House of Lords Journal Volume 6: 23 May 1643

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 6, 1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 6: 23 May 1643', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 6, 1643( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 3 October 2024].

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"House of Lords Journal Volume 6: 23 May 1643". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 6, 1643. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 3 October 2024.


In this section

DIE Martis, videlicet, 23 die Maii.


Farl of Manchester, Speaker.

Mr. Hampden, who brought the King's last Message, desires a Pass, to go back.

The House being this Day informed, "That Mr. Hampden, that brought the Letter to the Speaker of this House with the King's last Letter, is, by Directions from the House of Commons, restrained; and he, apprehending himself not to be well liked of, is desirous to have a Pass, to return to Oxford."

Message to the H. C. for it.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Sir Edward Leech and Doctor Bennett:

To let them know, that their Lordships are informed, "That Mr. Hampden, that was sent from the King with a Message to both Houses, inclosed in a Letter directed to the Speaker of this House, apprehends that there is some Directions for restraining of him; and he, finding that there is some Dislike by Reason of his being here, is desirous to have a Pass, to return to Oxford: "Which their Lordships are willing to (fn. 1) grant, if they shall not have any (fn. 2) thing to object against him.

Mr. Murrey, a Pass to The Spa.

Ordered, That Mr. Henry Murry shall have a Pass, to go to The Spawe, for his Health, with his Wife, and Family, and Four Horses.

Dr. Collidon, a Pass to France.

Ordered, That Doctor Collidon shall have a Pass, to go into France, with Two Children and Four Servants.

Sequestration of Lamborne from Dr. Weemes.

Next, this House took into Consideration the Charge against Doctor Weemes, Parson of (fn. 3) Lamborne, in the County of Essex.

Doctor Weemes not appearing, Affidavit was made, by Edmond Scott, "That he served the Order of this House at Doctor Weemes's House, for his Appearance this Day."

And their Lordships, taking this as a Contempt, proceeded in the Cause, and heard the Proof of the Witnesses.

Tho. Weekes, Rob't Barefoote, testified, "That Doctor Weemes said, "That this Parliament was no Parliament; and that most of the best and the wiser Lords were with the King, and both of the Houses were led by a few schismatical Lords and Commons." Ferdinando Staling the like; and that he neglected his Preaching in his Parish.

The House, having heard the Proofs, took the whole Cause into Consideration; Adjudged, "That the said Doctor Weemes, for the said Misdemeanors, shall be sequestered from the Profits of the said Parish Church of Lamborne, and from his officiating there, during the Pleasure of this House.

Mr Carr to officiate there.

"That Mr. Gamaliell Carre, Master of Arts, shall officiate the said Cure, during the Pleasure of this House.

Dr. Weemes committed.

"That he shall stand committed to the Prison of The Fleete, for his Contempt to this House, during the Pleasure of the House; and that (fn. 4) he shall be attached.

"That the Profits and Glebe shall be sequestered into responsible Hands.

"This House will enquire and satisfy themselves of the Value and Profits of this Living."

Archbp. of Canterbury's Petition, for some Support out of his Estate.

"The humble (fn. 4) Petition of Wm. Archbishop of Cant." was read;


"That he hath neither Land, Lease, nor Money; that the small Store of Plate which he had is long since melted down, for his necessary Support and Expences, caused by his present Troubles; that his Rents and Profits are sequestered, and now all his Goods taken from him, and no Maintenance at all allowed him; insomuch that, if some Friends of his had not, in Compassion of his Wants, sent him some little Supply, he had not been able to subsist to this present; and now that this Supply is at the last, he humbly prayeth that your Lordships will take his sad Condition into (fn. 5) your Lordships Consideration, that somewhat may be allowed him out of his Estate, to supply the Necessities of Life; assuring himself that their Lordships, in Honour and Justice, will not suffer him either to beg or starve.

"And your Petitioner shall pray, &c.

"W. Cant."

Sent to the H. C.

This House thought it fit, out of Charity, that the said Archbishop of Cant. should have some Maintenance allowed him, for to supply his Extremities; and Ordered, That this Petition should be recommended to the House of Commons, which accordingly was sent down to the House of Commons, by Message.

Order for Mr. Corbett to be Parson of Chartham.

The Order for nominating Mr. Corbett to be Parson of Chartham, in Kent, was read, and approved of; and Ordered to be sent down to the House of Commons, and their Concurrence herein desired.

Mr. Cassingherst, recommended to the Vicarage of Cranborne.

Ordered, That the Chaplain of the Earl of Mulgrave, Mr. Rob't Cassingherst, Master of Arts, shall be nominated to the Archbishop of Cant. to be presented to a Living that is in his Disposing; videlicet, the Parsonage or Vicarage of Cranborne, in the County of Kent.

Message from the H. C. to sit a while.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Sir Gilbert Gherrard:

To desire their Lordships will be pleased to sit a while, for they shall have Occasion to come up to their Lordships with some Business of very great Importance.

The Answer returned was:


That their Lordships will sit a while, as is desired.

Mr. Newsteed to repair to his Parsonage of Stystead.

Ordered, That Mr. Newsteed shall repair to his Charge at Stysestead, in the County of Essex, and receive his Tithes and Profits of the said Living, until this House receive good Information of Reason to the contrary.

Great Seal.

Ordered, That this House will (fn. 6) take into Consideration the Business concerning the Great Seal of England on Saturday next.

Sequestration of St. Botolph's, from Mr. Rogers.

Next, this House heard the Cause against Nehemiah Rogers, Parson of St. Buttolph's without B'psgate.

He not appearing according to the Order of this House, and Affidavit being made, by John Hynde, "That he served the Order at Mr. Rogers's House, to appear this Day;"

Wm. Trigg, testified, upon Oath, "That Mr. Rogers delivered in his Sermon, John Worrall, That the Law-makers did countenance the breaking into Mens Houses, and (fn. 7) plundering them."

John Everard testified, "That Mr. Rogers preached, That we must submit to the King's Commands, though they be unlawful; and in no Case whatsoever they ought to take (fn. 8) up Arms against their King."

George Longe, the same.

Edmund Abell, "That those that are called Malignants (some calling them out of Simplicity) are as faithful to their God, as loyal to their King, and as conscientious, as them that call them so."

The House, having heard the Proofs, took the whole Business into Consideration, and Adjudged, "That the said Nehemiah Rogers shall be sequestered from officiating the Cure of the Parish Church of St. [ (fn. 9) Buttolph's without Bishopsgate] and from the Profits thereof, during the Pleasure of this House.

Mr. Vincent to officiate there.

"That Mr. John Vincent, Master of Arts, shall officiate the said Cure, and receive the Profits of the same, during the Pleasure of this House.

"That the Tithes, Glebe, and Profits, of the said Parish, shall be sequestered into responsible Hands, and paid unto the said John Vincent."

Capt. Andrews to restore Ld. Berkley's Horse. Prebendaries, &c. of Windsor, Leave to carry away their Goods and Books.

Ordered, That Captain Andrewes shall restore the Lord Berckley's Horse, being taken from him.

Upon reading the Petition of the Dean, Prebendaries, Petty Canons, and Clerks, and other the Members and Ministers, of His Majesty's Free Chapel of Windsor, desiring, "That they may have Liberty to carry forth all their Goods, Utensils, Household Stuffs, and Books, to their several Abodes; and that an Order may be made, for their safe Conveying and quiet Enjoying of the same, (fn. 10) they always submitting themselves to Authority:" Hereupon this House Ordered the same accordingly; and directed the Speaker of this House to write to Colonel Venn, to give him Order to permit the same to be done, and to see the Goods, &c. searched before they be carried away from Windsor.

Mrs. Underwood's Petition.

Ordered, That Mr. Justice Reeves, Mr. Doctor Bennett, and Mr. Doctor Heath, shall consider of the Petition of Mary Underwood, Widow; shall call Parties on both Sides before them, and hear them, and report the same to this House.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Mr. Pym:

To let their Lordships know, "That the House of Commons have discharged their Conscience, by a Vote which they have passed,

"That the Queen hath levied War against the Parliament and Kingdom.

The Queen impeached by the Commons.

And, having discharged their Consciences, they think it fit to discharge their Duty too; and said, He was commanded, by the House of Commons assembled in Parliament, in the Name of themselves and all the Commons of England, to accuse and impeach, and did now accuse and impeach, Henrietta Maria, Queen of England, of High Treason; and they desire their Lordships that Proclamations may be issued forth, to summon Her to appear before their Lordships, and receive a Trial and due Sentence for the same."

This to be taken into Consideration.


House adjourned till 10a cras.


  • 1. Origin. grant it.
  • 2. Deest in Originali.
  • 3. Origin. Cramborne.
  • 4. Deest in Originali.
  • 5. Origin. their.
  • 6. Deest in Originali.
  • 7. Origin. plunder.
  • 8. Origin. upon.
  • 9. Origin. Bulpolphs Bishops.
  • 10. Origin. the.