Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 6, 1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.
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'House of Lords Journal Volume 6: 25 November 1643', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 6, 1643(London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 21 February 2025].
'House of Lords Journal Volume 6: 25 November 1643', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 6, 1643(London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed February 21, 2025,
"House of Lords Journal Volume 6: 25 November 1643". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 6, 1643. (London, 1767-1830), British History Online. Web. 21 February 2025.
In this section
DIE Sabbati, 25 Novembris.
Lords present:
Lord Grey de Warke, Speaker.
Answer from the H. C. about the French Ambassador's Papers, and the Answers, &c.
Sir Edward Leech, &c. reported, "That he had delivered his Message to the House of Commons, sent thither on Wednesday last; that they do agree in the Alterations to the Answer concerning the Paper from Prince Harcourt; and they have appointed a proportionable Number of their House, to join with the Two Lords, to deliver the Paper concerning the Couriers of Prince Harcourt to pass their Guards; and that they shall meet at Salisbury House, at Four of the Clock, as was desired."
Report of the Conference about Papers from Scotland;
Next, the Speaker reported the Remainder of the Conference on Wednesday last:
1. " The Copy of a Paper, wherein the Lords of the Privy Council of Scotland agree with the General (fn. 1) Assembly and Convention of Estates in the Covenant," was read. (Here enter it.)
2. Was read, "The Copy of the King's Letter to the Commissioners of Peace in Scotland." (Here enter it.)
3. Was read, "The Copy of the Letter of the Privy Council of Scotland, to the King, at Oxford, 19 October 1643." (Here enter it.)
Likewise it was reported, "That the Scotts had summoned the Marquis of Hamilton, the Earl of Lannericke, and all those Lords of Scotland that have not taken the Covenant; and they intend that whosoever refuses the Covenant, their Lands and Estates shall be sequestered."
and about the Great Seal.
4. It was reported, "That the House of Commons brought up a Paper, concerning some Propositions concerning the putting the Great Seal into Execution; which they offered to their Lordships Consideration."
The Paper was read.
Ordered, To be considered of when this House is full.
Some Officers to be sent to Sir William Waller, who is likely to be engaged.
A Letter was read, directed, from Sir Wm. Waller, to the Lord General, to let him know, "That the Enemy is very near him, and likely speedily to give him Battle; therefore desires he may be supplied with some able Officers:" Which this House recommended to the Lord General, to send some able Officers to him.
Report of the Answer delivered to the French Ambassador.
The Earl of Lyncolne reported, "That the Earl of Sarum and himself, with a Committee of the House of Commons, attended Prince Harcourt, to acquaint him with the Answer of both Houses, concerning the permitting that such Persons as he sends to Oxford may pass quietly; with which he seemed to be well satisfied."
E. of Holland's Petition, for Leave to go to his House:
"For my Lords the Peers.
"The humble Petition of Henry Earl of Holland.
"My Lords,
"My Return to attend your Lordships, with those Circumstances and Expressions I made at your Examinations of me, may, I hope, satisfy you of my Sincerity to serve the Parliament, and in that the Kingdom; and having with much Duty continued for this Nineteen Days in Restraint, in the Custody of your Gentleman (fn. 2) Usher, I hope it may appear no unreasonable Request (a growing Indisposition, by the Closeness of this Place, persuading me unto it), humbly to desire your Lordships, that you will be pleased to permit me to go to my House, where I shall with much Thankfulness and Faithfulness attend your Lordships further Pleasures and Commands.
Hereupon this House Ordered, That the Earl of Holland shall be removed to his House, there to remain until the further Pleasure of this House be known.
Message from the H. C. with an Order;
A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Mr. Strode and others:
To desire their Lordships Concurrence in these Particulars following:
1. An Order for paying to Sir Wm. Waller One Thousand Pounds, out of the Monies at Haberdashers Hall. (Here enter it.)
Agreed to.
for the E. of Middlesex's Assessment to be levied;
2. That the Thousand Pounds assessed upon the Earl of Middlesex may be forthwith levied, and sent to the Forces at Farnham.
Ordered, To hear the Report of the Committee first.
for Ld. Newburgh to be assessed;
3. That the Lord Newburgh, an Assistant of this House, may be assessed for his Twentieth Part.
and about the Great Seal.
4. To give Expedition to the Propositions concerning putting the Great Seal into Execution.
Ordered, That the Committee formerly appointed to rate and assess the Assistants shall make their Report concerning that Business.
The Answer returned was:
That their Lordships agree for paying the Thousand Pounds at Haberdashers Hall; and concerning the Earl of Midd. the Lord Newburgh, and the Great Seal, their Lordships will send an Answer by Messengers of their own.
Pettus and Ayliff.
Ordered, That the Cause of Mrs. Pettus shall be heard at this Bar this Day Sevennight.
Letter from the Council of Scotland to His Majesty.
"Most Sacred Soveraigne,
"Wee have received Your Majesty's Two Letters, of the 14th and 16th of September last; and as wee shall ever bee ready, by our Example, and Authority which Your Majesty and Parliament hath committed to us, to render and procure submisse and ready Obedience to all Your Majesty's just Commaunds, soe wee cannott, out of the Sence our Duty and Trust putts upon us, but expresse our unfained Griefe and Sorrowe that any should presume to give such sinister Informations and hard Impressions to Your Majesty, of the Generall Assembly of the Kirke of God, and Three Estates of this Kingdome, to brand theire Proceedings with soe heavy Imputations, as the Violation of theire Religion, Alleigance to Your Majesty, and Lawes of this Kingdome, and procure such Comaundments as cannott without Violation of all these bee obtempered. The entering into a mutuall League and Covenant was resolved upon by the Generall Assembly and Convention of Estates, after mature Deliberation, as a cheife Meanes for Preservation of Religion, Your Majesty's Honnor and Happines, and the Peace and Safety of Your Kingdomes; and, being imbraced as it now is in England, was thought fitt and enjoyned to bee taken by all Your Majesty's Subjects, and is accordingly (before the Receipt of Your Majesty's Letters) ordayned by the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly, and Committee of Estates, to bee with all Religious Solemnityes sworne and subscribed by all Your Majesty's Subjects of this Kingdome, as Your Majesty may perceave by the severall Acts prefixt to the Covenant, which wee have herewith sent to Your Majesty: And since the Generall Assembly and Convention of Estates have thought fitt and ordayned this Covenant to bee entered into, and that they all who doe take the same doe solemnely sweare that they have not other End before theire Eyes, but the Glory of God, the Preservation of Religion, Your Majesty's Honnor, and the true Publique Libertyes and Peace of Your Kingdomes, it is our earnest Prayer, and would bee our exceeding greate Joy, that Your Majesty, as Defender of the Faith, and Monarch of the Three Kingdomes, would, to the Rejoyceing of the People of God, and Terror of all the Enemyes of Religion, and of Your Majesty's Greatnes and Happines, joyne Your Royall Consent and Authority, and be the cheife Maintayner and Promoter of this Covenant.
"The Proclamation of the 18th of August, by the Convention of Estates, wants not the Warrant of Your Majesty's Royall Authority; for the whole Proclamation and Citations given out by any of Your Majesty's Judicatoryes of this Kingdome are, and ever have beene, by the Lawes and inviolable Practise thereof, (fn. 3) emitted in Your Majesty's Name; and if all Proclamations not imediatly warranted by Your Majesty's selfe shal bee disobeyed, there can bee noe Obedience given here to Your Majesty's Lawes, which is the surest Rule of Obedience: And as the Estates of this Your Majesty's Kingdome, the Tyme of the late Convention, from the Apprehension of imminent Dangers to Religion, Your Majesty's Person, and Peace of this Kingdome, thought then fitt to put this Kingdome into a Posture of Defence; soe doth the late Cessation in Ireland, whereby the Popish Rebells designed in the said Cessation, Your Majesty's Catholique Subjects who have massacred many Thousand Protestant Subjects there, are authorized to provide themselves with all Sorts of Armes and Ammunition, not only in Your Majesty's Kingdomes, but alsoe in all other Kingdomes and States with whome Your Majesty is in League, and to prosecute all Your Majesty's Protestant Subjects who shall not imbrace the Cessation offered, of new; a just Ground to all Your Majesty's Protestant Subjects to joyn the more speedily and heartily in this mutuall League and Covenant, for the Defence of the Protestant Religion, Your Majesty's Honnor, and for theire owne Safety: And as, by the Duty of our Place, wee are obliged to this Freedome, soe wee are confident that Your Majesty, in Your Royall Wisdome, will, according to the Loyalty and Sincerity of our Intentions, favorably construct that wee cannott record nor publish these Your Majesty's Letters, as that which would but greive the Hearts of Your good Subjects, and prove most disadvantagious to Your Majesty's Service, which wee shall ever study to advance with that Affection and Fidelity which becometh."
Edenb. 19 October, 1643.
His Majesty's Letter to the Commissioners of Peace in Scotland.
C. R.
"Right Trusty and Right Well-beloved Cousins and Counsellors, Right Trusty and Well-beloved Counsellors, and Trusty and Well-beloved, We Greet you well: No Industry could hitherto so far have prevailed with Us, as to gain any Belief that Our Scottish Subjects would countenance, much less assist, this bloody Rebellion in England; yet We know not how to understand the levying of Forces both Horse and Foot within Our Native Kingdoms, and the entering Our Town of Barwicke in an hostile Manner: You are particularly trusted by Us and Our Parliament (and solemnly sworn to be faithful in the Discharge of your Trust) of seeing the Articles of the late Treaty observed, which here are most grossly violated: Therefore We require you, as you will be answerable to God, to Us, and Our Parliament, to take speedy and present Order for recalling and suppressing these Forces.
"Our most malicious Enemies must bear Us Witness, how religiously We have observed these Articles on Our Part; whereof if We had not been more tender than the Advisers of this Breach have been of the Public Faith, it is obvious to any how easily We could have secured that Town from all Rebels.
"We have likewise thought fit to take Notice of the present Preparations in that Our Kingdom, of raising an Army by a new Authority to come into Our Kingdom of England, under a Pretence of securing themselves from the Invasion of a Popish and Prelatical Army, falsely alledged to be upon the Borders; such Forces as We have there being only for protecting of Our distressed Subjects from Invasion of the Rebels from their Ships, Barwick, and The Holy Island, and for no other End: Such then as shelter themselves under that Pretext will find from thence but a slender Warrant before God, who knows the Integrity of Our Heart, and how inviolably We intend to preserve all that We have granted unto that Kingdom, so long as they shall suffer themselves to be capable of Our Protection and those Favours: Therefore We do require you, not only to oppose and suppress all such unwarrantable Levies, but, by your Public Declarations, to disabuse those Rebels in England, who endeavour to engage you in their Rebellions, and (fn. 4) expect Assistance from you. In all which We look for your ready Obedience, and expect a present Account thereof. We bid you heartily Farewell.
"Given at Our Court at Oxford, the 26 Day of September, in the Nineteenth Year of Our Reign, 1643."
"At Edenburgh, 18th October, 1643.
Order of the Council of Scotland, for taking the Covenant.
"The which Day some of the Ministers of the Presbitery of Edenburgh, compered Personally before the Lords of Privy Councell, did, in Name and by Warrant of the said Presbitery, give in the Solemne League and Covenant, together with the Acts of the Convention of Estates and Generall Assembly, and of the Commissioners of the said Convention and Generall Assembly, made for sweareing and subscribeing of the same; and desired the said Lords of Privy Councell to concurre, by theire Example and Authority, in the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly, for sweareing and subscribeing thereof: And the Councell haveing read and considered the said Acts and Covenant, and finding the same to tend to the Good of Religion, His Majesty's Honnour, and Peace of these Kingdomes, they doe hereby concurre with the Judgment of the Commissioners of the Convention and Generall Assembly thereanennt, and accordingly ordered the same to bee sworne and subscribed by all His Majesty's Subjects of this Kingdome; and appoints the Second Day of November next for the Councell to sweare and signe the said League; and that Letters bee written to the whole Councell, to keepe the said Day precisely, as they desire not bee esteemed Enemyes to Religion, His Majesty's Honnour, and Peace of the Kingdomes.
"Extract. de Libris Actor. Secret. Consilii S. D. N. Regis, per me subscrib.
"Arch. Primrose, Cler. S. Con."
Order for 1000l. for the Forces under Sir William Waller.
"It is this Day Ordered, That, in respect of the great Necessity of the Forces at Farnham, that the Committee at Habberdashers Hall do give present Order, that One Thousand Pounds of the Monies remaining there be forthwith paid in to the Treasurers at Guildhall; [ (fn. 5) and that they] do forthwith pay the said Thousand Pounds (notwithstanding that it be not signed by those that are appointed to sign Warrants for the Payment of Monies) to the Treasurer at Wars, to the End it may be immediately sent to Sir William Waller; and this Thousand Pounds is to be deducted out of the Credit for Five Thousand Pounds out of the Excise."
House adjourned till Monday next, 10 a o'Clock.