1. |
Kensington Square district. Based on the Ordnance Survey of 1867–72
7 |
2. |
Kensington Square district. Based on the Ordnance Survey of 1952–68
10 |
3. |
No. 7 Kensington Square, plans. Drawn by John
Sambrook from survey and from a plan in possession
of the G.L.C. Historic Buildings Division
13 |
4. |
No. 7 Kensington Square, plan and sections of
staircase. Measured and drawn by John Sambrook
15 |
5 |
Nos. 11 and 12 Kensington Square, elevation.
Drawn by John Sambrook from survey and from
an elevation in possession of the National Monuments Record
17 |
6 |
Nos. 11 and 12 Kensington Square, plans. Drawn
by John Sambrook from plans in possession of the
National Mounments Record
19 |
7. |
No. 13 Kensington Square, elevation. Drawn
from an elevation in Kensington Central Library,
MS. K76/67
20 |
8. |
No. 17 Kensington Square, plans and detail of
staircase. Measured and drawn by John Sambrook
23 |
9. |
No. 23 Kensington Square, plan. Drawn from a
plan in Kensington Central Library, MS. 925
26 |
10. |
Convent of the Assumption, Kensington Square,
plan of chapel. Measured and drawn by John
28 |
11. |
Kensington Square, doorcases. Measured and
drawn by S. M. Boden
31 |
12. |
No. 29 Kensington Square, plans and detail of
staircase. Measured and drawn by John Sambrook
37 |
13. |
No. 36 Kensington Square, plans. Drawn from
plans in possession of the Crown Estate Office and
the G.L.C. Historic Buildings Division
41 |
14. |
Nos. 41 and 42 Kensington Square, plans. Drawn
by John Sambrook from survey and from plans in
possession of the G.L.C., BR case no. 97020
44 |
15. |
No. 16 Young Street, plans. Measured and drawn
by John Sambrook
48 |
16. |
No. 27 Young Street, plans, elevations and section. Redrawn by John Sambrook from a survey
made at the time of demolition in possession of the
G.L.C. Historic Buildings Division
50 |
17. |
James Street area and improvement plans. Based
on the Ordnance Survey of 1862–72 and on plans
in the Greater London Record Office, MR/UP/
1565 and LCC/CL/PARL/4/22
52 |
18. |
The Kensington estate of Gerard Noel and
its division after 1800. Based on T. Starling's map
of Kensington, 1822, and the Ordnance Survey of
57 |
19. |
Colby House, plan of intended house. Drawn
from a plan in the British Library, Grace Maps,
portfolio X, no. 11 and from the Ordnance Survey
of 1867–72
58 |
20. |
Kensington House and Colby House, site plan.
Based on the Ordnance Survey of 1867–72
61 |
21. |
Kensington House, site and floor plans. Drawn
from sale particulars in possession of John Barker
and Company in c. 1980
64–5 |
22. |
Kensington Court. Based on the Ordnance Survey
of 1973–6
68 |
23. |
No. 2 Kensington Court, plans. Measured and
drawn by Michael F. Clements
70 |
24. |
No. 2 Kensington Court, details. Measured and
drawn by John Sambrook and Michael F. Clements
71 |
25. |
No. 3 Kensington Court, plans. Measured and
drawn by Michael F. Clements
73 |
26. |
No. 20 Kensington Court, elevation. Measured
and drawn by Liam O'Connor
73 |
27. |
Nos. 27 and 28 Kensington Court, plans.
Measured and drawn by John Sambrook
74 |
28. |
Kensington High Street, south side between
Colby House and Young Street. Based on the Ordnance Survey of 1867–72
77 |
29. |
No. 19 Kensington High Street, plans and elevations. Measured, drawn and conjecturally restored
by John Sambrook
79 |
30. |
Kensington High Street, south side between
Young Street and High Street Kensington
Station. Based on the Ordnance Survey of 1867–72
83 |
31. |
Derry and Toms, plans of premises in c. 1910.
Drawn from plans in Greater London Record
Office, BA case 33408
90–1 |
32. |
Derry and Toms, plans of store and roof garden.
Drawn from The Architect and Building News,
14 April 1933 and G.L.C. Building Act cases
94–5 |
33. |
Kensington High Street and Wright's Lane area.
Based on the Ordnance Survey of 1867–72
99 |
34. |
Kensington High Street and Wright's Lane area.
Based on the Ordnance Survey of 1973–6
104 |
35. |
Adam and Eve Mews and area. Based on the Ordnance Survey of 1974–6
109 |
36. |
Kensington High Street, south side from Allen
Street to Earl's Court Road. Based on a plan of
the Allen-Stevens estate in the Greater London
Record Office and on the Ordnance Survey of
111 |
37. |
Nos. 32–38 (even) Abingdon Road, elevation.
Measured and drawn by Robert Weston
113 |
38. |
Nos. 173–195 (odd) Kensington High Street,
elevation. Measured and drawn by Alan Fagan
115 |
39. |
Prince of Wales Terrace. Based on the Ordnance
Survey of 1952–68
117 |
40. |
Prince of Wales Terrace, typical elevation.
Measured and drawn by Roy Bowles
118 |
41. |
Prince of Wales Terrace, detail from houses.
Measured and drawn by Roy Bowles
119 |
42. |
De Vere Gardens. Based on the Ordnance Survey
of 1862–72
122 |
43. |
De Vere Gardens. Based on the Ordnance Survey
of 1949–68
122 |
44. |
Batty's Hippodrome, plan and sectional elevation. Drawn by John Sambrook based on plans in
The Builder, 10 May 1851
123 |
45. |
No. 30 De Vere Gardens, elevation. Measured and
drawn by Roy Bowles
125 |
46. |
No. 6 De Vere Gardens, plan. Drawn by John
Sambrook from Middlesex Deeds Registry, 1877/
126 |
47. |
Inderwick estate, Kensington New Town. Based
on the Ordnance Survey of 1973–6
130 |
48. |
Nos. 8–10 (consec.) Canning Place, plans and
elevations. Measured and drawn by Robert Weston
131 |
49. |
Victoria Grove, plans and elevations. Measured
and drawn by F. A. Evans
132 |
50. |
Nos. 21 and 22 Launceston Place, plans and
elevation. Measured and drawn by F. A. Evans and
133 |
51. |
No. 22 Launceston Place, details. Measured and
drawn by F. A. Evans
134 |
52. |
No. 24 Launceston Place, plans and elevation.
Measured and drawn by Robert Weston
135 |
53. |
St. George's Court, Gloucester Road, plan of
flats. Drawn from W. Shaw Sparrow, Flats, Urban
Houses and Cottage Homes, 1907, p. 40.
136 |
54. |
Vallotton estate and outliers. Based on the Ordnance Survey of 1894–6
138 |
55. |
Nos. 23 and 25 Victoria Road, plan and elevation.
Measured and drawn by Robert Weston
139 |
56. |
No. 15 Eldon Road, plans and elevation.
Measured and drawn by Robert Weston
144 |
57. |
Nos. 32 and 34 Stanford Road, elevation.
Measured and drawn by Robert Weston
145 |
58. |
No. 35 Victoria Road, plans, section and elevation. Drawn from drawings in possession of Sir
Hugh and Lady Casson
147 |
59. |
No. 1 Cottesmore Gardens, elevation. Measured
and drawn by Liam O'Connor
149 |
60. |
Cornwall Gardens. Based on the Ordnance Survey
of 1973–6
151 |
61. |
Nos. 53 and 54 Cornwall Gardens. Drawn from
plans deposited in the Greater London Record Office
by the Willett Estates
153 |
62 |
No. 1 Cornwall Mansions, Cornwall Gardens,
elevation. Measured and drawn by Roy Bowles
155 |
63 |
No. 1 Cornwall Mansions, Cornwall Gardens,
plans. Drawn from plans deposited in the Greater
London Record Office by the Willett Estates, and
from The Builder, 22 April 1882
156 |
64 |
Plan of villas on the Day estate. Based on plan
in Middlesex Deeds Registry, 1835/8/181, and on
the Ordnance Survey of 1867–72
159 |
65. |
Hereford Square area. Based on the Ordnance
Survey of 1976–7
160 |
66 |
Hereford Square, plans and elevations. Measured
and drawn by Robert Weston
163 |
67 |
Proposed studio in Wetherby Place, plan and
elevations. Drawn from plans in possession of
Messrs. Church, Adams, Tatham and Company,
Reigate, Surrey
166 |
68 |
Alexander estate. Based on the Ordnance Survey
of 1894–6
169 |
69. |
No. 108 Cromwell Road, elevation. Measured and
drawn by John Sambrook
172 |
70. |
Ashburn Mews, plan and elevation of mews arch.
Measured and drawn by F. A. Evans and John
173 |
71. |
Nos. 1–23 (odd) Ashburn Place, plans, section
and elevations. Measured and drawn by S. M.
176–7 |
72. |
Nos. 15A–47 Courtfield Road, typical elevation.
Measured and drawn by John Sambrook
178 |
73. |
Nos. 15A–47 Courtfield Road, typical plans.
Measured and drawn by John Sambrook
179 |
74. |
Nos. 14 and 16 Harrington Gardens, plans. Drawn from plans deposited in the Greater London
Record Office by the Willett Estates
180 |
75. |
Nos. 20–26 (even) and 35–45 (odd) Harrington
Gardens, site plan. Based on the Ordnance Survey
of 1894–6
184 |
76. |
Nos. 1–18 Collingham Gardens, site plan. Based
on the Ordnance Survey of 1894–6
185 |
77. |
Nos. 35 and 37 Harrington Gardens, elevation.
Measured and drawn by Roy Bowles
186 |
78. |
Nos. 39 and 41 Harrington Gardens, elevation.
Measured and drawn by Roy Bowles
188 |
79. |
Nos. 24, 26, 35, 37 and 41 Harrington Gardens,
plans. Drawn from The Building News, 3 June
1881 and 7 July 1882, and from Hermann
Muthesius, Die Englische Baukunst der
Gegenwart, 1900
190 |
80. |
Nos. 1, 8, and 17 Collingham Gardens, plans.
Drawn from Hermann Muthesius, Die Englische
Baukunst der Gegenwart, 1900
192 |
81. |
No. 9 Collingham Gardens, plans. Drawn from
The British Architect, 16 Jan. 1885
194 |
82. |
Gunter estate, plan. Based on the Ordnance
Survey of 1949–76
198 |
83. |
Gunter estate, plan of builders' areas of operation. Based on the Ordnance Survey of 1949–76
199 |
84. |
Gunter estate and adjacent area: plan of former
field names |
200 |
85. |
Gunter estate and adjacent area: plan showing
dates of acquisition |
201 |
86. |
Earl's Court House and The Terrace. Based on
the Ordnance Survey of 1862–72
202 |
87. |
Gunter estate: plan of villas north of Old
Brompton Road. Based on the Ordnance Survey
of 1862–72
203 |
88. |
Laverton Mews and Colbeck Mews, plans and
elevations of arches. Measured and drawn by Alan
204 |
89. |
No. 23 Bolton Gardens, elevation. Measured and
drawn by Alan Fagan
205 |
90. |
No. 33 Collingham Road, plan. Drawn by John
Sambrook from survey and from Middlesex Deeds
Registry, 1875/22/454
208 |
91. |
No. 29 Ashburn Place, elevation. Measured and
drawn by Liam O'Connor
209 |
92. |
No. 29 Ashburn Place, detail. Measured and
drawn by Liam O'Connor
210 |
93. |
No. 25 Wetherby Gardens, elevation. Measured
and drawn by Alan Fagan
211 |
94. |
Nos. 13–19 Wetherby Gardens, typical elevation.
Measured and drawn by John Sambrook
212 |
95. |
Earl's Court Village and Earl's Court Gardens,
plan of former freehold estates. Based on the Ordnance Survey of 1949–75
216 |
96. |
Earl's Court Village and Earl's Court Gardens,
plan showing building-estates. Based on the Ordnance Survey of 1949–75
217 |
97. |
Nos. 43–51 (odd) Kenway Road, elevation. Measured and drawn by Robert Weston
218 |
98. |
The Prince of Teck, Earl's Court Road, elevation.
Measured and drawn by Michael F. Clements
222 |
99. |
Nos. 195–201 Earl's Court Road, elevation.
Measured and drawn by Alan Fagan
223 |
100. |
The Abingdon Villas and Scarsdale Villas area.
Based on the Ordnance Survey of 1951–76
226 |
101. |
Inkerman Terrace, elevation. Measured and
drawn by Liam O'Connor
229 |
102. |
No. 12 Scarsdale Villas, plans and elevation.
Measured and drawn by Robert Weston
231 |
103. |
Abingdon Court, details of lift mechanism. Measured and drawn by John Sambrook
236–7 |
104. |
Edwardes estate in 1812. Redrawn from plan in
Middlesex Deeds Registry, 1813/5/183
240 |
105. |
Edwardes estate, northern part. Based on the
Ordnance Survey of 1894–6, with later additions
250 |
106. |
Earl's Terrace, typical plans and elevation.
Measured and drawn by Alan Fagan
251 |
107. |
Earl's Terrace, plan and elevation of western
lodge and gate. Measured and drawn by Alan
252 |
108. |
Edwardes Square, plans, elevations and section.
Measured and drawn by F. A. Evans and Alan
253 |
109. |
Earl's Terrace and Edwardes Square, details of
fanlights and ironwork. Measured and drawn by
Alan Fagan
255 |
110. |
St. Mary Abbot's Place, elevation of east side.
Measured and drawn by Alan Fagan
263 |
111. |
Nos. 15 and 33 Warwick Gardens, elevations.
Measured and drawn by John Sambrook
265 |
112. |
No. 35 Pembroke Gardens, elevation. Measured
and drawn by John Sambrook
266 |
113. |
Pembroke Square, plans, elevations and section.
Measured and drawn by F. A. Evans
272 |
114. |
Pembroke Studios, plans and elevation.
Measured and drawn by Irena Malanowska
276 |
115. |
Pembroke Studios, elevation of entrance.
Measured and drawn by Irena Malanowska
277 |
116. |
Erards piano factory, Pembroke Road, plans,
elevations, section and details. Measured and
drawn by John Sambrook
278–9 |
117. |
Shaftesbury Cottages, Fenelon Place, plan and
elevation. Measured and drawn by H. M. A.
Armitage (1956–7)
285 |
118. |
Edwardes estate east of Earl's Court Road.
Based on the Ordnance Survey of 1914
289 |
119. |
Nos. 57–75 (odd) Lexham Gardens, typical
elevation. Measured and drawn by Roy Bowles
and Michael F. Clements
293 |
120. |
No. 10 Lexham Gardens, elevation. Measured
and drawn by Roy Bowles
296 |
121. |
Edwardes estate, southern part. Based on the
Ordnance Survey of 1894–6, with later additions
301 |
122. |
Nos. 1–15 (odd) Nevern Place, typical elevation.
Measured and drawn by Alan Fagan
303 |
123. |
No. 5 Nevern Square, elevation. Measured and
drawn by Alan Fagan
305 |
124. |
Nevern Square, proposed house plans. Drawn from an engraving in Kensington Central Library,
Nevern Square, K5307/B
306 |
125. |
Trebovir Road, typical elevation. Measured and
drawn by Michael F. Clements
308 |
126. |
No. 44 Earl's Court Square, plan, elevation and
detail. Measured and drawn by Alan Fagan
313 |
127. |
No. 44 Earl's Court Square, detail of ceiling.
Measured and drawn by Alan Fagan
315 |
128. |
Nos. 48 and 72 Philbeach Gardens, elevations.
Measured and drawn by Alan Fagan and Michael
F. Clements
319 |
129. |
Kensington Canal, plan of basin and lock near
Warwick Road. Drawn from plan in Greater
London Record Office, WCS/P36/1121, and from
Edmund Daw's map of Kensington, 1852
323 |
130. |
Lock-keeper's cottage, Kensington Canal,
elevation. Measured and drawn by John
326 |
131. |
The Metropolitan and Metropolitan District
Railways in Kensington. From Charles E. Lee,
The Metropolitan District Railway, 1956
327 |
132. |
High Street Kensington Station, details of original roof. Drawn from reproductions of plans in
possession of London Transport Plan Room, Ashfield House
330 |
133. |
Earl's Court Exhibition in 1887. Based on plan
in Charles Lowe, Four National Exhibitions in
London and their Organiser, 1892, and on the
Ordnance Survey
333 |
134. |
Earl's Court Exhibition in 1899. Based on the
Ordnance Survey and on plan in Earl's Court
Exhibition catalogue, 1899
334 |
135. |
Earl's Court Exhibition building, present site
plan. Based on the Ordnance Survey of 1973–6
336 |
136. |
Emperor's Gate area. Based on the Ordnance
Survey of 1894–6
339 |
137. |
Nos. 8–10 (consec.) Emperor's Gate, typical
elevation. Measured and drawn by Alan Fagan
340 |
138. |
Nos. 26–36 (consec.) Emperor's Gate, typical
plans and elevation. Measured and drawn by
Alan Fagan
341 |
139. |
Kensington Workhouse and the Workhouse of
St. Margaret and St. John, Westminster, in
1867. Based on the Ordnance Survey of 1862–72
344 |
140. |
The Workhouse of St. Margaret and St. John,
Westminster: section to show fire-proof construction. Drawn by Michael F. Clements from
a section in the Greater London Record Office,
MBO 29
348 |
141. |
St. Mary Abbots Hospital in 1984. Based on the
Ordnance Survey of 1976 and on plans in the possession of St. Mary Abbots Hospital
351 |
142. |
Kensington Workhouse, plan of chapel. Drawn from plans in the R.I.B.A. Drawings Collection,
U. 17/3
354 |
143. |
St. Mary Abbots Hospital and Kensington
Institution in 1929, occupation and use of buildings. Based on a plan in Greater London Record
Office, AR/CB/3/1
362 |
144. |
Christ Church, Victoria Road, plan. Measured
and drawn by John Sambrook
369 |
145. |
St. Cuthbert's Church and Clergy House,
Philbeach Gardens, plan. Measured and drawn
by John Sambrook
370 |
146. |
St. Cuthbert's Clergy House, Philbeach
Gardens, elevation. Measured and drawn by
Liam O'Connor
371 |
147. |
St. Cuthbert's Church, Philbeach Gardens,
details of internal wall covering. Measured and
drawn by John Sambrook
374 |
148. |
St. Jude's Church, Courtfield Gardens, plan.
Measured and drawn by John Sambrook
375 |
149. |
St. Jude's Church, Courtfield Gardens, details
of capital and pew. Measured and drawn by John
377 |
150. |
St. Matthias's Church, Warwick Road, plan.
Drawn from plans in Greater London Record
Office, P84/MTS/43, from the Ordnance Survey
of 1862–72, and from photographs
379 |
151. |
St. Patrick's Church, Kenway Road, proposed
plan. Drawn from plan in The Building News,
27 June 1873
381 |
152. |
St. Philip's Church, Earl's Court Road, plan.
Measured and drawn by John Sambrook
382 |
153. |
St. Stephen's Church, Gloucester Road, plan.
Measured and drawn by John Sambrook
384 |
154. |
St. Stephen's Church, Gloucester Road, detail
of window. Measured and drawn by John
386 |
155. |
Our Lady of Victories Church, Kensington
High Street, plan of church of 1867–9. Drawn
from The Builder, 11 July 1868
388 |
156. |
St. Sarkis's Armenian Church, Iverna Court,
plan. Measured and drawn by John Sambrook
390 |
157. |
Kensington United Reformed Church, Allen
Street, plan. Measured and drawn by John Sambrook
391 |
158. |
St. Mark's Coptic Orthodox Church, Allen
Street, plan. Measured and drawn by John
392 |
159. |
Russian Orthodox Church, Emperor's Gate,
plan. Measured and drawn by John Sambrook
393 |
Nos. 1–18 |
Collingham Gardens, elevations.
Measured and drawn by John Sambrook
between pages 184–5 |