Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 7, 1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.
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'House of Lords Journal Volume 7: 24 May 1645', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 7, 1644(London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 25 February 2025].
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"House of Lords Journal Volume 7: 24 May 1645". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 7, 1644. (London, 1767-1830), British History Online. Web. 25 February 2025.
In this section
Die Saturni, 24 die Maii.
Prayers, by Mr. Gibson.
Ds. Grey de Warke, Speaker.
The Absence of the Lord Wharton is excused.
Report concerning Sir H. Compton's Petition, to be protected from Actions of Debt.
The Lord North reported, "That the Committee for Privileges have considered of the Business concerning Sir Henry Compton, referred to them; whether he should be protected from his Creditors Actions that are brought against him, now he is Prisoner to the Parliament, and his Estate sequestered: And their Opinion is, That he ought to be protected from this House."
Ordered, That this Business shall be taken further into Consideration on Monday next.
Capt. Bailie freed from Arrests, till his Arrears are paid.
Upon reading the Petition of Captain-Lieutenant David Bailie; shewing, "That he was employed in the Service of the Parliament, under the Command of Sir Wm. Waller, for which divers Sums of Money remained due to him; but, through Not-payment of his Arrears, was driven to that Necessity as to take upon Trust a small Sum of Money, for which Debt he lyeth now imprisoned in The Marshalsea, in Want."
Hereupon this House Ordered, That, in regard the State owes him his Arrears, he shall have the Protection of Parliament, to be freed from Arrests, until the State pays him his Arrears; and that he shall be released of his present Restraint forthwith.
Vincent, Minister of St. Botolph's, complains that Collections are not made for him.
Upon reading the Petition of Sara Vincent, Wife of John Vincent, Minister; complaining, "That the Persons appointed to receive Monies of the Parish of Bottolph Bishopsgate have neglected to collect the said Monies, and paying the same to the said John Vincent:"
It is Ordered, That the Defendants shall have a Copy of the Petition, and return their Answers to this House.
Andrews & al. committed, for disobeying the Order about the Countess of Sussex's Fishery at Burnham, alias Wallfleet.
Upon reading the Affidavits of Ric'd Berrowe and Ric'd Panton; shewing, "That John Andrewes, Edward Rule, John Robjant, Ric'd Robjeant, and Jeremy Hawkins, Fishermen, do refuse to perform those Conditions as they consented to in the Report of Mr. Serjeant Fynch:"
For which Contempt to the Order of this House, in not performing the said Agreement; it is Ordered, That they shall forthwith stand committed to the Prison of The Fleete, during the Pleasure of this House.
Message from the H. C. with Orders and Ordinances.
A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Mr. Nicolls, &c.
To desire their Lordships Concurrence in divers Particulars:
1. An Ordinance, That Colonel Massey shall command the Western Forces in Chief. (Here enter it.)
Agreed to.
2. An Order for a Collection for the Relief of Taunton. (Here enter it.)
Agreed to.
3. An Order to pay Two Hundred Pounds to Lieutenant Colonel Poynes, upon Accompt. (Here enter it.)
Agreed to.
4. An Ordinance for paying Three Hundred Pounds to the Garrison of Windsor. (Here enter it.)
Agreed to.
5. An Ordinance to re-pay One Thousand Pounds advanced by some Citizens of London, for Darbyshire.
(Here enter it.)
Agreed to.
6. An Ordinance for the raising of a Monthly Sum upon the County of Derby, for the Payment of their Forces, and other necessary Expences, for the Public Service.
The Answer returned was:
That this House agrees to all the Particulars now brought up, excepting to the Ordinance for raising a Monthly Sum in the County of Derby, concerning which they will send an Answer by Messengers of their own.
Papers from the Scots Commissioners.
The Earl of Manchester reported divers Papers, which were desired by the Scottish Commissioners to be presented to this House; which were read, as follows.
(Here enter it.)
Committee to consider of General Crawford's Complaint, of being abused by Man, a Constable.
The Petition of Major General Crawford, complaining of an Abuse offered to him by one Man, Constable, in Covent Garden: (Here enter the Petition.)
Ordered, That the Examination of this Business is referred to these Lords Committees following:
Comes Northumb. Comes Pembrooke. Comes Manchester. Comes Denbigh. Comes Stamford. |
Comes Bolingbrooke. Comes Kent. Comes Suffolke. L. Viscount Say & Seale. |
Any Three, to meet on Monday; at which Time Major General Crawford is to bring his Witnesses.
State of Portsmouth Garrison.
The Earl of Northumb. reported from the Committee of both Kingdoms the State of the Garrison of Portsmouth, which Account was given to them by Colonel Norton. (Here enter it.)
And it is Ordered, That this be communicated to the House of Commons.
It was further reported, "That the Committee thinks it fit the Garrison of Portsmouth be Six Hundred Men, which is as little as may be, for the Security of that Garrison."
Further was reported another Paper, as followeth:
Committee of both Kingdoms desire, that the coming up of Capt. Stone and others, Committees for Stafford, complained against by the E. of Denbigh, may be respited.
"At the Committee of both Kingdoms, at Derby House.
"That it be reported to the House of Peers, That whereas, by Order of that House, it was referred to this Committee, to take Care of the Safety of the Town of Stafford; this Committee doth conceive that it would endanger that Place, if the Governor, and those of the Committee that are appointed by Order of the House of Peers to appear here on the 4th of June next, should be called up, while the King's Army is so strong in those Parts; and therefore to desire that the coming up of Captain Stone, and the rest in the Order specified, may be suspended, till the Country shall be clear of the Enemy."
Ordered, That the Consideration of this Business be respited till Monday next.
Harrington's Petition, to be Warden of the Mint.
Upon reading the Petition of Wm. Harrington, to be Warden of the Mint: It is Ordered, To be recommended to the House of Commons.
Message to the H. C. with it; and about Portsmouth Garrison;
A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Sir Edw. Leech and Mr. Page:
1. To deliver the Report to them, concerning the Garrison of Portsmouth, and desire them to take the same into Consideration; and to let them know, that the Opinion of the Committee of both Kingdoms is, That the Garrison of Portsmouth be Six Hundred Men, which is little enough for the Security of that Place.
and with an Ordinance.
2. To desire their Concurrence in the Ordinance concerning Mr. Beck.
3. To recommend Mr. Harrington's Petition to them.
Paper from the Scots Commissioners, giving an Account of the Proceedings of the Scots Army since their coming to the Assistance of the Parliament; to settle a regular Course for their Payment; and to prevent Misunderstandings.
"Havinge seene an Order of the House of Commons, desiring an Accompt of what hath passed at the Committee of both Kingdomes concerninge the Advaunce of the Scottish Army Southward; after the Perusall of the Letters and Intelligence sent to and received from the Scottish Army, wee thought it a necessary Duty for us to represent these Particulars to the Honourable Houses of Parliament, for the better statinge of this Busines, and preventinge all Misunderstandings:
"That such Orders of both or either House concerning the Scottish Army, as have not bin comunicated to us, cannot come within this Accompt.
"That such as have bin comunicated to us have received particuler Answers, with which they are to be compared.
"That the Scottish Army, out of their Zeale to the common Cause, and the Safety, Peace, and Security of this Kingdome, notwithstandinge the large Promises and Offers made unto them, and great Threatnings of the Enemy, and the low Condition of Affaires heere at that Time, left their owne Habitations, which they possessed in Quietnes, and, in the sharpe Stormes of a Winter Season, came into this Kingdome, to meete with a stronge and potent Army, who was possessed of all the Garrisons, Strengthes, and Townes, in that Country; in opposinge whereof, they contynued in the Feild Night and Day, with much Want, and without Cover, skirmishinge and fightinge with the Enemy for diverse Months; and afterwards pursued them to Yorke, where, by God's Blessing, with the Assistance of the Parliament's Forces, Prince Rupert's Army and the Remainder of Newcastle's were wholy reduced and brought to Ruyne.
"That, after the reducing of Yorke, the Scottish Army was willinge and ready to march South or North, as should be found most for the Advantage of the Publique, and, at the Desier of the Commissioners of both Houses, marched Northward.
"That having, by God's Blessinge, after a difficult Seidge, by Storme reduced Newcastle, they sent some of their Forces to block up Carlile, and were necessitated to send others into Scotland, for opposing the barbarous Irish Rebells, assisted with some of our unnaturall Countrymen; all occasioned by and from our engaginge in this Kingdom.
"That, beinge constreyned all the Winter to live upon Quarter, being so farr in Arreare of their Pay, and receiving so little and so rarely in Money (a good Part of the Month's Pay promised after the Battle of Longmarston not being paid to this Houre), it could not be imagined they could be in a Condition to march, without One Month's Pay at least, some Cloth, and Ammunition.
"That, though this Month's Pay was promised the 4th of January, yet it was not shiped from hence for neere Three Months after, aboute the End of March, and aboute a Fortnight after that received at the Towne of Newcastle, in the Month of Aprill; and, in this Intervall of Three Monthes, notwithstanding an Ordinance be past for asserteyning their constant Pay Monthly, that in this Interim they testified their great Willingnes in sendinge Parties to Scarborough, for taking in that Towne, toward Pontefract, upon the Alaram given by Langdale; and afterwards by sending Two Thousand comaunded Foote, and Fifteen Hundred Horse, under Comaund of Liuetennant Gennerall Lesley, who marched in Tenn Dayes, without takinge One Daies Rest, One Hundred and Forty Miles, for assistinge of Sir Will'm Brereton, and were so forward therein, that they prevented the Desires of the Committee of both Kingdomes heere, as may appeare by their Two severall Letters, both dated the 17th of March.
"Within Two Dayes after the Receipt of the First Money, Armes, and Ammunition (not staying upon the Receipt of the Remainder thereof, which arived not there till the 12th of this Instant), the Gennerall gave Order for drawinge all the Forces in North'land, towards Newcastle and Bishoprick of Durham.
"That, in the meane while, by the Instigation of some ill-affected Persons, seconded by Letters from Musgrave and others in Carlile (the Copy whereof have bin shewed to the Committee heere), an Insurrection was made, in Westmerland and Cumberland, against the Scottish Forces, which could not but interrupt for some Time their Proceedings.
"That (this Distemper being with all possible Dilligence and Moderation composed, where they were forced, for liberating the Country of Free Quarter, to give the Third Part of the Month's Pay to mainteyne their Forces aboute Carlile), Orders were issued for the whole Army to meete at Pierce Bridge the 26th Day of Aprill; and timous Notice given to my Lord Fairfax, and the Committee at Yorke, to cause furnish Victualls and Provision at Rippon; and, before Two Hundred Pounds Worth of Victualls were furnished, the whole Army was advaunced to Rippon, notwithstanding the great Discouragements they had from the Disaffection of the Country People behinde them.
"That, having no Money to buy Provisions, and Free Quarter beinge denyed them by the Country there, having also received diverse Advertisements that it was the Enemies Resolutions to apply their greatest Strength Northward, and not knowing what Assistance they might expect from the Parliament's Forces, they dispatched a Messinger hether for Resolution in these Particulers; and, upon the 8th of this Instant, wee delivered a Paper to the Committee of both Houses for that Effect, to be presented to the Honorable Houses of Parliament: That the Lord Gennerall receivinge, upon the 12th of this Instant, a Letter from both Houses (for it came no sooner to his Hands), desiring his Advaunce Southward; upon the 13th, his Lordship and the Gennerall Officers mett at Knaresburgh with the English Commissioners, and there made Offer to march Southward within Twenty-four Houres, they undertakinge to furnish the Army with Eight or Ten Daies Provisions, and some Draughts for Artillery and Ammunition, which was absolutely necessary for them, beinge much weaker in Horse then the Enemy, in whose Power it was to cutt of all Provisions from them; and, by their Letters of the 14th sent to us, they assure us of their full Resolution to march Southward, upon some Grounds of Hope given them by Letters from Yorke concerninge the furnishinge these Provisions and Carriadges; of which, it appeares since, they were disappointed.
"That the Orders of both Houses, for the Countries affordinge them free Billett, passed upon the 10th, without any Answer to the rest of their Desires, and was sent away upon the 11th of this Instant.
"That, concerning the Assistance to be sent to them, the Committee of both Kingdomes heere, having certaine Intelligence of the King's marchinge from Oxford to Worcester, and Advertisement of His Designe to make the North the Seate of the Warre this Summer, did fall upon Consideration what Forces were necessary to be sent Northward, for Proscecution of the Enemy.
"In which Debate, wee contynued from the 8th of this Instant to the 13th, without coming to any Determynation; and therefore could give no Assurance to the Army before that Time.
"By reasoning and voycing, wee urged the equall and active Proscecution of the King's Army, by the Forces of both Kingdomes, on every Hand, as the readiest Meane (by strikinge thereat as the Roote of all our Evills) to put a speedy End to the Warre, and shewinge the sensible Advantage the King had by protractinge the Warre, and the great Dainger to both Kingdomes, by reason of the intollerable Burthens which did lye upon the People, and in many other respects; and therefore did advise to leave the blocking up of Oxford to some Brigade of the Army, joyned with the Forces of the Garrisons, and what Force could be obteyned from the Citty of London, which wee conceived sufficient for that Worke; while the Armies of both Kingdomes might not only hinder the Increase of the Enemies Forces, but, by God's Blessinge, drive them to some Corner, or, by fightinge, bring them to Ruyne.
"After Two or Three Dayes Debate, a Letter was sent from the Committee to the Earle of Leven, givinge him Notice that the Enemy was marched towards Worcester; and that Major Gennerall Browne and Liuetennant Gennerall Cromwell, with Forces from hence, was marching after them, attendinge their Motions, and desiringe his Advance Southward: When the Gennerall received this Letter, at the same Time there came to him annother from Sir Wm. Brereton, shewinge, that the Kinge was cominge towards His Quarters, and desiringe him to come to Chesh'r; and within an Houre annother from my Lord Fairfax, giving Notice of the King's marching towards Newark, where Hee was to be within Two Daies, and desiringe him to advance that Way; whereupon, beinge uncertaine what Resolution to take, hee went to Yorke, and agreed with my Lord Fairfax upon a Rendesvouz for his Lordship's Forces and those under Comaund of Liuetenant Gennerall Lesley; as also for a Rendesvouz for the Derbysh'r and other Forces.
It beinge written to the Earle of Leven, that the Forces with Liuetenant Gennerall Cromwell and Gennerall Major Browne were upon their March after the Kinge, and attending His Motions; in all our Debate, wee did take it for graunted that those Forces were to be sent Northward: But, upon our shewing that wee conceived, for diverse Reasons, it would not be for the Good of the Service that Liuetenant Gennerall Cromwell should commaund those Forces who were to correspond with the Scottish Army, and both to joyne if there should be a necessary Occasion; and that in many respects it were more expedient that Sir Tho. Fairfax should commaund them, with whome the Scottish Army had keeped good Correspondency formerly, and under whose Comaund all the Northerne Forces would have joyned willingly and cheerfully; it was put to the Question, and Resolved by the Committee of both Houses, by the Plurality of One Vote, and wee all dissentinge, That Sir Thomas Fairfax should not commaund those Forces into the North; and afterward it was Resolved by them, That only Two Thousand Horse and Five Hundred Dragoones should be sent to the Scottish Army, under Commaund of Collonel Vermuden; and that the Remainder of the Forces with Major Gennerall Browne and Lieutenant Gennerall Cromwell should retorne to Bletchington and those Parts, farr contrary to our Intentions and earnest Desires: Upon the 13th at Night, a Letter was drawne to the Earle of Leven, acquainting him with this Resolution, and desiringe his Advaunce to Derbysh'r; but the Letter not beinge signed till the next Day, it could not be sent by the Post, and therfore was delayed till the 14th at Night.
"This Letter coming to the Earle of Leven upon Satterday last the 17th, late at Night, hee called togeather the Gennerall Officers, and, beinge the First Advertisement hee had to come to Derbysh'r, hee retorned the Answer of the 18th, presented to the Houses: At the same Time, hee had received Advertisement from Sir Wm. Brereton and others, that, upon Tuesday 14th, the Enemy was about Bridgenorth; and upon Thursday about Newport, Fifteen Miles distant from Nantwich, as Sir Wm. Brereton expresseth in his Letter of the 17th to the Committee of both Kingdomes heere, wherein hee also sheweth, that hee had sent the same Intelligence to the Earle of Leven; which, upon very good Reason, as wee conceive, made him alter his Resolution of marchinge direct South; for, before the Scottish Army could advaunce the Length of Darbyshire, the King's Army might march from Newport to the Midst of Lancashier, and so have left the Scottish Army upon his Reare, and, houldinge the Advauntage of Four or Five Daies March, beinge stronge in Horse, might quickly raise the Seidge of Carlile, gett all the disaffected in the North to joyne with them, cutt of the Regiments of Foote now retorninge from Scotland, and disturbe all the South of that Kingdome, as by severall intercepted Letters of the late Earle of Montross doth appeare to be the Enemies Designe; to which no experienced Souldier would ever consent; and wee beleeve no other, beinge upon the Place, could in Reason have advised them to do, though they may have other Thoughts heere at a Distance, where Matters are not represented to them with all the Circumstances; and therefore, by the Treaty betweene the Kingdomes, it was agreed, that that Army should be ordered and directed by a Committee of both Kingdomes upon the Place.
"It would also be considered, that Sir Will'm Brereton once resolved, as may appeare by his Letters to the Committee of both Kingdomes heere, to put all his Foote into his Garrisons, and to deteyne not only his owne Horse, but the Thousand Horse belonginge to my Lord Fairfax, for the Security of the Garrisons of his Association; and he also proposeth, that hee may have the Stafford and Darbysh'r Horses to joyne with him. The Committee of Darby hath written a Letter to this Committee, that all the Forces they can spare are imployed for the Defence of Nottingham and the neighbouringe Garisons; and the Committee of Lyncolne (who is to send no Assistance unless the Newarke Forces joyne with the Kinge) writes, that, Collonel Fleetwood's Regiment beinge called away by Order from Sir Thomas Fairfax, they are disabled to send any Assistance to the Scottish Army; all which beinge made knowne to the Earle of Leven (as wee understand by private Letters to some of our Nomber), hearinge also that no Army was to come from the South, and apprehendinge that the Party of Two Thousand Five Hundred Horse and Dragoones might be hindred from Conjunction with him by the Interruption of the Enemy, who, togeather with the Newark Horse, was reported to be above Six Thousand stronge, hee was further confirmed in his Resolution.
"And, when all Circumstances shall be duly pondered, wee are confident that it will be found the Scottish Army did lye more conveniently in Order to the Assistance of both Lancash'r and Yorksh'r, then in any other Place, whereunto (the Premisses considered) they could have timously advaunced: For, if the Kinge come into Lancash'r, there is no Way by which they can march with Ordinance but by Skipton (the Way Prince Rupert came the last Yeare to Yorke); and if they should have advaunced further, it is true they had bin more ready to defend Yorksh'r; but, the Kinge beinge so farr advaunced Northward, they must have retorned back to goe by the Way of Skipton, in case the King should fall into Lancasheire, which is most probable to be His Designe; and wee hope it will be farr from the Thoughts of any in the Honourable Houses of Parliament, to apprehend their former Stay to proceede from any Unwillingnes to advaunce the Publique Service, especially when they consider what Dilligence is used by that Army to informe themselves truly what Way the Enemy bends his Course; and, so soone as they understand it, will with all Cheerefullnes and Speede march to oppose him.
"Wee desier also it may be considered, that, after severall Orders sent to Liuetenant Gennerall Cromwell and Major Gennerall Browne, for dispatchinge to the Scottish Army that Party of Two Thousand Horse and Five Hundred Dragoones, in case the Enemy marched Northward; the Answer was retorned, That they understood not whither, by the King's marchinge Northwards, the Committee ment the King's marchinge to Chester, since it was not direct North, but North West. Duringe the Time of this Deliberation, and the Party attending their Money before their March, the Kinge hath advaunced neere Chester; and wee know not yet how farr that Party hath advaunced Northward.
"Whereas it is by some objected, that a Part of the Thirty Thousand Pounds sent to the Army was sent to Scotland, it is a Mistake; for there was no Part of that Sume sent to Scotland, neither from hence, nor from the Army; for it was wholy imployed for the Use of the Army, and Nine Thousand Pounds thereof was sent to the Forces before Carlile, the Country havinge denyed them all Manner of Provisions without ready Money; but, as to the remayninge Ten Thousand Pound, graunted towards the Payment of the Arreares of the Army brought in by the Earle of Calendair, to supply the Want of Money heere, wee were content to accept of Bills of Exchange for Five Thousand Pounds, to be paid at Edenburgb to the Treasurer of the Army, who paid the same to the Forces of the Earle of Callendar, diverse Regiments whereof were then imployed in Scotland against the Rebells, and which was the First Money those Forces received from the Parliament of England, after Seven or Eight Months Service performed by them in this Kingdome: The Remainder of the Ten Thousand Pound was paid, Part by Bills of Exchange at Newcastle, and Part in Moneyes sent thither; and if this Course had not bin taken, the common Souldier had bin frustrate thereof a Month after it was promised.
"And as the Honorable Houses of Parliament are pleased to be at the Paines to feeke an Accompt of what was don concerninge the March of the Army, wherein wee hope, upon full Information from the Letters, they will be satisfied; so do wee earnestly entreate them to consider what is don for their Maintennance; that, while this Army in the South is paid in ready Money every Fortnight, and so the Country eased, and their Affections gayned, by payinge what they take from them, the Army in the North is not paid once in Five or Six Months; and although Quarters be allowed to the Souldiers on Billett, yet they cannot subsist, or be content, without some Money; nor can Quarters without Money give Satisfaction to the Officers, and the takinge of free Quarters doth overburthen and disaffect the Country where ever the Army comes, makes the Country become Enemies rather then Freinds, necessitates a Remisnes of Discipline against the Souldiers, and disables them from that Service which otherwise might justly be expected from them.
"It is therfore our earnest Desier, that the Honourable Houses of Parliament will, in their Wisedome, take speciall Care how the Meanes appointed for Enterteynment of that Army by the late Ordinance, which is not so much as yet assessed in the Citty of London and the severall Counties, may become effectuall for procuring Money to them; and that no Suggestion of our common Enemyes, nor Endustry of such as would raise and foment Jealousies betwixt the Two Kingdomes, may so farr prevaile, as to misconstruct the Actions and faithfull Endeavors of that Army, discourage them in their Undertakings, or lessen that Amity and Unity which, under God, is the greatest Strength of both; as the Infringement thereof, and our Division, will be the greatest Rejoycinge and Advantage of our Enemy.
"By Comaund from the Commissioners for the Parliament of Scotland.
24 Maii, 1645.
"Jo. Cheislie."
A Second Paper from the Scots Commissioners, desiring Sir T. Fairfax to march after the King's Army, and that the War may be prosecuted vigorously.
"Havinge, by many severall Intelligences, which are againe confirmed by a Letter from Sir Will'm Brereton, of the Nineteenth of May, received certaine Notice, that the King's Designe is, after Releife of Chester, to goe into Lancash'r, where, by the Accession of Papists and Malignants, which abound in those Parts, Hee may increase His Strength till Hee grow to a numerous Army, and is from thence to send a flyinge Army of Horse and Dragoones, to breake into Scotland, regaine all the Northerne Parts, and so retorne into the associated Counties; wee cannot be so farr wantinge to the Trust reposed in us, and to the Care wee have of the Safty of theise Kingdomes, as not to renew our most earnest Desires, that the Armie under the Commaund of Sir Tho. Fairfax, whereunto all the Parliament Armies are reduced, and who were designed to be the Feild Army, may, by the Authority of the Honorable Houses of Parliament, be forthwith ordeyned to march in Proscecution of the King's Army, and not to lye downe before a Strength, and beleagre a Towne which may be effectuated with a smaller Party, when the Enemy with a stronge Army is marchinge in the Feilds, and give them Opportunity to grow to such a Strength as may make them Masters of the Feilds, runne over, spoile, and subdue, all the Counties where they come, and destroy the Kingdome, and, with the Losse of this Summer's Service, exhaust the Treasure of the Kingdome, spinn out these unnaturall Warres to a great Length, which can neither destroy the Enemy, nor save the Kingdome; whereas wee conceive the only probable Meane to put a speedy and happy End to these unnaturall Warres is, that the Armies and Forces of the Parliaments of both Kingdomes, in the South and North, may, by their joynt Forces and Councells, speedily and actively pursue the Enemy, and force them either to fight or flye, or move His Majesty (by grauntinge the just, lawfull, and necessary Desires of both Kingdomes) (fn. 1) to establish Religion with a well-grounded Peace; and, upon the other Part, to suffer the whole Strength and Violence of the Enemy to fall upon any One of the Two King domes, or their Armies, is the ready Way not only to destroy both, but also to suffer the Worke and Cause of God, which is more precious then both, to perish in our Hands.
By Comaund of the Commissioners from the Parliament of Scotland.
24 Maii, 1645.
"Jo. Cheislie."
Major General Crawford's Petition against Man, a Constable, who abused him.
"To the Right Honourable the Committee of both Kingdoms.
"The humble Petition of Major General Crauford;
"That your Petitioner, in his Services both in Ireland and since in this Kingdom, hath, to the utmost of his Power, endeavoured the Advancement and Preservation of the Cause now undertaken by the Parliament, without any Exception of Infidelity; and further sheweth, that Man, Constable in Covent Garden, did this Morning, under Pretence of some Authority, impress your Petitioner's Servant, Stephen Smith; and, your Petitioner desiring the said Constable, by Captain Walter Sterling, to release his said Servant, threatened likewise to impress the said Captain Sterlinge, saying, "He had Authority to do so;" whereupon he disarmed him, and still detaineth his Sword: And then your Petitioner went in Person to the said Constable, desiring him in a friendly Manner to release his Servant, and to restore the said Captain his Sword; who imperiously and disdainfully replied, "That he would neither release the Servant, nor restore the Sword;" and further said, "God confound you all for a Company of beggarly Scotts Rogues! and God confound all your Nation and Army for beggarly Rogues! you may thank God that ever you knew the Wars of England; for you were begging your Bread before you came, and you will beg it when you are gone." And the said Constable then seized on Captain Merydith, disarming him; and he, with several others of his Company (who also railed most bitterly in the former or worse Terms against the Scottish Nation), kicked him, and beat him most inhumanly, calling him a beggarly Scotts Rogue, and Scotts Cur, and Rascal, with many other opprobrious Words, both against your Petitioner and the Scottish Nation; whereof your Petitioner humbly prayeth a speeedy Redress.
And he will pray, &c.
Witnesses for the Proof of this Petition:
Lieutenant Colonel Hamilton.
Mr. John Crawford.
"Will'm Appleton."
Ordinance for Col. Massey to command in Chief the Forces of the Western Association.
"It is Ordained, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That Colonel Edward Massy, a Person of approved Valour and Fidelity, be Commander in Chief of all the Forces of Horse and Foot, raised or to be raised, employed or to be employed, for the Western Association of Devon, Cornwall, Somersett, Dorsett, and Wilts, and the Cities of Exon and Bristoll, and the Town and County of Poole, and of all Towns, Castles, Islands, Garrisons, and Forts, within the same; and that all Officers and Commanders of the said Forces, and all Governors of such Towns, Castles, Islands, Garrisons, and Forts, from Time to Time, receive and obey his Commands and Orders concerning the Premises; saving, that the Governors of the said Towns, Castles, Forts, and Garrisons, are not to be placed or displaced by him, but according to such Instructions as he shall receive from the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Western Association, or any Eight of them: It is further Ordained, That the said Edward Massy, during the Time of his said Government, do obey and execute all Orders and Directions which he shall receive from both Houses of Parliament and the Committee of both Kingdoms; and the said Edward Massy is required, with all convenient Speed, to repair to his said Charge and Government: And it is lastly Ordained, That he have Power to execute Martial Law, according to the Articles published by the Earl of Essex, and used in the Army under the Command of Sir Thomas Fairfax, on all Officers and Soldiers under the Command of the said Edward Massey, by virtue of this Ordinance: Provided, That if the said Sir Tho. Fairfax shall be sent by both Houses of Parliament, or the Committees of both Kingdoms, upon any Service, into the said Association, that then the said Edward Massy shall obey and execute such Orders and Directions as he shall receive from the said Sir Tho. Fairfax, during such Service and Expedition in the said Association; and that nothing in this Ordinance shall lessen or take away any Power given by any former Ordinance to the said Sir Thomas Fairfax."
Order for a Collection for Taunton.
"It is this Day Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That a Collection be made, of all well affected Persons within the Cities of London, Westm'r, and Parishes within the Bills of Mortality, and likewise within the County of Midd, the associated Counties late of the Earl of Manchester's Association, and the Four associated Counties late of Sir Wm. Waller's Association, to be employed for the Relief of the poor distressed Inhabitants of the Town of Taunton, and such of the adjacent Places; to be disposed of as to the Committee of the West shall be thought meet and convenient."
Order for 200l. to Colonel Poynes.
"It is this Day Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That Two Hundred Pounds shall be charged upon Haberdashers Hall, and paid upon Accompt, in its Turn, to Colonel Poynes, or his Assigns, to be deducted out of the Arrears of his Entertainment."
Order for the Commissioners of Excise to re-pay themselves 300l. advanced for Windsor.
"Whereas John Towse Esquire, Alderman of the City of London, and the rest of the Commissioners of Excise, have, for Supply of the Garrison of Windsor Castle, advanced and lent the Sum of Three Hundred Pounds: Be it therefore Ordained, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That the said Commissioners of Excise shall and may satisfy and reimburse themselves of the said Three Hundred Pounds, with Interest, after the Rate of Eight per Centum, for so long Time as they shall be out of the same, or any Part thereof, out of such Intervals of Receipts as shall happen between such Times as other Ordinances already assigned upon the Excise shall not fall due, and, in Default of such Intervals, shall and may repay themselves in such Order and Course as this Ordinance according to its Date doth take Place; and shall not, by any other Order or Ordinance of One or both Houses of Parliament, be secluded from satisfying and reimbursing themselves accordingly; and that the said Three Hundred Pounds be paid unto Colonel Whitchcocke the present Governor, for the Payment of the Garrison there, whose Receipt shall be a sufficient Discharge for the Payment thereof."
Order for 1000l. for Dertyshire.
"Whereas, by Order of the House of Commons, bearing Date the 22th of April last past, a Thousand Pounds was assigned to be paid unto the Forces in the County of Darby, out of the Receipts of the Excise and new Impost, next after the Assessments already set; and whereas the Necessities of the said Forces are such as require a speedy Supply, several of the Citizens of London, and other well-affected Persons, Derbysh'rmen, have consented to a present Advance of the said Sum, for the Use aforesaid, by Way of Loan: Be it therefore Ordained, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the said Citizens of London, and other well-affected Persons aforesaid, shall be re-paid the several and respective Sums which they shall advance of the said One Thousand Pounds, with Interest, after the Rate of Eight Pounds per Centum, in Course after other Assignments already made by Ordinance or Order of this House, after the respective Loans of the said Sums, out of the said Receipts of the Excise; and the Commissioners of Excise and new Impost are hereby authorized to make Payment of the same; and the Receipt or Receipts of Sir John Curson Knight and Baronet, Nath. Hallowes Alderman, Members of the House of Commons, who are hereby appointed to receive the said Sum of the said several Citizens and well-affected Persons for the Use aforesaid, testifying the particular and respective Sums so lent, together with the particular and respective Receipts of the Citizens and Persons lending and advancing the same, shall be a sufficient Discharge unto the said Commissioners of Excise, and every of them, for the said Thousand Pounds and Interest, and every Part and Parcel thereof."
House adjourned till 9a, Monday next.