Felsham - Fenstanton

A Topographical Dictionary of England. Originally published by S Lewis, London, 1848.

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'Felsham - Fenstanton', A Topographical Dictionary of England, (London, 1848), pp. 228-230. British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/england/pp228-230 [accessed 2 July 2024].

. "Felsham - Fenstanton", in A Topographical Dictionary of England, (London, 1848) 228-230. British History Online, accessed July 2, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/england/pp228-230.

. "Felsham - Fenstanton", A Topographical Dictionary of England, (London, 1848). 228-230. British History Online. Web. 2 July 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/england/pp228-230.

In this section

Felsham (St. Peter)

FELSHAM (St. Peter), a parish, in the union of Stow, hundred of Thedwastry, W. division of Suffolk, 5 miles (S. S. W.) from Woolpit; containing 398 inhabitants, and comprising 1630a. 1r. 24p. A fair for toys is held on the 16th of August. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £8. 4. 7., and in the gift of the Rev. T. Anderson: the tithes have been commuted for £490, and the glebe comprises 8 acres.

Felsted (Holy Cross)

FELSTED (Holy Cross), a parish, in the union of Dunmow, hundred of Hinckford, N. division of Essex, 4 miles (E. S. E.) from Dunmow; containing 1798 inhabitants. This parish, the name of which signifies "the hilly place," is separated from Dunmow by the river Chelmer; the soil is generally a strong wet loam, resting on a whitish clay marl. The living is a vicarage, valued in the king's books at £13. 16. 8.; net income, £396; patron and impropriator, the Earl of Mornington. The church, situated on elevated ground, is an ancient edifice, with a square embattled tower surrounded by a lantern of elegant design, and contains a superb monument to the memory of Lord Rich, who, by letterspatent in the reign of Philip and Mary, founded an almshouse for three men and three women, under the superintendence of a chaplain: the chaplain, churchwardens, and parishioners form a body corporate. In the reign of Elizabeth, a free grammar school was founded in connexion with the charity, and this respectable school reckons among its alumni Oliver, Richard, and Henry, sons of Cromwell, the Protector; and Drs. John Wallis and Isaac Barrow.

Feltham (St. Dunstan)

FELTHAM (St. Dunstan), a parish, in the union of Staines, hundred of Spelthorne, county of Middlesex, 4 miles (S. W.) from Hounslow; containing 1029 inhabitants. This place, which is noticed in Domesday book, is supposed to have been originally called Feldham, signifying "the field village." The manor and advowson were given to the hospital of St. Giles without the Bars, which grant was confirmed by Henry II. In 1634, the manor-house and nearly the whole village were destroyed by an accidental fire, when, also, the registers of the parish were burnt. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £8; net income, £302; patrons, the family of Morris; impropriators, the family of Tousaint. The church was rebuilt in 1802, and contains some interesting monuments.

Felthorpe (St. Margaret)

FELTHORPE (St. Margaret), a parish, in the union of St. Faith, hundred of Taverham, E. division of Norfolk, 7 miles (N. W. by N.) from Norwich; containing 574 inhabitants. It comprises by admeasurement 2240 acres, of which 1131 are arable, 537 pasture, and 572 woodland. The living is a discharged rectory, valued in the king's books at £4, and in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich: the tithes have been commuted for £270, and the glebe comprises 24 acres. At the inclosure, in 1790, 50 acres of land were allotted to the poor; who have also 28 acres, and four houses, bequeathed by William Brereton in 1686.

Felton (St. Michael)

FELTON (St. Michael), a parish, in the union of Bromyard, hundred of Broxash, county of Hereford, 8 miles (N. E. by N.) from Hereford; containing 113 inhabitants. It comprises by computation 1800 acres; the surface is varied. The living is a discharged vicarage, endowed with the rectorial tithes, and valued in the king's books at £4. 12. 2.; net income, £207; patron, Thomas Hill, Esq. The church is a very ancient structure.

Felton (St. Michael)

FELTON (St. Michael), a parish, in the union of Alnwick, comprising the townships of Felton, Elyhaugh, Swarland, Acton with Old Felton, and Greens with Glantlees, in the E. division of Coquetdale ward; and the townships of Bockenfield, Eshott, and East and West Thriston with Shot-haugh, in the E., and Brinkburn South-Side, in the W., division of Morpeth ward; N. division of Northumberland; the whole containing 1585 inhabitants, of whom 623 are in the township of Felton, 9 miles (S.) from Alnwick. The parish consists of 14,687 acres, the soil of which is various, but chiefly incumbent upon strong clay, and well suited for the growth of grain: there are some seams of coal, but none has been wrought of late years. Fairs for cattle, sheep, &c., are held on the first Mondays in May and November. The village is pleasantly situated on a steep acclivity, which rises from the north side of the Coquet river; the houses are built on each side of the great north road, with the exception of a few that branch off at the south end of the village, where the river is crossed by a stone bridge of three arches. King John caused a village here to be burnt, in 1216, as a punishment to the barons of Northumberland, who had done honour on the spot to Alexander, King of Scotland. The living is a vicarage, with the perpetual curacy of Long Framlington annexed, valued in the king's books at £3. 13. 4., and in the patronage of the Crown, with a net income of £275; impropriator, Col. Davison. The church stands on an eminence on the north side of the Coquet, which winds beautifully through the parish. There are a place of worship for Wesleyans, and a Roman Catholic chapel.

Felton, Somerset.—See Whitchurch.

FELTON, Somerset.—See Whitchurch.


FELTON, a tything, in the parish of Windford, union of Bedminster, hundred of Hartcliffe with Bedminster, E. division of the county of Somerset; containing 246 inhabitants.

Felton, Old, with Acton.—See Acton.

FELTON, OLD, with Acton.—See Acton.

Felton, West (St. Michael)

FELTON, WEST (St. Michael), a parish, in the union of Oswestry (under a local act), hundred of Oswestry, N. division of Salop, 5 miles (S. E. by E.) from Oswestry; containing 1087 inhabitants. The parish is bounded by the small river Perry and the Ellesmere canal, and intersected by the Holyhead road. It comprises 5985a. 38p.: the surface is generally level, with some gentle undulations; the soil is various, in some parts sand, in some clay, and in others a fertile loam. There is a handsome sheet of water called Sandford Pool. Stone is quarried for building. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £20. 12. 6., and in the gift of the Earl of Craven: the tithes have been commuted for £1000, and the glebe comprises 39 acres. The church was built in 1480. There are places of worship for Independents and other dissenters; and a school conducted on the national plan. In the hamlet of Woolston is a remarkable well, dedicated to St. Winifred. John Dovaston, Esq., a man of considerable literary attainments, was born here in 1740.

Feltwell (St. Mary And St. Nicholas)

FELTWELL (St. Mary and St. Nicholas), consolidated parishes, in the union of Thetford, hundred of Grimshoe, W. division of Norfolk, 6 miles (N. W.) from Brandon; containing 1512 inhabitants. This district comprises about 14,600 acres, of which 5240 are arable, 8000 pasture and fen, 235 woodland, and about 1100 common. Some of the inhabitants are employed in the manufacture of bombasin and crape. A fair is held on the 20th of November. The living is a united rectory, valued in the king's books at £23. 17. 3½., and in the patronage of the Crown and the Bishop of Ely, alternately: the tithes have been commuted for £1260, and the glebe comprises 199 acres, with a handsome house. The church dedicated to St. Mary is a spacious structure in the early English style, with a massive tower, and contains some ancient monuments and effigies in brass; that dedicated to St. Nicholas is an older edifice, with a circular tower and octagonal turret: both have been thoroughly repaired. There is a place of worship for Wesleyans. Sir Edward Mundeford bequeathed land for the foundation of a school and almshouses, of which the latter only have been erected: the land, including an allotment at the inclosure, comprises 622 acres; but the expense of drainage has absorbed all the profit.

Fenby, county of Lincoln.—See Ashby.

FENBY, county of Lincoln.—See Ashby.

Fence, Lancashire.—See Booth, Old Laund.

FENCE, Lancashire.—See Booth, Old Laund.


FENCOT, a hamlet, in the parish of Charltonupon-Otmore, union of Bicester, hundred of Ploughley, county of Oxford, 4½ miles (S. by W.) from the town of Bicester; containing 144 inhabitants.


FENHAM, a hamlet, in the parish of Holy-Island, union of Berwick, in Islandshire, N. division of Northumberland; containing 140 inhabitants.


FENHAM, a township, in the parish of St. Andrew, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, union of Newcastle, W. division of Castle ward, S. division of Northumberland, 2 miles (W. N. W.) from Newcastle; containing 74 inhabitants. The manor belonged to the Knights Templars, and, with the rest of their property, was granted in the 18th of Edward II. to the Knights Hospitallers. The township is on the Chevy-Chase road to Edinburgh, viâ Ponteland, Otterburn, Melrose, and Jedburgh; and comprises 410 acres, of which 245 are pasture and woodland, and the remainder arable. The tithes have been commuted for £60. 12. 8., of which £12. 15. 4. are payable to the vicar.

Feniscowles.—See Pleasington.

FENISCOWLES.—See Pleasington.

Feniton (St. Andrew)

FENITON (St. Andrew), a parish, in the union of Honiton, hundred of Hayridge, Honiton and N. divisions of Devon, 4 miles (W. by S.) from Honiton; containing 315 inhabitants. Feniton bridge was the scene of a sanguinary contest, in which Sir J. Russell and Lord Grey defeated the Cornish insurgents, in the reign of Edward VI. The parish comprises 1822 acres by measurement, of which 1220 are arable, 450 pasture, 92 orchard, and 60 woodland; the soil is fertile. The village is situated near the river Otter, about one mile from the great western road. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £16. 18. 6½., and in the gift, in turn, of Christopher Flood, Esq., G. B. Northcote, Esq., and Mrs. Woolly: the tithes have been commuted for £280, and the glebe comprises 70 acres. The church, a venerable structure erected about the time of Henry VII., contains a very rich wooden screen. A Wesleyan meeting-house has been erected.


FENLAKE, a hamlet, in the township of Eastcotts, parish of Cardington, hundred of Wixamtree, union and county of Bedford; containing 138 inhabitants. It is situated on the bank of the river Ouse.

Fenny-Compton, county of Warwick.—See Compton, Fenny.

FENNY-COMPTON, county of Warwick.—See Compton, Fenny.—And all places having a similar distinguishing prefix will be found under the proper name.


FENROTHER, a township, in the parochial chapelry of Hebburn, union of Morpeth, W. division of Morpeth ward, N. division of Northumberland, 4 miles (N. W. by N.) from Morpeth; containing 92 inhabitants. This place was at an early period held under the barons of Bothal, by the family of Fenrother. In the reign of Henry III., and subsequently, the Herons had possessions here; and among other owners have been the priors of Tynemouth, and the family of Woodman: it is now the property of Mr. Woodman, and the Duke of Portland. The township comprises 1414a. 3r. 25p., of which 1094 acres are arable, 271 grass-land, and 49 wood; the village consists of a small cluster of farmhouses and cottages on a dry knoll, midway between the Berwick and Wooler roads to Edinburgh. The tithes have been commuted for £155. 6. 10.

Fen-Stanton (St. Peter and St. Paul)

FEN-STANTON (St. Peter and St. Paul), a parish, in the union of St. Ives, hundred of Toseland, county of Huntingdon, 3 miles (S. by E.) from St. Ives; containing 1032 inhabitants. This parish, which is situated on the road from Cambridge to Huntingdon, and on the river Ouse, comprises 2430 acres by admeasurement, whereof 1607 are arable, and 814 meadow and pasture, resting for the most part on a gravelly soil. The surface is generally flat, but rises into small eminences towards the south. The living is a discharged vicarage, with that of Hilton annexed, valued in the king's books at £11. 11. 5½.; net income, £275; patrons, the Master and Fellows of Trinity Hall, Cambridge; impropriator, the Rev. L. Brown. The tithes were commuted for land and a money payment in 1802.