St Nicholas' church: Monumental inscriptions

Historical Account of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Including the Borough of Gateshead. Originally published by Mackenzie and Dent, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1827.

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Eneas Mackenzie, 'St Nicholas' church: Monumental inscriptions', in Historical Account of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Including the Borough of Gateshead(Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1827), British History Online [accessed 22 February 2025].

Eneas Mackenzie, 'St Nicholas' church: Monumental inscriptions', in Historical Account of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Including the Borough of Gateshead(Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1827), British History Online, accessed February 22, 2025,

Eneas Mackenzie. "St Nicholas' church: Monumental inscriptions". Historical Account of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Including the Borough of Gateshead. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1827), British History Online. Web. 22 February 2025.

In this section


IN this church were a number of ancient shrines, monuments, and monumental inscriptions, raised to the memory of the distinguished dead. But when the Scots stormed the town, they plundered the churches, and broke down, with axes and hammers, the carved work and effigies that adorned these mournful but gratifying memorials. Most of what escaped the destructive fury of the stern Presbyterians, were destroyed when the church was altered and improved in 1783. (fn. 1)

At the east end of the church, and near the communion-place, is the monument of Francis Burton, merchant, who died in 1682, erected by his daughter, Isabell Matthews. Opposite to this is a memorial of Mary Furyre. Near the east end of the south aisle is a beautiful monument, with the following inscription:—

"Sacred to the Memory of Nicholas Ridley
Of Link House in the County of Northumberland.
A Senior Bencher of the Honble Society of Grays Inn,
And one of the Masters in the High Court of Chancery
In Attention to the Duties of his Situation
Sedulous, and Unremitting,
In the Practice of every social, and moral Virtue
Uniform, and Exemplary,
In Friendship steady, and sincere,
In Affection unbounded.
He died at Bath universally lamented Janry 1st
1805, Ætat 55.
Potest Fugacem Sistere Spiritum,
Heu Nulla Virtus."

Adjoining is the monument of Isabel, the wife of William Wrightson, Esq. M. P. for Newcastle. She died 13th March, 1716. Adjoining is a mural monument, with the following inscription:—

"Near this Place lie interred the Bodies of Iohn Stephenson, Esq. one of the Aldermen of this Corporation obiit 7, April 1761, Æt. 76: And of Elizabeth his Wife obiit 25, Jan, 1789, Æt. 84. This Memorial was erected by one of their children who honoured and respected their Virtues."

In this aisle, and opposite to where the altar stood, is the beautiful and curious monument of William Hall, Esq. sometime mayor of this town, and Jane his wife, which was erected in commemoration of them by Sir Alexander Hall, Knight, their only surviving son. At the top of the monument are the arms of the family, with an angel on each side of them. "The body of this monument," says Bourne, "has on each side a pillar of the Corinthian order; between which is the representation of a desk with open books upon it, and he on the one side of it, and his wife on the other, with their folded hands upon the books; below this are the effigies of their children in the same posture; one of which is represented kneeling alone, at one side of a desk, with an open book upon it; and other five on the other side of it, kneeling one after another. The former supposed to be designed for their son, the other for their daughters." Below is the following inscription, which was long tossed about among the lumber in St. George's Porch; but the Rev. Archdeacon Singleton, at his first visitation, ordered it to be restored to its proper place; which is now done:—

"Gvlielmvs Hall, Armiger, qvondam maior hvivs villae, et Iana vxor eivs charissima: felici prole ditati, ivxta hoc movmentvm in Domino reqviescunt. Ille vicesimo octavo die Iulii anno Domini 1631, aetatis svae 63. Ilia dvodecima die Avgvsti-anno Domini 1613, aetatis 36. In qvorvm memoriam Alexander Hall, Eqves Avratvs, vnicvs eorvm filivs svperstes hoc merito posvit."

The next is an elegant monument, by Bacon, to the memory of Matthew Ridley, Esq. which is thus described in the Newcastle Courant (September 8, 1787):—

"A figure in statuary marble, as large as life, bearing a resemblance of the features and person of the late Mr. Ridley (at the period to which the medallion and inscription allude), is represented in a Roman habit, sitting in the cerule chair, the seat of magistracy, with a serious, but placid countenance, as considering of the general welfare of the people over whom he presided; under the chair are placed the scales and fasces, as emblems of justice and authority; beneath this is the entablature, containing the inscription.

"The base of the monument is formed by a medallion, on which the town of Newcastle is represented by a female figure, crowned with turrets, having a shield by her, bearing the arms of the town; near her is an urn, from which are seen issuing salmon, the peculiar attribute of the river Tyne, attacked by Rebellion, who, treading on the crown and sceptre (ensigns of royalty), bears in one hand the torch of sedition, in the other the sword of destruction: in an attitude of supplication, she inclines herself towards an armed figure, who protects her with his shield, and with a sword in his right hand resists the figure of Rebellion. On the shield are represented the arms of the family of Ridley; the helmet is ornamented with a bull, which is the crest. As a finishing, under the medallion two cornucopias are introduced, representing the general effect of plenty (attendant on the care of active magistrates), connected by a civic crown, the reward amongst the Romans of civil virtue. The figure is placed against an obelisk of white marble, eight feet high, on the top of which is a very elegant urn, bearing the family arms emblazoned." Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gules, on a chevron between three hawks, argent, as many pellets, for Ridley; 2d and 3d, argent, three cocks' heads erased sable, combed and wattled gules, for White. "And on the foot of it is engraved the motto, 'Constans Fidei.' The whole is relieved by a ground of dove-coloured marble."

"To the Memory of Matthew Ridley Esqre of
Blagdon and
Heaton, in the County of Northumberland,
Senior Alderman of the Corporation of this Town,
and Governor
of the Company of Merchant-Adventurers.

He four times served the Office of Mayor, in which Station in the Year 1745, he rendered essential Service to his Country; averting, by his Prudence and Activity, the Attack meditated against this Town by the Enemies of the House of Brunswick; and thereby materially checking the Progress of their Arms. He was unanimously elected by his Fellow Burgesses, to represent them in five successive Parliaments. And retired from that Situation when the declining State of his Health rendered him incapable of conscientiously fulfilling the Duties of it.
He lived respected and beloved, He died
unfeignedly lamented April 6th 1778, Aged 66

The light from the uncovered part of the dome in the roof falls direct upon this beautiful monument, and produces a fine effect. Adjoining is an admirably executed cenotaph of the Askew family, who were interred in their family vault in St. John's.

"To the Memory
of Henry Askew, of Redheugh, Esq;
Who Died X, March, MDCCXCVI.
Aged LXVI.
Also of Dorothy Askew, His Wife;
Who Died XVIII. March, MDCCXCII.
Aged LII.
The Protectors of twelve orphan Nephews and Nieces.
In Gratitude
To the Best of Guardians
George Adam Askew, of Pallinsburn-House, Esq;
And Ann Elizabeth Askew, His Wife,
Erected this Monument.

In the centre of this beautiful monument is displayed an altar or pedestal, surmounted by an urn, in which are supposed to be deposited the ashes of the deceased, and on its exterior their profile likenesses are admirably sculptured in basso-relievo. On the left of the altar is an exquisite female figure, illustrative of Gratitude, in the act of directing two beautiful children, a male and female, who occupy the front, bearing wreaths of flowers, to present them to Benevolence, who is represented on the right of the urn, which she embraces with one arm, and with the other enwreathes it with the children's offering. Near this figure a pelican is discovered, with her young deriving nourishment from the parent's "bosom's vital stream." A dove, emblematic of innocence, nestles at the children's feet; and a stork, whose filial tenderness and watchful affection render its introduction peculiarly appropriate, is seen to the left of Gratitude. The whole is admirably executed, and beautifully illustrative of the inscription. Henry Webber, London, was the artist.

Above the vestry door is a very neat monument, decorated with the arms of Blackett and Roddam:—

"Sacred to the Memory
of Sarah Blackett
Who departed this life July XIV
This Monument is Erected in Testimony
Of the Tender Remembrance
of an Affectionate Husband
Whose Grief for the loss of an Amiable Wife
Can only find Comfort
In full Assurance
Of that Promised Reward
Which Virtue Inherits
In the Regions of Immortality."

A little west from the vestry door is a monument, containing the following inscription:—

"M. S. Edvardi Collingwood De Chirton Armigeri Northumbriæ Vicecomitis Et Hujus Ville Per Multos Annos Proprætoris.—In Memoriam Etiam Conjugis Suæ MariÆ; (Johannis Roddam De Roddam Et Chirton In Agro Northumb: Armigeri Filliæ Et Cohæredis.) Ille Obiit Die Maii Nono Decimo A. D. 1783 Ætatis 81. Decessit Illa Die Quarto Decemb: 1766 Æt: 66. Parentibus Carissimis Hocce Deciderii Ac Pietatis Monumentum Animo Possuit Gratisimo Edvardus Filius Natu Maximus 1790."

On the lower compartment,—

"Memoriæ Sacrvm Edvardi Collingwood De Chirton Et Dissington Armigeri: Qvi, Singvlvs vbi Satisfecisset Officiis Qvæ Essent Ingenvi, Qvæ Probo Decerent; In Pvblicis Prvdens Transigendis Mvneribvs. Patrimonii Ornandi Ampliandi Felix; Moribvs Comis, Simplex Animo Egregie Suis Omnibus Carvs, Vitam Nec Inhoneste Nec Invtiliter Actam, Anno Salvtis MDCCCVI, Ætatis LXXII, Cælebs Explevit."

A little further west, a monument presents the following:—

"In Saint George's Porch are Interred the
Remains of
Matthew Duane, of Lincolns Inn London, Esqr.
Fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies,
And a Trustee of the British Museum.

He was of great Eminence in the Knowledge of the Law, and of the strictest Integrety and Liberality in the practice of it; at the same time the friend and patron of the polite and fine Arts: And particularly distinguished by his singular skill, Judgment, and Taste, in Choosing and collecting a most complete series of Syrian, Phœnician, Grecian, Roman, and other Coins, now Deposited in the Museum of the late William Hunter, M, D. for the Illustration and confirmation of History.

The Virtues of his heart were equal to the endowments of his mind; Justice, Benevolence, and Charity, Dictated his Sentiments in promoting the Happiness of Mankind.

He Died the Sixth of February MDCCLXXXV.
In Testamony of her Affection and sincere
His Widow erected this Monument to his

In the same place are Interred the remains of Dorothy Duane, His Widow, Daughter of Mr. Thomas Dawson, by Barbara Peareth, His Wife; who Died the XIth of April MDCCXCIX, Aged LXXVII Years."

Maddison's monument is of marble, which has been painted and gilded since its first erection. It is affixed to a pillar on the north side of the south aisle. At top are the images of Faith, Hope, and Charity, with their usual attributes. Below these are the statues of three persons of each sex, in suppliant attitudes, and on their knees. The two on each side of the desk in front are evidently meant for Henry Maddison and Elizabeth his wife, the daughter of Robert Barker. Above their heads a shield—Maddison impaling Barker. He is represented in the habit of an alderman of Newcastle. The two figures behind them on the west side represent old Lionel Maddison, also an alderman of that town, who married a Seymour. Above them a shield—Maddison impaling Seymour. The figures on the east side seem intended for Sir Lionel Maddison (knighted by king Charles I. whom he entertained at dinner June 4, 1633), and his wife, who must have been a Hall. Maddison impaling Hall, on a coat of arms above, with the helmet of a knight, with the crest of Marley, which was granted to him, with liberty to quarter the arms of Marley, by Le Neve, norroy king at arms, June 5, 1635, the crest of Maddison being a lion's head erased, as it appeared on an adjacent grave-stone. "I suppose," observes Brand, "this Sir Lionel to have erected the monument, having modestly left a compartment without any inscription on that side, which his descendants have never filled up. Indeed, as he deserted the royal cause, he would therefore be an unpopular character after the restoration."

"Lionel Maddison, mer. ad. mayor of this town, July 1624."

"Jane Tempest, wife of William Tempest, Esq. second son of Sir Nicholas Tempest, Knt. and Bart. and daughter to Henry Maddison, sometime mayor, departed 29 December, 1616, Ætat. 20."

"Barbara Maddison, daughter of the said Henry Maddison, 1627, aged 17 years.


"Here Rests in Christian hope ye Bodies of Lionell Maddison Sone to Rowland Maddison of Vnthanke in ye Covnty of Durham Esq. & of Iane his Wife Shee Died Ivl: 9. 1611. Hee having Been Thrice Maior of this Towne Departed Dec. 6. 1624. Aged 94 Yeares. Hee lived to see his onely sonne Henry Father to a fayre & numerous Issue.

Here Interred Also are the bodys of Henry Maddison & Elizabeth His Wife (Davghter to Robert Barker of this towne Alderman) Who liued together most comfortably; and louingly in true wedlock ye Space of 40 yeares He was somtyme Maior of this towne & having liued in good name and fame 60 Yeares Deceased in the trve Faith of Christ the 14th of Jvly 1634.

Elizabeth His only Wife had Issve by him ten Sonnes Sr. Lionel Maddison Kt. Raphe Robert William Henry Peter George Timothy and Thomas And Six Davgters. Iane Svsan Elizabeth Barbara Elenor & Iane all the sonnes at his Death were liuing but Iohn who died in the late Expedition to Cadiz She liued his Widow 19 Yeares and being Aged 79 yeares Dyed the 24 of September 1653."

Underneath the sixteen smaller statues, representing the sixteen children of Henry and Elizabeth Maddison, is a beautiful series of small shields, pointing out their intermarriages.

On the south side of a pillar at the entrance into the middle aisle of the choir, is a firm, well-executed monument, by Davis, surmounted by a broken column, indicative of the melancholy fact recorded in the inscription, which is preceded by the following text:—

"Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me.

"In the family vault in this church lie deposited, in blessed assurance of resurrection to immortality, the mortal remains of Elizabeth Greenwell, wife of Robinson R. Greenwell, of Newcastle upon Tyne, second son of Joshua Greenwell, of Kibbleworth, in the county of Durham, Esq. She died in childbirth, the mother of a lifeless babe, on the seventh of January, MDCCCXII. aged XXXIX years."

Further down the aisle is a mural monument, containing the following:—

"Near this Place
lie interred the Remains of
Thomas Dockwray, M. A.
many Years Lecturer of this Church:
Who, after a Life worn out
in learned and religious Employment,
departed to the mercy of God on the 15th of May
in the 71st Year of his Age,
He had an able Head, and an upright Heart:
As a Preacher
He was instructive, nervous, eloquent:
In private Life
He was adorned with those Virtues which
the worthy Man and the good Christian.
His Nephew Thomas Dockwray placed this
of his Gratitude to the Memory of
The best of Friends."

Against a pillar in the south aisle is a small monument to the memory of Patrick Crowe, the father of Mitford Crowe, governor of Barbadoes.

A mural monument, on the north wall of the choir, bears the following inscription:—

"In Saint George's Porch Lye interred
The remains of Mrs. Barbara Dawson,
The Widow of Mr. Thomas Dawson;
She died in the Year MDCCXXXVI,
Aged XXXVIII Years;
And of Mrs. Susanah Peareth her Sister
Who Dyed in the Year MDCCLXIX,
Aged LXXI Years.
Both were the Daughters of
Henry Peareth Esqr. by
Elizabeth Jackson his Wife.
This Monument of Filial Duty
And respect for one of the best of
Mothers, and of a sincere regard
For an affectionate Aunt;
Was erected by Dorothy Daughter
of the Said Barbara Dawson,
And Wife of Matthew Duane Esqr.
In the Year MDCCLXXVI."


On the east side of this porch is a mural monument, inscribed thus:—

"P.M. Alexandri Davison Equitis Aurati, et Annæ filiæ Radulphi Cocke ejus conjugis charissimæ ex qua filios quinq: Thomam Equitem Auratum, Radvlphvm Davison de Thornley; Samvelem Davison de Wingate Grange, Josephvm Centurionem cordatum (in hujus oppidi contra Scotos Rebelles propugnatione strenui ad mortem usque dimicantem heic juxtini tumulatem) Edwardvm mercatorem cælibem defunctum; Filias etiam binas, Barbaren primo Radulpho Calverley, deinde ThomeÆ Riddell de Fenham in com: northumbriæ equ: aurat: ac Margaretam Henrio Lambton armig: enuptas sucitauit. Qvi quidem Alexander, grassante tune, conjuratione perfidisima, optimo Regi causæq: regia semper Fidelissimus, gravam rej familiaris jacturam maximo animo perpessus, tandemq: in hujus Novi Castri oppidi obsidione cum Scotorum Rebellium exercitu irruenti magnanimiter confligens, Novisimum Spiritum (octogenarious fere), fortiter effudit XI° Die Mensis Novembris Anno ab jncarnatione Domini MDCXLIIII° hoc posuit Monumentum Thomas primogenitus Eques Auratus."

An adjoining monument has the following inscription:—

"M. S. Egregio Adolescenti Thomas Hamiltono, Animi indole, forma corporis et robore Præ cæteris insigni, Dni Patricii Hamiltonii A Preston Filio dignissimo A noblissima familia Haddingtonia Orivndo, Centvrioni Svb D. Alexdro Leslaeo exercitvs Scoticani fœderis imperatore, Excellentissimo Dn Alex: Hamiltonvs. Rei Tormentariæ Præfectvs Avvncvlvs Maerens Posvit. Cvm. Totivs Exercitvs Planety Maximo Obiit Anno Dni. 1640, 29 Octob: Ætatis Suae 20."

A third monument on this wall contains the following information:—

"Near this place is interr'd ye Body of Ioseph Hudleston late Citizen & Fishmonger of London Second Son of Andrew Hudleston of Huttonjohn in ye County of Cumberland Esq. who departed this life ye 14th of Iune Anno Dom: 1697. He Married Mary Daughter of Iohn Emerson Merchant Sometime Mayor of this Town & by Her had Issue Ioseph (who dyed in his Infancy) & Dorothy who Survives."

Before the reading-desk is the stone figure of a man, having the legs crossed, habited in a hauberk of chain mail and surcoat, with a sword and shield of arms: at the feet is a lion. On the left side of the effigy is part of a figure with the arms expanded; the right hand being held up to the sword, and the left, which is much mutilated, stretched towards the shield. This curious monumental figure lay formerly in a niche in the wall under the south window of this porch, but was afterwards removed to the south side of the nave. The late vicar, the Rev. John Smith, at his own expense, had it cleaned, placed upon a block of stone with suitable devices, and set in the place which it now occupies.

Bourne conjectured that this effigies was a person belonging to the Scroop family, and who had been engaged in recovering the Holy Land from the Turks; but Brand thinks it is the representation of the founder of the chantry. Peter de Mauley, a noble baron, who bore, according to Guillim, or, a bend sable, was in the 42d of Edward III. joined with the bishop of Durham, and some others, for guarding the East Marches—also 43 Edward III. and in the 3d of Richard II. with the Earl of Northumberland and others. He died March 19, 6 Richard II. 1382. As Warden of the East Marches, he would probably reside at Newcastle, where also he might die, and be buried in this church. However that may be, his arms correspond exactly with those on the shield of the cross-legged figure in this porch. (fn. 2)

On the west side of this porch is a monument with the following lines:—

"Near this Place
Lieth the Body of Hannah Wife of
Edward Mosley Esqr. Alderman:
she was the Daughter of Henry Campleshon
of the City of York Merchant:
and Died 5th January 1784.
In the same Vault are Deposited the remains of
the said Edward Mosley Esqr.
Alderman of this Corporation:
Who departed this Life
The 12th February 1798 Aged 81:
Universally Respected and Beloved."

A neat mural monument, by Dalziel, is incribed,—

"In Memory of John Hodgson, of Elswick, in the County of Northumberland, Esquire, who departed this life July 12th, 1820, in the 46th Year of his Age.

'For honourable age is not that which standeth in length of time, nor that is measured by number of years: But wisdom is the grey hair unto men, and an unspotted life is old age.'—Wisdom of Solomon, chap. iv. vers. 8th & 9th."

Beneath Mosley's monument is a small marble one, by Goffin,—

"In memory of William Ingham, who was born at Whitby 3rd December 1753, and died 26th November 1817 in this town, where he had practised as a surgeon for more than forty years; and of Jane Ingham, his wife, who died 7th March 1825, aged 68 years; and of William, their son, who died 23rd January 1800, aged 18 years."

The next is a beautiful white marble monument, executed by Flaxman, and which was erected in 1810 by a subscription amongst the pupils of the late Rev. Hugh Moises, A. M. It represents Religion, in the form of a female, with her eyes fixed on heaven, and leaning on a cippus, which is surmounted by an urn: on the side of the cippus is an admirably executed medallion of the venerable divine. A tablet beneath bears the following inscription, from the classical pen of the Right Hon. Sir William Scott, one of his most distinguished pupils:—

"Juxta Requiescit Reverendus Hugo Moises A. M. Collegii Divi Petri apud Cantabrigiensis olim socius Postea Per Longam Annorum seriem Ludi Literarii in hoc oppido Fundati Praefectus, Atque ibidem in ecclesia omnium sanctorum Verbi Divini Praelector. Vir erat ingenio eleganti et exculto, Literis Humanioribus apprime ornatus, et in iis impetiendis indefessus ac felix. In Regendis puerorum animis Leni usus imperio sed constanti Moribus facillimis nec inficetis, Sed ad vitae et officii sui sanctimoniam Rite compositis. Omnium, quorum studiis dirigendis invigilaverat, Commodis in omni Genere promovendis Amicissime semper, saepe utiliter, intentus. Religionis Patriae institutis stabilitae cultor observantissimus. Et in concionibus sacris Explicator Diligens, Doctus, Disertus. Hoc Monumento Memoriam Nominis Consecrari voluit Permultorum Discipulorum Amor et veneratio Favante et Pecunia collata juvante Novacastrensium municipio Viri de suis omnibus optime Meriti Grate Memori. Obiit Anno Salutis MDCCCVI, Ætatis suae LXXXV, Filiis Hugone et Gulielmo superstitibus."

The following translation was made by the late William Burdon, Esq. who had also been a pupil of this learned and virtuous gentleman:—

"Near this place are interred the remains of the Rev. Hugh Moises, A. M. formerly a Fellow of Peterhouse, in the university of Cambridge, and afterwards, for many years, master of the Free Grammar School in this town, and lecturer of All Saints'. He was a man of an elegant and cultivated mind, eminently adorned with polite literature, unwearied and successful in imparting it to others. In directing the minds of his pupils, he exercised a firm but lenient sway; of easy and polished address, not inconsistent with the sanctity of his life and office; constantly, most kindly, and not always unsuccessfully, intent on promoting the interests of those whose studies he superintended. A most diligent observer of the established religion, and in his sermons an assiduous, learned, and elegant expositor of the divine word. The love and veneration of many of his scholars, assisted by a subscription of the inhabitants of Newcastle, gratefully mindful of his merits, has sought to perpetuate, by the erection of this monument, the memory of a man who deserved well of all mankind. He died in the month of July, 1806, in the 85th year of his age, leaving two sons, Hugh and William."

A number of tomb-stones were removed from this porch in 1783.


On entering this porch, a fine new marble monument, containing a representation of the deceased, executed by Bailey, and which has just been set up, attracts the attention. The inscription is as follows :—
"This Monument
is erected to record the regret of many
professional and other friends
for the untimely death of
Joseph Bainbridge, Esquire,
late of Wellington Place in this Town,
who, after undergoing a severe operation
for an Aneurism in his arm,
Expired on the 15th day of December, 1823,
Aged 53,
and was buried in the church of St. Katherine Coleman
in the city of London.
He was
in his domestic relations kind and affectionate,
in his extensive practice as a Solicitor,
acute and indefatigable,
and in his intercourse with the world,
A benevolent, just, and valuable man.

Adjoining, in the west wall of the porch, is a mural monument, with the following inscription:—

"In the Body of This Church, are Interr'd the Remains of John Cuthbert Esq. Serjeant at Law, and Recorder of This Town; who died the 5th of April 1724. In the adjoining Vault are deposited the Remains of his eldest Son, William Cuthbert Esq. Barrister at Law, and Recorder of This Town: which Office he fill'd seven Years, and died the 28th of August, 1746, aged 55. In the same Vault, are also laid the Remains of John Cuthbert, of Witton-Castle in the County of Durham Esq. eldest Son of the said William Cuthbert; who from the purest principle of filial Piety, gave orders in his Will for the erection of this Monument: He died at York, the 15th of December, 1782 Aged 51 Years."

The next is a chaste and elegant monument, executed by Westmacott, inscribed,—

"To the Memory of William Peareth Esqr. of Usworth House In the County of Durham. A Man of Abilities and Worth, Whose Amiable Qualities endeared Him to his Family and Friends. He served this Corporation with great Assiduity and Integrety, as Clerk of the Town's Chamber, and Alderman, near Fifty Years, Always Declining the Office of Mayor. He Married in 1731 Ann Youngest Daughter of Richard Jennens, Esqr. of Warwickshire, By whom he had Issue Fifteen Children. Of these, Two Sons Survived him, William, and Richard Thomas, and Six Daughters. Susanna, Married to Henry Wight Esqr. of Northamptonshire, Elizabeth, Ann, Mary, Henrietta, and Barbara. He died May the 20th. 1775 Aged 72 Years. His Widow, in Testimony of her Affection and Gratitude, caused this Monument To be Erected. She died the 25th. February 1801 Aged 87 Years After a Life Distinguished by a constant Exercise of Piety to God and Active Benevolence to Mankind."

In the north wall of this porch is a monument to the memory of William Smoult, Esq. a native of Newcastle, who died in 1794, in consequence of having his constitution impaired by a long residence in Bengal. In the east wall is a monument,—

"Sacred to the Memory of William Jennens Peareth, Esquire, only son of William Peareth Esquire and Susanna his Wife, of Usworth-House, in the County of Durham: Whose earthy Remains Lie Interred in this Porch. He was at the time of his Death, Gentleman-Commoner of Christ-Church, Oxford; where alike, in his Moral, Religious, and Literary Character; He distinguished himself, and gave early promise of becoming a worthy and useful member of Society. He was a most dutiful and Affectionate Son: and from Infancy possessed a goodness of Heart, and Firmness of Character, Rarely to be found in Manhood; with a Liberality of Mind, which had already begun to exert itself in acts of private Charity and Benevolence. He died at Penzance, in Cornwall, on the 26th Day of March, 1804, in the 20th Year of his Age; after a long and lingering Illness, which he bore with exemplary Patience and quiet Resignation to the Will of his Creator; Leaving to his deeply afflicted Parents, who had fondly looked up to him as the joy and comfort of their declining Years, the great and only consolation, arising from the Assurance of his having Acted his part well on Earth; and from the humble hope of being found worthy, when summoned from this World of Sorrow, to be united to him in the blessed Regions of Eternity."

Near to this place is another memorial,—

"Sacred to the Memory of William Peareth Esqre. Late of Usworth-House in the County of Durham. He Departed this life August XIth. MDCCCX, Aged LXXVI Years. His Remains are Deposited near this place. He was Religious from the true principles of the christian faith; Possessing in an eminent degree all those exalted Qualities That can only be derived from that Hallowed Source. He was of the Strictest honour and Integrity, Benevolent and liberal, without ostentation, His private charities were numerous, Though Known only to his particular Friends, and the immediate objects of his bounty. His afflicted Widow, who well knew and justly appreciated his Virtues, Has caused this Monument to be erected, as a tribute of affection and respect, For a Beloved Husband."

Against the pillar on the right hand on entering this porch, is a monument,—

"Sacred to the Memory of Major General John Byne Skerrett, Son of Lieut. Gen. John Skerrett, of Nantwich in Cheshire; and of Anne his Wife daughter of Henry Byne Esqr. of Carshalton Surry; He died on the 10th day of March 1814, in the 36th Year of his age, of a wound received at the head of his Brigade in the Assault of Bergen op Zoom. From the age of 15 Years to the day of his lamented Death, his life was spent in the service of his King and Country, in every Quarter of the Globe. During the long and successful struggle of generous Freedom, against tyrannical Oppression; his services in Spain were most Conspicuous, especially in the Defence of Tarif, and in the Capture of Seville. His Military Career was useful, active, brilliant; His private life Exemplary. Reader! It is a Mother who survives to raise this Monument to such a Son; her only Child. Bereft of all earthly felicity she looks forward (in humble hope) to a reunion with the Object of her affections in that blessed world, where separated friends again shall meet; and where grief and mourning cannot enter."

Here is a memorial of Catherine Shaftoe, daughter and coheir of Sir Thomas Widdrington, of Cheeseburn Grange; and of her husband, Sir Robert Shaftoe, of Whitworth, co. pal. Durham, recorder of Newcastle in 1660, knighted in 1670, serjeant at law 1674, resigned the recordership of this town in 1685, and rechosen to that office on the revolution 1688, died 25th May, 1705, æt. 71.

In this porch is the tomb-stone, with two shields of arms, of "John Midforth, Marchant Adventurer," who died October 2, 1623. Here are also the burial-places of "George Errington," merchant, who died in 1674; of "Matthew Newton," merchant, who died in 1668; and of "Matthew Ifferson," alderman, and sometime mayor, who died in 1697. One stone is inscribed, "Jhu have marcy of John orde soule. William Robson Cordiner Grand Child to John Orde." Another, "Jhu have marcy, on, George, Byrde, soule, Marchaunt, Aventurer, somtyme, clarcke of the towne, Chamber, Also, his, Wyfe, &, Anne, theyr, Doughter;" date 15–7. There is also an old monument, the arms on which seem to belong to Surtees and Grey; and of "Timothy Robson," alderman, and twice mayor of this town, who died in 1700, and whose only surviving child, Mary, married John Milbank.


The burying-place of the Bewicke family is in the porch on the south of the nave, formerly St. Margaret's chantry. It was, in 1819, decorated with an elegant monument to the memory of Colonel Bewicke, and which was executed by Mr. Bailey, A. R. A. It is of white marble. On a pedestal, to which there is an ascent by steps, is a full length of the colonel, in a sitting posture (a capital likeness), supported by a female, whose hand he grasps. A figure of Hope stands in front, pointing to an angel above, holding a scroll, inscribed, "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted." The upper part of the monument consists of a fine pointed arch, crowned with a pinnacled pediment. The whole displays great delicacy, and richness of detail. A part of this monument was exhibited in the Royal Academy, Somerset House, London, in May, 1819. The following critique is copied from The Examiner Newspaper of that date:—"Mr. Bailey has beautifully executed a monument to the memory of Col. Bewicke, from a graceful design of the late classical sculptor, Mr. Theed. It is of a female, sunk on the shoulder, and holding the hand of her husband, who is looking up as if, in a 'silent soft address,' he was invoking a blessing upon the disconsolate mourner. The performance touches the heart to its centre. It has much of the rhetoric of actual life, when the bitterness of parting in death occurs between friends, the soul's anguish rejects all wonted enjoyments, the garden of the world appears as a gloomy wilderness, and the days of peace to be departed." All this praise is justly bestowed; but certainly the angel might, with great propriety, have been omitted. It is in very bad taste, and injures the effect of the whole. Every one must regret that this fine monument should be covered and disfigured with a black veil of soot, imbibed by the moisture to which it is exposed.


"Sacred to the memory of Calverly Bewicke, Esqr. of Close House, in the County of Northumberland. He served the office of High Sheriff for that County in 1782; Commanded the Durham Militia for many years as Lieut. Colonel; And at the time of his death, Represented the Borough of Winchelsea, for which He had been returned in three successive Parliaments. He was born the 26th of June 1755, and Died the 24th of October 1815. Margaret Bewicke his widow, Daughter of Robert Spearman Esqr. of Old Acres, in the County of Durham, raised this Monument as a tribute to his virtues, and a memorial of her affection."

Near this monument is another, inscribed,—

"H. S. E. Vir moribus integer, Fide Christianus, Robertus Bewicke de Close-House in Agro Northumbriae Eques Auratus; Qui Provinciam publicam, Favore Regio insignitam, et sibi, et Patriae honorifice administravit; Qui Domesticae Officiis vitae tam aequo benignoque animo satisfecit, ut omibus esset in vita carus, post mortem desideratus, Uxori autem desideratisimus, Quae Marmor hoc, parvulum quoddam amoris sui Pignus, Pie et maerenter P. C. Filiis duobus, Filiabusque septem Superstitibus, Ob. 3° Die Septembris A. D. 1771. Ætatis 44."

In this porch is also a tomb-stone, on which we read this:—

"Hic Sepulcta Iacet Corpus Guilimi Bewicke, filij Roberti Bewicke Armigeri primogeniti Qui cum Elizabetha Henrici Maddisoni Armigeri Filia Matrimonia Coniunctus, Binos filios filiasq, tres ex illa Suscepit: Et Post quam ad tricesimum octavum ætatis suæ annum pervenisset animum suum 22 die Februarii religiose expiravit anno Domini 1636."

The English inscription upon another runs thus:—

"Heere lieth Buried the Bodies of Robert Bewick Marchant Aduenturer & lwise Maior of this Towne & also high Sheriff of the County of Northumb. & Ellenor his Wife he Depted this life the 15th Day of March. 1641 She depted this life the 1 day of June 1661. Iane Bewicke the Wife of Thomas Bewicke Esqr. She Depted this life the 9th of August 1682 Thomas Bewicke Esq Depted this life ye 7th of November 1690. Robert Bewicke, Esqr. Departed this life ye 9th of Ianuary 170¾."


Against the pillar on the left on entering the middle door of the choir is a most beautiful monument, with this inscription:—

"To the Memory of
Sir Matthew White Ridley,
of Blagdon and Heaton, in the County of
Northumberland, Baronet,
who died April the 16th 1813, in the 67th Year
of his age.
He three times filled the office of Chief
Magistrate in the Corporation of
this Town.
He was returned Member for the Borough of
Morpeth in 1768.
On the resignation of his Father in 1774, he
was elected Representative for
Newcastle upon Tyne,
An Honour conferred upon him during eight
successive Parliaments.
In 1812 he declined again soliciting the
suffrages of his fellow Burgesses,
when they afforded him
A testimony of their approbation and regard
the most gratifying to his parental feelings,
By transferring to his son the confidence
they had reposed in him for a period
of Thirty eight years.
In 1798, He was appointed Colonel of the
Loyal Newcastle Associated
Volunteer Infantry,
And had the honour of commanding that
During the whole period of its service.
In 1778, He was chosen Governor of the
Company of Merchant Adventurers
of this town,
And received in his Re-election for Thirty
five years the strongest proof of the
uninterrupted esteem of his
In his parliamentary conduct active and
The firm supporter of those genuine
principles of liberty which
form the
Basis of the British Constitution.
In private life, he united with the greatest
urbanity of manners those qualities of
The heart and understanding which secure
esteem, and adorn (while they dignify)
the character of man.
To those endeared to him by the nearest ties
he was ever most kind and affectionate,
To his friends warm and sincere, honourable,
amiable and benevolent:
He lived respected and beloved,
He died universally lamented."

This noble monument was executed by Flaxman, and displays, in very high relief, a full length figure of the deceased, as large as life, dressed in a Roman toga, and standing in a graceful and dignified attitude. His right hand rests upon an altar or pedestal, and grasps a roll; at the foot of the pedestal lies a volume, inscribed "Magna Charta;" behind the figure is seen a curile chair, underneath which are placed the fasces and scales, in allusion to the senatorial and magisterial functions of the deceased, whilst a military standard, on the top of which is a lion, is seen leaning against the pedestal; above the standard hangs a shield charged with the family arms. The face of the figure is a correct likeness of the deceased; the whole, indeed, but particularly the drapery, is a most exquisite performance.

On the opposite, or south pillar, is a large cenotaph in honour of the Right Hon. Lord Collingwood, designed by C. R. Cockerill, architect, London, and executed by C. R. Rossi, sculptor, R. A. London. It contains a good medallion of his lordship, and a very long inscription, which it is unnecessary to insert, as a sketch of the life of this gallant admiral will be given in a subsequent part. This monument is inclosed with iron rails.

On the south side of the nave is a monument,—

"Sacred to the Memory of the Revd. Nathaniel Ellison A. M. Formerly Fellow of Merton Colledge Oxford. late Vicar of Bolam and Lecturer of St. Andrews Newcastle. He resigned his Soul into the Hands of his Creator the 1st of August 1798; in the 62d Year of his Age. His Remains lie interred near this Place. He lived universally beloved and died unfeignedly regretted."

Another monument bears the following inscription:—

"Sacred to the Memory of a sincere Christian, a tender Husband, an affectionate Father, and Faithfull Friend, the Revd. James Stephen Lushington M. A. (Son of Thomas Godfrey Lushington of Sitting Bourn, Kent, Esqre.) Who was nineteen Years Vicar of this Town, and died in it, on the 17th Day of June 1801, Aged 68. From a long and happy Experience of his engaging Manners and universal Benevolence of Heart, his Widow and Children, as a small, but inadequate Testimony of their pious Regard, dedicate this Inscription."

Here is also a mural monument in honour of the memory of Major John Werge, of the 38th regiment of foot, who was killed at the capture of St. Sebastian in Spain, the 31st of August, 1813. Another, on the opposite side of the nave, is sacred to the Memory of Mary Wilson, who died May 26, 1813, erected by her daughter, the wife of Gen. W. Maxwell. Near to this is the memorial of Rear-admiral W. Charlton. Below the arches on the south side two stone coffins are preserved.

In the nave are tomb-stones with the following inscriptions and the arms of the deceased: (fn. 3) —"............ of John Brandling Marchant Aventurer and som time maior of this towne & Jane & ...... Wifes & ...... children."—"Pray for. y. soule of...... horsleyie march. aventurer somtime maior of this towne & ...... his wife................" "heare lieth burued the corpes of Isabell Anderson late Wyf of Henry Andersonn marchant & Alderman of this towne Who deceased the xiv daye of august an dni 1582 Bewayled of the poore that tasted much her renowined vertue."—"Under this stone lyeth buried the bodies of Margarett and Jane the Wiffes of Thomas Liddell Marchant Adventurer Alderman and Sometime Maior of this towne Margt. depted the xxi of March 1585 and Jane xxi of Juli 1602 With their Children he depted the 19 of August 1619."—"Here under lyeth in arane the corps of Roger Nicholson Marchant Adventurer & somtyme maior of this towne with Annes his Wife & their Children depted the xxii of January 159............... which is our...... shall appear then shall We also appeare...... him in glory Christ is...... "—"Bvlmar...... Apothecarie And Grocer of this Towne and Anne his Wife She Departed to the Mercie of God the 7 December 161x."—"Here lyeth buried the Boddie of ......... Bowes .................. to the mercy of God the 8: of December an: 1621. John Bowes, Merchant Adventurer."—"Henry Chapman Marchant Adventurer Alderman & sometymes Maior of this Towne: 163—."—"Heare lyeth Mr. Robart Eden and Isebell his Wife w: Their Sovne John Eden and his Wives Mary and Isebell." Mr. Robert Eden was sheriff of Newcastle, A. D. 1587.—"The Buriall Place of Henry Horsley of Milburne Grange Esqui & Margaret his Wife he Depted the 16th of Nouem 1657 Etatis Suœ 56."—"Jhu haue marcy of the sowlle of Cuthbert Ellison Marchant Aventurer sometyme maj of this towne & Isabell & Anne his wyves & y children."—" Ralph Forster Merchant Aduenturer Depted this life ye 21 of March 1649 Ann his Wife Depted ye 18th of Octobr1652 their Eldest Son Richard Forster & Mary his Wife who had Issue to him Ralph & and Richard Hee Depted ye 31 of March 166—

M. W.
I've Kept ye Faith, A good fight fought have I;
My God & Sovereign serv'd here quartered lie;
With Dust Disbanded till the last Trump hence
Rally these Atombs By its Influence,
When With the Loyal Bands receive I may
A Crown of Glory for the General Pay."

Here are also the tomb-stones of William Carr, merchant, died in 1660—Roger Procter, merchant, died 1664; and on the same stone, Robert Mallaber, merchant, and sometime sheriff, died 1676—Thomas Partis, tobacconist, died 1669—Richard Wright, merchant, and sometime sheriff, died 1671—John Emerson, Esq. merchant, and sometime mayor, died 1673; also his son-in-law, Thomas Ienison, Esq.—Sir W. Blackett, sometime mayor and M. P.; also John Erasmus Blackett, Esq. who died 1814—The children of W. Blackett, alderman—George Errington, merchant, died 1675—Henry Marley, Esq. and family; he died 1688—Rob. Roddam, alderman, and sometime mayor; he died 1682—Benimen Ellison, merchant, died 1676; on the same stone, Francis Johnson, Esq. alderman, died 1810, aged 62 years—Robert Ellison, governor of the Merchants' Company, died 1677; and on the same stone,—

"The Burial Place of the Revd. J. Ellison, 50 Years Curate of this Parish. He died the 19th of Jany. 1807, Aged 76 Years. Also Anne his Wife died the 19th of April 1803 Aged 70 Years."

There are also the tomb-stones of Lancelot Hodshon, Esq. died in 1677—Matthew Jefferson, alderman, and sometime mayor, died 1687—Anthony Isaacson, Esq. father of Recorder Isaacson, died 1693—Timothy Davison, alderman, &c. died 1696—John Butler, marchant, died 1695/6—Sir Ralph Ienison, of Elswick, Knight, died 1701—Nicholas Ridley, Esq. twice maior, &c. died 1710—Isaac Cookson, merchant, died 1744—Winfrid Mitford, who died 1760, and her daughter, Jane Bates, wife of Ralph Bates, of Holywell, who died the same year—William Boutflower—Edward Mosley, Esq. alderman of Newcastle—Thomas Sanderson, died December 11, 1795—B. Kent, upholsterer, who died January 27, 1803—Ralph Heron, died 13th April, 1801—Thomas Loraine, Esq. of Kirkharle, a Hebrew scholar, who died October 24, 1649—James Moncaster, died 1739; Isabel, his wife, died 1764; and Frances, their daughter, wife of C. Atkinson, (fn. 4) Esq. died 1793. Near the north-east corner of the nave is a stone, on which are two figures, in bold relief, in a praying attitude, with an inscription dated 1522. This seems to be the oldest tomb-stone in the church.

Here are also the burial-places of the families of the Andersons, Claverings, Kirklaies, Greys, Hargraves, Pawsons, Whinfields, Bulmans, Hezilriges, Stephensons, Davidsons, Bayles', Watsons, Crawfords, Shadforths, Matfens, Gibsons, Ogles, Pollards, Wilsons, Debords, and many others, which our limits will not permit us to particularize.


The church-yard seems to have been partly open so late as the year 1761, when it was enclosed, by subscription, with a brick wall, with wooden rails thereon. The west end of the church, and part of the yard on the north and south sides, were enclosed a few years ago with a stone wall, which supports strong, ornamental iron railing; and the other parts will soon be protected in the same manner. This buryingplace must formerly have been much more extensive, as quantities of human bones have been found in digging both on the east and north-east. In lowering the pavement before the south porch in 1811, the workmen discovered a stone coffin very near the surface. There are not many tomb-stones in this repository of the dead. Most of them are at the east end and the south side of the church.

One stone bears the following inscription:—

"The burial-place of Matthew Fairbarn, of this town, agent, who departed this life the 4th day of May, 1818, in the 76th year of his age. Ann, his daughter, died in infancy. George, his son, died 22d day of June, 1801, aged 12 years. Matthew, his son, died 21st day of June, aged 22 years. Thomas, his son, master of the ship St. Patrick, died at Lima on the 5th of Oct. 1821, in the 36th year of his age, in consequence of a severe wound he received on the night of the 22d July preceding, during Lord Cochrane's attack upon Callao, who refused him permission to remove his ship, being a neutral, outside the Spanish line of bombs previous to the attack, though personally applied to; and, in consequence, Captain F. was placed between two fires.

A poetic epitaph, in the usual style, follows the date of the decease of Susannah, a native of Sarro Libre in France, wife of John Sanderson. She died November 13, 1815, aged 21. A stone is "erected by a circle of friends to commemorate the memory" of Joseph Longstaff, who died 20th June, 1818, aged 34 years. At the north-east corner is a table grave-stone, over the vault of "Joseph Barber, Bookseller, Amen Corner, who died July 4, 1781." This vault now belongs to the successors of the late Stephen Humble, bookseller. The vault of the Collingwoods of Chirton is at the east end of the church. The burying-places of the late Joseph Forster, Esq. and alderman; and Robert Storey, Esq. of Arcot, are on the south side of the Library; near the door of which the late vicar (Smith) was interred. Some stones are distinguished by "uncouth rhymes;" but none of these perishable memorials are very old. Indeed, the inscriptions on most tomb-stones are not legible for more than 30 years.

There is a gate and flagged foot-path at the south side of the church-yard, which conducted to a door, now built up, near the west end of the Library. This churchyard might be kept drier than it is, if the rain from the roof was properly conducted to the adjoining sewers: on the contrary, it is permitted, as in most ancient buildings, to fall from open spouts, projecting from the roof.


  • 1. In the north part of this church of St. Nicholas was a shrine of Henry, the fourth Earl of Northumberland, who fell a victim to the popular fury excited by the oppressions of king Henry VII. at Coxlodge, near Thirsk, on the 28th April, 1489. He was buried in Beverley Minster, where a very magnificent monument was erected to his memory. Being Warden of the Middle Marches, and having property in Newcastle, accounts for his cenotaph being erected here. Part of the inscription remained in Grey's time; and the Milbank MS. as quoted by Bourne, says, "that it was in the north corner of the church: that it was a monument of wood, on which was painted an old man, our Saviour on his right hand, and the Virgin Mary on his left. There came a label from her mouth, but what it was this authority had forgot; but that from our Saviour's was Quæso Pater, fac, quod rogat mea mater. Then followed some Latin verses, done in the rhyming way of the monks, but they are so dark and obscure, that little can be made of them." The MS. goes on:—"When Mr. William Selby was buried, this monument was removed out of that corner, and Sir George Selby did set his magnificent tomb there."—"After that it was placed against the wall, next to Sir George's tomb, and so continued till Mr. Lane' Hodshon got leave of Vicar Nailor to remove it, and place his father; where it is now I know not." In the north-east corner of this church was the tomb of Sir George Selby. His effigies, and that of his lady, were at length, resting upon pillows, with uplifted hands—On the south of the tomb were the effigies of his children, in a posture of prayer, kneeling, with raised hands.—Upon a marble stone, placed in the wall, a little above the tomb, was the following inscription:—"Georgius Selby eques auratus ab antiqua et clara Selbeiorum de Selby in comitat' Ebor' familia oriundus, quater hujus villæ prætor, vicecomes comitat' palat' Dunelm' serenissimi Regis Jacobi hospitio et servitio nobilitatus. Ob lautum certe & affluentum perpetuo apparatum et liberalissimæ mensæ communicationem merito passim celebratissimus. Margaretæ uxoris Joannis Selby de Twisell militis filiæ consortio apprime fælix. Ex qua suscepit quinque filios, immatura morte sublatos, et sex filias superstites. Quatuor ante illius obitum nuptas Margaretam primam Gulielmo Balasys de Morton, Elizabetam secundam Joanni Delavale de Dissington equitibus auratis. Barbaram tertiam Roberto Delavale hæredi Radulphi Delavale de Seaton equitis aurati. Isabellam quartam Patricio Curwen de Workington armigero. Et duas innuptas Dorotheam & Mariam, per totum vitæ cursum lautissima usus fortuna. In hoc vere beatus quod sub indubitata spe plenæ peccatorum omnium remissionis et suæ ad æternam vitam resurrectionis spiritum in manus Domini commendavit, in eoque placide obdormivit 30 Martii 1625. an. ætatis 68. Corpus sepultum jacet in crypta sub hoc tumulo charæ uxoris cura extrueta. "Amoris honoris & memoriæ ergo." Under the coat of arms—"Mortuas vivo." Within the palisadoes, upon a flat marble stone—"Jesu have mercy of the sowlle of George Selbe merchant-adventurer, sometime alderman of this town, and Margaret his wife and their children." In the margin, on his side, anno 1542; on her side. 1562. In the north side of the middle porch, under the great eastern window, were the remains of a monument on which statues had been inlaid, but taken away, probably, for the sake of the brass. On the south side of it was the monument of George Carr, with this inscription:—"Orate pro anima Georgii Car quondam majoris istius ville qui obiit anno Domini millesimo cccc Cujus animæ propitietur Deus." However, no such name occurs in the list of mayors till 1481. The effigies of him and his wife at length, resting on pillows, with their hands raised. Above them an arched canopy, with a defaced inscription; but a MS. in this church gave the following words:—"For George Car's sawll his wyffes & childers sawlls all and to make a solem dyrge-mass with all his bruthern in the qwyre and to sing as aperyth in his writing of Rimæ." At the feet of the effigies were the ruins of a large image of our Saviour upon the cross, with an inscription equally dark as the other, but said to be this:—"Our Lady prays him to say at the day." Brand conjectures, with great probability, that the altar of the second chantry of Our Lady, founded by George Carr, has been here. This ancient monument, and the curious one of Sir George Selby and his lady, were sold, amongst others, by the churchwardens in 1783; but the inscription, and part of the ornaments of Carr's monument, were accidentally rescued by the late Alderman Hornby. The following inscriptions were formerly upon grave-stones in the chancel:—"Thomas Liddell, merchantadventurer and alderman, who died 19th August, 1610. Also Margaret and Jane, his wives.—Margaret died March 21, 1585, and Jane July 15, 1602." "Here lieth the body of Edward Man, merchant-adventurer, and towne-clarke. He departed Dec. 10, 1654. He had issue by Dorothy his wife eleven children, whereof ten are deceased.—She departed 11th July, 1667. Myles, his son, departed November 10, 1682, and had ten children by Elizabeth his wife—only three survived." Within the rails,—"Here lieth the body of Mrs. Margaret Lindsay, late wife to Lieutenant-colonel Richard Dowglas, Esq. and Governor of Hartellpool, son to Sir William Dowglas, of Cavers, Knt. and sheriff of Tiviotdale, who departed this life the 31st of December, 1645. "In life beloved, in death deplored of all, Here lyeth the world's loss to heav'n a gayn: She living died to vice, and now dead shall Her pretious name still live free of all stayne." In the choir was a curious old stone, with the following inscription:— "Here lieth buried under this stone, Of John Bennet both body and bone, Late of these north parts, master of the ordnance, Which deceased by God's providence The eighth day of the month of July, In perfect faith, love and charity, A thousand five hundred sixty and eight; Whose soul to heav'n he trusted went straight, Through God's great mercy, bloodshed and death, Which only he trusted to during his breath. So trust we his wife and children that caused this, And Captain Carvel a friend of his." This funeral-monument narrowly escaped being included amongst those that were buried in the foundations of houses in and near Mosley Street. Before the alterations, many of the monuments and burying-places in the chancel were enclosed by iron rails. These were sold for old iron; and the brass was also torn from the monuments, and sold. It ought to have been noticed, that the old stairs leading to the organ-loft were within the pillar that supports it at the north-east corner. From the inaccuracy of an old plan, it was stated above that the pulpit stood between the two great pillars of the tower. It was the font that stood there. The pulpit was behind the eagle, or reading-desk, and exactly opposite to the mayor's pew, a little west of the screen of the chancel, which was decorated with old flags and banners. This church, however, notwithstanding the depredations it has suffered, has again become rich in monumental sculpture. The marble monuments it at present contains are valued at above £12,000.
  • 2. The opinion that persons represented in a cross-legged attitude were of the order of Knights Templars, is now generally discarded. Such monumental figures, according to Letheullier, sometimes commemorated persons who were neither Templars nor Hospitallers. This distinction was occasionally granted to persons who merely vowed to fight for the recovery of the Holy Land. Gough also mentions some who survived the order of Templars being honoured by a monumental allusion to their early engagements or exploits. Vows of repairing to the Holy Land in pilgrimage, or with a crusading purpose, were made subsequent to the actual termination of the Holy Wars, and also entitled a person to an effigies of this description. The seventh and last crusade commenced in the year 1270; and the order of Knights Templars was dissolved in 1313—Archœol. vol. ii. p. 291. Sepulchral Mon. vol. i. p. 96, Intro.
  • 3. See Armorial Bearings, &c. in St. Nicholas' Church, published by M. A. Richardson.
  • 4. "We have this week to conclude our obituary with the melancholy account of the death of Charles Atkinson, Esq. an alderman of this corporation, whose worth and virtues will long be held in respect, and his unhappy fate deplored by all who knew him. On Sunday morning last, walking with his son amongst his coal-works, near Dumfernline, in Scotland, he went to examine the mouth of an old pit, and whilst looking down, a piece of timber on which he stood gave way, and precipitated him to the bottom, a depth of about forty fathoms, ten of which were supposed to be filled with water. It was several hours before his remains, which were considerably mangled, could be recovered."—Newcastle Courant, Feb. 18, 1797.