Ingbirchworth - Ingram

A Topographical Dictionary of England. Originally published by S Lewis, London, 1848.

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'Ingbirchworth - Ingram', in A Topographical Dictionary of England, ed. Samuel Lewis( London, 1848), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Ingbirchworth - Ingram', in A Topographical Dictionary of England. Edited by Samuel Lewis( London, 1848), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Ingbirchworth - Ingram". A Topographical Dictionary of England. Ed. Samuel Lewis(London, 1848), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

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INGBIRCHWORTH, a township, in the parish of Penistone, union of Wortley, wapentake of Staincross, W. riding of York, 9½ miles (W. by S.) from Barnsley; containing 419 inhabitants. The township comprises about 830 acres: the village is situated on the road from Huddersfield to Penistone, and about two miles and a half north-west of the latter town. There is a place of worship for Wesleyans.


INGERTHORPE, a township, in the parish and liberty of Ripon, though locally in the wapentake of Claro, W. riding of York, 4 miles (S. S. W.) from Ripon; containing 46 inhabitants. This place appears, from the numerous mounds on its surface, in some of which ancient foundations of buildings and fragments of stained glass have been discovered, to have been at a remote period of considerable importance, though at present it can scarcely be denominated a hamlet. The township comprises about 550 acres, chiefly the property of Mrs. Wilberforce, widow of the late William Wilberforce, Esq., M.P.

Ingestrie, or Ingestrk (St. Mary)

INGESTRIE, or Ingestre (St. Mary), a parish, in the S. division of the hundred of Pirehill, union, and N. division of the county, of Stafford, 3¾ miles (E. N. E.) from Stafford; containing 118 inhabitants. It comprises by measurement 1236 acres. In the north and west the soil is strong, and in other parts generally a light and sandy loam; the surface rises gently towards the west. The river Trent runs through the parish; and there is a brine spring, the water of which is raised by a steam-engine, conveyed to Weston, and there manufactured into table salt. Ingestre Hall, the seat of Earl Talbot, was partly built in the reign of Edward III.; the principal part is more modern, and in the style of architecture prevailing in the reign of Elizabeth. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £10. 16. 8., and in the gift of the Earl: the tithes have been commuted for £204. 3. 6., and the glebe comprises 32 acres. The church was erected in 1676, by Walter Chetwynd, Esq., on a more convenient site than that occupied by the ancient and decayed edifice; the chancel is paved with black and white marble, and many of the windows are ornamented with stained glass, exhibiting the armorial bearings of the Chetwynd family. Ingestre gives the inferior title of Viscount to Earl Talbot.

Ingham (All Saints)

INGHAM (All Saints), a parish, in the W. division of the wapentake of Aslacoe, parts of Lindsey, union and county of Lincoln, 8 miles (N. by W.) from Lincoln; containing 514 inhabitants. It comprises about 2000 acres, nearly equally divided between arable and pasture land. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £6. 13. 4.; net income, £50; patrons, the family of Neville: the tithes were commuted for land in 1769. The church is a plain structure, built on the old site in 1792. There is a place of worship for Wesleyans.

Ingham (Holy Trinity)

INGHAM (Holy Trinity), a parish, in the Tunstead and Happing incorporation, hundred of Happing, E. division of Norfolk, 1½ mile (E. N. E.) from Stalham; containing 509 inhabitants. A large stock fair is held on Trinity-Monday. The living is a perpetual curacy; net income, £80; patron, the Bishop of Norwich: the tithes have been commuted for £456. The church is principally in the decorated style, with a lofty and very handsome embattled tower; it has a Norman font, and a groined porch on the south. On the south side of the chancel were stone stalls with canopies for four priests, one of which still remains, and on each side of the chancel are ten oak stalls; there are also several ancient tombs with effigies, including those of Sir Miles Stapleton and lady, and Sir Roger de Boys and lady. Annexed to the church was a college or priory of the order of the Holy Trinity, for the redemption of captives, founded in 1360, by Sir Miles Stapleton, of Bedale, in Yorkshire, who had become lord of this place by marriage with Joanna, daughter and sole heiress of Sir Oliver de Ingham, a valiant knight, and favourite of Edward III. Sir Miles rebuilt the church, and ordained that the college should be for a prior, sacrist, and six canons. The revenue, at the Dissolution, was estimated at £74. 2. 7.; and the site of the priory, with the impropriate rectory, and some appurtenances, came to the Bishopric of Norwich, in exchange for other estates. The chancel was used as the conventual church, and the priory, of which there are some slight remains, was situated on the north side of the church. There is a place of worship for Baptists. At the inclosure, in 1812, about seventeen acres and a half were allotted to the poor.

Ingham (St. Bartholomew)

INGHAM (St. Bartholomew), a parish, in the union of Thingoe, hundred of Blackbourn, W. division of Suffolk, 4¾ miles (N.) from Bury St. Edmund's; containing 208 inhabitants. The living is a rectory, with the livings of Culford and Timworth consolidated, valued in the king's books at £12. 16. 0½., and in the gift of R. B. de Beauvoir, Esq.: the tithes for the three parishes have been commuted for £849. 5., and the glebe comprises 83½ acres. The church is mostly in the later English style.


INGLEBY, a township, in the parish of Foremark, union of Burton-upon-Trent, hundred of Repton and Gresley, S. division of the county of Derby, 7 miles (S.) from Derby; containing 157 inhabitants. It comprises 886 acres of sandy land, including 98 acres of wood; and has a small village situated at the foot of a sandy cliff, on the south bank, and overlooking the vale, of the Trent. Ingleby Hall is a neat modern mansion, on a lofty eminence. A remarkable elm-tree, said to be 600 years old, and much noticed by visiters, is in the village.

Ingleby-Arncliffe, in the county of York.—See Arncliffe, Ingleby.

INGLEBY-ARNCLIFFE, in the county of York.— See Arncliffe, Ingleby.


INGLEBY-BERWICK, a township, in the parish of Stainton, union of Stockton, W. division of the liberty of Langbaurgh, N. riding of York, 3¾ miles (N. E.) from Yarm; containing 138 inhabitants. At the time of the Domesday survey, the lands here were described with those of Acklam, to which the hamlet pertained, as is implied in the term Berwick: the ancient name of the place was Berewyke-juxta-Tees. The township is situated in the western part of Cleveland, close to the river Tees, which is here joined on the east by the Leven, whose banks are in this place naked, and rise abruptly to a considerable height.

Ingleby-Greenhow (St. Andrew)

INGLEBY-GREENHOW (St. Andrew), a parish, in the union of Stokesley, W. division of the liberty of Langbaurgh, N. riding of York, 4½ miles (E. S. E.) from Stokesley; containing 355 inhabitants, of whom 161 are in the township. This place, at the time of the Conqueror's survey, was within the soke or liberty of Stokesley. The Balliols were anciently proprietors here: from them the estate descended to the Eures, in whom the lands continued vested till 1609, when they were sold to the family of Foulis, of whom Henry Foulis, the historian and divine, was born at Ingleby manor-house in the middle of the 17th century. The parish is now almost exclusively the property of Sir William Foulis, Bart., who is lord of the manor. It is bounded on the south by a range of naked mountains, and comprises, with the townships of Greenhow and Battersby, about 8400 acres, of which nearly 2000 are arable, 2400 meadow and pasture, 500 wood and plantations, and the remainder moorland and waste. The surface is diversified with hill and dale, is level at the base of the Cleveland hills, and interspersed with abrupt acclivities and with wildly romantic features; the soil is a strong clay. Ingleby manor-house, the seat of Sir William Foulis, is a stately mansion of stone, finely situated on an eminence; it contains some oak carvings, and an ancient portrait of Queen Elizabeth. The village is pleasantly seated on the acclivity of a narrow moorland valley, and has a strikingly picturesque appearance; it is well built, and partly inhabited by persons employed in the manufacture of bricks and tiles. The living is a perpetual curacy, in the patronage of Sir William Foulis, the impropriator; net income, £67: the tithes have been commuted for £565. The church was rebuilt in 1741, and is a plain structure, containing 80 sittings.

Ingleby, North and South

INGLEBY, NORTH and SOUTH, hamlets, in the parish of Saxelby, wapentake of Lawress, parts of Lindsey, union and county of Lincoln, 7 miles (N. W.) from Lincoln; containing respectively 33 and 44 inhabitants. These places comprise 1525 acres, and consist of seven farms, of which three form North Ingleby, and belong to the crown. The hamlets lie about a mile north of the village of Saxelby.

Inglesham (St. John the Baptist)

INGLESHAM (St. John the Baptist), a parish, in the union of Highworth and Swindon, hundred of Highworth, Cricklade, and Staple, Cricklade and N. divisions of Wilts, 2 miles (S.) from Lechlade; containing 125 inhabitants. This parish, which is bounded on the north and west by the river Isis, comprises by computation 900 acres, whereof 60 are arable, and the remainder meadow and pasture. The Thames and Severn canal commences here. The living is a vicarage, valued in the king's books at £8, and in the gift of the Bishop of Salisbury: the tithes have been commuted for £198, and the glebe comprises 44 acres. The church is a very ancient structure, partly Norman, and partly in the early English style, with an open campanile turret; it contains many curious details, with some finelysculptured screen-work. In the churchyard are the pedestal and shaft of a cross.


INGLETON, a township, in the parish of Staindrop, union of Teesdale, S. W. division of Darlington ward, S. division of the county of Durham, 8¼ miles (N. W. by W.) from Darlington; containing 334 inhabitants. The family of Bowes held some lands here under the Nevills, who possessed the greater part of the township as a member of Raby. It comprises about 800 acres of land. The village, which is large, is situated on the road from Darlington to Staindrop, from which place it is distant three miles. The impropriate tithes have been commuted for £170. The first stone of a district chapel was laid by the Duke of Cleveland in 1844: the chapel is dedicated to St. John, and is in the gift of the Incumbent of the parish. A schoolroom, rebuilt in 1816, is used on Sunday as a place of worship by Primitive Methodists.


INGLETON, a township and chapelry, in the parish of Bentham, union of Settle, wapentake of Ewcross, W. riding of York, 10 miles (N. W.) from Settle; containing 1355 inhabitants. The township comprises by computation 15,280 acres, of which the upper part, forming a large portion, is sterile moorland and mountain; the other parts are simply undulated, and on the low grounds the soil is rich and productive. It is separated by the river Greta from the parish of Thornton in Lonsdale; and the road from Kendal to Leeds, and that from Lancaster to Richmond, run through it. The tenure is customary freehold within the manor of Ingleton, of which Messrs. Hornby and Roughsedge are lords. The village is on the Kendal road, at the confluence of two mountain streams, which form the source of the Greta; and is sheltered on the north by a lofty range of hills, among which rise the mountains of Ingleborough, Whernside, and Pennigant. The small hamlets of Chapel-le-Dale, Twistleton, and Gearstones, are romantically situated in a deep secluded valley between the mountains of Whernside and Ingleborough, watered by several streams, and abounding with picturesque scenery. Coal of a tolerably good quality is in abundance; there are several quarries of lime and freestone, and a slatequarry. The cotton manufacture is carried on to some extent. Fairs are held in the village on the day preceding Holy-Thursday, and on the 17th of November; and at Gearstones is a market for corn and oatmeal every Wednesday. The chapel is an ancient edifice with a square tower, and contains a fine antique font: the living is a perpetual curacy; net income, £120; patron, the Rector of Bentham, whose tithes in Ingleton have been commuted for £438. At Chapel-le-Dale is a second chapel, the living of which is also in the Rector's gift; net income, £82. On Ingleton Fells an inconsiderable mountain torrent alternately merges and re-appears, leaving a channel of rock, never covered but in floods. Here, also, is Wethercote cave, a waterfall of great depth and force, completely subterraneous; the descent is steep and slippery, beneath a yawning arch of limestone, opposite to which, from a mouth about one third part of the whole depth from the surface, issues a tremendous cataract that dashes into a rocky basin beneath, and instantly turns to the left, where its waters are lost in another dark and dismal aperture which has no visible termination.


INGLEWOOD-FOREST, a district, in the parish and union of Penrith, Leath ward, E. division of Cumberland; containing 116 inhabitants.

Inglish-Combe.—See Combe, English.

INGLISH-COMBE.—See Combe, English.


INGOE, a township, in the parish of Stamfordham, union of Castle ward, N. E. division of Tindale ward, S. division of Northumberland, 11 miles (N. E.) from Hexham; containing 231 inhabitants. It comprises 2113a. 27p., and is mostly inhabited by colliers, there being some pits in the place: the village stands about four miles north-west of Stamfordham. The tithes have been commuted for £69. 10. payable to the Bishop of Durham, and £62 to the vicar, who has also a glebe of nearly 106¼ acres.

Ingol, hundred of Amounderness, N. division of the county of Lancaster.—See Ashton.

INGOL, hundred of Amounderness, N. division of the county of Lancaster.—See Ashton.

Ingoldisthorpe (St. Michael)

INGOLDISTHORPE (St. Michael), a parish, in the union of Docking, hundred of Smithdon, W. division of Norfolk, 10 miles (N. E. by N.) from Lynn; containing 344 inhabitants. It is intersected by the road from Lynn to Wells, and comprises 1395a. 1r. 1p., of which nearly 613 acres are arable, 451 pasture and meadow, 35 woodland, and 209 common. The surface is boldly undulated, and the scenery picturesque, being enlivened by a small stream which winds through the parish, crosses the marshes, and empties itself into the sea. The living is a discharged rectory, valued in the king's books at £12, and in the gift of the Rev. John Leir: the tithes have been commuted for £300, and the glebe comprises 47½ acres. The church is in the decorated and later styles, and consists of a nave, chancel, and aisles, with a tower; the font is Norman. Several Roman coins have been found; and opposite the south porch of the church is an ancient cross.

Ingoldmells (St. Peter and St. Paul)

INGOLDMELLS (St. Peter and St. Paul), a parish, in the union of Spilsby, Marsh division of the wapentake of Candleshoe, parts of Lindsey, county of Lincoln, 5 miles (N. E.) from Burgh; containing 259 inhabitants. This parish, which is situated on the sea-coast, comprises by computation 1147 acres. The living is a discharged rectory, valued in the king's books at £23. 10. 2½.; patron, Mrs. Thoroton: the glebe consists of about 17 acres, and the tithes have been commuted for £120. The church is a handsome edifice in the decorated style, with a tower. There is a place of worship for Primitive Methodists.

Ingoldsby (St. Andrew)

INGOLDSBY (St. Andrew), a parish, in the union of Grantham, wapentake of Beltisloe, parts of Kesteven, county of Lincoln, 5¼ miles (N. by E.) from Corby; containing 402 inhabitants, and comprising 2306a. 3r. 13p. The living is a rector, valued in the king's books at £21. 6. 10½.; net income, £338; patrons, the Master and Fellows of Christ College, Cambridge. There are 67 acres of glebe, with a house. On the verge of a wood, is an ancient circular camp called Round Hills.

Ingram (St. Michael)

INGRAM (St. Michael), a parish, in the union of Glendale, N. division of Coquetdale ward and of Northumberland, 5 miles (N. W.) from Whittingham; containing, with the two townships of Fawdon with Clinch and Hartside, and Reaveley, 220 inhabitants, of whom 92 are in the township of Ingram with Linop and Greenshaw-Hill. This parish comprises about 12,000 acres, of which 1100 are arable, 45 woodland and plantations, and the remainder meadow and pasture, of which about 50 acres have been converted into beds of gravel by the ravages of the floods. The surface is mountainous, and the soil extremely various. To the north of Linop is a remarkable waterfall called Linop Spout, or Roughting Linn, formed by the descent of a stream in the Cheviot hills from a rocky precipice 48 feet in perpendicular height. The village is situated on the river Breamish, which intersects the parish, and, assuming the name of the Till about four miles to the east, forms a tributary to the Tweed. The hamlet of Greenshaw-Hill lies a little to the east of Hartside, near the road between Wooler and Morpeth. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £24. 16 8.; net income, £462; patron, R. L. Allgood, Esq.: the glebe consists of 42 acres. The tithes of Ingram township have been commuted for £140. The church is an ancient structure of early English architecture; but from frequent alterations and repairs, conducted without the slightest regard to harmony of style, very few traces of its original character remain. At Greenshaw-Hill opposite to Linop, are still considerable remains of a British city, notwithstanding the removal of many thousand cart-loads of stones, for the construction of fences; and at each side of the entrance of the valley leading to the city is a British camp in a very perfect state About three miles to the north-west of Linop are the Cardlaw cairns, sepulchral monuments of the earliest inhabitants of the island. From the traces of foundations of buildings in various parts, and from the indications of early cultivation on the sides of the hills, there is every reason to infer that the parish was formerly much more populous than it is at present.