House of Lords Journal Volume 1: 11 January 1563

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 1, 1509-1577. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 1: 11 January 1563', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 1, 1509-1577( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 1: 11 January 1563', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 1, 1509-1577( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 1: 11 January 1563". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 1, 1509-1577. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.


In this section

Die Lune, 11 Januarii.

Anno Quinto Regine Elizabethe.

Parliament prorogued for one day.

MEMORANDUM, where the Queen's Majesty, by Her Writ, summoned Her Parliament to be begun and holden at Westm. the Eleventh day of January, as by the same Writ, bearing Date at Westm. the Tenth Day of November, in the Fifth Year of Her Reign, it more plainly appeareth, Her Highness, upon certain great and weighty Causes and Considerations, Her Majesty specially moving, by the Advice of Her Privy Council, and of Her Justices of both Her Benches, and other of Her Counsel Learned, did prorogue and adjourn this said Parliament until Tuesday now next following, being the Twelfth of this present Month, by Virtue of Her Writ Patent, signed with Her own Hand, and sealed with the Great Seal, and bearing Date the of this present Month; whereupon, at this said Eleventh Day of January, the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, with divers other Her Lords and Counsellors, repaired to the Parliament Chamber, commonly called the Upper House, and there, in the Presence of the whole Assembly of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, summoned to the same Parliament, did open and declare, that the Queen's Majesty, whose Preservation in Health giveth Safety and Surety to the whole Public Wealth, not feeling Herself in good Disposition of Body, nor unmindful of the Peril that by Her too much Boldness by coming abroad might ensue, sent for the said Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, the Lords and others of Her Highness's Council, unto whom She declared Her Estate, and the Fear She had to adventure the going to the Parliament this said prefixed Day, being the Eleventh of January, requesting them to signify Her Estate to the said Assembly; and that, by Virtue of the said Writ of Prorogation, She had prorogued Her said Parliament from this said first-summoned Day until the Twelfth of the said Month; all which Matter being notified to the said Assembly, according to her Highness's Request and Pleasure, the said Writ for the said Prorogation, in the Presence of all that Assembly, was there read, by the Clerk of the Upper House, publicly and openly; the Tenor whereof ensueth verbatim:

Writ for the Prorogation.

"Elizabetha, Dei Gratia, Anglie, Francie, et Hibernie Regina, Fidei Defensor, etc. Predilectis et Fidelibus Nostris Prelatis, Magnatibus, et Proceribus Regni Nostri Anglie, ac Dilectis et Fidelibus Nostris Militibus, Civibus, et Burgensibus, dicti Regni Nostri, ad Parliamentum Nostrum, apud Civitatem Nostram Westm. undecimo die instantis mensis Januarii inchoandum et tenendum, convocatis et electis, et eorum cuilibet, Salutem.

"Cum Nos, pro quibusdam arduis et urgentibus Negotiis, Nos, Statum et Defensionem dicti Regni Nostri Anglie et Ecclesie Anglicane concernentibus, dictum Parliamentum Nostrum, ad diem et locum predictum, teneri ordinaverimus, ac vobis, per separalia Brevia Nostra, apud Civitatem et diem predictam, interesse mandaverimus, ad tractandum, consentiendum, et concludendum super hiis, que in dicto Parliamento Nostro tunc et ibidem proponerentur et tractarentur. Quibusdam tamen certis de Causis et Considerationibus Nos ad presens specialiter moventibus, dictum Parliamentum Nostrum usque duodecimum diem hujus instantis mensis Januarii duximus prorogandum; ita, quod nec vos, nec aliquis vestrum, ad dictum undecimum diem Januarii, apud Civitatem predictam, comparere teneamini, seu arctemini. Volumus enim vos, et quemlibet vestrum, inde erga Nos penitus exonerari; mandantes, et tenore presentium firmiter injungendo precipientes, vobis, et cuilibet vestrum, ac omnibus aliis quibus in hac parte intererit, quod ad dictum duodecimum diem Januarii, apud predictam Civitatem Westm. personaliter compareatis et intersitis, et quilibet vestrum compareat et intersit, ad tractandum, faciendum, agendum, et concludendum super hiis, que in dicto Parliamento Nostro, de Communi Consilio dicti Regni Nostri (favente Deo), contigerint ordinari. Teste Meipsa, apud Westm. nono die Januarii, Anno Regni Nostri Quinto."