Hapton - Hardley

A Topographical Dictionary of England. Originally published by S Lewis, London, 1848.

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'Hapton - Hardley', A Topographical Dictionary of England, (London, 1848), pp. 404-407. British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/england/pp404-407 [accessed 2 July 2024].

. "Hapton - Hardley", in A Topographical Dictionary of England, (London, 1848) 404-407. British History Online, accessed July 2, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/england/pp404-407.

. "Hapton - Hardley", A Topographical Dictionary of England, (London, 1848). 404-407. British History Online. Web. 2 July 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/england/pp404-407.

In this section


HAPTON, a township, in the parochial chapelry of Padiham, parish of Whalley, union of Burnley, Higher division of the hundred of Blackburn, N. division of Lancashire, 3½ miles (W. S. W.) from Burnley; containing 541 inhabitants. The manor was held by John Talbot, constable of Lincoln Castle, who sold it in the reign of Edward III. to Gilbert De la Legh. One of the De la Leghs, having married the heiress of Townley, descendants male of the deans of Whalley, assumed the name of Townley. In the 12th of Henry VII., Sir John Townley had a licence for making a park at Hapton; and again, in the 6th of Henry VIII., for emparking the plains of Hapton: this second inclosure comprised all the open fields and wastes in the township. Hapton was sequestrated after the battle of Marston-Moor; and its tower and castle, once places of note, and the residence of the ancient lords, fell into decay soon after the Restoration. The township comprises 3878 acres, of which 983 are common land or waste: the river Calder flows on the north, and the Leeds and Liverpool canal passes through. Immediately above the south bank of the Calder, built on a beautiful knoll commanding an extensive prospect, is the family mansion of the Haberghams; and Shuttleworth Hall, the seat of the Shuttleworths before their removal to Gawthorp, is also in the township: both have become farmhouses.

Hapton (St. Margaret)

HAPTON (St. Margaret), a parish, in the union and hundred of Depwade, E. division of Norfolk, 3½ miles (N. W. by N.) from Long Stratton; containing 203 inhabitants. The living is a perpetual curacy; patrons and impropriators, the Master and Fellows of Christ's College, Cambridge, by whom a small glebehouse has lately been erected, and who pay the minister £100 per annum. The church was repewed in 1841. There is a place of worship for Unitarians.

Harberton (St. Andrew)

HARBERTON (St. Andrew), a parish, in the union of Totnes, hundred of Coleridge, Stanborough and Coleridge, and S. divisions of Devon, 2 miles (S. W. by W.) from Totnes; containing 1496 inhabitants. The living is a vicarage, with the living of Halwell annexed, valued in the king's books at £49. 2. 1.; net income, £659; patrons and appropriators, the Dean and Chapter of Exeter. The church contains a very rich stone pulpit, and three stone stalls. There is a place of worship for Baptists.

Harbledown (St. Michael)

HARBLEDOWN (St. Michael), a parish, in the union of Bridge, hundred of Westgate, lathe of St. Augustine, E. division of Kent, 1 mile (W. S. W.) from Canterbury; containing 764 inhabitants. It comprises 1627a. 23p., of which 802 acres are arable, 316 pasture, and 509 woodland; the scenery is interesting. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £9. 2. 6., and in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury: the incumbent's tithes have been commuted for £424, and the glebe comprises 10 acres; there is also a rent-charge of £55 payable to the archbishop. The church is a venerable structure. In the parish is a very ancient hospital, called originally the Hospital of the Forest of Bleane, and subsequently, of St. Nicholas of Harbledown, which latter name it still retains. It was founded by Archbishop Lanfranc, in 1084, for the reception of lepers of both sexes, for whom there were separate establishments, and so remained till the Dissolution, when its revenue was valued at £109. 7. 2.; it became in the reign of Edward VI. a college, or asylum for decayed persons, under the patronage of the archbishop, and has now a revenue increased by various donations to about £250. The establishment is for a master, fifteen in-brothers, as many in-sisters, and the same number of out brothers and sisters. The hospital was rebuilt in the reign of James II., and is chiefly of brick; the chapel, dedicated to St. Nicholas, was formerly parochial, and is a curious edifice in the Norman style, with a square tower at the south-west angle.

Harborne, or Harbourn (St. Peter)

HARBORNE, or Harbourn (St. Peter), a parish, in the union of King's-Norton, S. division of the hundred of Offlow and of the county of Stafford, 3 miles (S. W. by W.) from Birmingham; containing, with the hamlet of Smethwick, 6633 inhabitants. This place, which, from its proximity to Birmingham and the salubrity of the air, is the occasional resort of invalids from that town, is pleasantly situated, and contains several handsome mansions, occupied by the proprietors of land, among whom are Theodore Price, J. W. Unett, and W. Spurrier, Esqrs., and the Rev. Thomas Green Simcox, M.A., the first vicar of North Harborne. The parish comprises about 3300 acres, of which, with the exception of about 100 acres in woodland and plantations, the whole is arable and pasture in nearly equal portions; the surface is elevated, and the scenery pleasingly varied. The living is a vicarage, valued in the king's books at £4; patrons and appropriators, the Dean and Chapter of Lichfield: the great tithes have been commuted for £262, and the vicarial for £514; the appropriate glebe contains nearly 26 acres, and the vicarial 25 acres. The church, which has a tower in the later English style, was enlarged in 1827, at an expense of £2000. The separate incumbencies of Smethwick and North Harborne are noticed under the head of Smethwick. The Baptists and Wesleyans have places of worship. A national school, endowed with £30 per annum, by Mr. Henry Hinckley, was rebuilt in 1837: there are four almshouses; and 50 acres of land, vested in trustees, and producing a rental of £200, belong to the poor.

Harborough Magna (All Saints)

HARBOROUGH MAGNA (All Saints), a parish, in the union of Rugby, Kirby division of the hundred of Knightlow, N. division of the county of Warwick, 3 miles (N. N. W.) from Rugby; containing 375 inhabitants. This place is written in Domesday book Herd eberge, and in the time of Henry II. a great part of it belonged to a family of that name; it continued with them till the reign of Edward IV., and passed by a female heir to the family of Corbet. The parish comprises by measurement 1333 acres; the soil is chiefly a clay loam, and the surface, though generally level, has a considerable elevation. The London and Birmingham and the Midland railways are within two miles; and the Coventry and Oxford canal bounds the place on the west. A post through the village to Monks-Kirby has recently been established. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £14. 13. 4.; net income, £298, with a good glebe-house; patron, Boughton Leigh, Esq. The church is an ancient structure. Schools on the national plan are supported.

Harborough, Market

HARBOROUGH, MARKET, a market-town and the head of a union, in the parish of Bowden Magna, hundred of Gartree, S. division of the county of Leicester, 17 miles (N.) from Northampton, 15 (S. E. by S.) from Leicester, and 83 (N. W. by N.) from London; containing 2433 inhabitants. This town, in the ancient record Testa de Nevil, is called Haverberg, probably from haver, a term still used in the northern counties to signify oats, and berg, a hill; which term was afterwards converted into Haverbrowe, and Harborough. It is supposed to have been occupied by the Romans: a square intrenchment, probably the site of a camp, formerly existed in a field named King's-Head Close, at a short distance from which, Roman urns and fragments of pottery have been discovered; and in one of the streets, a sewer or drain was found a few years ago, in which were traces of Roman masonry. During the civil war, the town was attached to the royal cause, and was the head-quarters of the king's army prior to the memorable battle of Naseby, in Northamptonshire, in 1645. The royalists, on the morning of battle, formed on a hill north of the town; and Cromwell's letter to the parliament, giving an account of the battle, is dated at Harborough.

The town is situated on the southern border of the county, and on the northern bank of the river Welland, and consists of one principal street and several smaller ones; the buildings have been much improved of late years, and the town is now well paved and lighted. In the main street is a large town-hall, built in 1788, by the Earl of Harborough, for the use of tammy dealers; but the tammy manufacture, as well as that of shalloons, &c., having become extinct, the under part has been converted into shambles, and the upper is occupied by the magistrates for official purposes. There are now a large carpet manufactory, a worsted-mill, a silk-factory, several malt-houses, two breweries, and a brush manufactory. The London road enters the town over a handsome stone bridge, erected in 1814, at the joint expense of the counties of Leicester and Northampton; and a branch of the Leicestershire and Northamptonshire Union canal approaches close to the town. The market is on Tuesday; and fairs are held on Jan. 6th, Feb. 16th, April 29th, the Tuesday after May 2nd, Tuesday after Mid-lent Sunday, and July 31st, for cattle; on Oct. 19th and eight following days, for cattle, cheese, leather, &c.; and on the Tuesday before Nov. 22nd, and Dec. 8th. The petty-sessions for the hundred of Gartree are held here occasionally; and a court leet for the manor at uncertain periods. The powers of the county debt-court of Harborough, established in 1847, extend over the registration-district of Harborough.

The living is a perpetual curacy; net income, £144; patrons and appropriators, the Dean and Canons of Christ-Church, Oxford. The chapel, which is dedicated to St. Dionysius, is a large, handsome, and uniform edifice, and ranks among the finest structures in the county; it consists of a nave, aisles, and chancel, with two tiers of windows, two porches, and a tower having an octangular crocketed spire: it is said to have been built by John of Gaunt, about the year 1370. There are places of worship for Independents, Baptists, and Wesleyans. A free grammar school was founded about 1614, by Robert Smith, a native of this place, and chamberlain of London; but the endowment being insufficient for the support of a classical teacher, few scholars attend, and a large national school, with a house for a master, has been recently erected. The town estates produce a rental of £614, appropriated to the support of decayed housekeepers, the apprenticing of children, and other charitable purposes, and also to the repair of the highways, and the general improvement of the place. The poor-law union of Harborough comprises 41 parishes or places, of which 23 are in the county of Leicester, and 18 in that of Northampton; and contains a population of 15,731. The town gives the titles of Baron and Earl to the family of Sherard.

Harborough Parva

HARBOROUGH PARVA, a hamlet, in the parish of Newbold-upon-Avon, union of Rugby, Rugby division of the hundred of Knightlow, N. division of the county of Warwick, 3 miles (N. N. W.) from Rugby; containing 31 inhabitants. The monks of Combe had four messuages and 33 acres of land here; and those of Kirby, the fourth part of a knight's fee. The hamlet lies on the road from Rugby to Great Harborough.


HARBOTTLE, a township, in the parish of Hallystone, union of Rothbury, W. division of Coquetdale ward, N. division of Northumberland, 2 miles (N. W.) from Hallystone; containing 162 inhabitants. The castle, now in ruins, was in the reign of Edward I. a very strong fortress, and sustained the reiterated attacks of the whole Scottish army in 1296: hither Margaret, Queen Dowager of Scotland, retired in 1515, after her marriage with the Earl of Angus, and here she was delivered of a daughter in 1518. The extensive remains of the building are situated on a commanding eminence overlooking the river Coquet, and present a very perfect specimen of a Saxon castle, with its courtyard and keep; the walls of the great tower, being rent asunder and overhanging their bases, have a singular and striking effect. The township is very hilly, and occupied as sheep-walks; the rocks are generally porphyritic. There are fairs for sheep on July 8th and September 9th. The tithes have been commuted for £9. A place of worship for Presbyterians was erected in 1756.


HARBRIDGE, a parochial chapelry, in the union of Ringwood, partly in the hundred of Ringwood, and partly in that of Christchurch, Ringwood and S. divisions of the county of Southampton, 3½ miles (N.) from Ringwood; containing 300 inhabitants. This chapelry comprises 2801 acres, of which 605 are waste land or common; it is situated on the river Avon, which forms its eastern boundary, and is the property of the Earl of Normanton, whose seat, Somerley House, is within the chapelry. The living is annexed to that of Ringwood. The church was built in 1839, of stone from the Isle of Purbeck, at the expense of his lordship: it is a handsome edifice with a square embattled tower surmounted by a turret, and contains 230 sittings, of which 212 are free; the interior is fitted up with open seats of oak, and the windows are embellished with stained glass.

Harbury, or Harberbury (All Saints)

HARBURY, or Harberbury (All Saints), a parish, in the union of Southam, Kenilworth division of the hundred of Knightlow, S. division of the county of Warwick, 3¾ miles (W. S. W.) from Southam; containing 1089 inhabitants. The parish consists of 3285 acres, of which two-thirds are arable, and the remainder pasture, and is situated in the heart of a fertile district, abounding in interesting scenery. Limestone is quarried for building, and for burning into lime. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £5; net income, £400, with a glebe-house; patron and incumbent, the Rev. C. Newsom; impropriators, several landed proprietors. The church has a square tower, and is a neat edifice in good repair. There is a place of worship for Wesleyans. Thomas Wagstaffe in 1611 founded a school, and endowed it with £20 a year.

Harby (St. Mary)

HARBY (St. Mary), a parish, in the union of Melton-Mowbray, hundred of Framland, N. division of the county of Leicester, 8¾ miles (N.) from Melton-Mowbray; containing 629 inhabitants. It comprises about 2000 acres. The soil is a stiffish clay, but, under good management, fertile and productive; the surface is chiefly level, except towards the eastern boundary, which forms part of the range of hills skirting the Vale of Belvoir. The Nottingham and Grantham canal intersects the parish. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £20; net income, £469; patron, the Duke of Rutland. The tithes were commuted for land and a money payment in 1790, when 300 acres were assigned. The church is in the early English style, and was repaired and new-pewed in 1840. Here are several chalybeate springs; and in the village is an ancient stone cross.


HARBY, a chapelry, in the parish of North Clifton, union, and N. division of the wapentake of Newark, S. division of the county of Nottingham, 8½ miles (W.) from Lincoln; containing 390 inhabitants. It comprises 1187a. 3r. 20p., the soil of which is generally light and sandy. Fragments of urns have been found, and other relics of antiquity. There are some traces of foundations surrounded by a moat nearly filled up, probably the site of an ancient mansion. Harby contains a chapel of ease, a place of worship for Wesleyans, and a school, which is well supported. Eleanor, Queen of Edward I., is said to have died here.


HARCOURT, a township, in the parish of Stanton-upon-Hine-Heath, union of Wem, Whitchurch division of the hundred of North Bradford, N. division of Salop; containing 26 inhabitants. The impropriate tithes have been commuted for £48, and the vicarial for £7. 10.


HARDEN, a hamlet, in the parish of Bingley, union of Keighley, Upper division of the wapentake of Skyrack, W. riding of York, 1½ mile (W.) from Bingley. It is beautifully situated on the road from Bingley to Wilsden and Halifax, and comprises 4620 acres, chiefly pasture and meadow land, and of which 1387 acres are uninclosed moors. The powerful Harden beck, which abounds with trout, runs through the hamlet, and propels the machinery of three worstedmills, in which the greater part of the population is employed. Harden Grange, situated on an eminence, and surrounded with wood and plantations, is the handsome seat of W. Busfeild Ferrand, Esq. There is a place of worship for Wesleyans. A large rocky crag, overhanging the Bell-Bank wood, is called the Druids' Altar.

Hardenhuish (St. Nicholas)

HARDENHUISH (St. Nicholas), a parish, in the union and hundred of Chippenham, Chippenham and Calne, and N. divisions of Wilts, 1¼ mile (N. W.) from Chippenham; containing 146 inhabitants. The parish is situated near the road from Chippenham to Malmesbury, and comprises 454a. 2r. 39p. The substratum is principally limestone, which is raised for the roads. The Great Western railway skirts the parish, and a branch of the Kennet and Avon canal terminates within a mile of it. Hardenhuish Park, the seat of Thomas Clutterbuck, Esq., is a handsome residence, in grounds tastefully laid out. The living is a rectory not in charge, in the gift of Mr. Clutterbuck: the tithes have been commuted for £92. 10., and the glebe comprises 12 acres. The church, a modern structure in the Grecian style, with a campanile turret and cupola, of considerable elegance, is beautifully situated on the acclivity of a richly-wooded hill, and is partly overspread with ivy: in the churchyard is a monument of white marble, to the memory of David Ricardo, Esq., who was interred here. Christopher Anstey, author of the New Bath Guide, and of several miscellaneous poems, died at Hardenhuish in 1805.

Hardham (St. Botolph)

HARDHAM (St. Botolph), a parish, in the union of Thakeham, hundred of Bury, rape of Arundel, W. division of Sussex, 6 miles (S. E. by E.) from Petworth; containing 115 inhabitants. This place is distinguished as the site of a priory of Black canons founded, it is said, by Sir William Dawtrey, in the reign of Henry II., and dedicated to the Holy Cross or to St. George, and which, in the reign of Edward III., was so liberally endowed by Sir William Paynel, that on the grant of a new charter in the reign of Henry IV., he is cited as the founder. There are still some remains of the buildings, of which the chapel is the most entire. The parish is situated on the river Arun, by which it is bounded on the north, east, and south; and a branch of the river Rother, which here falls into the Arun, forms part of its western boundary. The Arun navigation is conducted under a hill in the parish, by a tunnel 400 yards in length. The living is a discharged rectory, valued in the king's books at £5. 5. 10.; net income, £66; patron, the Bishop of Chichester. The church is a venerable edifice in the early English style. Near the ruins of the priory are the remains of a Roman camp, occupying a quadrilateral area of 400 feet square, rounded at the angles.

Hardhorn with Newton

HARDHORN with Newton, a township, in the parish of Poulton, union of the Fylde, hundred of Amounderness, N. division of Lancashire, 1½ mile (S. by E.) from Poulton; containing 358 inhabitants. It lies in the eastern part of the parish, and comprises 2604a. 2r. 11p. of land, of a fertile soil. The hamlet of Newton is distant about three-quarters of a mile south from that of Hardhorn. The impropriate tithes have been commuted for £401; and the vicarial for £40, with a glebe of about 3¼ acres. There is an endowed school.

Hardingham (St. George)

HARDINGHAM (St. George), a parish, in the union of Mitford and Launditch, hundred of Mitford, W. division of Norfolk, 2 miles (N. N. E.) from Hingham; containing 602 inhabitants. It comprises 2421 acres, of which 1731 are arable, 642 pasture and meadow, and 15 woodland. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £15. 3. 4.; net income, £577, with a handsome parsonage-house; patrons, the Master and Fellows of Clare Hall, Cambridge. The church is chiefly in the decorated and later English styles, with an embattled tower on the south. At the inclosure, about 24 acres were allotted to the poor.

Hardingstone (St. Edmund)

HARDINGSTONE (St. Edmund), a parish, and the head of a union, in the hundred of Wymmersley, S. division of the county of Northampton, 1 mile (S. S. E.) from Northampton; containing with the hamlets of Cotton-End and Delapre, 1053 inhabitants. This place was the scene of a sanguinary conflict called the battle of Northampton, in the reign of Henry VI., when that monarch was made prisoner, and the Duke of Buckingham and other noblemen were slain. The parish comprises about 2800 acres, inclosed in 1762; the soil towards the north, and on the bank of the Nene, is rich meadow and pasture land, in other parts a strong clay, and towards the west a reddish loam, yielding good crops of grain. The surface rises by gentle undulations towards the village, which is pleasantly situated on an eminence, commanding fine views of the country and of the villages on the opposite bank of the river. A branch of the Grand Junction canal joins the Nene at Cotton-End, where wharfs and warehouses have been constructed. The living is a vicarage, valued in the king's books at £13. 5., and in the patronage of the Crown; net income, £244; impropriator, E. Bouverie, Esq. The tithes were commuted for land in 1765; the glebe altogether comprises 150 acres. The church has a fine tower with five bells; the arches of the interior are lancet-shaped, and there are some costly memorials to the Hervey family. The poor law union of Hardingstone comprises 20 parishes or places, and contains a population of 8668. Near the side of the London road is one of the beautiful crosses erected by Edward I. to the memory of his consort Eleanor; and to the southwest of it is a commanding eminence, crowned by the remains of a circular fortification, inclosing an area of more than four acres, supposed to have been constructed by Sweyn, the father of Canute. James Hervey, author of the Meditations, was born at the village in 1713.

Hardington (St. Mary)

HARDINGTON (St. Mary), a parish, in the union of Frome, hundred of Kilmersdon, E. division of Somerset, 4¼ miles (N. W. by N.) from Frome; containing 21 inhabitants. The living is a discharged rectory, united to that of Hemington, and valued in the king's books at £6. The church contains a handsome monument to the Bampfylde family.

Hardington-Mandeville (St. Mary)

HARDINGTON-MANDEVILLE (St. Mary), a parish, in the union of Yeovil, hundred of Houndsborough, Berwick, and Coker, W. division of Somerset, 4½ miles (S. W.) from Yeovil; containing 760 inhabitants. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £9. 15. 7½.; net income, £471; patron, William Helyar, Esq. The church has been enlarged, and 110 free sittings provided.

Hardley (St. Margaret)

HARDLEY (St. Margaret), a parish, in the union of Loddon and Clavering, hundred of Loddon, E. division of Norfolk, 2 miles (N. E.) from Loddon; containing 214 inhabitants. A considerable quantity of corn is sent in small craft from Hardley staith to Yarmouth. The living is a perpetual curacy, until lately in the patronage of the Corporation of Norwich: the tithes have been commuted for £327, and the glebe contains 4 acres. The church is in the later English style, and consists of a nave and chancel, with a circular tower.