Index of persons

Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Volume 2, Hereford Diocese. Originally published by Institute of Historical Research, London, 1962.

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'Index of persons', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Volume 2, Hereford Diocese, ed. Joyce M Horn (London, 1962), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Index of persons', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Volume 2, Hereford Diocese. Edited by Joyce M Horn (London, 1962), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Index of persons". Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Volume 2, Hereford Diocese. Ed. Joyce M Horn (London, 1962), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

Abraham, John, 41

Ace, Philip, 15

Airemynne, see Ayremynne

Albritrone, Roger, 14

Alcock, Simon, 39

Alcock, Thomas, 26

Aleyn, Samson, 13

Allerthorpe, Laurence, 48

Almaly, Walter de, 43

Ambresbury, John de, 12

Ameny (Jakes), Walter, 32

Aquablanca, John de, 3, 15

Arundel (Arundell), John (d. 1477), 19

Arundel (Arundell), John (d. 1504), 11, 13, 20

Arundel (Arundell), Thomas, 15

Ashcombe, Robert, 29

Ashton, John de, 8

Assheby, John, 11, 13, 20, 36

Asshewell, John, 13

Astley (Asteleye, Astleye), Thomas de, 23

Aston, William de, 28

Audley (Audele, Audeley), Edmund, 3, 19

Avenbury, Giles de, 3

Ayremynne (Airemynne, Ayermin), William de, 50

Bagart, William, 39

Bailly, William, 43

Baily, John, 9, 22, 24, 49

Baily, see also Bayli

Baker, see Elton

Balding, Thomas, 33

Barbour, John, 24

Bardis, Adrian de, 11, 33

Barnet, John (d. 1373), 1

Barnet, John (c. 1390), 18

Barowe (Berewe), John, 5, 6, 52

Barre, Laurence de la, 50

Barre, Richard de la, 46, 52

Barton, John de, 6

Bartone, Ralph, 42

Baskervyle (Baskervilde), Edward, 49

Bateman (de Vienna), John, 45

Bawdewyn, Richard, 42

Bayli, John, 27

Bayli, see also Bailly, Baily

Baysham, John, 4, 33 (bis), 51, 52

Beauchamp, Richard, 2

Bedwardine (Bedewardine, Bedewardyn, Smythes), John de, 6, 15, 16

Beford (Blower, Byford), William, 41

Belles, see Gyddyng

Bello (Haldingham), Richard de, 38

Belton, see Woodford

Benelard (de Bono Villario), John, 51

Benese, Richard, 9

Benlloyde (Benloyde), Roger, 22

Benson, Richard, 30

Benstan, see Bestane

Bereham (Boreham), Michael de, 24, 45

Berewe, see Barowe

Berkeley, James de, 42

Berkeley, Thomas, 28

Bernyngton, Henry de, 8

Berowne, William, 38

Bestane (Benstan, Bestan), John de, 29

Beverley, Simon, 38

Bigge, see Bygge

Birmingham (Byrmyncham), William, 4, 21, 32

Bishopston (Bisshopeston), John, 34

Blithe, see Blythe

Blodwell, David, 49

Blodwell, John, 49

Blower, see Beford

Blythe (Blithe), John, 45, 51

Bokebrugg, see Burghbridge

Boleie (Boley), Thomas de, 10

Boleyn (Boleyne), Thomas, 37

Bolton, William, 16

Bonner, Edmund, 3

Bono Villario, see Benelard

Bontempi, Andreas, 12

Boord (Boorde), Edmund le, 21

Booth (Bothe, Bowthe), Charles, 3

Booth (Bothe), John, 6, 31

Booth (Bothe), Thomas, 49

Boreham, see Bereham

Borstall (Borstalle), William de, 7, 9, 14

Bosham, John, 40

Boter, John, 10, 41

Bothe, see Booth

Boulers, Reginald, 2

Boulers, William, 35

Bowet, Henry, 36

Bowthe, see Booth, Charles

Brantingham (Brantyngham), Thomas de, 1, 24

Braose, Hugh de, 22

Braybroke (Braybrok), Reginald, 14

Brayne, Roger, 12, 42, 49

Braynton, Roger de, 28, 38, 50

Breton, John, 33

Bridbroke, John 9, 19

Bromefeld (Bromfyld, Bromfylde), Richard, 19

Bromwich (Bromwiche, Bromwyche), James, 13, 18

Brugge, John, 32

Brugge, Walter, 48

Brydeport, Nicholas, 22

Buckmaster, William, 24

Burdet (Burdett), John, 31

Burghbridge (Bokebrugg), William de, 17

Burghill (Burghille, Burghylle), William, 12, 15, 40

Burline, John, 26

Burrell, John, 39

Burton, Richard, 39

Burton, Thomas, 33

Busshebury (Bysshebury), Thomas, 20, 36

Butiller, Thomas, 31

Buyton, Henry, 28

Buytone (de Huyton), Hugh, 21

Byford, see Beford

Bygge (Bigge), Robert, 41

Byrmyncham, see Birmingham

Bysshebury, see Busshebury

Canterbury, Roger de, 6, 10, 26, 44, 50

Caple, William de, 35

Caraunt (Carent), Nicholas, 24

Carmelian (Carmeliano), Peter, 20

Castell, John, 13, 22

Castelle, Geoffrey, 44

Castellensis, Polydore, see Vergil

Castellensis, Robert, 51

Castello, Adrian de, 3

Cateby, John, 18, 19

Catesby, Robert, 26

Catryk (Ketterich), John, 36

Cave, William, 11, 46

Chaddesden, Nicholas de, 36

Chaddesley (Chaddeslegh, Chadeslegh), Richard de, senior, 32

Chandos, see Chaundos

Chapmon, William, 14

Charlton (Charleton, Cherleton), Griffin de, 15, 40

Charlton (Charleton, Cherleton), Humphrey de, 48

Charlton (Charleton, Cherleton), Lewis de, 1, 50

Charlton (Charleton, Cherleton), Thomas de, 1, 17

Charlton (Charleton, Cherleton), William de, 14

Charnele, John de, 12

Charnock, Hugh, 44

Chaumbre, John de la, 10, 30

Chaundeler, Thomas, 5, 25, 42

Chaundos (Chandos), Richard de, 37

Chaundos (Chandos), Thomas de (c. 1317, 1330), 5, 14, 20

Chaundos (Chandos), Thomas de (d. 1406), 19, 47

Chell, William, 22

Cherleton, see Charlton

Chester, Richard, 40

Chesterfield, see Worshop

Cheyne, John, 29

Chikewell (Chickwell) Robert de, 17

Chipnam, Thomas, 39

Chitterne, John, 17

Clement, Vincent, 46

Clere (Clerc, Smyth), John, 21

Clermont, Anselm of, 3

Clifton (Clyfton), Gamaliel, 5, 19, 44

Clone (Cloyn), John, 27, 41

Clone (Cloyn), Thomas, 48

Cobham, Thomas de, 39

Coggeshall, Ralph de, 8

Cokworthy, John, 17, 49

Cole, John, 52

Colnet, Nicholas, 9

Comite, Anthony de, 34

Comite, Philip de, 34

Concoreto, Itherius de, 27

Coren, Hugh, 29

Corne, William, 17

Cornwaile, Richard, 42

Costone, John de, 50

Courtenay, William de, 1

Cova, William de la, 25

Cragge, John, 25, 42

Crepping, Alan de, 41 n

Cresset, John, 31

Cricklade, John de, 10

Dalton, William de, 15

David, William, 48

Delabere (de Labere), John, 46

Delabere (de Labere), William, 21, 40, 42

Denton, John de, 34

Desford, John, 47

Dixon (Dixtone), Nicholas, 33

Dobbys, Robert, 27 (bis)

Dodyne, Benedict, 40

Dorset, William, 18

Downe, Thomas, 9, 22, 51

Downes, Geoffrey, 33

Draiton, Nicholas de, 16

Drokyll, William, 47

Dunre, Richard de, 37

Dunstavylle, John, 47

Durward, Ralph, 21

Dyer, Richard, 26

Dylew, John, 13, 22

Edington (Edyngton), William of, 45

Edwards (Edwardis), William, 29, 44

Elham, Eltham, see Olham

Elton (Baker, Eltone, Olton), John, 52

Elveden, Walter, 8

Elvet, John, 24

Ermyte, see Heremyte

Eseger, see Osger

Estone, Walter, 29

Evesham, Thomas de, 38

Ewe (Oo), John de, 10, 18

Excestre (Excetre), John de, 43

Faversham, Simon, 26

Felde (Fowe), John de la, 19

Felde, Thomas, 4, 34, 49, 52

Felton, Robert, 9, 25

Ferriby (Fereby), William de, 4

Figeac, see Lagier

Fileby, Adam de, 3

FitzHerbert, William, 37

FitzPeter de Marnay, Amadeus, 51

Forneys, Thomas, 48, 52

Foster, John, 35

Fowe, see Felde, John de la

Fownhope (Fowehop, Fowehope), William de, 42

Fox, Edward, 3

Fox, Richard, 38

Froucetur (Frocetur, Frowcester, Frowscetur), Edmund, 5, 11, 19, 39, 46

Ganvill, John, 21

Gare (Gaye), William de la, 10, 37

Geffrey (Jeffrey), Robert, 6, 7, 11, 13, 31, 44

Genvyle (Geneville), Nicholas de, 51

Gerdone (Geydon), John de, 18

Gifford (Giffard, Gyfford), William, 37

Gilbert, John, 2

Gildesburgh, Peter de, 23

Gloucester, Robert de, 12, 28, 29

Goberd (Gobard, Gobert), William, 8, 12, 33, 40

Godewyk, John, 34

Godmanston (Godmastone, Godmeston), John, 36, 38, 46, 52

Goldwell, James, 5, 51

Gorwell (Gorewelle), John, 43

Gray, Richard, 31

Gray, William, 33

Grene, Hugh, 40, 42

Grene (Holder), John, 16, 25, 26

Grenewey, John, 41, 49

Grete, Thomas, 49

Griffin (Griffyn), Thomas, 23

Griffith, Roger, 43

Grimsby (Grymesby), Edmund de, 23

Gros, John, 52

Grote, Walter, 43

Grymesby, see Grimsby

Guldefeld (Guldesfeld, Gyllefeld), Thomas, 18, 20

Gyddyng (Belles), William de, 36

Gyfford, see Gifford

Gyllefeld, see Guldefeld

Hacluit (Hakeluyt), Thomas, 12, 26

Haldingham, see Bello

Haliday (Halyday, Unert), Robert, 52

Hambald, William, 18

Hamenasch, Richard de, 23

Hamertone, Henry, 24

Hanley, Thomas, 13 (bis)

Hanys, see Hauyes

Harold, John, 4, 16, 32, 38

Harper, Hugh, 22

Hartlepool (Hertilpole), John, 24

Hathering, see Havering

Haukyn, Nicholas, 50

Hauyes (Hanys), Ralph, 21, 40, 51

Havering (Hathering), Richard de, 8, 45

Hayward, John, 24

Heathcott (Heithcote, Hethcote), Ralph, 13

Henley, James de, 26

Henleye, Robert de, 20

Hereford, John, 6, 7, 37

Hereford, Nicholas, 11, 12, 13, 41, 43

Heremyte (Ermyte), Hugh, 8

Hereward, Robert, 14

Herewynton (Herwynton), Adam de, 34

Herewynton (Herwynton), William de, 32, 51

Herlaston, Roger de, 52

Herlaston, William de, 27, 28

Herring, John, 41

Hertford, Richard de, 5, 48

Hertilpole, see Hartlepool

Hervey, John, 5, 9, 47

Hervy, Thomas, 32

Herwynton, see Herewynton

Hethcote, see Heathcott

Hethe (Heth), Nicholas, 16, 28

Heugate (Hougate, Hugate), Nicholas de, 39

Hewes, Richard, 21

Heynes, John, 23

Hingham, Ralph de, 31

Ho, John de, of Oxford, 8

Hoel, see Trefnant

Holbach, Hugh, 31

Holcote, Elias de, 40

Holder, see Grene, John

Holes (Holles), Andrew, 29

Home, John, 37

Homme, Richard, 39

Hoore, Richard, 35

Hopton, David, 19, 38

Hore, John, 7

Hore, Roger, 40, 49

Hougate, see Heugate

Howell, see Tresnant

Hugate, see Heugate

Hulle, Walter, see Hylle

Hulle, William, 14, 47

Humberston, William de, 24, 36

Hunt, Walter, 33

Huntelowe (Huntley), William de, 29, 30, 35

Husbond, David, 37

Huyton, see Buytone

Hyde, Richard, 39

Hylle (Hulle), Walter, 43

Icklesham, Robert de, 28

Ilger (Illiger), Philip, 29

Ingram, William, 33

Isham, see Yesham

Ives, see Yve

Jackessone, Jacuessone, see Jaquessone

Jake, David ap, 27

Jakes, see Ameny

Jaquessone (Jackessone, Jacuessone), Richard, 24, 29

Jeffrey, see Geffrey

Jones, Robert, 10

Jordan, Robert, 14, 44

Judde, Richard, 11, 16

Kaerwent, Nicholas, 27

Karles, Walter, 28

Kempsey, John de, 10, 18, 35

Kent, Robert, 9, 23

Kentewode, Reginald, 14

Ketterich, see Catryk

Keynell, Robert, 25

Kidwely, John, 40

King, Oliver, 5, 21

Kingscote, William de, 42, 44

Kingston, Richard, 6, 16, 20, 39

Kington, John, 36

Kirkeby (Kyrkeby), William de, 34

Knapton, William de, 26

Knovile, Nicholas (or Gilbert), 45

Kynge, Alexander, 42

Kynwollmerssh (Kynwoldmersh), William, 49

Kyrkeby, see Kirkeby

Labere, see Delabere

Laches, William, 7

Lacy, Edmund, 2, 27

Lagier, Bertrand, of Figeac, 12

Lambeth (Lamhethe), William, 30

Langton, John, 29, 36

Lanwaryn, John, 22

Lech (Lechole), John de, 30

Leche, John, 23

Leche, Thomas, 38

Lechole, see Lech

Ledbury, Stephen de, 4, 15

Leominster (Lemynistre), Hugh de, 17

Lewesham, Thomas, 51

Lewson, William, 18

Lexham, Thomas de, 40

Litton, Christopher, 47

Lochard, William, 9, 16

Loggore, see Lugore

London, Walter, 51

Long, Nicholas, 24

Loveney, John, 6, 7, 52

Lugore (Loggore), Thomas de, 26

Lyndwood (Lyndewode, Lynwod), William, 28

Lyney, Nicholas, 44

Makeblith, Thomas, 37

Makelesfeld, John de, 45

Mallon, Nicholas, 18

Malton, John, 46

Mannynge, Thomas, 19, 25

Mapleton (Mapiltone), John, 21

Marbule, William, 39

Marnay, Amadeus FitzPeter de, see FitzPeter

Martyn, Henry, 8, 12, 25, 31, 39, 49, 51

Martyn, John, 7, 14

Martyn, Richard, 6, 30, 35, 43, 47, 51

Mascall, Robert, 2

Mason (Mayson), George, 15, 18, 40

Mason, John, 48

Massingham (Stalworth), Simon, 11

Mayew (Mayow), Richard, 3

Mayson, see Mason, George

Merbury, John, 7, 52

Mere, Richard de la, 28

Mey (Meye), Roger, 10

Mey (Meye), Walter, 23, 49

Meysey, see Yedvyn

Middleham (Middelham), William, 9, 11, 16, 21

Middleton, Gilbert de, 26

Middleton, John de, 4, 20

Mockyng, Nicholas, 36

Mone (de Moone), Guy, 32

Monte Martini, Edward de, 34

Moot, Geoffrey, 14

Mordon (Sottewell), Thomas, 25

More, Thomas, 29, 36

Morteyn, Edmund de, 32

Mortimer, Roger, 17

Mortimer, William, 19, 24

Morton, Richard, 37

Morton, Thomas (c. 1419), 27

Morton, Thomas (d. 1511), 6, 7, 27

Murimuth, Adam, 15

Muskham, Robert, 50

Myle, Henry, 9, 51

Myll, William, 46

Myllyng, Thomas, 2

Nans, John, 25, 47

Nassington, Roger de, 39

Newton (Nyweton), Henry, 36, 44

Newton (Nyweton), Nicholas de, 46

Nichole (Sudbury), John, 29

Nonnington (Noningtone), Richard de, 14 (bis)

Northburgh, Michael de, 17

Northburgh, Roger de, 39

Northorp, Richard, 11

Northwood (Northwode), Simon de, 17

Nottingham (Notingham), John de, 12

Nowell, Richard, 7

Nyweton, see Newton

Offord (Ufford), John de, 48

Ogle, Humphrey, 8, 21, 35

Olham (Elham, Eltham), John de, 32

Olton, see Elton

Olyver (Smythe), John, 27, 39

Oo, see Ewe

Orleton, Adam de, 1

Orleton, John de, 35, 37

Orleton, Thomas de, 12

Osger (Eseger), Adam, 25

Otery, Roger, 28

Oudeby, Walter, 38

Outheby, John de, 40

Outy, William, 8

Oxyndon, John de, 20

Parfit, Robert, 24

Parker, Thomas, 9, 23, 30

Parkhurst, Richard, 39

Paslewe, John, 21

Passemer (Passmer), Richard, 51

Pavy, John, 20

Pede, Richard, 5, 11, 27, 30, 35

Pembridge, Thomas de, 10, 18

Persons, John, 14, 24

Petewynne, Walter, 23, 51

Philippes, Rowland, 9, 23

Picton, Thomas, 29

Ploufeld, John, 36

Pole (Poole), Hugh, 12, 25, 27, 33, 39

Pole, John, 26

Pole, Owen, 11, 46

Pole, Ranulph, 24

Polton, Thomas, 2

Ponte, John de, 50

Poole, see Pole, Hugh

Porlessy, see Torkesey

Porter (Portare), William, 9, 23

Prat (Pratte), John (d. 1416), 25

Prat (Pratte), John (d. 1513), 48

Prene, Walter, 32

Proctor, Richard, 13 (bis)

Prophete, John (c. 1349), 48

Prophete, John (d. 1416), 4, 34, 40, 49

Prophete, Richard, 48

Pryde, Walter, 22

Prynne, John, 26

Pykyng, John, 25

Ragon, Miles, 37, 45

Ragone, Hugh, 25, 41, 52

Ramsbury, Walter de, 9, 50

Ravenser, Richard de, 50

Rawlyns, William, 42

Rees, John, 27

Reigate, Nicholas de, 10, 50

Resteshale, Henry de, of Campeden, 32

Retford, Richard de, 32

Richard, John ap, 5, 11, 52

Ringstede, Thomas, 33

Robelyn, Adam, 25

Rodmarleye, see Rudmarley

Rosse, John de, 7, 34, 35

Rosse, William, son of Thomas le Mercer of, 7

Roter, Richard, 16

Rotherham, Richard, 11, 13, 22, 30

Rous, Thomas, 18

Rudhale, Richard, 6, 11, 16, 30

Rudmarley (Rodmarleye), Walter de, 35

Ryall (Ruyhal), Edmund, 44

St. John (Sancto Johanne), William de, 23

St. Just, Thomas, 44

St. Maur, Laurence de, 27

St. Omer, Thomas de, 20

Salesbury, Nicholas, 48

Sancto Johanne, see St. John

Sandwich, Hamo de, 31, 45

Sardinia, William de, 18

Saunders, William, 37

Savoy, Peter of, 17

Scardeburgh (Schardeburgh), John de, 38

Scheynton, see Sheynton

Schorne, see Shorne

Sebrond, John, 46

Segrave, Gilbert de, 28

Sellowe (Selowe), John, 41, 43

Sevenake, Roger de, 10, 19

Shelford, Henry, 5, 19

Shelford, Thomas, 43

Sherbourne, Robert, 11

Sheynton (Scheynton), John de, 40

Sheynton (Scheynton), William de, 6, 19

Shifford, Thomas de, 38

Shipton, Henry de, 7, 9, 10, 28, 47

Shorne (Schorne), Henry de, 5, 48

Skip (Skyppe), John, 3

Skyby (Skybi), William, 21

Sleford, John, 15

Smyth, John, see Clere

Smythe, John, see Olyver

Smythe, Richard, 16, 31

Smythes, see Bedwardine

Snayt, Henry, 8

Solement, see Sulement

Somerford, William de, 17

Sompnour, Oliver, 33

Sottewell, see Mordon

Sparcheford, Richard, 8, 41

Spofford, Thomas, 2

Stafford, Arthur, 8

Stafford, Fulk, 9

Stalworth, see Massingham

Stamford, Giles de, 47

Stanbury, John, 2

Stanbury, Robert, 19

Stanewey, John, 5, 20

Staundon, Thomas, 31

Staunton, Thomas de, 34

Stayndrope, Thomas de, 38

Stokes (Stokys), John, 31

Stone, Gilbert, 21

Sudbury, John, see Nichole

Sudbury, Simon of, 34

Sudbury, Thomas Thebaud of, 34

Sulement (Solement), Thomas, 35

Surteis (Surtes), Stephen, 31

Sutton, John (d. 1416), 19

Sutton, John (c. 1451, 1462), 40

Sutton, Roger de, 20, 32

Swinfield (Swinfelde), John de, 8, 47

Swinfield (Swinfelde), Richard de (d. 1311), 14

Swinfield (Swinfelde), Richard de (d. 1317), 1

Swinfield (Swinfelde), Stephen de, 30

Sydenhale, Richard de, 7, 10, 41

Talbot, Baldwin, 4

Talbot, John, 50

Talbot, Philip, 6, 41

Talbot, Richard, 9, 46

Talbot, Thomas, 44

Taneto, see Thaneto

Tarry, Robert, 29, 30

Tawre (Tarvere, Taurer, Tawer, Tawere), Simon, 13, 20, 49

Tehy (They), Robert, 15

Thaneto (Taneto), Stephen de, 4 n, 26

Thebaud, see Sudbury, Thomas of

They, see Tehy

Thurban, Richard, 46, 47, 48, 52

Tissington, Richard, 6

Torkesey (Porlessy), William, 46

Trefnant, John, 2

Trefnant (ap Hoel, ap Howell), John, 47, 52

Trevaur, John, 31

Trillek, John de, 1, 45, 50

Trillek, Thomas de, 4, 35

Trysk, Robert, 49

Twyneho (Twineley, Twynowe, Twynyho), 30, 33

Ufford, see Offord

Unert, see Haliday

Upcote, Robert, 10

Upton, John, 46

Vaghan, Hugh, 26

Vaghan, John, 25

Vannes, Peter, 20

Vauce, William, 42

Vergil (Castellensis), Polydore, 38

Vernon (Vernoun), Richard de, 30

Viall, John, 40, 48

Vienna, see Bateman

Wakefield, Henry de, 25

Walesby, William, 36 (bis)

Walker, David, 15, 33, 40

Waltham, John de, junior, 16

Walton, Thomas, 34

Walwayne, see Walwyn

Walwen, Nicholas, 12, 21, 37

Walwyn (Walwayne), John (d. 1331), 15, 50

Walwyn (Walwayne), John (c. 1412), 28

Wardroper (Waredroper), John, 8, 11, 15

Wassayle, Thomas, 11

Webbe, William, 6, 7, 25, 31, 35, 51

Wells, John, 7

Welshe, Edward, 17

West, Reginald, 5, 43

Wetton, see Worton

Whitney (Whyteneye), Baldwin de, 43

Wimundewold, see Wymundeswold

Winchcombe, Richard, 32

Winchelsea (Winchelse, Wynchelse), John de, 32

Winchester, Thomas de, 8

Winterton, William de, 44

Withington, Roger de, 22

Wodderoff, see Wodrofe

Wodehouse, Robert de, 23

Wodhull, Robert de, 48

Wodrofe (Wodderoff, Wodrove, Woodroff), John, 23, 30, 33

Wolsey (Wolcy, Wulcy), Thomas, 5, 44

Wolstone, Reginald, 27, 38

Woodford (Belton), Thomas, 27

Woodroff, see Wodrofe

Worshop (Chesterfield), Thomas, 35

Worton (Wetton, Wotton), Peter de, 46

Wrixham, William, 37

Wroth, William, 15

Wulcy, see Wolsey

Wybbe, Thomas, 38

Wycheford, Robert de, 29

Wyke, William de, 22, 44

Wykeham, William of, 17

Wymundeswold (Wimundewold), Richard de, 12

Wynchelse, see Winchelsea

Wynferthyng, Robert de, 12

Wynter, Maurice, 34

Yedvyn (Meysey), Henry, 49

Yeen, see Yone

Yesham (Isham), Robert), 45

Yesham (Isham), Thomas, 45

Yone (Yeen), Thomas, 7, 13, 43

Yorke, John, 45

Yve (Ives), Robert, 22