Flintham - Folkestone

A Topographical Dictionary of England. Originally published by S Lewis, London, 1848.

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'Flintham - Folkestone', A Topographical Dictionary of England, (London, 1848), pp. 244-248. British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/england/pp244-248a [accessed 2 July 2024].

. "Flintham - Folkestone", in A Topographical Dictionary of England, (London, 1848) 244-248. British History Online, accessed July 2, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/england/pp244-248a.

. "Flintham - Folkestone", A Topographical Dictionary of England, (London, 1848). 244-248. British History Online. Web. 2 July 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/england/pp244-248a.

In this section

Flintham (St. Augustine)

FLINTHAM (St. Augustine), a parish, in the union and N. division of the wapentake of Bingham, S. division of the county of Nottingham, 6½ miles (S. W.) from Newark; containing 611 inhabitants. It is situated on the Trent, and comprises by admeasurement 2101 acres, whereof 1471 are arable, 420 pasture, and 210 woodland; the soil is a red marl in the lower part of the parish, and in the upper part sandy. The village, which is of considerable extent, is near the Roman fosse road, and several relics of Roman antiquity have been found. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £6. 2. 6.; net income, £308; patrons and impropriators, the Master and Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge; the tithes were commuted for land and a money payment in 1775; the land comprises 172 acres. The church, an ancient and spacious structure, was, with the exception of the chancel, rebuilt in 1828, at an expense of £1100, defrayed by Col. Hildyard. There is a place of worship for Wesleyans. In 1727, Robert Hacker bequeathed land, the income of which, about £20, is applied to instruction.


FLINTHAM, a hamlet, in the parish of Oaksey, union and hundred of Malmesbury, Malmesbury and Kingswood, and N. divisions of the county of Wilts; containing 42 inhabitants.


FLINTON, a township, in the parish of Humbleton, union of Skirlaugh, Middle division of the wapentake of Holderness, E. riding of York, 9¼ miles (N. E.) from Hull; containing 114 inhabitants. The family of Scures appear to have been early possessors of this place; at a later period the Flyntons seem to have held considerable property; and among subsequent owners occur the families of Grimston, Dobson, and Hildyard. The manor and township are co-extensive, comprising 1400 acres; the village is agreeably situated, and there are some good farmhouses and neat cottages.

Flitcham (St. Mary)

FLITCHAM (St. Mary), a parish, in the union and hundred of Freebridge-Lynn, W. division of Norfolk, 9 miles (N. E.) from Lynn; containing 403 inhabitants. It comprises 3324a. 2r. 7p., of which 2760 acres are arable, 640 meadow and pasture, and 30 woodland. The living is a perpetual curacy; net income, £54; patron and impropriator, the Earl of Leicester, whose tithes have been commuted for £700. According to Camden, here was a priory or hospital of the order of St. Augustine, subordinate to the abbey of Walsingham, to which it was given by Dametta de Flitcham. It was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary; and at the Dissolution had a revenue of £62. 10. 6., and was granted, as parcel of the possessions of Walsingham Abbey, to Edward, Lord Clinton: the walls and offices still remain. On a hill with a square area surrounded by a trench, the hundred court was held in the reign of William Rufus.

Flitton (St. John the Baptist)

FLITTON (St. John the Baptist), a parish, in the union of Ampthill, hundred of Flint, county of Bedford; containing, with the hamlet of Silsoe, 1363 inhabitants, of whom 575 are in the township of Flitton. The parish comprises 1020a. 33p., of which 611 acres are arable, 372 pasture, and 8 woodland; the soil is a sandy loam. Southward from the village, which was anciently called Flitcham, is Pallox Hill, remarkable in the beginning of the last century for a gold-mine discovered in it, which was seized for the king, and leased to a refiner, but the produce being inconsiderable, soon abandoned. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £11. 7. 8.; net income, £234; patrons and appropriators, the Dean and Canons of Christ-Church, Oxford: the tithes were commuted for land and corn-rents in 1809. The church, an ancient edifice, contains several monuments, amongst which is a figure in brass of Thomas Hill, who died in 1601, at the age of 128 years. At Silsoe is a separate incumbency, in the gift of Earl de Grey.

Flitwick (St. Peter and St. Paul)

FLITWICK (St. Peter and St. Paul), a parish, in the union of Ampthill, hundred of Redbornestoke, county of Bedford, 2¾ miles (S. by W.) from Ampthill; containing 693 inhabitants. The parish comprises 2235 acres; there are some pits of excellent gravel. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £7. 17.; net income, £285; patron, John Thomas Dawson, Esq.: the tithes were commuted for land and corn-rents in 1806. The church is an ancient structure, containing some interesting details, among which is a handsome Norman arch at the north doorway. A monastery, or cell to Dunstable Priory, was erected here in 1170, by Philip de Sannerville.

Flixborough (All Saints)

FLIXBOROUGH (All Saints), a parish, in the union of Glandford-Brigg, N. division of the wapentake of Manley, parts of Lindsey, county of Lincoln, 12 miles (N. W. by W.) from Glandford-Brigg; containing, with part of Crosby township, 231 inhabitants. This parish, which is bounded on the west by the river Trent, comprises 2550 acres. The soil varies from clay to sand and gravel, and near the river is very fertile; the surface is undulated, and, about half a mile from the bank of the Trent, rises by a gradual ascent to the village. The living is a rectory, with the vicarage of Burton-upon-Stather consolidated in 1729, and is valued in the king's books at £13. 10.; net income, £752; patron, and impropriator of the vicarage, Sir Robert Sheffield, Bart. The tithes have been commuted for £550, and the glebe comprises 23 acres. There are the sites of two castles remaining, one of which is supposed to have been the residence of Sir Edmund Anderson, Bart., a chief justice of the common pleas in the reign of Elizabeth, who was born at this place.

Flixton (St. Michael)

FLIXTON (St. Michael), a parish, in the hundred of Salford, S. division of Lancashire; containing, with the township of Urmston, 2230 inhabitants, of whom 1459 are in the township of Flixton, 7 miles (W. S. W.) from Manchester. This place, anciently spelt Flyxton, and subsequently called Fleece Town, was part of the lands which Roger de Poictou gave to the barons of Manchester. The manor afterwards belonged, in whole or in part, to various families, among whom were the Egertons, of Cheshire; during the last century the estates passed to several purchasers, and much of the land is now freehold inheritance. The whole of the southern boundary of the parish is washed by the Mersey, as is the north-western boundary by the Irwell, and the angle of confluence formed by these rivers is little more than a quarter of a mile below Irlam ferry. The area is 2962 acres, of which the township of Flixton contains 1455a. 2r. 12p.; of the latter number, 431 acres are arable, 167 clover, and 744 general meadow and pasture. The surface is mostly level, and the soil in some parts inclines to a peaty moss: corn, fruit, and potatoes are produced in abundance. Flixton House is a plain family mansion with extensive gardens and pleasure-grounds: Shaw Hall, near the small hamlet of Shawtown, is a venerable edifice of the reign of James I., with gables and wooden parapets on the south-west and north sides; the roof has a profusion of chimneys, and a cupola in the centre. The village of Flixton is delightfully situated upon a verdant eminence; the population are largely employed in hand-loom weaving.

The living is a perpetual curacy, with a net income of £150; patron and impropriator, the Rev. Spencer Madan, Prebendary of Lichfield Cathedral: the parsonage-house was built about twenty years ago. The church is a small plain structure, standing on an elevated site at the eastern extremity of the village; the tower, though not lofty, is handsome, having an embattled parapet, surmounted by small pinnacles: with the exception of the chancel, the edifice was entirely rebuilt in 1732. There is a place of worship for Wesleyans; and a school is endowed with £5. 10. per annum. Adjoining the ample gardens and filbert-grove of Shaw Hall, was once a moat which has partly disappeared.

Flixton (St. Andrew)

FLIXTON (St. Andrew), a parish, in the union and hundred of Mutford and Lothingland, E division of Suffolk, 3 miles (W. N. W.) from Lowestoft; containing 23 inhabitants. The living is a discharged rectory, united to that of Blundeston: the church was unroofed in the great storm of 1703, and is now a ruin.

Flixton (St. Mary)

FLIXTON (St. Mary), a parish, in the union and hundred of Wangford, E. division of Suffolk, 3 miles (S. W.) from Bungay; containing 192 inhabitants. The parish is bounded on the north by the river Waveney, which separates it from the county of Norfolk. Flixton Hall, erected in 1545 by Sir John Tasburgh, and accidentally destroyed by fire in Dec. 1846, was a fine old mansion, in the Elizabethan style, situated in an extensive park, well stocked with deer, and containing some stately trees. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £6; patrons and impropriators, the family of Adair: the great tithes have been commuted for £200, and the small for £145; the vicar has also 30 acres of glebe. The church is an ancient structure, with additions, and chiefly in the later English style; the chancel is dilapidated, and covered with ivy. An Augustine nunnery was founded here by Margery, Baroness Creke, in 1258, to the honour of St. Mary and St. Katherine; it was valued at the Dissolution at £23. 4. 1½. per annum.


FLIXTON, a township, in the parish of Folkton, union of Scarborough, wapentake of Dickering, E. riding of York, 4 miles (N. W.) from Hunmanby; containing 329 inhabitants. An hospital was founded here in the reign of Athelstan, by Acchorn, a knight, for an alderman and fourteen brethren and sisters, "to preserve travellers from wolves and other wild beasts;" it was restored in the 25th of Henry VI., by the name of Carman's Spittle, but was dissolved before the 26th of Henry VIII., and a farmhouse now occupies its site. There is a place of worship for dissenters.


FLOCKTON, a chapelry, in the parish of Thornhill, union of Wakefield, Lower division of the wapentake of Agbrigg, W. riding of York, 7 miles (S. W. by W.) from Wakefield; containing 1096 inhabitants. This chapelry, which is the property of T. Wentworth Beaumont, Esq., lord of the manor, comprises Nether and Over Flockton, and contains by measurement 1006 acres; the soil is fertile, and the substratum chiefly coal of the finest quality, of which extensive mines are in operation, affording employment to a large portion of the population. The village extends along the road from Barnsley to Huddersfield. The living is a perpetual curacy, in the patronage of certain Trustees, with a net income of £94, and a parsonage-house, lately built: the chapel, erected by Richard Carter, Esq., is a neat edifice in the Grecian style, with a campanile turret, and has an excellent organ. There are places of worship for Independents and Wesleyans. Three almshouses were founded by Mr. Carter, in 1698.

Flookborough.—See Holker, Lower.

FLOOKBOROUGH.—See Holker, Lower.

Floore, or Flore (All Saints)

FLOORE, or Flore (All Saints), a parish, in the union of Daventry, hundred of Newbottle-Grove, S. division of the county of Northampton, 1 mile (E. N. E.) from Weedon; containing 1032 inhabitants. It is intersected by the road from Northampton to Daventry, and bounded on the south and west by the river Nene; and comprises 2619a. 29p., of which about two-thirds are arable, and one-third pasture. The surface is generally flat, with some rising ground towards the north and east; the soil is a deep rich loam, resting on gravel, with some stiffish clay. Flore-Fields House is the seat of Richard Lee Bevan, Esq. The village is about a mile distant from the Weedon station of the London and Birmingham railway, and from the Grand Junction canal. The living is a vicarage, endowed with one-third of the great tithes of the hamlet of Glasthorpe, in the parish, and valued in the king's books at £17; net income, £467; patrons, the Dean and Canons of Christ-Church, Oxford, who are appropriators of the remainder of the rectorial tithes. The church was erected in the eleventh or twelfth century, and has six noble arches, and a carved screen; the chancel porch is finely sculptured: the edifice was repaired and repewed in 1831. There is a place of worship for Independents; and a parochial school is supported by endowment.

Flordon (St. Michael)

FLORDON (St. Michael), a parish, in the union of Hensted, hundred of Humbleyard, E. division of Norfolk, 3½ miles (N. by W.) from Long-Stratton; containing 193 inhabitants. The parish comprises 970 acres, of which 33 are waste land or common. The living is a discharged rectory, valued in the king's books at £16. 13. 4.; patron and incumbent, the Rev. Sir W. R. Kemp, Bart. The church is an ancient structure in the early English style.


FLOTTERTON, a township, in the parish and union of Rothbury, W. division of Coquetdale ward, N. division of Northumberland, 3¾ miles (W.) from Rothbury; containing 64 inhabitants. This place, which was a possession of Robert de Umfraville, Earl of Angus, is on the road from Rothbury to Alwinton, and on the north side of the Coquet river; the soil is a light loam. The tithes have been commuted for £98. 14. 6. At Plainfield, in the township, Lord Derwentwater and others first raised the standard of the Pretender, and proclaimed him king.

Flowton (St. Mary)

FLOWTON (St. Mary), a parish, in the union and hundred of Bosmere and Claydon, E. division of Suffolk, 5¾ miles (W. N. W.) from Ipswich; containing 179 inhabitants, and comprising 495a. 12p. The living is a discharged rectory, valued in the king's books at £3. 9. 9½., and in the gift of H. S. Thornton, Esq.: the tithes have been commuted for £135, and the glebe comprises 16 acres.


FLUSHING, a small sea-port, in the parish of Mylor, union of Falmouth, E. division of the hundred of Kerrier, W. division of Cornwall, ¼ of a mile (N.) from Falmouth. This place owes its origin and prosperity to Robert Cotton Trefusis, Esq., who, in the early part of the last century, constructed quays, erected numerous buildings, and endeavoured, though without success, to establish a station for the government packets. It consists of several irregularly-built streets, and, from the mildness of the climate, is much resorted to by invalids. At Little Falmouth is an extensive yard, in which the packets were formerly built or repaired before they were taken under the superintendence of the admiralty; a dry-dock, 190 feet long, 60 feet broad, and 18 feet in depth, was constructed in 1820, and there are several wet-docks, for ship-building. Here is a district church, dedicated to St. Peter: the living is in the gift of Lord Clinton. The Baptists Bryanites, Wesleyans, and Unitarians, have places of worship; and a national school is supported by subscription.

Flyford-Flavel (St. John the Baptist)

FLYFORD-FLAVEL (St. John the Baptist), a parish, in the union, and Upper division of the hundred, of Pershore, Pershore and E. divisions of the county of Worcester, 8¾ miles (W. by S.) from Alcester; containing 156 inhabitants. It lies on the road from Alcester to Worcester, between the north and south branches of the river Piddle, and comprises 667 acres, whereof two-thirds are arable, and the remainder pasture. The soil is clay, with an undulated surface; and the parish standing high (on a level with the Malvern hills), commands very extensive views. Coal is supposed to exist; and there are quarries of claystone, in which are found numerous fossils. The living is a discharged rectory, valued in the king's books at £5. 4. 9½.; net income, £150; patron, William Laslett, Esq., who is lord of the manor; incumbent, the Rev. Francis Best. The tithes were commuted for land in 1813, and the glebe altogether consists of upwards of a hundred acres, with a rectory-house. The church is an ancient stone edifice with a handsome tower, and is said to have been built in 1051; the chancel was rebuilt in 1845, by the rector.


FLYFORD-GRAFTON, a parish, in the union, and Upper division of the hundred, of Pershore, Pershore and E. divisions of the county of Worcester, 8 miles (E.) from Worcester; containing 229 inhabitants. It is bounded on the south by the north branch of the river Piddle, and intersected by the road from Worcester to Alcester; and consists of 1580a. 2r. 35p. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £20. 0. 10.; net income, £75; patron, the Earl of Coventry: the tithes were commuted for land and a money payment in 1779. Here is a school, endowed by the Rev. Roger Shovehall and Sir John Grafton with £20 per annum.

Fobbing (St. Michael)

FOBBING (St. Michael), a parish, in the union of Orsett, hundred of Barstable, S. division of Essex, 3½ miles (E.) from Horndon-on-the-Hill; containing 428 inhabitants. It is bounded on the south by the river Thames, and comprises 2655a. 35p., whereof 1362 acres are arable, 897 meadow, 101 waste or common, 37 pasture, and about 5 woodland; the surface is varied, and a creek, issuing from the Thames, traverses the lower grounds. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £21, and in the patronage of the Crown; net income, £564. The church is a substantial edifice with a very lofty tower, and is situated on a high hill, forming a conspicuous and interesting feature in the landscape: the ground plan comprises a nave, chancel, and south aisle; and in the tower is a peal of five bells. Fobbing is mentioned in Domesday book under the appellation of Phobinge, and formed one of the lordships given to Eustace, Earl of Boulogne, after the Conquest: it is recorded in Stow's Annals, that Jack Cade's rebellion began in the "village of Fobbing, where the mob broke into a priory, and drank up three tuns of wine, and devoured all the victuals."


FOCKERBY, a township, in the parish of Adlingfleet, union of Goole, Lower division of the wapentake of Osgoldcross, W. riding of York, 10 miles (S. E.) from Howden; containing 92 inhabitants. The township is on the west side of the Old Don river, which separates it from Lincolnshire; it comprises about 1410 acres. The tithes were commuted for land and a money payment in 1767. Here is a free school, endowed with land producing £70 per annum, the gift of Mr. Skerne; the master is appointed by Catherine Hall, Cambridge. There are eight exhibitions, founded by the same individual, whose niece, Mrs. Mary Ramsden, in 1743 added six fellowships and ten scholarships.


FOGGATHORPE, a township, in the parish of Bubwith, union of Howden, Holme-Beacon division of the wapentake of Harthill, E. riding of York, 6½ miles (N.) from Howden; containing 96 inhabitants. This place, which in Domesday book is called Fulcathorpe, was given by the Conqueror to his standard-bearer: it comprises by computation about 1250 acres. An ancient moated mansion, belonging to the Ackroyd family, was taken down in 1743. There is a place of worship for Wesleyans.

Foleshill (St. Lawrence)

FOLESHILL (St. Lawrence), a parish, and the head of a union, in the Kirby division of the hundred of Knightlow, N. division of the county of Warwick, 2½ miles (N. E. by N.) from Coventry; containing 7063 inhabitants. The parish is situated on the road from Coventry to Leicester, and comprises about 3000 acres. About two-thirds of the population are employed in the ribbon manufacture, which is extensively carried on, and the remainder in agriculture and in collieries; coal of good quality being found. The Coventry and Oxford canal passes through the parish. The living is a vicarage not in charge, in the patronage of the Crown, and the impropriation belongs to Mrs. Swain: the great tithes have been commuted for £75, and the vicarial for £353. 14.; the glebe comprises 37 acres. The church, an ancient edifice, was enlarged in 1816 by the erection of a south aisle, of brick. A district church dedicated to St. Paul was erected in 1841, at a cost of £2904, raised by subscription, aided by a grant of £500 from the Incorporated Society; it is a neat edifice in the early English style, with a tower and pinnacles, and has 1088 sittings, of which 680 are free. The living is in the patronage of the Vicar, with a net income of £180. There are places of worship for Independents and Wesleyans; and a parochial school, endowed with £30 per annum by the Parrott family, is conducted on the national system. The union of Foleshill comprises 11 parishes or places, containing a population of 17,235.

Folke (St. Lawrence)

FOLKE (St. Lawrence), a parish, in the union and hundred of Sherborne, Sherborne division of Dorset, 3¼ miles (S. E. by S.) from Sherborne; containing 318 inhabitants. The parish comprises 1722 acres by measurement; there are quarries of limestone and ragstone, the former raised for manure, and the latter for rough building and the roads. The village is neatly built, and of rural aspect; and the surrounding country is pleasingly diversified. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £9. 12. 3½., and in the joint patronage of the Dean and Chapter of Salisbury, and G. T. Jacob, Esq.: the tithes have been commuted for £338, and the glebe comprises 16 acres. The church is a very handsome edifice, in good repair.

Folkestone (St. Mary and St. Eanswith)

FOLKESTONE (St. Mary and St. Eanswith), a parish, in the union of Elham, hundred of Folkestone, lathe of Shepway, E. division of Kent; comprising the sea-port and incorporated and market town of Folkestone, which has a separate jurisdiction, the hamlet of Ford, and part of the chapelry of Sandgate; and containing 4413 inhabitants, of whom 3723 are in the town, 37¼ miles (E. S. E.) from Maidstone, and 71 (E. S. E.) from London. This place, called by the Saxons Fulcestane, and in Domesday book Fullcheston, is by some antiquaries supposed to have been a Roman station, though its particular name has not been ascertained: a great quantity of Roman coins has been found, and on one of the hills in the immediate vicinity of the town are the remains of a quadrilateral fortification, whose vallum and fosse are plainly discernible. Eadbald, the sixth king of Kent, built a castle here, on a high cliff close to the sea-shore, which, having been reduced to a heap of ruins by the Danes, and Earl Godwin, when he ravaged this coast in 1052, was rebuilt by William de Albrincis or de Averenches, lord of the place after the Norman Conquest, and continued to be the chief seat of the barony till it was destroyed, together with the cliff on which it stood, by the encroachments of the sea. King Eadbald, some time after he had built the castle, founded within its precincts a priory for nuns of the Benedictine order, of which his daughter Eanswithe became first one of the sisters, and afterwards abbess. This convent having been destroyed during the Danish ravages, one for Benedictine monks was erected on its site in 1095, by Nigel de Mundeville, lord of Folkestone, who made it a cell to the abbey of Lonley, in Normandy. Not long after, the sea having so far wasted that part of the cliff upon which it stood as to endanger the buildings, the monks removed to a new situation, immediately to the south of the present church. This third priory, being afterwards made denizen, escaped the general fate of the alien priories in the reign of Henry V., and existed until the general Dissolution, when its revenue was estimated at £63. 0. 7.: the only part of the monastic buildings remaining is a Norman arched doorway; but their foundations may be traced for a considerable distance.

Corporation Seal.

Before the reign of Henry I., Folkestone was made a member of the town and port of Dovor, one of the cinque-ports, its freemen being styled "the barons of the town of Folkestone;" and King Edward III. reincorporated the inhabitants by the title of "the Mayor, Jurats, and Commonalty of the Town of Folkestone." In the year 1378, the greater part of it was burned by the united forces of the Scots and French; and this devastation, added to the continual encroachments made by the sea, reduced it to a very low and inconsiderable state, in which it continued until the last century, when, by the establishment of a fishery, and a free trade with France, it regained its importance. The town is beautifully situated on the shore of the English Channel, opposite Boulogne, which may be seen from it in fine weather, and in a hollow between two cliffs rising precipitously to the height of 90 feet above the level of the sea. The houses are irregularly built of brick, and the streets are narrow; the inhabitants are supplied with water by two rivulets, one of which flows through the centre of the town. The environs are pleasant, and the air salubrious; there is an excellent beach for bathing, and hot and cold baths have been fitted up with every convenience: the hamlet of Sandgate is also much frequented as a bathing-place by such as are fond of retirement.

Folkestone, as a member of the cinque-port of Dovor, enjoys special privileges. The harbour, which was small and protected by jetties, was formerly kept in repair by voluntary contributions; but these proving insufficient, an act was passed in 1766, imposing a duty on coal brought to the port, to be applied to that purpose. It was afterwards judged necessary to construct a new and more capacious harbour. There is a great number of fishingboats, which in the mackerel season are employed in catching that fish for the London market; and when the mackerel season is over, they usually proceed to the coasts of Suffolk and Norfolk to catch herrings. The South-Eastern railway, completed from London to Folkestone on the 28th June, 1843, and from Folkestone to Dovor, Feb. 1844, passes close to the town, near which it is carried over a deep valley by a viaduct 100 feet high; and the portion between this place and Dovor comprises works of the most stupendous and interesting character. A great change was effected on the opening of the railway; many new houses were erected, a bank established, and an hotel affording excellent accommodation built. The directors of the company, also, have purchased the harbour, the possession of which is expected to prove of great importance in connexion with the traffic to France and other parts of the continent. At a short distance from the church is a battery of four guns. The market, granted by King John, is on Saturday; the market-house has lately been rebuilt, upon an extended scale. There is a fair on the 28th of June. The corporation, by charter of the 20th of Charles II., consisted of a mayor, twelve jurats, and twenty-four common-councilmen, assisted by a recorder, town-clerk, chamberlain, and other officers; but by the act of the 5th and 6th of William IV., cap. 76, the government is now vested in a mayor, four aldermen, and twelve councillors: the number of magistrates is three. A separate court of quarter-session has been granted by the crown. The powers of the county debtcourt of Folkestone, established in 1847, extend over Folkestone and 5 adjacent parishes. A spacious guildhall has been erected, with a jury-room and councilchamber adjoining; and there is a common gaol and house of correction, whereof the Earl of Radnor is hereditary gaoler, appointing a deputy.

Seal of the late Harbour Company.

The parish comprises 4350 acres, the soil of which is in general fertile: an act was passed in 1840 for inclosing the common. The living is a perpetual curacy, net income, £185; patron, the Archbishop of Canterbury; impropriator, the Earl of Radnor, whose tithes have been commuted for £290. The church, which was that of the priory, is a cruciform structure of sandstone, in the early English style, with a tower in the centre supported by very large piers, from which spring pointed arches: the western division of the building is contracted in its dimensions, part having been blown down in December, 1705. In the south aisle is an elegant altartomb, with figures of armed knights, representing two brothers named Herdson, formerly lords of the manor; in a niche in the north wall, near the altar, is the figure of a knight, supposed to be one of the Fiennes, warden of Dovor Castle; and near the west end is a small brass plate to the memory of the mother of the celebrated Dr. William Harvey. There are places of worship for Baptists, the Society of Friends, and Wesleyans. Dr. Harvey bequeathed £200 for the benefit of the poor of the town; and his nephew and executor, Sir Elias Harvey, in 1674 founded a school for boys, and endowed it with part of the income of an estate in the parish of Lympne. At Ford, about half a mile from the town, is a chalybeate spring. The most eminent natives are, Dr. Harvey, born in 1578, who discovered the circulation of the blood; and John Phillipott, Somerset herald, and one of the principal Kentish antiquaries, born about the close of the sixteenth century. Folkestone gives the title of Viscount to the family of Bouverie, earls of Radnor.