Archdeacons: Stow

Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 3, Lincoln. Originally published by Institute of Historical Research, London, 1977.

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'Archdeacons: Stow', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 3, Lincoln, ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 1977), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].

'Archdeacons: Stow', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 3, Lincoln. Edited by Diana E Greenway (London, 1977), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,

"Archdeacons: Stow". Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 3, Lincoln. Ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 1977), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.



Covered West Riding of Lindsey (Taxatio pp. 74-6). Spirs. total in 1291£1,421 10s. 4d. (ibid. p. 75b).


[Hugh preb. unident. p. 112

Appd. to unnamed dignity by bp. Remigius before May 1092 (D.C.M. p. 301).Predecessor of Osbert (ibid.), prob. his father. Perhaps to be identified with Hugh,who occ. as can. c. 1118 (below p. 128). ? To be identified with Hugh, can. andsacerdos, who d. before c. 1188, commem. 17 June (obit. I 158).]

[Osbert (son of Hugh) preb. unident. p. 114

Osbert succeeded Hugh in unnamed dignity (D.C.M. p. 301). Occ. as Osbertarchdcn. once only, ? c. 1133 (R.A.L. II no. 553, see app. 3); must be archdcn. ofStow, because occ. here in company with the other seven archdcns. of Lincoln dioc.,whose archdcnries. are named. Had been succeeded by c. 1134 (D.C.M. I p. 301).Prob. to be identified with Osbert son of Hugh who occ. as can. in L.P. I of ? c. 1132(app. 2 no. 26), and was commem. 15 Feb. (obit. I 154). Prob. son of Hugh (above)and father of William (below).] (fn. 1)

William son of Osbert preb. unident. p. 118

Can. Not yet archdcn., occ. as can. in L.P. I, of ? c. 1132 (app. 2 no. 22), and? c. 1133 (R.A.L. II no. 553, see app. 3). Succeeded Osbert in unnamed dignity byc. 1134 (D.C.M. I p. 301, see app. 4). Occ. as archdcn., acting within Stow archdcnry., c. 1145 (Bodl., MS. Dodsworth 94 fo. 76v, for date cf. Mowbray Chs.nos. 196-7). Also occ. c. 1146 (D.C.M. II p. 301, see app. 7). Last occ. Nov. 1152 ×1155 (R.A.L. I no. 133), (fn. 2) and ? mid 1150s (Danelaw Chs. no. 218, see app. 16).Commem., without title, 25 March (obit. I 156). Called archdcn. of West Riding(Bodl., MS. Dodsworth 94 fo. 76r). Son of Osbert archdcn. [of Stow] (cart. Alvingham fo. 60r, cf. app. 16). Father of Philip son of William son of Osbert, preb.Thorngate (list 65).

Roger de Almaria preb. unident. p. 116

Can. Precentor from second half of 1147 (list 3). Succeeded William son of Osbertin this archdcnry. and retained precentorship (Bodl., MS. Dodsworth 94 fo. 76r).First occ. as archdcn., called 'of Lindsey', Jan. 1156 × Aug. 1158 (Cart. CirencesterII no. 669). Occ. as precentor and archdcn. (e.g. Danelaw Chs. no. 284). Last occ.,as precentor, after Nov. 1160 (R.A.L. II no. 613, see app. 18). Had been succeededas precentor before 19 Apr. 1161 (list 3).

M. Richard de Almaria preb. unident. p. 115

Can. Succeeded Roger de Almaria as precentor, and therefore presum. as archdcn.of Stow, between Nov. 1160 and 19 Apr. 1161 (list 3). First occ. as archdcn. (alsoprecentor) before 1163 (Cart. Thame I no. 4). (fn. 3) Occ. several times as precentor andarchdcn. of West Riding (e.g. cart. Bardney fo. 199r; cart. Welbeck: B.L., HarleyMS. 3640 fo. 125r). Last occ. as precentor and archdcn. after 21 Sept. 1186 (cart.Malton fo. 42v). (fn. 4) Does not occ. in L.P. II, of c. 1187 (app. 33). Had been succeededas archdcn. by c. 1187 (below), and as precentor by 18 Oct. 1188 (list 3).

M. Alexander preb. unident. p. 110

Can. and vice-archdcn. Prob. not yet archdcn. when occ. 29 March 1187 (B.L.,Harley Ch. 47. I. 9). First occ. as archdcn., presum. of Stow, in L.P. II, of c. 1187(app. 33 no. 9). Last certain occ., called archdcn. of W. Riding, 29 March 1198(R.A.L. VII no. 2068), and c. 1198 (ibid. II no. 637, IX no. 2458, see app. 45), andperhaps later, c. 23 Apr. 1200 (B.L., Add. MS. 6118 fo. 388v, cf. final concord,fos. 388v-389r). Occ. as can., not called archdcn., among debtors of Aaron the Jew,from 1191 to 1199, not present in 1200 (P.R. 3 Ric. I (P.R.S., n.s. ii) p. 20-1 John(P.R.S., n.s. x) p. 141; cf. 2 John (P.R.S., n.s. xii) p. 69). Brother of M. Hamo thechanc., a Breton (B.L., Add. MS. 6118 fo. 387v; C.D.F. no. 853; and B.L., HarleyCh. 47. I. 9), and therefore presum. brother of Peter abbot of Missenden (abovep. 16). Donor of a book to the cathedral (Gir. Cambr. VII 171).

M. William de Firsby (fn. 5) preb. ? Scamblesby, list 57

Can. First occ. c. 1200 (R.A.L. III no. 674, see app. 47), and certainly 8 Apr.1201 (C.R.R. I 442). Last occ. after May 1205 (B.L., Add. MS. 6118 fo. 393r-v), (fn. 6) and presum. to be identified with William archdcn. of W. Riding who occ. duringInterdict, March 1208 × July 1214 (Gir. Cambr. VII 147, cf. ibid. p. 137). Possiblyto be identified with William of Frisby, who became prior of Alvingham (Gilb.,Lincs.) after 4 May 1208, and occ. 1213, and d. or res. before 13 Oct. 1218 (Headsof Relig. Houses p. 201).

M. William de Thornaco preb. Dunham, list 34

Bp.'s clk. Occ. without title, presum. still clk., 5 Oct. 1213 (W.A.M. 15683). Firstocc. as archdcn. 27 Feb. 1214 (Liber Ant. p. 72). Also bp.'s datary. Last occ. 11 Apr.1219 (ibid. p. 94). Archdcn. of Lincoln by 22 May 1219 (list 7).

M. John of York preb. unident. p. 113

Can. First occ. as archdcn. 22 May 1219 (Liber Ant. p. 94). Also occ. 25 Mayand 21 July 1219 (ibid. pp. 95, 96). Subdean by 23 Sept. 1219 (list 6).

M. Hugh de Sancto Edwardo preb. unident. p. 112

Can. First occ. as archdcn. 23 Sept. 1219 (Liber Ant. p. 97). Last occ. 25 Nov.1222 (R.A.L. III no. 898). For his full name, see ibid. II no. 570. ? Donor of a bookto the cathedral (Woolley, Cat. MSS. p. x).

M. William son of Fulk II preb. Decem Librarum, list 33

Can. First occ. as archdcn. 12 March 1223 (R.A.L. II no. 513). D. almost a yearbefore 8 Oct. 1224 (Rot. Welles II 65), certainly by 30 March (ibid. I 219-20), andhad been succeeded by 4 Jan. 1224 (below). Commem. 10 Nov. (R.L. I). So d. prob.Nov. 1223. Son of Fulk son of Robert son of Guthred (see R.A.L. IX 261 andnos. 2393-2401).

M. William of Canterbury (fn. 7) preb. unident. p. 118

Can. Presum. not yet archdcn., occ. as can. 4 Nov. 1223 (Rot. Welles II 203).First occ. as archdcn. 4 Jan. 1224 (ibid. p. 204). For full name and title, see LiberAnt. p. 69. Also official of abp. of Canterbury. Last occ. in year 17 June 1236-16 June1237 (Rot. Grosseteste p. 136), but d. or res. before 16 June 1237 (ibid. p. 137).

W- preb. unident. p. 117

Occ. c. 6 May 1239 (Rot. Grosseteste pp. 139, 141); in year 17 June 1238-16 June1239 (Grosseteste roll IV m. 1, Crowle inqu. and mand., detail omitted in Rot.Grosseteste p. 140); and in year 17 June 1239-16 June 1240 (Grosseteste roll IVm. 1, Coates inqu. and mand., detail omitted in Rot. Grosseteste p. 140). (fn. 8) Had beensucceeded before 16 June 1240 (below).

Gilbert preb. unident. p. 111

First occ. in year 17 June 1239-16 June 1240 (Rot. Grosseteste p. 141), (fn. 8) and21 Aug. 1240 (Rot. Gravesend p. 163). Last occ. early in year 17 June 1241-16 June1242 (Grosseteste roll IV m. 2, Roxby inqu. and mand., detail omitted in Rot.Grosseteste p. 144), and had been succeeded before 16 June 1242 (below).

Michael [de Benington] preb. unident. p. 113

First occ. in year 17 June 1241-16 June 1242 (Rot. Grosseteste p. 144). Last occ.throughout year 3 Nov. 1262-2 Nov. 1263 (Gravesend roll III m. 2, details mostlyomitted in Rot. Gravesend pp. 89-90), and held inqus. for insts. of 25 Jan. and 5 Apr.1264 (Gravesend roll III m. 3, Haxey and Whitton inqus., details omitted in Rot.Gravesend p. 90). Usually called Michael or M., but presum. to be identified withMichael de Benington, who occ. as can. 21 Oct. 1239 (Rot. Grosseteste p. 143), theonly Michael in the Lincoln chapter at this time.

Simon de Barton preb. Dunham, list 34

Can. First occ. as archdcn. 12 Apr. 1264 (Rot. Gravesend pp. 90, 290). Last occ.11 Nov. 1279 (Gravesend roll III m. 7, Luddington inqu. and mand., detail omittedin Rot. Gravesend p. 97). D. 1280 (obit. II p. ccxliv; cf. R.A.L. X no. 2698). Commem.16 Sept. (L.S. II(2) 820).

M. Antony de Sauzthorp (fn. 9) preb. unident. p. 110

Can. Not yet archdcn., occ. as can. in week 10-17 Sept. 1279 (R.L. II). Appd.archdcn. by 2 Oct. 1280 (Reg. Sutton I 6). Last occ. 9 July 1285 (ibid. p. 65) andpossibly 14 × 29 Sept. 1286 (R.A.L. X no. 2834), and held inqus. recorded after19 May 1287, for inst. of 12 July (Sutton roll III m. 3, Halton).

M. Durand of Lincoln preb. S. Scarle, list 58

Can. Not yet archdcn., occ. as can. 21 Oct. 1288 (Reg. Sutton II 70). First occ. asarchdcn. shortly before 21 Jan. 1289 (Sutton roll III m. 4, Epworth inqu.). Last occ.28 Sept. 1291 (Reg. I fo. 253r). D. by 4 Dec. 1291 (ibid. fo. 354v). (fn. 10)

M. Jocelin de Kirmington (fn. 11) preb. Empingham, list 35

Can. Coll. by bp. 30 Dec. 1291 (Reg. I fos. 354v-355r). Last occ. 6 July 1300(Reg. III fo. 11r). Res. by 15 July 1300 (ibid. fo. 11v). Dean of Lincoln, el. 1 Aug. ×22 Sept. 1305.



  • 1. Adelelm, who occ. as archdcn. temp. bp. Alexander, before 1148 (R.A.L. II no. 334), was notarchdcn. of Stow, but is to be identified with Adelelm archdcn. of Dorset, who became dean ofLincoln before 1145 (list 2).
  • 2. Temp. P[hilip] abbot of Thornton (Heads of Relig. Houses p. 186), and G[ualo] abbot of Revesby(ibid. p. 140).
  • 3. Temp. Henry d'Oilly, who d. 1163 (Ann. Oseney p. 33).
  • 4. Temp. bp. Hugh of Avallon (list 1).
  • 5. There are two places called Firsby in Lincs., and two called Frisby in Leics.
  • 6. Temp. Gilbert [II], prior of Sempringham (Heads of Relig. Houses p. 204).
  • 7. He is called 'de Cantuaria' in Rot. Welles II 203, and 'de Herbaldon', Harbledown, one mile fromCanterbury, in Close R. 1227-31 p. 590.
  • 8. In Grosseteste roll IV m. 1 it is clear that the entries beginning with Coates belong to the fifthpontifical year (17 June 1239-16 June 1240) and not the fourth, as in Rot. Grosseteste pp. 140-1.
  • 9. Presum. Sausthorpe, Lincs.
  • 10. Benedict of Ferriby, given as archdcn. of Stow in Le Neve-Hardy II 77, was gr. custody ofarchdcnry. during vacancy, 7 Dec. 1291 (Reg. Sutton III 169).
  • 11. Presum. Kirmington, Lincs.