House of Lords Journal Volume 20: 11 May 1716

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 20, 1714-1717. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 20: 11 May 1716', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 20, 1714-1717( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 20: 11 May 1716', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 20, 1714-1717( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 20: 11 May 1716". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 20, 1714-1717. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.


In this section

DIE Veneris, 11 Maii.

Domini tam Spirituales quam Temporales præsentes fuerunt:

Arch. Cant.
Epus. Winton.
Epus. Lich. & Cov.
Epus. Sarum.
Epus. Carliol.
Epus. Norwic.
Epus. Menev.
Epus. Roffen.
Epus. Bristol.
Epus. Gloucestr.
Epus. Asaph.
Epus. Lincoln.
Epus. Bangor.
Ds. Cowper, Cancellarius.
Dux Devon, Senescallus.
Dux Bolton, Camerarius.
Dux Somerset.
Dux Richmond.
Dux St. Albans.
Dux Shrewsbury.
Dux Marlborough.
Dux Bucks & Nor.
Dux Rutland.
Dux Montrose.
Dux Roxburgh.
Dux Kent.
Dux Ancaster, Magnus Camerarius.
Dux Newcastle.
Comes Derby.
Comes Pembroke.
Comes Lincoln.
Comes Bridgewater.
Comes Westmorland.
Comes Berkshire.
Comes Stamford.
Comes Clarendon.
Comes Radnor.
Comes Berkeley.
Comes Nottingham.
Comes Rochester.
Comes Abingdon.
Comes Holderness.
Comes Portland.
Comes Scarbrough.
Comes Warrington.
Comes Grantham.
Comes Godolphin.
Comes Cholmondeley.
Comes Sutherland.
Comes Hadinton.
Comes Loudoun.
Comes I'lay.
Comes Strafford.
Comes Rockingham.
Comes Aylesford.
Viscount Townshend.
Viscount Longueville.
Viscount Lonsdale.
Ds. Delawar.
Ds. Fitzwalter.
Ds. Willughby Br.
Ds. St John.
Ds. Compton.
Ds. Teynham.
Ds. Cornwallis.
Ds. Carteret.
Ds. Guilford.
Ds. Ashburnham.
Ds. Gower.
Ds. Rosse.
Ds. Belhaven.
Ds. Harcourt.
Ds. Montjoy.
Ds. Trevor.
Ds. Foley.
Ds. Bathurst.
Ds. Saunderson.
Ds. Harborough.
Ds. Carleton.
Ds. Cobham.
Ds. Parker.


Drew examined.

Timothy Drew, Clerk to James Mynde, attending (according to Order) was called in; and examined upon Oath, at the Bar, in relation to John Niccoll's Name, as Counsel, being put to Rutter's Appeal.

And he acquainted the House, "That he did not see the Counsel's Names put thereunto; and that the same was engrossed by George Cooper, another of the said Mynde's Clerks; but believes the said Mynde, his Master, might put the Counsel's Names to the said Appeal."

Then he was directed to withdraw.

And being accordingly withdrawn:

The Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod was called upon, to inform the House if the said James Mynde was yet taken into Custody.

He thereupon acquainted their Lordships, "That the said Mynde rendered himself Yesterday into his Custody."

Cooper and Mynde to attend.

Ordered, That the said George Cooper and Timothy Drew do attend this House To-morrow; and that the said James Mynde be at the same Time brought to the Bar by the said Gentleman Usher.

Curl and Bridge discharged.

Edmund Curll and Daniel Bridge, in Custody of the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, for printing and publishing a Paper, intituled, "An Account of the Trial of the Earl of Winton," in Breach of a Standing Order of this House, were (this Day), according to Order, brought to the Bar; where they, on their Knees, receiving a Reprimand from the Lord Chancellor for their said Offence, were discharged out of Custody, paying their Fees.

Soldiers Desertion, Bill.

The Earl of Clarendon (according to Order) reported from the Committee of the whole House, to whom the Bill, intituled, "An Act for the more effectual and exemplary Punishment of such Persons as shall seduce Soldiers to desert; or who, being Papists, shall enlist themselves in His Majesty's Service, in Great Britain or Ireland, or in the Islands of Jersey or Guernsey," was committed, the Amendments they had made to the Bill.

Which were read Twice, and agreed to, as follows; (videlicet,)

"Pr. 1. Line 31. Leave out ["May"], and insert ["June"].

"3. L. 6. Leave out ["once"].

"L. 7. Leave out ["May"], and insert ["June"].

Assizes Cornwall, Bill.

The Order of the Day being read, for the Second Reading the Bill, intituled, "An Act for holding the Assize for the County of Cornwal at a convenient Place within the said County:"

Counsel for and against the same were called in.

And the Bill was read a Second Time.

And the Petition of the Mayor of the Borough of Launceston, in the County of Cornwal, on Behalf of himself and the rest of the Inhabitants of the said Borough, praying to be heard, by Counsel, against passing the said Bill, was read.

And Counsel and Witnesses were heard against the Bill, and also Counsel for the same.

And they being withdrawn;

It was proposed, "To commit the Bill."

And, after Debate thereupon,

The Question was put, "Whether the said Bill shall be committed?"

It was Resolved in the Affirmative.

Ordered, That the said Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole House, on Monday next.

Hackney Coaches, &c. Bill.

Whereas this Day was appointed, for the House to be put into a Committee upon the Bill, intituled, "An Act for the better regulating Hackney Coaches, Carts, Drays, Cars, and Waggons, within the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Weekly Bills of Mortality; and for preventing Mischiefs occasioned by the Drivers riding upon such Carts, Drays, Cars, and Waggons:"

It is Ordered, That on Monday next this House shall be put into a Committee thereupon; and that the Commissioners for regulating Hackney Coaches do then attend, and bring, or cause to be brought, their Byelaws with them; and that the Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas do then attend this House.

Bribery in Elections, to prevent, Bill.

Whereas this Day was appointed, for the House to be in a Committee upon the Bill, intituled, "An Act for the more effectual preventing the Abuses of Sheriffs and other Returning Officers, in not returning the Writs of Summons in due Time; and for preventing Bribery and Corruption in the Elections of Members to serve in Parliament:"

It is Ordered, That this House shall be put into a Committee thereupon, on Tuesday next; and that all the Lords be summoned to attend.

Officers in H. C. to limit, Bill.

Whereas this Day was appointed, for the Second Reading of the Bill, intituled, "An Act for securing the Freedom of Parliaments, by limiting the Number of Officers to sit in the House of Commons:"

It is Ordered, That the said Bill be read a Second Time on Thursday next.

Lord Kerry versus Lady Semple.

The House being moved, "That a Day may be appointed, for hearing the Cause wherein the Right Honourable Thomas Lord Baron of Kerry and Lixnawe and others are Appellants, and Dame Grizell Semple is Respondent:"

It is Ordered, That this House will hear the said Cause, by Counsel, at the Bar, on Friday the Eighteenth Day of this Instant May, at Eleven a Clock.

Kirwan, for a Person to prove Pleadings.

A Petition of John Kirwan, commonly called Sir John Kirwan and Simon Kirwan, was presented to the House, and read; setting forth, "That Alex'r Lynch was employed by the Petitioners to compare their Pleadings, in the Cause wherein they are Appellants, and Christopher French Respondent, with the Originals, in the proper Offices in Dublin; and the said Lynch accordingly has brought true Copies hither, but is now under an absolute Necessity of going suddenly to Ireland;" and praying, "That the said Alexander Lynch may have Leave to prove the Copies of the Petitioners Pleadings in the said Cause, by Affidavit or otherwise."

Which said Alexand'r Lynch being called for, and not attending:

Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.


Dominus Cancellarius declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque ad et in diem Sabbati, duodecimum diem instantis Maii, hora undecima Auroræ, Dominis sic decernentibus.