears the date of 1619, but has been considerably enlarged. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £6. 13. 4., and in the patronage of the Crown; impropriator, Mr. Bagge. The great tithes have been commuted for £265. 5., and the vicarial for £100; the glebe contains upwards of five acres, with a house. The church, which is pleasantly situated in the grounds of the Hall, is a cruciform structure in the early and later English styles, with a square embattled tower.

Islip (St. Nicholas)

ISLIP (St. Nicholas), a parish, in the union of Thrapston, hundred of Huxloe, N. division of the county of Northampton, ½ a mile (W. N. W.) from Thrapston; containing 547 inhabitants. The parish consists of 1321a. 1r. 13p., and is pleasantly situated on the navigable river Nene, and intersected by the road from Thrapston to Northampton and Kettering. A fine white stone is quarried for building, and a good stone for the repair of the roads. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £15. 6. 8.; net income, £377; patrons, the Sackville family. Land has been allotted in lieu of tithes. The church, which stands on an eminence, is a small but beautiful specimen of the later English style; the arches and pillars are remarkably light and elegant. There is a place of worship for Baptists. In 1705, the Rev. Henry Medbury devised land for the erection and endowment of two almshouses for widows, and the relief of widows of poor clergymen within twenty miles' distance of Islip; the estate has been improved by some late inclosures, and now yields £111 per annum.

Islip (St. Nicholas)

ISLIP (St. Nicholas), a parish, and formerly a market-town, in the union of Bicester, hundred of Ploughley, county of Oxford, 7 miles (N. by E.) from Oxford; containing 674 inhabitants. This place, now an inconsiderable village, is remarkable as the birthplace of Edward the Confessor, whose father, Ethelred II., had a palace here: Dr. Plot mentions some traces of the palace as existing in the latter part of the seventeenth century; and a building supposed to have been the royal chapel, then entire, and used as a barn, has since been destroyed. The parish comprises 1967a. 13p., of which 1200 acres are arable, 680 pasture, and about 35 woodland. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £16. 13. 6½.; patrons, the Dean and Chapter of Westminster: the tithes have been commuted for £484, and the glebe consists of 30 acres. The church is an ancient structure, the chancel of which was rebuilt in 1618, and contains some paintings of the Offering of the Magi, and other subjects; the old font, used at the baptism of Edward the Confessor, in 1010, was removed during the rebellion, but has been restored to the parish, and is now in the gardens of the rectory. Here is a school for boys, founded, and endowed with land, by Dr. South, in 1712. Another charity school has been established, with a small endowment, arising from a benefaction by William Auger, in the year 1668.

Issey, St.

ISSEY, ST., a parish, in the union of St. Columb Major, hundred of Pyder, E. division of Cornwall, 3½ miles (S. S. E.) from Padstow; containing 748 inhabitants. The parish comprises 4720 acres, of which 1287 are common or waste; the surface is varied. The substratum is chiefly stone of good quality for building; some veins of copper and lead ore were discovered in 1832, while sinking the foundations for the vicarage, and a mine was for a time in operation. A stream, tributary to the river Camel, separates the parish from that of Little Petherick. Fairs are held on the first Monday in June and October. The living is a vicarage, valued in the king's books at £9; patrons and appropriators, the Dean and Chapter of Exeter. The rectorial tithes have been commuted for £465, and the vicarial for £223. 1.; the glebe comprises 48a. 2r. 15p. The church is an ancient structure. There are places of worship for Independents, Wesleyans, and Bryanites. Some remains exist of an encampment called the Rounds.


ITCHEN, a hamlet, in the parish of St. Mary Extra, union of South Stoneham, S. division of the county of Southampton. This place is situated on the east side of the river Itchen, near its confluence with the Southampton Water, and opposite to the town of Southampton, with which it is connected by a floating bridge, erected in 1836, by a proprietary of shareholders. It has several spacious and handsome villas, commanding a fine view of the opposite shore; and a splendid hotel has been erected, affording ample and superior accommodation to the numerous visiters who make this a favourite place of resort and daily excursion, especially at the celebration of the regattas, in which prizes, given by subscription, are contested by vessels belonging to the fishermen of Itchen.

Itchenor, or Ichenor, West (St. Nicholas)

ITCHENOR, or ICHENOR, WEST (St. Nicholas), a parish, in the union of West Hampnett, hundred of Manhood, rape of Chichester, W. division of Sussex, 6½ miles (S. W. by W.) from Chichester; containing 232 inhabitants. This parish, which is bounded on the north-west by Chichester harbour, was the residence of the late Duke of Richmond, who had a handsome house here. A coast-guard station has been established. The living is a discharged rectory, valued in the king's books at £6. 14. 2., and in the patronage of the Crown: the tithes have been commuted for £167, and the glebe conprises 8 acres. The church is in the early English style of architecture.

Itchin-Abbas (St. John)

ITCHIN-ABBAS (St. John), a parish, in the union of Winchester, hundred of Bountisborough, Winchester and N. divisions of the county of Southampton, 3½ miles (W. N. W.) from Alresford; containing 251 inhabitants. This place derives its name from the river Itchin, by which it is intersected, and its adjunct from an ancient abbey, part of which has been converted into a private mansion. The parish comprises 2100a. 1r. 10p., chiefly good arable land; about 280 acres are wood, 240 pasture, and 60 water meadow. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £14. 1. 5½.; patron and incumbent, the Rev. Robert Wright. There is also a sinecure prebend, valued at £4. 6. 8., and in the gift of the Crown. The tithes of the parish have been commuted for £448, and the glebe comprises 76 acres. The church is in the early English style: a gallery has been built, and forty free sittings provided. Dr. Burton, in 1774, bequeathed a rent-charge of £5. 10.; and Nathaniel Bailey, in 1823, gave £365 three per cents.; which endowments are applied to the support of a national school.

Itchin-Stoke (St. Mary)

ITCHIN-STOKE (St. Mary), a parish, in the union of Alresford, hundred of Bountisborough, Winchester and N. divisions of the county of Southampton, 1½ mile (W. by N.) from Alresford; containing, with the ancient parish of Abbotson, 325 inhabitants. The parish altogether comprises by measurement 2921 acres, of which 1679 are arable, 844 meadow and pasture, and 363 woodland; the soil is productive, and the surface boldly undulated. The living is a vicarage not in charge, with the rectory of Abbotson united; patron and impropriator, Lord Ashburton: the impropriate tithes have been commuted for £8. 4., and the incumbent's for £320; the glebe comprises 5 acres. The church is in the early English style, and has been enlarged.

Itchingfield, or Hitchingfelt (St. Nicholas)

ITCHINGFIELD, or Hitchingfelt (St. Nicholas), a parish, in the union of Horsham, hundred of East Easwrith, rape of Bramber, W. division of Sussex, 3¼ miles (W. S. W.) from Horsham; containing 357 inhabitants. The parish comprises by computation 2300 acres, of which about 600 are wood, and the remainder, with the exception of a few acres of pasture, arable land in a profitable state of cultivation. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £8, and in the gift of the Cartwright family: the tithes have been commuted for £390, and there are 76 acres of glebe. The church consists of a nave, with a low tower at the west end. A school is supported partly by the interest of £400 bequeathed by Mrs. Elizabeth Merlott; and there are several other small bequests.

Itchingswell.—See Ecchingswell.

ITCHINGSWELL.—See Ecchingswell.


ITCHINGTON, a tything, in the parish of Tytherington, union of Thornbury, Upper division of the hundred of Henbury, W. division of the county of Gloucester; containing 149 inhabitants.

Itchington, Bishop's (All Saints)

ITCHINGTON, BISHOP'S (All Saints), a parish, in the union of Southam, partly in the Southam division of the hundred of Knightlow, and partly in the Kington division of that of Kington, S. division of the county of Warwick, 4 miles (S. W.) from Southam; containing 463 inhabitants. The parish is intersected by the cross road between Southam and Kington, and comprises about 5800 acres, of which 1350 are in the chapelry of Chadshunt, and 1488 in that of Gaydon. Its soil is generally a strong clay, under which lie strata of blue limestone, and in the higher grounds chiefly sand; the surface is boldly undulated, and the lower lands are watered by a brook called the Itchen. The living is a vicarage, with the perpetual curacy of Chadshunt annexed, valued in the king's books at £10; net income, £416; patron, the Bishop of Lichfield. The impropriate tithes have been commuted for £450, and the vicarial for £192. 15. 6.; the impropriate glebe comprises 26 acres, and the vicarial 2. The original church stood in Lower or Bishop's Itchington, but no traces of it now exist, and a chapel in Upper Itchington, dedicated to St. Michael, is used as the parochial church; it has lately undergone thorough repair, and a new tower has been erected. There is a chapel of ease at Gaydon. The parish abounds in springs of very pure water.

Itchington, Long (Holy Trinity)

ITCHINGTON, LONG (Holy Trinity), a parish, in the union of Southam, Southam division of the hundred of Knightlow, S. division of the county of Warwick, 2 miles (N. by W.) from Southam; containing 1272 inhabitants. The Warwick and Napton canal and the river Watergall run through the parish, which consists of 4776 acres of a productive soil. The living is a vicarage, valued in the king's books at £7. 1. 8.; net income, £161; patrons, alternately, Lord Leigh, and C. N. Newdegate, Esq.; impropriator, Sir G. Sitwell, Bart. The tithes were commuted for land and a money payment in 1775. There is a bequest of £10 per annum, by John Bosworth, in 1674; which, with another endowment, is applied to the support of a school. This is the birthplace of Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester in 1062; and here, in 1575, Queen Elizabeth was entertained by Dudley, Earl of Leicester, when on her progress to Kenilworth.


ITONFIELD, a township, in the parish of Hesketin-the-Forest, union of Penrith, Leath ward, E. division of Cumberland, 8¾ miles (N. W. by N.) from Penrith; containing 222 inhabitants.

Itteringham (St. Mary)

ITTERINGHAM (St. Mary), a parish, in the union of Aylsham, hundred of South Erpingham, E. division of Norfolk, 4¼ miles (N. W.) from Aylsham; containing 351 inhabitants. It comprises 1442a. 1r., of which 973 acres are arable, 293 pasture, and 176 woodland; the surface is undulated, and the village is situated in a valley, on a stream tributary to the river Bure. The living is a discharged rectory in medieties, with that of Mannington annexed, valued in the king's books at £5. 17. 1., and in the gift of the Earl of Orford: the tithes of the benefice have been commuted for £345, and the glebe comprises 29 acres. The church is chiefly in the later English style; on the north side are the ruins of a chapel.

Itton (St. Deiniol)

ITTON (St. Deiniol), a parish, in the union and division of Chepstow, hundred of Caldicot, county of Monmouth, 3¼ miles (W. by N.) from Chepstow; containing 153 inhabitants. This parish, with the extraparochial liberty of Howick, comprises about 1820 acres, chiefly of a loamy soil resting on limestone: there are some quarries; and on a small stream which empties itself into the river Severn at St. Pierre, are paper-mills. Itton Court, the residence of W. Curre, Esq., and formerly belonging to the Morgans, of Pencoed, is an ancient mansion, situated on an eminence commanding an extensive view of the Severn and the adjoining picturesque country. The living is a discharged rectory, valued in the king's books at £4. 10. 10., and in the gift of Mr. Curre: the income is derived from the commutation of the tithes for a rent-charge of £130, and from a farm in St. Arvan's parish, purchased by grants, &c., from government, which lets for £70; there is also a glebe of 8 acres. The church is situated in the park of Itton Court, and is in the early style, with an embattled tower; it has several memorials to the Curre family. In a wood near Itton Court is a small encampment.