House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 12 March 1647

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 12 March 1647', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 3 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 12 March 1647', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed October 3, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 9: 12 March 1647". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 9, 1646. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 3 October 2024.


In this section

DIE Veneris, 12 die Martii.

PRAYERS, by Mr. Perne.

Domini præsentes fuerunt:

Comes Manchester, Speaker.

Comes Kent.
Comes Mulgrave.
Comes Nottingham.
Comes Lyncolne.
Comes Sarum.
Comes Warwicke.
Comes Northumb.
Ds. Howard.
Ds. Bruce.
Ds. Willoughby.
Ds. North.
Ds. Grey.

Ordinance to reduce the Interest of Money.

Ordered, That the Ordinance for reducing Interest of Money from Eight per Cent to Six per Cent, shall be taken into Consideration To-morrow Morning.

Griffin, &c. for arresting L. Say & Seale's Servant, released.

Upon reading the Petition of Griffin and Bignoll, being heartily sorry for arresting Gosenall, a Servant of the Lord Viscount Say & Seale:

It is Ordered, That they shall be released.

Ordinance for Justices of Chester.

The Ordinance for making John Bradshaw Esquire Justice of Chester, was read the Third Time, and passed; and Ordered to be sent to the House of Commons for their Concurrence.

Palmer's Ordinance to be Minister of Aston.

The Ordinance for making Mr. Palmer Minister of Aston, in the County of Derby, in the Gift of Mr. Stitch a Papist, was read the Third Time, and passed; and Ordered to be sent to the House of Commons for their Concurrence.

Ordinance to give Books added to Abp. Bancroft's Library to Cambridge.

The Ordinance for giving the Remainder of the Books in the Library at Lambeth to the University of Cambridge, was read, and passed; and Ordered to be sent to the House of Commons for their Concurrence.

Ameredith's Ordinance to be Rector of Landalp;

An Ordinance was this Day brought in, for making Mr. Richard Amerideth Rector of Landall, in the County of Cornwall; and read Twice.

and Jelinger of S. Brent.

An Ordinance for making Mr. Jelinger Minister of South Brent, in the County of Devon, was read the Third Time, and respited.

Assembly to peruse a Book of Luther's, translated by Bell.

Upon reading the Ordinance for publishing a Translation of a Book of Luther, translated by Captain Bell; and also upon reading a Certificate of Mr. Herle and Mr. Edw. Corbett, concerning their Opinions of the same: It is Ordered, That it is referred to the Assembly of Divines, to peruse the said Translation of Luther's Book; and to report to this House what they find to be unsound, and not fit to be published as orthodox.

Parishioners of St. Edmund the King, Lombard Street, Petition for Mr. Launce, desired by them for their Minister, to be cleared of the Offences charged against him.

Upon reading the Petition of divers of the Parishioners of King Edward, Lumbard Street, London; desiring, "That Mr. Launce, whom they have chosen to be their Minister, may be brought to a Trial before this House; to prove him Not Guilty of those Things as are objected against him:"

The Question being put, "Whether to have the Consideration of this Petition referred to a Committee of this House?"

And it was Resolved in the Affirmative.

Upon this, the House nominated these Lords following:

Comes Manchester.
Comes Lyncolne.
Comes Sarum.
Comes Warwicke.
Comes Mulgrave.
Comes Kent.
Ds. Willoughby.
Ds. North.
Ds. Grey.

Any Three, to meet on Monday Morning next, at Nine of the Clock; and afterward to adjourn from Time to Time, as they shall think fit; and to have Power to send to the Assembly of Divines, to desire them to send some of their Members to inform their Lordships of the Grounds and Reasons that moved them to give their Opinions to this House concerning Mr. Launce; and afterward to report the same to this House.

List of the Summer Fleet.

The Earl of Warwicke reported to this House the List of the Commanders for this Summer's Fleet; which was read, and approved of; and Ordered to be sent to the House of Commons, for their Concurrence. (Here enter it.)

Message to the H. C. with it;—with Syke's Petition; —and with the Ordinances for Justices for Chester.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Dr. Aylett (fn. 1) and Dr. Heath:

1. To deliver to them the List of the Commanders for this Summer's Fleet, and desire their Concurrence therein.

2. To recommend to them the Petition of Mr. Syke.

3. To deliver to them the Ordinance for making Mr. Bradshaw and Mr. Peter Warburton Judges of Chester; and desire their Consent therein.

Courteen and the E. I. Co.

This Day the Counsel of Mr. Courten and the Counsel of the East India (fn. 2) Company were heard at this Bar, concerning the Ordinance for the East India Company depending in this House.

And it is Ordered, That this House will take the same into Consideration To-morrow Morning.

Ordinance for Bradshaw and Warburton to be Justices of Chester.

(fn. 3) Passed the H. C. 16 Martii, 1646.

"The Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, taking Notice of the Delinquency of Sir Thomas Milward Knight, late Chief Justice of Chester, Flint, Denbigh, and Mountgom'y, and of Richard Prythergh Esquire, One other Justice there, in their adhering to the late Forces raised against the Parliament, do hold fit to remove and displace the said Sir Thomas Milward and Mr. Prythergh, of and from their said several Offices; and do hereby them amove, and to all Intents and Purposes actually discharge them of and from the same; and, for Supply of those Places, and better Administration of Justice in the said several Counties, think fit to Order and Ordain, and do hereby Ordain, Nominate, and Appoint, John Bradshawe Esquire to be Chief Justice of Chester, Flint, Denbigh, and Mountgom'y, aforesaid, and Peter Warburton Esquire to be One other Justice for the said Counties, quam diu se bene gesserint; and the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery is hereby required and authorized, after the usual Form, to prepare Letters Patents for the said John Bradshawe and Peter Warburton accordingly: And it is Ordered, That the Commissioners for the Great Seal of England do pass the same Letters Patents under the Great Seal; and this shall be their sufficient Warrant for the same: And the said Sir Thomas Mylward is hereby ordered and enjoined to deliver up the Judicial Seal for the said Counties of Flint, Denbigh, and Mountgom'y, upon View of a Copy of this Ordinance, unto the said John Bradshaw, or such Persons as shall be authorized by the said Jo. Bradshaw under his Hand and Seal to receive the same."

List of the Summer Fleet.

"Die Martis, 9 Martii, 1646.

"By the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Admiralty and Cinque Ports.

"Ordered, That a List of the Captains and Commanders voted by this Committee for Command of the Parliament's Ships and Frigates appointed to be set forth as Part of the next Summer's Fleet (being over and besides the Merchants Ships, which, together with their Commanders, are already approved of) be presented to the Approbation of both Houses of Parliament.

"W. Jessop, Secretary.

"9 Martii, 1646.

"The Names of such Persons as are presented by the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Admiralty and Cinque Ports, to the Approbation of both Houses of Parliament, for Command of the Ships and Vessels belonging to the Parliament (as Part of the Navy), that are appointed to be set forth in Part of the next Summer's Fleet; being over and besides Thirteen Merchant Ships, which, together with their Commanders, are already approved.

Tone. Men. Ordnance. Commanders.
St. Andrew, 783 270 50 Captain Wm. Batten, Vice Admiral of the Fleet.
Hen'ta Maria, 809 250 44 Captain Rich'd Owen, Rear Admiral of the Fleet.
Lyon, 600 170 45 Captain Rich'd Swanley, Admiral of the Irish Seas.
Guarland, 567 170 40 Captain Henry Bethell.
Anthelop, 512 160 36 Sir George Aiscue.
Bonadventure, 557 170 36 Captain John Crowther, Vice Admiral of the Irish Seas.
Entrance, 539 160 40 Captain John Bowen.
Leopard, 515 160 43 Captain Benjamin Crandley.
Swallow, 478 150 36 Captain William Somaster.
Convertine, 619 200 40 Captain John Mann.
Mary Rose, 321 100 28 Captain Phineas Pett.
Expedition, 260 100 26 Captain Joseph Jordan.
Providence, 260 100 22 Captain John Stansby.
Nonsuch, 400 120 34 Captain Wm. Thomas.
Adventure, 370 110 30 Captain Tho. Beddall.
Assurance, 350 110 30 Captain Wm. Penn.
John, 367 110 28 Captain Wm. Swanley.
Fellowshipp, 366 100 28 Captain Jonas Reeve.
Globe, 333 100 24 Captain Rich'd Willoughby.
Recovery, 300 90 20 Captain Robert Dare.
Sattisfaction, 210 70 20 Captain Robert Moulton Junior.
President, 220 80 26 Captain John Pilgrim.
Hector, 266 80 22 Captain Edward Elliott.
Warwick Frigott, 300 90 20 Captain James Peacocke.
Cignett Frigott, 233 70 18 Captain Abraham Wheeler.
Starr Frigott, 200 60 16 Captain John Lockier.
Cressent, 167 50 14 Captain John Edwin.
Hinde Frigott, 200 60 17 Captain John Young.
Swan Frigott, 200 60 12 Captain Robert Clearke.
Greyhound, 120 50 12 Captain John Coppin.
Welcome Pinke, 133 50 14 Captain John Greene.
Hart Frig, 120 50 10 Captain John Bowen.
Weymouth Frig. 120 50 12 Captain John Peirce.
Nichodemus, 110 45 10 Captain Thomas Pacy.
Roebuck, 110 45 14 Captain Andrew Woodward.
Lilly Friggott, 110 45 8 Captain John Lambert.
Increase Frig, 133 40 14 Captain Wm. Ledgant.
Peter Frigott, 133 40 10 Captain John Mildmay.
Pelican, 133 40 10 Captain Owen Coxe.
Robert, 133 40 12 Captain Will'm Rew.
Dove Pinke, 84 25 8 Captain Wm. Hazard.
Hunter Dogger Boat, for Ketches to serve the Fleet; Robert Nixon.
Pryam Dogger Boat, Roger Laming.

"Six Second-rate Ships, ordered to be graved and fit to be set forth upon any Emergency, in case the Parliament shall give Order in that Behalf.

Triumph, 776 300 50 Captain Robert Moulton.
Rainbow, 731 240 44 Captain Brian Harrison.
Unicorne, 763 250 50 Captain Peter Andrews.
Victory, 721 260 44 Captain Nath. Goodlad.
Swiffsure, 746 260 46 Captain Thomas Davis.
Charles, 793 250 46 Captain Thomas Maynard.

"Ex. per W. Jessop, Secretary."


House adjourned till 10a cras.


  • 1. Origin Dr. Aylett, Leech, and Dr. Heath; but it appears Leech should have been erased, as his Christian Name is.
  • 2. Deest in Originali.
  • 3. This Marginal Note is in the Original.