House of Lords Journal Volume 6: 5 August 1644

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 6, 1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 6: 5 August 1644', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 6, 1643( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 7 January 2025].

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"House of Lords Journal Volume 6: 5 August 1644". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 6, 1643. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 7 January 2025.


In this section

DIE Lunæ, videlicet, 5 die Augusti.

PRAYERS, by Mr. Spurstow.

Domini præsentes fuerunt:

Ds. Grey de Warke, Speaker.

Comes Rutland.
Comes Pembrooke.
Comes Denbigh.
Comes Sarum.
Comes Nottingham.
Comes Lyncolne.
Comes Bolingbrooke.
Comes Northumb.
L. Viscount Say & Seale.
Ds. North.
Ds. Howard.
Ds. Berckley.

Lord Hunsdon's Goods not to be taken away.

Upon Information to this House, "That, notwithstanding their Lordships Order, that none of the Lord Hunsdon's Goods be seized or disposed of, until he shall be either convicted, or this House give further Directions, yet some of the Sequestrators for the County of Hertford have given Directions for the Sale of the Goods at Hunsdon:" It is Ordered, That none of the Goods at Hunsdon House shall be removed or put to Sale, until this House give further Directions.

States Ambassadors desire an Answer to their Propositions, &c.

The Speaker acquainted this House with a Memoire (fn. 1) of The States Ambassadors; which was read, as followeth:

"The Lords Ambassadors of the High and Mighty States Generall of The United Provinces desire the Right Honourable the Lord Grey, Speaker to the House of Peers assembled in Parliament, that it will be pleased to give Answer unto their Propositions; as also concerning their Memorandum touching Shipping."

Also the Speaker acquainted this House with a Paper sent to him from the French Ambassador; which was read, as followeth:

Paper from the French Ambassadors, for an Audience.


"Monsieur le Baron Gray de Vuarche, Orateur de la Maison des Seigneurs assemblés en Parlement d' Angleterre, À Westmester.


"Le Roy tres Chrestien mon Maistre m'ay'nt commandé, fur le Subject des presents Mouvements, de me rendre pres du Roy de la Grande Bretagne, et vers son Parlement d' Angleterre. Je me suis acquitté du premier Debuoir envers fa Majesté Je desire m'acquitter du second, si tost qu'il vous aura pleu (come je vous en prie) proposer aux Seigneurs de la Chambre Haulte du dit Parlement l' Audience et le Jour que je demande au Nom de sa Majesté; et attendant l'Advis que vous m'en donneres je demeure,

Votre tres humble Serviteur,

A Londres, ce 14 / 4 Aoûst, 1644.

Sutton Marsh.

The Order concerning Sutton Marsh was read, and Agreed to. (Here enter it.)

Committee for considering The States Ambassadors Paper.

Ordered, That the Earl of Denbigh is hereby added to the Committee, to join with the Committee of the House of Commons, to confer with The States Ambassadors, concerning the Proposition concerning Shipping; and that the Quorum of Lords is hereby reduced to the Number of Two, and shall meet this Afternoon, and have Power to adjourn themselves from Time to Time as they shall think fit.

Message from the H. C. to expedite the Ordinance for Martial Law;

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Sir Wm. Strickland Knight, and others:

1. To desire their Lordships would please to give Expedition in an Ordinance formerly brought up, for executing of Martial Law.

and with Orders, &c.

2. To desire Concurrence in Three Orders:

1. Concerning repaying some Monies to the County of North'ton. (Here enter it.)

Read Once, and Agreed to.

2. An Ordinance concerning Mr. Hoyle, a Member of the House of Commons. (Here enter it.)

Read, and Agreed to.

3. An Ordinance concerning Mr. Sallaway, a Member of the House of Commons.

(Here enter it.)

Read Thrice, and Agreed to.

The Answer returned to this Message was:


That this House agrees to the Orders now brought up; and concerning the Ordinance concerning Martial Law, their Lordships will take it into speedy Consideration, and send them an Answer by Messengers of their own.

Answer from the H. C.

Sir Rob't Rich and Mr. Page return with this Answer to the Message they carried to the House of Commons on Saturday last; which was, "That they agree to the Amendment in the Ordinance for clearing some Persons in the County of Huntingdon."

(Here enter it.)

Stuart & al. Petition.

Upon reading the Petition of Henry Stuart Esquire, and his Two Daughters, and James Gray Merchant, and upon reading divers Affidavits, "That the Judgement of this House hath been served upon the Persons mentioned in the said Decree, and have demanded Satisfaction from them, but no Obedience hath been made therein;" therefore the Petitioners humbly desire that this House would please to take his Case into Consideration, and to give some Expedient whereby he may be enabled to reap the Fruit and Benefit of the Decree of this House.

Hereupon this House Ordered, That these Lords Committees following are to consider of this Business, and what is fit to be done, to give the Petitioner Relief herein:

Comes Pembrooke.
Comes Lyncolne.
Comes Denbigh.
Comes Sarum.
Comes Bolingbrooke.
Ds. North.

Mr. Baron Trevor, Mr. Justice Bacon, and Mr. Serjeant Whitfeild, to be Assistants; and any Three Lords to meet on Wednesday Morning next, at Eight a Clock; and to adjourn from Time to Time, as they shall think fit.

Earl of Pembroke to go to the Isle of Wight.

Ordered, That the Earl of Pembrooke hath Leave to go into the Isle of Wight, to settle Affairs there.

Cole, a Pass to France.

Ordered, That Mr. Bassett Cole shall have a Pass, to go into France; and shall have Liberty to carry Two Horses with him, and such Necessaries as are fit for his Travel.

Committee to draw up Reasons concerning the Ordinance for Martial Law.

Ordered, That the Earl of Northumb. and Earl of Sarum are added to the Committee for drawing up Reasons why this House adheres to the Amendments in the Ordinance concerning Martial Law; and the Committee is to meet To-morrow Morning, at Nine of the Clock, and report the same on Friday Morning.

Dr. Collidon, to carry Horses to France.

Ordered, That Dr. Collidon shall have Liberty to transport Two Nags, or Geldings, with him, into France, for his own Use.

Declaration of the Protestants of Munster;

Next, was read the unanimous Declaration of His Majesty's Protestant Subjects of the Province of Munster.

(Here enter it.)

and their Petition.

Also the humble Desires of the Protestants in the Province of Munster were read. (Here enter it.)

Also (fn. 2)

Letter from Lord Inchiquin and others, from Cork, concerning the Cessation with the Rebels.

"May it please the Honourable Houses,

"If the Miseries which we have suffered in the Province of Munster could be described, they would be as far short of what they are, as our Ability to right ourselves is short of our Desires; and though our past Sufferings have been extreme great, yet we are like to be much more oppressed, unless the Honourable Houses of Parliament do take us into their Protection, and send us some speedy Relief.

"The several Agents we employed before we submitted to the Cessation did often acquaint you with the heavy Burthen we groaned under; and when we saw our lamentable Condition did only produce your Pity, but could not your Relief, which was diverted by the War in England, we esteemed it far more advantageous for the Cause, to submit to the Cessation, and by that Means preserve our Garrisons, than by a ruinous Obstinacy to continue in a War which we knew not how to maintain Ten Days: Neither can this Action be imputed to any Desire of having a Peace with our bloody Enemies; for if we had had any such Design, upon the First or Second Failing of our Supplies, we might have embraced that Opportunity; but we saw God's Glory and the Honour and Advantage of our Country too deeply engaged, to condescend to any Thing that had the Face of a Peace, as long as possibly we were able to maintain a War.

"If we thought the Honourable Houses had any greater Interest than the protecting of the oppressed Protestants, we might represent divers great Advantages unto them; as, more than a Probability of the Adventurers gaining their purchased Right, which otherwise is utterly lost; and many other Advantages, which we will not specify, because we know your Justice to be so great, that nothing can add to your pious Care, where the Protestant Religion is so deeply engaged.

"But if, through your great Necessities, we should fail on your relied-on Aid, the World shall see how much we value the vindicating of God's Glory, and the Honour of the English Nation, above our Lives and Fortunes.

"Neither is the Payment of this Duty the only Advantage we propound unto ourselves by this Action; for we firmly hope, and humbly desire this Honourable Assembly, that our inexpressible Wrongs and Miseries might be a Rise for you to send unto His Majesty for the concluding of a happy Peace in England, wihout which we apprehend this War cannot be prosecuted as it ought to be. We have likewise sent our most humble Desires unto His Majesty to the same Effect, whom we hope God will direct in that Way which will so much conduce to the Establishment of the Protestant Religion, and the Happiness of the English Nation.

"We will not trouble you with an over-tedious Letter, since this inclosed Declaration, which we humbly present unto you, will acquaint you with our Actions and Intentions. We have likewise sent our humble Desires, which we make no Doubt will be found as just as our Designs, since both shall be for the Settlement of the true Protestant Religion, and the Maintenance of our Laws and Liberties, for the Defence of which we have vowed to sacrifice the Lives and Fortunes of those which for your absolute Security (if you should doubt the Reality of our Intentions) do offer, when any of your Ships shall arrive before our Harbours, all or any particular Person of us will go aboard, till you have secured yourselves of all or any of our Garrisons; but we strongly hope this wife Assembly will distinguish betwixt the Effects of Necessity and Dishonesty, and impute our submitting to the Cessation to the first, being too miserable already in our Sufferings, without increasing them by a needless Jealousy of the last.

"These our Miseries and infinite Sufferings we most humbly submit to your judicious Considerations; not doubting but, when you have well weighed them, you will send a speedy Redress to

"Your most humble
And affectionate Servants,

Corke, this 17th of July, 1644.

J. Fenton.
Wm. Strokett.
Perep. Smith.
Agm. Muschamp.
Tho. Searle."

"The unanimous Declaration of His Majesty's Protestant Subjects of the Province of Munster.

Declaration of the Protestants of Munster.

"If, in the Undertaking of a just Design, it were only requisite that the Hearts and Consciences of the Undertakers were satisfied, we should not need to publish this Declaration; but, lest our Enemies should traduce the Candour of our Actions and Intentions, we have made this Manifestation of them, which will acquaint the World with their Malice, and our Innocence.

"We are confident that all Christendom hath heard of the bloody Rebellion in Ireland; and we are as confident the Rebels and Popish Clergy have so palliated and disguised it, that many are fully persuaded they had Reason for what they did: But we believe all Men of Judgement will change that Opinion, when they shall know that, though they were a conquered People, yet the Laws were administered unto them with as much Equity as to the English; that they enjoyed their Religion, though not by Toleration, yet by Connivance; that their Lords (though Papists) sat in Parliament; and that the Election of the Knights of the Shire and Burgesses was free, and, though of a contrary Religion, were admitted into the House of Commons: Yet, for all these and many other vast Favours and Privileges, when every One was sitting under his Vine and Fig-tree, without any Provocation, they resolved upon a general Extirpation both of the Protestants and their Religion; which without Doubt they had effected, had not God been more merciful than they were wicked, and by a Miracle discovered this devilish Design, whereof though we had Notice just Time enough to secure our main Magazine at Dublin, yet we could not prevent the Butchery of Multitudes of innocent Souls, which suffered at first in the Province of Ulster; and since they have continued this Rebellion with such Perfidiousness and Bloodiness, that though we had been as guilty as we are innocent, yet the prosecuting of the War with that Barbarousness had rather been a Sin than Justice; but, by God's great Providence, when the Rebellion brake out first, the Parliament of England was sitting, unto whom His Majesty communicated so much of His Power over this Kingdom as we shall hereafter mention, and gave them great Encouragement to prosecute the War against the Rebels, by granting Lands unto such as should adventure Money for the Maintenance of the War; whereupon the Parliament (who were most willing to advance so good a Cause) sent us at first large Supplies, which had so good Success, that the Divine as well as human Justice did proclaim them Rebels, for indeed God Almighty (since the Deliverance of the Children of Israell from the Egiptians) never appeared so visibly as in this War; but the unhappy Misunderstanding between the King and Parliament did so hinder the Continuance of those Supplies for this Kingdom, that all we received in Nineteen Months amounted not to Five Weeks Entertainment, so that the Army which was sent to relieve us lived upon us; and truly we may with Justice profess, that the Forces of this Province did feed as miraculously as fight, being never able to prescribe any certain Way of Subsistence for One Month together: But, when the poor Inhabitants were absolutely beggared, and no Means for the Forces to subsist on lest, a Cessation of Arms was made for a Twelve-month with the Rebels, which our Necessity (not Inclination) compelled us to bear with; and the rather, out of a firm Hope that the Almighty, out of His infinite Goodness, would within that Year settle a right Understanding between the King and Parliament; that then they would unanimously revenge the crying Blood of so many Thousands of innocent Souls; and, until God blessed us with the Sight of that happy Union, we might keep our Garrisons (which otherwise we could not), the better to enable them to prosecute so just and honourable a Design: But this Cessation was as fatal to us during the Time of Treaty as afterwards it was ill observed; for they, knowing what Agreement they would inforce us to condescend unto, did privately send One or Two Persons to every Castle that we had demolished, which, under Pretence of being by that Means in their Possession, they ever sithence detain, though it be contrary to the Articles; and (which is more injurious) they have at all Times sithence entered upon what Lands they have thought fit, and detain them also; and, their devilish Malice having no Bounds, they did place Guards upon the Highways, to interrupt our Markets; and punished divers of their own Party for coming with Provisions to us, thereby to deter all from bringing any Relief to our Garrisons, that so they might starve us out of those Places that neither their Fraud or Force could get from us; which that they might the better accomplish, they murthered divers of the poor English, that, presuming on the Article of free Commerce, went abroad to buy Victuals, which certainly would have caused them to have declined that Course of seeking Food, if Hunger, threatening them with a more certain Death, had not inforced them thereunto.

"And whereas we trusted that these notorious Infidelities in them, and infinite Sufferings in us; would have been so visible to His Majesty, that nothing could have induced Him to make a Peace with so perfidious a People, who, through their fawning and insinuating with His Majesty, and by the Counsel of some who represent that there is no Way left for the securing of the Remainder of English but by a Peace; we find His Majesty, being deluded by the first, and believing the last to be conducing to the Preservation of His Majesty's Protestant Subjects, is concluding of a Peace, which will again admit those Irish Rebels to be Members of Parliament, so that that Court which should afford a Relief for our Grievances will, by their over-swaying Votes, be our greatest Grievance. Moreover, we are too truly informed, by divers of their own Party (whose Names if we should publish would be as great an Ingratitude as Folly, the first in betraying those that obliged us, the last in depriving ourselves of all future Intelligence by them), that they have vowed never to submit to an English or Protestant Government, except they have Liberty to exercise their Religion in Churches; that the Forces of the Kingdom may be Trained Bands of their Men; and that likewise those of their own Religion may be admitted to Places of Trust in the Commonwealth; which they call modest and moderate Demands, though we hope they cannot seem so to any but themselves and their Clergy, who, we find, do not think them enough, being they may not have all the Church Livings; for we have certain Intelligence, that they have made a strong Faction, as well among my Lord of Castlehaven's Soldiers as in all other Parts of the Kingdom, so that they are Five Parts of Six, who will fly out into a new Action, when they see a convenient Time to execute their Design, which as yet they determine to forbear, until they see a Peace concluded, supposing that then the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland will intermix Irish and English without Distinction, to oppose the Scotts, and that by that Means there will be a sufficient Number of their Party in our Garrisons to master them; which, when they find an Opportunity for, they will certainly seize into their own Hands; upon Notice whereof, the Faction abroad will with all Expedition apprehend the English in all Parts; and, having accomplished this Part of their Design, they will manifest that they are weary of the King of England's Government, and that they will trust none of His Protestant Subjects among them; for we are certainly informed, that they will invite a Foreign Prince to take them into His Protection, unto whom they will deliver Possession of what He pleases, and will become His Subjects; and, lest that Prince's Treasure should be exhausted by Wars in other Places, the Clergy have, with the Pope's Assistance, raised amongst those of their own Calling, and divers of the Gentry in Italy, One Hundred Thousand Pounds in Money, and a Quantity of Arms and Ammunition, that are now ready to be sent hither; and they have employed one Dr. Duyer to go forthwith thither for it; as also to get His Holiness to settle a Course for the raising of more Money, to be employed for the Advancement of that which they call Catholic Cause.

"Therefore, out of a true Sense of our Injuries already suffered and unredressed, with a right Apprehension of inevitable Ruin, not only to our Lives and Estates, but likewise to the English Nation and Protestant Religion, we have re-assumed our Arms, according to our Duty to God, our King, and Country, with inviolable Resolution to die, or frustrate this devilish Design; and, since those that die acting for the Gospel are as perfect Martyrs as those that die suffering for it, we cannot but with Joy embrace any Effect that proceeds from so glorious a Cause; neither can this Act be esteemed a Crime in us, since His Majesty upon the Rebels First Insurrection (His Treasure being exhausted) gave His Royal Assent for the passing of an Act of Parliament, wherein He granted to all His Subjects, that would adventure Money towards the reducing of the Rebels, Lands proportionable to the Sum adventured, which would fall to the Crown when the Conquest should be finished; and, the better to secure the Adventurers, His Majesty obliged Himself to make no Peace with the Rebels but with the Advice and Approbation of the Parliament of England, and, by that Act, communicated to the Parliament that Power which before was solely in Himself; so that, they not condescending to this Peace, our imploring of their Aids, and re-assuming of those Arms put into our Hands by King and Parliament jointly, cannot be esteemed contradictory to His Majesty, in regard that their joint Act is so absolutely binding, that neither of them severally can annul it, as is evident in the Laws of the Realm: Therefore, if this War were only offensive, yet even Slander itself must acknowledge us innocent, having so just a Cause, so pious Intentions, and so lawful an Authority; much more it being defensive, and the Law both of God and Nature allowing every one to defend himself from Violence and Wrong. Moreover, the King must never expect any Obedience from the Irish, but what proceeds either from their Interest or Fear; through the First of these, neither His Majesty nor we can hope for Assurance, for not granting them all their Desires; their Interest (which is more powerful with them than their Loyalty) will make them throw off their Subjection, and, to become absolute, not scruple to destroy us: Then to expect any Security by their Fear were frivclous; for though we have found their Hearts as ill as their Cause, yet they cannot be apprehensive of Two or Three Thousand ill-armed and unprovided Men; having all Things necessary, and so numerous a People at their Devotion.

"And lest our Enemies should scandalize us with Breach of Faith in violating the pretended Cessation, or with Cruelty in expelling the Irish Papists from our Garrisons, who hitherto seemed adhering to us; concerning the First, we declare, that, although our Necessities did induce us to submit, supposing the Cessation would have produced other Effects, as is before mentioned, yet that we had no Power, without Authority from King and Parliament jointly, to treat or yield to it; or, if it had been in our Powers, yet by the Rebels daily Breaches of it we are disengaged from it: Concerning the Second, we declare, that our Garrisons cannot be secured, whilst so powerful and perfidious Enemies are in our Bosoms; powerful, being Four to One in Number more than the English; persidious, in their constant Designs to betray us, some whereof we will instance, to convince their own Consciences, and satisfy the World of our just Proceedings.

"One Francis Mathewes, a Franciscan Fryar (being wonderfully discovered in an enigmatical Letter, and as justly executed), before his Death, confessed, that he had agreed to betray the City of Corke to the Lord of Muskry, which must necessarily infer, that the chiefest and greatest Part of that City were engaged in this Conspiracy, for otherwise he could not so much as hope the Accomplishment; and, if this had taken Effect, it had consequently ruined all the Protestants in the Province of Munster, that being our chief Magazine and greatest Garrison; besides, upon this Occasion, other Fryars, being examined on Oath, confessed, that, in their Daily Masses within that Town, and all other of our Garrisons (where Papists did inhabit), they prayed for the Advancement of the Catholic Cause, which they believed the Rebels fought for.

"And lastly, we have lately discovered, that the now Mayor and Corporation had combined with the Rebels, to betray the Town to them; and, for that Purpose, an Army was drawn to all the Parts adjoining to our Garrisons; in the Three chiefest whereof, we are confident, the Rebels had their Party; but, by Divine Providence, before the Plot could be executed, the Mayor, presuming on his speedy Success, contemned the Lord of Inchiquin's Authority, by opposing the levying of the Monies granted by the English (for the Maintenance of the Soldiers), just about the Nick of Time that the Treachery was to be effected; and he being committed upon this Occasion, the Rebels, apprehending their Design to be discovered, withdrew their Forces; and, left this should be judged as an Act of the Mayor only as a private Person, we desire the World to take Notice, that as soon as our Army, which forced their Obedience, was removed into England, the Papists generally resisted whatever could be propounded for our Security, and would have disenabled us to continue our Garrisons, had not the poor stript English taken all that Burthen upon themselves; nay, they were so insolent, that they laboured to get Arms into their Hands, and to cause us to disband our Soldiers, which they affirmed to be kept as an unnecessary Charge upon the King, that so they might with more Facility receive the Irish, and ruin us. In a Word, since they pretend the Ground of this War to be for Religion, and that this is confessed by those who seemed to adhere to us, what Faith can be expected from such a People, whose Religion permits them to hold none with us?

"By this preceding Relation, it is evidently seen, that, unless we re-assume our Arms, we betray the Trust committed to us by God, the King and Parliament, and become Slaves both of Bodies and Souls; and therefore we have resolved to perform our Duty, though with apparent Hazard of our Lives; and likewise maintain that which is a Thousand Times more dear unto us, our Religion; and also defend our Garrisons, for the King's just Use.

"These, we take God to witness, are our Intentions; and we beseech Him to punish us as strangely as hitherto He hath preserved, if we decline at all from these loyal and religious Resolutions; and we firmly hope, that the World will by this Declaration be as fully satisfied of the Justness of our Proceedings, as we our selves are; then, though we all lose our Lives in this Cause, we shall give our Friends Occasion to rejoice, and our Enemies to envy, at so blessed an End."

"The humble Desires of His Majesty's Protestant Subjects, within the Province of Munster, to be presented to the Honourable Houses of Parliament at Westm.

Munster Petition, for Forces, Arms, and Ammunition; and for Ships.

"That we may be speedily furnished with One Thousand Horse sufficiently armed, Eight Thousand Foot compleatly armed and accommodated, Five Hundred Barrels of Powder, with Match and Bullet proportionable, with Cloaths, Shoes, and Shirts, for our Men here.

"A Train of Artillery for the Field, with expert Gunners; Six Pieces of Battery at the least, and an able Engineer.

"Three Thousand spare Arms for Foot, and Three Hundred for Horse.

"One Thousand Firelocks, a competent Number of Petars, Granadoes, and such other Things as shall be thought convenient and meet by the Engineer.

"That, at the least, Two of the House of Commons may be sent over, to order and dispose of the Treasure that must necessarily accommodate the Charge of this Army, and to take the Audit of the same.

"That, at the least, One Thousand Foot (fn. 3) be sent over, with Conductors, to recruit our Companies here.

"That Colours and Drums may be sent over for Three Regiments, and Trumpeters and Cornets for Five Troops of Horse.

"That a Care be taken, in regard that the present Condition we now are in, having the whole Province about our Ears, that Shipping be presently sent into our Harbours, with speedy Accommodation of Arms and Ammunition; without which, in all Probability, our pious and just Cause (our Lives and Fortunes which we least value) will perish."

Order for repaying Money to Northampton, for Arms.

"It is this Day Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That Sir Gilbert Pickering do take Order, that the Fifty Pair of Pistols and Horse Arms, provided for Northamptonshire, be delivered into the Office of the Ordnance, to be disposed of as the Committee of both Kingdoms shall appoint, and no otherwise; and that the County of North'ton shall be reimbursed the Money the said Pistols and Arms comes to, [ (fn. 4) out of] Habberdashers Hall."

Order for Mr. Hoyle to be Treasurer's Remembrancer.

"Whereas the Office of the King's Treasurer's Remembrancer in the Exchequer hath not been attended by the proper and sworn Officer, as by the Ordinance of Parliament hath been required; by reason whereof much Damage hath come to the Commonwealth, and that therefore the same is sequestered: It is therefore Ordered and Declared, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That Thomas Hoyle Esquire, a Member of the House of Commons, shall have and execute the said Office of the King's Treasurer's Remembrancer, during the Pleasure of both Houses, with all Fees, Powers, Privileges, and Profits, thereunto belonging, in as ample Manner as any other the King's Treasurer's Remembrancer in the Exchequer aforesaid ought to have enjoyed the same: And it is further Ordained and Required, That Mr. Solicitor General do prepare a Bill, in due and usual Form of Law, to pass under the Great Seal of England, containing a Grant of the said Office and Premises unto the said Thomas Hoyle in Possession, during the Pleasure of both Houses, as amply as the same have been granted, either by His Majesty King James, or by His Majesty that now is, unto any Person or Persons whatsoever; and that the Commissioners of the Great Seal do accordingly pass the same under the said Great Seal, for which the said Bill, together with this Ordinance, or the Duplicate thereof, shall be a sufficient Warrant."

Order for Mr. Salway to be King's Remembrancer.

"Whereas the Office of the King's Remembrancer in the Exchequer hath not been attended and executed by the proper and sworn Officer, as by the Ordinance of Parliament hath been required; by reason whereof, much Detriment hath come to the Commonwealth, and that therefore the same is questioned: It is therefore Ordained and Declared, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That Humfrey Salwey Esquire, a Member of the House of Commons, shall have and execute the said Office of the King's Remembrancer, during the Pleasure of both Houses, with all Fees, Powers, Privileges, and Profits, thereunto belonging, in as ample Manner as any other His Majesty's Remembrancer in the Exchequer as aforesaid ought to have enjoyed the same: And it is further Ordained and Required, That Mr. Solicitor General do prepare a Bill, in due and usual Form of Law, to pass the Great Seal of England, containing a Grant of the said Office and Premises unto the said Humphrey Salwey, in Possession, during the Pleasure of both Houses, as amply as the same have been granted, either by His Majesty King James, or His Majesty that now is, unto any Person or Persons whatsoever; and that the Commissioners of the Great Seal do accordingly pass the same under the Great Seal, for which the said Bill, together with this Ordinance, or the Duplicate thereof, shall be their sufficient Warrant."

Sutton Marsh.

"The House being this Day informed, That Thomas Price, Edmond Nicholson, Thomas Bartendall, and Nicholas Jacobs, Four of the Tenants of Sutton Marsh, in the County of Lincolne, have not yielded their Obedience to the Orders of this House, in paying their Rents to the Right Honourable the Earl of Pembroke and Mountgom'y, or his Assigns, as the rest of the said Tenants have done, whereby an Arrear of Rent at least for Four Years and upwards is behind; and that the said Tenants are often absent, keeping themselves in other Countries, with Intent (as is conceived) to defraud the said Rents, sequestered by several Orders of this House, and appointed to be paid to the said Earl: It is therefore Ordered, by the Lords in Parliament assembled, That unless the said Thomas Price, Edmond Nicholson, Thomas Bartendall, and Nicholas Jacobs, and every of them, shall, upon Notice hereof to them given, or a Copy of this Order left at their several Dwelling-houses, within Ten Days next after, pay, or give sufficient Security for what they shall not be enabled to pay in the present, to the Deputy or Deputies of the said Earl, for all Rents and Arrearages of Rents by them severally owing for the Lands they severally hold, the Deputy and Deputies of the said Earl shall cause the several Crops upon the Grounds to them severally letten to be husbandly inned, and disposed of to the best Profit, to be by them accounted for, to enable the Payment of the said Rents and Arrears; and in case the said Thomas Price, Edmond Nicholson, Thomas Bartendall, and Nicholas Jacobs, or any of them, shall refuse to yield Obedience to this Order, that then the Sheriff and Justices of the said County, as is usual, by Writs of Assistance in like Cases of Sequestrations and Possessions enjoined where the same are disobeyed, shall be from Time to Time aiding and assisting to the said Earl, his Assignee or Assignees, when and as often as they shall require it, for the due Performance of this and other Orders of this House concerning the Premises; and this to be a sufficient Warrant to them for their so doing, as also to all Officers, and to Trained Bands, to be aiding and assisting to the said Earl, his Deputy or Deputies, in Execution of the same."

Order of Indemnity for some Persons in Huntingdonshire, who have acted as Committees without being duly authorized.

"Whereas divers Persons formerly appointed Committees for the County of Huntingdon have neglected and refused their Obedience to the said Service, and others are since, by Ordinance or Order of Parliament, employed in other Places and Parts of the Kingdom, for the Service thereof; in which regard, divers of the remaining Part of the said Committee, for the better promoting of the Public Service, have acted upon several Ordinances in which some of them were never named Committees; and whereas Edward Mountague, Torrell Jocelyne, Abraham Burrell, and John Castle, Esquires, Thomas Templer, John Bonner, Robert Harvey, Robert Vinter, William Drury, and Jarvasc Fullwood, Gentlemen, the remaining Part of the said Committee, have divers Times been necessitated to restrain and imprison divers refractory Persons, for compelling Obedience unto the several Ordinances and Orders of Parliament to be put in Execution within the said County: It is now Declared, That the said acting upon the said Ordinances, and the Restraints and Imprisonments so made or done, where Power in any Ordinance is given to Committees so to act, restrain, and imprison, or hereafter to be made or done by the aforenamed Committees, or any Three or more of them, for compelling Obedience unto any Ordinance or Order of Parliament to be put in Execution within the said County, are, and hereafter shall be, esteemed as acceptable Services to the State; and the said Edward Mountague, Torrell Jocelyne, Abraham Burrell, John Castle, Thomas Templer, John Bonner, Robert Harvey, Robert Vinter, William Drury, and Jarvase Fullwood, and every of them, for such their acting upon the said Ordinances and Orders, and for such Restraint and Imprisonment by them or any of them made or done, shall be saved harmless, and kept indemnified, by the Authority and Power of both Houses of Parliament; and that, for the Time to come, the said Parties are appointed, and hereby authorized, to put in Execution all Orders and Ordinances already passed for that County."

E. of Carlisle not to be assessed but by the Lords.

"The House being this Day informed, That the Earl of Carlile hath been sent to from the Committee for Scottish Loans, to lend Two Hundred Pounds towards the Sum of Two Hundred Thousand Pounds, to be paid to our Brethren of Scotland, for their Assistance in this War, contrary to an Ordinance of both Houses, dated the 27th of October, 1643: It is Ordered, That the said Earl shall not, by the said Committee or any others, be enjoined to lend any Sum whatsoever towards the said Sum of Two Hundred Thousand Pounds, but by the Assessment of the Lords in Parliament only, he being a Peer of this Realm, and a Member of Parliament, whose Estate is sequestered already; and therefore the Sense of this House is, That he should be free of any such Assessment as aforesaid; and hereof the said Committee, and all others whom it may concern, are to take Notice of this Order, and yield their Obedience accordingly."


  • 1. Origin. which.
  • 2. Sic.
  • 3. Deest in Originali.
  • 4. Origin. and out.