House of Lords Journal Volume 1: Anno Octavo Regine Elizabethe

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 1, 1509-1577. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 1: Anno Octavo Regine Elizabethe', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 1, 1509-1577( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 1: Anno Octavo Regine Elizabethe', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 1, 1509-1577( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 1: Anno Octavo Regine Elizabethe". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 1, 1509-1577. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.


In this section

Anno Octavo Regine Elizabethe.

Proxies entered.

Earl of Cumberland's.

TRICESIMO die Septembris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Henrici Comitis Cumbr. in quibus Procuratorem suum constituit Robertum Comitem Leycestr. Prenobilis Ordinis Garterii Militem, etc.

Lord St. John's.

Primo die Octobris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Johannis Poulet, Militis, Domini St. John, in quibus Procuratorem suum constituit Willielmum Marchionem Winton, Thesaurarium Anglie, etc.

Lord Wharton's.

Tertio die Octobris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Thome Wharton, Militis, Domini Wharton, in quibus Procuratorem suum constituit Georgium Comitem Salopp.

Earl of Derby's.

Decimo quarto Octobris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Edwardi Comitis Darby, in quibus Procuratorem suum constituit Robertum Comitem Leycestr.

Lord Hereford's.

Eodem die, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Walteri Vicecomitis Hereforde, in quibus Procuratorem suum constituit Henricum Comitem Huntington.

Lord Vaux's.

Decimo septimo die Octobris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Willielmi Domini Vauxe, in quibus Procuratorem suum constituit Robertum Comitem Leycestr.

Bp. of Salisbury's.

Eodem die, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Johannis Episcopi Sar. in quibus Procuratores suos constituit Edmundum London. Episcopum, et Johannem Norwicen. Episcopum.

Lord Chandos's.

Die Lune, 21 Octobris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Edmundi Domini Chandos, in quibus Procuratorem suum constituit Robertum Comitem Leicestr.

Lord Ogle's.

Die Martis, 22 die Octobris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Cuthberti Domini Ogle, in quibus Procuratores suos constituit Franciscum Comitem Bedford, et Johannem Dominum Lumley.

Lord Zouch's.

Die Veneris, 25 die Octobris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Georgii Domini Zowche, in quibus Procuratorem suum constituit Robertum Comitem Leicestrie.

Earl of Bedford's.

Die Sabbati, 9 die Novembris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Francisci Comitis Bedford, in quibus Procuratores suos constituit Henricum Comitem Huntington, et Robertum Comitem Leicestr.

Bp. of Ely's.

Eodem die, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Ricardi Episcopi Elien. in quibus Procuratores suos constituit Edmundum London. et Nicholaum Lincoln. Episcopos.

Lord Abergavenny's.

Hodie, 12 die Novembris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Henrici Domini Burgavenny, in quibus Procuratorem suum constituit Thomam Ducem Norff.

Archbp. of Canterbury's.

Hodie, videlicet, 1 die Octobris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Mathei Cantuarien. Archiepiscopi, in quibus Procuratores suos constituit Richardum Elien. et Nicholaum Lincoln. Episcopos.

Petition for a Writ of Error.

"Humbly beseecheth Your Highness, Your humble Subject and true Leigeman, J. S. That where one John Porrenc, Junior, did exhibit against Your Beseecher, being in the Custody of the Marshal of the Marshalsea, before You, in Your Bench at Westm. a Bill of Trespass, an Ejection of a Farm; and in the Record, Process, and giving of Judgment, in the Plea upon the same Bill, it is openly erred, unto the full grievous Harm of Your said Beseecher; which Errors may not be redressed or reformed by Your Law, but only by Your High Court of Parliament: It may please therefore Your Highness, of Your most abundant Grace, to give in Commandment to Robert Catlyn, Knight, Your Chief Justice of Your said Bench, which hath the said Record and Process in keeping, to bring or send the said Records and Process, with all Things concerning thereunto, afore You, in this Your present Parliament, or the Tenor of all the said Records and Process, so as the same may remain of Record with the Clerk of Your Parliament; and that then and there such Direction to be taken for the Correction and Reformation of the said Errors, as to Your most Noble Grace, by the Advice and Assent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this Your present Parliament assembled, shall be thought most according to Right, and as after, in this Your present Parliament, Your noble Law and Custom of this Your Realm of England, it ought to be done; and Your Beseecher shall pray to God for the Preservation of Your Grace in Honour long to continue."

A License of Absence from Parliament by the Queen.

Queen's Leave of Absence to the Peers.

"Right Trusty and Well-beloved, We greet you well: Whereas We are informed, that, by reason of Sickness, you are not able to make your Repair thither to this Our Session of Parliament, to be holden at Westm. We have thought good, by these Our Letters, to dispense with you for your Absence, and do license you to remain still at Home for this Time; so, nevertheless, that you send up your Proxy to some such Personage as may for you, and in your Name, give his Voice, and Assent, or Denial, to such Matters as shall be treated and concluded upon in Our said Parliament: And these Our Letters shall be your Warrant in this Behalf. Given under Our Signet, at Our Palace at Westm. the 29th of September, in the Eighth Year of Our Reign."

Proxies enter'd.

* * *

Archbishop of Canterbury's.

Primo die Octobris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Mathei Cantuarien. Archiepiscopi, in quibus Procuratores suos constituit Richardum Elien. et Nicholaum Lincoln. Episcopos.

Earl of Derby's.

Quarto die Octobris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Edwardi Comitis Darby, in quibus Procuratorem suum constituit Robertum Comitem Leicestr. Prenobilis Ordinis Garterii Militem, etc.

Earl of Cumberland's.

Eodem die, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Henrici Comitis Cumberland, in quibus Procuratorem suum constituit Robertum Comitem Leicest.

Lord St. John's.

Eodem die, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Johannis Paulet, Militis, Domini St. John, in quibus Procuratorem suum constituit Willielmum Marchionem Winton. Thesaurarium Anglie, etc.

Lord Wharton's.

Eodem die, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Thome Wharton, Militis, Domini Wharton, in quibus Procuratorem suum constituit Georgium Comitem Sallopp.

Lord Hereford's.

Decimo quarto die Octobris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Walteri Vicecomitis Heref. in quibus Procuratorem suum constituit Henricum Comitem Huntington.

Lord Vauxe's.

Decimo septimo die Octobris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Willielmi Domini Vauxe, in quibus Procuratorem suum constituit Robertum Comitem Leicestr.

Bishop of Salisbury's.

Eodem die, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Johannis Episcopi Sarum. in quibus Procuratores suos constituit Edmundum London. et Johannem Norwicen. Episcopos.

Lord Chandos.

Vicesimo primo die Octobris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Edmundi Domini Chandos, in quibus Procuratorem suum constituit Robertum Comitem Leicestr.

Lord Ogle.

Vicesimo secundo die Octobris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Cuthberti Domini Ogle, in quibus Procuratores suos constituit Franciscum Comitem Bedforde, et Johannem Dominum Lumley.

Lord Zouche's.

Vicesimo quinto die Octobris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Georgii Domini Souche, in quibus Procuratorem suum constituit Robertum Comitem Leicestr.

Earl of Bedford's.

Nono die Novembris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Francisci Comitis Bedford, in quibus Procuratores suos constituit Henricum Comitem Huntington, et Robertum Comitem Leicestr.

Bishop of Ely's.

Eodem die, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Ricardi Episcopi Elien. in quibus Procuratores suos constituit Edmundum London. et Nicholaum Lincoln. Episcopos.

Lord Abergavenny's.

Duodecimo die Novembris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Henrici Domini Burgavenny, in quibus Procuratorem suum constituit Thomam Ducem Norff.

Lord Stafford's.

Secundo die Decembris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Edwardi Domini Stafford, in quibus Procuratorem suum constituit Robertum Comitem Leicestr.

Earl of Warwick's.

(fn. 2) Eodem die, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Ambrosii Comitis Warwic. in quibus Procuratorem suum constituit Robertum Comitem Leicestr.

Lord Evry's.

Quarto die Decembris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Willielmi Domini Eury, in quibus Procuratorem suum constituit Willielmum Marchionem Northampton.

Lord Willoughby's.

Memorandum, hodie, videlicet, 5 die Decembris, introducte sunt Litere Procuratorie Willielmi Domini Willoughbye, in quibus Procuratorem suum constituit Edwardum Dominum Clinton, Magnum Admirallum Anglie.

Bishop of Peterborough's.

Memorandum, eodem die, Edmundus, Permissione Divina, Peterburgen. Episcopus, constituit Nicholaum, Permissione Divina, Lincoln. Episcopum Procuratorem suum.

The Commons depute a Committee to confer with the Lords on their Want of a Speaker, who appoint another, jointly to wait on the Queen, in the Name of both Houses, to make known their Situation.

THE Queen's most Excellent Majesty having begun this Her High Court of Parliament at Westm. the 12th of January, in the Fifth Year of Her most Gracious Reign, held and continued the same Session until the 10th of April then next following; and then the same Day prorogued until the 2d of October following; and sithence, by divers Commissions of Prorogation from Her Highness, under the Great Seal of England, at sundry Times, and upon weighty Affairs accidentally occurring, the same was prorogued and adjourned until this present Monday, being the last of September, as by Register and good Records thereof may and doth plainly appear. And now, as well the Nobility and Lords, both Spiritual and Temporal, as also the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of the Commons House, each Party severally, neither unmindful of the weighty Charge committed unto them, neither letting slip the Opportunity of Time offer'd, did assemble themselves in their accustom'd several Houses and Places of Together-meeting; and being in the same, the Commons making Entry (as it were) to treat of that they had in hand, immediately found the Defect and Want of their Mouth and Speaker, one Thomas Wylliams, Esquire, lately from them by Death berest, which was there openly and manifestly testified, and made known unto them; for Remedy of which their Defection, they fell to Consultation what was most meet to be done, in that so needful, unexpected and unexperimented Cause; in which Deliberation it was thought good, and wholly agreed upon, that Sir Edward Rogers, Knight, Comptroller of Her Highness's Houshold, a chief Member of that Assembly and Fellowship, accompanied with Sir Francis Knolls, Knight, Her Highness's Vice Chamberlain, Sir William Cecill, Knight, Her Highness's Chief Secretary, Sir Ambrose Cave, Knight, Chancellor of Her Highness's Dutchy of Langcastre, Four Chief Members of that Assembly and Fellowship, and divers others, to the Number of Twenty Persons, should (as sent from and with the Mind of the whole House) make Relation of that their Estate thus happened unto the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, and unto all the aforesaid Lords, at that Time likewise being in their Court, in mindful Attendance to their Charge; and therewith also, in humble wise, should request them, to have their Aid and Conjunction, both for the Intimation of the Matter unto the Queen's Highness, and also for Knowledge of Her gracious good Pleasure and Will therein; all which Matter and Petition the said Mr. Comptroller, assisted with the Personages and Company aforesaid appointed, did, in comely Order and discreet Modesty, make manifest and known unto the said Lords. After which the Lord Keeper, first requiring the said Personages a while to withdraw themselves, and then commending the Order of the Matter unto the said Lords sitting in Consultation for the same, by whom, upon considered Advice therein had, it was by them all thought seeming, to signify unto the said Commons, by the Personages aforesaid sent, That they thought it expedient and good the said Lord Keeper, the Lord Treasurer of England, the Duke his Grace of Norff. and the Lord Marquis of Northampton, accompanied with the Four to-fore-recited Personages of the said Commons House, being all of Her Highness's most Honourable Privy Council, should, in the Name of both Assemblies, with all Humbleness and due Celerity, make Intimation of their said Estate, and the Petition thereupon depending, unto Her said Highness. To which Advice the said Commons, upon Knowledge had of the same, wholly assented.


  • 1. Some Leaves immediately preceding this are misplaced in the Original.
  • 2. In the Original, there is a Duplicate of this Proxy.
  • 3. This Page is transposed in the Original.