House of Lords Journal Volume 8: 3 November 1646

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 8, 1645-1647. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 8: 3 November 1646', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 8, 1645-1647( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 3 January 2025].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 8: 3 November 1646', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 8, 1645-1647( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed January 3, 2025,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 8: 3 November 1646". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 8, 1645-1647. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 3 January 2025.


In this section

DIE Martis, 3 die Novembris.

PRAYERS, by Mr. Hickes.

Domini præsentes fuerunt:

Comes Manchester, Speaker.

Comes Kent.
Comes Northumb.
Comes Lyncolne.
Comes Rutland.
Comes Suffolke.
Comes Mulgrave.
Comes Denbigh.
Comes Nottingham.
Ds. Howard.
Ds. North.
Ds. Bruce.
Ds. Willoughby.
Ds. Wharton.
Ds. Grey.
Ds. Hunsden.
Ds. Berkley.
Ds. Dacres.
Ds. Maynard.

Russia Merchants Petition.

A Petition of the Muscovia Merchants was read, with an Abstract of a Letter from their Consul in Moscovia.

It is Ordered, That this Letter, and the Abstract of Letters, be sent to the House of Commons; and desire their Concurrence, that it may be referred to the Consideration of the Committee for Foreign Affairs.

Lampley to be Sheriff of Cumberland.

Ordered, That Mr. Lampley is nominated to (fn. 1) be High Sheriff of the County of Cumberland; and the House of Commons to be put in Mind of it.

Sibsey and Kingerby.

Upon (fn. 2) reading the Answer of Captain Kingerby to the Petition of Sibsey: It is Ordered, To hear the Cause between them on Friday Morning next.

Preachers at the Fast.

Ordered, That Mr. Warde and Mr. Price be appointed to preach on the next Fast-day, before the Lords in Parliament, in the Abbey of Westm.

Capt. Trelawny, a Hab. Corp.

Ordered, That a Writ of Habeas Corpus cum Causa shall be issued out, to the Sheriffs of London, to bring before the Lords in Parliament the Body of Captain Trelawny immediately.

Ordinance concerning the Lieutenant of The Tower.

The Ordinance concerning the Lieutenant of The Tower, was read the Second Time, and committed to the Committee of the whole House.

And the House was adjourned into a Committee during Pleasure.

The House was resumed; but nothing done in it.

Pamphlets complained of by the Scots Commissioners.

This Day the original Letters out of which the Declaration was printed, complained of by the Scotts Commissioners, (fn. 3) were brought in:

And Walker, that caused the said Letters to be printed, was called in, and asked how he came by these Letters.

And he said, "He received them of Mr. Westropp, who brought them to him licensed by one Mabbott, who hath Authority from the House of Commons for Printing."

Walker to bring Mabbott's Licence for it.

It is Ordered, That the said Walker do bring it under Mabbott's Hand-writing, that he did license it.

Message from the H. C. with an Ordinance.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Mr. Sandys, &c; who brought an Ordinance, intituled, An Ordinance for the (fn. 4) appointing the Sale of the Bishops Lands, for the Use of the Commonwealth; which they had passed, and they desire their Lordships Concurrence therein."

The Answer returned was:


That their Lordships will take their Message into speedy Consideration, and will send an Answer, by Messengers of their own.

Papers from the Scots Commissioners.

Next, was read Two Papers, sent from the Scotts Commissioners. (Here enter them.)

Ordinance for Sale of Bishops Lands.

Ordered, That the Ordinance for the Sale of the Bishops Lands shall be read the First Time To-morrow Morning.

Pamphlets against the Scots to be suppressed.

Ordered, That this House thinks it fit that a Committee be appointed, to prepare for a Conference with the House of Commons, concerning the inhibiting of printed Pamphlets, which may breed Differences between the Two Kingdoms.

Ordinance concerning Compositions at Goldsmiths Hall.

Ordered, That Saturday next shall be taken into Consideration the Business of Goldsmith Hall; and the Ordinances which rest in this House unpassed, concerning discharging of Delinquents Estates upon their Composition.

March, of Winton's Petition for a Maintenance.

Upon reading the Petition of the Lady Marquess of Winton, for some Maintenance: It is Ordered, To be recommended to the House of Commons.

Message to the H. C. about the following Particulars.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Dr. Aylet and Dr. Heath:

1. To put them in Mind of the Order formerly sent down, for preventing any Forces to quarter near the Scotts Army.

2. To put them in Mind of Mr. Lampley to be High Sheriff of the County of Cumberland.

3. To recommend to them the Petition of the Lady Marquess of Winton.

4. To put them in Mind; videlicet,

1. Of Mr. Rawlinson' Ordinance.

2. Of Mr. Greenhill's Petition.

3. Of Doctor Prideaux' Petition.

Edwards to be instituted to Boughton.

Ordered, That Doctor Heath shall give Institution and Induction to Richard Edwards, to be Parson of Boughton, in the County of North'ton; being presented thereunto by the Earl of Pembrooke; and this with a salvo Jure cujuscunque.

Lewis to be instituted to Landyssell.

Ordered, That Doctor Aylett, or his lawful Deputy, are hereby authorized and required to give Institution and Induction to Lodowicke Lewis Clerk, to the Parsonage of Llandyssell, in the County of Cardigan, salvo Jure cujuscunque; he producing his Presentation thereunto under the Hand and Seal of the Earl of Ancram, the lawful Patron.

Papers from the Scots Commissioners, concerning Complaints against their Army, for levying Money in the Northern Counties;— and desiring the Pamphlets reflecting on it may be suppressed.

"Upon Satturday at Night wee received from your Lordships severall Papers and Petitions, sent out of the Northerne Parts of this Kingdome, concerning the Sufferings of the Inhabitants there and the Monyes payd by them to the Scottish Army; to which Papers, untill wee receive particular Information from the Army, wee returne this Answere:

"That wee are informed, by some of the Officers of the Scottish Army now in London, that the Inhabitants of Cleveland, Bedall, and Aske, whoe sent theis Petitions to the Parliament, have suffered more then any others in the Northerne Countyes, the Quarters of the Scottish Army being strait, and those Parts fittest for their Accommodation; but that divers Proportions mentioned in those Papers are not neere soe great as they are represented, and in particular, that the Summes are much lesse in the subscribed Accompts given in by the Country to the Scottish Army; and whatever Monyes are payd by them to the Scottish Army, they discharge their Quarters with those Monyes, which, however they may bee disproportionable to the Abbilities of the Country, yet there is noe more taken then in the least Measure may enable the Army to subsist, nor is there any more allowed unto them then Fower Pence per Diem to the Foote Souldier, Twelve Pence to the Horse, and Third Part Pay to the Officer.

"Uppon all which wee doe observe, That the Scottish Army, receiving noe Pay from the Parliament for neere the Seaven Moneths past, are enforced to quarter in those Parts of the Kingdome which are not exhausted, and have suffered most since the Begining of theise Warres, and are also exceedingly straitned in their Quarters by reason the English Forces doe lie soe neere them, whereof the Effects are, the Undoeing of the poore Inhabitants there, the rendring of the Scottish Army odious, and raising Discontent in the People against them; whereas, if Care had bin taken for their Intertainment, and the Burthen of their Maintenance bin equally layd uppon the whole Kingdome, the Scottish Army had bin much better provided, and the Inhabitants of those Northerne Parts had never bin subjected to such heavy Burthens; and though it were true that the present Monethly Charg of the Scottish Army did amount to 19,700£. (which wee doe very much question) yet this Summe is farr with the 31,000£. contracted for by the Treaty, beside the Surpusage that may appeare due uppon Accompt. Wee doe likewise observe from those Papers, that wee have good Reason to complayne of the vile Aspersions soe unjustly cast upon the Scottish Army by the Weekly Diurnalls and Pamphlets, and in particular of that printed Declaration presented by us to the Howses, wherein (beside other detestable and exasperating Language), to delude the People, it is said, "That the Scottish Army doe assesse according to the Rate 147,000£. per Mensem;" and wee doe expect that the Honnorable Howses will in Justice take Order with such Abusers of the People, and prevent their Practizes for the future; uppon which wee doe the rather insist, that the Diurnall this Weeke has re-printed the same Things, and, to deceive the People, hath grosely perverted the Meaning of some Things contayned in the Petitions sent from the North. And it doth further appeare, that the Desires of these Petitions and Letters is the same with ours; and that there is an urgent Necessitie for the Howses of Parliament speedylie to take into Consideration the Desires of our severall Papers, for hasting the 200,000£. to the Army, and their Removeall out of this Kingdome.

"And sith the Necessities of that Army doe dayly increase, and the longer they stay in the Kingdome they must needes bee a greater Burthen unto it, especially to those Parts where they doe quarter; and being most of Sir Thomas Fairfax's Army (for what Ends wee know not) is marched Northward, whereby Differences may arise, to the Disturbance of the Peace of the Kingdomes; wee doe earnestly intreat the Honnorable Howses to lay these Things timeously to Hart, and to give such a speedy and just Answere to our former Papers, as may bee a meane to preserve these Kingdomes in a happy Union and brotherly Correspondence.

"By Commaund of the Commissioners for the Parliament of Scotland.

3 Novem. 1646.

"Jo. Cheislie."

Concerning their levying those Monies, and protecting Metcalf, a Delinquant

"Whereas it is said in One of the Papers delivered unto us, That the Parliament received a Letter from us, intimating, That the Scottish Army had received noe Pay for many Moneths last past, and that it appears to the Howses, by the Letters from the North, that 19,700£. is Monethly payd to the Scottish Army; wee answere, That, in our Letters to the Howses, wee said, that noe Money or Pay was sent unto the Scottish Army from hence, and that noe Course was taken for their Entertainement for theise 6 Moneths past, which, wee trust, wil bee acknowledged for a Trueth; and wee were soe farr from alleading that they received nothing in the North, that, in all our Letters, wee did expresly say, that our Army was forced to take the Meanes of their Subsistence from those exhausted and impoverished Counties; wherein our cheife End was, to represent their Sufferings, and to move the Parliament to take some Course for their Ease and Releife, and to lay the Burthen of the Maintenance of that Army, not uppon a Corner, but equally uppon the whole Kingdome.

"Concerning that Metcalfe mentioned in a Warrand of Lieutenant Gennerall Lesley, wee know not whether hee hath at any Time granted such a Warrant; only wee are informed, that the Wife of one Metcalfe, a poore old Woman, doeth live in the Quarters of Lieutenant Gennerall Lesley, but that the said Metcalfe her Husband doeth not ordinarily reside there; and that the whole Estate is very inconsiderable, and that Two Parts thereof are sequestred; but if that any such Warrant hath bin given, and that there bee not a cleere Reason for it, wee are confident that, uppon better Information, the Leiutenant Gennerall will rectifie any Disorder of that Kinde: And if there bee any other Protection or countenancing of Persons disaffected to the Parliament within the Quarters of the Scottish Army, wee will give Assurance that, uppon Knowledge thereof, it shall bee forthwith redressed.

"By Commaund of the Commissioners for the Parliament of Scotland.

3 Novem. 1646.

"Jo. Cheislie."

Ordinance to clear Sir Rob. Eyton and Bulkleys of their Delinquency.

"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That, in Confirmation of the Undertaking of the Committee of both Kingdoms and of Colonel Mitton, concerning the Surrender of the Castle of Beaumaris, That Sir Robert Eyton, Thomas Bulkley Esquire, and Mr. Rich'd Bulkley his Son, be freed and discharged of and from their respective Delinquencies; and that the Sequestrations of their respective Estates be freely taken off and discharged."

Ordinance for Payment of the Garrisons of Dover and Chatham.

(fn. 5) This Ordinance past, Martis, 27 Oct. 1646.

"It is this Day Ordained, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Sum of Ten Thousand Pounds, be paid out of the Two Parts of the Sequestrations of the Estates of Sir Will'm Boteler Knight and Baronet, and John Cary Esquire; and if the said Sum be not fully paid out of the said Sequestrations before Composition or Sale of their Estates, then to be made up out of the First of those Estates that shall be compounded for or sold; for and towards the Payment of the Arrears of the Garrison of Dover Castle, Archcliff Fort, and Motes Bulwarke, and impressed upon Accompt unto John Boys Esquire, Lieutenant of the said Castle, whose Receipt, or his Assigns by him under his Hand authorized thereunto, shall be a sufficient Warrant and Discharge: And it is further Ordained, in regard the Soldiers belonging to the said Castle, Arckliff Fort, and Motes Bulwarke, are indebted to divers Inhabitants of Dover for Victual and other Necessaries, for Want of which Money they are much impoverished, that Sir Henry Hayman Knight and Baronet, Henry Oxenden, John Boys, Thomas Westrow, and John Dixwell, Esquires, Captain Temple, and Mr. Will'm Richards of Dover, or any Three of them, see the Sum of Money aforesaid proportionably paid, for the Payment of the Soldiers Debts, unto the said Inhabitants of Dover: It is further Ordered, That Four Hundred Ninety and Four Pounds, Four Shillings, shall be paid out of the Estates abovesaid, over and above the Sum abovementioned, and in the like Manner, for the Payment of the Arrears due to the Soldiers of the late Garrison of Chattam Dock, unto Charles Bolles Gentleman, whose Receipt under his Hand shall be a sufficient Warrant and Discharge, and who is also to take Care that the Tradesmen be paid who trusted them for Necessaries whilst they were in Pay."


House adjourned till 9a cras.


  • 1. Deest in Originali.
  • 2. Origin. ready.
  • 3. Origin. we.
  • 4. Origin. appointed.
  • 5. This Marginal Note is in the Original.