Hollingbourne - Holme-Cultram

A Topographical Dictionary of England. Originally published by S Lewis, London, 1848.

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'Hollingbourne - Holme-Cultram', A Topographical Dictionary of England, (London, 1848), pp. 530-533. British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/england/pp530-533 [accessed 2 July 2024].

. "Hollingbourne - Holme-Cultram", in A Topographical Dictionary of England, (London, 1848) 530-533. British History Online, accessed July 2, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/england/pp530-533.

. "Hollingbourne - Holme-Cultram", A Topographical Dictionary of England, (London, 1848). 530-533. British History Online. Web. 2 July 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/england/pp530-533.

In this section

Hollingbourne (All Saints)

HOLLINGBOURNE (All Saints), a parish, and the head of a union, in the hundred of Eyhorne, lathe of Aylesford, W. division of Kent, 6 miles (E.) from Maidstone; containing 1300 inhabitants. The parish comprises 4560 acres, of which about 2110 are arable, 1616 pasture, 759 woodland, and 74 acres hop-plantations; the soil is favourable to the growth of corn and hops. There are a paper manufactory and a tan-yard. The living comprises a sinecure rectory and a vicarage, valued jointly in the king's books at £36. 2. 1.; patron of both, the Archbishop of Canterbury. The rectorial tithes have been commuted for £647. 10., the vicarial for £325, and the glebe contains 2 acres. The vicarage has the living of Hucking annexed. The church is a handsome edifice: attached is a chapel with a stone floor, containing a superb monument to the memory of Lady Culpepper, to whose family are several other monuments. There is a place of worship for Wesleyans. The poor-law union comprises 23 parishes or places, and contains a population of 13,830: the union house was erected in 1836, and a commodious chapel has lately been added.


HOLLINGDON, a hamlet, in the parish of Soulbury, poor-law union of Leighton-Buzzard, hundred of Cottesloe, county of Buckingham; containing 116 inhabitants.

Hollingfare, Lancashire.—See Rixton.

HOLLINGFARE, Lancashire.—See Rixton.


HOLLINGHILL, a township, in the parish and union of Rothbury, W. division of Coquetdale ward, N. division of Northumberland, 4 miles (S. by W.) from Rothbury; containing 114 inhabitants. It is situated in a wild district, near the Forest burn, east of the road between Rothbury and Wallington, and is the property of the Duke of Northumberland.


HOLLINGTON, a township, in the parish of Longford, hundred of Appletree, S. division of the county of Derby, 5½ miles (S. E. by S.) from Ashbourn; containing 289 inhabitants. It comprises 995 acres, of a strong marly soil, chiefly pasture land; and has a wellbuilt and compact village, containing about 60 houses. At the inclosure in 1819, the tithe was commuted for an allotment of 100 acres of land. The Primitive Methodists have a place of worship.


HOLLINGTON, a village, in the parish of Checkley, union of Cheadle, S. division of the hundred of Totmonslow, N. division of the county of Stafford, 5 miles (N. W.) from Uttoxeter. It is celebrated for its quarries of building-stone, which is of the finest quality. The stone may be got in blocks of 100 feet and upwards, and many of the churches lately erected in the county have been built with it; thousands of scythestones are made of it annually.

Hollington (St. Lawrence)

HOLLINGTON (St. Lawrence), a parish, in the union of Battle, hundred of Baldslow, rape of Hastings, E. division of Sussex, 2¾ miles (W. N. W.) from Hastings; containing 386 inhabitants. This parish, which is beautifully situated on the road from London to Hastings and St. Leonard's, is by some writers identified as the scene of the commencement of the battle between Harold, and William, Duke of Normandy. The soil is fertile, and the lands produce hops of good quality, to the culture of which about 60 acres are appropriated. Ironstone is abundant, and formerly there were furnaces for smelting the ore; limestone and freestone are quarried to a considerable extent, and the latter is of good quality for building. The living is a discharged vicarage, endowed with the rectorial tithes, and valued in the king's books at £8. 0. 2.; net income, £206; patrons, the Executors of the late C. G. Eversfield, Esq. The church, an ancient structure in the early English style, with a square embattled tower, is picturesquely situated in the midst of a wood, half a mile from any dwellinghouse. There is a place of worship for Wesleyans.


HOLLINGWORTH, a township, in the parish of Mottram-in-Longden-Dale, union of Ashton-underLyne, hundred of Macclesfield, N. division of the county of Chester, 11 miles (E. by S.) from Manchester; containing 2012 inhabitants. This place, from a period prior to the Conquest, wholly belonged to the family of Hollingworth, until, some centuries since, it was divided into two manors, one of which, with the old Hall or manor-house, continued in the hands of their descendants till within the last few years: it is now possessed by George Woodhead, Esq. The other manor, with the exception of some large farms which have been sold at different periods, is now the property of Captain Robert de Hollingworth, who, on his return from India, purchased the ancient family estate from the Rev. Daniel Whitle, to whom his grandfather had sold it. Both the Halls have been rebuilt in a handsome style; that which is the seat of Captain de Hollingworth stands on the borders of Hollingworth moor, which abounds with game. Little more than 50 years ago, this was an agricultural district with few inhabitants, but there are now extensive manufactories for cotton-goods, for the printing of calico, and for paper; also a brass and iron foundry. The township comprises 2130 acres, of a clayey and stony soil: the village lies on the Stockport and Sheffield road. Hollingworth House, the residence of John Sidebottom, Esq., beautifully situated; and Etherow House, that of William Sidebottom, Esq.; command fine views.


HOLLINSCLOUGH, a township, in the parish of Alstonfield, union of Leek, N. division of the hundred of Totmonslow and of the county of Stafford, 1¾ mile (N. W. by W.) from Longnor; containing 457 inhabitants. This place lies on the northern border of the county, between and near the sources of the rivers Dove and Manyfold. The road from Leek to Buxton passes on the west.—See Longnor.

Hollinwood.—See Chadderton.

HOLLINWOOD.—See Chadderton.

Holloway, Derby.—See Dethwick-Lea.

HOLLOWAY, Derby.—See Dethwick-Lea.


HOLLOWAY, a district, in the parish of Islington, Finsbury division of the hundred of Ossulstone, county of Middlesex, 3 miles (N.) from London. This populous district, which occupies a large portion of the parish, and is inhabited for the most part by persons engaged in the trade and commerce of London, derives its name from being situated in the hollow way, or vale, between the villages of Islington and Highgate. It was formerly the residence of several distinguished persons, whose avocations rendered frequent visits to the metropolis indispensable. Among such inhabitants may be named Sir Arthur Hesilrigge, the intimate friend of the usurper Cromwell, and various members of the honourable family of Blount, of whom Sir Thomas Pope Blount and Charles Blount, both born at Upper Holloway, were eminent authors in the seventeenth century. Vestiges of one or two ancient houses yet remain, forming parts of inns; but otherwise the village is of modern formation, comprising numerous detached villas and excellent rows of houses, some of which are placed along the great north road from London, and form the neighbourhoods of Upper and Lower Holloway, while others occupy the more rural districts of Stroud-Green, Hanley-Road, Tollington-Park, Hornsey-Road, and Tufnell-Park. The lands in the neighbourhood are laid out in meadow and pasture, and the surface, though flat, derives some accession of beauty from the vicinity of the pleasing eminence of Highbury on the east, and the more lofty hills of Highgate and Hampstead on the west. The village is an improving place, lighted with gas, and supplied with water by the New River Company; the chief trade is that arising from the supply of the inhabitants with the necessary articles of subsistence. At Upper Holloway is an establishment for the manufacture of articles in which India-rubber is used, and in Hornsey-Road is a printing-ink manufactory. The great York railway crosses the high road.

Holloway is ecclesiastically divided into the district parish of St. John, and the district chapelry of St. James, independently of which a small portion is attached to the chapel of St. Mary, Islington. This edifice was erected at Lower Holloway, at the expense of the parish, in consequence of the great increase of population, and was consecrated August 17th, 1814; it cost the large sum of £31,545, including £2500 for the land, and is a spacious heavy building of brick, with a low balustraded tower at the east end; the interior is neat and appropriate, and contains 1324 sittings. The cemetery is spacious, and relieved with rows of trees; in the vault beneath the chapel lie the remains of John Quick, the comedian. The appointment of minister is by the Vicar of Islington, and the net income is £350. The further increase of the number of inhabitants in the parish having rendered the erection of three new churches advisable, one dedicated to St. John was built at Upper Holloway; it was consecrated July 2nd, 1828, and a district 1¾ mile long, and 1½ broad, and now containing a population of 4960, was assigned in 1830. This building, of which the first stone was laid by the Archbishop of Canterbury, assisted by the Bishops of Chester and St. Asaph, cost £11,890, partly defrayed by the Church Commissioners, and partly by the parish; it is a chaste and elegant structure, in the style which prevailed about the middle of the fifteenth century, and occupies a commanding situation on the rise of a hill. The living is a perpetual curacy, in the patronage of Trustees; net income, £250. The chapel of St. James, at Lower Holloway, erected at an expense of £3700, by subscription, aided by the Metropolis Churches' Fund, was consecrated June 19th, 1838, and greatly enlarged and improved in 1839-40 at a cost of £2400; it is a plain edifice of brick, in the Grecian style, with a front of stone, having four Ionic semi-columns supporting an entablature and cornice, with a triangular pediment, surmounted by a campanile turret. A district, with a population of 4721, was assigned to it in 1839. There are places of worship for Independents, Wesleyans, and Scottish Presbyterians; that for the Independents is, perhaps, the most elegant meeting-house in the neighbourhood of London.

Near Highgate Archway is Whittington College, erected in 1820-4, at an expense of nearly £20,000, under the superintendence of the Mercers' Company, by whom the institution is managed. The building presents a handsome appearance, and is in the later English style, affording accommodation to twenty-eight almspeople; in the centre is a neat chapel, in which divine service is performed by a chaplain, who is a clergyman of the Established Church. The institution was originally founded by the celebrated Sir Richard Whittington, in the city of London, whence it was removed on the completion of the building at Holloway. The Caledonian Asylum, in St. James' chapelry, of which the first stone was laid by the late Duke of Sussex, May 17th, 1827, was completed in 1828, and is a spacious building of Suffolk brick, in the Grecian style, situated on the road from Holloway to King's-Cross. The objects of the charity are the children of soldiers, sailors, and marines, natives of Scotland, who have died or been disabled in the service of their country. Adjoining this institution is the Model Prison, calculated to contain 500 prisoners, erected under the auspices of government at a great expense, for the purpose of carrying out the separate system; the first stone was laid by the Marquess of Normanby, April 10th, 1840: the premises include within the walls an area of seven acres. Among the residents at Holloway, have been, Sir Richard Phillips, Knt., the voluminous author and well-known publisher, who died in 1840; John Thurston, an eminent artist, who died here in 1821; and Robert Branston, the wood-engraver, who died in 1827. Elizabeth Foster, grand-daughter of the poet Milton, and Mary and Catherine Milton, his nieces, passed the close of their lives here, in indigent circumstances, almost unknown, and by their decease rendered the family of the immortal author of Paradise Lost extinct.


HOLLOWELL, a hamlet, in the parish and hundred of Guilsborough, union of Brixworth, S. division of the county of Northampton, 8 miles (N. W. by N.) from Northampton; containing 274 inhabitants, and comprising 913 acres of a productive soil. Here is a small manufactory for carpets.

Hollym (St. Nicholas)

HOLLYM (St. Nicholas), a parish, in the union of Patrington, S. division of the wapentake of Holderness, E. riding of York; containing, with the township of Withernsea, 373 inhabitants, of whom 247 are in Hollym township, 3 miles (N. E.) from Patrington. The two townships comprised, at the time of the inclosure, 2300 acres. The village of Hollym is pleasantly situated; that of Withernsea is on the shore of the sea, which has made considerable encroachments on that ancient parish. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £9. 19. 2., and in the patronage of the Barker family, with a net income of £420: the tithes were commuted for land and a money payment, under the act of inclosure, in 1793. The church of Hollym was built in 1814: that of Withernsea has long been in ruins. George Cook Pope, in 1814, bequeathed £300 towards the support of a school.


HOLM, a hamlet, in the parish of Bottesford, union of Glandford-Brigg, E. division of the wapentake of Manley, parts of Lindsey, county of Lincoln, 5½ miles (W.) from Glandford-Brigg; containing 49 inhabitants. The township lies between two ridges of the Wolds, and comprises 1060 acres, of which 555 are common or waste; of the cultivated land, the greater part is a fertile sandy soil. The Hall anciently belonged to the Morley family.


HOLM, a township, in the parish of Pickhill, union of Thirsk, wapentake of Allertonshire (though locally in the wapentake of Hallikeld), N. riding of York, 5¾ miles (W. by S.) from Thirsk; containing 79 inhabitants. It is situated on the western acclivities of Swaledale, and comprises 536a. 1r. 13p. of land. The great tithes have been commuted for £183.


HOLME, a hamlet, in the parish, union, and hundred of Biggleswade, county of Bedford, 1 mile (S. by W.) from Biggleswade; containing 82 inhabitants.


HOLME, a township, in the parish and union of Bakewell, hundred of High Peak, N. division of the county of Derby, ¼ of a mile (N.) from the town of Bakewell; containing, with the chapelry of Great Longstone, 521 inhabitants.


HOLME, a chapelry, in the parish of Glatton, union of Peterborough, hundred of Norman-Cross, county of Huntingdon, 2¾ miles (E. S. E.) from Stilton; containing 408 inhabitants. The district of Holme Fen comprises 4054 acres, of which 2160 are common or waste land. The tithes were commuted for land and money payments in 1809. The chapel is dedicated to St. Giles. A school for boys is endowed with £20 per annum, a portion of the proceeds of an estate bequeathed by Sir John Cotton, Bart., in 1726; and a girls' school is also supported, partly by endowment.

Holme, Lancaster.—See Cliviger.

HOLME, Lancaster.—See Cliviger.

Holme (St. Giles)

HOLME (St. Giles), a parish, in the union of Southwell, N. division of the wapentake of Thurgarton, S. division of the county of Nottingham, 4 miles (N. by E.) from Newark; containing 127 inhabitants. This parish, which is situated on the river Trent, and comprises an area about two miles in length and the same in breadth, was formerly the property of the Bellasis family, of whose mansion there are still some remains. Archbishop Secker, also, had a residence here, now the principal house in the village. The living is a vicarage consolidated with that of North Muskham: land has been given to the vicar in lieu of tithes. The church is a handsome edifice in the decorated English style, and contains escutcheons of the Bellasis and Barton families.


HOLME, a township, in the parish of Burton-inKendal, union of Kendal, Lonsdale ward, county of Westmorland, 1¾ mile (N. by W.) from Burton; containing 952 inhabitants. The manor anciently belonged to two lords, Preston and Tinsdal, from whom it passed to the family of Charteris. The township comprises 1617a. 2r. 38p., of which the surface is undulated, the scenery beautiful, and the soil various. It lies on the road from Burton to Kendal; the Lancaster and Kendal canal passes through, and there is a station on the Lancaster and Carlisle railway. Here are excellent limestone-quarries. Messrs. Waithman and Company have extensive flax-spinning, weaving, and bleaching mills, established in 1790, and since considerably enlarged; the works are propelled by steam and water power equal to 140 horses, and employ 650 persons. A district church dedicated to the Holy Trinity, was built in 1839; it is in the early English style, with a tower, and cost £750. The living is a perpetual curacy, in the patronage of the Vicar of Burton; net income, £120, with a house. A national school, built in 1837, is supported by subscription. Military weapons, relics of the encampment of the Scotch rebels who rested here in 1745, on their march to Preston, have been discovered.


HOLME, a township, in the ecclesiastical district of Holme-Bridge, parish of Almondbury, union of Huddersfield, Upper division of the wapentake of Agbrigg, W. riding of York, 9 miles (S. S. W.) from Huddersfield; containing 713 inhabitants. The township comprises 1669a. 2r. 14p., and forms part of the graveship of Holme, in the manor of Wakefield, belonging to the Duke of Leeds. The woollen manufacture is carried on to a considerable extent.

Holme, Baldwin

HOLME, BALDWIN, a township, in the parish of Orton, union of Wigton, Cumberland ward, E. division of Cumberland, 5¾ miles (S. W. by W.) from the city of Carlisle; containing 278 inhabitants.


HOLME-BRIDGE, an ecclesiastical district, in the parish of Almondbury, Upper division of the wapentake of Agbrigg, W. riding of York, 2 miles (S. W.) from Holmfirth, and 8 (S. S. W.) from Huddersfield. This place is on the road over the mountains from Huddersfield to Buxton. Much of the land is in cultivation; the scenery is romantically wild, and the moors, which are intersected by numerous rapid rivulets, abound with grouse: the grey slate quarries of the district are among the most celebrated in the north of England. The village is situated in a picturesque valley; the inhabitants are principally employed in the manufacture of plain and fancy woollen-cloths. The church, consecrated on the 25th of March, 1840, and dedicated to St. David, was erected for the townships of Austonley and Holme, at an expense of £2500; it is in the later English style, with a square embattled tower crowned by pinnacles, and contains 800 sittings. The living is a perpetual curacy, in the patronage of the Vicar of Almondbury; net income, £150. There is a place of worship for Wesleyans. Fossil nuts in a charred state, and trees, are found, deeply imbedded in the mosses on the mountains; and in the rocks, petrifactions of various kinds are frequently discovered. A sulphureous spring, called Netherby Spa, is much frequented by the people of the neighbourhood.

Holme, St. Benet.—See Horning.

HOLME, ST. BENET.—See Horning.

Holme-Cultram (Virgin Mary)

HOLME-CULTRAM (Virgin Mary), a parish, in the union of Wigton, Allerdale ward below Derwent, W. division of Cumberland, 6½ miles (W. N. W.) from Wigton; containing 3037 inhabitants, of whom 933 are in the township of Low Holme, 868 in that of Abbey-Holme, 766 in that of St. Cuthbert, Holme, and 470 in that of East Waver-Holme. This parish is bounded on the west by the sea, and on the north by the estuaries of the Wampool and the Waver. It comprises about 22,000 acres, of which nearly 3000 are moss, and the remainder inclosed and cultivated land; the surface is generally flat, with some bold undulations, and there are quarries of excellent freestone. The village is pleasantly situated on the west bank of the river Waver, over which is a neat bridge of three arches; built in 1770, at the expense of the parishioners. The living is a perpetual curacy, valued in the king's books at £6. 13. 4.; net income, £140; patrons and impropriators, the University of Oxford. The church was mostly rebuilt in 1606, the greater part of the old edifice having been destroyed by fire. It was the church of an abbey of Cistercian monks, founded in 1150, by Prince Henry of Scotland, and so richly endowed that, at the Dissolution, the revenue was estimated at £535. 3. 7.: in the churchyard are various remains of the conventual buildings. The abbots were summoned to several parliaments by Edward I. and II.: the last abbot was instituted to the rectory. The Society of Friends have a meeting-house at Beck-foot. At Newton-Arlosh are the ruins of an ancient chapel, said to have been once the parochial church. Walsey Castle, a strong fort, has dwindled into a small heap of ruins.