Chancery Proceedings: 1558-1753

Cardiff Records: Volume 3. Originally published by Cardiff Records Committee, Cardiff, 1901.

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'Chancery Proceedings: 1558-1753', in Cardiff Records: Volume 3, ed. John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1901), British History Online [accessed 7 February 2025].

'Chancery Proceedings: 1558-1753', in Cardiff Records: Volume 3. Edited by John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1901), British History Online, accessed February 7, 2025,

"Chancery Proceedings: 1558-1753". Cardiff Records: Volume 3. Ed. John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1901), British History Online. Web. 7 February 2025.

In this section

R.O. Chanc. Proc.

Series II. Elizabeth. Bundle 5. No. 56. 1 m.

To the Right Honourable Sir Nicholas Bacon, knight, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal.

Complaint of John Arnowlde, servant attendant in household to the Right Honourable the Lord Herberte of Cardiff, that whereas David Thomas ap Howell, deceased, about three years past was seised (by virtue of a Lease for years, of the demise of Andrew Toocke) of a messuage, garden and seven acres of meadow ground to the same belonging, situate in the town of Cardiff, now in tenure of John Thomas and William Corre, and bequeathed the same to Arnold ap Dauid, his son; who thereof died seised, leaving the same to his son Roger Arnoulde; who assigned his interest therein to the Complainant: William Corre and John Nicholas Tyler, of Cardyff, have wrongfully ejected the Complainant; who prays redress.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 146. No. 110.

[Two membranes, torn.]

Termino s'c'e Trinitatis Anno Elizabeth primo 4 Junij 1559.

To the right hon'able sr Nich'as Bacon knight lorde kepr of the great seale of England.

Sheweth to yor lordship the right hon'able Will'm Erle of Pembroke That where aswell or late sou'eign lorde of famous memory Kinge Henry theight, Kinge Edward the sixt as others the Quenes Maiesties noble p'genytors and others their noble subiects before that at sondrye tymes and by seu'all titles haue byn seased in their demeane as of fee of and in the Lordship' Royall called the Lordship' of Glamorgan in the Countie of Glamorgan in Wales Wherof two other Lordships called Miskyn and Glynrothney are p'cell, the tenn'ts and inh'itaunts of whiche lordship Royall the tyme wherof the memory of man dothe not ru?e to the contrary haue byn charged w[i]th the payment of the some of a thowsand Marks at eu'y tyme as by death or by any other meanes there hath byn any alterac'on of the said lordship Royall, that is to saie, When and as often as the lorde of the said lordship' Royall hath died or alyened the same to any other p'son or p'sons hath byn made to be paid to hym or them, that after suche dyinge seased or alyenac'on haue com[m]e to the possessyon therof for and in the name of Myses and for the due leveinge of the said som[m]e, the heires successors and assignes of the Quenes Ma[jes]ties noble p'genytors and theires and assignes of eu'y of their said noble Subiects comynge to the said Lordship' royall by due course of inherytaunce or otherwise by all the tyme aforesaid haue vsed by Com[m]yssyon by them in that p'te addressed to such p'son or p'sons as to them did seme mete, to demaunde the said some of a thowsande Marks to them to be had at daies and tymes in the said lordship Royall vsed and accustomed and that after such demaunde therof made by order betwixt the said Comyssyon's and the inhabytaunts aforesaid sessors of eu'y of the said inh'itaunts have byn by them appointed and chosen to rate the said inh'itaunts, that is to saie eu'y of the Lordships w[i]thin the said lordship' Royall to like rate, Who at all tymes did well and trulie rate the same and trulie did answer and paie to the said noble p'genytors of or said sou'eign Lady and to others their noble Subiects for the tyme beinge lordes of the said Lordship' the said som[m]e; So it is pleaseth it yor hon'able Lordship' that or late sou'eign lorde kinge Edward the Sixt beinge therof seased, by his l'res patents vnder the great seale of England therof to hym made, As by the said l'res patents reddie to be shewed more at large it doth and maye appere, gave and graunted the said lordship' Royall to the said hon'ble Will'm Erle of Pembroke To haue and to holde the said Lordship' Royall with all comodyties and p'ffytes therunto belonginge to the said Erle his heires and assignes foreur By force wherof the said Erle entred into the same, and by his Lordship' writings sealed did com[m]aunde and aucthorise sr George Harbert knight, Edward Lewes, Rowlande Morgan and John Carne, Esquiers, to repaier to the said Lordship' Royall and there to assemble the inh'itaunts therof and of them to demaunde the said some of a thowsand Marks by them to be paid to the said Erle as is aforesaid, Who at that tyme did condiscend and agree and sessors and Collectors by the said Comyssion's and inh'itaunts were agreed vpon for the ratinge and leveynge of the said some accordinge vnto the auncyent vsage aforesaid; And after that is to saie aboute three yeres last past, the said sessors did rate the inhabytaunts of the said Lordships of Miskyn and Glynrothney with the payment of the som[m]e of threescore six pounds xiijs. iiijd. p'cell of the said som[m]e of a thowsand Marks. And after that is to saie aboute one yere last past the Collectors appointed for the gatheringe and leveinge therof, required the said inh'itaunts to make to them payment therof, the whiche to doe thies whose names do followe, in the name of the rest of thinh'itaunts of the said Manors vtterly did refuse, That is to saie, Morgan Mathewe gentleman, Richarde Harry, John ap Will'm, Evan Dio & Morgan ap Robert Howell David Tewe, to the disheryson of the said Erle of that p'te of the p'ffyt of the said Lordship Royall and to the evell example of all other his tenn'ts and inhabytaunts of the said Lordship if remedy herein be not p'vided by yor good Lordship And forasmuch as the said Erle cannot p'scribe in takinge and ympoundinge of any distres to be taken wthin the said lordship for the said some he is without remedy to haue and recour the same by order of the com[m]on lawe; Wherfore he desireth that it maye please yor lordship to awarde the Quenes Maiesties wryt of Subpena to be directed to the said Morgan Mathewe, Richarde Harry, John ap Will'm, Evan Dio & Morgan ap Robert Howell Davide Tewe, comaundinge them and eu'y of them by the same at a certen daie and vnder a certen paine therin to be lymyted p'sonallie to appere before yor good Lordship in the Quenes Maiesties highe corte of Chauncery then and there to answer to the p'misses, And farder to stand and abide to such order and direcc'on therin as to yor good lordship shall seme to stande with right equitie and good conscience &c.


Jur. coram Jo: Orphin Strange omnes quatuor. (fn. 1)

Thanswere of Morgan Mathew, John ap Willyam, Even Dio and Morgan ap Robert Defendants To the byll of Compleynt of the ryght honorable Will'm Erle of Pembroke Complenant.

The said Defendants by protestac'on not confessing any thinge materiall in the said Bill to be true for plee & answer thervnto saith that the same is incerten & insufficient in the lawe to be answered vnto And the matter therin conteyned ys of mere malice devised only to put the said Defend. beyng poore men to trouble cost and vexac'on. And for further answer they say that trew it is that aswell the Quenes Ma[jes]ties moste noble p'genitors as other noble men their subiects at svndry tymes and by seu'all tytles haue byn seased in thar demesn as of fee of and in the Lordshipp Roiall of Glamorgan & Morgonnocke in Southwales beyng a Lordshipp Marcher eur sythens the Conquest therof owt of the welshmens hands. And nowe beyng in the Cowntie of Glamorgan aforsaid wherof the said twoo Lordshipps of Myskyne and Glynrothney were members And when so eur the Lorde of the said Lordshipp Roiall of Glamorgan and Morgonnocke dyd dye and his heire entred into the same by discent of enheritance thinhabitants therof were accustomed to paye in the name of Myses to their newe Lord one Thowsand m'ks to the which som[m]e the inhabitants of the said two Lordshipps of Myskyn and Glynrothney were contributory according to their p'porc'ons. By reason that the said two Lordshipps were members of the said Lordshipp Royall of Glamorgan and morgonnocke for the which som[m]e of a Thowsand m'ks by the name of Myses all the Tennants and inhabitants of the said Lordshipp Roiall and of all the Lordshipps members of the same the whiche were twelue in all had by their newe Lorde white books graunted vnto them that is to witt a remission of all ma?r detts remayning due on the said Tenants and inhabitants to their olde Lorde at the tyme of his death whether it were in rents or detts vppon obligac'ons or Com[m]yn maynpryce suertyshipp recognysaunc's forffeted or amrcyaments or otherwise And also a gen'all p'don for all Murders Rapes ffelonies and other offenc's and Trespasses by them or any of them comyted. And moreour aswell the Quenes Ma[jes]ties most noble p'genitors as other noble men their Subiects sometyme Lords of the forsaid Lordshipp Roiall before thalterac'on of the Lawes in wales made by Statute A° xxvij° of the Reigne of or Late Sou'aigne Lord of famous memorye the Quenes Maiesties moste noble ffather kynge Henry the viijth, were wonte to directe their Com[m]yssion of Oyer & Determyner eu'y seven yeres vnto the said Lordshipp Royall for the keping of ther Sessions of the same, at the which Sessions all the Lords Tenants inhabitants & Resyants from thage of xvj yeres to three score as well of the said Lordshipp Roiall as of all the meane Lordshipps members of the same, were bound to make their p'sonall apparance before the said Lords Com[m]yssioners appoynted by the said Commyssion, the w[hi]ch Com[m]yssion semyng to haue the face of an ernest Admynistrac'on of Justice was in effect to none other purpose but vngodly to exacte greate som[m]es of moneye on the said Inhabitants as thus, The said Com[m]yssioners had Rolles Delyured to them conteyning the names & surnames of eu'ye of the said Inhabitants bound to appere before them And then should eu'y of them be called one after an other and who so eu'r would not answere at his first calling should be amrced in vli and some in xli and some in more and thus would they kepe before them the whole noomber of the said inhabitants three or four Daies or longer to their greate charges trouble and vexac'on callyng eu'y of them twyse eu'y day amrcyeng alwaies all those that did not answere at their first calle. The w[hi]ch were a wonderfull nomber amongest so great an apparance that could not be so attentiff to here and vnderstand there names called at the ffirst calle so many of them beyng also almoste of lyke name. By reason wherof the amrcyaments and fynes vpon them assessed would often tymes draw to twoo or three Thowsand m'ks the which the said Com[m]yssioners would threaten to levye by Distresses vppon the said Inhabitants wherby they would dryve the said poore inhabitants to treate w[i]th them for the redempcion of the same. The which Redempc'on cam ordinarily alwaies to one Thowsand m'ks by the name of myses. And the same was Devided amongest the whole nomber of the said Inhabitants and paid in fyve yeres by equall porcyons in the which redempc'on white books were also granted as is aforsaid w[i]th remission of all detts amrcyaments paines and forfaitures w[i]th a genrall p'don of all murders Rapes felonyes Trespasses and other offenc's. The which Sessions and Redemp'con of the same beyng p'ceyved by that noble kyng to be no admynistrac'on of Justice at all, but only a comfort and mayntenn'ce of wicked and evell disposed p'sons and greate Charges trouble and vexac'on to all his trew and quyet Subiects Inhabitants there, of his moste godly and Charitable mynde Dyd by the forsaid Statute clerely adnull and putt awaye for eur all such Sessions of oyer and determiner and the redempc'ons of the same and the myses accustomed to be paid by the Coolor therof in all p'ts of wales and the m'ches of the same. By force wherof no Lord m'cher or Lord of Lordshipp Royall at this daye may direct out his Com[m]yssion for the levieng of any myses vpon ther tenn'ts but only at their first entrye into their lands after the death of their auncesters as it hath byn vsed before as it is beforsaid. And that was by a speciall p'viso at the humble suite of the Lords m'chers in the said acte made for the same. wthout that That ther is any such Lordshipp named the Lordshipp of Glamorgan only to these Defendants knowlege as is in the said Byll surmysed. And wthout that That or late Sou'aigne lord kyng Edward the vjth by his letters patents vnder the greate seale of England gave and graunted the said Lordshipp Royall of Glamorgan and Morgannocke to the said honorable Will'm Erle of Pembroke To haue and to holde the said Lordshipp Roiall w[i]th all com[m]odities and p'fitts thervnto belongynge to the said Erle his heires & assigns for eur, as in the said Byll is surmysed. ffor the trewth ys that the Segniorye of the said Lordshipp Roiall remayned contynually in or said late sou'aigne Lord kyng Edward the vjth And from hym descended to or late Sou'aigne Quene Marye, and is sythens descended to the Quenes Maiestie or moste dread Sou'aigne Lady that now ys And yet dothe remayne in her highnes vngyven or granted as these Defendants suppose. By reason wherof the said Defend. and all other the tenants and Resiants of the said Lordshipp Roiall of Glamorgan and Morgannocke are contrybutory to the payment of myses to her grace now after the death of the Queene her syster. And wthout that That the said Myses by any Custome there were eur paiable or due vpon the alienac'on or other alterac'on of the said Segniory other then by descent as is aforsaid in this answer alleged. And wthout that That the Inhabitants of the said Lordshipp Roiall dyd eur agree or condiscend to paye myses to the said Erle to these Defendants knowlege, for they know not why they should so doo. And wthout that That Sessors and Collectors for the rating and levieng of the same was agreed vppon by the said Inhabitants as it ys surmysed, or that if it were that the same is materiall to these Defendants or can bynd them. And w[i]thout that That any other thinge conteyned in the sayd Byll materiall to be answered vnto and not in this answere confessed and avoyded trau'sed or denyed is true All w[hi]ch matters the said Defend. are redy to averre and prove as this honorable Court will awarde, And prayeth to be dismissed the same w[i]th their reasonable costs by them susteyned in and aboute their said wrongfull vexac'on. And yor said Orators shall pray &c.

R. Mounson.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 18. No. 80. circa 1560.

Complaint of Thomas Button of Worleton in the county of Glamorgan, gentleman. Hugh Johns, clerk, was prebendary of a prebend called Saint Andrew alias Bassetchurche, in the cathedral church of Landaphe; and being thereof seised, by deed dated 9 January 1 E. 6, in consideration of a certain sum of money to him paid by James Button of Worleton, esquire, Complainant's father, granted all his said prebend, and all his manor and lordship then in tenure of David ap Hoell, being in the parish of Landaph, and all commodities to the said prebend, manor or lordship belonging (except and reserved to the said Hugh Johns and his successors the capital house and garden and stable, nigh to the cathedral church), at a rent of 3l 6s. 8d. a year. After the which, Anthony, Bishop of Landaphe, being rightful patron of the said prebend, the Dean and Chapter with one assent, by deed dated 12 January 1 E. 6, whereunto the seals of the said Bishop and Chapter were annexed, did ratify and confirm the grant aforesaid. By force whereof the said James Button was lawfully seised of the premises; and so being seised, by Will demised the premises unto the Complainant, being his son. Divers charters, writings and muniments concerning the premises are casually happened into the hands of Elizabeth Ryce, of Fayer Water in the parish of Llandaff, widow; who by force thereof has unlawfully conveyed unto herself sundry secret and unknown estates of the premises. Whereof Complainant prays redress.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 49. No. 22.

Complaint of John Dauis, of Kardyffe, surgeon. About 20 years past he was bounden prentice to one Robert Strong, otherwise called Gloudsmythe, of Carmarthyn, goldsmith, Complainant being then seised of 10 acres of land in the parish of Llandaf, known by the name of Tyere Penellyne. "The Evidencs Charters and wryttyng wherof being diures in number your sayed orator brought then wyth hym to the howshe of his sayed master and beinge so mysvsed in the sarvic of the sayed Robert Strong bothe by hym and by his wyffe in such Cruell sorte that he was for saffegarde of his lyffe and lymes dryven to forsake his sayed occupac'on and levinge his sayed Evidences and Charters in the sayed howse." The said Robert Strong, and another, have ousted Complainant from the said premises by means of the said documents. Complainant prays redress.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 70. No. 31. 1562. 1 m.

Complaint of Mathew Griffithe, of Landaf, yeoman. Anno 1 Marie, Henry Morgan, then Bishop of Saint Dauis, in Wales, was appointed High Collector for the gathering and true answering of all the tenths and first fruits rising within the bishopric of Landaf. Whereupon the said Bishop appointed John Griffithe, clerk, Treasurer of the Cathedral church of Landaf, his under collector. Complainant became bounden for the said John Griffithe's due performance of the said office, in 500l. John Griffithe died, and left John Lloied, bachelor of the law, and Principal of White Haule in Oxforde, his sole executor. On the death of the said Henry Morgan, his executor, John Wilkinson, commenced an action against Complainant in the Hustings of London, notwithstanding that the estate of the said John Griffithe was sufficient to answer the debt. Whereof the Complainant prays redress.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 101. No. 12. 2 m.


Complaint of John James, son of James Harry, late of Rothe, deceased. The said James Harry was seised of certain copyhold in the Lordship of Roth Dogvile; the nature and custom of which lordship is, and time out of mind hath been, that all such copyhold lands as any are or were seised of within the said manor at the time of his decease should and ought to descend unto his younger son or younger daughter, that shall die so seised, and not unto the eldest. The said James Harry, being as aforesaid seised of customary lands holden of the said Lordship of Roth Dougvild, callde Alyce Hill, containing 20 acres, died of that estate seised; after whose death, and by force of the custom of the said Lordship of Roth Dokvill, the said lands descended unto the Complainant, as youngest son. The Copies of Court Roll have come into possession of James ap Jenkyn and Luce his wife, who have expulsed Complainant from the said lands. He prays redress.


Answer of James App Jenkyn. Walter James, elder brother of the Complainant, last Easter granted the said Defendant, by the mediation and award of certain friends, that said Defendant should occupy the said customary lands for a certain time. By force whereof he entered into the same. He has not received the promised assurance of the said Walter James, and now disclaims to have any right or title to the premises.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 102. No. 23. 1560. 1 m.

Complaint of Hugh Jones, clerk, bachelor at the Civil Law. Anno 2 Eliz. he was admitted to the Prebend called Base Churche, in the cathedral church of Landaff, by the collation of the Reverend Father in God, Antonye, Bishop of Llandaff, patron and ordinary thereof. Complainant was accordingly freeholder of 140 acres, in right of the said prebend. He is disturbed by Elizabeth Rees, and prays redress.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 107. No. 39. 4 m.



Answer of Alson, wife of Thomas Lewis, to the Complaint of William Kemys, concerning 5 acres of land in the parish of Rompney in the county of Mon?mothe. Complainant was thereof seised, and by deed dated 6 E. 6 granted same to Thomas Collyns, of Rompney, now deceased, for 99 years, at the death of John Gybon, then tenant thereof. After whose death the said Thomas Collyns entered upon the premises accordingly, and thereof died seised. After his death Defendant was thereof seised, and did then intermarry with her said husband. David Morgan Kemys, Complainant's father, was never seised of the premises in his demesne as of fee tail.


Copy Bill of Complaint, engrossed in Chancery text.


Writ or Commission of Dedimus potestatem, directed to William Morgan and Roland Morgan, esquires.


Return by the said Commissioners.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 108. No. 23.

1 small m., torn.

Complaint of Rynald Kemis, of the parish of Lanissen in the county of Glamorgan. Edward Kemis of Kevenmably was seised of certain lands in the parish of Lanissen, and assured same to Complainant. He is disturbed by Edward Phellipp alias Taylour, of Lanissen, and prays redress.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 119. No. 61.

Complaint of John ap Morgan. He held for a term of years, by demise of Sir George Mathew, knight, deceased, a capital messuage and 30 acres of land in the parish of Llandaff. He has been disturbed by Malte Dio, widow, and prays redress.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 120. No. 31.

2 m.


Complaint of Katheryn Mathewe, widow of Myles Mathewe, of Castell Menygh, gent. Her late husband was seised of divers lands in the county of Glamorgan, and devised all his lands to his daughter Katheryn, then an infant aged two years, if Complainant (being great with child) were not with child of a son. After her said husband's decease, Complainant was delivered of a man child. But Myles Morgan, Robert Phillipp, Jenkyn Gryffith alias Gough, and Henry Henry, who were tenants of parcels of the said lands, refuse to pay their rents or to deliver up possession of the lands.


Answer of Jenkin Gryffyth Alyce (fn. 2) Goughe. Demurs that the said Will is not said to have been in writing. Confesses that Myles Mathew devised his lands as stated by Complainant. The said Will directed that Thomas Mathew of Llantwyd, gent., and Morgan Mathew of St.-y-nyll, gent., should take the profits of said lands during the nonage of Testator's said daughter or his son; and that they should account to Mr William Mathew and Thomas Carne, esquire, the overseers of said Will, who accordingly desired the tenants to pay rent only to them.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 127. No. 8.

5 m. and 1 paper.


Complaint of William Mathewe, esquire. Sir George Mathewe, knight, deceased, his late father, was seised in fee tail of the Manor or Lordship of Landaff; after whose death the said manor descended unto Complainant as son and heir. Hoell Rice, of Bedwelltie in the county of Monmouth, has made wrongful entry into two tenements and 21 acres of land and meadow, parcel of said manor. Complainant prays redress.


Writ directed to William Harbert and Edward Lewys, esquires.


Copy Complaint, engrossed in Chancery Text.


Answer of Hoell ap Rees. Long before the said Sir George Mathew anything had in said Manor of Landafe, one Thomas Gwyn was seised of said two tenements and 21 acres, as parcel of the said manor; after whose decease the same came of right unto one William Gwin as son and heir; who about 35 years past took to wife one Margett vergh David, now wife unto said Defendant, and assured the premises to her in the name of her jointure. And afterwards the said William Gwin died, leaving issue one John William now living. His said widow then married this Defendant, who is seised of the said premises in right of his said wife.


Return by the Commissioners, on one sheet of paper.


Replication of William Mathewe, esquire, in the form of a Traverse.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 128. No. 61.

inter 1558—65.

Complaint of Harry Mathewe, of Gray's Inn in the county of Mydilsex, student. He is seised in his demesne as of fee of and in certain lands called the Farme, lying in Fayrewater within the county of Glamorgan. Harry Jenkin and John ap Ieuan alias Myller have entered into two acres of lands called the Werne, parcel of the said Farme, and hewed down the wood there growing, and cut turves there, to the damage of 40l. Complainant doth continue always at Gray's Inn aforesaid, far distant from the said county of Glamorgan, and therefore is without all hope of any remedy to be had by the due order of the Common Law. He prays a Writ of Subpoena to the said Harry Jenkin &c.

Answer of the said Defendants.

They are poor labourers, and deny having committed the acts complained of.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 130. No. 16.

Complaint of William Mathewe, esquire. Sir George Mathewe, knight, deceased, father of Complainant, was seised in his demesne as of fee tail of and in (inter alia) the Manor or Lordship of Landaff, with the appurtenances, in the county of Glamorgan; after whose death the premises descended unto Complainant as son and heir. John William Gwyn, of Saynghenyth in the county of Glamorgan, hath entered into two tenements and 21 acres of land and meadow, parcel of the said manor, and therefrom hath ousted Complainant, who craves redress.

Answer of the said John William Gwyn.

A long time before the Complainant or his late father had anything in the premises, one Thomas Gwyn, deceased, grandfather to Defendant, was thereof seised in his demesne as of fee; and after his death, William Gwyn, his son, father to the Defendant, who occupied the same until fulfilment of certain estates and covenants thereof by him made for the jointure of Margaret, wife of David Morgan, mother to Defendant. And after his said father's death, Defendant hath been in lawful possession of the same and, like his said father and grandfather, has always paid rent to the lord of the said manor for the time being.

Replication of Complainant.

Traverses the statements contained in the Answer.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 130. No. 31.

inter 1558—65.

Complaint of Henry Mathewe, of Grayes Inne in the county of Mydilsex, prentice. The Archdeacon and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Landaphe were seised in their demesne as of fee, in the right of their said Chapter, of and in one acre of lands lying within the parish of Landaphe, called Goose Acre, and demised the same unto Complainant, amongst other lands, for a term of years. Harry Henrye, of Landaphe, hath entered into the said acre, and with his cattle hath eaten and consumed the grass thereupon growing, and expulsed the Complainant, who craves redress.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 140. No. 43.

inter 1558—70.

Complaint of John Price, servant to Hugh Griffithe, esquire, one of the Six Clerks of the High Court of Chancery. The late King Henry VII. was seised in his demesne as of fee, as in the right of his Crown, of and in divers manors, lands and tenements within the county of Glamorgan in South Wales; and did, about the 14th year of his reign, grant his Commission under his Great Seal of England, directed to Charles Somersett, Mathew Cradocke and Morgan Kydwelly, knights, and others, authorising them or any two of them to let all his manors, lands, tenements and hereditaments within the said county to such persons as would take the same for term of lives or years; such Leases to be made under the seal of the King's Chancery within the said county, then holden at Cardiff, as by the Inrolment of the said Commission more plainly doth appear. By force of which Commission the said Commissioners did amongst other things, about the 18th year of the said late King's reign, demise and to farm let, under the said seal of the Chancery of Cardiff, one farm of pasture, with the appurtenances, commonly called the West Moore, containing 2,000 acres of ground, lying and being in the Lordship of Rothe Dogvill in the said county of Glamorgan, unto one Robert Jons, esquire, for a term of years; yielding and paying unto the said late King, his heirs and successors, the annual rent of twenty marks. After which, the said Robert Jons assigned over the whole premises unto one John Bowcher alias Wastell, who devised and bequeathed the same unto one John Jons alias Westall, and Nicholas Jones, his sons. By a Partition between the two lastnamed parties, the lands here ensuing, being parcel of the said farm or pasture, were allotted unto the said Nicholas Jones; that is to wit, the New Ground, lately enclosed, the New Close, the Lytle Medowe adjoining to the same new close, 9 acres of meadow lying in the north-west side of the Furlongs, 12 acres of meadow in the Tenaunts' Mead, 2 acres and three quarters in Porteman's Moore, and the two Barbour's Closes, and certain other lands and pasture not enclosed, being parcel of the said farm. And the residue of the said farm or pasture was allotted to the said John Jones, as by the said Partition in writing may appear. John Bowcher alias Wastell, Miles Westell and William Westell now hold the original Lease, and refuse Complainant access thereto or a copy thereof. He craves redress.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 140. No. 44.

inter 1558—70.

Complaint of John Price, servant to Hugh Griffith, esquire, one of the Six Clerks of the High Court of Chancery. John Nicholas, late of the town of Cardiff in the county of Glamorgan, yeoman, was about seven years past lawfully possessed for term of divers years of and in the moiety of a certain pasture lying in the Lordship of Roth Dogvill within the county of Glamorgan, parcel of the farm of Westmore; and demised unto one John Robert ap Ieuan, of the town of Cardiff, all and singular his right in and to the common of pasture belonging to the said farm of Westmore, then in the occupation of one James Harrys, of Rothe in the county aforesaid, for the pasturing of ninescore sheep and 32 rotherd cattle. Except, nevertheless, and always reserved unto the said John Nicholas, his executors and assigns, his moiety of the feeding and pasturing on the said land. The said moiety now belongs to Complainant, but the said John Robert ap Ieuan refuses to allow him to depasture sheep and cattle on the said land according to his right and title therein. He craves redress.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 145. No. 22.

inter 1558—70.

Complaint of John Pryce, servant to Hugh Gryffith, esquire, one of the Six Clerks of the Chancery. Our late sovereign lord King Henry VIII., of famous memory, was seised in his demesne as of fee, as in the right of his Crown, of and in one farm or pasture called the West More, containing 2,000 acres of ground, lying in the Lordship of Rothe Dogvyll in the county of Glamorgan; and about the 18th year of his reign demised the same unto Robert Jones, esquire, for a term of years, who assigned it unto John Bocher. The last named person devised the premises unto John Jones alias Wastell, and Nicholas Jones, his sonnes. (Recital of partition between them, as ante, Bundle 140, No. 43). The said Nicholas afterwards devised his moiety unto his eldest son, John Nicholas, who conveyed the same unto Edward Nevedd, who parted therewith unto Complainant. He is now ousted from the premises by John White the younger and [blank] Nicholas, who substitute their cattle for his on the said pasture. Complainant being a clerk of this honourable Court, and here always attendant, and thereby by ancient use and custom of the same Court privileged to sue for his lawful remedy, craves redress.

Answer of Defendant John White.

Complainant being an underclerk or minister of this honourable Court, has commenced this suit by the procurement, maintenance and setting on of others. The said Nicholas Jones devised the premises to his sons Philip Nicholas, Howell Nicholas and Nicholas ap Nicholas, infants; who, with the consent of John Nicholas, the executor, assigned over the premises unto this Defendant. One William Herbert, gent., having gotten the said Plaintiff's supposed pretended title in and to the premises, expulsed this Defendant therefrom.

Replication of John Price.

The said Defendant, being a busy fellow and given to suits and troubles, hath procured the tenants and occupiers of the premises to be served with processes to appear before the Council of the Marches, without any just cause.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 146. No. 108.

inter 1558—70.

Complaint of William, Earl of Pembrok. The late King Edward VI. was seised in his demesne as of fee, in the right of his Crown, of and in the Manor or Lordship of Rothe in the county of Glamorgayn, with all rights, members and appurtenances to the same belonging; of which said manor a certain pasture called the Iland and Grene Word alias Wood, and divers parcels of meadow in Portemannor, and a close called Barbor's Close, a meadow called Este Forlonge and West Forlonge, containing 43 acres; and divers parcels of meadow, that is to say, Ryve's Acre, Waterleder's Mede, Cutler's Acre, one acre of meadow by Newe Wall, two acres and a half lying by Robert's Crofte, two acres and a half appertaining to a tenement called Falldaie's, one acre of meadow late John Sadler, and one acre and three roods of meadow by Water Diche, with all and singular their appurtenances, set, lying and being within the said Manor or Lordship of Rothe, now in the tenure and occupation of William Harberte of Cardif, John Wastell, William Wastell and Miles Wastell, are and time whereunto the memory of man doth not extend always have been parcel. And the said late King so being of the said manor or premises seised, by his Grace's Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England did grant the said manor and premises unto Complainant and to his heirs for ever; by force of which he was thereof lawfully seised in his demesne as of fee. The said William Herbart of Cardif, John Wastell, William Wastell and Miles Wastell have, without any good right or title unto the said premises, wrongfully entered, and expulsed and put out Complainant from the same. And forasmuch as, if the said Earl should attempt his suit at the Common Law in the said county of Glamorgan for the recovery of the premises, he should be in a manner without all remedy, for the challenge which the said William Harberte &c. might and would take to the Jurors that should pass in and upon the same matter (for that they and every of them, or the more part of the freeholders of the said shire, are either within the distress of the said Earl, or akin, or allied to him, his servants or kinsfolk) he prays a Writ of Subpoena in Chancery.

Answer of John Wastell and Miles Wastell, Defendants.

They claim the premises under a prior Lease from King Henry VII., by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of his Chancery of Kayerdyffe, dated 18 August a° 18 regni sui; which said Letters demised the premises unto Robert Johns for 99 years at an annual rent of 13l 6s. 4d. The remainder of the Lease is lawfully conveyed to the Defendants and to William Wastell their brother.

Answer of the Defendant William Herberte.

He disclaims any interest in the premises, except as regards the Newe Grownde late enclosed, the New Close, the Little Meade adjoining to the same close, 9 acres of meadow in the north-west side of the Furlongs, 12 acres in Tenaunts' Meade, 2¾ acres of mead in Portmansmore, and the one Barbor's Close; which he holds by devolution of the Lease thereof from King Henry VII. to Robert Jones.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 146. No. 125.

inter 1558—70.

Complaint of William, Earl of Pembroocke. The late King Edward VI. was lawfully seised in his demesne as of fee, as in right of his Crown, of and in the Manor or Lordship of Rothe in the county of Glomorgan, including 3 parcels of arable and pasture land called [blank], containing 5 acres in tenure of John Tanner, of Cardyf; and, by his Grace's Letters Patent under the Great Seal of England, granted the said manor and premises unto Complainant in fee. The said John Tanner has ousted Complainant therefrom, who craves redress.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 127. No. 65. 1565.

4 m.


Complaint of Harry Mathewe, of Barnardes Inn, gent. The Dean and Chapter of Landaf, by deed dated 30 December 5 Eliz., demised to Complainant a mansion house then late in the occupation of John Gryffythe Goghe, of Landaf, gent., being in the said city, for a term of years. The said John Gryffythe has wrongfully kept Complainant out of possession of the premises, and he prays redress.


Answer of John Griffith Groh, Defendant. The Complainant has alleged no title in the Dean and Chapter. They made a prior demise unto one Thomas ap Morgan, now deceased, under whom Defendant claims.


Replication of Complainant. Thomas ap Morgan surrendered the said Lease in consideration of an annuity, and delivered it to the Reverend Father in God, Anthony, at that time Bishop of Landaf, being head of the said Chapter; who presently having occasion to ride to London, took with him the said Lease, and at his returning back left same at his house at Westminster, with other writings; and after sent to Londen for the old Lease again, which could not be found. And the said Bishop in his death bed declared to divers persons that Defendant was but his tenant at will of the said Lease.


Rejoinder of John Gryffith Goch. Thomas ap Morgan did not surrender his Lease. The late Bishop did not take said Lease with him to Londen, and made no such request on his death bed concerning the same.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 101. No. 60. 1568.

8 m.


Complaint of Margaret Johannes, widow of Edward Wylliams deceased. William Wylliams, late of Aberdeire in the county of Glamorgan, deceased, father of the said Edward Williams, was seised in his demesne as of fee of and in certain lands called Lloynyole, in the parishes of Saint ffagans and Pentirche. Anno 1 E. 6 he settled same on Complainant, as her jointure. She has been ousted by Llewelyn William, Lewes ap Llewelyn and David Thomas Dyo. Complainant dwells in the county of Wiltis, far distant from therehence, and she prays redress.


Answer of Llewelyn Williams. Complainant's late father-in-law duly enfeoffed Lewys ap Llewelyn and John Robert, gentlemen, of the said premises called Lloyn Ioly; who afterwards re-enfeoffed said William ap William, and Edward ap William, his son, for the life of said William ap William; with remainder to Edward ap William, and remainder over to this Defendant.


Answer of Lewys ap Lle'n, to the same effect.


Copy Bill, engrossed in Chancery text.


Writ directed to William Bassett, esquire, and Miles Button, esquire.


Return of the said Commissioners Bassett and Button.


Replication of Complainant, on the general issue.


Replication of Complainant, on the pleadings.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 55. No. 69. 7 m.

inter 1570–9.


Complaint of Reynold Dauid, servant unto the Right Honourable Harry, Earl of Penbrooke. Anthony, late Bishop of Landaphe, by deed under the seal of his bishopric, about 4 E. 6, granted, for himself and his successors, unto John Griffithe and John Lloyd the office of the Registry of his Acts, and the Registryship of his successors and of the Bishop's Chancellor and his Vicar in the Spirituality General or Principal; and also of every general or particular commissary in the office of the said Bishop or his successors, or of any the King's ecclesiastical power, which shall be appointed for the government of the same, using the same in the Consistory of Landaphe or in any other place within his diocese; together with the custody of his records. The said John Lloyd held the above offices and emoluments by survivorship, and conveyed the same unto William Powell. The deeds and records of those offices have come into possession of William Evans, clerk, bachelor at law, John Powell, clerk, and William Powell, of the counties of Monmouth and Glamorgan; who the Complainant prays may be ordered to restore them.


Writ directed to Thomas Lewis and Miles Button, esquires, and William Herbertt of Cardyff, gentleman.


Copy Complaint engrossed in Chancery text.


Answer of John Powell and William Powell. The said John Powell claims no right nor title to the three Deaneries of Landaff, Gronneth and Newporte, parcel of the said office mentioned. William Powell lawfully conveyed the said offices unto Complainant, for an annual rent of 4l 12s. 6d., to be paid "at or in ye place cawled ye Hawle of ye doctors com[m]ynes in ye cytie of London," and has re-entered in default of payment of the said rent.


Answer of William Evans. He makes no claim to the Registrarship of the said three Deaneries. Last January, being Chancellor of the diocese, he was obliged to send for the said book (Complainant being then from home), without which he could not proceed to the administration of justice; which book one Jenett Griffethe, concubine to the Complainant, delivered to Defendant's servant. He keeps the book because it is necessary to the performance of his office of Chancellor.


Replication of the Complainant, Reginald Dauid. The said William Evans having confessed that he hath possession of a book belonging to the said office, Complainant prays that he may be made to restore it; "and where he hathe declared that he cam by the same, by Reason of a deliverye to him made by one Jenet griffithe, concupine of this c?playn?t, This complayn?t saythe, and will averre and prove, notw'thstandinge that the sayd Evans for c'taine somes of money by him Receaved do p'mitte and suffer a greate number w'thin his Jurisdiction abhominably to Lyve and contynewe in suche vises and crimes," that the said Jenet is his lawful wedded spouse. Evans came to her, after a crafty and subtle sort, knowing the said book to contain divers and sundry remembrances of the evil living of the said Evans, and demanded the said book of Complainant's said wife. And she meaning no hurt therein, suffered one Thomas ap Richard to deliver the same book to the servant of said Evans. It contained also notes of where and what time he had committed divers and sundry papistical offences, in suffering and conferring with others that were of his disposition; which sithen the first year of the Queen's Majesty's reign never came to any church nor once received the holy communion, nor could not almost abide the same.


Rejoinder of William Yevens, John Powell and William Powell. Defendant William Evans denies that since the Queen's accession he has committed any papistical offences or forborne to receive the holy sacrament of the Lord's Supper. He has, to the best of his cunning, endeavoured himself to the maintenance of her Majesty's godly acts and proceedings in that behalf.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 190. No. 41.

Complaint of Henry Watkyn and Katheryn his wife. He is seised in his demesne as of freehold in the right of his said wife, of and in one messuage with threescore acres of lands arable and meadowe, woods and heath, lying-in the parish of Pennarthe in the county of Glamorgan in Wales, commonly called Widiat. John Thomas, sadler, Rees ap Owen and John Bider, of the county of Glamorgan, intend to oust Complainants from their possession of the premises. They crave redress.

The Answer of Rees ap Owen consists of a disclaimer of any part of the premises. (It is in Bundle 196, No. 89.)

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 201. No. 17.

Complaint of Juan Yonge, of the parish of Rompneye in the county of Monemothe, widow. She was lawfully possessed of a demise for term of years, granted by John Collyns, of Rompney, of and in one tenement lying in the parish and Lordship of Rompney aforesaid. The said John Collyns and one Thomas Kemys have ousted her from the premises, and she craves redress.

Chanc. Proc. Bundle 324. No. 56. 1617–21.

To the right hoble ffrancis Lord Verulam lord chauncellor of England.

"Humbly complayneinge sheweth vnto yor good Lordshippe yor dayly orator Peter Samyn of Cardiffe in the county of Glamorgan merchant That whereas the right honoble Mary Countesse Dowager of Pembroke late wife to the right hoble Henry Earle of Pembroke deceased was seised for terme of her life the remainder vnto the right honble Will'm now Earle of Pembroke of and in the Parke or Inclosed ground called or knowne by the name of Coed Marchan parke in the countie of Glamorgan beinge of the yearely value of ten pounds w[hi]ch was as much as could then be gott for the said parke and inclosed grounds, by reason that the said grounds were then over run[n]e w[i]th breres and thornes, and were full of bogges and myres"; demised the same to Complainant for 21 years, together with all deer, as well male as female (but excepting timber, mines and other royalties), with a condition that Complainant should keep and maintain the deer in the said park, and that the said Countess should be at liberty to hunt, kill and take away any of such deer. Complainant afterwards built a house in the said park, at a cost of 600l, and cleared the premises from the payment of tith, and from claims in respect of the highway, and cut down necessary trees for the fencing and repair of the premises. The said Countess of Pembroke, being incensed against Complainant by the reports of some malicious persons, and supposing that Complainant had committed great strip and waste in the said park, commenced a suit against him in this honourable Court. Complainant, thinking it to be more fitting to submit himself unto so honourable a personage, than to contest with her in suit of law, and assuring himself of the noble disposition of the Lady, repaired unto the house of the said Countess of Pembroke and entreated divers of her servants that he might have access unto her Ladyship—intending to be a suitor unto her in a most submissive manner for her favour, and offering that she should command what recompense she would have at his hands. But by the potency of some enemies which he had in the house about the said Lady, Complainant was debarred of any access unto her, and it was attempted to attach him by warrant of the Court. Complainant thereupon resorted unto the chamber of one Thomas Shepard, of Lincolne's Inne, esquire, agent for the said Countess, to advise what he should do to avoid all differences between her Honour and himself. There he met with one Edward Burrell alias Barwell, of Houghton Park in the county of Bedford, gent., and Miles Pritchet, of Houghton Park aforesaid, gent., servants of the said Countess; who persuaded Complainant to surrender his said Lease back to the Countess. Although he had greatly enhanced the value of the premises, Complainant agreed to this course, on a promise that he should be no further proceeded against. Yet Complainant has been arrested in the City of London, and further prosecuted in respect of certain wastes alleged to have been by him committed upon a tenement called the Fryers, where he has also built a house. He is threatened with ruinous law-suits in consequence, and craves redress.

The Answers are long, and contain no fresh matter of interest.

Chanc. Proc. ante 1714.


No. 3. Part 3. No. 331. b.r.r.r. 1707.

Wogan v. Mathews.

The Defendant was John Mathews of Cabalva, esquire, son and heir of Grace, eldest daughter of John Avan, whose other daughter was Mary Wyndam, widow.

Chanc. Proc. 1714–58. Winter.

No. 592. 1753.

Matthews v. Matthews (Mathew of Llandaff.)

Thomas Matthews gent'


Thomas Matthews esqe & others.

The other parties are Jane Mathews, Ann Mathews, Henrietta Mathews and Millicent Matthews, infants.

The subject is Llandaff Court, the Manor of Peterston and the Manor or lordship of Placestourton otherwise Glasspoole.


  • 1. All four sworn before John Orphin Strange.
  • 2. alias.