Crown Pleas: 19 Henry III - 21 Henry III (nos 97-127)

The London Eyre of 1244. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1970.

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'Crown Pleas: 19 Henry III - 21 Henry III (nos 97-127)', in The London Eyre of 1244, ed. Helena M Chew, Martin Weinbaum( London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 12 January 2025].

'Crown Pleas: 19 Henry III - 21 Henry III (nos 97-127)', in The London Eyre of 1244. Edited by Helena M Chew, Martin Weinbaum( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed January 12, 2025,

"Crown Pleas: 19 Henry III - 21 Henry III (nos 97-127)". The London Eyre of 1244. Ed. Helena M Chew, Martin Weinbaum(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 12 January 2025.

In this section

19 Henry III - 21 Henry III (nos 97–127)

[m. 3] De anno decimo nono.

97. Eodem anno Johanne de Colemere existente camerario et Rqberto Hardel et Gerardo Bate vicecomitibus existentibus, accidit quod quidam Willelmus Chelde inventus fuit mortuus in vico de Wodestrete per infortunium. Nullus inde malecreditur. ludicium infortunium. (fn. 1) Et Ranulfus de Hoylaunde unus vicinorum attachiatorum pro morte illa non venit et fuit attachiatus per Johannem de Lantham. Ideo in misericordia (fn. 2) et alius plegius mortuus est. Ideo nichil de eo.

Of the nineteenth year [Mich. 1235–Mich. 1236].

In the same year, John of Colemere being chamberlain and Robert Hardel and Gerard Bate, sheriffs, one William Chelde was found accidentally dead in Wood Street. No one is suspected. Judgment: misadventure. Ranulf de Hoylaunde, one of the neighbours attached for the death, does not come, and he was attached by John de Lantham, who is therefore in mercy. The other pledge has died etc. Therefore nothing from him.

98. Eodem anno eisdem etc. accidit die Martis proxima post festum Sancti Hillarii quod duo latrones ignoti scilicet Bernardus de Grenefeud et Radulfus de Oxonia fugerunt ad ecclesiam Sancti Bartholomei pro latrocinio quod fecerunt apud Cestrehunte et ibi cognoverunt factum et abiuraverunt regnum. Nulla habuerunt catalla. Ideo nichil de eis. Postea contigitquod quidam homo de Cesterhunte qui prosequebatur malefactores illos obviavit cuidam socio eorum super Pontem Londoniarum et eum cepit. Et in ducendum eum versus vicecomites, idem latro occidit ipsum et captus fuit et imprisonatus et postea coram justiciariis de Banco suspensus pro facto illo. Ideo nichil.

In the same year, the same etc., on Tuesday after the feast of St. Hilary [15 Jan. 1236], two thieves, viz. Bernard of Greenfield and Ralph of Oxford, who were unknown, fled to the church of St. Bartholomew for a theft committed at Cheshunt, and there acknowledged the deed and abjured the realm. They had no chattels. Therefore nothing from them. Afterwards it happened that a man from Cheshunt who was pursuing those thieves met one of their accomplices on London Bridge and captured him; but while he was conducting him to the sheriffs the thief killed him. He was taken and imprisoned, and afterwards, before the justices of the Bench, was hanged for the deed. Therefore nothing.

99. Eodem anno eisdem etc. accidit quod quidam infans Ricardus nomine cecidit de quodam gradu ligneo, ita quod obiit. Nullus inde male creditur. Judicium infortunium. (fn. 3) Precium gradus xij d. (fn. 4) unde vicecomites respondeant; vicini attachiati veniunt et non male creduntur. Ideo inde quieti.

In the same year, the same etc. an infant named Richard fell from a wooden step and was killed. No one is suspected. Judgment: misadventure. Value of the step 12d., for which the sheriffs are to answer. The neighbours attached come, but are not suspected. Therefore they are quit.

100. Eodem anno eisdem etc. accidit quod quedam mulier paupercula Alicia nomine inventa fuit submersa extra murum Civitatis. Nullus inde malecreditur. ludicium infortunium. Ideo nichil. Vicini attachiati veniunt et non male creduntur. Ideo inde quieti.

In the same year, the same etc. A poor little woman named Alice was found drowned outside the City wall. No one is suspected. Judgment: misadventure. Therefore nothing. The neighbours attached come and are not suspected. Therefore they are quit.

101. Eodem anno etc. accidit quod quidam homo Willelmus Aubyn nomine cecidit in Tamisiam per quemdam buckettum quem tenuit in manu sua in hauriendo aquam et submersus est. Nullus inde male creditur. ludicium infortunium. Precium bucketti iiij d. unde vicecomites respondebunt. Et vicini attachiati pro morte illa, veniunt et non male creduntur. Ideo inde quieti.

In the same year etc. a man named William Aubyn fell into the Thames, pulled in by a bucket which he had in his hand for drawing water, and was drowned. No one is suspected. Judgment: misadventure. Value of the bucket 4d. for which the sheriffs are to answer. The neighbours attached for the death come, and are not suspected. Therefore they are quit.

102. Eodem anno eisdem camerario et vicecomitibus existentibus accidit quod quidam homo Johannes Niger courector inventus fuit strangulatus in shopa sua et Thomas le Custurer qui ipsum strangulavit pro quadam plaga quam idem Johannes ei fecerat, fugit ad hospitalem Sancti Thome Martiris ultra Pontem, ubi obiit de plaga illa. Catalla ipsius Thome xij d. unde vicecomites respondeant. Alius non habet catalla, ideo nichil. Nullus inde male creditur. Ideo nichil. Vicini attachiati pro morte illa obierunt. Ideo nichil.

In the same year, the same being chamberlain and sheriffs John Black 'courector' was found strangled in his shop, and Thomas le Custurer who strangled him because of a wound John had dealt him, fled to the hospital of St. Thomas the Martyr across the Bridge, where he died of the wound. The value of Thomas's chattels is 12d., for which the sheriffs are to answer. The other [John] had none. Therefore nothing. No one is suspected. Therefore nothing. The neighbours attached for the death have died. Therefore nothing.

103. Eodem anno etc. accidit quod per querelam plurimorum Civitatis inventum fuit unum dolium vini in celario Willelmi le Wimpler ubi multa vina vendebantur contra assisam, et dolium illud captum fuit in manu domini regis et venditum fuit pro xl s. unde vicecomites respondeant.

In the same year etc. on the complaint of a number of citizens, a tun of wine was found in the cellar of William le Wimpler, where much wine was being sold contrary to the assize, and the tun was taken into the king's hand, and sold for 40s., for which the sheriffs are to answer.

104. Eodem anno per eandem querelam inventum fuit aliud dolium vini in celario Simonis de Cotham ubi similiter multa vina vendebantur et captum fuit in manu domini regis et venditum fuit pro xl s. unde vicecomites respondeant. (fn. 5)

In the same year, on the same complaint another tun of wine was found in the cellar of Simon of Cotham, where likewise much wine was being sold [contrary to the assize], and it was taken into the king's hand and sold for 40s., for which the sheriffs are to answer.

De anno vicesimo.

105. Eodem anno Johanne de Colemere existente camerario et Henrico de Cotham et Jordano de Coventria existentibus vicecomitibus accidit quod quidam homo Willelmus custos mese cecidit de quadam scala, ita quod obiit. Nullus inde male creditur. Indicium infortunium. Precium scale iij d. unde vicecomites respondeant. Vicini attachiati pro morte illa obierunt. Ideo nichil.

Of the twentieth year [Mich. 1236–Mich. 1237].

In the same year, John of Colemere being chamberlain and Henry of Gotham and Jordan of Coventry sheriffs, a certain William 'custos mese' [? Hayward] fell from a ladder and was killed. No one is suspected. Judgment: misadventure. Value of the ladder 3d., for which the sheriffs are to answer. The neighbours attached for the death have died; therefore nothing.

106. Eodem anno Johanne Gisors existente camerario et predictis vicecomitibus existentibus, accidit die Lune proxima post festum Omnium Sanctorum quod quidam homo Robertus le Portour nomine sicut portavit carbonem de quadam navi, cecidit in Tamisiam et submersus fuit. Nullus inde male creditur. ludicium infortunium. Et navis que fuit arestata, deliberata fuit per preceptum domini regis per quoddam breve vicecomitibus directum in quo continebatur quod deliberari faciant cum predictis marinellis quam ad instantiam dilecti et fidelis sui Roberti advocati Botumine concessit deliberandam. Ideo nichil.

In the same year, John Gisors being chamberlain and the same being sheriffs, on Monday after the feast of All Saints [3 Nov. 1236], a man named Robert le Portour fell into the Thames as he was carrying coal from a ship and was drowned. No one is suspected. Judgment: misadventure. The ship, which was arrested, was handed on by the king's order, contained in a writ to the sheriffs directing them to cause it to be delivered, with the crew, in accordance with the grant made at the instance of his beloved and faithful Robert, advocate of Béthune. Therefore nothing.

107. Eodem anno eisdem etc. accidit quod quidam Robertus de Sancta Ositha percussit quemdam Thomam de Haldham in capite quodam baculo, ita quod obiit; et fugit ad ecclesiam et cognovit factum et abiuravit regnum. Nullus alius inde male creditur. Catalla eius iiij s. unde vicecomites respondeant.

In the same year, the same etc. one Robert of St. Osith struck Thomas de Haldham on the head with a staff, and killed him. He fled to a church and acknowledged the deed and abjured the realm. No one else is suspected. He had chattels worth 4s., for which the sheriffs are to answer.

108. Eodem anno etc. accidit die Sancti Johannis Apostoli quod quidam homo Rogerus nomine [sic] (fn. 6) inventus fuit de nocte in vico de Kendelwikestrat ita verberatus et male tractatus quod loqui non potuit. Et Ricardus Tyllebrigge, Elias films Willelmi Goday, Willelmus Utlaghe, Ricardus films Ricardi Nog' et Robertus de Berkhampstede custodes vigiliarum, ita ipsum invenerunt in vico predicto et ipsum portaverunt ad domum Thome le Pipere ubi obiit valde mane de batura illa; et postea predicti custodes abierunt de warda sua (fn. 7) ad wardam Rogeri Blundi tune aldermanni, (fn. 8) quia credebant ipsum hominem esse de warda illa, ut aliquam veritatem possint habere qualiter hoc accidisset, ubi requisiti fuerunt custodes illius warde si aliquid scirent de predicto Johanne [sic] (fn. 6) qui responderunt quod fuit socius eorum ad vigilandum in nocte illa. Et sicut iverunt omnes simul ad vigilandum, accidit quod obviaverunt cuidam homini portanti quamdam lanternam extinctam, quem prosecuti fuerunt usque ad oppositum shoppe Consel, ubi plures invenerunt ignotos stantes in vico cum gladiis et aliis armis, quos cum predicti custodes arestare voluerunt, idem ignoti insultum fecerunt in predictos custodes et predictum Rogerum [sic] (fn. 6) ita verberaverunt quod obiit, et alios de custodia illa male vulneraverunt et fugerunt. Et tune quesitum fuit a custodibus si aliquem cognoverunt de predictis malefactoribus vel aliquem male crediderunt, dixerunt quod male crediderunt Willelmum le Large coureur, qui ob factum illud fugit et nunquam postea inveniri potuit. Et Gerardus de Sancto Edmundo unus custodum qui fuit vulneratus per predictos malefactores venit. Et requisitus si aliquem male credit, dicit quod nichil aliud scit, quam supradictum est. Et maior et cives requisiti quem male credunt de predicta morte et plagis predictis, dicunt quod male credunt predictum Walterum [sic] (fn. 6) le Large et nullum alium, quia ignoti fuerunt, ideo exigitur et utlagatur secundum etc. Catalla eius ij s. unde vicecomites etc. Et Walterus [sic] (fn. 6) fuit in franco plegio. Ideo in misericordia. (fn. 9)

In the same year etc., on the feast of St. John the Apostle [27 Dec. 1236], a man named Roger [sic] was found by night in Candlewick Street so badly beaten and ill-treated that he could not speak. Richard Tyllebrigge, Elias son of William Goday, William Utlaghe, Richard son of Richard Nog', and Robert of Berkhampstead, watchmen, found him thus in the street and carried him to the house of Thomas le Pipere, where he died very early next morning of that beating. Afterwards the watchmen went from their ward to that of Roger Blund, then alderman, because they believed the dead man to belong to that ward, to see if they could learn the truth about how the affair had happened. The watchmen of that ward, asked if they knew anything about the above-named John [sic] said that he was their companion in keeping watch that night, and as they were all going together to keep watch, they chanced to meet a man carrying an unlighted lantern, whom they pursued as far as opposite Consel's shop. There they found a number of unknown men standing in the street, armed with swords and other weapons, who, when they attempted to arrest them, assaulted them, and so beat Roger [sic] that he died. The other members of the watch they badly wounded, and then fled. Asked then whether they recognized any of the malefactors or suspected anyone, the watch said that they suspected William le Large, 'coureur', who fled for the deed and could never afterwards be found. Gerard of St. Edmunds, one of the watchmen who was wounded by the malefactors, comes, and asked if he suspects anyone, says that he knows nothing more than has been said above. The mayor and aldermen, asked whom they suspect of the said death and wounds, say that they suspect the same Walter [sic] le Large and no one else, because the others were unknown. Therefore he is to be put in exigent and outlawed according etc.

His chattels are worth 2s., for which the sheriffs are to answer. He was in frankpledge. Therefore [his pledges] are in mercy.

109. Eodem anno Willelmo de [Haverhille] (fn. 10) existente camerario et eisdem vicecomitibus existentibus accidit in Cathedra Sancti Petri, quod quidam homo nomine Wydo Tixtor Londoniarum et Thomas de Adingtone serviens eius accesserunt ad domum Dionisie que fuit uxor Radulfi de la Barre (fn. 11) et in domo illa occiderunt quamdam Agnetem ancillam predicte Dionisie, et quamdam aliam ancillam ipsius Ancille [sic] et quemdam garcionem male vulneraverunt, et fugerunt et male creduntur. Ideo exigantur et utlagentur secundum formam etc. Catalla predicti Wydonis iij d. unde vicecomites respondeant. Dionisia in cuius domo hoc factum fuit venit et non malecreditur. Ideo inde quieta. Vicini attachiati pro morte illa veniunt et non male creduntur. Ideo inde quieti. Et francus plegius obiit. Ideo nichil.

In the same year, William of Haverhill being chamberlain, and the same being sheriffs, on the feast of St. Peter's Chair [22 Feb. 1237], a man named Guy the Weaver of London and Thomas of Addington his servant went to the house of Denise, relict of Ralph of Gore, and in that house killed a certain Agnes, Denise's maid-servant, and another of her maid-servants, and severely wounded a servant. They fled and are suspected. Therefore let them be put in exigent and outlawed according to the form etc. Guy's chattels are worth 3d. for which the sheriffs are to answer. Denise, in whose house the deed was done, comes but is not suspected. Therefore she is quit. The neighbours attached for the death come but are not suspected. Therefore they are quit. The frankpledge has died. Therefore nothing.

110. Eodem anno etc. accidit quod quidam ignotus portans quoddam pondus piscis cecidit super pavimentum et oppressus est pondere illo. Nullus inde malecreditur; iudicium infortunium; precium piscis iij s. unde vicecomites respondeant; vicini etc. non male creduntur etc.

In the same year etc., an unknown man carrying a load of fish fell on to the pavement and was crushed by the weight. No one is suspected. Judgment: misadventure. Value of the fish 3s., for which the sheriffs are to answer. The neighbours etc. are not suspected.

111. Eodem anno etc. accidit quod quidam Hugo nomine cecidit de quadam trabe in domo Petri Elinaund et obiit. Nullus inde etc. Judicium infortunium. Precium trabis vj d. unde vicecomites respondeant. Vicini attachiati etc. non malecreduntur etc. Ideo nichil de eis.

In the same year, etc., a man named Hugh fell from a beam in the house of Peter Elinaund and was killed. No one etc. Judgment: misadventure. Value of the beam 6d. for which the sheriffs are to answer. The neighbours attached etc. are not suspected etc. Therefore nothing from them.

112. Eodem anno accidit quod quidam garcio Robertus films Paine nomine cecidit de quodam equo in vico de Walbroke per terrorem quern Robertus de Donstaple fecit equo, quem predictus Robertus equitavit, ita quod infra mensem obiit. Et Robertus venit et non male creditur de morte illa, set quia stulte et ignoranter equum perterruit, consideratum est quod committatur gaole pro stulticia sua. (fn. 12) ludicium infortunium. Et quia camerarius et vicecomites nullam fecerunt inquisicionem de predicto equo, qui fuit banum predicti garcionis, ideo in misericordia. Postea venit Jordanus et finem fecit pro predicto bano per ij s. unde vicecomites respondeant. Postea finem fecit per dimidiam marcam per plegium Willelmi de Dunstaple. (fn. 13)

In the same year a groom, Robert son of Paine, fell from a horse in Walbrook Street on account of the fright given by Robert of Dunstable to the horse he was riding, so that he died within the month. Robert [of Dunstable] comes and is not suspected of the death, but because he frightened the horse foolishly and ignorantly, it is adjudged that he be committed to gaol for his folly. Judgment: misadventure. And because the chamberlain and sheriffs held no inquest concerning the horse, which was the bane of the groom, they are in mercy. Afterwards Jordan [of Coventry] came and made fine in 2s. for the said bane, for which the sheriffs are to answer. Thereafter [Robert] made fine in ½ mark, with William of Dunstable as surety.

113. Eodem anno accidit quod quidam garcio xiiij annorum Willelmus nomine cecidit in Tamisiam et submersus est. Nullus etc.; vicini etc. non male creduntur. Ideo nichil.

In the same year, a boy named William, aged fourteen, fell into the Thames and was drowned. No one etc.; the neighbours etc. are not suspected. Therefore nothing.

114. Eodem anno accidit quod quidam infans inventus fuit submersus in quodam puteo. Nullus etc. Judicium infortunium. Vicini attachiati etc. veniunt et non male creduntur. Ideo nichil.

In the same year an infant was found drowned in a pit. No one etc. Judgment: misadventure. The neighbours attached etc. come and are not suspected. Therefore nothing.

115. Eodem anno accidit die Translacionis Beati Thome Martiris, quod Johannes Pruet, homo Waited de Clyfford, fuit (fn. 14) occisus contra domum Radulfi Sperlinges a duobus ignotis exeuntibus de hospicio Radulfi de Berners qui fugerunt pro morte illa. Nescitur qui fuerunt. Ideo nichil de eis. Et quia camerarius et vicecomites nullam fecerunt inquisicionem de predictis malefactoribus, ideo in misericordia. Vicini etc. veniunt et non male creduntur. Ideo inde quieti.

In the same year, on the feast of the Translation of the Blessed Thomas the Martyr [7 July 1237], John Pruet, serving-man of Walter of Clifford, was killed against the house of Ralph Sperlinges by two unknown men coming out of the inn of Ralph of Berners. They fled for the death. It is not known who they were. Therefore nothing from them. And because the chamberlain and sheriffs held no inquest concerning the malefactors, they are in mercy. The neighbours etc. come and are not suspected. Therefore they are quit.

116. Eodem anno etc. accidit quod Johannes le Petiprestre et Ricardus Diaconus et Thomas frater persone Sancti Egidii, die Mercurii proxima post festum Sancti Bartholomei Apostoli verberaverunt quamdam mulierem pregnantem Matilldem nomine, ita quod filium peperit abortum et fugerunt et malecreduntur. Ideo exigantur et utlagentur secundum formam etc.

In the same year etc. John le Petiprestre and Richard the Deacon and Thomas, brother of the parson of St. Giles, on Wednesday after the feast of St. Bartholomew the Apostle [26 Aug. 1237] beat a pregnant woman named Maud so that she gave birth prematurely to a male child. They fled and are suspected. Therefore let them be put in exigent and outlawed according to the form etc.

De anno vicesimo primo.

117. Eodem anno W. de [Haverhulle] existente camerario et Gervasio le Cordwaner et Johanne Tulasan vicecomitibus existentibus, accidit quod quidam garcio Johannes Lichefot nomine percussit quamdam judeam quadam sagitta, et quemdam judeum quadam alia sagitta, set inde non obierunt et fugit ad ecclesiam et cognovit factum et abiuravit regnum. Nulla habuit catalla, nee fuit in franco plegio; ideo nichil quia extraneus. Et Ricardus de Mistsel captus et imprisonatus pro huiusmodi factis obiit in prisona.

Of the twenty-first year [Mich. 1237–Mich. 1238].

In the same year, W. of Haverhill being chamberlain and Gervase le Cordwaner and John Tulasan sheriffs, a servant named John Lichefot shot a Jew and Jewess with arrows, but did not kill them. He fled to a church and acknowledged the deed and abjured the realm. He had no chattels, nor was he in frankpledge. Therefore nothing, because he was a stranger. And Richard de Mistsel, taken and imprisoned for the like offences, has died in prison.

118. Eodem anno etc. accidit quod quidam carpentarius cecidit de quadam trabe in domo Ade de Shordiche, ita quod collum suum fregit. Nullus inde male creditur. Judicium infortunium. Precium trabis xij d. unde vicecomites respondeant. Vicini etc. veniunt et non etc. Ideo nichil.

In the same year, etc., a carpenter fell from a beam in the house of Adam of Shoreditch, and broke his neck. No one is suspected. Judgment: misadventure. Value of the beam 12d., for which the sheriffs are to answer. The neighbours etc. come and are not etc. Therefore nothing.

119. Eodem anno etc. accidit quod Willelmus le Cuvreur occidit Reginaldum Fabrum in vico de Solande et fugit et male creditur. Ideo exigatur et utlagetur secundum formam etc. Et predictus Johannes [sic] qui fecit feloniam predictam exivit de domo Johannis le Tywelour qui venit et non male creditur. Ideo inde quietus. Vicini etc. veniunt et non male creduntur. Ideo nichil de eis. Nulla habuit catalla. Et quia inquisicio minus sufficienter facta fuit, ideo camerarius et vicecomites in misericordia. (fn. 15)

In the same year etc., William le Cuvreur killed Reginald the Smith in Shoe Lane. He fled and is suspected. Therefore let him be put in exigent and outlawed according to the form etc. And John [sic, i.e. William], who committed the felony, came out of the house of John le Tywelour [the Tiler], who comes and is not suspected. Therefore he is quit. The neighbours etc. come and are not suspected. Therefore nothing from them. He had no chattels. And because the inquest was very unsatisfactorily held, the chamberlain and sheriffs are in mercy.

120. Quidam homo Radulfus nomine inventus fuit submersus in quodam puteo. Nullus inde male creditur. Judicium infortunium. Et quidam Alexander qui fuit cum eo venit et non male creditur. Ideo quietus. Vicini attachiati etc. veniunt et non male creduntur. Ideo nichil de eis.

A man named Ralph was found drowned in a pit. No one is suspected. Judgment: misadventure. And a certain Alexander, who was with him comes and is not suspected. Therefore he is quit. The neighbours attached etc. come and are not suspected. Therefore nothing from them.

121. Quidam homo Willelmus de Godeshalve nomine, qui fuit lunaticus occidit se ipsum in domo Cecilie que fuit uxor Rogeri de Clare quodam cultello. Et predicta Cecilia et omnes de familia sua qui pro hoc fuerunt attachiati, veniunt et non male creduntur nec aliquis alius. Ideo inde quieti. ludicium felonia de se ipso. Catalla sua ij s. unde vicecomites respondeant.

A man named William de Godeshalve, who was insane, killed himself with a knife in the house of Cecily, relict of Roger of Clare. Cecily and all her household, who were attached, come and are not suspected, nor is anyone else. Therefore they are quit. Judgment: suicide. He had chattels worth 2s. for which the sheriffs are to answer.

122. Quidam homo Thomas nomine submersit seipsum in quodam puteo in curia Thome Export. Nullus inde malecreditur. Judicium felonia de se ipso. Catalla eius ij s. unde vicecomites respondeant; omnes attachiati pro morte illa, veniunt et non male creduntur. Ideo inde quieti.

Respice in tergo.

A man named Thomas drowned himself in a pit in the courtyard of Thomas Export. No one is suspected. Judgment: suicide. He had chattels worth 2s. for which the sheriffs are to answer. All those attached for the death come, but are not suspected. Therefore they are quit.

The remainder on the dorse.

123. [m. 3d] Quidam Galfridus Cocus occidit quamdam puellam etatis xx septimanarum in domo Johannis le Lorimer et fugit et fuit de manupastu prioris Sancti Bartholomei Londoniarum. Ideo in misericordia. Judicium: exigatur et utlagetur secundum formam etc. Et predictus Johannes le Lorimer qui invenit plegios prosequendi appellum suum versus predictum Galfridum de morte predicte puelle filie sue, qui mortui sunt, non venit. Ideo capiatur, et Isabella uxor predicti Galfridi que male creditur de facto illo et similiter de latrocinio cuiusdam tunice furate, ideo exigatur et weyvetur. Nulla habuit catalla.

One Geoffrey the Cook killed a girl twenty weeks old in the house of John le Lorimer and fled. He belonged to the household of the prior of St. Bartholomew, London, who is therefore in mercy. Judgment: let him be put in exigent and outlawed according to the form etc. John le Lorimer found pledges to prosecute his appeal against the said Geoffrey for the death of the girl, his daughter, but they have died, and he does not come. Therefore let him be taken into custody. Isabel, Geoffrey's wife, is suspected of the deed, and likewise of the theft of a furred tunic. Therefore let her be put in exigent and waived. She had no chattels.

124. Sarra uxor Albini le Portour appellat Matilldem uxorem Walteri Buk' et Stanotam filiam eius quod die Veneris proxima post festum Sancte Trinitatis anno xxj° venerunt ad domum suam et ipsam verberaverunt et male tractaverunt. Et postea die Decollationis Sancti Johannis Baptiste eodem anno peperit quemdam filium abortivum ex batura illa. Et quod hoc fecerunt nequiter et in felonia, offert etc. sicut curia etc. (fn. 16) Et Matilldis et Stanota venerunt et defenderunt omnem feloniam et quicquid est contra pacem domini regis. Et bene defendunt quod nunquam eam verberaverunt. Et dicunt quod si verberata esset tali die qua dicit se esse verberatam, et ipsa postea peperit per xv septimanas post diem ilium quemdam filium vivum qui baptizatus fuit et vixit per tres dies, non videtur quod appellum suum valere debet. Et preterea bene ponunt se super veredictum maioris et civium quod nunquam ipsam verberaverunt nec ipsa filium peperit abortivum sicut ipsa dicit. Et super hoc dicunt maior et cives super sacramentum suum et in fide qua tenentur domino regi, quod predicte Matilldis et Stanota nunquam verberaverunt earn, nec peperit filium abortivum. Ideo consideratum est quod eant inde quiete; (fn. 17) et Sarra custodiatur pro falso appello. (fn. 18)

Sarah, wife of Aubyn le Portour appeals Maud, wife of Walter Buk' and Stanota her daughter, for that on Friday after Trinity Sunday, 21 Henry III [4 June 1238] they came to her house and beat and ill-treated her, so that afterwards on the feast of the Decollation of St. John the Baptist [29 Aug.] in the same year, she gave birth prematurely to a male child, as a result of that beating. And that they did this wickedly and feloniously, she offers etc. as the court etc. Maud and Stanota come and wholly deny the felony and whatever is against the king's peace, and strongly deny that they ever beat her. They say that if she was beaten on the day on which she says she was beaten, and afterwards, fifteen weeks after that day gave birth to a living child, which was baptized and lived for three days, it seems to them that her appeal does not lie. Furthermore they freely put themselves upon the verdict of the mayor and citizens that they never beat her (Sarah) nor did she give birth prematurely as she says. Thereupon the mayor and citizens say upon their oath and in the faith in which they are bound to the king, that Maud and Stanota never beat her, nor did she give premature birth to a son. Therefore it is adjudged that they go quit thereof, and that Sarah be taken into custody for a false appeal.

125. Quidam latro Willelmus de Ewelme nomine de comitatu Bukingham fugit ad ecclesiam Sancti Magni Martiris Londoniarum et ibi cognovit latrocinium et abiuravit regnum. Nulla habuit catalla. (fn. 19)

A thief named William of Ewelme of the county of Buckingham fled to the church of St. Magnus the Martyr, London, and there acknowledged the theft and abjured the realm. He had no chattels.

126. Quidam puer inventus fuit oppressus quodam trunco. Nullus inde male creditur. Judicium infortunium. Precium trunci viij d. unde vicecomites respondeant. Et vicini attachiati pro morte illa veniunt et non male creduntur. Ideo nichil de eis.

A boy was found crushed to death by a block of wood. No one is suspected. Judgment: misadventure. Value of the block of wood 8d., for which the sheriffs are to answer. The neighbours attached for the death come and are not suspected. Therefore nothing from them.

127. Quidam latro Durandus Woleward nomine fugit ad ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis Londoniarum et ibi cognovit latrocinium et abiuravit regnum. Nulla habuit catalla.

A thief named Durand Woleward fled to the church of St. Michael, London, and there acknowledged the theft and abjured the realm. He had no chattels.


  • 1. Margin: Infortunium.
  • 2. Margin: Misericordia.
  • 3. Margin: Infortunium.
  • 4. Margin: xij d. deodanda.
  • 5. Margin: Nota de vinis inventis contra assisam, also in Liber Albus, i, 97 (Riley misread vendendis for inventis). Cf. the table of contents ibid, i, 73 and Liber Ordinationum, f. 209d (where the entry is shorter): De vinis venditis contra assisam, followed in Liber Ordinationum by: non scribatur.
  • 6. Where there is a confusion of names [sic] has been inserted.
  • 7. Presumably Candlewick or Walbrook Ward.
  • 8. Cordwainer Ward, Beaven, i, 367.
  • 9. Margin: exigatur et utlagetur/ij s. misericordia.
  • 10. Hamerhille in original and elsewhere in the roll; see 4.
  • 11. Cf. 146.
  • 12. Cf. F. Pollock and F. W. Maitland, History of English Law (2 vols. 1898), ii, 473–4 and Sharpe, Cal. of Coroners' Rolls, p. xxv, n. 2.
  • 13. Margin: Nota de stulticia, also in Liber Albus, i, 97; the heading in the table of contents ibid, i, 73 reads: De quodam equo qui per stultitiam cuiusdam hominis occidit quendam garcionem. Liber Albus offers a less good version; Liber Ordinationum, f. 209 is even shorter but adds a marginal note: Hoc anno fuerunt tres camerarii divisim, videlicet Johannes de Colmere, Johannes de Gysorz et Willelmus de Haverhulle.
  • 14. Redundant qui before fuit.
  • 15. Margin: misericordia.
  • 16. Margin: Nota de appello, as in Liber Albus, i, 98 and extended in the table of contents ibid, i, 73 to: De appello de morte cuiusdam abortivi.
  • 17. Suggested by Liber Albus, i, 98, quieti in original.
  • 18. Margin: Custodiatur.
  • 19. Margin: abiuracio.