House of Lords Journal Volume 3: 5 August 1625

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 3, 1620-1628. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 3: 5 August 1625', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 3, 1620-1628( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 3: 5 August 1625', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 3, 1620-1628( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 3: 5 August 1625". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 3, 1620-1628. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


In this section

DIE Veneris, videlicet, 5 die Augusti,

Domini tam Spirituales quam Temporales, quorum nomina subscribuntur, præsentes fuerunt:

p. Archiepus. Cant.
Archiepus. Eborum.
p. Epus. London.
Epus. Dunelm.
Epus. Winton.
Epus. Petriburg.
Epus. Hereforden.
Epus. Wigorn.
p. Epus. Norwicen.
p. Epus. Roffen.
p. Epus. Co. et Lich.
Epus. Bath. et W.
Epus. Bangor.
p. Epus. Elien.
p. Epus. Cicestren.
Epus. Oxon.
Epus. Cestren.
p. Epus. Landaven.
Epus. Sarum.
Epus. Exon.
p. Epus. Meneven.
p. Epus. Bristol.
Epus. Asaphen.
p. Epus. Carlien.
Epus. Gloucestren.
p. Epus. Lincoln, Ds. Custos Mag. Sigilli.
p. Ds. Ley, Mag. Thesaur. Angliæ.
p. Vicecomes Maundevill, Præs. Conc. Domini Regis.
p. Comes Wigorn, Ds. Custos Privati Sigilli.
p. Dux Buck. Magnus Admirall. Angliæ.
Marchio Winton.
Comes Oxon. Magnus Camerar. Angliæ.
p. Comes Arundell et Surr. Comes Maresc. Angliæ.
p. Comes Pembroc, Senesc. Hospitii.
Comes Northumbriæ.
Comes Salop.
Comes Kancii.
Comes Derbiæ.
Comes Rutland.
Comes Cumbriæ.
Comes Sussex.
Comes Huntingdon.
Comes Bath.
Comes Bedford.
Comes Hertford.
p. Comes Essex.
p. Comes Lincoln.
Comes Nottingham.
Comes Suffolciæ.
p. Comes Dorsett.
Comes Sarum.
Comes Exon.
p. Comes Mountgomery.
Comes Bridgwater.
Comes Leicestriæ.
p. Comes North'ton.
p. Comes Warwic.
p. Comes Devon.
Comes Cantaber.
Comes Holdernesse.
p. Comes Carlile.
p. Comes Denbigh.
Comes Bristol.
Comes Angles.
p. Comes Holland.
Comes Clare.
p. Comes Bolingbrooke.
Comes Westmerland.
Vicecomes Mountague.
Vicecomes Wallingford.
p. Vicecomes Purbeck.
Vicecomes Maunsfeild.
Vicecomes Colchester.
Vicecomes Rochford.
p. Vicecomes Andever.
Vicecomes Tunbridge.
p. Vicecomes Say et Seale.
p. Ds. Conway, Prin. Sec.
Ds. Abergavenny.
Ds. Audley.
Ds. Zouch.
p. Ds. Willoughby.
p. Ds. Delawarr.
Ds. Berkley.
Ds. Morley et M.
Ds. Dacres de H.
Ds. Stafford.
Ds. Scroope.
Ds. Duddeley.
p. Ds. Stourton.
Ds. Herbert.
Ds. Darcy.
Ds. Vaux.
Ds. Windsore.
p. Ds. Wentworth.
Ds. Mordant.
Ds. St. John de Bas.
p. Ds. Cromewell.
Ds. Evre.
Ds. Sheffeild.
Ds. Pagett.
p. Ds. North.
Ds. Howard de W.
Ds. Wootton.
p. Ds. Russell.
p. Ds. Grey de Groby.
Ds. Petre.
Ds. Danvers.
Ds. Spencer.
Ds. Denny.
Ds. Stanhope de H.
Ds. Carew.
Ds. Arundell de W.
Ds. Teynham.
Ds. Stanhope de Sh.
Ds. Noel.
Ds. Brooke.
p. Ds. Mountague.
p. Ds. Cary de Lepp.
Ds. Grey de W.
Ds. Deyncourt.
p. Ds. Roberts de Tr.

Mr. Justice Crooke's Privilege. Complaint against Pitt.

COMPLAINT was made to the House, That one Rowland Pitt, a Fishmonger, had taken the Horse of Mr. Justice Crooke, to ride Post, knowing it was the Judge's Horse.

Pitt ordered to appear.

Ordered, That the Serjeant at Arms do cause the said Rowland Pitt to be brought before their Lordships, to answer his Contempt and Breach of Privilege of this House; for that the said Judge doth now attend this Parliament, being thereunto summoned by His Majesty's Writ.

Captives of Algiers.

Upon the Lord Archbishop of Cant's Motion, these Lords under-named are appointed to take the Account of the Money collected for the Captives of Algiers, etc. videlicet,

L. President.
E. of Dorset.
L. Bp. of London.
L. Bp. of Rochester.
L. North.
L. Russell.
L. Cary of Leppington.

Committee appointed to consider of Relief for the Cities of London, Westminster, etc.

The House being moved to consider the lamentable Estate of the Cities of London and Westm. and the Parishes adjoining, appointed these Lords to conceive an Order for their Relief: videlicet,

L. D. of Buck.
L. President.
E. of Dorset.
L. Bp. of London.
L. Bp. of Rochester.
L. Bp. of Norwich.
L. Willoughby.
L. Wentworth.
L. Cromewell.
L. North.
L. Russell.
L. Cary of Lepp.

Mr. Attorney-General to attend the Lords.

To meet presently.

Mrs. Broccas versus Muscovy Company.

Whereas, upon the Petition of Mary Broccas, exhibited in Parliament Anno 21° Jacobi, it was Ordered, 28 Maii 1625, That the Muscovy Company should bring in, to the Treasurer of the said Company, by Midsummerday then next coming, their several and respective Leviations and Assessments, lastly made by the said Company, for and towards the Payment of such Debts as were then owing by their said Company, upon their Common Seal, for Monies borrowed at Interest of Strangers, not free of the said Company, whereof she the said Mary Broccas to be first paid her Debt, with Interest of Five Pounds in the Hundred since the Time they forbore to pay her Eight in the Hundred (as by the said Order, amongst other Things concerning these Merchants of that Company, may appear): All which was, by the said Order, referred to the Court of Chancery, to be put in Execution accordingly.

And whereas the said Mary Broccas hath exhibited a Second Petition in Parliament here at Oxford, complaining that she had (notwithstanding the said Order) received but Seven Hundred Pounds of her Interest and Principal Money, the Principal being a Thousand Pounds, lent many Years since, at Eight Pounds pro Centum; and that the Governor and Merchants of the said Company did seek Delays, to defraud her of the Residue, making divers Interpretations of the said Order; for which she prayed Relief, and that the said Governor and Merchants might be called before their Lordships, to set down their Exceptions to the said Order.

The Lords, considering the Danger of the Time, thought it not fit to draw the Governor and Merchants of that Company to this Place. Wherefore they did, on this 5th Day of August, Order the said Petitioner's Cause to be referred to the Chancery, to be executed according to the former Order, with as much Conveniency as may be, in respect of the Sickness at this Time.


Dominus Custos Magni Sigilli declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque in diem crastinum, videlicet, sextum diem instantis Augusti, hora nona, Dominis sic decernentibus.