Fulford - Fylingdales

A Topographical Dictionary of England. Originally published by S Lewis, London, 1848.

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'Fulford - Fylingdales', A Topographical Dictionary of England, (London, 1848), pp. 272-275. British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/england/pp272-275 [accessed 2 July 2024].

. "Fulford - Fylingdales", in A Topographical Dictionary of England, (London, 1848) 272-275. British History Online, accessed July 2, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/england/pp272-275.

. "Fulford - Fylingdales", A Topographical Dictionary of England, (London, 1848). 272-275. British History Online. Web. 2 July 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/england/pp272-275.

In this section


FULFORD, a chapelry, in the parish and union of Stone, S. division of the hundred of Pirehill, N. division of the county of Stafford, 4¾ miles (N. E.) from Stone; containing 363 inhabitants. It lies in the Hilderstone quarter of the parish. Quarries of excellent freestone are wrought in the vicinity. The living is a perpetual curacy; net income, £129; patron and impropriator, Thomas Allen, Esq. The chapel is dedicated to St. Nicholas, and is of very ancient foundation, but was rebuilt in 1824; it stands on an eminence north of the village. A school-house was built pursuant to the will of George Hiatt, who in 1735 bequeathed £300 for its support.

Fulford (St. Oswald)

FULFORD (St. Oswald), a parish, in the union of York, wapentake of Ouse and Derwent, E. riding of York; containing 1305 inhabitants, of whom 37 are in the township of Fulford-Water, and 1268 in the township of Fulford-Gate, 2 miles (S.) from York, on the road to Selby. The parish is bounded on the west by the navigable river Ouse, and comprises 1141 acres of land, considerably enhanced in value by its contiguity to the city. Two-thirds are arable, and the remainder fine meadow, with a little wood: the surface is level, and the soil of various qualities, but all productive; and there are good gravel-pits for roads. The village is large and handsome, forming part of the suburbs of York, and including within its limits the York public cemetery, the York barracks, and a lunatic asylum called the Retreat, belonging to the Society of Friends. The living is a perpetual curacy; net income, £96; patron, John Key, Esq.: the tithes were commuted for land and a money payment in 1757. The church, situated on the river side, is a small ancient edifice with a brick tower. There is a place of worship for Wesleyans.

Fulham (All Saints)

FULHAM (All Saints), a parish, in the union of Kensington, Kensington division of the hundred of Ossulstone, county of Middlesex, 4 miles (S. W. by W.) from London; containing 9319 inhabitants. This place is situated on the north bank of the Thames, and consists of several irregularly-built streets, and various handsome detached houses, and ranges of modern buildings, chiefly in a direction towards Walham-Green; it is partially paved, lighted with gas from works in the district of Walham-Green, and amply supplied with water from the river and from springs. Fulham is a spot of considerable antiquity: the Danes, on their invasion of England, fixed their head-quarters here, in 879; and, after wintering in the place, set sail for Flanders in the spring. In 1642, the Earl of Essex, the republican general, caused a bridge to be built, on barges and lighters, across the Thames, from Fulham to Putney, for the conveyance of his army and artillery into Surrey; and the parliamentary army under Sir Thomas Fairfax was quartered here in 1647. The manor, which appears to have belonged to the see of London from the end of the seventh century, was sold by order of the parliamentary commissioners in 1647, but restored in 1660; and the manor-house, or palace of Fulham, has been from a very early period the summer residence of the bishop. This mansion, of which the more ancient portion, consisting of the outer court, was built by Bishop FitzJames in the reign of Henry VII., is beautifully situated on the bank of the Thames, in a park embellished with trees of stately growth; it is built of brick, and is approached by a noble avenue leading to the entrance lodge, which displays some interesting details in the later English style. On the north side of the residence is the chapel, the windows of which are ornamented with stained glass removed from the chapel of London House, Aldersgate-street. Bishop Compton, distinguished for his love of botany, in the beginning of the last century improved the gardens by the introduction of a number of curious plants and forest-trees, particularly from North America. In the vicinity of Fulham are several extensive nursery-grounds, and much of the land is occupied by market-gardeners, who are noted for the cultivation of asparagus. There are a manufactory for brown stone-ware, and an extensive malt-kiln. Fulham is connected with Putney, in Surrey, by a wooden bridge over the Thames, built by Mr. Philips, carpenter to George II. The parish is within a police-court district, formed by order of council in 1841.

The living comprises a rectory and a vicarage, the former a sinecure, valued in the king's books at £26, and in the hands of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners: the latter is valued at £10; net income, £1135; patron, the Bishop. The church is an ancient stone structure, consisting of a nave, aisles, and chancel, with a handsome tower at the west end, in the decorated English style, and contains a single stone stall with a canopy ornamented by quatrefoils, and also some monuments. It was repaired and enlarged at a cost of £1900, raised by subscription, in 1840, when 230 sittings were added; and the tower was restored in 1845, at an expense of about £1000. Among the distinguished persons interred here, may be mentioned Dr. William Butts, physician to Henry VIII.; Dr. Richard Zouch, professor of civil law at Oxford, in the reign of Charles I.; Bishops Compton, Gibson, Sherlock, and Lowth; Dr. Richard Fiddes, author of a life of Cardinal Wolsey; and Dr. William Cadogan, an eminent physician, who died in 1797. At North-End is a donative in the gift of the Rev. Sparks Byers: St. John's district church, Walham-Green, was erected in 1829. In 1834, an act was procured for separating Hammersmith from Fulham, and constituting it a distinct parish. There is a place of worship for Independents. Sir William Powell, Bart., in 1680 founded twelve almshouses for widows, and endowed them with property producing £51 per annum, to which considerable additions have been made by subsequent benefactors. Seven almshouses for aged men and their wives were built in 1834, at an expense of £530, on a piece of land between Walham-Green and Hammersmith; and the parish, having received £700 from the West London Railroad Company, for part of Wormholt Common, voted £534 for erecting seven additional houses for single persons of either sex.—See Walham-Green.


FULKING, a hamlet, in the parish of Edburton, union of Steyning, hundred of Poynings, rape of Lewes, E. division of Sussex, 5 miles (E.) from the town of Steyning; containing 176 inhabitants.


FULLAWAY, an extra-parochial tything, locally in the parish of Allcannings, union of Devizes, hundred of Swanborough, Devizes and N. divisions of Wilts, 4 miles (E. by N.) from Devizes; containing 15 inhabitants. It comprises 120 acres of land.


FULLERTON, a tything, in the parish of Wherwell, union of Andover, hundred of Wherwell, Andover and N. divisions of the county of Southampton; containing 69 inhabitants.

Fulletby (St. Andrew)

FULLETBY (St. Andrew), a parish, in the union of Horncastle, hundred of Hill, parts of Lindsey, county of Lincoln, 3½ miles (N. E.) from Horncastle; containing 243 inhabitants. It comprises 1800 acres; the surface is very elevated, and the air remarkably salubrious. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £21. 2. 8½., and in the patronage of Mrs. A. Rockliffe: the tithes were commuted for land in 1775; the glebe altogether comprises 300 acres, valued at £450 per annum. The church is a plain edifice, of sandstone found in the neighbourhood. There are places of worship for Primitive and Wesleyan Methodists.

Fulmer (St. James)

FULMER (St. James), a parish, in the union of Eton, hundred of Stoke, county of Buckingham, 2 miles (S.) from Gerrard's Cross; containing 355 inhabitants. This place derives its name from a mere or lake in the lower grounds, which was abundantly supplied with water, but which now forms water-cress grounds. It was formerly a chapelry to the rectory of Datchet, but was separated and made distinct in the reign of Edward VI. The parish comprises 1633 acres, of which about 300 are a wild open common, and the remainder good arable and pasture land; the common bears a considerable quantity of underwood, affording fuel for the poor. The living is a rectory not in charge; net income, £285; patrons, the Dean and Canons of Windsor. The church, rebuilt on a more commodious site by Sir Marmaduke Darrell in 1630, is a handsome edifice of brick, with coigns and facings of stone, and contains an elegant monument with the recumbent figures of Sir Marmaduke and his lady.

Fulmodeston (St. Mary)

FULMODESTON (St. Mary), a parish, in the union of Walsingham, hundred of Gallow, W. division of Norfolk, 5 miles (E.) from Fakenham; containing, with the chapelry of Croxton, 358 inhabitants. It comprises 2333a. 2r. 14p., of which 1330 acres are arable, 777 pasture, and 210 woodland. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £10, and in the gift of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge: the tithes have been commuted for £558, and the glebe comprises 64 acres, with a house. The church is chiefly in the later English style, with a square embattled tower. There is a chapel of ease at Croxton, dedicated to St. John the Baptist; and a school is chiefly supported by the rector. At the inclosure of the parish, in 1808, an allotment of 30 acres was made for fuel for the poor.


FULNECK, a village, in the township of Pudsey, parish of Calverley, union of Bradford, wapentake of Morley, W. riding of York, 6 miles (W.) from Leeds; containing 279 inhabitants. This village, which is the principal Moravian establishment in England, is pleasantly situated on the brow of a hill overlooking a picturesque valley.


FULNETBY, a chapelry, in the parish of Rand, W. division of the wapentake of Wraggoe, parts of Lindsey, union and county of Lincoln, 4 miles (W. N. W.) from Wragby; containing 56 inhabitants.


FULSHAW, a township, in the parish of Wilmslow, union of Altrincham, hundred of Macclesfield, N. division of the county of Chester, 6 miles (N. W.) from Macclesfield; containing 305 inhabitants. It comprises 328 acres, of which the surface is level, and the soil clay and sand. The tithes have been commuted for £67. 10.

Fulstow (St. Lawrence)

FULSTOW (St. Lawrence), a parish, in the union of Louth, wapentake of Bradley-Haverstoe, parts of Lindsey, county of Lincoln, 7¼ miles (N.) from Louth; containing 501 inhabitants. The living is a vicarage, valued in the king's books at £8. 10. 3., and in the patronage of the Crown, with a net income of £159. The tithes were commuted for land under an inclosure act in 1817, when, also, an allotment now producing £18 per annum was made for the general use of the parish. There is a place of worship for Wesleyans.


FULWELL, a township, in the parish of MonkWearmouth, union of Sunderland, E. division of Chester ward, N. division of the county of Durham, 2 miles (N. N. W.) from Sunderland; containing 134 inhabitants. Here are several lime-kilns: the village is small, and held by lease under the church of Durham. On removing a bank of earth in 1759, a human skeleton, nine feet and a half in length, was found, with two Roman coins near its right hand; and in working the limestone-quarries some years since, a kind of square pit was opened, within which was a quantity of stags' horns, cut into lengths of three or four inches, and placed amongst a deep-coloured substance, most resembling decayed animal matter.


FULWELL, a hamlet, in the parish of Spelsbury, union of Chipping-Norton, hundred of Chadlington, county of Oxford; containing 62 inhabitants.


FULWOOD, a township, in the parish of Lancaster, union of Preston, hundred of Amounderness, N. division of Lancashire, 2 miles (N.) from Preston; containing 628 inhabitants. This place is one of the parks, generally called forests, of the duchy of Lancaster, and is held in fee by the Earl of Derby, who, when Lord Stanley, received a grant of the herbage of the moor, and afterwards an allotment of the common, which is co-extensive with the manor. The township comprises 2033a. 2r. 1p., of which the soil is of moderate quality, with a clay substratum; the surface is undulated, and the scenery picturesque. The Roman road, and the Preston and Lancaster and the Longridge railways, pass through. The Barracks here, were commenced in 1843, and completed in 1847: they occupy 27 acres of ground, cost upwards of £100,000, and are designed to accommodate a battalion of infantry, a squadron of cavalry, and a demi-battery of artillery; comprising all the necessary buildings for the purpose, barrack-stores, guard-houses, residence for the barrackmaster, &c., with various improvements on former plans, conducing to the comfort of the troops. They are built of stone brought from the Longridge quarries, the interior walls being lined with brick; and are well supplied with spring and soft water, the latter emptied into underground tanks. These spacious barracks, which are among the most convenient and healthy in the north of England, were erected by the Board of Ordnance, under the superintendence of Mr. John Bosworth, clerk of works, of Preston, from which town they are distant about one mile and a quarter. A school was built about 1722, out of funds bequeathed by John Hatch, and is endowed with £14 per annum.


FULWOOD, an extra-parochial liberty, in the union of Mansfield, N. division of the wapentake of Broxtow and of the county of Nottingham, 5½ miles (S. W. by W.) from Mansfield; containing 6 inhabitants. It comprises 120 acres of land.


FULWOOD, an ecclesiastical district, in the parish and union of Sheffield, S. division of the wapentake of Strafforth and Tickhill, W. riding of York. This district, which comprises the township of Upper Hallam with the exception of a very minute portion, nearly adjoins the town of Sheffield on the west, and is beautifully situated in the valley of the river Porter. The substratum contains sandstone, which is quarried for building and for the roads; and on the borders of the moors that bound the township to the west, are some quarries of good flagstone: there are also several coalpits. A portion of the inhabitants is employed in the manufacture of cutlery, and the cutting of files and saws: and on the banks of the river are two wheels, set in motion by the stream, which are used in the grinding process, and a forge for the conversion of iron into steel. The suburb is a favourite residence of the gentry of the town. The church, dedicated to Christ, and erected at an expense exceeding £2200 by Miss Silcock, of WhiteleyWood Hall, by whom also the living is endowed, is a handsome structure in the early English style, with a square embattled tower, and contains nearly 300 sittings, exclusively of the galleries, which have been added since its consecration in 1838, at a cost of £300: the living is a perpetual curacy, in the patronage of Miss Silcock, and there is an excellent parsonage-house. The Independents and Wesleyans have places of worship.

Fundenhall (St. Nicholas)

FUNDENHALL (St. Nicholas), a parish, in the union and hundred of Depwade, E. division of Norfolk, 4 miles (S. E.) from Wymondham; containing 367 inhabitants. It is on the road from New Buckenham to Norwich, and comprises 1347a. 3r. 23p., of which 1072 acres are arable, 213 pasture, and 62 woodland. The living is a perpetual curacy; patron and impropriator, T. T. Berney, Esq. The church is an ancient structure, with a massive tower between the nave and chancel, and a Norman arch at the south entrance.

Funtington (St. Mary)

FUNTINGTON (St. Mary), a parish, in the union of West Bourne, hundred of Bosham, rape of Chichester, W. division of Sussex, 5 miles (W. N. W.) from Chichester; containing 983 inhabitants. The parish consists of the tythings of Funtington and East and West Ashling, and contains several seats and villas; the soil is a rich gravel, and there are extensive chalkpits, and a mill for the manufacture of paper. The living is a perpetual curacy, in the patronage of the Dean and Chapter of Chichester; impropriator, Miss Woods, whose tithes have been commuted for £980. The church is in the early English style, and consists of a nave, chancel, and aisles, with an embattled tower. At Sennicots, in the parish, is a chapel erected and endowed in 1829, by C. Baker, Esq. Several bequests have been left to the poor, amounting to about £30 per annum.


FURLAND, a tything, in the parish and hundred of Crewkerne, union of Chard, W. division of Somerset; with 13 inhabitants. Here was once a chapel.

Furness Abbey.—See Dalton-in-Furness.

FURNESS ABBEY.—See Dalton-in-Furness.

Furtho (St. Bartholomew)

FURTHO (St. Bartholomew), a parish, in the union of Potters-Pury, hundred of Cleley, S. division of the county of Northampton, 2 miles (N. N. W.) from Stony-Stratford; containing 16 inhabitants. This parish, which comprises 486 acres, is intersected by the road from Stony-Stratford to Northampton. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £7; net income, £141; patrons, the Principal and Fellows of Jesus College, Oxford. The Roman Watling-street passes along the south-western boundary. On the glebe-land of Cosgrove, in the parish, is a gravel-pit, in which skeletons have been discovered, supposed to have been buried during the war of the 17th century.

Fyfield (St. Nicholas)

FYFIELD (St. Nicholas), a parish, in the union of Abingdon, hundred of Ock, county of Berks, 4½ miles (W. N. W.) from Abingdon; containing, with the hamlets of Netherton and Wick, 382 inhabitants, of whom 225 are in the township of Fyfield; and comprising 1579a. 3r. 39p. The living is a perpetual curacy; net income, £125; patrons and impropriators, the President and Fellows of St. John's College, Oxford. According to Bishop Tanner, an hospital, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, was founded here by the executors of John Golafre, before the 20th of Henry VI.

Fyfield (St. Nicholas)

FYFIELD (St. Nicholas), a parish, in the union and hundred of Ongar, S. division of Essex, 3 miles (N. E. by N.) from Ongar; containing 563 inhabitants, and comprising 2450a. 3r. 8p. This place is in the Domesday book styled Fifhide, a term supposed to be derived from the Saxon implying five, and hide, a certain quantity of land; soon after the Conquest, it belonged principally to Eustace, Earl of Boulogne. The circumference of the parish is nearly eight miles. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £25. 7. 6., and in the gift of L. Pola, Esq.: the tithes have been commuted for £720, and the glebe contains 63 acres. The church is an ancient cruciform structure, with a central tower of wood, replacing the original tower of stone, which fell down; the interior displays many interesting details of early English architecture, and the east window is of very rich design. A national school is endowed with land given for instruction, by Dr. Walker, in 1692, and now producing £46. 10. per annum. Many Roman coins and other relics have been found.

Fyfield (St. Nicholas)

FYFIELD (St. Nicholas), a parish, in the union and hundred of Andover, Andover and N. divisions of the county of Southampton, 4¾ miles (W. by N.) from Andover; containing, with the hamlet of Redenham, 236 inhabitants. It comprises 980a. 3r. 29p., of which the soil is partly chalk and partly gravel, and the surface generally flat. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £11. 12. 11., and in the patronage of the Crown; net income, £226. The church is a neat plain structure. There is a school for children of the parishes of Fyfield, Thruxton, and Kempton, endowed by Sir John Pollen, Bart.


FYFIELD, a tything, in the parish of Enford, union of Pewsey, hundred of Elstub and Everley, Everley and Pewsey, and S. divisions of Wilts, 8 miles (W.) from Ludgershall; containing 98 inhabitants.

Fyfield, Wilts.—See Overton.

FYFIELD, Wilts.—See Overton.

Fylingdales (St. Stephen)

FYLINGDALES (St. Stephen), a parish, in the union of Whitby, liberty of Whitby-Strand, N. riding of York, 4½ miles (S. E. by S.) from Whitby; containing 1611 inhabitants. This parish takes its name from two beautiful vales, called respectively North and South Fyling dales, and intersecting the moorlands, of which the remainder of the parish principally consists. The river Derwent has its source in several springs that rise in the moors. The rocks upon the sea-coast abound with ironstone; and mines have been opened, from which materials are extracted for the making of Roman cement. The South dale contains alum, of which extensive works have been established; those called the Stoupe Brow have been discontinued, but those in the further extremity of the dale are still in operation. The living is a perpetual curacy; net income, £120; patron and appropriator, the Archbishop of York. The church was repaired and enlarged some years since.