House of Lords Journal Volume 10: 8 June 1648

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 10, 1648-1649. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 10: 8 June 1648', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 10, 1648-1649( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 3 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 10: 8 June 1648', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 10, 1648-1649( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed October 3, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 10: 8 June 1648". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 10, 1648-1649. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 3 October 2024.


In this section

DIE Jovis, 8 die Junii.


Domini præsentes fuerunt:

Comes Manchester, Speaker.
Comes Rutland.
Comes Denbigh.
Ds. North.

Writs of Error brought in.

This Day Mr. Justice Rolls brought in these Writs of Error following:

Gregory & Symes.
Tiror & Williams.
Westwood & Banks.
Cary & Bamfield.
Irons & Rutland.
Oram & Oldfield.
Younge & Bigge.
Perks & Hemings.
Deverell & Neede.
Evans & Gay.
Diminution inter Prentice & Freer.
Ives & Widdmore.
Paynter & Kent.
Stanbury & Tucker.
Wills & Exton.
Williamson & Compton.
Webberley & Lewis.
Andrewes & More.
Billett & Fitzherbert.
Barsey & al. Neede & al.
Craske & Parke.
Certiorari inter Barret & al. & Johnson & al.
Owens & Brett.
Oliver & Whitford.
Wilkinson & Mounson.
Medhurst & Selyard.
Julyan & Egerton.
Bacor & Combes.
Erbury & Felpes.
Dela barre & Spence.
Bone & Duckett.
Barsey &c. & Neede &c.

E. of Winchelsea, a Pass.

Ordered, That the Earl of Winchelsey shall have a Pass, for himself and Six Servants, to go into Holland.

Letter from L. Admiral.

A Letter from the Lord Admiral was read.

(Here enter it.)

Pardon for Midland Circuit;

A general Pardon for Prisoners condemned last Midland Circuit, was read, and approved of.

and Western D°.

The general Pardon for Prisoners condemned last Western Circuit, was read, and Agreed to.

Throckmorton's Pardon.

A general particular Pardon for Job Trockmorton, was read, and Agreed to.

Message from the H. C. with a Letter from and to Col. Waite; and with an Order about him.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Mr. Lyster; who brought up a Letter sent from Colonel Waight. (Here enter it.)

2. And an Order of Approbation of what Colonel Waight hath done. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

3. A Letter to Colonel Waight, to be signed by the Speakers of both Houses. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

The Speaker returned this Answer:


That their Lordships do agree to the Vote and Letter now brought up; and have ordered the said Letter to be signed by both the Speakers.

Mrs. Mince, to be under the Care of L. Howard.

Upon Information to this House, "That there is a young Gentlewoman, Mrs. Mince, Daughter to Sir Mathew Mynce, lately deceased, being a Gentlewoman of Birth and Fortune, is likely to be surprized and made a Prey of by some unworthy Persons:"

It is Ordered, by the Lords in Parliament assembled, That the Care of her be recommended to the Right Honourable the Lord Howard of Escricke, to take her into his Custody and Protection, in whose Hands soever she now is: Provided, That this be no Prejudice to any Person or Persons who have any Interest by the Appointment of the said Sir Mathew Mynce her Father, and are in a Capacity to discharge the said Trust.

Col. Phipps' Petition.

Upon reading the Petition of Lieutenant Colonel Phipps: It is Ordered, To be specially recommended to the House of Commons.

Col. Row's Protection continued.

Whereas the Protection of this House formerly granted to Colonel Owen Row was but for Six Months: It is now Ordered, That the same continue during the further Pleasure of this House.

Preachers at the Fast.

Ordered, That Mr. Prophett and Mr. Wm. Carter are appointed to preach before the Lords, the next Fast, at Martin's Church in the Fields.

E. of Bridgewater and Annesley.

Upon reading the Petition of Arthur Annesley Esquire, wherein the Earl of Bridgwater is concerned:

It is Ordered, That his Lordship see this Petition, and is desired to use the best Means he can to give the Petitioner due Satisfaction.

Letter from the E. of Warwick, that the Ships Companies at Portsmouth are well-affected;-that the Six revolted Ships in The Downs are gone Northwards; -and advising an Indemnity to be offered to the Kentish Gentlemen on board them.

"To the Right Honourable the Earl of Manchester, Speaker of the House of Peers pro Tempore.

"My Lord,

"Since my coming hither, I have used my best Endeavours to settle in a Firmness to their Duty the Ships found in these Parts, which I have done as well as I am able; the several Ships Companies here having engaged themselves to live and die with me in Defence of the Parliament's Cause. I have not heard any Thing from The Downes by Sea since my coming hither; but, by Letters received this Day from London, I hear that the Six revolted Ships lately at The Downes are gone Northwards; that some Kentish Gentlemen are aboard them, who were engaged in the late Rebellion; and that some of the Seamen give out, they will speedily go for Holland; which I conceive it not improbable the Gentlemen aboard may advise, and make it their Design to provoke unto, out of a Despair of their own Indemnity, having opposed to the last. My Lord, I have as yet spoken but with Four Ships, of whose Firmness to their Trust I have much Confidence; and so I have of some others which I shortly expect: Yet, considering the Uncertainty of Affections, and those Impressions of Discontent which I find upon too many Spirits, I humbly offer it unto the Wisdom of the Houses, whether it may not be a great Advantage (to the more speedy and effectual reducing of the revolted Ships) to grant an Indemnity to those Gentlemen of Kent that are aboard (as they have been pleased to do to the Seamen), so as they procure the Ships to be delivered to me, or such as the Parliament or myself shall appoint; which, in my own private Opinion, may be of great Use: And (if it shall be so thought fit by the Houses, to whose Pleasure I do wholly submit) I do make it my humble Request accordingly. I shall add no more, but my faithful Prayers, that the God of Wisdom and Peace will so conduct and prosper all your Counsels, that the Result of them may be a safe and speedy Settlement of the sad Distractions of the Kingdom: To which Issue I doubt not but the same Power and Goodness that hath formerly owned and accompanied the Parliament's Cause will in due Time direct their Resolutions. And so I rest

Portsmouth, 6 June, 1648.

"Your Lordship's

"Humble Servant,


Letter from Col. Wayte, that he has suppressed an Insurrection in Rutland, Lincolnshire, &c.

"For the Right Honourable William Lenthall Esquire, Speaker of the Honourable House of Commons. These.

"Mr. Speaker,

"I having sudden Intelligence, when I was waiting upon you, of something working in Rutl. and the Parts adjacent, not for your Advantage; I did make it known to you (not having Time to acquaint the House therewith), and desired you to excuse my Absence; and so repaired into Rutel. and, as soon as I came there, found my Intelligence not to be altogether frivolous, which made me desirous to secure the Arms, Magazine, and Guns, in Burleigh, for the common Safety, though without Authority from you; which was accordingly done upon Friday last. Then I repaired Home to my House in Leicestersheir upon Saturday, hoping all was pretty safe. Upon Sunday, about Three in the Afternoon, Intelligence came to me of a sudden Insurrection of the malignant Party, in Rutl. Lincolnesheire, Northamptonsheire, and the Parts adjacent to Stamford; and one Hudson, late your Prisoner in The Tower, in the Head of them: So that I repaired immediately to my Lord Grey; and then we went both to Leicester, to the Committee, and there found the like News from Sir Gilbert Pickering and some of the Committee of Northampton, desiring Help. We was all put to Stand, knowing how little Strength we had, and less Power. Yet, rather than the Country should be ruined, I did resolve, if the Committee of Leicester would lend me their Horse, which was but Twenty at Home, I would go forthwith into Rutl. that Night; which was done: And when I came to Burleigh, about Two of the Clock on Monday Morning, I met with the Thirty Horse which belongs to Belvoyre, which did not a little advance your Service; and finding that Stamford Fair was on Thursday, and understanding the Enemy did intend to recruit both Horse and Men there, I thought that Expedition was the Life of all; so that, after a little Refreshment of our Horses, and some of my old Officers and Soldiers come in to me, which made me near One Hundred, I marched to Stamford, and there found no Enemy, but had great Alarums of the Rising of Huntingdonsheir and Cambridgshire. But, after a little Stay there, I had certain Intelligence come where the Enemy was; so that I marched immediately towards them, not disputing their Number; fell upon them at Woodcroft, near Peterburrough. I took One Major, Three other Officers, with Twenty Prisoners, and all the Horse of the Party, except Four or Five which escaped me; pursued the rest so hard, that they were forced to betake themselves to a strong House of my Lord Fitzwilliams thereby, moated about; and there I beset them. And opportunely, in the Evening, after I having been there Three Hours, came in to my Assistance out of Northamptonsheire Major Boteler, with about One Hundred Countrymen, which did much encourage my Men, we being in a malignant Corner, and enabled us to keep them in the better that Night. Then I sent to Major Underwood, to Crowland, for One Hundred Foot, which came with much Expedition the next Day. Then we fell upon the Rogues, they setting us all at Defiance. But, after some little Loss, it pleased God to give our Men such Courage, that they stormed the House; and there our Men gave no Quarter to the better Sort. Hudson was killed amongst the rest; and all my Prisoners I have sent to Northampton, but Two, which was of our Party lately, and now taken in this Fight against us; they were condemned in the Field, by a Council of War: I have suspended the Execution of them, until I know your Pleasure. Now all that I have to say is this: Now a Stop is made to this Design for the present; only humbly to desire the House, to give these Countries Power to save themselves. And indeed it is the humble Request of the Gentlemen of these Countries which come in to me since. Pray you, Sir, let me beg your Pardon for those that engaged with me, which was Voluntiers; and for myself, do what you please with me. This is all from, Sir,

Caswicke, Junii 6, 1648.

"Your most humble Servant,

"Tho. Waite.

"Sir, For the further Relation, I leave it to be made by the Bearer hereof, which was a Voluntier in this Business, and did good Service.

"This Mr. Hudson had Commission from the King, as it is confessed, to raise Twenty Regiments of Horse, and Twenty Regiments of Foot.

"I thought fit to send you this inclosed Letter, to let you know the Readiness of Leicestersheir."

Letter from the Leicester shire Committee to him, offering him Assistance.

"For our Much-respected Friend Colonel Waite, at Burleigh or elsewhere. These.

"Colonel Waite,

"We received a Letter from Captain Hatcher, with a Note from you to Sir Thomas Trollopp, intimating your good Success, in the taking of some of Styles's Men, and besetting of the rest in Woodcroft House: We are in a very good Posture to assist you, if Occasion be; for the Well-affected of this County came in very freely, and do willingly engage in the Service; so that our Desire is, you will speedily signify unto us whether you are of a sufficient Strength to gain the House; for we are of Opinion, that this Enemy deserves no other Conditions than to submit to the Parliament's Mercy, and do desire that you will not parley with them upon any other Terms. And if, upon Notice from you, we may be satisfied what Strength you shall need to reduce them, we shall take Care that they may be immediately sent to you. We remain

"Your loving Friends and Servants,

"Pe. Temple. Tho. Grey.

"Fr. Smalley. Fran. Hacker. Wm. Bambrigoe.

"John Swynfen. Jo. Browne. Arth. Staveley.

"Wm. Stanley.

"Jo. Pratt. Edm. Cradocke."

Approbation of Col. Waite's suppressing Insurrections in Rutland, &c.

"Resolved, by the Lords and Commons, That they do approve of the Action of Colonel Thomas Waite, and (fn. 1) those that so freely engaged with him in this good Service of suppressing the Rising and Insurrection in Rutlandsheir, Leicestersheir, Northamptonsheire, and those Parts, and do declare it to be a very good and acceptable Service in him, and the rest that engaged with him; and that a Letter of Thanks be returned unto him, and to the Gentlemen that engaged with him; and that Mr. Ellis do prepare a Letter, to be signed by Mr. Speaker, and sent to him accordingly, and to encourage him, and to enable him to raise Forces for the Defence of those Parts."

Letter of Thanks to him and others.

"Colonel Waite,

"The Houses have received your Letter; and do not only approve of this Service done by you and the rest of the Gentlemen and others with you in that Action, but have commanded us, in their Names, to give you and the rest hearty Thanks; esteeming it a Business of very great Importance and Concernment to suppress such Insurrections and Rebellions in the Beginnings; and do desire, that if there shall hereafter any like Insurrections happen, that you gather such Forces as you can to suppress them, which will be accounted an acceptable Service. You will receive Power and Directions from the General, for the Trial of those Persons mentioned in your Letter. This is all that we have in Command as

"Your loving Friends."

Ware versus Davenport.

Ordered, That the Cause between Jo. Ware Plaintiff and Edward Davenport Defendant shall be argued, at this Bar, on the Six and Twentieth of this Instant June, at Ten of the Clock: The Parties to attend by Counsel.

Col. Rowes Protector continued.

Whereas, by Order of this House, of the 4th of March, 1647, the Privilege of Parliament was allowed to Colonel Owen Rowe and Colonel Francis Rowe, for Six Months, in respect of the great Arrears due unto them for Service done to the Parliament, as by the said Order appeareth:

It is Ordered, &c. That the said Privilege, so allowed to them as aforesaid, shall be and continue during the Pleasure of this House only, and no longer, any Thing in the said Order notwithstanding.


House adjourned till 10a cras.


  • 1. Deest in Originali.