House of Lords Journal Volume 8: 29 June 1646

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 8, 1645-1647. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 8: 29 June 1646', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 8, 1645-1647( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 3 January 2025].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 8: 29 June 1646', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 8, 1645-1647( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed January 3, 2025,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 8: 29 June 1646". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 8, 1645-1647. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 3 January 2025.


In this section

DIE Lunæ, 29 die Junii.

PRAYERS, by Mr. Sympson.

Comes Manchester, Speaker.

Comes Essex.
Comes Suffolke.
L. Viscount Say & Seale.
Comes Stamford.
Comes Pembrooke.
Comes Sarum.
Comes Nottingham.
Comes Warwicke.
Comes Denbigh.
Ds. North.
Ds. Hunsdon.
Ds. Robertes.
Ds. Howard.
Ds. Willoughby.
Ds. Dacres.
Ds. Maynard.

Answers from the H. C.

Sir Edward Leech and Mr. Page return with this Answer from the House of Commons:

That they will return an Answer to the Message by Messengers of their own.

Mr. Justice Pheasant and Mr. Justice Roll return with this Answer:

That the House of Commons have taken into Consideration the Business concerning sending away the Propositions; and they will send an Answer by Messengers of their own.

Letter from P. Rupert and P. Maurice.

A Letter from Prince Rupert and Prince Maurice, was read. (Here enter it.)

Letter from the E. of Bristol.

A Letter from the Earl of Bristoll, was read, with a Petition. (Here enter them.)

This House leaves the Earl of Bristoll to what was formerly written to him by Directions of this House.

Dell's Sermon, preached to the Army.

The Heads of Mr. Dell's Sermon, preached at Marston, near Oxford, were read; and vouched by these Persons following, at this Bar, to be the Words, or this Effect, which Mr. Dell delivered in his Sermon:

(Here enter the Heads.)

Peter Mills. Patrick Bamford. Theoph. Smith. John Hayne. Nic. Widmerpoole. Jo. Clarkston. Henry Potter.

Message from the H. C. for a Conference on the Propositions.

A Message was brought, by Sir Rob't Pye Knight:

To desire a Conference, so soon as may stand with their Lordships Conveniency, touching the Propositions to be sent to the King.

The Answer returned was:


That this House appoints to give a present Conference, in the Painted Chamber, as is desired.

Dell's Examination about his Sermon:

Mr. Dell was called in before the Lords; and the Heads of his Sermon were read to him.

And Mr. Dell said, "He did not own these Words: That this Sermon was preached before the General, and the Chief General Officers of the Army: Therefore desired, if this House thought it fit, that the Matter of Fact may be examined there; or else that he might have a Copy of this Paper, and that the may make his Answer to it within Two or Three Days."

To put in his Answer.

Ordered, That Mr. Dell shall have a Copy of this Paper, and return in his Answer to this House on Thursday Morning next.

Col. Mitton's Ordinance.

The Ordinance for making Colonel Mytton Governor of the Isle of Anglesey, was read, and Agreed to.

(Here enter it.)

Provision for the Princess Henrietta; and Lady Dalkeith to be re-paid Money laid out for her.

A Letter from the Lady Dalkith, was read; and Ordered, To send to the House of Commons, that it may be referred to the Committee of the Household for the King's Children, to consider of some Provision for the Princess Henrietta, for her present Maintenance; and that some Course may be taken for Re-payment of such Monies as she hath disbursed about the Occasions of the Princess Henrietta.

Dr. Mason not to be molested in his House at Salisbury.

Upon reading the Petition of Dr. Mason: It is Ordered, That the Committee at Sarum shall certify to this House why they do by Violence force Doctor Mason out of his Dwelling-house; and that he (fn. 1) be permitted to enjoy his House quietly, with his Goods, until they return the Certificate to this House, and this House give further Direction therein.

The Copy of this Petition to be sent to the Committee; and the Answer to be returned in convenient Time.

Capt. Walters freed from Arrests till his Arrears are paid.

Upon reading the Petition of George Walters Captain of Horse, who is now in Service of the Parliament, and many Arrears due unto him, and he being now arrested;

It is Ordered, That he be released of his present Restraint; and that his Creditors be satisfied as the Petitioner shall receive his Arrears from the State.

Message to the H. C. about the Papers from the Admiralty Committee;

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Dr. Aylett and Dr. Heath:

1. To desire their Concurrence to the Three Vice Admirals, videlicet, Mr. Tho. Glynn, George Dickeson, and John Duncalfe.

2. To communicate to them the Report concerning John Wheeler, and desire he may be paid the Money according as is expressed in the Report.

3. To put them in Mind of the Ordinance concerning the Captives in South Barbary.

for a Provision for the Princess Henrietta; and Lady Dalkeith to be reimbursed;

4. To communicate to them the Lady Dalkithe's Letter; and desire their Concurrence, that it may be referred to the Committee for the King's Children, to consider of some Provision for the Princess Henrietta, for her present Maintenance; and that some Course may be taken for Re-payment of such Monies as she hath disbursed about the Occasions of the Princess Henrietta.

and with Ordinances.

5. To desire their Concurrence in the Ordinance concerning Mr. Dove to be presented to a Living.

6. To desire Concurrence in the Ordinance concerning Mr. Woodcocke to be Minister of Olaves Southwarke.

Message from the H. C. to fit a while.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Mr. Reynolds:

To let their Lordships know, that they are now in Consideration of the Propositions; and they desire their Lordships would please to sit a while.

The Answer returned was:


That their Lordships will fit a while, as is desired.

Sir A. St. John recommended to the H. C. for his Arrears.

Another Part of the Message to the House of Commons is, "To let them know, that the Lords, considering the Relation that Sir Anthony St. Johns had to the Earl of Bolingbrooke lately deceased, whose great Loss is much lamented by this House; in respect of whose Memory, and in regard of the great Hazard of Life that the said Sir Anthony St. Johns hath undergone by his faithful and valiant Carriage in the Services of the Parliament, do recommend his Condition unto the House of Commons, and desire that he may have the Payment of his Arrears, for Want of which he is likely to endure great Misery."

Capt. Poe to be employed in Ireland.

Upon reading of a Letter from the Committee of Bury: (Here enter it.) It is Ordered, That Captain Poe be recommended to the Committee for the Irish Affairs, that he may have Employment for the Service of Ireland.

Letter from P. Rupert and P. Maurice, that they will remove from Oatlands.

"For the Speaker of the House of Peers, my Lord of Manchester.

"My Lord,

"Our earnest Desire to your Lordship is, That you will be pleased to represent to the House of Lords, that, upon the clear Apprehension that we had of the Sense of the Articles concerning the Surrender of Oxford, and our Pass from the General, we repaired to Oatlands, as in our Way, and for some Time a convenient Distance for our Address to the Parliament: That, as soon as we had received the Votes of the House of Commons, declaring, that by our coming thither we had broken the Articles, and commanding us within Ten Days to repair to the Seaside, and forthwith to depart the Kingdom, we did instantly resolve to remove from this Place as soon as in any Possibility we could, and to apply ourselves to give them Satisfaction concerning our coming thither. We beseech your Lordship to make it known to the Lord in Parliament, That, if we could have conceived it would have given any Offence, we would not have come hither; and now, upon Knowledge that it hath, we are removing, though we do not know whether your Lordships have taken our coming thither into Consideration. Yet have we ventured to offer you and their Lordships this Trouble, for Prevention of any Apprehension they may have of any Thought in us to do any Thing that we could conceive might offend the Houses of Parliament, to hinder ourselves from the Happiness of receiving Benefit or Favour from them, which we value too much to lose, and which we will not fail to keep by our utmost best Endeavours. My Lord, we are

Oatlands, 28th of June, 1646.

"Your Lordship's

"Faithful Friends to serve you,

"Rupert. Maurice."

Letter from the E. of Bristol, with a Petition.

"My Lord,

"By your Lordship's Letter of the 10th of this Month, I received the Answer of my Lords the Peers unto my former Petition, That they did leave me to take the Benefit of the Articles of Exeter, which they would carefully observe; by which Articles I am permitted to attend the Parliament, and to endeavour to be admitted to make my Composition for my Estate, and the Indemnity of my Person; and to this Purpose Sir Thomas Fairefax hath given me his safe Conduct to come to London, which I did on Friday Night last, to a private Lodging, where I have remained without stirring abroad, until such Time as I had petitioned their Lordships for Leave that I might in Person follow my Cause; which Petition I am bold to send unto your Lordship here inclosed; beseeching your Lordship, that it may be presented unto that Most Honourable House: And truly, my Lord, I am enforced thereunto, for that I have neither Friend nor Servant that I can employ in a Business that so highly concerneth me; and I hope that that Most Honourable House will not be displeased, that (in a Case wherein the Preservation of myself, my Estate and Family from total Ruin dependeth) I apply myself to all the Means that are permitted unto me; wherein I shall crave the Assistance of your Lordship, and of your Favour, so far as your Lordship may with Justice afford it me. And so, with my Service to your Lordship, I rest

June 29th, 1646.

"Your Lordship's

"Most humble Servant,


"My Lord, I beseech, that, if it shall be so held fit by that Most Honourable House, my Petition may be communicated unto the House of Commons, in such Sort as their Lordships in their Wisdom shall think fit."

His Petition, for Leave to attend the Parliament about his Composition.

"To the Right Honourable the House of Peers.

"The humble Petition of John Earl of Bristoll;

"Humbly sheweth,

"That, having the Leave of the Most Honourable House to take the Benefit of the Articles of Exceter, whereby is permitted unto him to attend the Parliament, and to endeavour to make his Peace, and to be admitted unto his Composition (to which Purpose Sir Thomas Fairefax hath given him a particular Safe Conduct, to repair to London, according to the said Articles); having neither Friend nor Servant that either will or can undertake the Solicitation of his Business: He hath been enforced to repair unto this Town, which he did on Friday Night last, to a private Lodging, without stirring abroad, until he might be a Petitioner unto that Most Honourable House (as hereby he is), That he may (under their Protection and Favour) solicit in Person a Cause of so high Concernment unto him, which he shall do with all possible Privacy and Modesty, and without which all the Benefit of the said Articles (which that Most Honourable House have been pleased to declare shall be carefully observed) would be rendered useless and of no Benefit unto him: And he shall further engage his Honour, to do nothing, either by Act or Correspondence, to the Disservice of the Parliament, nor to negociate in any other Business but in his own particular Affairs, in such Sort as is permitted him by the said Articles.

"And he shall pray, &c.


Letter from the Suffolk Committee, recommending Capt. Poe to have his Arrears, and to be employed in Ireland.

"To the Right Honourable and our Ever Honoured and Very Good Lord Edward Earl of Manchester, Speaker of the Honourable House of Peers, and the rest of our Honourable Lords there assembled. These, humbly present.

"Right Honourable,

"By the Blessing of God, and the great Success that He hath been pleased to give our Armies of late (His Name be praised for the same), in human Probability the Wars are almost brought to a Period here in England: And whereas Captain William Poe hath had the Command of a Troop of Horse raised in our County almost Four Years; and for the many faithful Services that he hath performed to the Parliament and this Committee, as is well known to many of the Members of both Houses of Parliament; we cannot but think ourselves obliged to inform your Honours thus much of him, That we have ever found him very faithful and sedulous in observing all Commands that might any Way promote the Public Service; hath well ordered his Troop, free from wronging the Country; discharging his Quarters; and in so good a Condition was his Troop, as that he was at all Times fit and ready for Action, whereby he hath done the best Service of any Captain that ever came in this County: Upon the Assurance of the Truth whereof, we have adventured to become humble Suitors to your Honours in the Behalf of him, that, by your Means, he may have his Pay, and such Employment into Ireland as in your Honours Wisdoms his Deservings shall render him worthy of; he having suffered very much by those barbarous Rebels there. So, subjecting him to your Goodness, we devote ourselves to be

Bury St. Edm's, 17 Junii, 1646.

"Your Honours Servants,

"W. Heveningham.

"Wm. Lawrence.

"Gibson Lucas.

"Edw. Lelaing.

"Sam. Moody.

"Tho. Chaplin.

"Tho. Blosse.

"John Base.

"Tho. Gippes.

"All the Well-affected in the County of Suffolke will certify thus much of him."

Ordinance for Col. Mitton to be Governor of Beaumaris and Anglesey.

"The Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament do nominate and approve of Colonel Thomas Mitton to be Governor of the Town and Castle of Bewmauris, and of the Island of Anglesey; and that the Members of both Houses that are of the Committee of both Kingdoms do grant him a Commission or Commissions to be Governor of the said Town, Castle, and Island, accordingly."

Heads of Mr. Dell's Sermon, preached to the Army.

"Mr. Dell, expounding the Seven last Verses of the 54 of Esay, in Marston Church, near Oxford, before the General and other Commanders and Soldiers, June the 7th, 1646, being Sabbath-day in the Forenoon, used these, or the like Words in Effect; (videlicet,)

"1. There are no more of the Church of God in a Kingdom than there be such as have the Spirit of God in that Kingdom.

"2. Neither Old nor New Testament do hold forth a whole Nation to be a Church.

"3. Whatsoever a State, an Assembly, or Council, shall say, ought not to bind the Saints further than the Judgement of those Saints shall lead them.

"4. The Saints are those that are now stiled Anabaptists, Familists, Antinomians, and Independents, Sectaries, &c.

"5. The Power is in you the People; keep it, part not with it.

"6. The First Party that rose against you, namely the Prophane-ones of the Land, are already fallen under you; and now there is another Party, Familists and Carnal Gospellers, rising up against you; and I am confident they shall also fall under you.

"7. They are willing to become Subjects, to make the Saints Slaves; nay, they are willing to become Slaves, that they may tread upon the Necks of the Saints.

"8. Far the greatest Part of it tended merely to Division and Sedition.

"9. Being spoken withall after his Sermon by some of his Hearers, touching these and such like Passages; he said to this Effect: ["His Intentions were not according to his Expressions, and he thought he had preached only to Soldiers"]."


  • 1. Deest in Originali.