A New History of London Including Westminster and Southwark. Originally published by R Baldwin, London, 1773.
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John Noorthouck, 'Index', in A New History of London Including Westminster and Southwark(London, 1773), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/new-history-london/pp919-957 [accessed 10 March 2025].
John Noorthouck, 'Index', in A New History of London Including Westminster and Southwark(London, 1773), British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/new-history-london/pp919-957.
John Noorthouck. "Index". A New History of London Including Westminster and Southwark. (London, 1773), British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/new-history-london/pp919-957.
Abbey church of Saint Peter's Westminster, history of, 12. 14. 18. 705. The present building erected, 706. Henry VII. his chapel added to it, ibid. Is repaired, 707. Description of, ibid. Tombs in the chapels of, 708. Description of Henry VII's. chapel, 710. Reflection on 714
Abhorrersand petitioners, rise of those parties 244
Abney , judge, dies of the gaol distemper 369
Abraham , a Jew of Bristol, his cruel usage by king John 39
Achiley , Roger, lord mayor of London, causes Moorfields to be levelled, and rendered passable 113
Act of grace published by George I. after the rebellion in Scotland 311
Adam , mess. state of their applications to the corporation of London, for leave to embank at Durhamyard, 489. Obtain an act for it, 506. See Adelphi.
Adams , Richard, Esq; chosen recorder of London, and his salary augmented 364, 370
Addle-street Aldermanbury, derivation of its name 14
Address of the merchants of London, disastrous history of 456
Adelphi buildings, (see Adam, and Durham yard.) From whence they derive their name, 516. Description of 727
Administration of government, the bad effects of its being wholly engrossed by the officers of the crown 517
Admiralty 722
Admiralty , court of, in Doctors Commons, nature of its jurisdiction 584
Adulterine guilds, fined by Henry II. 30
Affidavit of Bingley the publisher, 452. Of Sir James Hodges, town-clerk 467, note.
Agriculture , the early bad state of in England, and to what our great improvements in are owing 274 note.
Air , in great cities, noxious to human bodies, 530. That of London, how restored 531
Aix-la-chapelle, preliminaries of peace agreed on there between England and France, 361. Articles of peace signed, 362. Proclaimed, 364. Celebrated by fire-works ibid.
Alasco , John, a Polish nobleman, brings a reformed congregation to London 125
Albemarle , Monk duke of (see Monk.) His assiduous care of the poor during the great plague 223
Aldermen of London, the annual election of, established by charter of Edward III. 73. By whom chosen under Richard II. 80. Are established in their offices during good behaviour, 84. Court of, obtain a negative power over the proceedings of the court of common council, 323. Are all made justices of peace, 346. Their negative power taken away, 356. Take opinions of counsel on Mr. Wilkes's eligibility to the office of alderman, 460. Why they endeavoured to obstruct the resignation of Sir Matthew Blackiston, 462. Altercation in, relating to the remonstrance of the livery, 478. Protest signed by sixteen aldermen, ibid. Resolve to prosecute engrossers and forestallers, 510. Their office and powers, 535. Court of lord mayor and, 536. For a table of the aldermen of every ward, at and since the revolution, see the Addenda following the Appendix
Aldersgate ward, its extent, public buildings, and parish churches 543
Aldgate ward, its extent, public buildings, and parish churches 545
Alehouses , great numbers suppressed in London, Westminster and Southwark 135
Alfred , his successes against the Danes, 13. His civil regulations and character 14
Aliens duty, taken off from English goods exported by foreigners, 238. See Foreigners
Allen , William, junior, is murdered by the soldiers in St. George's fields, 444. His remarkable epitaph ibid, note
Allhallows Barking church 671
Allhallows Bread-street church 559
Allhallows the Great church 613
Allhallows Lombard-street church 660
Allhallows London-wall church 571
Allhallows Staining church 659
Allodial property, the origin of explained 23, note.
Almshouses , for a table of, see the Addenda following the Appendix
Alwine , Henry Fitz, the first chief magistrate of London who assumed the title of mayor 34
Ambassador , Portugueze. See Sa.
Ambassador , Spanish, ill treated by the London populace, and his remonstrances to the lord mayor 167
Ambassadors of catholic princes, whether they ought to be suffered to open their chapel doors for British subjects 167, note.
America , North, when first discovered, 112. Disputes with the French on the limits of the English colonies there, 383. Reduction of Canada, 402. Settlement of, by the treaty of Paris 418
Amicable assurance office 647
Anne , princess of Cleves, is indignantly treated by Henry VIII. 120
Anne , lady, daughter of James duke of York, is married to prince George of Denmark, 254. Deserts her father and follows her husband to the prince of Orange's army, 263. Dines at Guildhall, 274. Her accession to the crown, 288. Death of prince George, 294. Grants relief to the Palatine refugees, 295. Is guided by tory maxims, 298. Changes the lieutenancy of the city of London, ibid. Account of the pretended screw plot to destroy her, 300. Is addressed by the tory interest for a peace, 302. Evidences of her favouring the pretender, 304. Her letter to the lord mayor of London, during her illness, 305. Her death and character 306
Anselm archbishop, holds a synod at St. Peter's Westminster 28
Anson , commodore, summary relation of his voyage to the South Seas, 351. Returns to London with great wealth, 352. His subsequent preferments ibid, note.
Antiquarians , their researches often produce nothing but meer conjectures 2
Apothecaries hall 621
Apprentices , a law made to restrict their expensive dressing, 137. Their hair cut close round their heads, 171, note. Petition the house of commons against papists, and for the rooting out of prelacy, 171. Are encouraged to enlist in the parliaments army, 175. Assemble and declare for a free parliament, 204. Receive a brace of bucks from Charles II. for their annual feast 248
Archery , ordinance published for the citizens of London to practise it 72
Arcbers , London, are incorporated by the name of the fraternity of St. George. 119. Grand match of before the king at Windsor ibid.
Arches , court of, in Doctors commons, derivation of its name, and nature of its jurisdiction 583.
Armada , invincible, of Spain, the force of which it consisted 139
Arminians and puritans, their disputes carried into the house of commons 156
Armourers and braziers-hall 595
Armouries in the Tower See Tower
Artificers , laws for the regulation of, 123. See Foreigners and Corporations.
Artillery company of the city of London, the nature of 542
Artillery ground, old, converted into streets 555
Artillery ground, and the armoury 755
Artists , society of, incorporated, 435. Lay the first stone of their new academy 515
Arts , royal academy of, instituted 449
Arts , manufactures and commerce, formation of the society for the encouragement of, 381. Assist the land carriage fish scheme, 416 Accept the offer of a building in the Adelphi 516
Ascue , Anne, is cruelly burnt for heresy by Henry VIII. 121
Asgill , Sir Charles, presents the address of the lord mayor and court of aldermen to the king, on the peace, as locum tenens 419
Assassination plots to destroy William III. discovered 277, 284
Asylum , the first establishment of, and the nature of that charity, 392. Where situated and how conducted 685
Atbelstan , his palace where situated, 14. His law for encouragement of commerce 20
Attachment , the proceedings on called in question in Bingley's case, 451. He is oddly released, 484. Remarks on 485
Atterbury , Dr. bishop of Rochester, is deprived of his dignities, and banished for a conspiracy against government 322
Aubrey , Andrew, mayor of London, is displaced and imprisoned by Edwatd III. on account of a riot in the city 69
Audley lord, excites an insurrection in Cornwall, but is defeated on Blackheath 109
Augusta , the name given to London by the Romans 3
Augusta , princess royal, is married to the prince of Brunswick 425
Augustin the monk, his first arrival in England, 12. His progress obstructed by his arrogance ibid.
Augustin friars church, granted to a congregation of German reformers 125, 574
Austin friars church. See the preceding article
Bacon , lord chancellor, disgraced 152
Badlesmire , lord, is punished for his affront to queen Isabella 65
Bagnigge wells 752
Bakers , fraudulent, the antient punishment of, 50. Regulations for the making and sale of bread 299
Bakers hall 670.
Baldock , chancellor, is killed by the London populace 66
Ball , John, his extraordinary sermon as chaplain to the Kentish rebels, under Wat Tyler and Jack Straw 77
Ballast , is ordered to be taken out of the Thames 118
Balmerino , earl of, condemned 357
Bambridge , Thomas, warden of the Fleet prison, is incapacitated for misconduct 326
Bancroft , Francis, his tomb in St. Helen's church 557
Bank of England, first erection of, 280. Renders the raising of money for governmenment service too easy, 281. The directors of, endeavour to outbid the South Sea company in their scheme of taking in all the national debts, 312. Great rise of their stock at this time, 315. Nature of their famous contract, 316. Description of, with the new buildings 567
Bankers , the first origin of that profession in London 182
Bank side Southwark 688
Bankes , Sir Henry, is set aside from the mayoralty, for opposing the petition of the livery 467, 485, 516
Banqueting house Whitehall, history and description of 722
Barbers hall 608
Barber surgeons, the company of divided 353
Barebone , Praisegod, a leather seller, is a member of Cromwell's parliament 198, note.
Barber , alderman, his speech to the court of common council, relative to Sir Robert Walpole's excise bill 333
Barbican , the derivation of the name of that street 7
Barking church, vicar of, his scheme to make money of the ashes of heretics 93
Barnard , Sir John, opposes Sir Robert Walpole's excise bill, 332. His reply to Walpole's indecent reflection on the citizens of London, 333. Resigns his gown 391
Barnard , Mr. a builder, his extraordinary adventure with the duke of Marlborough, 393. Is tried and acquitted 395
Barnet , battle of, between Edward IV. and the earl of Warwick 102
Barons , their great power under the feudal government, 22, note. Cause of their war with king John, 39. Besiege John in the Tower of London, 40. Obtain the great charter of English liberties from him, ibid. Invite over Lewis son of Philip king of France, ibid. Return to their allegiance on the death of John, 41. A council of, undertake to reform the state under Henry III. 50. Abuse their power, 51. Revolt again under the earl of Leicester, 52. Put Piers Gaveston to death, 65. Procure the banishment of the Despencers, ibid. Their antient powers how reduced 94. 106. 122. 270
Baronies , under the feudal system of government described 22
Bartholomew fair, disputes between the custos of the city, and the prior of St. Bartholomew's, referred by Edward I. to his treasurers and barons 60
Bartholomew hospital, incorporated, 126. Historical and descriptive particulars of, 649. See Hospitals
Bassishaw , address from the foreman and inquest of, to the lord mayor in the Tower 507, note.
Bassishaw ward, its extent, public buildings, and parish churches 549
Bateman , Charles, a surgeon, his cruel prosecution for taking care of Titus Oates after his severe whippings 257
Batt , Gerard, mayor of London, degraded for extortion 45
Baynard's castle, is demolished by king John, 39. Is burned, but rebuilt by the duke of Gloucester, 91. Is rebuilt by Henry VII. 107. History of 579
Bawdy houses at the Bank side Southwark, antient regulations of, under the bishops of Winchester 688
Beadles of the city hospitals ordered to clear the streets of vagrants 133
Beckford , Willam, Esq; elected alderman of Billingsgate ward, 374. Is elected lord mayor, 417. Declares his obedience to instructions at the common hall, 454. His second election to the mayoralty, 467. His letter of acceptance, 469. Delivers the remonstrance of the livery to the king, 477. Presents the remonstrance of the court of common council, 482. His memorable reply to the king, 483. Is ordered by the king to make no more replies, 484. Lays the foundation stone of the new gaol of Newgate, ibid. His death, 485. A statue voted of him, 486. Description of the statue 589
Bede , his character of London 12
Bedford , earl of, musters the militia of Westminster in Hyde park 277
Bedford , duke of, sent to Paris to negotiate a peace, 417. Signs the preliminaries, ibid. Signs the definitive treaty, 418. His house beset by the weavers 432
Beggars petition the house of commons 174
Bell , Dr. stimulates the populace against foreigners in his Spital sermon 114
Bellmen , the office of, instituted 128
Benefices in the city of London, the stipends of the clergy settled 235
Benevolences levied on the city of London 10[?], 108, 121
Berkeley , judge, establishes a rule of government independent of the laws 161
Berkeley square 731
Bernard , Sir Robert, acts as chairman to the meeting of the Westminster electors to agree on a petition, 466. Presents the petition to the king, 467. Presides at another meeting for a remonstrance 480
Bernard's inn 648
Bethel and Cornish, are elected sheriffs in opposition to Box and Nicholson 244
Bethlehem hospital, a description of 593
Bethnal green, the hamlet of made a distinct parish, 349. Its situation, &c. 759
Bible , is translated into the vulgar tongue, 117. Is allowed to be read in parish churches 119
Billingsgate , is opened as a free market for fish 286
Billingsgate dock 551
Billingsgate ward, its extent, public buildings, and parish churches 551
Bills of exchange, the first mention of them in English history 61
Bills of mortality first made in London, 139. Are first regularly continued, 145. Amazing amount of, during the great plague, 224. The insuperable defects they are subject to, 523. History of, 524. Tables of the annual totals of, for every tenth year, 526. A series of ten years, ibid. General bill of, for the year 1771, at large 527
Bishops , solid reasons given by the house of commons for taking away their votes in parliament, 166, note. Withdraw, and protest against their proceedings, 171. Seven sent to the Tower by James II. for petitioning to be excused from publishing his declaration of indulgence, 260. Acquittal of, 261. For a list of the bishops of London, see the Addenda following the Appendix
Bingley , Mr. an attachment issued against him for continuations of the North Briton, 451. Is committed to prison for refusing to answer to interrogatories, 452. His odd release, 484. Remarks on his case 485
Bishopsgate street, great fire in, 435. Present state of 554
Bishopsgate ward, its extent, public buildings, and parish churches 554
Black cattle. See Cattle
Black friars, the convent of, founded, 58. Suppressed, 118. The jurisdiction of the city extended over by charter, 147. The precinct of, adjudged to be under the jurisdiction of the city magistrates, 336. For the bridge there. See Bridge
Blackiston , Sir Matthew, is obstructed in resigning his gown 462
Blacksmiths hall 666
Blackwall 772
Blackwell hall, is purchased by the city, and converted into a woollen market 85. 550
Bloomsbury , the parish of St. George erected there 328
Bloomsbury market 742
Bloomsbury square ibid.
Boadicea , the motives of her war against the Roman colonies, 4. Slaughters the Romans at London and Verulam ibid.
Boar's head tavern, the oldest tavern in London 557
Boleyn , lady Anne, married to Henry VIII. 117. Is executed 118
Bolingbroke , lord, his rude behaviour to the city remembrancer 477
Bolton house 746
Bonner , bishop of London, is a cruel persecutor of the protestants 130
Bonus , Mr. endeavours to procure the chamberlain's office by a nostrum 429
Borough market, removed from the high street 382
Bosworth , battle of, between Richard III. and Henry earl of Richmond 106
Bottle conjurer, history of 363
Bow church steeple, founded on a Roman causeway, 6 First built, 26. Its roof stripped off by a hurricane, ibid. History, and description of 597
Boyne , battle of, between Wm. III. and James II. 276
Bradby , John, a taylor, cruelly burned for heresy 88
Brady , Dr. his notes on the first charter of William the Conqueror to the corporation of London 24, note
Bread , the assize and weight of, put under the regulation of the court of lord mayor and aldermen 299
Breadstreet compter, why removed to Woodstreet 129, 559
Breadstreet ward, its extent, public buildings, and parish churches 558
Brembre , Nicholas, is knighted by Richard II. for his services against the Kentish rebels under Wat Tyler, 79. Proclaims the parliamentary confirmation of the city liberties, 80. Turns out most of the aldermen, ibid. Conspires the assassination of the duke of Gloucester, 81. Is impeached in parliament, 82. Is executed at Tyburn 83
Brett , Alexander, carries a body of Londoners over to Sir Thomas Wyatt 127
Brewers hall 608
Bricks , bad composition of those used for buildings in London, deserving attention 360
Bricklayers hall 546
Bridewell , the palace of converted into a house of correction, and vested in the corporation of London, 126. Historical and descriptive particulars of, 648. See Hospitals
Bridge , Blackfriars, a resolution passed in common council for the building of, 380. Act of parliament for, 384. The several tolls appointed for passing over, ibid. The building of intrusted to Mr. Mylne, 400. First stone of, laid, 404. A wooden gallery for foot passengers carried over it, 438. Disbursements of the corporation on account of, 496. Amount of the tolls of, 497. Description, and dimensions of 638
Bridge , London, the first mention of, 16. Is burned, 28. Is built of stone, 31. The chapel on, built and endowed, 32. Early disasters attending it, ibid. The drawbridge made, 33. Houses built on it, ibid. Dimensions, ibid. Ordinance published against holding a market on it, 58. Five arches of, carried away by a great frost, 59. Two arches with the gate fall down and form an obstruction in the channel, 92. A motion made for taken down the houses from, 380. The bill for, passed, 385. The temporary wooden bridge burnt, 390. Another act passed for the repair of, 391. Description of, in its antient and present state 560
Bridge , Westminster, an act passed for the building of, 337. Is finished and opened, 370. Estimate of the expences of, 497. Dimensions and description of, 715. Foundations of the piers, how laid ibid.
Bridge house described 687
Bridge ward within, its extent, public buildings, and parish churches 560
Bridge ward without, only a nominal ward, 566. See Southwark
Britain , no accounts of, previous to the arrival of Julius Cæsar to be relied on, 2. Arrival of Plautius and Claudius, 3. Cause of Boadicea's insurrection, 4. London stone the centre of all the Roman military ways in, 6. Arrival of Theodosius the Elder, 8. Is deserted by the Romans, 11. The abject solicitations of the Britons to Rome for assistance against their northern neighbours, 12, note. See Saxons, and England.
British Museum, formation and establishment of, 379. History, contents, and regulations of, 742
Briton , publication of the political paper so called, 420. Produces the famous North Briton, ibid. See North Briton and Wilkes
Broadstreet ward, its extent, public buildings, and parish churches 566
Broughton , the prize fighter, hires a mob on the part of Sir William Beauchamp Proctor, to assist his election at Brentford, 451. Is sent out of the way ibid.
Brunswick , prince of, marries the princess Augusta, 425. He is presented with the freedom of London 434
Brutus and Cassius, greater enemies to their country than Julius Cæsar 198, note
Bubbles , great increase of, at the time of the South sea scheme, 315. The suppression of, hastens the ruin of the South-sea company 316
Buckingham , John Sheffield duke of, his tomb in Henry VII's chapel 712
Buckingham house. See Queen'spalace
Buildings , new, a proclamation against erecting, in London, 135. Method of securing them from damage by lightning 131
Bull , Frederic, Esq; is elected sheriff with Mr. Wilkes 511
Bullion , is forbid to be exported by foreign merchants, 87. 106. Allowed to be exported by law 215
Bunhill fields burial ground 755
Burlington house 729
Butchers , forbid to kill cattle in London, 71. Ordered to cast all their filth into the middle of the river at the turn of the tide, 84. Are forbid to kill cattle in any walled town, 108. The number of, in the metropolis in the time of Henry VIII. 117
Butchers hall 552
Bute , earl of, appointed secretary of state, 407. Is insulted by the populace in attending the king and queen to Guildhall, 410. Is made first lord of the treasury, 416. Resigns his place 419
Byng , admiral, fails in relieving Minorca, 386. Is condemned by a court martial, 387. Is executed 388
Byron , lord, is tried in Westminster hall for killing Mr. Chaworth in a duel 430
Cade , John, excites an insurrection in Kent, 95. Is reduced and killed 96
Cæsar , Julius, the first who gave any certain account of this island, 2. Makes no mention of London, 3. Not so great an enemy to his country as Brutus and Cassius 198, note
Calais , the staple of wool removed from, 83. Is finally lost to the crown of England 129
Calendar , Julian, the errors of, pointed out, 371. The Gregorian adopted ibid.
Callicos , printed Indian, the wearing of, prohibited 319
Camden , lord chancellor, is abruptly ordered to resign the seals 474
Camera , Dianæ, at Paul's wharf, origin of the name 585
Camisars , or French prophets, some account of 294
Canada , reduced, 402. Is ceded in its utmost extent to the crown of Great Britain. 418
Candlewick ward, its extent, public buildings, and parish churches 576
Canning , Elizabeth, remarkable story of, 374. Is transported 377
Canute , son of Sweyn, cuts a canal on the Surrey side of the Thames to bring his fleet above London bridge, 16. Acquires the sovereignty of England, 17. His prudent government ibid.
Carlisle , is taken by the young pretender, 355. Retaken by the duke of Cumberland 356
Carlton house 721
Carnaby market, 730
Caroline , queen, a scheme formed to rob her on her return from Guildhall, 326. Death of 339
Carpenters hall 571
Carthusian monks of the Charter house suppressed, 118. See Charter house
Carts , the regulation of, vested in the governors of Christ's hospital 248
Caryl , is sent to make the submission of James II. to pope Innocent XI. 256
Carysfort , lord, cause of the failure of his endeavours to establish uniform standards of weights and measures 396
Castle , lady, her gaming house near Covent garden, presented by the grand jury of Middlesex 349
Castle Baynard ward, its extent, public buildings, and parish churches 579
Castlemain earl of, is accused by Oates and Dangerfield of a concern in the popish plot, but acquitted, 244. His embassy to Rome from James II 253
Catharine of Arragon is first married to prince Arthur, and afterward to Henry, 110. Refuses submission to the legatine court, formed to inquire into the validity of her marriage 117
Cats and dogs, general destruction of, ordered by the magistrates, during the great plague 220
Cattle , when we may hope the cruel usage of them in the streets of London will be prevented, 369. A table of the sale of in Smithfield market for forty years, 531. Observations on ibid.
Catur , William, a citizen, is killed by his unjust servant in a judicial combat 94
Cavaliers and Roundheads, origin of those distinctions 171
Cavendish square 731
Caxton , William, mercer of London, brings the art of printing into England 103
Celibacy , clerical, humourous anecdote of 28
Chamberlain of London, the office of, purchased of king John, 37. His office, 536. His court, 537. For a list of the chamberlains of London, since the Revolution, see the Addenda, following the Appendix
Champion , sir George, is set aside from the mayoralty for voting in favour of the Spanish convention, 342. Is again rejected 344
Chapter house of St. Paul's cathedral 635
Characters , the vulgar abuse of in political controversies, illiberal, and destructive of all incentive to reformation 308, note
Charing cross , and the statue of Charles I. there 723
Charitable corporation, history of 335
Charity schools, the occasion of their being first established in London, 259. For a list of, see the Addenda following the Appendix
Charles I. accession of, 153. Causes of the early discontent between him and his parliament, 154. His unpopular schemes for raising money, 155. His letter to the pope while prince of Wales, ibid. note. Is obliged to pass the petition of right, 156. Dissolves the parliament, ibid. Forbids the nobility and gentry to reside in London, 157. Is entertained with a splendid masque by the lawyers on his return from Scotland, 158. Renews the edict for sports on the subbath day, 159. Levies ship money over the whole kingdom, 160. Orders a census to be made of the people in London, 162. Incorporates all the trrdesmen without the freedom of London, ibid. Is forced to call another parliament, 163. Extorts money from the city of London, ibid. Seizes the money in the mint, 164. Meeting of the long parliament, 165. Passes the bill for Strafford's execution, 168. Pastes the bill to secure the sittings of parliament from interruption, ibid. Is unjustly charged with authorising the Irish massacre, 169. His magnificent reception into London on his return from Scotland, 169, Answers the famous remonstrance of the house of commons, 170. Impeaches the five members, 172. Endeavours to seize them in the house of commons, ibid. Demands them in the court of common council. ibid. Forbids the citizens to advance money to parliament, 174. Issues commissions of array, ibid. Erects his standard at Nottingham, ibid. Engages the earl of Essex's at Edgehill, 175[?] Attempts to surprize Essex's artillery during a treaty, 176. The moderation observed on both sides during this war, ibid. His answer to the petition of the citizens laid before a common hall, 177. Prohibits all intercourse with the city of London, 178. Besieges Gloucester, 179. Battle of Newbury, 180. Is finally defeated at the battle of Naseby, 183. An order published for securing his person, 184. Throws himself into the hands of the Scots army, ibid. Is delivered up to the parliamentary commissioners, but taken out of their hands by the army, 185. Is conveyed to Carisbrook castle, 190. Is again seized by the army, 193. Is brought to a trial and executed 195
Charles II. his letter to the lord mayor of London from Breda, 209. His magnificent entry into London, 210. His magnificent cavalcade from the Tower to Westminster, previous to his coronation, 213. Confirms the city's property in the Irish estates, ibid. Institutes the royal society, 215. Confirms all the charters of the city of London, ibid. Applies to the city of London for assistance toward a Dutch war, 216. Removes to Hampton court during the great plague, 221. Regulations ordered by him on this sad occasion. 222. His weekly charity to the poor, 223. Returns to Whitehall, 225. Attends to give orders for suppressing the great fire, 226. Is suspected of occasioning the fire, 229. Exposes London to a dangerous insult from the Dutch, 233. Institutes a council of commerce, but suffers it to drop, ibid. His rigid law against conventicles, 234. Joins with Louis XIV. in a scheme to destroy the Dutch states, 236. Shuts up his exchequer, 287. Publishes his declaration of indulgence, ibid. Dines at Guildhall, and accepts the freedom of the city, 239. Orders coffee houses to be shut up, ibid. Interrupts the fittings of the parliament, 243. His menacing proclamation against the framing of petitions, ibid. Removes the parliament to Oxford, 246. Dissolves this his last parliament abruptly, 247. His ridiculous reply to the city invitation, 248. Courts the city apprentices, ibid. Issues a writ of Quo Warranto against the corporation of London, 253. Obtains a surrender of the charters of most of the corporations in the kingdom, 254. Takes the whole power of the city of London into his own hands, 255. His suspicious death 256
Charles Stuart, eldest son of the pretender, asserts his father's claim in Scotland, 353. A reward published for apprehending him, 354. Proclaims his father at Edinburgh, and penetrates into England, 355. His disappointment and retreat, 356. Is defeated by the duke of Cumberland at Culloden, ibid. His distresses and escape, 357. See Pretender
Charlotte , princess of Mecklenburgh Strelitz, is married to George III. 408. Is crowned, ibid. Dines at Guildhall, 410. Her picture placed in Guildhall, 411. Prince of Wales born 416
Charter , great, of English liberties, the common people not the original objects of it 40, 271
Charters ; those granted by the kings of England to the city of London, are inserted in their chronological order in the Appendix.
Charter house, a charitable institution founded there by Thomas Sutton, 148. Description of 753
Chatham , earl of, (see Pitt) introduces a bill into the house of peers, to reverse the proceedings of the house of commons relating to Mr. Wilkes 481
Cheap ward, its extent, public buildings, and parish churches 587
Cheapside , anciently a field called Crown field, 46 The conduit there ordered to be built, 59. A tournament held in, 67. The conduit there supplied with water from Tyburn, 92. The cross is re-edified, 95. The cross in, pulled down by the populace 137
Chelsea waterworks, first establishment of 320
Cherbourg , the artillery brought from, exhibited to public view in Hyde park 391
Cheriton , battle of, between Sir William Waller, and Sir Ralph Hopton 181
Chesterfield , earl of, opposes the bill to limit playhouses, and license dramatic writings 338
Chicheley , archbishop of Canterbury, his motives for persuading Henry V. to assert his claim to the crown of France, 89
Christ's church , Newgate street 636
Christ's church, Spitalfields 759
Christ's church, Surrey 690
Christ's hospital, incorporated by Edward VI. 126 The regulation of carts vested in the president and governors of, 248. The building described, with the nature of the institution, 618. See Hospitals.
Churches , an act passed for the building of fifty new ones 300
Citizens of London, great slaughter of, by Bodicea, 4. Expel their bishop Mellitus, 12. Distingnish themselves in actions with the Danes, 13. Are severely taxed by Canute, 17. Empowered to hold a court of hustings by Edward the Confessor, 19. Make their submission to William the Conqueror, 21. Freed from the tax called Danegelt, 27. From trials by battle, ibid. Reduce their municipal customs into written laws, ibid. Form themselves into trading fraternities, ibid. Receive Stephen into the city, 28. Pay a tax to Stephen for the right of chusing their own sheriffs, 29. Submit to Matilda, ibid. Licentiousness of, 30. Supply Richard I. with military stores for the crusade, 34. Concur in the degradation of Longchamp, bishop of Ely, regent of the kingdom, ibid. Dig a ditch round the wall of the city, 39. Swear fealty to Lewis the French prince, 41. Lend him a sum to enable him to return home, ibid. Are harshly treated by Henry III. 42. Their magnificent reception of the king on his marriage 44. Begin to desert the city on account of Henry's extortions, 47. Assent to the constitutions at Oxford, 50. Join the barons, and commit acts of hostility against the king, 53. Are divested of their liberties by a parliamentary decree, 54. Their privileges restored on a fine and submission, 55, 56. Complain to the justices in Eyre of the oppressive conduct of their magistrates, 58. Assert the independency of the city jurisdiction in opposition to the orders of Edward I. 61. Are declared sheriffs in fee, of London and Middlesex, 62. Procure their mayor and aldermen to be elected annually, 64. Furnish a levy of men for the war against Scotland, ibid. Assist Edward II. to reduce the castle of lord Badlesmere, 65. This voluntary aid declared by charter not to be drawn into precedent, for their carrying on war out of the city, ibid. Refuse to assist the king in favour of the Despencers, 66 A great plague among, 70. Are ordered to practice archery, 72. Exhibit a grand masque for the amusement of prince Richard, 73. Riot of on account of Wickliffe the reformer, 74. Submit their quarrel with the duke of Lancaster to the award of Richard II. 75. How assessed in a subsidy to him, 76. Petition Richard for a reformation of government, 81. Their charter seized for a riot, 83. Purchase it again, ibid. Are mustered on Blackheath by Richard II. 85. Privileges granted to by Henry IV. 86. Feudal vassals, how they acquired the rights of, 91. Restrictions on the qualifications for being bound apprentices to trades, taken away, 92. Supply a force for the relief of Calais, ibid. Exclude Jack Cade from the city, 96. Join the York party against the king, 98. Are oppressed by Empson and Dudley, two infamous lawyers, agents of Henry VII. 109. III. Riot of, on account of being restrained in their field sports, 113, Plunder and destroy the houses of foreigners, on Evil May day, 114. Oppose the levy of a benevolence in London, 115. Are a third time visited by a sweating sickness, 116. Are famous for archery, 119. Destroy all Romish images and pictures on the accession of Elizabeth, 131. Are trained to arms, and reviewed by the queen at Greenwich, 134. Are reviewed again on Blackheath, 137. The election of their recorder attempted to be taken out of their hands, 140. Money levied on, for the assistance of the elector palatine, 152. Are ordered to collect their urine for the king's salt petre works, 154. Are fined for the killing Dr. Lamb, 156. Refuse to assist the king against the Scots Covenanters, 162. Riots of, against the clergy, 163. Their petition to the king, 164, note. Turn their attention wholly to the reformation of government, 166. Petition for abolition of episcopal government, 166. Refuse money to parliament, ibid. Petition for justice against the earl of Strafford, 167. The populace beset the Spanish ambassador's house, ibid. Dispute the lord mayor's power to nominate a sheriff, 168. The populace beset the parliament house, and call for justice against the earl of Strafford, ibid. Grant money to parliament to assist the Irish protestants, 169. Petition for the removal of the bishops and popish lords from parliament, 170. Petition for the removal of Colonel Lunsford from his office in the Tower, 171. Petition the king on the several subjects of popular discontent, 173. Petition him for an accommodation with the parliament, 176. His answer read to a common-hall, 177. Are ordered to retrench one meal a week to support the publick cause, 181. Petition for an accommodation with the king, 185. Are divided into the parties of presbyterians and independents, 187. The qualifications of their magistrates, and their rights of voting, restricted by parliament, 189. Renew their good understanding with the parliament during the absence of the army, 191. Are ill-used by the army under Hewetson and Desborough, 205. Disown the authority of the rump parliament, 206. Petition the house of commons for four new trading companies, 214. Great plague among, 217. Great fire, 225. Instruct their members in the Oxford parliament, 246. A proposed feast of the whig party prevented by order of council, 249. Tumultuous election of sheriffs, ibid. Generous Relief afforded by, to the French protestant refugees, 259. Their grief on seeing the bishops sent to the Tower, 260. Great joy of on the acquittal of the bishops, 261. General confusion of, on the King's flight, 264. Advance money to the prince of Orange, 269. Petitions agitating among, in favour of the prince and princess of Orange, forbid, ibid. Great distress of by the hurricane in 1703, 289. Are divided into the parties of high church and low church, 296. Chuse tory members, 298. Their joyful reception of prince Eugene, 301. Panic among, of the cruelties of the Mohocks, 302. Their apprehensions on queen Anne's illness, 305. Instruct their whig members in the first parliament of George I. 308. At large, irregular limitation of their rights in electing magistrates, 323. Laudable associations of to support government against the Pretender, 355. Are shewn to be exempted from paying toll for their goods all over England, 366. Are frightened by a crazy life-guard man, 368. Divide into parties for and against Elizabeth Canning, 376. The oath taken by, on admission to their freedom, 341. See Liverymen.
Cities , free, the origin of in Italy, 23. Operate to destroy the feudal system of government, 24, note. Why termed the graves of mankind 530
City road opened 408
Civil Law, causes cognizable by 583
Clare Market, first erected, 201. Described 737
Clarencieux , king at arms, his province 582
Clark , baron, of the exchequer, dies of the gaol distemper 369
Clark , George, is murdered at Brentford by Proctor's mob 449
Claudius , Emperor, comes over to Britain 3
Clement , pope, how with held from granting Henry VIII. a divorce from Catharine of Arragon, 116. Excommunicates Henry 118
Clement's inn 736
Clergy , Italian, ejected from their benefices by the council of barons and Henry III. 51. Parochial, desert their flocks, during the great plague, 222. Christian conduct of the ejected non-conforming ministers on this occasion, 223. Their assiduous exercise of their functions after the great fire 229
Clergymen's widows and children, corporation for the relief of, formed 358
Clerkenwell , the priory of St. John of Jerusalem there, burned by the Kentish rebels, 78. Plays acted there by the company of parish clerks, 88. Described, 750. Bridewell 752
Clifford , Sir Thomas, obtains the treasurer's staff by advising Charles II. to shut up the exchequer 236
Clifford's Inn 647
Clockmakers , three from Delft, licensed by Edward III. to exercise their trade in England 72
Clothworkers Hall 670
Coachmaker's Hall 544
Coalheavers , riots of 442, 443, 445
Coal metage at the port of London, confirmed to the corporation, 139. The customs and rules for exercising this office, particularly explained, 303. Their office, where situated 670
Coals , Newcastle, first begun to be used in London, 61. Price of in the reign of Elizabeth, 139. Price, and annual consumption of, 201. The corporation of London allowed by Oliver Cromwel to import 4000 chaldron, duty free, for poor citizens, ibid. Ill effects of burning them in London, 217, note. The principal city companies ordered to lay up stores of, to sell to the poor in hard weather, 221, note. Additional duties laid on by virtue of the acts for rebuilding the city after the great fire, 231, 235
Cobham , Sir John Oldcastle, lord, account of his actions and death 89
Cock-lane ghost, history of, 411. Is laid by the puni hment of the agents 414
Coffee houses, a proclamation for shutting them up, 239. Opinion of the judges on, 240. Are permitted to be kept open under sage restrictions ibid.
Coinage , a law for the reformation of 125
Cold Bath fields 752
Cold Herberg, a palace there given to the prince of Wales, 88. Its present state 613
Coleman street ward, its extent, public buildings, and parish churches 593
Colerain , settled by the corporation of London 150
Colet , Dr. founds and endows St. Paul's school 112
College of physicians, 617. See Physicians
College , the protestant joiner, is sacrificed to the resentment of Charles II. and his court, 247. Is executed at Oxford 248
College hill, a college of priests founded there by Sir Richard Whittington 88
Combat , judicial. See trial by battle
Commerce , a law of Athelstan for the encouragement of, 20. Its influence in civilizing a people, 75. Begins to sap the foundations of the feudal policy, 95. Difficulties to the establishing a treaty of, between England and France, after the peace of Ryswick 285
Commissioners of sewers, publish orders for paving and cleansing the streets 235
Committee of safety, formed by the army 204
Common council men first appointed to assist the aldermen in public business, 59. The number of, limited, and by whom elected, 80. The time of election, and of assembling fixed, 81. Pass a law for the observance of the sabbath day, 93. Enact that no bondsman's son shall be taken apprentice, 107. Pass a law for preserving the navigation of the Thames, 118. Make a law against luxurious feasting, 121. A benevolence levied on, ibid. Fit out a regiment for the king's service, 122. Are appointed governors of the four city hospitals, 126. See theAddenda at the end of the work for the rules published for the government of. Impose a tax on the exhibition of stage plays, 135. Pass a law to restrain the expensive dress of apprentices, 137. Oblige strangers and the inhabitants of privileged places to contribute to the defence of the city at the time of the Spanish armada, 138. Pass a law against hawkers and pedlars, 143. Raise monev for the settlement of their Irish estate, 147. Prohibit stalls in the streets, 158. Petition the king against the demand of ship money, 160. Charles I. comes into the council chamber to demand the five impeached members, 172. Order the city wall to be repaired, and new works added, 178. Apply to the house of commons to have the cross in Cheapside demolished, ibid. Raise a loan for the defence of the city, 179. Receive the solemn league and covenant, 180. Appoint an armed watch in the city, ibid. Petition the parliament for the removal of the army, 189. Petition for justice against the king, 194. Remonstrate to the council of officers on the licentious conduct of the army, 205. Have a conference with a deputation of officers, ibid. An agreement entered into with Monk against the rump parliament, 207. Are restored to their antient rights, 208. Chuse Monk major general of their forces, ibid. Give a welcome reception to the letter from Charles II. at Breda, 209. A committee ordered to search the city records, that all acts, &c. passed since the commencement of the late civil war might be disavowed, ibid, note. Advance money chearfully to the king for a Dutch war, 216. Councils held every day during the great plague, 221. Order the principal city companies to lay up stores of coals to sell to the poor in winter, ibid, note. Regulations made by, after the burning the city, 231. Collect the several orders and customs for paving and cleansing the streets, into one act, 235. Publish new regulations for the government of markets, 238. Regulations published by the mayor to present improper persons being chosen members of, 240. Pass a law to prevent frauds at Blackwell hall, Leadenhall, and Welch hall in woollen goods, 242. Establish rules for weighing at the king's beam in little Eastcheap, 247. Vest the regulation of carts in the president and governors of Christ's hospital, 248. Repeal all acts passed from the beginning of the civil war to the restoration, 252. Regulate the election of sheriffs, ibid. Writ of Quo Warranto issued against the corporation, 253. Abject submission of, on this occasion, ibid. Disclaim all consent to the proceedings of the superseded sheriffs, Papillon and Dubois, 255. Address of, to the prince of Orange, 265. Congratulate the prince of Orange on his arrival in London, 267. A deputation from, ordered to meet in the convention of peers and commons by the prince, 268. Declare the rights of electing aldermen and common council men, to be only in freemen householders paying taxes, 278. Prohibit hawkers from vending goods, except in open markets, 281. Further restrictions, ibid. Settle the mode of holding common halls, for the election of city officers, 282. Extortions of the farmers of the markets redressed, 284. Regulate the nightly watch of the city, 290. Distribute the law against servantsnegligently firing-houses, throughout the city, 293. Address the queen for a peace, 302. Prohibit non-freemen from exercising their trades in the city, 303. A committee of, explain the regulation and duties of the coal meters, ibid. Address the king to assure him of their attachment, 308. Are insulted by tory mobs, ibid. Order housekeepers to hang out lights in dark nights, 311. Censured by the house of lords for issuing money for law suits on controverted elections, 312. Petition of, to the house of commons, on the failure of the South Sea scheme, 317. Petition the house of lords for relief against the regulations made on account of the plague at Marseilles, 320. Commotions in, on account of the bill to ascertain the rights and mode of elections, 323. The aldermen obtain a negative power in, ibid. The members of, entertained at St. James's, 325. Petition for liberty to fill up Fleetditch from Fleetstreet to Holborn-bridge, 329. Instruct the city members to oppose Sir Robert Walpole's excise bill, 331. Petition the house of commons against it, 334. Are impowered to regulate the watch of the city, 338. Petition both houses of parliament against the Spanish convention, as unsatisfactory, 341. The members of, ridiculed by the ministry, 342. Address the king on the taking of Portobello, 343. Thank the city members for supporting a placebill, 343. Deny the aldermen's power of putting a negative upon the framing a question, 344. Receive many petitions on the bad management of the war, 346. Examine the allegations, 347. Open the chamber of London to support the army during the rebellion, 354. Present the duke of Cumberland with the freedom of the city, 356. The negative power of the court of aldermen, taken away, ibid. Regulate the election of sheriffs, 361. Authorize the occasional licensing of non-freemen to work in the city, 370. Petition the house of commons against the Jew bill, 377. Contests in, about the building a new bridge, and repairing London bridge, 380, 381, 382. Petition parliament for the removal of the Borough market, 382. Recommend the rebuilding of Newgate, and inquire into the rights of the city over the city hospitals, 383. Petition for a bridge at Blackfriars, 384. Petition against the plate act, ibid. Address the king on the apprehension of an invasion, 385. Endeavour to obstruct the repair of London bridge, ibid. Address the king on the bad management of the ministry, 387. Present Mr. Pitt, and Mr.Legge, with the freedom of the city, 388. Order the immediate rebuilding of the temporary bridge, 390. Congratulate the king on the reduction of Louisburg, 391. Congratulate the royal family on the prince of Wales's arrival at majority, 396. Open a subscription at Guildhall, for the enlisting of men for the war, 396. Enumerate the remarkable successes of the war in their address, 397. Apply to parliament for powers to open the streets, 398. Address the king on the reduction of Canada, 402. Address George III. on his accession, 403. The freedom of the city granted to Sir John Phillips and George Cooke, Esq; 405. A regulation made for the honorary grants of freedom, ibid. The freedom presented to Arthur Onslow Esq; 406. And to the duke of York, 407. Instruct their members, 409. Place the pictures of the king and queen in Guildhall, and erect the king's statue in the royal Exchange, 411. Petition the house of commons against the cyder bill, 418. Refuse to address the king on the peace, 419. Refuse to thank the sheriffs for their behaviour on burning the North Briton, 424. Thank their members for opposing general warrants, and vote the freedom of the city to lord chief justice Pratt, 426. Present the freedom of the city to the duke of Gloucester, 430. The ministry scruple the acceptance of their address on the birth of prince William Henry, 432. Present the freedom of London to the prince of Brunswick, 434. Vote 500l. to the society for encouraging arts, &c. ibid. Find the corporation intitled to import 4000 chaldron of coals, with an abatement of 1s. per chaldron of the duty, for the use of the city poor, 437. Adopt Mr. Paterson's plan, 438. Report of the committee appointed to inquire into their rights over the city hospitals, 439. Present the freedom of the city to the duke of Cumberland, ibid. To the honourable Charles Townshend, 440. Vote another enlargement of the recorder's salary, 441. Entertain the king of Denmark at the Mansion house, 447. Vote him the freedom of the city, ibid. Inquire into the lord mayor's misapplication of the masquerade tickets sent to them, 448. Refuse the calling a common hall, 462. Join with the livery in a request for, 474. Agree to a remonstrance to the king, 482. Thank the lord mayor for his behaviour at the delivery of it, 484. Order an inquiry into the recorder's conduct 487. Vote his conduct contrary to his oath and duty, 488. Farther resolutions against him, 489. Vote the freedom of the city to Mr. Dunning, ibid. Take the alterations making at Durham yard into consideration, ibid. Come to no determination about the affair, 493. Offer a bounty for seamen, 494. Agree to a second remonstrance 495. Petition the house of commons against the erections at Durham yard, 496. Continue the bounty to seamen, 497. Agree to prosecute the persons executing press warrants in the city, 498. Petition the two houses of parliament against the bill for embanking Durham yard, ibid. Return thanks to the lord mayor, with the aldermen Wilkes and Oliver, for supporting the privileges of the city, 500. Offer to keep tables for the lord mayor and alderman Oliver in the Tower, 502. Petition the king against the bill for embanking Durham yard, 505. Grant a sum to the Bridge house estate, 508. Attend the release of the lord mayor and alderman Oliver from the Tower, in procession, ibid. Give a bounty for the bringing mackarel to London, ibid. Receive the report of the committee as to the mode of proceeding against the refractory companies, 509. Reject Mr. Mylne's petition, ibid. Present a third remonstrance to the king, 510. Postpone the consideration of the request of the common hall, for granting cups to the lord mayor, Oliver and Wilkes, 511. Number of members of, and courts, when to be called, 534.
Commons , representatives of the people, first admitted into parliament, 54. Their qualifications settled, 100. Early discontents between them and Charles I. 154. Frame the petition of right, 156. Are dissolved, ibid. Meet under the long parliament, 165. Impeach Strafford and Laud, ibid. Are petitioned for the abolition of episcopal government, 166. Reasons drawn up by, for taking away the bishops votes in parliament, ibid, note. Order all papists to be disarmed, 168. Publish their famous remonstrance, 170. Charles comes to the house to demand the five impeached members, 172. Adjourn and appoint a committee to sit in the city, ibid. Extraordinary precautions taken by, 173. Strange petitions presented to them, 174. Assume the command of the militia, ibid. Appoint the earl of Essex general of their army, ibid. Their caution to prevent an accommodation between the king and the city, 177. Order a chain of forts to be drawn round London, Westminster, and Southwark, 178. Are beset by a mob of women, 179. Order the folemn league and covenant to be received, 180. Intercept the king's letter to the city magistrates, 181. Self denying ordinance passed, 182. The independent party predominates in, 184. Are disposed to an accommodation with the king, 185. Colonel Pride purges the house of all but determined independents, 193. Abolish monarchy, and vote the house of lords useless and dangerous, 195. The members all turned out of the house, and the door locked, by Cromwel, 197. A new house summoned by Cromwel, 198. They make him lord protector, ibid. Are again turned out, ibid. Again summoned, 199. Are dissolved, 200. Another house called, who refuse Cromwel the title of king, 202. A motley house of lords added to, ibid. Are dissolved, 203. Pass a bill of exclusion against the duke of York, 243. Their eager opposition to the king and his brother, 245. Their behaviour on being prorogued, ibid. Their laudable endeavours to prevent bribery in their house, in the reign of William III. 279, note. The members of, how corrupted, 281, note. Impeach Dr. Sacheverel, 296. The tories get a majority in, 298. Order Sacheverel to preach before the house, on the 29th of May, 304. The whigs gain the ascendency in the first parliament of George I. 307. Warm debates of, on Sir Robert Walpole's excise bill, 331. The house beset by the populace, 333. The bill dropped, 334. Pass a bill to relieve the quakers in regard to tythes, 337. Debates in the house on the subject of the Spanish depredations, 340. The cruel case of captain Jenkins produced before, 341, note. The address in approbation of the convention carried by a majority of placemen, 342. Secession of the minority, ibid. They return on the declaration of war, 343. Instruct the city members, 348. Settle an additional revenue on the duke of Cumberland, 357. Commit Mr. Murray to Newgate for contempt, 373. Endeavour to establish uniform standards of weights and measures, 395. Cause of the failure of this undertaking, 396. Grant a pension to Arthur Onslow Esq; and his son, 406. Enormous grants of money by, 407. Order the North Briton No. 45. to be burnt by the common hangman, 423. Thank the sheriffs for the vigilant execution of their order, 424. Expel Mr. Wilkes, 425, 453. 458. Declare colonel Luttrel the sitting member, 458. Order printers into custody for publishing their votes, 499. Order Morgan, the lord mayor's clerk, to eraze the minutes against Whittam the messenger from the minute book of the mayor's court, 500. Resolve that there shall be no proceedings against Whittam, ibid. Commit alderman Oliver to the Tower, 501. Commit the lord mayor to the Tower, 502. Test proposed to secure the future integrity of, 514. See Lords and Parliament
Common crier, the nature of his office 537
Common halls, the manner of holding, for the election of mayors, sheriffs, and other city officers, settled by the court of common council 282
Common hunt, the nature of his office 537
Common serjeant, the nature of his office, 537. For a lift of those since the revolution, see the Addenda following the Appendix
Compact between king and people, where to be found in English history 271
Companies , trading, when they first began to be formed, 27. Adulterine guilds fined by Henry II. 30. The principal of, ordered to lay up stores of coals to sell to the poor, 222, note. Every member of, eligible to the livery, although not freemen of London, 348. For a table of the several companies, with their coats of arms, see the Addenda following the Appendix
Companies , twelve, lend Henry VIII. money upon a mortgage of the crown lands, 121. Equip as many companies of soldiers for the service of queen Elizabeth, 131. The lord mayor not obliged to belong to any of, except to qualify himself to preside over the Irish committee, 348. See Irish estates, and Ulster
Conduits erected for the supply of London with water 44, 59, 86, 90, 93, 122
Conservancy of the river Thames, granted to the corporation of London, 36. Courts of, where and when held by the lord mayor, ibid. Is confirmed, in a cause with the archbishop of Canterbury, 87. Courts of, held in Essex and Kent, by Crosby mayor, 513. The nature of these courts 540
Constable of the Tower restrained from injuring the privileges of the citizens of London 51, 79
Constitution of the English government, a summary view of the progress of, to its present frame 270
Constitution hill, 720
Constitutional society formed by the seceders from the supporters of the bill of rights 504
Convent garden market, 734. Theatre ibid.
Conventicles , a severe law passed against, by Charles II. 234
Convention of the peers and commons summoned by the prince of Orange on the abdication of James II. 268. Vote the throne to be vacant, and settle the crown on the prince and princess of Orange, 270. Is converted into a parliament 272
Convention with Spain, dissatisfaction of the people in general with, 341. Another 498
Cony ,Mr. George, his harsh usage for refusing obedience to Oliver Cromwel's government 200
Cook , Thomas, lord mayor of London, is installed a knight of the Bath 101
Cook's hall 544
Coopers hall 550
Cope , Sir John, is defeated by the young Pretender 355
Coram , captain, his assiduity in soliciting the establishment of a foundling hospital 341
Cordwainer , derivation of the name, 597, note.
Cordwainers hall 559
Cordwainers ward, its extent, and parish churches, 597
Corn , the happy effects of the bounties granted on the exportation of, 274, note. The great quantity of, exported in one year, 334. An embargo laid on the exportation of, by the king's proclamation 437
Corn exchange described 670
Cornhill , a terrible fire there, 361. Another 397
Cornhill ward, its extent, publick buildings, and parish churches 601
Cornish , Mr. late sheriff, his cruel prosecution and execution for the Rye-house plot 257
Coroner's court for the city of London, the nature of 539
Corporations , the establishment of, destructive to the feudal system of government, 23, note. Begin to be injurious to commerce, 113. Non-freemen in certain circumstances licensed to work in, 123, 370. Most of those in the kingdom surrender their charters to Charles II. 254. Act for quieting and establishing, passed 311
Council of commerce, instituted, and for a while supported by Charles II. 233. See Trade and Plantations.
Council of officers called by Richard Cromwell, who insist on the dissolution of the parliament, 203. Restore the long parliament 204
Councils national, of whom composed under feudal establishments 18
Counties , hundreds, and tythings, the kingdom divided into, by Alfred 14
Courts held in the city of London---Court of common council, 534. Lord Mayor's court, 535. Court of lord mayor and aldermen, 536. Sheriffs court, ibid. Chamberlain's court, 537. Court of hustings, 538. Common Hall, ibid. Orphan's court, ibid. Justice-hall court, 539. Court of conscience, ibid. Court of escheator, ibid. Coroner's court, ibid. Courts of conservancy, 540. Wardmote courts, ibid. Courts of hallmote, ibid. Piepowder court, ibid. St. Martin's-leGrand court, ibid. Tower-court, ibid. Court of lieutenancy 542
Craven , lord, remains in London to assist the poor during the great plague 223, 224
Credit , public, the cause of our immense public debt, 281. A co-operating cause of the dearness of the necessaries of life 429
Crema , cardinal John de, a strenuous advocate for clerical celibacy, anecdote of 28
Criminal laws, require alteration, but should be duly inforced until an alteration is made 351
Criminals , the punishing them by death insufficient and impolitic 351
Cripplegate ward, its extent, public buildings, and parish churches 606
Crispe , Sir Nicholas, enters into a conspiracy to surprise London for Charles I. 178
Cromartie earl of, pardoned 357
Cromwel , Thomas, secretary of state, is vested with a commission to reform religious houses 118
Cromwel , Oliver, procures himself to be excepted in the self-denying ordinance, 183. Is a leader of the independents, ibid. Battle of Naseby, ibid. Seizes the king, 185. Brings the army up toward the metropolis, 186. Endeavonrs to get the city magistrates hanged, 189. Procures the parliament to be purged of all but determined independents, 193. Obtains the lieutenancy of Ireland, 196. Turns all the members of the house of commons out, and locks the door, 197. Summons a new house of commons, ibid. Is made lord protector, 198. His conduct examined, ibid. note. Is inaugurated, and subscribes an instrument of government, ibid. The principal heads of this instrument, 199, note. His vigilant administration, 200. Allows the importation of 4000 chaldron of coals duty free, for the ease of poor citizens, 201. Permits Jews to settle again in England, ibid. Regulates buildings, ibid. His disappointment in obtaining the title of king, one cause of his death 202
Cromwel , Richard, succeeds his father in the protectorate, 203. His character, ibid. Is deposed ibid.
Crosby , Brass, Esq; is chosen alderman of Broadstreet-ward, 430. Is elected lord mayor, 488. Delivers the second remonstrance of the corporation to the king, 495. Refuses to back the presswarrants, 496. Discharges Miller the printer, and commits the messenger who took him into custody, 499. Is committed to the Tower, 502. Is brought by habeas corpus to the court of common pleas, but remanded back, 506. Addresses to him in the Tower, 507. Is released, 508. Delivers the third remonstrance of the corporation to the king, 512. Holds a court of escheats at Guild-hall. ibid. Holds courts of conservancy in Essex and Kent, 513. Visits the bounds of the city's jurisdiction, ibid. Receives the thanks of the guild of merchants at Dublin 515
Crutched Friars, derivation of the name of this street 546
Cumberland , William duke of, born, 318. Takes the field against the young Pretender, 355. Is presented with the freedom of the city of London, 356. Defeats the rebel army at Culloden, 257. Receives an additional revenue from the house of commons, ibid. Dines with the king and queen at Guild-hall, 410. Death of 434
Cumberland house 721
Currier's hall 608
Custom house, history and description of 668
Customs , proportion of those received at the port of London in 1711, compared with that of the outports 300
Cutler's hall 672
Cutters apprehended for riotous excesses, 471. Two condemned, ibid. Disputes between the sheriffs and the ministry respecting their execution 472
Danes , their piracies on the coasts of England, 13. Massacre of, 15. Arrival of Sweyn, ibid. The kingdom reduced by Sweyn, 16. His son Canute acquires the sovereignty, 17. See Canute.
Danigelt , origin of this tax, 15. London relieved from it 27
Dangerfield , a tool of the court, contrives the mealtub plot against the presbyterians, 243. Is severely prosecuted by James II. for perjury 256
Danish church in Wellclose-square 760
Dartmouth , lord, discourages the intention of the city magistrates of giving a public entertainment to prince Eugene 301
Dashwood , Sir Samuel, his large subscription to the prince of Orange's loan 269
Deane , Sir Richard, lord mayor, forbids the vending of goods on the Sabbath-day 156
Death , the infliction of, insufficient for the suppression of wickedness 351
D'Avenant , defends the East-India company, but is confuted by Mr. Pollexfen 285
D'Aumont , duke de, ambassador from France, his arrival and reception in London, 304. The mysterious burning of his house in Ormond-street, 305
De Grey , attorney general, sues out a writ of attachment against Bingley the publisher, 451. Drops the prosecution and releases him 484
De Ruyter the Dutch admiral, his alarming expedition up the Thames and Medway 233
Debt , national, created by the extravagant system of anticipation, 281. Tends to general ruin, ibid. note. Amount of, at the close of Queen Ann's reign, 306. Amount of, at the close of the reign of George I. 325. Amount of, at the close of the reign of George II. 403
Debtors , bad policy of confining their bodies in prisons, 327. Insolvent, an act passed for the relief of, 405. Frauds practised under the compulsory clause of 406
Declaration of indulgence, published by king Charles II. 237. By James II. 259
Defender of the Faith, on what occasion that title was conferred on Henry VIII. 115
Delegates , court of, in Doctor's-Commons, the nature of its jurisdiction 584
Delinquents , an order for expelling them from the metropolis 184
Denmark , George prince of, marries the lady Anne, daughter of the duke of York, 254. Goes over to the prince of Orange, 263. Dines at Guildhall, 274. His death and character 294
Denmark , king of, married to the princess Caroline Matilda, 437. Is entertained at the Mansionhouse, 446. Is voted the freedom of the city, 447. Sends tickets to the lord mayor and corporation for his masquerade ibid.
Deptford , is divided into two parishes 328
Despencer , Hugh le, favourite of Edward II. is banished with his father, 65. Recalled, ibid. Are, both put to death 67
Devonshire-square, Bishopsgate-street 554
Dicker , Samuel, Esq; recommends the arching over of Fleet-ditch, and the building the new bridge at Black-Friars 380
Dingley , Charles, Esq; proposes a scheme for a new street, from Moorfields to the Mansion-house, 425. Objections to, ibid. His saw-mill pulled down, 445. His fray with Mr. Reynolds, 456. Makes a fruitless effort to oppose Mr. Wilkes at Brentford 458
Diffenters , contests in the city about their eligibility to, or exemption from, serving the office of sheriff, 380, 416. A sixth part of the inhabitants of the metropolis supposed to be of the several denominations of, 523. Number of their meeting-houses, ibid. note.
Divine right of kings, occasion of starting that doctrine 271
Dobson , Mr. is chosen clerk to the commissioners of the land-tax 389
Doctors commons, the college of that name described 583
Dogs , isle of 772
Dogs and cats, general destruction of, during the plague, by order of the city magistrates 220
Doomsday book compleated by order of William the Conqueror 26
Dow , Robert, merchant taylor, his legacy for the admonition of condemned criminals in Newgate, 616
Dowgate , originally a Roman ferry 6
Dowgate ward, its extent, public buildings, and parish churches 612
Doyle and Valline, disputes between the sheriffs and the ministry, on their execution 472
Drapers hall 570
Droit le Roy, a rhapsodical work, burnt at the Royal Exchange and at Westminster-Hall 426
Drury-lane theatre 734
Du Pré , commissary, carries a number of the Palatine refugees over to New York 295
Dudley , Edward, a serjeant at law, is an agent of Henry VII. in oppressing the people, 109. Is beheaded on Tower-hill 112
Duelling , the absurdities of, in deoiding personal quarrels 430
Duke's place, history and present state of, 546. Four synagogues in 549
Duncombe , Sir Sanders, obtains a patent for the sole privilege of letting-out sedan chairs 160
Durbam-yard, case of the petitioners for leave to embank, 489. Protest in the house of lords against, 505. Act passed for, 506. See Adelphi.
Dutchy of Lancaster 738
Dyers hall 613
Ealfric , deserts from Ethelred to the Danes 15
Earthquake , great apprehensions excited in London by, 277. Two, in London, 367. Story of the prophetical life-guard man 368
Eastcheap , little, the king's beam, and the hop-market fixed there 247
East-India company, the first establishment of, 143. Remarks on this company, ibid. note. Popular clamours against, 285. A rival company erected, 286. They are united, 288. Great rise of their stock in the South-sea year, 315. Their hall described 663
Eaton , Mr. James, linen-draper, facing Bow church, in Cheapside, is knighted by queen Anne 288
Ecclisiastecal law, causes cognizable by 583
Edge-hill, battle of, between Charles I. and the earl of Essex 175
Edinburgh , wise regulation of the magistrates there, to prevent danger from ruinous houses 374
Edmund Ironside, is crowned at London, 16. Enters into a composition with Canute, 17. Is murdered ibid.
Edward the black prince, his magnificent entry into London, with his prisoner John king of France, 70. Why called the black prince 71
Edward the confessor, elected king of England, 18. His quarrel with earl Godwin, ibid. Grants a court of hustings to the citizens of London, 19. Promises the succession to William duke of Normandy ibid.
Edward , prince, son of Heenry III. plunders the temple, on his return from his expedition to Wales, 52. Defeats and kills the earl of Leicester at Evesham, 56. Enters on a crusade, ibid.. His accession to the crown 57
Edward I. returns to London from Palestine, 57. Reforms the civil administration of his kingdom, ibid. Raises great sums for his expedition to Wales, 58. Deprives the city of London of its Mayors for twelve years 59
Edward II. his attachment to Piers Gaveston, 62. Marries the princess Isabella of France, ibid. Extorts a loan from the citizens of London, 63. His bed made of straw, 64. Takes Hugh leDespenser into favour on the death of Gaveston, 65. Is forced to banish him and his father, ibid. Gains advantages over the barons, 65. Extorts money from the Londoners, 66. Is deposed and confined in the castle of Kenilworth 67
Edward III. confers the bailywick of Southwark on the citizens of London, 67. Exhibits a tournament in Cheapside, ibid. Asserts his claim to the crown of France, 68. Confirms the privileges of the city of London, 69. Orders all cattle to be slaughtered out of the city, 71. His letter to the sheriffs for the protection of foreigners, 72. His reign favourable to trade and civilization, 75.
Edward IV. the manner of his obtaining the crown, 99. Commences his reign with an act of cruelty, 100. Is driven out of the kingdom by the earl of Warwick, 101. Returns, and is received by the city of London, ibid. Exacts benevolences for his French war, 102. Makes peace at Pecquigne, 103. Concludes a treaty with the Hanseatic league, ibid. His civilities to the city magistrates and their ladies 104
Edward V. is, with his brother the duke of York, seized by the duke of Gloucester, 104. They are smothered in the Tower 105
Edward V. great alterations in government at the time of his accession, 122. Good laws enacted by, 123. Incorporates the four city hospitals, 126. His premature death 127
Egbert , king of Wessex, unites the Saxon heptarchy into one kingdom, 12. Fixes his residence at London 13
Egremont , earl of, appointed secretary of state in the room of Mr. Pitt, 409. His death 471
Elections in the city of London, the present mode of, settled by act of parliament, 323. For the act at large, See Appendix. No. LIII.
Eleanor , queen to Henry III. her magnificent reception into London on her first arrival, 44. Is illtreated by the populace from London-bridge, in attempting to pass under it by water 53
Electors of members to parliament, the qualifications of, settled in the reign of Henry VI. 100. An alteration in, rendered necessary, ibid. note. A mode of alteration suggested, 310. A set of articles offered to, for securing the independency of their representatives 514
Elizabeth , princess, born, 118. Establishes the reformation, on her accession to the crown, 130. her magnificent entry into London at her coronation, 131. Is refused a loan by the company of merchant adventurers, 134. Is excommunicated by the Pope, 135. Provokes the court of Spain by assisting the United Provinces, 137. Prepares for a vigilant defence against the Spanish armada, 138. Anecdotes of her character, 141. Her unwillingness to order the execution of the earl of Essex, 142. Her enormous grants of monopolies, 144. Her death, ibid. Her statue, formerly placed over Ludgate, erected on the west-end of St. Dunstan's-church, Fleet-street 438
Ely house, dispute there about precedency between the treasurer baron Ruthen and the lord mayor of London, 101. Descriptive particulars of 642
Ely rents, adjudged to be within the city jurisdiction 134
Embroiderers hall 621
Empson , Sir Richard, a prostitute lawyer, is an agent of Henry VII. in oppressing the people, 109. Is beheaded on Tower-hill 112
Engagement , entered into by the presbyterians in London 187
England , the seven Saxon kingdoms of, united into one monarchy under Egbert, 13. The feudal government established in, 22. Great alterations in, 122. Is united with Scotland 292
Engrossing , not to be practised on the necessaries of life, so easily as on foreign productions, 428
Ermine-street, the ancient Roman military way 6
Escheats , a court of, held at Guildhall, 512. The nature of this court 539
Esclepiadotus , defeats the usurper Caius Alectus 8
Essay on Woman, a scandalous poem, is found among Mr. Wilkes's papers 423
Essex , earl of, attempts to raise an insurrection in the city of London, 142. Is beheaded in the Tower, 147
Essex , earl of, is placed at the head of the parliament's army, 174. Engages Charles I. at Edge-hill, 175. The moderation observed on both sides during this contest, 176. Returns to London, worsted by the king, 179. Raises the siege of Gloucester, 180. Battle of Newbury, ibid. Resigns his command in consequence of the self denying ordinance, 183.
Ethelred , imposes the tax called Danegelt to purchase peace of the Danes, 15. Massacres his Danish troops, ibid. Is driven out of England by Sweyn, 16. Is recalled, but dies soon after ibid.
Evelyn , Mr. his representation of the inconvenient and unwholesome buildings, &c. of London, 217, note. Useful hints of improvement given by, 218, note. His plan for a new city after the burning of London, 232. Obstacles to the proposed mprovements ibid.
Evesham , battle of, between prince Edward and the earl of Leicester 54
Eugene , prince, arrives at London, 300. His honourable reception by the citizens of London, 30l[?]. Extraordinary panic in London during his residence there ibid.
Evil May-day, tumult on, against foreigners 114
Exchange of London, farmed of king John 37
Exchange , royal, first built by Sir Thomas Gresham, 132. Described 601
Exchange alley, the stock jobbers driven from the Royal Exchange, settle there, 286. Terrible fire there 361
Exchequer , great distress produced in London by the king's shutting it up 237
Excise duties, the first introduction of, in England, 181
Excise office, the new building in Broad-street, 555. The old one 597
Excise scheme of Sir Robert Walpole, history of, 330. Is dropped 334
Exclusion bill against the duke of York, passed by the house of commons 243
Execution dock 769
Exeter change 736
Exton , Nicholas, mayor of London, delivers the keys of the city to the duke of Gloucester 82
Eyre , Sir Simon, builds Leaden-hall for a public granary, 90
Eyre , James, Esq; chosen recorder of London, 419, note. His salary augmented, 441. Declares Mr. Wilkes not eligible to the office of alderman, 460. His conduct at the second election of alderman Beckford to the mayoralty, 467, note. Gives the sheriffs a warrant to execute Doyle and Valline in terms different from the sentence, 472. Protests against the remonstrance of the court of common council, 482. Refuses to attend the delivery of it, 483. An enquiry into his conduct ordered, 487. His disobedience voted contrary to his oath and duty, 488. Is voted unworthy of future trust or confidence 489
Fabian , alderman and sheriff of London, publishes a chronicle of England 108
Faculties and dispensations, court of in Doctor's commons, the nature of its jurisdiction 584
Fairfax , general, his angry letter to the corporation of London, 188. Commits the mayor, recorder, and four aldermen to the tower, 189. Exacts money from the city 192
Falkirk , battle of, between general Hawley and the young Pretender 356
Falkland isles, disputes with Spain on the seizure of, 487. Compromised 498
Falconbridge , bastard of, attempts to surprize and plunder the city of London 102
Fares , or rates of hire, for hackney coaches and chairs, how settled 300
Farms , the advantages of keeping down the size of 520
Farriers , not entitled to the freedom of London by service in the army 434
Farringdon , the ward of, divided into two, the outer and the inner 68, note, 84
Farringdon within, ward, its extent, public buildings, and parish churches 614
Farringdon without, ward, its extent, public buildings, and parish churches 639
Fawkes , Guy, is entrusted with the execution of the powder plot 146
Feasting of the city magistrates, restrained by law 121, 129
Felonies , capital, the unheeded causes of the great increase of in our statutes, 350. Require to be altered, but should not be pardoned 351
Fencing schools prohibited the city of London 59
Fenwicke , Sir John, is brought to justice for conspiring the death of William III. 284
Ferrers , Lawrence Shirley earl, is hanged at Tyburn for murder 399
Feudal system of government, a concise view of, 22. How subverted 23, 270
Feversham , earl of, disbands the army without pay, on the abdication of James II. 265
Fingal , lord, acts as president to a club of Irish Jacobites in London 306
Finsbury , manor of 754
Fire of London in 1666, particular relation of, 225. Great extension of, 226. Foreigners taken up on suspicion of occasioning it, ibid. Precautions for securing the Tower, 227. Care taken of the people after, ibid. Natural causes of its great and swift progress, 228. Extension, and general estimate of the loss, 229. Popular rumous of its cause, ibid. Public offices, where kept after this calamity, 230. Afforded a happy opportunity of restoring the city with more uniformity than before, ibid. See Evelyn and Wren.
Fire offices, see the several societies under their respective names.
Fireworks to celebrate the peace of Aix la Chapelle, described 364
Fish , prices of, at the beginning of the reign of Edward I. 58. Scheme for bringing to London by land carriage, 415. Fails 416
Fisher , bishop of Rochester, is beheaded for disowning Henry's supremacy over the church 118
Fisher's folly 554
Fisheries in the Thames and Medway, the regulation of, vested in the lord mayor and aldermen of London 389
Fishmongers company, skirmish between the and Skinners 68
Fishmongers , their arts to enhance the price of fish, 400, 401. New regulations to prevent 401
Fishmongers hall 564
Fitz Osbert . See Longbeard.
Fitz Thomas , mayor of London, his resolute behaviour to Henry III. 52
Fitz Walter , Robert, castellan and standard bearer of London, his palace called Castle Baynard demolished by king John, 39. His seignory described 579
Fleet-ditch, is rendered navigable up to Holbornbridge, 111. Is arched over from Holborn-bridge to Fleet-street, and the market erected, 330. Ordered to be arched over from Fleet-street to the river, 384. Is compleated, 434. Descriptive particulars of 641
Fleet-market erected, 330, 339. Its situation 641
Fleet prison, an enquiry into the abuses practised by the warden of, 326. Description of 641
Flemings , banished the city of London by order of Edward I. 57. Massacred by Wat. Tyler, 78. Banished by Henry VII. 108. Admitted again by treaty 110
Flesh meat, first directed to be sold by weight 117
Fletchers hall 546
Flies , the city of London pestered with 293
Floods , great damage done by, round London 446
Florida , the country of, ceded to the crown of Great Britain 418
Fludyer , Sir Samuel, lord mayor, entertains the king and queen at Guildhall 410
Folkmote , the nature and business of that assembly 49, note.
Fookes , Mr. carries up a petition to the house of commons from the citizens of London, for the removal of the bishops and popish lords from parliament 170
Fore-street, the late improvement of 595
Foreigners , ordered to depart the kingdom, 42, 60. Order of Edward III. for their protection, 72. Restrictions laid on their carrying on trade in London, 75. Their houses plundered and destroyed on evil May-day, 114. Act of common council for the occasional licensing of, to work in the city 370
Forest , friar, is cruelly burnt at London 118
Founders hall 595
Foundery 756
Foundling hospital, the utility of such a charity, 340. Is founded by the solicitation of captain Coram, 341. Description of 746
Fowke , general, governor of Gibralter, is tried for disobedience to orders 387
France , reasons that prevented a treaty of commerce with, after the peace of Ryswick, 285. Disputes with, on the limits of the English colonies in North America, 383. Great capture of the merchantmen of, ibid. War declared between and England, 386. Peace concluded with 418
Frederic , prince, arrives at London, and is created prince of Wales, 326. Marries the princess of Saxe Gotha, 336. Accepts the freedom of the city, ibid. Joins the minority against the Spanish convention, 342. Supports the interest of Sir George Vandeput in Westminster, 366. Is chosen governor of the society for the encouragement of the British white herring fishery, 369. Death of 371
Frederick , Sir John, the great hall in Christ's hospital built by him 619
Free schools, for a table of, see the Addenda following the Appendix.
Freedom of London, restriction imposed on the honorary grants of 405
Freeman of London, his oath 541
French church in Threadneedle-street, 575. Formerly St. Martin Orgars 579
French protestants, great number of, arrive and settle in England 259
Fugger Anthony, and company, bankers of Antwerp, lend money to Edward VI. on the credit of the corporation of London 126
Funds , public. See (Debt) those who live on them raise the prices of provisions, by consuming the labour of other persons 429
Furnival's inn 648
Gaming houses, licensed in London by James I. 151. Presented by the grand jury of Middlesex 349
Garbling of spices, the old law for, repealed 294
Gardener , one obliged to be brought from the Netherlands to raise sallads, in the reign of Henry VIII. 122
Garrard , Sir Samuel, lord mayor, patronises Dr. Sacheverel, 296. Evades attending at the burning of his sermons 297
Garret , Sir William, is nominated to the office of sheriff, by being drank to by the lord mayor 138
Garter , king at arms, institution of that office 582
Gascoyne , Sir Crispe, his laudable industry in detecting the imposition of Elizabeth Canning, 377. Receives particular thanks for his conduct 379
Gates of London, the original four under the Romans, 6, 9. The custody of, granted to the citizens of London by Henry IV. 86. Are sold and ordered to be taken down 399
Gates , Sir Geoffrey, excites an insurrection in the city of London 101
Gatehouse , Westminster 715
Gaveston , Piers, favourite of Edward II. created earl of Cornwall, 62. The queen raises a party against him, ibid. Is put to death 65
Gaunt , John of. See Lancaster
Gaunt , Mrs. a baptist lady, is burnt alive by James II. 257
Gayer , Sir John, lord mayor of London, committed to the Tower by general Fairfax 189
Gazette , London, exact copy of that giving an account of the great fire of London 225
George I. his accession, and by what title, 306. His public entry into London, 307. His answer to the city address, ibid. Dines in the city with the prince and princess of Wales, ibid. Attends divine service at St. Paul's, 308. Publishes an act of grace, 311. Passage in his answer to the city address, relating to the conduct of the South Sea company, 318. Informs the lord mayor of an intended conspiracy in favour of the Pretender, 320. Entertains the body of the corporation at St. James's, 325. His death and character ibid.
George II. his accession, 325. Dines at Guildhall, 326. Is impowered to prohibit all loans to foreign princes, 328. Princess royal married to the prince of Orange, 334. Marriage of the prince of Wales, 336. Death of the queen, 339. Marriage of the princess Mary, to the prince of Hesse, 343. Informs the parliament of an intended invasion in favour of the Pretender, 349. Receives addresses of attachment from the principal places in the kingdom, ibid. Resolves to erect his standard at Finchley to cover the metropolis, 355. Addresses to, on the defeat of the Pretender's army, 357. Death of prince Frederic, 371. Restores Mr. Pitt and Mr. Legge to their employments at the desire of the people, 388. Is addressed on the prince of Wales arriving at majority, 396. His death and character, 402. Buried 405
George III. born, 340. Congratulations on his arrival at age, 396. Accession of, 403. Commencement of popular discontents, 407. Marries the princess Charlotte of Mecklenburgh Strelitz, 408. Their coronation, ibid. Dines at Guildhall, 410. His statue placed in the Royal Exchange, and his picture in Guildhall, 411. Prince of Wales born, 416. Concludes a peace with France and Spain, 418. Death of his uncle the duke of Cumberland, 434. Repeals the American stamp act, 436. Prohibits the exportation of corn by proclamation, 437. The princess Caroline Matilda married to the king of Denmark, ibid. Thanks the soldiers for their behaviour in St. George's fields, 445. Institutes the royal academy of arts. 449. For the petitions presented to on account of the Middlesex election, See Petitions. His interview with the sheriffs Townsend and Sawbridge, 476. His reply to the remonstrance of the livery of London, 477. His answer to the remonstrance of the corporation of London, 483. The lord mayor's memorable reply to him, ibid. Desires the lord mayor to make no more replies, 484. His answer to the second remonstrance of the corporation of London, 495. Publishes a proclamation for apprehending the printers, 499. His answer to the third remonstrance of the corporation of London 512
Gerard's hall inn 559
German Lutherans. See Palatines
Gibraltar , taken from the Spaniards 291
Gillam , Samuel, Esq; tried for murder 446
Gin shops, a presentment against, by the grand jury of Middlesex, 327. A law passed to suppress them 337
Ginkle , general, is created earl of Athlone for his services in Ireland, 277. Is entertained by the magistrates of London at merchant taylors hall ibid.
Girdler's hall 550
Glass , fine, the manufacture of, introduced by the duke of Buckingham 234
Glass house liberty 754
Gloucester , is besieged by Charles I. 179. Raised by the earl of Essex 180
Gloucester , Gilbert de Clare earl of, raises a rebellion against Henry III. in London, but is reduced 55
Gloucester , Humphrey duke of, is left guardian to his nephew Henry VI. 90. His duchess disgraced, and himself murdered by the contrivance of the bishop of Winchester 94
Gloucester , Richard, duke of, his measures to obtain the crown to the prejudice of his nephews, 104. Murders them, 105. See Richard III.
Glovers hall 608
Glynn , serjeant, pleads Mr. Wilkes's cause in the court of common pleas, 422. Is elected member for the county of Middlesex, 449. Why he did not sign the Middlesex petition, 459 Pleads in Mr. Wilkes's cause against lord Halifax, 471. Is ordered to be advised with in all city affairs where counsel is wanted 489
Godfrey , Sir Edmundbury, his murder and extraordinary funeral, 241. Procession in commemoration of his death 243
Godsehall , Sir Robert, is returned by the livery to the court of aldermen, but rejected, 342. Is again rejected by the aldermen, who chuse Heathcote the junior alderman, 344. Is rejected a third time, ibid. A fourth time, 345. Is at last chosen, 347. Dies in his office 348
Godwin earl of Kent, his formidable armament against Edward the confessor, 18. Is reconciled to Edward 19
Godwin sands how first formed 26
Golden rump, a manuscript farce to ridicule Sir Robert Walpole, produced in the house of commons 338
Goldsmiths , a fray between that company and the merchant taylors, 56. Grocers, and Weavers, the courts of assistants of those companies refuse obedience to the lord mayor's precepts for calling a common hall, 479. A committee of the livery appointed to consult on the mode of proceeding against them, 480. The report of that committee, 509. Are prosecuted 510
Goldsmith's hall 544
Goldsmith's row in Cheapside, order of the privy council relating to, 156. Repeated 161
Gondamar , the Spanish ambassador, insulted in the city of London 152
Goodman's fields, antiently a Roman cemetery, 6. Particulars relating to 664, 760
Government , short view of the seudal system of, 22, note. Great changes in that of England, at the accession of Edward VI. 122. Every mode of, requires a centre of authority somewhere, 198, note. Executive power ought always to be subordinate to the legislative, ibid. Its degenerating nature, and how only to be reformed, 272. Evils resulting from the powers of, being usurped by a ministry, 325. Cause assigned for the extension of ministerial influence since the Revolution, 402. Who the most likely persons to withstand illegal acts of 421
Gournay , Sir Richard, lord mayor, his pompous reception of Charles I. on his return from Scotland, 169. Is committed to the Tower by the house of commons 175
Grant , Sir Archibald, is expelled the house of commons for his concern in the charitable corporation 335
Gray , lady Jane, is persuaded to assume the crown, 127. Is executed with her husband 128
Grays inn 747
Green park 720
Gregory the great, pope, sends Augustin the monk over to Britain to convert the Saxons 12
Gregory XIII. pope, reforms the calendar, 371. His calendar adopted in England ibid.
Gresham , Sir Thomas, erects the Royal Exchange, 132. Establishes lectureships at his house ibid.
Gresham college, foundation of, 132. Is offered to the crown to erect the Excise office on the spot, 439. See Excise office
Grocers , for their disobedience to the lord mayor's precept, see Goldsmiths
Grocers hall 591
Grosley , M. his anecdote relating to the building of Bethlehem hospital, 594, note. Relating to the Mansion house, 675, note
Grosvenor square 731
Guards , a discontent in the first regiment of, on receiving bad shirts, quieted by the duke of Marlborough 309
Guilds or trading fraternities, when they first began to be formed, 27. Adulterine, what, 30. See Companies
Guildhall , first erected in its present situation, 88. Proper offices built in for public entertainments, 110. The sessions of the peace ordered to be held there, 115. A description of, 587. Names of the judges whose pictures hang up in, 589. The statue of alderman Beckford, ibid. The giants, 590. The public offices kept in, ibid. The chapel, ibid.
Guy's hospital, foundation and description of 684
Haberdashers hall 608
Hackney , water brought from that village to Aldgate 118
Hackney coaches, first ply for hire in the city of London, 154. Proclamation respecting, 161 Are regulated by Oliver Cromwel's parliament, 200. Are taxed toward the pavement of the streets, 213. Again taxed, 281. Their rates of fares, how settled, 300. See Sedan chairs
Hale Sir Matthew, draws up the act for rebuilding London after the great fire 231
Hales , Sir Robert, is murdered in the Tower by the Kentish rebels 78
Halifax , earl of, secretary of state, apprehends Mr. Wilkes by a general warrant, 421. Damages recovered from, on this cause 471
Halls of the several city companies. See under their respective names
Hallmotes , the nature of these courts 540
Hand in hand fire office 652
Hambden , Mr. impeached by Charles I. 172. Is killed 179
Hampton-court conference 146
Hanover-square 730
Hanseatic merchants, purchase their hall at the stillyard, 42. Their privileges confirmed by Henry III. 51. Are obliged to contract to repair Bishopsgate, 59. Their hall, Guybalda Teutonicorum, confirmed to them by Edward IV. at a stipulated rent, 103. Their warehouses plundered, 108. Their privileges revoked, 125. Are shut out of the stillyard 141
Hanway , Mr. Jonas, is the schemer of the marine society 386
Harleian manuscripts, added to Sir Hans Sloane's, collection to compose the British museum, 379, 743
Harley , hon. Thomas, attends the burning of the 45th number of the North Briton, as sheriff, and is insulted by the populace, 424. Is thanked by the house of commons, ibid. His officious conduct toward a mob, 444. Is made a privy councellor, ibid. note. Is called to account by the court of common council for a misapplication of the tickets sent to the members by the king of Denmark 448
Harold , son of Canute, is elected king of England, 17. Dies 18
Harold . son of Godwin earl of Kent, seizes the crown of England on the death of Edward the confessor, 19. Is defeated and killed at the battle of Hastings 20
Harrison , Mr. deputy, elected chamberlain of the city of London 371
Hastings , battle of, puts William duke of Normandy in possession of England 20
Hatherly , John, mayor of London, repairs the cross in Cheapside, with other public works 93
Hatton-garden, descriptive particulars of 642
Havanna , reduced by lord Albemarle and Sir George Pococke 417
Hawkors , a law of the corporation to prevent their encumbering the streets, 143. Are forbid to sell goods except in public markets, 281. Farther restrictions 282
Hawley , general, is defeated by the young Pretender 356
Haymarket 724
Heathcote , George, Esq; when sheriff, moves the common hall to instruct their members to endeavour procuring a repeal of the aldermen's negative, 342. Is chosen mayor by the court of aldermen in preference to Godschall his senior, 344. Declines the office, ibid. Is elected on Godschall's death, 348. Is thanked for his readiness in calling courts of common council, ibid. His letter of resignation 362
Heathcote , Sir Gilbert, is elected lord mayor, contrary to the desire of queen Anne's tory ministry, 298. Is insulted by the populace on the day of entering into his office, 299. Dissuades the corporation from addressing the queen for a peace 302
Hell fire club, rumours of a club so called produce a proclamation against blasphemous clubs 319
Henry I. assumes the crown, 27. Privileges granted by him to the citizens of London, ibid. Reduces Normandy under subjection to the crown of England 28
Henry II. his exactions from the citizens of London, 30. Value of money in his reign 37
Henry III. makes his public entry into London, 41. His severe treatment of the citizens of London, 41, 42. His magnificent reception into London on his marriage, 44. Extorts money from the citizens on frivolous pretences, 46, 47, 48, 49. His authority suspended by a council of barons, 50. Resumes his power, 51. Refers his differences with his barons to the award of Lewis IX. of France, 53. Is taken prisoner by Leicester, 54. Dies 56
Henry IV. deposes Richard II. and seizes the crown, 85. Privileges granted by to the citizens of London, 86. Passes a law for the burning of heretics ibid.
Henry V. his licentious conduct while prince of Wales, 88. Reforms on his accession to the crown, ibid. Asserts his claim to the crown of France, 89. Is acknowledged heir to that monarchy, and entrusted with the present administration, 90. Marries Catharine of France, ibid.
Henry VI. comes to the crown when an infant, 90. Is crowned at Paris, 92. Loses all his provinces in France, 95. His character and unhappy situation, ibid. Is taken prisoner by Richard duke of York, 97. Resumes his power, 98. Is taken prisoner by the young earl of March, 99. Is deposed, ibid. Is restored, 101. His final deposition and death 102
Henry VII. defeats Richard III. at Bosworth field, 106. Unites the claims of the houses of York and Lancaster by marriage with the princess Elizabeth, ibid. Establishes his credit with the citizens of London by the punctual payment of a loan, 107. Instances of his suspicious temper, ibid. His avarice, 108. Cuts off all commerce with the Low Countries, ibid. Entertains the magistrates and principal citizens of London on Twelfth-day, 109. Engages two infamous lawyers to oppress his people by extortions, ibid. Has an interview with the archduke of Austria, 110. Obliges his son Henry to marry his brother Arthur's widow, ibid. Marries his daughter Margaret to James IV. of Scotland, ibid. Erects his famous chapel at Westminster, 111. His penitential act of atonement, ibid. General view of his reign 112
Henry VIII. the first acts of his reign, 112. Views the procession of the city watch, 113. His interviews with the emperor Charles V. and with Francis I. of France, 115. Writes against the tenets of Martin Luther, ibid. His motives for desiring a divorce from Catharine of Arragon, 116. Marries the lady Anne Boleyn, 117. Takes the supremacy of the church into his own hands, 118. Suppresses religious houses, ibid. Marries the lady Jane Seymour, ibid. Is present at a grand shooting match of the Londoners, 119. Exposes the Romish impostures, ibid. Becomes more terrible to his subjects than the pope of Rome, 120. Marries Ann of Cleves, and Catharine Howard, ibid. Marries Catharine Parr 121
Henry , prince, son of James I. accepts the freedom of the merchant taylors company 147
Heralds office, the building described, 580. History of the college of heralds 581
Heretics , an act of parliament passed for the burning of, 86. A computation of the number that suffered during the reign of Mary I. 130. How adjudged under the Reformation 131
Hermione register-ship, the treasure of, brought to London 416
Herring fishery, British white, a society incorporated for the encouragement of 369
Heylin , Dr. his account of the burning the old spire of St. Paul's cathedral 625
Hicks's hall built by Sir Baptist Hicks, 149, Description of 753
High church and low church, rise of the animosity between those parties, 296. Riots of the high church party, 297, 308. See Sacheverel.
High commission court, is attacked by the populace, 163. Is abolished 169
High Holborn liberty 747
Highbury barn, water brought from for the supply of London 93
Historians , the difficulties and dangers to which they are liable, 1
Hoare , Sir Richard, lord mayor, during the rebellion in the year 1745, receives particular thanks for his conduct during his office 357
Hodges , Mr. deputy, is appointed town-clerk to the city of London, 389. Refuses to sign the petition of the livery, 463. note. His conduct at the second election of alderman Beckford to the mayoralty 467, note.
Holborn , when first paved, 90. Ordered to be paved between the bridge and the bars 118
Holland , lord, his letter to the lord mayor of London, 464. Reply to, 465. Is declared by the livery to be the person alluded to in their petition, 468, note.
Holland , Richard, asserts the right of citizens of London to be exempted from toll for their goods all over England 365
Holywell , antient priory of 758
Honey-lane market first opened, 234. Description of 591
Hops , the common market of, established in little Eastcheap 247
Horne , Rev. Mr. his quarrel with Mr. Wilkes, 502. Moves for a dissolution of the society for supporting the bill of rights 503
Horse guards 721
Horsley down 687
Hospitals , city, first incorporated, 126. Inquiry into the rights of the city over, by a committee of the common council, 383. Report of the committee 439. Rules published by the corporation of London for the government of. See the Addenda at the end of the work.
Hospitality , old English, its origin pointed out, 22, note.
Houndsditch , is arched over and paved, 111. Described 664
House of commons, their powers and parliamentary forms, 701. See Commons.
House of lords, their powers and parliamentary forms, 700. See Lords.
Houses in London, how built in the reign of Richard I. 34. Regulations made for the better construction of, ibid. How to secure them from damage by lightning, 131. Bad construction of in the reign of Charles II. before the great fire, 217, note. See Fire. The building of party walls between, regulated, 324. Seven persons killed by the fall of ruinous ones, 373. Ought to be kept in good repair by public orders, 374. New regulations for party walls 427
Howard , Catharine, is married by Henry VIII. 120. Is beheaded for incontinency 121
Hoxton-square and market 758
Hubert , Robert, a lunatic Frenchman, confesses his setting fire to London, and is executed for it, 229
Hubert de Burg, chief justiciary, his severe treatment of the citizens of London, 42. Is disgraced 43
Hudson's bay company, first established, 234. Remarks on the conduct of, 235. Their hall 659
Hungerford , Mr. member of the house of commons expelled for bribery 279
Hungerford-market 727
Hurricane , particulars of the dreadful one in November 1703, 288. Estimate of the damage done by in London, 289. Damage done to the craft in the river 290
Hustings , a court of, granted to the city of London by Edward the Confessor, 19. The nature of that court 538
Jacobites , rise of that name 276
James I. his accession, and profuse grants of nobility, 144. Endeavours to bring about a comprehension between the church of England and the puritans, 146. Calls in the grants of monopolies, ibid. Discovers the powder plot, ibid. Grants the forfeited lands in the province of Ulster to the corporation of London, 147. Evidence of his inclination toward popery, 148. Two heretics burnt in his reign, ibid. Marries the princess Elizabeth to the elector Palatine, 149. Orders the nobility and gentry not to live in London, 150. Orders the book of sports to be observed on the sabbathday, 151. Licenses gaming houses in London, ibid. Reprimands the city magistrates in Guildhall 152
James II. (see York, duke of,) his accession, 256. Goes to mass in his regal capacity, ibid. Sends an agent to make his submission to the pope, ibid. His cruel domestic government, 257. His hasty advances to establish popery, 258. The suspicious pregnancy of his queen, 259. His declaration for liberty of conscience offensive to the people, ibid. Sends seven bishops to the tower, 260. Birth of the Pretender, 261. His ill-timed repentance, ibid. Appoints the pope godfather to his child, 262. Endeavours to satisfy the nation of the reality of his birth, ibid. Prepares to oppose the prince of Orange, ibid. Is totally deserted, 263. His last regal acts, ibid. Flies secretly from London, 264. Is discovered at Feversham, and brought back to London, 266. Flies again and goes over to France, 267. Reflections on his conduct, ibid. Invades Ireland, 273. Is defeated at the battle of the Boyne,, 276. Dies 287
Jansson , Stephen Theodore, Esq; is chosen chairman of the committee for managing the subscription for the sufferers by fire in Cornhill, 361. Is elected sheriff, 365. Distinguishes himself by executing criminals without military aid, ibid. Is elected chamberlain of the city of London 430
Idem iterum , or queen Mary's big belly, an old tract of Fox the martyrologist, is reprinted in the reign of James II. 259
Idle persons, why burthensome to the community 429
Jefferies , Sir George, recorder of London, is frightened by the house of commons into a resignation of his place, 245. His brutal conduct after Monmouth's invasion in the west of England, 257. Carries back the city charter to Guildhall, 261. Is seized and killed by the populace 264
Jenkins , captain, his cruel and insulting usage by the Spaniards, 341, note.
Jephson , colonel, makes a motion in the house of commons, to confer the title of king on Oliver Cromwel 102
Jesuits , five executed on account of the popish plot 242
Jewel office in the tower, articles shewn there, and the manner of viewing them 767
Jews , how they came to apply themselves to usury, 33. Plundered and murdered at the coronation of Richard I. 33. Cruelly used by king John, 39. Are punished by Henry III. on an improbable accusation, 45. Take refuge in the Tower from a persecution by the populace, 53. Their synagogues ordered to be destroyed by the archbishop of Canterbury, 59. Are forbidden to practice usury, 60. Are severely used for diminishing the coin, ibid. Banished the kingdom, ibid. Are again permitted to settle in England, 201. An act passed for the naturalization of, 377. Review of the arguments for and against, 378. The act repealed 380
Ignorant ages, the histories of uninteresting 2
Impressing of seamen, a cruel violation of the rights of British subjects, 345. How to avoid the necessity of ibid.
Imprisonment for debt, the bad policy of, explained 327
Independents and presbyterians, begin to be distinguished in parliament, 183. Their political principles, 187. Predominate in the city of London 192
Ingulphus bishop of Rochester, builds the Tower of London, for William the Conqueror 25
Innocent XI. pope, receives an agent from James II. contrary to his advice, 256. His slighting treatment of the earl of Castlemaine, James's ambassador, 258. Sends a nuncio to England ibid.
Inns , none to be kept in the city of London but by freemen 60
Innholders hall 613
Inoculation , of the small-pox, shewn to operate in increasing the number of the people, 136, note. The first introduction of, from Turkey 322
Instruction of members of parliament, the right of the constituents to give, and the duty of the members to follow, asserted 308, note.
Instructions to members on occasion of the Middlesex election:—the electors of Westminster's, 452, note. Of the livery of London, 454, note. Of the electors of Southwark, 456, note. See Petitions.
Insurance offices, the great utility of, 361. See under their respective names.
Intercursus magnus , the treaty of commerce thus called, made with the Low Countries 110
Interest of money, the rate of, in the reign of Henry II. 37. First legally settled, 122. Is reduced from ten to eight per cent. 153. Is reduced to six per cent. 197 Is farther reduced to five per cent. 306
John , king, his letter to the mayor and citizens of London relating to the building their bridge, 31. His charters to the city of London, 37. His quarrel with the pope, 38. Is excommunicated, ibid. The interdict taken off, 39. His barons make war against him, ibid. Is reduced to grant the great charter of English liberties, 40. Dies 41
John , king of France, is brought prisoner to London by Edward the black prince 70
Johnson , Dr. his partial definitions of the terms whig and tory, 244, note. Is ridiculed for his belief in the Cock-lane ghost 413
Joiners hall 613
Jones , Inigo, lays out Lincoln's-inn-fields, and Great Queen-street 151
Irish , general panic all over the kingdom, of their coming to massacre the English 265
Irish estates of the city of London, (See Ulster.) The property of confirmed to the corporation by Charles II. 213. History of, recapitulated, ibid. How regulated 214
Irish massacre, unjustly charged upon Charles I. 169
Ironmongers hall 546
Ironside , alderman, dies soon after his appointment to the mayoralty 379
Isabella of France, married to Edward II. 62. Raises a party against Piers Gaveston, ibid. Is denied a night's lodging in the castle of lord Badlesmere, 65. Commencement of her intimacy with Roger Mortimer, 66. Calls a parliament which deposes her husband 67
Isle of Dogs 772
Italian book-keeping, a treatise on, published in the reign of queen Elizabeth 133
Judgments , the doctrine of, unsupported either by reason or scripture 368
Judicature , a court of, erected for settling differences between landlords and tenants after the great fire of London 230
Judicial combat ; see Trial by battle
Julian calender, is rejected in England 371
Jury , trials by, instituted by Alfred 14
Justice hall court at the Old Bailey, the nature of, and when held 539
Kelly , Hugh and William, are seized for enlisting men in the pretender's service 306
Kensington palace, is purchased by William III. 273
Kent , Mr. prosecutes the contrivers of the Cocklane ghost 414
Kilmarnock , earl of, condemned 357
Kimbolton , lord, with five members of the house of commons, impeached by the king, 172. Their singular conveyance from London to the parliament house 173
Kings , their discretional power dangerous to their subjects, and ought to be restrained by laws, 252. Seldom grant liberties to their subjects until forced 272, note
Kings of England, their limited authority under the feudal frame of government, 270. Their power enlarged as the people grew more free, 271. Their powers interfere, and the people successively assert their rights ibid.
King's bench prison, Mr. Wilkes committed to, 443. Murders committed on the populace there by the soldiers, 444. A description of 681
King's printing house 652
King's street Covent-garden, great fire there 397
King's Weigh house 552
Kirkman , alderman, his pertinent observations on the recorder's conduct 488
Knighthood , every citizen possessed of 40l. per annum, commanded to take the order of 69
Knights , city, great disputes among, on the article of precedency 145
La Hogue , the French fleet defeated off that place 277
Lacy , Mr.of Drury-lane theatre, the original schemer of an embankment similar to that at the Adelphi buildings 728
Ladbroke , Sir Robert, is translated to the ward of Bridge without, 391. Promotes a protest in the court of aldermen to disavow the remonstrance 477
Lamb , Dr. murdered by the London populace 156
Lamb's chapel 611
Lamb's conduit first erected 135
Lambert , a schoolmaster of London, cruelly burnt by Henry VIII. 120
Lambert , alderman, is chosen lord-mayor in preference to Godschall his senior, by the court of aldermen, 345. Is sworn into his office by the constable of the Towers, ibid. Dies of the goal distemper 369
Lambert , general, reduces the royalists under Sir George Booth 204
Lambeth , village of, 691. History and description of the archbishop of Canterbury's palace there, 692. Vauxhall garden 693
Lancaster , John of Gaunt, duke of, espouses the cause of Wickliffe the reformer, against the bishop of London, 74. Is insulted by the citizens, ibid. Is reconciled to them, 75. His palace at the Savoy burned by the Kentish rebels 77
Lancaster , captain James, commands the first ships sent out by the East India company 143
Land , its price in the tenth century, 14, 20. Its produce increased by cultivation in small farms 520
Land carriage fish scheme, account of, 415. Fails 416
Lanfranc , archbishop of Canterbury, crowns William Rafus 26
Langbourn ward, its extent, public buildings, and parish churches 656
Laud , bishop of London, his idolatrous consecration of the church of St. Catharine Cree in Leadenhallstreet, 157. When archbishop, his palace at Lambeth attacked by the populace, 163. Is impeached by the house of commons, 165. Is tried and executed 182
Law , the practice of, debauches the mind, 161, note. All proceedings in the courts of, ordered to be in the English language 329
Lawson , admiral, declares for the parliament 205
Lawyers , how considered and treated by the Kentish rebels under Wat Tyler and Jack Straw 77
Layer , counsellor, is executed for a conspiracy against the government 321
Leadenhall first built by Sir Simon Eyre, 90. Is burnt, 106. The market described 662
Leathersellers hall 556
Lee , lord chief justice, orders the city magistrates to cleanse Newgate 369
Legate , Bartholomew, is burnt for heresy in Smithfield, by order of James I. 148
Legge , Henry Bilson, Esq; made chancellor of the Exchequer, 388. Is removed, ibid. Public distinctions conferred on by the people, ibid. Is reinstated, ibid. Is again removed 407
Leicester , Simon de Mountfort, earl of, heads a party of barons against Henry III. 52. Enters into an accommodation with the king, 53. Refuses to abide by the award of Lewis IX. of France ibid. Takes the king and his brother prisoner, 54. Is defeated and killed at Evesham ibid.
Leicester fields 724
Letters , antient method of conveying before the establishment of the post-office 657
Lewes , battle of, between Henry III. and the earl of Leicester 54
Lewis , son to Philip king of France, is invited over by the English barons, 40. Is received into London, 41. Returns home ibid.
Lewis IX. of France, is chosen arbiter between Henry III. and his barons 53
Liberties , English, the proper foundation they rest on, 271. Why supposed not of a durable nature, 272. The cap an unfit symbol of ibid. note.
Licentiates in physic, contests and riots between them and the college of physicians 440
Lieutenancy of the city of London, nature of the court of 542
Life , tables of the probabilities of, in London compared with other places 529
Lightning , modern method of securing buildings from 131
Lime street ward, extent, and public buildings in 662
Limehouse , is erected into a separate parish, 328. Described 772
Lincoln , John, instigates the populace to a commotion against foreigners 114
Lincoln's inn 748
Lincoln's inn fields, first laid out by Inigo Jones, 151. Described 741
Liturgy , one published in the vulgar tongue 125
Livery men of the city companies, irregularity in their powers of electing magistrates 324
Livery of London, their instructions to their representatives, 454. Their request of a common-hall refused by the court of common-council, 461. Agree to petition the king, 463. Return aldermen Beckford and Trecothick to the court of Aldermen, for their choice of mayor, 467. Press the acceptance of the office on Mr. Beckford, 468. Resolutions of, ibid, note. Agree to a remonstrance, 474. Order a committe to consider of a proper mode of proceeding against the refractory companies, 480. Are forbid to attend the delivery of the remonstrance 512
Loans to foreign princes, the king impowered to prohibit 328
Lock hospital Southwark 685
Locusts , London visited by swarms of 361
Lollards , their members grow formidable, 89. Law passed against, ibid. The laws against repealed 123
Lollard's tower 587
Lombard merchants, peculiar privileges granted to in London 87
London , the various etymologies antiquarians have given of the name, 2. Is not mentioned by Julius Cæsar, 3. Was however a place of consequence in Nero's time, ibid. Arrival of Plautius and Claudius, ibid. Created municipium a free city, 4. Slaughter of the citizens by Boadicea, ibid. Original extent of, under the Romans, 6. London stone, the center of all their military ways in Britain, ibid. Its wall, when first built, 8. Is entered by Theodosius the Elder, ibid. Bede, his character of, 12. Plague and fire there, ibid. Becomes the seat of government under Egbert, 13. Is burnt but rebuilt by Alfred, ibid. Its condition under Edgar, 14. Is reduced by Sweyn king of Denmark, 16. Edmund Ironside, the first prince crowned in, ibid. The first mention of a bridge here over the Thames, ibid. Is severely taxed by Canute, 17. Sends members to a national council held at Oxford, ibid. A court of hustings granted to, by Edward the Confessor, 19. Character of by William of Malmsbury, 20. William the Conqueror, received into, 21. Was one of the first towns in Europe that became a corporation, 24, note. Obtains two charters from William, 24, 25. Fires in, 25. The Tower of, built, ibid. Much damaged by a hurricane, 26. Is relieved by charter from the tax called Danegelt, 27. From trials by battle, ibid. Great fire in, 28. Its bridge built of stone, 31. The chief magistrate of, officiates as chief butler of the kingdom at the coronation of Richard I. 34. The title of mayor first given to the chief magistrate of, ibid. Regulations made for the building houses in, ibid. Privileges granted to by king John, 37. The wall of, encompassed with a ditch, 39. Privileges granted to, by Magna Charta, 40. Lewis the French prince, received into, 41. A common seal granted to, 42. Is supplied with water from Tyburn, 44. Great famine and distress in, 50. Power of the constable of the Tower restricted, 51, 79. The barons in arms under the earl of Leicester received into the city, 52. Is deprived of its privileges by order of parliament, 54. They are restored on a fine and submission, 55, 56. Great famine in, 56. Flemings banished from, 57. The magistrates of, accused of oppression, 58. Is divided into twenty four wards, and common council men chosen, 59. Is deprived of its mayors for twelve years, ibid. Regulations to check the licentiousness in this interval, ibid. Is taken possession of by the barons in arms against the Despencers, 65. The bailywick of Southwark conferred on, 67. An order published that no person should appear armed in, ibid. A great plague in, 70. Magnificent entry of Edward the black prince, with his prisoner John king of France, ibid. Aldermen of, ordered to be annually elected, 73. Restrictions laid on foreigners carrying on trade in, 75. Public entry of Richard II. into, ibid. The magistrates and citizens how rated in a subsidy to him, 76. A new seal made for, ibid. Disorders committed in by the Kentish rebels, 77. The liberties of, confirmed by parliament, 80. The wall and ditch ordered to be repaired and cleansed, 81. The aldermen of, established in their offices during good behaviour, 84. The magistrates of, exempted from trial by foreign jurors, 85. Great Plague in, 87. Magnificent entry of Henry V. into, after the battle of Agincourt, 90. Servants how they became freemen of, 91. Is supplied with water from springs at Highbury barn and Paddington, 93. Merchants houses in, plundered by Jack Cade, 96. Grand procession of the York and Lancaster parties to St. Paul's, 98. Privileges conferred on the magistrates of, by Edward IV. 100. Sir Geoffrey Gates's insurrection 101. The bastard of Falconbridge's attempt to plunder it, 102. Grand reception of Henry VII. after the battle of Bosworth, 106. Is attacked by the sweating sickness, 107. A benevolence levied on, by Henry, 108. Flemings banished, ibid. Great plague in, 110. The first court of request erected in, 114. Is again visited by the sweating sickness, 115. And the plague, ibid. Extent of the suburbs of at this time, 116. Annual consumption of oxen in, 117. The tables of the magistrates restricted, 121. Plague in, ibid. Streets of, ordered to be paved, ibid. Last appearance of the sweating sickness, 125. The manor of Southwark granted to, ibid. Magnificent entry of queen Elizabeth, 131 The plague brought to from Havre de Grace, 132. A stated watch appointed for each ward, 134. Earth quake in, 135. Number of foreigners in at this time, ibid. A proclamation to prevent laying new foundations in, ibid. A fleet of ships fitted out by, on occasion of the Spanish armada, 139. Great plague in, ibid. Riotous disposition in, suppressed by martial law, 140. Hasty levies made by the magistrates, 141. Plague in, 144. The forfeited lands in the province of Ulster in Ireland, granted to 147. Great enlargement of the suburbs, ibid. Nobility and gentry ordered to depart from, 150. Gaming houses licensed in by James I. 151. Great plague in, 153. Hackney coaches first known in, 154. Ship money levied in by Charles I. 155. An exact account taken of all the inhabitants, 162. Deprived of the Irish plantation by the court of star chamber, ibid. Grand reception of the king, 169. Is put into a posture of defence to resist the king, 175 Deputies from the parliament's army harangue the corporation at Guildhall, ibid. The city wall repaired, and new works added, 177. Is, with Westminster and Southwark, surrounded with a chain of forts, 178. Heavy assessments levied to carry on the war, ibid. Great consternation in, on the siege of Gloucester, 180. The clergy of, petition for a settlement of the church, 182. The Presbyterian model established, 183. Remonstrates to the parliament on political grievances, 184. A counter petition from the Independents, ibid. General consternation in, on the approach of the army, 186. Another remonstrance to the parliament presented, ibid. The forts on the western side of the city surrendered to the army, 188. The army take possession of the city, and commit the magistrates to the Tower, 189. Cromwell endeavours to get them hanged, ibid. Riots in, 190. Stagnation of trade by the distractions in, 193. Weavers, Haberdashers, and Goldsmithshall plundered by the army, 194. Is entered by Monk in an hostile manner, 206. Magnificent entry of Charles II. on his restoration, 210. The king dines at Guildhall, 211. The enthusiastic insurrection of Venner, ibid. Magnisicent cavalcade of the king previous to his coronation, 213. Passages in, enlarged, ibid. The Irish estates confirmed to, ibid. All the chartered liberties of, confirmed, 215. Description of the inconvenient buildings in at this time, 217, note. Particular history of the great plague, 218. Is deserted by the rich, 220. Precautions of the magistrates, 221. Grass grows in the public streets, 223. Amazing collections for the poor, ibid. State of trade this year, 225. The magistrates congratulate the king on his return, 225. Particular account of the great fire, ibid. A court of judicature formed for settling differences between landlords and tenants, 230. Measures taken for rebuilding the city, 231. Its amazing speedy restoration, 232. Obstacles that occurred to proposed improvements, ibid. Is in danger from a Dutch fleet in the Thames, 233. Orders issued for cleansing and lighting the streets, ibid. William prince of Orange entertained at Drapers-hall, 234. The power of paving and cleansing the streets, vested in the corporation, 235. The annual stipends of the parochial clergy settled, ibid. Great distress in, by the king's shutting up the Exchequer, 237. Coffee houses ordered to be shut up, 239. The prince and princess of Orange dine in the city, 240. The magistrates ordered to prevent the citizens signing petitions for the sitting of parliament, 243. The magistrates present a petition for the parliamentary examination into the popish plot, 245. The magistrates ordered to prevent a proposed feast of the whig citizens, 248. Confusion at the election of sheriffs, 249. The writ of Quo Warranto issued against, 253. Great numbers of French protestants arrive and settle in, 259. Occasion of establishing charity schools in, 259. The city charter restored, 261. General confusion on the king's flight, 264. Address of the lord-mayor and common council to the prince of Orange, 265. Strange panic in, on a rumour of the Irish coming to massacre the English, 265. The king brought back, 266. He flies again, and the prince of Orange arrives, 267. A deputation from the common council ordered to attend the convention of the peers and commons summoned by the prince, 268. The magistrates impowered to clear the city of Popish recusants, 273. War declared against France, ibid. The proceedings on the Quo Warranto reversed, 275. Vigorous preparations in to defend the city during the absence of king William in Ireland, 276. Parliamentary powers obtained for paving and lighting the streets, and for regulating the markets, 276. Advances money to queen Mary, 279. Magnificent reception and entertainment of William on his return from Flanders, 278. Lends money to the queen, ibid. Restoration of the orphans fund, 279. Bank erected, 280. Money how raised in for the service of government before the formation of this national bank, ibid. Grand funeral of queen Mary, 282. Manner of holding common-halls for the election of city officers and members of parliament settled, ibid. Pretended privileged places is suppressed by parliament, 284. Joyful reception of the king after the peace of Ryswick, 285. Difficulties to the establishing a treaty of commerce with France, ibid. Abounds with projectors, 286. The stock jobbers removed from the Royal Exchange, ibid. Address to king William, on the French king proclaiming the Pretender, 287. War declared against France and Spain, 288. Magnificent reception of queen Anne on lord mayor's day, ibid. Thanksgiving on the successes against the French and Spaniards, ibid. Dreadful hurricane in, ibid. Fast observed on that occasion, 290. Thanksgiving days, 291. The city pestered with flies, 293. Great numbers of Palatines arrive, and are humanely relieved, 295. Riots in occasioned by the prosecution of Dr. Sacheverel, 297. The lieutenancy of the city changed, 298. Tory members elected for, ibid. An act passed for building fifty new churches in the suburbs of, 300. Proportion of the customs received at the port of, compared with that of the out ports, ibid. Arrival of prince Eugene, ibid. The magistrates discouraged by the ministry from giving him a public entertainment, 301. Strange panic in, concerning Mohocks, ibid. Rejoicings in on the peace of Utrecht, 304. Apprehensions in, on the queen's illness, 305. Queen's letter to the lord mayor, ibid. Public entry of George I. 307. He with the prince and princess of Wales dine at Guildhall, ibid. Act for quieting and establishing corporations passed, 311. Riot at the Mug-house in Salisbury-court, ibid. War declared against Spain, 312. Detail of the South Sea scheme, ibid. Great distress produced by, 317. Hell fire club, great apprehensions of, 319. Peace with Spain, ibid. Regulations made to prevent bringing the plague from Marseillies, ibid. Letter from lord Townsend to the lord Mayor, on account of a jacobitical conspiracy, 320. Address to the king in answer to, 321. Confusions in at the election of sheriffs, 322. The mode of elections in, finally settled by parliament, 323. Riots in, on account of this law, ibid. Irregularity in the frame of the corporation pointed out, ibid. George II. and the royal family dine at Guildhall, 326. New parishes erected in the suburbs of, 328. Exports and imports of, during the year 1731. 329. Part of Fleetditch arched over, and the market erected, 330. Petitions from, how received by the house of commons, 334. Rejoicings in on the failure of Sir Robert Walpole's excise bill, ibid. Blackfriars adjudged to be under the city jurisdiction, 336. A law passed for the better lighting the streets, ibid. The Mansion-House for the Lord Mayor began to be built, 339. War declared against Spain, 342. Distress of the poor by a hard frost, 343. Instructions given to the city members, 346. All the aldermen made justices of peace, ibid. The merchants of, represent the bad conduct of the war by petition to the house of commons, ibid. Papists ordered to depart from, 349. War declared against France, ibid. Return of commodore Anson from the South-seas, 352. Vigorous measures and associations in, to support government against the pretender, 354. General alarm on the rebel army penetrating into England, 355. Execution of the rebel lords, 357, 358. Terrible fire in Cornhill, 361. Cessation of arms proclaimed, 361. Is visited by locusts, 362. Rejoicings on account of the peace, ibid. History of the bottle conjurer, 363. Earthquakes in, 367. Bishop of, thanked for his pastoral letter, 368. The Lord Mayor and several other gentlemen killed by the gaol distemper, 369. Newgate cleansed, ibid. Act of common council for the occasional licensing of foreigners to work in, 370. The new style adopted, 371. Want of a regulation to enforce the taking down ruinous houses, remarked, 374. Commotion in, by the affair of Elizabeth Canning, 375. The militia of, ordered to be kept ready to march, 383. Powers granted by the act to repair London bridge, 385. New road made from Islington to Paddington, ibid. War declared against France, 386. The Lord Mayor and Aldermen impowered to regulate the fisheries in the Thames and Medway, 389. The temporary bridge burnt, 390. Thanksgiving and rejoicings on the success of the war, 391. Remarkable success of the war, 397. Great fire in Sweeting's alley, ibid. Cause of the inconvenient laying out of the streets, ibid. Passages ordered to be opened in, 398. Accession of George III. 404. The first stone of Blackfriars bridge laid, ibid. Coronation of the king and queen, 408. The king and queen dine at Guildhall, 410. War declared against Spain, 411. Scheme for bringing fish to, by land carriage, 415. Peace concluded, 418. The court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen only, address the king on the peace, 419. Apprehension of Mr. Wilkes, 421. Burning of the North Briton, 424. Inquiry into the natural and artificial causes of the dearness of provisions in 428. Riots of the weavers 431, 432, 433. The ceremony on Lord Mayor's day omitted on account of the duke of Cumberland's burial, 435. The streets of, new paved, and nuisances removed, 436. Rejoicings on the repeal of the stamp act, ibid. Mr. Paterson's plan for raising money for several public purposes adopted, 438. State of the poll for members of, 441. Riots in, on Mr. Wilkes's election for Middlesex, 442. The prince of Monaco entertained at the MansionHouse, ibid. Riots of coal heavers, ibid. Great damage done by floods, 446. The king of Denmark entertained at the Mansion-House, 447. The livery of, instruct their members, 454. History of the merchant's address, 456. The livery attempt to get a common hall, 461. Agree to a petition to the king, 463. Second election of alderman Beckford to the mayoralty, 467. A fund left to assist young citizens in business, 470. Disputes between the sheriffs and the ministry on the execution of Doyle and Valline, 472. Delivery of the remonstrance of the livery of, to the king, 477. Remonstrance of the court of common council, 482. Death of the Lord Mayor, 485. Alderman Trecothick chosen mayor for the remainder of the year, ibid. Richard Oliver, Esq; elected member for, 486. Contests relating to the new erections at Durham yard, 489 Second remonstrance of the common council, 495. Alderman Oliver committed to the Tower, 501. The Lord Mayor committed to the Tower, 502. The objections against the embankment at Durham yard argued before the house of lords, 504. Release of the Lord Mayor and Mr. Oliver, 508. Third remonstrance of the common council, 510. Courts of conservancy held in Essex and Kent; and the bounds of the city's jurisdiction visited, 513. Its geographical situation, 521. Its natural advantages, ibid. Its limits strictly and popularly, 522. Number of streets and houses, difficulty of obtaining, ibid. Number of inhabitants not to be found by the bills of mortality, 523. A sixth part of the inhabitants supposed to be dissenters, 523. Tables of the bills of mortality, 526. Tables of the probabilities of life in, compared with other places, 529. A table of the number of cattle sold in Smithfield market for forty years, 531. A table of the prices of wheat at the corn market in, for forty years, 533. Number of wards, and boundaries of the liberties, 534. A summary view of the civil government of, ibid. Military government of, 541. For the charters of, see the Appendix. For the tables of the lord mayors, sheriffs, recorders, aldermen, chamberlains, representatives in parliament, bishops, &c. of, see the Addenda following the Appendix.
London assurance office 659
London house in Aldersgate-street 543
London infirmary 761
London Lyckpenny, an antient ballad of John Lydgates's, monk of Bury 576, note.
London stone, supposed to be a Roman milliarum, and the centre where all the military ways in Britain met. 6, 676
London workhouse, Bishopsgate street 556
Londonderry , settled by the corporation of London 150
Long-acre 733
Long-beard the lawyer, condemned and executed for his irregular practices 35
Longchamp , bishop of Ely, regent of the kingdom, degraded 34
Lords , house of, voted useless and dangerous by the house of commons, 195. A motley house of, formed by Oliver Cromwell, 202. The peers return to their house, 209. Sacheverel silenced by, 297. Censure the court of common council for issuing money for law suits on controverted elections 312. Protest of, relative to the Middlesex election, 481. Protest of, against the embankment at Durham yard 505, note.
Lothbury , a conduit erected in 122
Lovet , lord, anecdotes of his extraordinary life, 357. Is executed 358
Lovel , Salathiel, recorder of London, is knighted by William III. 278
Low countries, all commerce with, prohibited, 108. The treaty called intercursus magnus made with 110
Louisbourg , is taken from the French 391
Ludgate , derivation of its name, 6. Is taken down, and the prisoners removed 399
Lunsford , colonel, is made lieutenant of the Tower, 171. Is removed, ibid. Excites a commotion in the city. ibid.
Lurdan , derivation of that term of reproach 15
Lustring company, incorporated, 278. Cause of the decay of 285
Lutheran chapel in the Savoy. 738.
Luttrel , colonel, opposes Mr. Wilkes at Brentford, 458. Is declared member for Middlesex by the house of commons. ibid.
Luxury , its advantage to trade specious, but its tendency to destroy liberty real, 272. Is complained of, in a presentment of the grand jury of Middlesex 350
Lydgate John, monk of Bury, his ballad called the London Lyckpenny 576, note
Lying-in hospital, Brownlow-street 742
Lying-in hospital city of London, 543. New building for, in Old-street Road 756
Lyon's-inn 737
Lyon's Tower in the Tower of London 764
Magdalen house first instituted, and the nature of that establishment, 392. New building for, erected in St. George's fields, 466. Where situated, and œconomy of 686
Magna charta , granted to the English barons by king John, 40. No liberties obtained by the common people under this charter, ibid. Who the original objects of 271, note.
Mall in St. James's park 719
Manasseh Ben Israel, prevails on Oliver Cromwel to permit Jews to settle in England 201
Manners , a depravity of, fatal to liberty 272
Mansion-house for the lord mayor of London, is proposed to be built on Stocks market, 339. Inscription on the first stone of the foundation, ibid, note. Description of that building, 673. Cause of its heavy appearance 675
March , Edward, earl of, his army received into London, 98. Routs the king's army near Northampton, 99. Becomes duke of York, and seizes the crown, ibid. See Edward IV.
Marine society the first establishment of, 386. Their office where kept 603
Markets great cautions used in buying and selling in during the great plague, 221. Regulations published by the court of common council for their government, 238. Extortions in the farmers of, redressed 284
Marlborough house 720
Marlborough , duke of, his successes against the French, 288. Gains a victory at Blenheim, 291. Is entertained by the corporation of London at Vintners hall, ibid. Is disgraced on the change of the ministry, 301. Pacifies a discontent among the guards on receiving bad cloathing 309
Marlborough , duke of, his extraordinary adventure with Mr. Barnard the builder, 393. Dies 393
Marriages , clandestine, an act passed to prevent, 378. The evil tendency of this law ibid.
Marseilles , regulations made to prevent importing the plague from 319
Marshals , city, first institution of their office, 133. Are ordered not to deal in provisions or liquors 508
Marshalsea court and prison in Southwark 681
Martin , Samuel, Esq; is abused in the North Briton, and wounds Mr. Wilkes in a duel 424
Martinico , reduced 415
Mary , lady, daughter of James duke of York, is married to the prince of Orange, 240. Is sent for by the prince to come to England on her father's abdication, 269. Is proclaimed queen, 270. See Mary II.
Mary I. proclaimed, 127. Restores the Romish religion, ibid. Harangues the city companies at Guildhall, ibid. Is married to Philip II. of Spain, 128. Causes of her death, 129. Her bigotry, 130 Estimate of the persons that suffered for heresy during her reign ibid.
Mary II. proclaimed, 270. Dines at Guildhall, 274. Her prudent administration during her husband's absence in Ireland, 275. Reviews the Westminster militia in Hyde Park, 277. Dines at Guildhall, 278. Dies 282
Mary , queen of Scots, her sentence publicly proclaimed in London 138
Marybone , history of that village 739
Mason's hall 550
Masque , a grand one exhibited by the citizens of London at Kennington for the entertainment of the princess of Wales and prince Richard. 73. A splendid one exhibited by the inns of court before king Charles I. 158
Masquerades , are presented by the grand jury of Middlesex as public nusances 328
Masses , private abolished 123
Matilda , her rights of succession to the crown of England, usurped by Stephen, 28. War between her and Stephen, 29. Retires to Normandy 30
Maurice , bishop of London, rebuilds the cathedral of St. Paul's 25
Maurice , Peter, schemes the erecting water-works under London bridge 137
Mawbey , Sir Joseph, presents the Southwark petition to the king 470
Mayor , the title of, first assumed by the bailiff or chief magistrate of London, 34. Is vested with the conservancy of the river Thames, 36. Ordered to be presented before the barons of the Exchequer, after his election, 49. Receives an annual contribution from the foreign merchants, 68. The election of, established on a regular plan and the office made obligatory, 69. A silver mace granted to, 70. Is now called lord mayor, ibid. The election of, settled on the present plan, 103. First instance of their custom of nominating sheriffs by drinking, 137. Disputes between and the commonalty on this point, 168. Is intrusted with the lieutenancy of the Tower, 171. The manner of electing settled by act of common-council, 283. The observance of seniority, not obligatory, ibid. His manner of election settled by act of parliament, 323. Is under no obligation of translating himself to any of the twelve companies, unless to qualify himself for being president of the Irish committee, 348. His office and powers, 534. His court, 535. His four esquires, 537. For a list of the lord mayors of London, see the Addenda, following the Appendix.
Mayor's court office, where kept 603
Meal tub plot, hatched by the papists against the presbyterians 243
Medway , the conservancy of, granted to the corporation of London 37
Meeting houses, dissenting, destroyed by Sacheverel's mob, 297. The number of, in London, Westminster, and Southwark 523, note.
Mellitus , ordained by Augustin bishop of the East Saxons, 12. Is expelled London ibid.
Members of parliament, by the nature of their deputation bound to receive and follow the instructions of their constituents, 308, note. For a list of those for London, see the Addenda, following the Appendix.
Mercers hall and chapel 591
Merchants address, disastrous history of 456
Merchants , foreign, forbid to export coin or bullion, 87, 106.
Merchants adventurers, the origin of that company, 61. Charter granted to, 87. Their privileges confirmed by Henry VII. III. Their great success in trade, 125. Are first properly incorporated, 132. Erect the statue of Charles II. in the Royal Exchange 255
Merchants seamens office 603
Merchant taylors, a fray between that company and the goldsmiths, 56. Description of their public hall, 571. Their school described 612
Methodists , their professed principles 756
Metropolis , reflections on the apprehensions entertained of its growing too large 136
Mews at Charing-cross 724
Middlesex , the freeholders of, open a subscription to enlist men in the king's service, 396. Mr. Wilkes is elected member, 442. Serjeant Glynn elected, 449. Instruct their members, 452. Mr. Wilkes's second election, 453. His third election, 458. His fourth election, ibid. Col. Luttrel imposed on the county, ibid. Their petition to the king, 459. Present a remonstrance 480
Middlesex hospital 732
Middleton , Sir Hugh, brings the New river to London for the supply of the town with water 149
Mile end, old and new towns 771
Military power, in general cases unnecessary in carrying the laws into execution 365
Military tenures under a feudal settlement explained, 22. Causes of the decay of, pointed out 270
Military ways of the Romans in Britain how they centered in London 6
Militia , strong argument in favour of, 140. If formed of substitutes, is another standing mercenary army, 384. Of the city of London, history and present view of 542
Million bank 658
Minister of state, the necessity of his securing a majority in the house of commons, to carry on the national business, refuted 311, note.
Ministerial power in the administration of government, the bad effects of, 325, 517. Cause of the increase of, since the revolution 402
Ministry , the little importance it is in a public view, of what individuals it is composed 517
Minorca , taken by the French 386
Minories 664
Mint , keeper of, chosen by the mayor of London, 46. The office and manner of coining described 764
Mint in Southwark, the pretended privileges of that place suppressed by parliament, 284, 322. Origin of the place so named 690
Mohocks , ridiculous apprehensions excited in London of cruelties commited by persons under this appellation, 302. A proclamation published for apprehending them. ibid.
Monasteries suppressed, 118. Amount of their revenues 120
Money , the value of, under the Saxon government, 20. Under the reign of Henry II. 37. Under Edward I. 56, 57, note. 6z, note. Under Henry VIII. 117. In the reign of queen Elizabeth, 134. Ordered not to be exported by foreign merchants, 87, 106. Allowed to be exported by law, 215. The growing plenty of real specie the natural cause of the dearness of necessaries, 428. Paper, the artificial cause of 429
Monaco , the prince of, entertained at the Mansion house 442
Monk , general, marches from Scotland to support the authority of parliament, 204. Arrives at Westminster, 206 His violent conduct in the city of London, ibid. Relents, and joins the city against the rump parliament, 207. His mysterious conduct, 208. Was wrong in restoring Charles II. without prescribing conditions to him, ibid. See Albemarle
Monmouth , duke of, petitions the king against the removal of the parliament to Oxford, 246. His rebellion against James II. defeated 256
Monopolies , enormous grants of, by queen Elizabeth, with their pernicious consequences, 144. Are called in by James I. 146
Montagu , lady Mary Wortley, introduces the practice of inoculating the small-pox from Turkey 322
Monument on Fish-street hill, a description of 562
Moor , Sir John, an addresser, chosen lord mayor, 248. His arbitrary proceeding in the election of sheriffs, 249. Founds the writing school in Christ's hospital 619
Moorfields , are levelled and rendered passable, 113. Description of 755
Mordington , lady, her gaming-house near Covent garden presented by the grand jury of Middlesex, 349
More , Sir Thomas, appointed lord chancellor, 117. Is beheaded for disowning Henry's supremacy over the church 118
Morgan , James, clerk to the lord mayor, erases the minutes of the process against Whittam the messenger, from the minute book, by order of the house of commons 500
Mortimer , Roger, commencement of his intimacy with queen Isabella 66
Morton , archbishop, and chancellor, his rule in levying benevolences 108
Mug-house in Salisbury-court, riot of the Jacobite mob there 311
Murders , the commission of, not restrained by the gallows 351
Murray , the hon. Alexander, is committed to Newgate for contempt of the house of commons, 372. His triumphant release, 373. Retires abroad, ibid.
Mylne , Mr. is appointed the architect of Black-friars bridge, 400. Amount of his salary for building, 497. His petition to the court of common-council rejected 510
Naseby , battle of, between Charles I. and the parliament's generals, Fairfax and Cromwell 183
Nations , the most free always the most rich and powerful, 272. These characters why not durable, ibid.
Naturalization , the fraudulent obtaining acts of, to screen foreigners who reside abroad, prevented 370
Nature , the state of, a brutal state 2
Navy-office 546
Necessaries of life, the prices of, not easily to be generally raised by monopolies 428
New exchange 727
New inn 737
New prison, Clerkenwell 752
New river first brought to London by Mr. Hugh Middleton, 149. Office of, where situated 643
Newbury , battle of, between Charles I. and the earl of Essex 180
Newcastle , duke of, resigns his place at the treasury 416
Newcastle house, Clerkenwell 751
Newfoundland , St. John's fort there, taken by the French, but retaken 417
Newgate , the custody of, granted to the citizens of London, 86. Is rebuilt by Sir Richard Whittington, 88. Is infected with a contagious distemper and cleansed, 369. Described 615
Newgate market described 617
Newington Butts, village of 691
Newport market 728
No man's land, a piece of ground so called, purchased for a burial-ground during a great plague 70
Nobility , their political principles and taste censured for clandestinely importing and wearing French manufactures 431
Non-freemen, admitted to work in London under certain circumstances, 123, 129. Act of commoncouncil for the occasional licensing of, to work in the city 370
Norman , John, mayor of London, introduces the custom of the lord mayor going to Westminster by water 97
Normandy , (see William duke of) Is brought under subjection to the crown of England, 28. Is finally lost to England 95
Norroy , king at arms, his province 582
North Briton, occasion of publishing that paper, 420. Character of the 45th number, ibid. Is burnt at the Royal Exchange, 423. See Wilkes and Bingley.
North , Dudley, is endeavoured to be forced upon the citizens as their sheriff, 249. Is irregularly sworn into his office with Mr.Birch 251
Northampton , John, his vigilant conduct in his mayoralty, 79. His character afterward aspersed 80
Northumberland house, history and description of 724
Norton Falgate liberty 757
Nottingham , king Charles I. erects his standard there 174
Nottingham , countess of, her treacherous conduct between queen Elizabeth and the earl of Essex 144
Noy , the famous lawyer, contrives the burlesque characters in the masque exhibited by the inns of court before Charles I. 158
Oates , Titus, is an informer of the Popish plot. 241. Obtains a pension. ibid. Accuses the earl of Castlemaine, 244. Accuses the earl of Stafford, 245. Is prosecuted and severely punished by James II. for perjury 256
Oath , that taken by every citizen of London, on admission to his freedom 541
Offices , public, where kept after the fire of London, 230. See their present situations under their respective names.
Oglethorpe , Mr. moves the house of commons to enquire into the abuses in public gaols, 326. Is chosen chairman of the committee to examine into the state of the prisons ibid.
Old Bethlehem burial ground, first inclosed for the interment of poor citizens, 133. Its present situation 555
Old Jewry, derivation of the name of that street, 587. Meeting house there 597
Oldcastle , Sir John. See Cobham.
Oliver , Richard, Esq; is chosen alderman of Billingsgate ward, 485. Is elected member for the city, 486. His independent professions, ibid. Discharges Thompson the printer, 499. Is committed to the Tower, 501. Refuses to serve the office of sheriff with Mr. Wilkes, 504. Is brought before the barons of the exchequer by Habeas Corpus, but is remanded back, 507. Addresses to in the Tower, ibid. Is released, 508.
Onflow , Arthur, Esq; receives the freedom of London, and a pension on his retiring from the house of commons 406
Orange , William prince of, comes over to London, and is entertained at Drapers hall, 234. Marries the lady Mary, daughter of the duke of York, 240. Is applied to for assistance by the English against their king, 261. Lands at Torbay, 262. The principal nobility and gentry join his army, 263. Declaration sent to, by the assembly of peers at Guildhall, on the king's abdication, 264. Address of the lord mayor and common-council to, 265. Endeavours to prevent the king's return to London, 266. Arrives at St. James's, 267. Publishes an order for the convention of peers and commons, 268. His speech to the convention, ibid. Borrows money of the corporation of London for present exigencies, 269. Reforms the army, ibid. Sends for his princess over to England, ibid. Refuses to accept the crown in right of his wife, ibid. Is proclaimed king, 270. See William III.
Orange regiment of London trained bands, behaves gallantly under colonel Wilson 180
Orphan's fund, the first mention of, in history, 83. Regular interest paid by, 133. Bad management of, and consequent distress of the orphans, remedied by act of parliament, 279. Duties imposed to restore the fund, ibid. Act for the support of the fund, 359. Mr. Paterson's plan for extinguishing the debt to, 438. Court of, how held, and for what purposes 538
Osberne , Sir Edward, the first lord Mayor who nominated citizens to the office of sheriff, by drinking to them 137
Otho , the pope's legate, drains the kingdom of its money 47
Oxen , the annual consumption of, in the metropolis in the reign of Henry VIII. 117. See Cattle.
Oxford , a set of constitutions framed there by a council of barons and imposed on Henry III. for the reformation of the state, 50. Henry procures an absolution from his oath to observe them, 51. He agrees once more to abide by them, 53. Are annulled by Lewis IX. of France, arbiter between Henry and his barons, 53. Tumultuous meeting of the parliament there in the reign of Charles II. 246. Short sitting of ibid.
Oxford , Harley earl of, schemes the erection of the South sea company 299
Oxford market 733
Pack , alderman, is ill treated in the house of commons for endeavouring to get the title of king given to Oliver Cromwel 202
Paddington , water brought from, for the supply of London 93
Painter Stainers hall 666
Palatines , great numbers of, arrive in London, 295. Are humanely relieved and settled, ibid. A number of, decoyed over to London, 427. Are relieved, and sent to America 428
Pallmall paved 213
Pandolph , the pope's legate, receives king John's humiliating submission to the papal authority 39
Pantheon , in Oxford road, 732. In the Spaw-field, Clerkenwell 752
Paper currency, one great cause of the high prices of provisions, 429. The dangerous nature of, ibid.
Papillon and Dubois are chosen sheriffs by the citizens, 250. Are set aside by the lord mayor, 251. Prosecute him, but are discountenanced by the body of the corporation 254
Papists , their relics and impostures exposed, 119. Whether intitled to toleration 167, note.
Pardoning of criminals, the ill policy of 351
Paris , peace concluded there between England, France and Spain 418
Parish clerks, act pious plays at Clerkenwell 88
Parishes in London, how united after the great fire 235
Parliament , representatives of the people first admitted into, 54. An ineffectual attempt made by, to limit the prices of provisions, 63. Banish the Despencers, 65. Vote the deposition of Edward II. 67. Restrictions laid on foreigners by, 75. In 7 Rich. II. confirm the city liberties, 80. Pass a law for the burning of heretics, 89. Early discontent between, and Charles I. 154. Is dissolved, 156. Is again called, but soon dissolved, 163. Long, first meeting of, 165. The sittings of, not to be interrupted without their own consent, 168. Both houses of, dine at Merchant taylor's hall, 181. Order the inhabitants of London to retrench one meal a week for the common cause, ibid. Self-denying ordinance passed, 182. Review of their conduct, 186. Is beset by the populace, 187. The speakers of both houses take refuge in the army, 188. Is purged by colonel Pride, 193. The house of lords abolished, 195. See Commons. A new one called after the old model, under Richard Cromwell, 203. Dissolved by the council of officers, ibid. Long parliament restored, 204. Dismissed, ibid. Assemble again, 205. The authority of, disowned by the city of London, 206. Order Monk to reduce the city to obedience, ibid. The secluded members restored, 208. Dissolved by their own act, and a new one called, ibid. Address the king on the popish plot, 241. The sittings of, interrupted by the king, 243. Is assembled at Oxford, 246. Its abrupt dissolution, 247. The convention summoned by the prince of Orange, how converted into one, 272. Act for paving the streets, and for regulating the markets in the metropolis, 276. Struggles in, to prevent the progress of bribery, 279, note. Privileged places in London suppressed by, 284. Is suddenly dissolved, and the new one filled with tories, 298. Pass the act for building new churches, 300. The whigs gain the ascendency in the first summoned by George I. 308. The sittings of, extended to seven years, 309. Pass the act for quieting and establishing corporations, 311. Foresee the bad effects of the South sea scheme, 313. Raise money on the estates of the directors, 318, note. Prohibit the wearing of printed India callicoes, 319, Regulations made by, to prevent introducing the plague from Marseilles, ibid. Suppress the Mint finally, 320. Regulate the mode of city elections, 323. Regulate the public prisons, 326. Erect new parishes in the suburbs, 328. Impower the king to prohibit loans to foreign princes, ibid. Order all law proceedings to be conducted in the English language, 329. Pass an act for the better lighting the streets of London, 336. Act for building Westminster bridge, 337. Act passed against retailing spirituous liquors without licence, ibid. Abrupt dismission of, and for what cause, 359. Reject the Julian, and adopt the Gregorian calendar or style, 371. Pass an act for naturalizing Jews, 377. Pass the marriage act, 378. Purchase Sir Hans Sloane's museum, and establish the British museum, 379. Repeal the Jew act, 380. Order the removal of the borough market, 382. Pass the act for building Black-friars bridge, 384. Authorize the repair of London-bridge, 385. Vest the regulation of the fishery in the Thames and Medway, in the lord mayor and aldermen of London, 389. Impower the corporation to open the streets, 398. Regulate the sale of fish, 401. Enormous grants of money by, 407. Pass an act for the new paving, &c. of Westminster, 415. Establish the land carriage fish scheme, ibid. Impose additional duties, on wine, cyder, and perry. 419. Repeal the American stamp act, 436. Indemnify the persons acting under the proclamation to prohibit the exportation of corn, 437, note. Pass the bill for embanking Durham-yard, 498. Test proposed to secure the future integrity of, 514. See Lords, and Commons; and for the forms of, see House, of each.
Parr , Catharine, is married to Henry VIII. 121. Is suspected of heresy ibid.
Parsons , his motive for raising the ghost in Cock lane, 412. Is pilloried and imprisoned for it 414
Parsons , Humphry, Esq; is chosen to a second mayoralty, in preference to Godschall, 344. Dies in his office 345
Party walls, disputes concerning them regulated by parliament 324
Paterson , Mr. William, is one of the projectors of the bank of England 280
Paterson , Mr. deputy John, his plan for raising money for public purposes in the city of London, 438. A piece of plate voted to 440
Patriotism not so disinterested in fact as antient history describes, 347, note. Patriots of use while they continue so, whatever may be their motives ibid.
Pavement of the streets of Westminster, reformed, 415. Of London, 436. Of Southwark ibid.
Paul . See St. Paul's.
Pay office in Broad-street 569
Peace , why the English are generally discontented with the terms of, 418. Internal, seasons of, the most dangerous to popular liberty 517
Peckham , John, archbishop of Canterbury, orders all the Jewish synagogues in London to be destroyed 59
Pecquigni , peace of, between Edward IV. of England and Louis of France 103
Peers , declaration of an assembly of, at Guildhall, on the abdication of James II. 264
Peerless pool 756
Pembroke , earl of, regent during the minority of Henry III. engages a party of barons to espouse the young king's cause against Lewis the French prince 41
Penlez , Bofavern, execution of 365
Pennant , Sir Samuel, lord mayor, dies of the gaol distemper 369
Pennington , alderman, carries up a petition for the abolishment of episcopal government, 166. Carries a petition from the city to parliament against an accommodation with the king 179
Penny post, the first establishment of, 252. Its principal and subordinate offices 575
People , common, their situation under the feudal system of government, 22, note. How emancipated, 24, note. No liberties intended for them by Magna Cbarta, 40. Begin to understand the injustice of their oppression under the feudal system, 76. The assertion of their natural rights, the cause of the civil war against Charles I. 271. Their rights not legally secured until the Revolution ibid.
Perkin , Warbec, is encouraged by the duchess of Burgundy to personate the duke of York, 108. Lands in the West, but surrenders, 110. Is executed ibid.
Perry , alderman, opposes Sir Robert Walpole's excise-bill 332
Peter of Colechurch, is employed to build London bridge of stone 31
Petition of right, framed by the house of commons and passed by Charles I. 156
Petitions from the city of London, the form of their reception by the house of commons 334
Petitions to the king, occasioned by the Middlesex election—of the freeholders of Middlesex, 459. Of the livery of London, 464. Of the electors of Westminster, 467. Of the electors of Southwark, 469. Of several counties, cities, and boroughs, enumerated, 470. Remonstrance of the livery of London, 474. Of the Westminster electors, 480. Of the Middlesex freeholders, ibid. Of the common council of London, 482. A second remonstrance of the Westminster electors, 494. A second from the corporation of London, 495. A third remonstrance from the corporation of London 510
Petitioners and abhorrers, rise of those parties 244
Petty France Westminster, paved 213
Pewterers hall 659
Philip II. of Spain, is married to Mary I. of England, 128. Leaves the kingdom, 129. stimulated the persecution of the protestants 130
Philpot , John, a private citizen of London, sits out a fleet to destroy the Scots pirates, 76. His public conduct in his mayoralty, ibid. Is knighted for his services against the Kentish rebels 79
Physicians , ordered to be examined and licensed by the bishop of London, 113. Are incorporated, 115. The college of, ordered to compose a directory for the use of the people during the great plague, 222 Several of, die in the exercise of their profession, ibid. Contests and riots between the fellows of the college and the licentiates, 440. Their college described 617
Pickpockets , a regular school of, discovered 138
Piepowder court, at Bartholomew fair, the derivation and nature of 540
Pilkington and Shute, elected sheriffs, 248. Are committed to the Tower, 251. Cruel oppression of Pilkington by the duke of York 252
Pilkington , Sir Thomas, is knighted by William III. and entertains the royal family at Guildhall, 274
Pinners hall 571
Pitt , William, Esq; is made secretary of state, 388. Is removed, ibid. Distinctions conferred on by the people, ibid. Is reinstated, ibid. Thanks the corporation of London for opening a subscription at Guildhall, 396. Is yoked with the earl of Bure, 407. Resigns his office, 409. Honours paid to by the populace in attending the king to Guildhall, 410. See Chatham.
Place bill, is strongly and repeatedly urged by the house of commons, 279, note. Another attempt to introduce one 343
Plague of London in 1665, a particular history of, 217. General symptoms of infection, 218. Usual treatment of the patients, 219. Houses shut up on infection, ibid. Patients destroyed by the nurses, 220. The town deserted by the rich, ibid. Wise precautions of the magistrates, 221. Extension of the infection, ibid. 222. Occasions pits dug, and the dead collected in carts, 223. Large fires made in the principal streets, ibid. Decline of the disorder, 224. Conduct of the country people 225
Plaisterers hall 608
Plantagenet , Edward, the young earl of Warwick, is kept in perpetual confinement by Henry VII. 107. Is executed 110
Plate , taxed in the hands of the possessors 384
Plautius , is sent over to Britain by the emperor Claudius 3
Playhouses a law passed to limit the number of, and to subject dramatic writings to the examination of the lord chamberlain 339
Plumbers hall 613
Pole , cardinal, comes over to England with a legatine commission 128
Political writing, bad effects of vulgarity in, 308 note.
Pollexsen , Mr. consutes D'Avenant's defence of the East India company 285
Pomposo ; see Johnson.
Pool , Paul Wythin, is allowed to hear the proceedings of the common council of London 119
Pope , a pompous mock procession in ridicule of 243
Popish plot, first rumours of, 240. Sir Edmundbury Godfrey's death combined with it, 241. Five jesuits executed for, 242. The earl of Castlemaine acquitted of 244
Poplar 771
Porter , or strong beer, additional tax laid on 407
Portman square 732
Portobello taken by admiral Vernon 343
Port Royal in Jamaica, destroyed by an earthquake 277
Porters , petition the house of commons 174
Portsoken ward, its origin, extent, public buildings, and churches 663
Post office, general, origin of, 657. Office, and present establishment of, 658. See Penny post.
Poultry , prices of, at the beginning of the reign of Edward I.57. In queen Elizabeth's reign 134
Poultry compter 590
Powder plot, the casual discovery of 146
Power , the executive, in every state ought to be subordinate to the legislative 198
Powis house, is mysteriously burnt while inhabited by the duke D'Aumont, and rebuilt at the French king's expence, 305. Described 746
Pratt , lord chief justice of the court of Commonpleas, discharges Mr. Wilkes on the plea of privilege, 422. Declares his opinion of the illegality of general warrants, 424. The freedom of London voted him, 426. See Camden.
Prerogative court in Doctors commons, the nature of its jurisdiction 583
Presbyterians and Independents, begin to be distinguished in parliament, 183. The Presbyterian model established, ibid. Are arbitarily oppressed by Charles II. 251
Press warrants, (see Impressing) are backed by Trecothick, 487, note. Are refused to be backed by Crosby, 496. Queries proposed to counsel relating to ibid. note.
Pretender born, 260. The reality of his being the queen's child, a point not worth ascertaining, ibid. Is proclaimed king of England, &c. by Louis XIV. 287. Rumours of his visiting queen Anne in London, 305. A reward published for apprehending him, 306. His invasion of Scotland, suppressed, 309. A conspiracy in his favour detected, 320. His declaration proposing terms to George I. 321. His son invades Scotland, 353. See Charles Stuart.
Price , Dr. his tables of the probabilities of life in London, compared with other places, 529. His view of the disadvantages of living in great cities 530
Pride , colonel, purges the parliament 193
Prince's square, Ratcliffe highway 761
Printing , the art of brought into England, 103. The happy effects of 270
Pritchard , Sir William, lord-mayor, prevents the annual pope-burning, in compliment to the court 251
Prize money, a more equitable distribution of, the best inducement for sailors to enter the national service 345
Proby , Sir Peter, alderman, is sent over to regulate the English settlements in Ireland 150
Proctor Sir William Beauchamp, riots occasioned by his standing candidate for the county of Middlesex 448
Projects , great multitude of, during the South sea scheme, 315. The suppression of, hastens the failure of the South sea company 316
Property , the concentration of, in few hands, injurious to the public welfare, 518. Hints for diffusing and moderating the possession of 519
Prophets , French, their visionary absurdities, 294. Are declared impostors and punished ibid.
Prosperity , national, productive of national ruin 518
Protest of sixteen aldermen, disavowing the remonstrance of the livery, 478. Of the lords against the proceeding of the commons in the Middlesex election, 481. Of the lords against the embankment at Durham yard 505
Protestants , how the reformers came to be so stiled, 119, note. Invited over to England, 124. Are cruelly persecuted by Philip and Mary, 130. Foreign, a law passed for the naturalization of, 295. This law repealed 301
Provisions , prices of, in the reign of Edward I. 57, 58, 62, notes, 63. In the reign of Henry VIII. 117. An examination into the supposed and true causes of the late high prices of 428
Public entertainment, mischievous tendency of licensing places of, indiscriminately 350
Pudding lane, the great fire of London begins there, 226, 228. Inscription on the house where the fire began 552
Puritans , first rise of that distinction in the church of England, 145. Are oppressed by James I. 146. Disputes between them and the Arminians carried into the house of commons, 156. Are much displeased with the edict for sports on the Sabbathday, 159. See Presbyterians, and Independents.
Pycard , Henry, a citizen of London, entertains four kings at his table at one time 71
Pym , his pious exhortation to the women petitioners of the house of commons 174
Quakers , their conscientious objections to the payment of tythes, alarm the clergy, 337. Subscribe to the soldiers cloathing in the rebellion, 354. Their principal meeting, where situated 661
Quebec , is taken from the French 396
Queen Anne's square 732
Queen's palace, history and description of 719
Queen's square Ormond street 745
Queen's street, Great, first laid out by Inigo Jones 151
Queenhithe , is purchased of Richard duke of Cornwall by the corporation of London, 46. Description of 666
Queenhithe ward, its extent, public buildings, and parish churches 666
Quo Warranto , the writ of, issued against the corporation of London, 253. Judgment upon, entered, 255. The proceedings on reversed 275
Rag fair 760
Rainsford , petitions queen Elizabeth for the liberty of the four Evangelists 130
Ratclisse , Charles, titular earl of Derwentwater, executed on Tower-hill 357
Read , alderman Richard, enrolled as a foot soldier 121
Rebel lords executed on Tower-hill, 309, 357
Rebellion in Scotland in favour of the Pretender in 1715, suppressed, 309. In the year 1745, a short account of 353
Records , city, searched in order to abrogate all acts of the corporation from the civil war to the restoration, 209. They are repealed accordingly 252
Recorder of London, his office, 536. For a list of the recorders of London, see the Addenda, following the Appendix.
Red lion square 745
Reformation of religion, (fee the gradual steps of, under the articles Wickclisse, Henry VIII. and Edward VI.) Is finally established by the accession of queen Elizabeth 130
Register office for Middlesex 750
Religious houses, suppressed, 118. Amount of their revenues 120
Remembrancer , city, the nature of his office 537
Remonstrance , ill effects of that published by the house of commons against Charles I. 170. Is answered by the king ibid.
Representatives in parliament for the city of London, the mode of electing, 283. For a list of, see the Addenda following the Appendix.
Republics , generally have a chief magistrate over them, though under different names, 98, note.
Revolution of government, see the gradual steps of, under the articles James II. and Orange prince of, is finally perfected by settling the crown on William III. and Mary II. 270
Rich. Sir William, is cruelly treated by the warden of the Fleet prison 326
Richard I. the Jews plundered and massacred at his coronation, 33. Engages in a crusade, 34. Is crowned a second time, on his return from imprisonment, 35. Charters granted by him to the city of London 35, 36
Richard II. comes to the crown a minor, 75. Compromises a quarrel between his uncle the duke of Lancaster and the citizens of London, ibid. His prudent conduct in his interviews with the Kentish rebels under Wat Tyler and Jack Straw, 78. Resigns himself up to favourites, 81. Shuts himself up in the Tower of London, 82. Declares his majority, and assumes the regal power, 83. Extorts money from the citizens of London by seizing their charter, ibid. Builds Westminster hall, 84. Marries Isabella of France, 85. Reviews the citizens mustered on Blackheath, ibid. Is deposed by Henry duke of Lancaster, and murdered in Pomfret-castle, ibid.
Richard III. his base measures to usurp the crown, 105. Is defeated and killed at the battle of Bosworth 106
Riches , the great accumulation of, in few hands, one great cause of the dearness of the necessaries of life, 429. In other respects injurious to the public, 518. Hints for diffusing and moderating the possession of 519
Richmond park, is presented to the city by the house of commons, 196. Is surrendered to Charles II. by a vote of the common-council 209
Rippon , the treaty of, adjourned to London 165
Road , the new one made from Islington to Paddington, 385. Communications from, into the town, 386. City road connected with it 408
Robberies , great prevalence of, with the obvious causes 350
Rock lock under London bridge, how formed 92
Rogers , Henry, Esq; the church of St. Mary Aldermary rebuilt by his legacy 598
Rokesley , Gregory, mayor of London, is imprisoned and discharged from his office for his resolute support of the city rights 59
Rolls chapel and liberty 749
Romans , their first arrival in Britain, 3. Their policy in making colonies, 4. Impose severe taxes on the Britons, ibid. Discoveries of their stations, or camps, from Dover to London, ibid. Extent of London under them, 6. Their military ways described, ibid. When they inclosed London with a wall, 8. Desert Britain, 11. Their advice to the Britons 12, note.
Rook , Sir George, commands the fleet that took Gibraltar 291
Rotherhithe , a cause assigned for the narrowness of the streets in, 202. Great fire in, 432. Village of, described 690
Roundheads , origin of that term 171
Rowe , Sir Thomas, incloses Old Bethlehem burial ground 133
Royal Exchange , is built by Sir Thomas Gresham, 132. Is burnt, 229. Gresham college converted into an exchange until it was rebuilt, 230. Description of, 601. Statues in, 602. Public offices kept in, 603. Assurance office, ibid.
Royal society , first instituted, 215. Historical particulars of, 650. Rules of 651
Rump parliament, called and dissolved, 204. Assemble again, 205. Ridiculed by the populace, 207. Dissolved 208
Ryswick , peace of, between England and France 285
Sa , Don Pantaleon, brother to the Portugueze ambassador, executed for murder by Oliver Cromwell 200
Sabbath day, law made by the corporation of London for the observation of, 93. The book of sports ordered to be observed on, by James I. 151. Remarks on this order ibid. note.
Sacheverel , Dr. his scurrilous sermons against the diffenters, 295. Complexion of his sermons at Derby, and at St. Paul's London, 296. Is impeached by the house of commons, ibid. Is applauded by the populace, ibid. Riots occasioned by, 297. Is silenced for three years, and his sermons burnt by the common hangman, ibid. Great rejoicings on the expiration of his suspension, 304. Preaches before the house of commons, ibid. Obtains the rectory of St. Andrew's, Holborn ibid.
Sadlers-hall 621
Sadlers-wells, is presented by the grand jury of Middlesex, as a public nusance, 349. The nature of the exhibitions there 753
Saffron-hill liberty 750
St. Alban's, battle of, between Richard duke of York, and the duke of Somerset 97
St. Alban's church, Wood-street 609
St. Alphage's, London-wall ibid.
St. Andrew's Holborn 654
St. Andrew's Undershaft 548
St. Andrew's Wardrobe 585
St. Ann's, within Aldersgate 544
St. Ann's Limehouse 772
St. Ann's Soho 728
St. Antholin's, Budge-row 600
St. Austin's, Watling-street 637
St. Bartholomew behind the Royal Exchange 573
-, —— the Great 653
-, —— the Less ibid.
St. Bartholomew hospital. See Bartholomew, and Hospitals
St. Bennet Fink 573
St. Bennet Grace church 565
St. Bennet's Paul's wharf 586
St. Botolph's Aldersgate 544
St. Botolph's Aldgate 665
St. Botolph's Bishopsgate 557
St. Bride's church, the steeple injured by lightning, and the spire rebuilt, 427. Description of 655
St. Catherine's below the Tower 769
St. Catherine Coleman 549
St. Catherine Cree-church in Leadenhall-street, superstitious consecration of, by bishop Laud, 157. Described 548
St. Christopher's Threadneedle-street 574
St. Clement's Danes 736
St. Clement's Eastcheap 578
St. Dionis back church 660
St. Dunstan's in the east 670
St. Dunstan's in the west 656
St. Dunstan's Stepney 770
St. Edmund the king, church 660
St. Ethelburga, Bishopsgate-street 557
St. George's Bloomsbury 742
St. George's Botolph-lane 553
St. George's fields. See Bridge, and King's bench prison.
St. George's Hanover square 730
St. George's hospital, Hyde-park corner 732
St. George the martyr, Queen's square 745
St. George's Ratcliffe highway 769
St. George's Southwark 689
St. Giles's in the fields 740
St. Giles's Cripplegate 608
St. Helens, Great and Little, 554. The church, 556.
St. James's Clerkenwell 751
St. James's Duke's place 547
St. James's Garlick hithe 673
St. James's market 730
St. James's palace, history and description of 718
St. James's park, history and description of 719
St. James's square 729
St. James's-street paved 213
St. James's Westminster 729
St. John's Clerkenwell 751
-, —— square, ibid.
St. John's Horsley-down 637
St. John Baptist in the Savoy 738
St. John the Evangelist's, Westminster 716
St. John's Wapping 769
St. Lawrence Jewry 592
St. Leonard's Shoreditch 757
St. Luke's hospital 755
St. Luke's Old-street 754
St. Magnus, London bridge 565
St. Margaret's hill, Southwark 680
St. Margaret's Lothbury 596
St. Margaret Pattens 553
St. Margaret's Westminster 698
St. Martin's in the fields, church 717
St. Martin's-le-grand, fray between the inhabitants of, and those of the city of London, 97. Nature of the court held there, 540. Liberty of, described 545
St. Martin's Ludgate 635
St. Martin's Outwich 572
St. Mary Abchurch 577
St. Mary Aldermanbury 611
St. Mary Aldermary's 599
St. Mary's at hill 552
St. Mary's Lambeth 692
St. Mary Bourn 740
St. Mary le Bow, Cheapside 597
St. Mary le Strand 734
St. Mary Magdalen's, Bermondsey 689
St. Mary Magdalen's, Old Fish-street 586
St. Mary's Newington Butts 691
St. Mary Overy's, Southwark 688
St. Mary's Rotherhithe 691
St. Mary's Somerset 667
St. Mary's Whitechapel 760
St. Mary's Woolnoth 660
St. Matthew's Bethnal green 759
St. Matthew's Friday street 637
St. Michael Bassishaw 551
St. Michael's Cornhill 605
St. Michael's Crooked-lane 578
St. Michael's Queenhithe 667
St. Michael's Royal 672
St. Michael's Wood-street 610
St. Mildred's Bread-street 560
St. Mildred's Poultry 592
St. Nicholas cold abbey 666
St. Olave's Hart-street 671
St. Olave's Jewry 596
St. Olave's Southwark 687
St. Paul's cathedral, discoveries made by Sir Christopher Wren in digging the foundation of, 7. The first church in London, dedicated to this saint, built, 12. Burnt 14, 25. Rebuilt by Maurice, bishop of London, 25. The spire of, burnt, 131. Act passed for the rebuilding of, after the burning of London, 235. Particular history and description of, 622. Dimensions of the former building, 623. Is taken down, 627. The new one erected, 628. Description of, 629. Dimensions of, 634. Total expence of, 635.
St. Paul's college 587
St. Paul's, Convent garden 733
St. Paul's school founded, 112. Described, 620.
St. Paul's Shadwell 770
St. Peter ad vincula , in the Tower 768
St. Peter's Cornhill 604
St. Peter le Poor 572
St. Peter's Westminster, fee Abbey.
St. Saviour's Southwark 688
St. Sepulchre's, without Newgate 653
-, —— liberty in Middlesex 753
St. Stephen's Coleman-street 595
St. Stephen's Walbrook 675
St. Swithin's Cannon-street 676
St. Thomas's church, Southwark 690
St. Thomas's hospital described, 682. See Hospitals.
St. Vedast's Foster-lane 636
Salisbury-court 643
Sallads , not raised in England at the beginning of the reign of Henry VIII. 122
Salt-petre work, account of that established by Charles I. 154
Salters hall 675
Sancroft , Dr. archbishop of Canterbury, and six other bishops, are sent to the Tower for petitioning James II. to be excused publishing his declaration of indulgence, 260. Acquitted of 261
Savoy , the Duke of Lancaster's palace there, barned by the Kentish rebels, 77. Precinct, history, and description of 737
Sautre , William, rector of St. Osythe, is the first who was burned for heresy in London 86
Sawbridge , John, Esq; is chosen sheriff, 462. Is elected alderman of Langbourn ward, 465. Objects to the warrant for executing Doyle and Valline, with the proceedings on that affair, 472. His altercation with lord Weymouth, relating to having an audience with the king, 476. Opposes Mr. Wilkes's advice to the Westminster electors, and moves for a remonstrance, 494. Is returned by the livery with Mr. Nash to the court of aldermen for their choice of mayor 516
Sawyer , Sir Robert, attorney general, instigates Charles II. to issue the quo warranto against the city of London 253
Sawyers , a mob of, pull down Mr. Dingley's sawmill 445
Saxons , their first arrival in Britain, 12. Their manner of settling on conquered countries 23
Scales , lord, constable of the Tower, assists the citizens in driving Jack Cade out of London, 96. Surrenders the Tower to the earl of March, and is murdered by the populace 99
Scavage , package, &c. the office of, confirmed to the corporation of London 164
Schools , grammar, four established in the city of London, 94. Five more formed 98
Scotland , the kingdom of united to that of England, 292. Rebellion there in favour of the pretender, 309. Another, short state of 353
Scots covenanters, take up arms against Charles I. to oppose the imposition of the English liturgy, 162. Cultivate a good understanding with the citizens of London 164
Scots deputies arrive in London 165
Scots-hall 622
Screw plot, account of 30
Scroggs , chief justice, his unbecoming behaviour in relation to the popish plot 242, note.
Seamen , the pressing them a cruel violation of the freedom of British subjects, 345. True method of inviting them into the king's service pointed out. ibid. Riots of 443
Sebert , king of the East Saxons, builds a church dedicated to St. Peter in Thorney island 12
Sedan chairs, first used in the city of London, 160. Act for licensing and fixing their rates of hire, 300. The number of enlarged 324
Self-denying ordinance, passed in parliament 182
Sencca , the amazing sums lent by him to the Britons, 4
Septennial parliaments, the act for, passed, 309. The bad effects of this extension ibid.
Serjeants inn, Chancery-lane 647
-, —— Fleet-street ibid.
Servants , ill policy of their dressing out of character, 129. Punishable for firing houses by negligence 293
Seven Dials, the streets round, first built 274
Severus , his wall compleated with stone, 12, note.
Seymour , Lady Jane, her marriage with Henry VIII. and death 118
Shadwell , great fire in, 432. Described 770
Shaftesbury , earl of, endeavours to indict the duke of York as a popish recusant, 244. His character 245
Shaftesbury house 543
Shaw , Dr. his sermon at Paul's cross in favour of Richard duke of Gloucester 105
Shaw , Sir Edmund, lord mayor of London, is gained over by Richard duke of Gloucester, to second his pretensions to the crown ibid.
Shaw , Sir John, builds proper offices at Guildhall, for making public entertainments 110
Sheep , a table of the number of sold in Smithfield market for forty years, 531. Observations ibid.
Sheldon , Dr. archbishop of Canterbury, his humane care of the people during the great plague 223
Sheriff , the office of, instituted by Alfred 14
Sheriffs of London, provide standards of weights and measures for the whole kingdom, 36 Are punished by king John for opposing his purveyors, 38. Their office made annual, 43. Occasion of their annual tender of six horse shoes at the Exchequer, 44. Their authority adjudged to extend into Westminster and Middlesex, 52. Their subordinate officers, 102. Impowered to impannel jurors for the city courts, 113. First instance of the Lord Mayor nominating citizens to the office by drinking to them, 137. Dispute between the mayor and commonalty on the right of the mayor to appoint one, 168. Fines imposed on the refusal of the office, 252. The mode of holding common halls for electing, settled by act of common council, 283. The observance of senority not obligatory, ibid. The mode of electing, and their elections settled by parliament, 323. The election of, regulated by act of common council, 361. Contests about the eligibility to, or exemption from the office of, 380, 416. Their office, and court, 536. For a list of the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, see the Addenda following the Appendix.
Ship money, first levied by Charles I. 125. Is extended over the whole kingdom 160
Shoemakers , how they obtained the name of cordwainers 597
Shoreditch , etymology of its name 757
Silk , prohibited to be worn by the common people 128
Silk manufacture, great increase of, in the reign of George I. 319. Bounties granted on the exportation of ibid.
Silk weavers, their tumultuary petition to the house of lords, 274. Endeavour to plunder the EastIndia house 285
Simnel , Lambert, raises an insurrection in Ireland, 108. Is defeated at Stoke, and is made a scullion in the king's kitchen ibid.
Sion college, its foundation and description 605
Six clerks office 750
Skelton , colonel, is made lieutenant of the Tower by James II. during his panic, 263. Delivers the keys to the assembly of peers at Guildhall, after the king's abdication 265
Skippon , major, commands a party of trained bands to protect the house of commons, 173. Joins Essex's army 176
Skinners company, skirmish between, and the fishmongers 68
Skinners hall 613
Skinners well, plays acted there by the company of parish clerks 88
Slaves , feudal, their situation described, 22. How they obtained the freedom of corporations 91
Sloane , Sir Hans, leaves his curious museum to the public, 379. See British museum
Small pox hospital, instituted, 358. Described, 752. See Inoculation.
Smithfield , West, interview there between Richard II. and Wat Tyler, 78. Tournament held there, 83. Justs held here, 88. Is first paved, 150. Table of the sale of cattle in, for forty years past, 531. Observations on, ibid. Its description, 639. Objections to the beast market being kept there, and hints for its removal 640
Society , natural, undeserving the poetical descriptions given of it 2
Soho square 728
Solemn league and convenant framed at Edinburgh, ordered by parliament to be subscribed in England 180
Somerset , duke of, protector, is disgraced, 124. Is executed on Tower-hill 126
Somerset house, history and description of 735
Somerset yard 736
South sea company, the first erection of, 299. Scheme of, to take in all the national debts, 312. The various arts to raise and keep up the price of their stock, 313, 314, 315. Hasten the ruin of their scheme by the suppression of the subordinate bubbles, 316. General distress produced by the failure of, 317. Iniquitous practices of the directors discovered and punished, 318, note. Description of their public hall in Threadneedle-street 569
Southwark , the bailiwick of, granted to the city of London, 67. A fair there, granted, 100. The streets of, first ordered to be paved, 118. The manor of, granted to the city of London, 125. The borough of, makes a separate agreement with the army under Fairfax and Cromwell, 188. Great fire in, 240. A court of conscience erected in, 367. The streets of, new paved, 436. The electors of, instruct their members, 455. Agree on a petition to the king, 469. Its government, extent, public buildings, and parish churches, 678. Memorial presented to the Lord Mayor, on the county justices invading the privileges of, 679, note.
Spaniards , the British merchants injured by their depredations in America, 340. Cruel case of captain Jenkins laid before the house of commons, 341, note. Letters of marque granted against them, 342. War declared against them ibid.
Spanish armoury in the Tower, the curious articles preserved there 765
Speake , Mr. Hugh, his odd expedients to assist the prince of Orange against James II. 263, 265
Spencer , lord, his house 720
Spices , the old law for the garbling of, repealed 294
Spirituous liquors, an act passed to prevent the retailing of, without licence 337
Spital croft, is purchased for a common burial during the time of a plague, 70. See Charter house.
Spital-fields, the hamlet of, erected into a parish, 328. Situation, history, and present state of, 758. Market 759
Sports , book of, ordered to be observed on the sabbath day, 151. Is burnt by the common hangman 178
Squires , Mary, is condemned for the robbery of Elizabeth Canning, 376. Is pardoned 377
Stafford , earl of, is tried and executed for the popish plot 245
Stafford , Sir Humphrey, is defeated and killed by Jack Cade 95
Stage playing, when first practised as a regular profession, 135. A tax imposed on by the court of common council ibid.
Stamp act, rejoicings on the repeal of 436
Staple , Adam, mayor of London, dismissed his office on account of insults offered to John duke of Lancaster 74
Staple's inn 648
Stapleton , Walter, bishop of Exeter, is killed by the London populace 66
Star chamber, court of, invades the jurisdiction of the law courts, 158. Deprives the city of London of the Irish plantations, 162. Is abolished 169
Stationer's hall 621
Stephen earl of Boulogne, seizes the crown of England, 28. Is taken prisoner by Matilda, 29. Drives Matilda out of the kingdom 30
Stepney described 770
Stews in Southwark, regulations of 688
Stigand , archbishop of Canterbury, stimulates the citizens of London to withstand William the Conqueror, 21. Makes his submission, ibid. William refuses to be consecrated by him 23
Stillyard , is granted to the Hanseatic merchants, 42. At a stipulated rent, 103. They are shut out of 141
Stockjobbers , driven from the Royal Exchange settle in Change Alley, 286. An act to enforce the fulfilment of their contracts 336
Stocks market, whence it obtained its name, 102. Is removed to Fleetditch, for the erecting a mansionhouse for the Lord Mayor on the spot 339
Strand , ordered to be paved 118
Strafford , earl of, is impeached by the house of commons, 165. Is condemned 168
Stratford le Bow, etymology of the name of that village 26
Straw , Jack, origin of the insurrection under him and Wat Tyler, 76. Enters London, 77. Is condemned and executed 79
Streets of London, the inconveniences of, pointed out, 217, note. Cause of their narrowness and ill direction, 398. Schedule of passages ordered to be opened in, ibid. note. New paved, and nuisances removed 436
Stumpel , colonel, decoys a number of German emigrants over to England 427
Style , the errors of the old, pointed out, 371. The new adopted ibid.
Subscription , Guildhall, for the support of government against the late rebellion, 354. Surplus of, how bestowed, 360. Another for the vigorous prosecution of the war, 396. State of 402
Subsidy , the magistrates and citizens of London, how rated in one to Richard II. 76
Suburbs of London, extent of at the beginning of the reign of Henry VIII. 116. Great increase of inhabitants in 147
Sudbury , Simon, the primate, is murdered in the Tower by the Kentish rebels 78
Sudbury , Sir Simon, at the head of deputies from the city, boldly petition Richard II. for a reformation of government 81
Sun , a central eclipse of 308, note
Sun fire office 568
Supporters of the bill of rights, occasion of forming that society, 453. Their processed institution, 454. Receive a state of Mr. Wilkes's debts, and invite subscriptions by circular letters, 462. Publist a state of Mr. Wilkes's affairs, 479. Their quarrel with Mr. Wilkes, 503. Secession of the principal members, 504. Publish a set of articles recommended to the electors of Great Britain to be subscribed by all the candidates for seats in parliament 514
Surgeons , the company of, separated from the barbers, 353. Opinion of the maser, wardens, and examiners of, relating to the death of Mr. Clark, 451. Their hall where situated 652
Sutton , Sir Robert, is expelled the house of commons for his concern in the charitable corporation 335
Sutton , Thomas, endows the Charter house 148
Sweating sickness, its firs appearance in the city of London, 107. Appears again, 115. Its third appearance, 116. Its las appearance 125
Swedish church near Queenhithe, 667. Another in Prince's square 761
Sweeting's Alley, great fire in 397
Sweyn , king of Denmark, invades England, 15. Is proclaimed king of England in London, 16. His death ibid.
Sword bearer to the Lord Mayor of London 537
Symond's inn 750
Synagogues , four in Duke's place 549
Tabernacles by Moorfields, and in Tottenham court road 756
Tacitus , his character of London 3
Tallow chandlers hall 613
Taverns , the number of in London and Westminster, limited 2 126
Taxes , must operate in raising the prices of every article on which they are imposed 429
Tea , the first mention of in the English statutes 211
Temple , robbed by prince Edward, 52. Is burned by the Kentish rebels, 77. Historical particulars of 643. The inner and middle Temple societies, 644. Temple church 645
Tenants in London, what things they may not move out of their houses on leaving them 71
Thames , river, the banks of, above and below London, artificial, 8. Is supposed to have destroyed the Roman wall on that side, 9. The first mention of a bridge over, 16. Frozen, 30. The conservancy of, granted to the corporation of London, 36. Frozen, 92, 152. A good law for preserving the navigation of, x 18. Frozen, and fairs held on it 255, 309, note, 343
Thames street 551, 612
Thanksgiving days, their political use 291
Thavie's inn 647
Tbcodosius the elder, arrives in Britain, and enters London in triumph 8
Thorney island, a church built there and dedicated to St. Peter, 12. See Westminister and Abbey.
Three Cranes wharf 672
Tindal the reformer, translates the Bible into the vulgar tongue 117
Tobacco , Sir Robert Walpole's excise bill for altering the mode of taxing, 330. The bill dropped 334
Tolls , the citizens of London exempted from paying, for their goods all over England 366
Tonstal , bishop of London, buys up and burns all Tindal's translation of the Bible 117
Tories and whigs, rise of those parties 244
Torrington , lord, his misbehaviour occassions the defeat of the English and Dutch sleets by the French 276
Tothill fields, Bridewell 725
Tower of London, supposed to have been originally a Roman citadel, 5. Built by William I. 25. Nature of the court held for, 540. Described, 761. Lions tower, 764. Mint office, ibid. White tower, ibid. Spanish armoury, 765. Great armoury, 766. Small armoury, 767. Horse armoury, ibid. Jewel office, ibid. Liberties 768
Tower hamlets, a court of conscience erected in 367
Tower street, sixty houses blown up there by gunpowder 196
Tower street ward, its extent, public buildings, and parish churches 668
Town clerk, the nature of his office, 537. For a list of those since the Revolution, fee the Addenda following the Appendix
Townsend , James, Esq; is elected alderman of Bishopsgate ward, 462. Is chosen sheriff, ibid. Objects to the warrant for executing Doyle and Valline, with the proceedings on that affair, 472. His al tercation with lord Weymouth relating to the audience with the king, 476. His speech to the king, ibid. Is returned -by the livery with Mr. Crosby to the court of aldermen for their choice of Mayor, 488. His altercation with Mr. Wilkes at the common hall 516
Townshend , lord, his letter to the lord mayor of London, on account of a jacobitical plot 320
Towton , battle of, between Edward IV. and Henry VI. 100
Trade , its operation in civilizing a people, 75. Begins to sap the foundations of the feudal policy, 95. Hints to prevent the monopoly of in few hands 519
Trade and plantations, a board of lords commissioners of, erected by William III. 283
Trained bands ordered out by the house of commons, 175. Are sent to join the earl of Essex under major Skippon, 176. Attack a mob of women, 179. Their gallant services under Essex, 180. The several regiments of, with the number of men in each 542
Treasury in St. James's park 721
Treby , Sir George, succeeds Jefferies as recorder of London, 245. Is removed by virtue of the Quo Warranto against the corporation 255
Trecothick , Barlow, Esq; is chosen member for the city of London, 441. Is returned with Mr. Beckford by the livery, to the court of aldermen, for their choice of mayor, 468. Is elected mayor on Beckford's death, 485. Backs the press warrants for the city of London 487, note
Trentham , lord, riotous election of, as member for Westminster, 366. Is chosen 367
Tresilian , Sir Robert, chief justice of the King's bench, is impeached in parliament as an evil counsellor, 8z. Is executed at Tyburn 83
Trevor , Sir John, speaker of the house of commons expelled for bribery 279
Trials by battle, account of that mode of deciding causes in law 27
Trinity house, history of the corporation, and bescription of their hall 669
Trinity Minories church 665
Troy weights, why the fittest standard for general use 395
Troyes , treaty of peace concluded there by Henry V. 90
Tulse , Sir Henry, is appointed lord mayor by king Charles II. 255
Tun in Cornhill, a prison for disorderly persons, 60. A conduit erected there 86
Turner , Samuel, Esq; stands candidate for the office of chamberlain, 429. When lord mayor, dismisses the freeholders on the jury at the old Baily to attend their duty at Brentford, 448. Refers the grant of a common hall, to the opinion of the common council, 461. Procures an alteration in the title of the petition of the livery, 463. Presents the petition to the king, ibid. Letters between him and lord Holland 464
Tyburn , water conveyed from that village to the city of London, 44. Annual procession of the city magistrates to, 45. Water from conveyed to the conduit in Cheapside 92
Tyler , Wat, origin of the insurrection under him, 76. Enters London, 77. Murders the Flemings in, 78. Is killed in Smithfield by William Walworth mayor of London 78
Tyrrel , Sir James, smothers Edward V. and his brother the duke of York, in the Tower 105
Vagrants , severe law of Edward VI. for the punishment of, 123. The beadles of the city hospitals ordered to clear the streets of, 133. Proclamation for the suppression of 140
Vandeput , Sir George, is set up in opposition to lord Trentham in Westminster 366
Vane , Sir Henry, the younger, frames the solemn league and covenant at Edinburgh, 180. Becomes a leader of the independents, 183. His observation on general Monk 208
Vassals , feudal, their situation described 22
Vault , royal, under Henry VII's chapel described 714
Vauxhall garden, description of, and summer entertainments there 693
Venner , his enthusiastic insurrection in London 211
Vernon , admiral, takes Portobello, 343. Is presented with the freedom of the city ibid.
Verulam , is created municipium, a free city, by the Romans, 4. Slaughter of the citizens by Boadicea ibid.
Vicinal way, of the Romans, its direction 6
Victuallers , prohibited from exercising judicial offices in cities, boroughs, &c. 79
Victualling office 665
Villains , who so termed under feudal governments 22
Vintners hall 672
Vintry ward, its extent, public buildings, and parish churches 672
Ulster , the forfeited lands there granted to the city of London, 147. Londonderry and Colerain settled, 150. See Irish estates.
Union between England and Scotland, history of, 292. The Scots great gainers by 293
Union fire office 544
Urine , the citizens of London and Westminster, ordered to collect and deliver for the use of the salt petre works of Charles I. 154
Usurer , ordered to wear a badge on pain of banishment 60
Utrecht , peace of between England and France 304
Vyner , Thomas, lord mayor, is knighted by Oliver Cromwell 199
Wacbsel , Rev. Mr. lays the distressed state of the German emigrants before the public, and procures them relief 428
Walker , Walter, a grocer in Cheapside, cruelly put to death by Edward IV. 100
Wall , London, when first built, 8. Supposed to have been extended along the river, 9. Its materials and fabrick, 10. Height of, and its towers, 11. Is encompassed with a ditch, 39. Is ordered to be repaired and the ditch cleansed, 81. Is again repaired by the city companies, 103. Repaired, and new works added, on the breaking out of the civil war between Charles I. and his parliament, 178. See Gates.
Wallace , Sir William, executed in Smithfield 61
Wallbrook , course of that rivulet 673
Walbrook ward, its extent, public buildings, and parish churches 673
Waller , Edmund, the poet, his pusillanimity on being condemned for a conspiracy against the parliament, 178, note.
Wallingford house, cabal of, against the authority of Richard Cromwell 203
Walloon church in Threadneedle-street 575
Walpole Sir Robert, history of his general excise bill, 330. His indecent reflection on the citizens of London, 332. Is intimidated by the populace, 333. His bill dropped, 334. His administration ridiculed, 338 Introduces a bill to limit the playhouses, and to licence plays, ibid. His reason for extolling the Spanish convention, 341. His scheme to ridicule the London common council men, 342. His motive for sending Vernon against Portobello, 343. Resigns his employments. 347
Walworth , William, mayor of London, his resolute conduct at a meeting between Richard II. and the Kentish rebels under Wat Tyler, 78. Is knighted and rewarded by the king 79
Wapping , a cause assigned for the narrowness of the streets in, 202. The parish of St. John's erected 280
Wapping , Stepney, the hamlet of, made a separate parish 328
War , reason why the English are seldom successful at the commencement of a new one, 386. Temerity more readily excused in, than caution 388
Ward , Sir Patience, is indicted and pilloried for perjury 252
Wards , the city of London first divided into, 59. The first assessment charged upon, 68, note. The number of common council men for limited, 80. A regular watch, appointed in, 134. Proportion of the levies made in at the time of the Spanish armada 139
Wardmotes , the nature of these courts 540
Warrants , general, occasion of the disputes concerning, 421. Illegality of, determined in the court of common pleas 471
Warren , Sir Peter, is elected alderman of Billingsgate ward, and fines for the office 374
Warwick , earl of, assists Edward IV. in gaining the crown, 98, 99. Quarrels with him, drives him out of the kingdom, and restores Henry VI. 101. Is defeated and killed by Edward, at Barnet 102
Watch , city, pompous processions of, 112. Their processions finally laid aside, 133. A stated watch appointed for each ward, 134. An armed watch during the civil war, 180. The regulation of, vested by law in the court of common council 338
Water bailiff, the nature of his office 537
Watermen , the manner of their taking apprentices regulated, 328. The company of, reimbursed for the loss of the Sunday ferry at Blackfriars, 437. Their hall described 613
Waterworks at London bridge, first erected, 137. A fifth arch granted to 440
Watling-street, the antient military way of the Romans, 5. London stone, 6 676
Waxchandlers hall 608
Weavers , riots of, on account of the wearing printed Indian callicoes, 319. Riots of, with the causes, 431. Their tumultuous assembly round the parliament house, 432. Beset the duke of Bedford's house, ibid. Break the windows of Mess. Carr, &c. on Ludgate-hill, 432. Are suppressed, ibid. See Cutters. For the disobedience of that company to the lord mayor's precept, see Goldsmiths
Weavers hall 550
Weights and measures, standards of provided for the whole kingdom by the sheriffs of London, 36. Uniform standards of, endeavoured to be established by the house of commons, 395. Cause of the failure of this undertaking 396
Wells , mother, of Enfield wash, is tried on the accusation of Elizabeth Canning 376
Wellclose square 760
Wesley , rev. Mr. his useful labours 756
Westcheap , a conduit erected there to receive water from Tyburn 44
Westminster , for the first beginning of that city, see Thorney island; and for miscellaneous matters, see under their respective proper heads. The militia of, reviewed in Hyde-park by Mary II. 277. Riotous election of tory members there, 299. The high bailiff of, reprimanded on his knees by the house of commons, for bringing soldiers to awe the election of members, 346. Riotous election of lord Trentham as member for, 366. Court of conscience erected in, 367. The bridge finished and opened, 370. Opens a subscription to enlist men for the king's service, 396. The streets of, why more regular than those of London, 397. The fish market there, how ruined, 400. The streets new paved and nuisances removed, 415. The electors of, instruct their members, 452. Agree on a petition to the king, 466. Present a remonstrance, 480. History of the city of, 695. Government, 697. Description of the city, 698. Description of the liberties of 717
Westminster-hall, history and description of 699
Westminster-school, foundation and present state of 714
Weymouth , lord, secretary of state, correspondence between him and the sheriffs of London, on the execution of Doyle and Valline, 472. Altercation between him and the sheriffs relating to the remonstrance 476
Wheat , not the common food of people in general, in the time of Edward II. 64. A table of the prices of at London for forty years 533
Whigs and tories, rise of those parties 244
White conduit house 752
Whitechapel-street 664
Whitechapel-court and prison 761
White-friurs, the convent there suppressed, 118. The pretended privileges of that precinct taken away by parliament, 284. Descriptive particulars of 642
Whitefield , rev. Mr. his useful labours 756
White-hall palace, greatly injured by fire, 277. Is burntdown 285
Whittington , Sir Richard, his public spirited undertakings 88
Wiatt , Sir Thomas, his rebellion, 127. Is reduced, 128
Wick , Sir Richard, is burned on Tower-hill, 93. Artifice practised with his ashes ibid.
Wickliffe , John, preaches doctrines contrary to the dictates of the Romish church 75
Wilkes , John, Esq; member for Aylesbury, is apprehended by a general warrant, 421. Hints of his character and circumstances, ibid. Is discharged on his plea of privilege, 422. Demands the restitution of his papers, 423. Is proceeded against, as author of the North Briton, ibid. Acquires great popularity, ibid. Recovers verdicts against the messengers who apprehended him, 424. Is wounded in a duel, by Mr. Martin, ibid. Retires to France, ibid. Is expelled the house of commons, 425. The proceedings against him extend to an outlawry, ibid. Returns and stands candidate as member for the city of London, 441. Is elected member for Middlesex, 442. Surrenders himself to the court of king's bench, and is committed to the king's bench prison, 443. His outlawry reversed, 445. His sentence, ibid. Is chosen alderman of the ward of Farringdon without, 450. Petitions the house of commons, 452. Is expelled, 453. Is rechosen, ibid. His election declared void, ibid. Is patronized by the supporters of the bill of rights, ibid. His third election, 458. His election again declared void, ibid. His fourth election, ibid. The first term of his imprisonment expires, 459. State of his debts, 462. Recovers damages from lord Halifax, 471. A state of his affairs published, 479. Is discharged from prison, 480. Is sworn into his office at Guildhall, ibid. Refuses to be put up as candidate for member of London, 486. Advises the Westminster electors to instruct their members to impeach lord North, 494. Discharges Wheble from custody, 499 His answer to the order to attend the house of commons, 501. His quarrel with Mr. Horne, 502. His differences with the supporters of the bill of rights, 503. Mr. Oliver refuses to serve the office of sheriff with him, 504. Is elected sheriff with Mr. Bull 511
Wilford , Sir Thomas, suppresses riots in the city of London by martial law 140
William , the Norman bishop of London, procures two charters from William the Conqueror, to the corporation of London 24
William , duke of Normandy, his pretensions to the crown of England, 19. Defeats Harold at the battle of Hastings, 20. Receives the submission of the citizens of London, 21. Establishes the feudal system of government in England, 23, note. His charters to the city of London, 24, 25. Builds the Tower of London. 25
William of Malmsbury, his character of the city of London 20
William Rufus, crowned, 26. His severe taxation of his kingdom, ibid. Dies 27
William III. (see Orange) subscribes the declaration of rights, and is proclaimed, 270. His tenderness of persecuting papists, 273. Purchases Kensington palace, ibid. Dines at Guildhall, 274. Is made master of the grocers company, 275. His picture in Guildhall defaced, ibid. Reverses the proceedings on the Quo Warranto against the city of London, ibid. Goes over to Ireland to oppose the invasion in favour of James II. ibid. Battle of the Boyne, 276. Returns, ibid. Dines at Guildhall, 278. Distinguishes himself at the battle of Landen, ibid. Death of his queen, 282. Erects a board of commissioners of trade and plantations, 283. Discovery of an assassination plot to destroy him, 284. His triumphant reception into London, after the battle of Ryswick, 285. His care to preserve the banqueting-house when Whitehall palace was burnt, 285. Exhorts the city magistrates to put the laws in execution against papists, 287. Warm professions of attachment presented to him from all parts of the kingdom, on the French king's proclaiming the pretender, 287. Dies, 288
Willimot , Robert, Esq; lord mayor, breaks through the custom of the lord mayor's translating himself to one of the twelve companies 348
Williams , Dr. his library for the use of dissenting ministers 607
Williams , Mr. bookseller, is pilloried for republishing the North-Briton 430
Wilson , colonel, a young merchant, his gallant conduct as commander of the Orange regiment of trained bands 180
Wilson , Samuel, Esq; establishes a fund to assist young citizens in business 470
Winchester , Henry Beaufort, bishop of, attempts to surprize the city of London, 91. Procures the murder of Humphry duke of Gloucester, and the disgrace of his duchess 94
Wine measure and Winchester measure, the difference between, and origin of the distinction 396
Winterbottom , Thomas, Esq; lord mayor dies in his office 374
Witchcraft , the law against repealed 336
Wolsey , cardinal, exerts his good offices with the king for the London magistrates on account of the riot of evil May day, 114. Is disgraced 117
Women , carry a petition to the house of commons, 174. Petition for peace, 179. Riot of, quelled ibid.
Wood-street compter, removed from Bread-street, 129. Its situation 607
Woodward , Dr. his account of the construction of London wall 10
Wool , the staple of, removed from Calais to England 83
Woollen cloths made in London, ordered to be sealed 87