Abbrev. Plac. (Rec. Com.) |
Abbreviatio Placitorum (Record Commission) |
Acts of P.C. |
Acts of Privy Council |
Add. |
Additional |
Add. Chart. |
Additional Charters |
Admir. |
Admiralty |
Agarde |
Agarde's Indices |
Anct. Corresp. |
Ancient Correspondence |
Anct. D. (P.R.O.) A 2420 |
Ancient Deeds (PublicRecord Office) A 2420 |
Antiq. |
Antiquarian or Antiquaries |
App. |
Appendix |
Arch. |
Archæologia or Archæological |
Arch. Cant. |
Archæologia Cantiana |
Archd. Rec. |
Archdeacon's Records |
Archit. |
Architectural |
Assize R. |
Assize Rolls |
Aud. Off. |
Audit Office |
Aug. Off. |
Augmentation Office |
Ayloffe |
Ayloffe's Calendars |
Bed. |
Bedford |
Beds. |
Bedfordshire |
Berks. |
Berkshire |
Bdle. |
Bundle |
B.M. |
British Museum |
Bodl. Lib. |
Bodley's Library |
Boro. |
Borough |
Brev. Reg. |
Brevia Regia |
Brit. |
Britain, British, Britannia, etc. |
Buck. |
Buckingham |
Bucks |
Buckinghamshire |
Cal. |
Calendar |
Camb. |
Cambridgeshire or Cambridge |
Cambr. |
Cambria, Cambrian, Cambrensis, etc. |
Cant. |
Canterbury |
Cap. |
Chapter |
Carl. |
Carlisle |
Cart. Antiq. R. |
Cartæ Antiquæ Rolls |
C.C.C. Camb. |
Corpus Christi College, Cambridge |
Certiorari Bdles. (Rolls Chap.) |
Certiorari Bundles (Rolls Chapel) |
Chan. Enr. Decree R. |
Chancery Enrolled Decree Rolls |
Chan. Proc. |
Chancery Proceedings |
Chant. Cert. |
Chantry Certificates (or Certificates of Colleges and Chantries) |
Chap. Ho. |
Chapter House |
Charity Inq. |
Charity Inquisitions |
Chart. R. 20 Hen. III. pt. i. No. 10 |
Charter Roll, 20 Henry III. part i. Number 10 |
Chartul. |
Chartulary |
Chas. |
Charles |
Ches. |
Cheshire |
Chest. |
Chester |
Ch. Gds. (Exch. K.R.). |
Church Goods (Exchequer King's Remembrancer) |
Chich. |
Chichester |
Chron. |
Chronicle, Chronica, etc. |
Close |
Close Roll |
Co. |
County |
Colch. |
Colchester |
Coll. |
Collections |
Com. |
Commission |
Com. Pleas. |
Common Pleas |
Conf. R. |
Confirmation Rolls |
Co. Plac. |
County Placita |
Cornw. |
Cornwall |
Corp. |
Corporation |
Cott. |
Cotton or Cottonian |
Ct. R. |
Court Rolls |
Ct. of Wards |
Court of Wards |
Cumb. |
Cumberland |
Cur. Reg. |
Curia Regis |
D. and C. |
Dean and Chapter |
De Banc. R. |
De Banco Rolls |
Dec. and Ord. |
Decrees and Orders |
Dep. Keeper's Rep. |
Deputy Keeper's Reports |
Derb. |
Derbyshire or Derby |
Devon |
Devonshire |
Doc. |
Documents |
Dods. MSS. |
Dodsworth MSS. |
Dom. Bk. |
Domesday Book |
Dors. |
Dorsetshire |
Duchy of Lanc. |
Duchy of Lancaster |
Dur. |
Durham |
East. |
Easter Term |
Eccl. |
Ecclesiastical |
Eccl. Com. |
Ecclesiastical Commission |
Edw. |
Edward |
Eliz. |
Elizabeth |
Engl. |
England or English |
Engl. Hist. Rev. |
English Historical Review |
Epis. Reg. |
Episcopal Registers |
Esch. Enr. Accts. |
EscheatorsEnrolled Accounts |
Excerpta e Rot. Fin. (Rec. Com.) |
Excerpta e Rotulis Finium (Record Commission) |
Exch. Dep. |
Exchequer Depositions |
Exch. K.B. |
Exchequer King's Bench |
Exch. K.R. |
Exchequer King's. Remembrancer |
Exch. L.T.R. |
Exchequer Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer |
Exch. of Pleas, Plea R. |
Exchequer of Pleas, Plea Roll |
Exch. of Receipt |
Exchequer of Receipt |
Exch. Spec. Com. |
Exchequer Special Commissions |
Feet of F. |
Feet of Fines |
Feod. Accts. (Ct. of Wards) |
Feodaries Accounts (Court of Wards) |
Feod. Surv. (Ct. of Wards) |
Feodaries Surveys (Court of Wards) |
Feud. Aids |
Feudal Aids |
fol. |
Folio |
Foreign R. |
Foreign Rolls |
Forest Proc. |
Forest Proceedings |
Gen. |
Genealogical, Genealogica, etc. |
Geo. |
George |
Glouc. |
Gloucestershire or Gloucester |
Guild Certif. (Chan.) Ric. II. |
Guild Certificates (Chancery) Richard II. |
Hants |
Hampshire |
Harl. |
Harley or Harleian |
Hen. |
Henry |
Heref. |
Herefordshire or Hereford |
Hertf. |
Hertford |
Herts |
Hertfordshire |
Hil. |
Hilary Term |
Hist. |
History, Historical, Historian, Historia, etc. |
Hist. MSS. Com. |
Historical MSS. Commission |
Hosp. |
Hospital |
Hund. R. |
Hundred Rolls |
Hunt. |
Huntingdon |
Hunts |
Huntingdonshire |
Inq. a.q.d. |
Inquisitions ad quod damnum |
Inq. p.m. |
Inquisitions post mortem |
Inst. |
Institute or Institution |
Invent. |
Inventory or Inventories |
Ips. |
Ipswich |
Itin. |
Itinerary |
Jas. |
James |
Journ. |
Journal |
Lamb. Lib. |
Lambeth Library |
Lanc. |
Lancashire or Lancaster |
L. and P. Hen. VIII. |
Letters and Papers, Hen. VIII. |
Lansd. |
Lansdowne |
Ld. Rev. Rec. |
Land Revenue Records |
Leic. |
Leicestershire or Leicester |
Le Neve's Ind. |
Le Neve's Indices |
Lib. |
Library |
Lich. |
Lichfield |
Linc. |
Lincolnshire or Lincoln |
Lond. |
London |
m. |
Membrane |
Mem. |
Memorials |
Memo. R. |
Memoranda Rolls |
Mich. |
Michaelmas Term |
Midd. |
Middlesex |
Mins. Accts. |
Ministers' Accounts |
Misc. Bks. (Exch. K.R., Exch. T.R. or Aug. Off.) |
Miscellaneous Book (Exchequer King's Remembrancer, Exchequer Treasury of Receipt or Augmentation Office) |
Mon. |
Monastery, Monasticon |
Monm. |
Monmouth |
Mun. |
Muniments or Munimenta |
Mus. |
Museum |
N. and Q. |
Notes and Queries |
Norf. |
Norfolk |
Northampt. |
Northampton |
Northants |
Northamptonshire |
Northumb. |
Northumberland |
Norw. |
Norwich |
Nott. |
Nottinghamshire or Nottingham |
N.S. |
New Style |
Off. |
Office |
Orig. R. |
Originalia Rolls |
Oxf. |
Oxfordshire or Oxford |
p. |
Page |
Palmer's Ind. |
Palmer's Indices |
Pal. of Chest. |
Palatinate of Chester |
Pal. of Dur. |
Palatinate of Durham |
Pal. of Lanc. |
Palatinate of Lancaster |
Par. |
Parish, Parochial, etc. |
Parl. |
Parliament or Parliamentary |
Parl. R. |
Parliament Rolls |
Parl. Surv. |
Parliamentary Surveys |
Partic. for Gts. |
Particulars for Grants |
Pat. |
Patent Roll or Letters Patent |
P.C.C. |
Prerogative Court of Canterbury |
Peterb. |
Peterborough |
Phil. |
Philip |
Pipe R. |
Pipe Roll |
Plea R. |
Plea Rolls |
Pope Nich. Tax. (Rec. Com.) |
Pope Nicholas' Taxation (Record Commission) |
P.R.O. |
Public Record Office |
Proc. |
Proceedings |
Proc. Soc. Antiq. |
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries |
pt. |
Part |
Pub. |
Publications |
R. |
Roll |
Rec. |
Records |
Recov. R. |
Recovery Rolls |
Rentals and Surv. |
Rentals and Surveys |
Rep. |
Report |
Rev. |
Review |
Ric. |
Richard |
Roff. |
Rochester diocese |
Rot. Cur. Reg. |
Rotuli Curiæ Regis |
Rut. |
Rutland |
Sarum |
Salisbury diocese |
Ser. |
Series |
Sess. R. |
Sessions Rolls |
Shrews. |
Shrewsbury |
Shrops |
Shropshire |
Soc. |
Society |
Soc. Antiq. |
Society of Antiquaries |
Somers. |
Somerset |
Somers. Ho. |
Somerset House |
S.P. Dom. |
State Papers Domestic |
Staff. |
Staffordshire |
Star Chamb. Proc. |
Star Chamber Proceedings |
Stat. |
Statute |
Steph. |
Stephen |
Subs. R. |
Subsidy Rolls |
Suff. |
Suffolk |
Surr. |
Surrey |
Suss. |
Sussex |
Surv. of Ch. Livings (Lamb.) or (Chan.) |
Surveys of Church Livings (Lambeth) or (Chancery) |
Topog. |
Topography or Topographical |
Trans. |
Transactions |
Transl. |
Translation |
Treas. |
Treasury or Treasurer |
Trin. |
Trinity Term |
Univ. |
University |
Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.) |
Valor Ecclesiasticus (Record Commission) |
Vet. Mon. |
Vetusta Monumenta |
V.C.H. |
Victoria County History |
Vic. |
Victoria |
vol. |
Volume |
Warw. |
Warwickshire or Warwick |
Westm. |
Westminster |
Will. |
William |
Wilts |
Wiltshire |
Winton |
Winchester diocese |
Worc. |
Worcestershire or Worcester |
Yorks |
Yorkshire |