Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 8, 1645-1647. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.
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'House of Lords Journal Volume 8: 26 June 1646', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 8, 1645-1647( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 3 January 2025].
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"House of Lords Journal Volume 8: 26 June 1646". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 8, 1645-1647. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 3 January 2025.
In this section
DIE Veneris, 26 die Junii.
PRAYERS, by Mr. Woodcocke.
Comes Manchester, Speaker.
Comes Essex. Comes Northumb. Comes Pembrooke. Comes Kent. Comes Warwicke. Comes Lyncolne. Comes Stamford. L. Viscount (fn. 1) Say & Seale. Comes Suffolke. Comes Denbigh. Comes Nottingham. |
Ds. Willoughby. Ds. Dacres. Ds. Grey. Ds. Howard. Ds. Hunsden. |
Message to the H. C. with the E. of Lincoln's Petition.
A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Sir Edward Leech and Mr. Page:
To recommend to them the Petition of the Earl of Lyncolne.
D. of Richmond and E. of Lindsey, freed from their Restraint.
Ordered, That the Duke of Richmond and the Earl of Lyndsey shall have Liberty to come and reside at Chelsey; and that the Restraint which they lie under by Order of this House is taken off from them.
E. of Cleveland to be released on Bail.
Ordered, That the Earl of Cleveland shall have Liberty to go see his Lady, she being sick; he giving Security to the Lieutenant of The Tower to render himself [ (fn. 2) again within] Three Weeks; and that the Concurrence of the House of Commons be desired herein; his Lordship being first committed by the Earl of Essex when he was Lord General, having Power from both Houses.
L. Howard of C. a Pass.
Ordered, That the Lord Howard of Charlton shall have a Pass, to come up to London, about the making of his Composition for his Delinquency.
Meeting with the Scots Commissioners.
Next, the Earl of Manchester reported the Papers of the Matter of the Meeting Yesterday with the Scotts Commissioners; which were read. (Here enter them.)
Ordered, That the Earl of Argyle's Speech, and the Paper concerning the Propositions, shall be printed and published.
Message to the H. C. with Papers from them.
A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Sir Edw. Leech and Mr. Page:
To communicate to them the Papers of the Scotts Commissioners read this Day.
Writs of Error brought in.
This Day Mr. Justice Bacon, Senior Judge of the Court of King's Bench, brought into this House these Writs of Error following:
Clarke Plaintiff contra Leigh Defendant.
Harbourne Plaintiff contra Puckle Defendant.
Hayes Plaintiff contra Saunders Defendant.
Garraway Plaintiff contra Scarborough Defendant.
Saunders Plaintiff contra Nicholls Defendant.
Bellingrey Plaintiff contra Chesheire Defendant.
Row Plaintiff contra Salmon Defendant.
Sir J. Cotton's Ordinance.
The Ordinance for taking off the Sequestration of Sir John Cotton, was read, and Agreed to.
(Here enter it.)
Sir T. Bendish's.
The Ordinance for taking off the Sequestration of Sir Tho. Bendish's Estate, was read, and Agreed to.
(Here enter it.)
Message from the H. C. with Ordinances.
A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Mr. Nicolls:
To desire their Lordships Concurrence in (fn. 3) several Ordinances.
The Answer returned was:
That their Lordships will take this Message into Consideration, and send in Answer by Messengers of their own.
Pritchard's & al. Ordinance.
The Ordinance for taking off the Sequestration of Wm. Prichard, was read, and Agreed to.
(Here enter it.)
The Earl of Manchester reported the Draught of a Letter, which the Committee hath drawn up, to be sent to Sir Tho. Fairefax.
Which being read, was Agreed to, and Ordered to be sent presently to Sir Tho. Fairefax.
(Here enter it.)
Letter to Sir T. Fairfax, concerning the Articles for Surrender of Oxford being agreed to without the Knowledge of the Lords.
The Letter.
"This Day there was brought accidentally to the Lords in Parliament a printed Book, intituled, "Articles concluded and agreed on, for the Surrender of Oxford and Farringdon to his Excellency Sir Tho. Fairefax, upon Wednesday the 24th of this Instante June;" with the which the Lords were very much surprized, considering that they had formerly signified their Desire unto you, That when any Thing of Importance in relation to the Parliament should be transacted by you they might be acquainted with it: Yet, in regard of the Esteem they have of your Merit and faithful Services, they have commanded me to let you know, that they shall forbear to take any further Notice of these Articles until they shall hear from yourself whether any such Articles have been agreed unto by you. Thus I rest
"Your Friend and Servant,
"E. Manchester."
Marquis of Argyie's Speech, at the Meeting between the Scots Commissioners and Committees of both Houses.
"My Lords and Gentlemen,
"Though I have had the Honnor to bee named by the Kingdome of Scotland in all Commissions which had Relation to this Kingdome since the Begining of this Warre, yet I had never the Happines to bee with your Lordships till now; wherein I reverence God's Providence, that He hath brought me hither at such an Opportunity, when I may bouldly say, it is in the Power of the Two Kingdomes, yea, I may say in your Lordships Power, to make us both happy, if you make good Use of this Occasion, by setling Religion, the Peace, and Union of these Kingdomes.
"The Worke of Reformation in these Kingdomes is soe greate a Worke, as noe Age nor History can paralell since Christ's Dayes; for noe One Nation had ever such a Reformation set forth unto them, much lesse, Three Kingdomes; soe that this Generation may truly thinke themselves happy, if they can bee instrumentall in it: And as the Worke is very greate, soe it cannott bee expected but it must have greate and powerfull Enemyes; not only Flesh and Blood which hate to bee reformed, but likewise Principalityes and Powers, the Rulers of the Darknes of this World, and Spirituall Wickednes in High Places. As the Dangers are greate, wee must looke the better to our Dutyes; and the best Way to performe these is, to keepe us to the Rules which are to bee found in our Nationall Covenant, principally the Word of God, and, in its owne Place, the Example of the best Reformed Churches; and in our Way wee must beware of some Rocks, which are Temptations both upon the Right and upon the Left Hand, soe that wee must hould the Middle Path: Upon the One Part, wee would take Heede not to setle lawlesse Liberty in Religion, whereby, insteed of Uniformity, wee should sett upp a Thousand Heresyes and Schismes, which is directly contrary and destructive to our Covenant. Upon the other Part, wee are to looke that wee persecute not Piety and peaceable Men, who cannott through Scruple of Conscience come upp in all Things to the common Rule; but that they may have such a Forbearance as may bee according to the Word of God, may consist with the Covenant, and not bee destructive to the Rule itselfe, nor to the Peace of the Church and Kingdome; wherein I will insist noe farther, either to wrong your Lordships Patience or Judgments, who, I doubt not, will bee very carefull to doe every Thinge according to our Covenant.
"As to the other Point, concerning the Peace and Union of the Kingdomes, I knowe it is that which all professe they desire; I hope it is that all do ayme at: Sure I am, it is that all Men ought to studdy and endeavor. And I thinke it is not amisse to remember your Lordships of some former Experiences, as an Argument to move us to bee wise for the future. If the Kingdome of England, in the 1640 Yeare of God, then sitting in Parliament, had concurred as they were desired against the Kingdome of Scotland, noe Question wee had bin brought to many Difficultyes, which, blessed by God, was by the Wisdome of the Honnorable Houses prevented; soe likewise, when this Kingdome was in Difficultyes, if the Kingdome of Scotland had not willingly, yea, cheerfully, sacrificed their Peace to concurre with this Kingdome, your Lordships all knowe what might have bin the Danger: Therefore lett us hould fast that Union which is soe happily established betwixt us; and lett nothing make us againe Two, who are soe many Wayes One; all of One Language, in One Island, all under One King, One in Religion, yea, One in Covenant; soe that in Effect wee differ in nothing but in the Name (as Brethren doe), which I wish were alsoe removed, that wee might bee altogether One, if the Two Kingdomes shall thinke fitt; for I dare say, not the greatest Kingdome in the Earth can prejudice both, soe much as One of them may doe the other.
"I will forbeare at this Tyme to speake of the many Jealousyes I heare are suggested, for as I doe not love them; soe I delight not to mention them, only One I cannott forbeare to speake of, as if the Kingdome of Scotland were too much affected with the King's Interest. I will not deny, but the Kingdome of Scotland, by reason of the Raigne of many Kings His Progenitors over them, hath a naturall Affection to His Majesty, whereby they wish He may bee rather reformed than ruined; yet Experience may tell their Personall regard to Him hes never made them forgett that common Rule, "The Safety of the People is the Supreame Lawe;" soe likewise their Love to Monarchy makes them very desireous that it may bee rather regulated then destroyed, which I hope I neede not to mention further to your Lordships, who I trust are of the same Mynde.
"I knowe likewise there are many Jealousyes and unjust Aspersions cast upon our Armyes in England and Ireland. I can, if it were needfull, presently produce Heads of a Declaration intended by the Army in England, for vindicating themselves from such Injuryes, and shewing the Cleernes of their Resolutions and Integrity both in the Cause and towards this Kingdome, wherein theyr Undertakeings and comeing-in at such a Season of the Yeare, their hard Sufferings and constant Indeavors since, may bee sufficient Testimonyes; therefore I am the more bould to desire your Lordships, that soe long as they stay in England (which I wish may bee for a short Tyme) they may bee supplyed with some Moneyes and their Quarters enlarged, least their lying in too narrow Quarters make the Burthen insupportable to that exhausted Corner of the Country where they now remaine, and soe begett Outcryes against them when they are not enabled to discharge their Quarters as other Armyes within the Kingdome.
"As for the Army in Ireland, I have bin an Eye Wittnesse to their Sufferings, and soe may speake of it likewise, upon certaine Knowledge that never Men have suffered greater Hardshipps who might have beene provided; for they have lived many Tymes upon a few Beanes measured out to them by Number, and never had any other Drinke but Water; and when they were in some better Condition, they had but an Irish Pecke of rough Oates for a whole Weeke; and now at their best Condition, when they are quartered upon the Country (which is able to entertaine them only for a very short Tyme), they have only an Irish Pecke of Oatemeale, or a Shilling in the Ten Dayes, both for Meate and Drinke: Therefore, according to the many Desires given in to the Honnorable Houses for that End, I humbly intreate that your Lordships will take Care to provide for them soe long as it is thought fitt they remaine in that Kingdome.
"For renewed Testimony of our earnest Desires to comply with the Honnorable Houses for setling the Peace of these Kingdomes, soe much longed for; wee doe retourne unto your Lordships the Propositions of Peace (which wee receaved on Tuesday last), with our Consent thereunto; wishing they may bee hasted to His Majesty, who hath soe often called for them: And I likewise offer to your Lordships the Coppy of His Majesty's Letter to my Lord of Ormond, discharginge him from any further medling in any Treaty with the Rebells in Ireland; I hope, in order to His Majesty's further condescendinge to the setling of that Proposition concerninge Ireland and the rest of the Propositions now to bee sent unto Him. Annother Paper there is, which concernes the supplyinge of the Scottish Army in England and Ireland, and the perfectinge of the Accompts betweene the Kingdomes, together with a Letter from Generall Major Monro to the Committee of Estates of the Kingdome of Scotland, concerning the State of Affaires in Ireland; all which when your Lordships have considered, I trust you will take such Course therein, as may sattisfy our just Desires, may put an End to our present Troubles, and setle these Kingdomes in a happy Peace."
Paper from the Scots Commissioners, that they agree that the Propositions shall be sent to the King, with a Salvo for further Disscussion.
"It is above a Twelve-moneth since wee did earnestly presse the sendinge of Propositions to the King, for a safe and well-grounded Peace; in Answere where-they unto, the Honnorable Houses were pleased to acquaint us, that they had resolved Propositions should bee sent to His Majesty, but did intend to make some Alterations in the former Propositions; and, after 8 or 9 Moneths Deliberation, wee received from the Honnorable Houses some of those Propositions; and though wee did finde therein very materiall Additions, Alterations, and Omissions, which, for their greate Importance, and the Interest of the Kingdome of Scotland therein, might very well have required the Delay of an Answere untill theEstates of that Kingdome had beene consulted, yet soe unwillinge wee were to retard the Meanes of Peace, that in a Fortnight's Tyme wee retourned an Answere upon the whole Propositions; and the Houses of Parliament not resting sattisfyed therewith, in lesse then Tenn Dayes wee prepared a further Answere, wherein wee did very much comply with the Desires of the Honnorable Houses, especially in the Matter of setlinge the Militia of England and Ireland; and in other Things did shew our Readines to heare or propose such Expedients as might determine any Differences; soe that, in a whole Yeare's Tyme, the Propositions have not remained in our Hands the Space of Fower Weeks, which wee only mention to cleere our Proceedings from Mistakes and Aspersions: And the Houses haveinge now, after Two Moneths further Deliberation, delivered unto us, upon the 23th of this Instant June, all the Propositions they intend to send to the Kinge at this Tyme, wee doe without any Delay retourne such an Answere and Resolution thereupon as wil bee unto the present and future Generations One undeniable Testimony (besides many others) of the Integrity and Faithfullnes of the Kingdome of Scotland in their solemne League and Covenant, of their Love to Peace, and earnest Desire to sattisfy their Brethren of England in those Things which concerne the Good and Government of this Kingdome; being further resolved touchinge the Kingdome of Scotland, that, as not hinge of single or sole Concernment to that Nation did engage them in this Warre, soe nothing of that Nature shall continue the same; although these Propositions now to bee sent doe much differ from the Propositions formerly agreed upon by the Parliaments of both Kingdomes; and the most materiall Additions, Omissions, and Alterations, are in such Particulers as concerne the joynt Interest, and mutuall Confidence and Conjunction, of both Kingdomes, which were, as wee conceive, much better provided for and strengthened by the former Propositions then by these. Although the particular Propositions presented by us concerning the Kingdome of Scotland are not yet agreed unto by the Houses of Parliament, as was offered in their Paper of the 10th of Aprill; although diverse Propositions of joynt Concernment be now superseeded, and the sending of them delayed to a more convenient Tyme, as is expressed in the Votes of both Houses of the 26th of March; and although (which is to us more then all the rest) those Ordinances of Parliament unto which the 5th and 6th Propositions doe relate (and were therefore communicated unto us upon our Desire to see what the Houses had already agreed upon concerning Religion), doe not contayne the Establishment of such a Reformation of Religion and Uniformity as was expected, and was the cheife End of our Engagment in this Warre; and as all these Ordinances put together come short of what wee wished; soe there are some Particulers which wee conceive to bee inconsistent with the Word of God and the Example of the best Reformed Churches, and therefore cannott in our Consciences consent unto them, which Particulers were expressed to both Houses in the Remonstrance of the Commissioners of the Church of Scotland, of the Dave March 26, 1646: Yet, neverthelesse, wee doe soe earnestly desire, and soe highly value, the easinge of the heavy Pressures under which both Kingdomes groane, and the bringinge of this bloody lastinge Warre to a speedy and happy End; consideringe withall, that not only the Booke of Common Prayer and the Prelaticall Government are abolished, and a common Directory of Worshipp established in both Kingdomes, but that likewises the Ordinances afore mentioned doe contayne diverse Parts of a possitive Reformation and Uniformity in Church Government, unto which wee formerly gave our Consent in our Answer upon the whole Propositions of Peace of the 20th of Aprill; and for soe happy Beginings, and soe good a Foundation layd for the future, wee heartly thanke God, and doe acknowledge the Zeale, Piety, and Wisdome of the Honnorable Houses herein; remembringe alsoe that those Ordinances doe not contayne the whole Moddell of Church Government, and that the Houses have bin pleased to expresse, ("that it cannott be expected that a perfect Rule in every Particuler should bee setled all at once; but that there will bee Neede of Supplyments and Additions, and happily of Alterations in some Things, as Experience shall bringe to Light the Necessity thereof.") Upon these Considerations, as wee doe cheerefully consent to many materiall Parts of these Propositions, soe wee resolve to make noe Lett, but to give Way to the sending of such other Particulers herein contayned, with which wee are unsattisfyed in the Matter for the Reasons formerly represented to both Houses, of which some still stand in Force, though others of them bee taken away by the new Expedients; it alwayes being understood that our not dissentinge from nor opposeing of the sending of the Propositions as they now stand shall bee noe Prejudice nor Impediment to all or any One of the Articles of the solemne League and Covenant; especially to the First Article, concerning the Preservation of the Reformed Religion in the Church of Scotland, in Doctrine, Worshipp, Discipline, and Government, against our common Enemyes; the Reformation of Religion in the Kingdomes of England and Ireland, in Doctrine, Worshipp, Discipline, and Government, according to the Word of God and Example of the best Reformed Churches; and the bringing of the Churches of God in the 3 Kingdomes to the ueerest Conjunction and Unisormity in Religion, Confession of Faith, Forme of Church Government, Directory for Worshipp, and Catechiseinge, which Thing both Kingdomes are by Covenant obliged sincerly and really to endeavor, and that not for a Tyme, but constantly, soe that neither of the Kingdomes can bee loosed or acquitted from the most straite and solemne Obligation of their continued and constant indeavoring these good Ends, soe farre as any of them is not yet attayned; it being alsoe understood that our Concurrence to the sending of the Propositions shal bee without Prejudice to any Agreement or Treaty betweene the Kingdomes, and shall not infringe any Engagment made to the Kingdome of Scotland, nor bee my Hindrance to our insisting upon the other Propositions already made knowne to the Houses; and it being understood that it is not our Judgment that every Particuler and Circumstance of these Propositions is of soe greate Importance to these Kingdomes as Peace and Warre should depend thereupon. Upon these Grounds, which wee make knowne only for cleering our Consciences, and for discharginge ourselves in the Trust put upon us, without the least Thought of retarding soe-muchlonged-for Peace, wee condescend and agree that the Propositions, as they are now resolved upon, bee in the Name of both Kingdomes presented to the Kinge, whose Heart wee beseech the Lord wholy to inclyne to the Councells of Truth and Peace."
25th of June, 1646.
Letter from the King, to the Marquis of Ormond, to proceed no further in the Treaty with the Irish Rebels.
"3. Right, &c.
"Having long with much Grief looked upon the sad Condition Our Kingdom of Ireland hath been in these divers Years, through the wicked and desperate Rebellion there, and the bloody Effects have ensued thereupon; for the settling whereof, We would have wholly applied Ourselves, if the Difference betwixt Us and Our Subjects here had not diverted and withdrew Us; and not having been able by Force for that respect to reduce them; We were necessitated, for the present Safety of Our Protestant Subjects there, to give you Power and Authority to treat with them, upon such pious, honourable, and safe Grounds, as the Good of that Our Kingdom did then require: But, for many Reasons, too long for a Letter, We think sit to require you to proceed no further in Treaty with the Rebels, nor to engage Us upon any Conditions with them after Sight hereof. And having formerly found such real Proofs of your ready Obedience to Our Commands, We doubt not of Your Care in this, wherein Our Service and the Good of Our Protestant Subjects in Ireland is so much concerned.
"From Newcastle, the 11th of June, 1646."
General Monro's Letter to the Committee of Estates, giving an Account of his Defeat by the Irish Rebels, and desiring Supplies for his Army.
"4. Right Honnorable,
"It being my Duty to represent unto your Honnors the Condition of Affaires here touching our Army, and those of the Brittish Army who were ingaged with us in the Service; being extraordinarily (fn. 4) scarce of Provisions, and heareing from all Parts that the Irish had noe considerable Army on Foote; for Preservation of our Quarters, it was resolved, by joynt Advise, to make to the Feilds, with a Moneth's Provision, for to purchase Victualls or Cattle from the Enemy; soe that wee intended our March the 2d of June, beinge effective under Armes 3400 Foote and Elevene Troopes of Horse, with Six Feilding Peeces; and Colonell Monro was to joyne with us at Glasloch, with Three Troopes of Horse, and 240 Musketteirs; Auchinbeck being left at Home, for Defence of the Quarters; the Marquesse' Regiment, being landed from Scotland 2 Dayes before, could not bee gotten in Readines to joyne with us; it (fn. 5) was alsoe condescended on by the English Commissioners an me, that the Laggan Forces should march unto Connaught imediatly, to keepe the Enemy busied there, who were ordained to keepe Correspondence with us on all Occasions. Haveing parted with our Commissioners, the 2d Night of our Marche neere Drummore; the 4th in the Morning, I commaunded forth a Party of Horse, being 27 Comaunded Horsemen, led by the Leiuetenant of my Troope, Daniell Monro, who had Direction to crosse The Black Water at Benburg, to scoure the Feilds, and to certify Colonell Monro of my Randesvouz Place at Glasloch the Fowe'th of June, where, by the Way, at Armagh, the Party unexpectedly forgathered with the the Enemyes Fore Troope, and tooke a Prisoner of theirs, who gave Intelligence, that the Enemyes Army were marchinge that Morning from Glasloch, to quarter at Benburg and Charlemonte, which interrupted my Party from goeing to Colonell Monro: The Prisoner, being sent to meete mee after Examination, certifyed us the Enemyes Army were effective above 5000 Foote, and 12 Troopes of Horse, provided with a Fortnight's Victualls. Being thus informed, I presently broke upp our Night's Leaguer, and marched Six Miles farther to Hamilton's Band, 4 Miles from Armagh, and sent for our Party to retire upon the Army, beinge impossible for them to gett through to Colonell Monro. Friday the 5th, by Fower a Clocke in the Morninge, I marched to Armagh in View of the Enemy; thinking, the neerer our Army was to theirs, to hinder them from sending of their Strength to fall upon Colonell Monro, his Way lying direct towards the Enemyes Quarter; and haveinge viewed the Enemyes Army in a Posture to defend the Passage at Benburgh, which beinge hard for us to force the Passage, by reason of the Straightnes of the Passe, the Enemy being Master of the Bridge and of the Ford, very advantagious for him, presently I convened the Officers of the Army, to consult what was best for us to undertake, where, by joynt Advise, it was resolved to march with the Army in the Enemye's View to Kinniard, to crosse the Water there, and soe to drawe the Enemy from his Advantage, and from Colonell Monro his Party, beinge but weake; which being effectuated, wee were betwixt the Enemy and his Victualls, haveing gained the Passe at Kinnaird without Dispute; and had the Enemy betwixt us and our Party, and our Baggage secured in our Reare. All our Army, Foote and Horse, did earnestly covett Fightinge, which was impossible for me to gainstand without being reproached of Cowardice; and therefore, haveing provided ourselves for Battaill, and that orderly with Resolution, wee advanced towards the Enemy aboute Six of the Clocke at Night, and beate in their Comaunded Men and Fore Troopes to their Army, where they stood ready in Battell to receive us. Leiuetenant Colonell Cuninghame, with 400 Comaunded Men, cleered the Passage for our Horsemen to advance, who were comaunded then, in Absence of Colonell Monro, by the Lord Viscount of Ardes. The Army followed upp after the Feilding Peeces, and drew upp in Battell forgainst the Army, who had possessed themselves with the advantagious Ground, where their Foote were covered with Scrogges and Bushes. The Service began on both Sides, continued from 6 a Clocke at Night till after Sunn-sett. The Enemy could not gett charged on our Left or Right Wing, haveing The Blacke Water on the Right Hand, and a Marrish Bogg on the Left Winge; and wee being comeing up in the Plaine, haveinge our Peeces before us, and our Horsemen behinde our Reserve, being impossible for the Enemy to charge us but in our Van, our Horsemen could receive them in marching upp, and charginge through the Intervalls betweene the Briggade of Foote; about Sunn-sett, I perceived the Enemy makeing ready for a generall Assault, first with his Foote, and his Horse comeing upp behinde his Foote to second them. I had given Order to a Squadron of our Horse to breake through them before they should advance to our Foote. That Squadron of Horse, consisting for the most Part of Irish Riders, although in the English Comaund, did not charge, but retired disorderly through our Foote, haveing the Enemyes Horsemen to followe them, at least One Squadron. Notwithstanding thereof, our Foote stood to it, and received the Enemyes Battalions Body to Body with Push of Pike, till at last our Second Squadron of Horse charged the Enemyes Horse, and fell pell-mell amongest our Foote, who, beinge carryed in Disorder, had noe Way of Retreate but to wade The Blacke Water where it was not foardable; and by that Meanes, by the Helpe of the darke Night, many of our Foote escaped, with the Losse of some few Officers, Six Feilding Peeces, and some Colours; soe that, by all Appeareance, the Irish under the Lesnegarvy Horsemen had a Purpose to betray the Army by their running away, leaveing the Foote to bee cutt downe, who were alsoe deserted by the rest of the Horse. After retireing from their last Charge, the Enemy falling on our Baggage, the Baggage Horses being all gone, the Enemy loved the Spoile better then to prosecute their Victory; soe that wee lost of the Foote at the neerest Conjecture 5 or 600; and 20 Officers were taken Prisoners, the Lord of Ardes being One. Wee lost alsoe many Armes, by reason the Souldiers had above 50 Miles to retire; and notwithstandinge all our Losses, the Enemy as yet (praised by God) hath not attempted to prosecute his Victory within our Quarters; and Colonell Monro, with his Party, miracilously retired Home from the Enemy, who viewed him, without the Losse of a Man. And now wee are makeing upp our Forces againe, haveing not lost of our Horsemen above 30, and One Cornett, who was killed. Wee are both scarce of Armes and Victualls; and, for ought I can understand, the Lord of Hosts had a Controversy with us, to rub Shame on our Faces as on other Armyes, till once wee should bee humbled; for greater Confidence did I never see in any Army then was amongest us, and wee behoved to tast of Bitternes as well as others of both Nations; but, praised bee God, being now humbled before God, wee increase in Courage and Resolution: Soe, according to your Interest in us, and in the poore Inhabitants in this Province, use some speedy Meanes to supply us. Thus, comending your Lordships and all your waighty Affaires to the Protection of the Almighty, I humbly take my Leave.
Carrick-fergus, the 11th of June, 1646.
"Ro. Monro.
"Aboute the same Tyme a Party of our Countrymen in Connaught re-encountered with a Comaunded Party of Preston's Army, where the Enemy lost 500 Men, besides 20 Officers that were taken Prisoners, whereof Generall Major Taaff was the speciall; with whome, and such others as I have Prisoners of theirs, wee intend to releive the Lord Ards and other of our Freinds."
Paper from the Scots Commissioners concerning the Supply of their Armies; for Ships to be sent on their Coasts; and for Commissioners to reside with their Army.
"Haveing soe often represented by Papers, and now by Word, to the Honnorable Houses, the extreame Necessityes of our Armyes in England and Ireland, wee shall not trouble them with unnecessary Repetition; but only mention those Desires which require their very speedy Consideration:
"1. First, Wee desire, that, for easeing the Country of their greate Pressures, and preventing many dangerous Inconveniencyes, the Quarters of the Scottish Army in the North of this Kingdome may bee enlarged, and a considerable Supply of Money dispatched unto them.
"2. That Money, Provisions, and Ammunition, may bee sent to the Scottish Army in Ireland; and the same Care taken in provideing for them as for other Forces imployed in that Kingdome.
"3. That the Five Thousand Armes long since promised, and in an Ordinance of both Houses of the 26th of August, 1645, referred to the Care of the Committee sitting at Habberdash'rs Hall, may bee speedily provided; and that the Honnorable Houses will bee pleased to graunt Power to that Committee to contract and make Payment, as well as to treate for furnishing of these Armes; by reason of which Defect in the Ordinance, the sending of these Armes hath bin hitherto retarded.
"4. That, to prevent the further Invasion of the Kingdome of Scotland by the Irish Rebells, Shipps may bee presently sent to attend the Coasts betwixt Scotland and Ireland; and the Comaunders of these Shipps authorised with such Instructions as are agreeable to the Treatyes betweene the Kingdomes.
"5. That the Honnorable Houses wil bee pleased to send Commissioners to joyne with the Committee of Estates residing with the Scotts Army, who may bee Wittnesses, as of their other Proceedings, soe of the earnest Desires and reall Indeavors with the King, for giveing speedy and full Sattisfaction to both Kingdomes. And it is alsoe our earnest Request, that these Commissioners may have Power to treate and agree with the Committee of Estates, concerning the statinge of the Accompts, and setling any Differences that may arise thereupon; and further, to treate and agree upon Overtures and estimated Mediums or Expedients for the speedy setling thereof (which wee are confident may bee done in a very few Dayes); and either finally to conclude them, or represent them to both Houses, whereby, with all possible Expeditior, upon the setling of the Propositions and Accompts, such Course may bee taken as all Armyes may bee disbanded, the Kingdomes eased of their heavy Pressures and insupportable Burdens, that soe, all Things beinge setled in a Brotherly Way, wee and our Posterity may, after soe unhappy and troublesome a Warre, injoy a quiett and blessed Peace."
25th June 1646.
List of Persons excepted from Pardon.
"6. The Names of the Persons excepted from Pardon.
"Earle of Traquare.
"Lord Harris.
"Lord Rae.
"Lord Gordon, sometyme Marq. of Huntley.
James Graham, sometyme Earle of Montrose.
Robert Maxwell, late Earle of Nithesdailie.
Robert Dalzell, sometyme Earle of Carnwath.
James Gordon, sometyme Viscount of Aboyne.
Lodowick Lindesay, sometyme Earle of Crauford.
James Ogleby, sometyme Lord Ogleby.
Patrick Rutheven, sometyme Earle of Forth.
James King, sometyme Lord Ithan.
Allester Mackdonald.
Irwin Younger of Drum.
Gordan Younger of Gight.
Lesley of Aughintoule.
Colonell John Coghrane.
Graham of Gorthie.
"Mr. John Maxwell, sometyme pretended Bishop of Rosse."
Ordinance to clear Sir John Cotton of his Delinquency.
"Whereas Sir John Cotton, of Lannoads, in the County of Cambridge, Knight, hath by both Houses of Parliament been admitted to his Fine of Three Hundred and Forty Pounds, for adhering to the Forces raised against the Parliament: The Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament do hereby authorize and appoint the Commissioners of the Great Seal of England to pass a Pardon for the said Sir John Cotton, (fn. 6) in such Manner as shall be agreed by both Houses, and according to this Ordinance, with a Grant and Restitution of his Lands, Goods, and Chattels, and other Estate for which the said Fine was accepted, according to the Particular thereof made, and entered with the Committee at Gouldsmiths Hall, and of all Mean Profits, from the 24th Day of June, 1645, with an Exception of the Right or Estate of the said Sir John Cotton in or to all Advowsons, Presentations, and Right of Patronage, to any Church or Chapel; and Oliver St. John Esquire His Majesty's Solicitor General is hereby required to prepare a Pardon accordingly: Provided always, That this Ordinance, or the said Pardon thereon to be passed, shall not extend to free the said Sir John Cotton from a further Composition, for any other Lands, Goods, or Chattels, than what are contained in the Particular aforesaid; and that, in case the said Lands mentioned in the said Particular were of greater Yearly Values than are therein contained during Three Years before the Year of our Lord 1640, then the said Sir John Cotton shall pay such further Fine, by Way of Composition for the same, as both Houses of Parliament shall appoint."
Sir Tho. Bendish's Restraint taken off.
"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the Restraint laid upon Sir Thomas Bendish Baronet, in the Ordinance whereby he was discharged of his Delinquency and Sequestration, be taken off."
Ordinance to clear Messieurs Pritchard, Allen, and Bovill, of their Delinquency.
"Whereas Phillip Prichard, of Bostocke, in the County of Chester, Gentleman, William Allen, of Brindley, in the said County, Gentleman, and Stephen Bovill, of the same, have by both Houses of Parliament been admitted to their Fines; videlicet, the said Phillip Prichard to his Fine of Eighty Pounds; the said William Allen to his Fine of Ninety Pounds; and the said Stephen Bovill to his Fine of Thirty-five Pounds; the said Phillip Prichard and William Allen having adhered to the Forces raised against the Parliament, and the said Stephen Bovill having been in Arms against the Parliament: The Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled do hereby authorize and appoint His Majesty's Solicitor General to prepare a Pardon to the said Phillip Prichard, William Allen, and Stephen Bovill, for their said Offences, in such Manner as shall be agreed by both Houses for like Offenders, together with a Grant and Restitution to them, their Heirs, and Assigns, of all their Lands, Goods, and Chattels, and other Estates for which their said Fines were accepted, according to the Particulars thereof made, and entered with the Committee at Gouldsmiths Hall, and of all Mean Profits thereof; for the said Phillipp Prichard, from the Six and Twentieth Day of March, 1646; for the said William Allen, from the Second Day of this Instant June, 1646; and for the said Stephen Bovill, from the said Second of June; with an Exception of the Rights or Estates of the said Phillip Prichard, William Allen, and Stephen Bovill, in or to all Advowsons, Presentations, and Rights of Patronage, to any Church or Chapel; which said Pardons, so prepared, the Commissioners for the Great Seal of England for the Time being are hereby likewise authorized to pass the said Great Seal accordingly: Provided always, That this Ordinance, or the said Pardons thereon to be passed, shall not extend to free the said Phillip Prichard, William Allen, and Stephen Bovill, from any further Compositions, for any other Lands, Goods, or Chattels, than what are contained in the Particulars aforesaid; and that, in case the said Lands mentioned in the said Particulars were of greater Yearly Values than are therein expressed during Three Years before the Year of our Lord 1640, then the said Phillip Prichard, William Allen, and Stephen Bovill, shall pay such further Fines, by Way of Composition, as both Houses of Parliament shall appoint."