House of Lords Journal Volume 19: 3 March 1714

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 19, 1709-1714. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 19: 3 March 1714', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 19, 1709-1714( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 19: 3 March 1714', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 19, 1709-1714( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 19: 3 March 1714". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 19, 1709-1714. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.


In this section

DIE Mercurii, 3 Martii.

Domini tam Spirituales quam Temporales præsentes fuerunt:

Epus. Dunelm. & Ds. Crew.
Epus. Winton.
Epus. Sarum.
Epus. Lich. & Cov.
Epus. Eliens.
Epus. Petriburg.
Epus. Bangor.
Epus. Landaven.
Epus. Cestr.
Epus. Norwic.
Epus. Cicestr.
Epus. Menev.
Epus. Roffen.
Ds. Harcourt, Cancellarius.
Comes Oxon. & Mortimer, Thesaurarius.
Dux Bucks & Normanby, Præses.
Comes Dartmouth, Custos Privati Sigilli.
Dux Cleveland.
Dux Grafton.
Dux Ormonde.
Dux Beaufort.
Dux St. Albans.
Dux Bolton.
Dux Devonshire.
Dux Atholl.
Dux Kent.
March. Lindsey, Magnus Camerarius.
March. Dorchester.
Comes Poulet, Senescallus.
Comes Lincoln.
Comes Dorset.
Comes Bridgewater.
Comes Leicester.
Comes Northampton.
Comes Denbigh.
Comes Westmorland.
Comes Manchester.
Comes Thanet.
Comes Sunderland.
Comes Scarsdale.
Comes Clarendon.
Comes Cardigan.
Comes Anglesey.
Comes Sussex.
Comes Yarmouth.
Comes Nottingham.
Comes Rochester.
Comes Abingdon.
Comes Plimouth.
Comes Portland.
Comes Warrington.
Comes Orford.
Comes Jersey.
Comes Greenwich.
Comes Wharton.
Comes Cholmondeley.
Comes Mar.
Comes Loudoun.
Comes Findlater.
Comes Orkney.
Comes Portmore.
Comes Ferrers.
Viscount Say & Seal.
Viscount Townshend.
Viscount Hatton.
Viscount Longueville.
Viscount Bolingbroke.
Ds. Bergavenny.
Ds. Delawar.
Ds. Fitzwalter.
Ds. Willughby Br.
Ds. Paget.
Ds. North & Grey.
Ds. Hunsdon.
Ds. Compton.
Ds. Howard Escr.
Ds. Bruce.
Ds. Byron.
Ds. Colepeper.
Ds. Rockingham.
Ds. Lexington.
Ds. Berkeley.
Ds. Cornwallis.
Ds. Osborne.
Ds. Carteret.
Ds. Guilford.
Ds. Ashburnham.
Ds. Weston.
Ds. Herbert.
Ds. Haversham.
Ds. Sommers.
Ds. Barnard.
Ds. Halifax.
Ds. Gernsey.
Ds. Hervey.
Ds. Cowper.
Ds. Boyle.
Ds. Hay.
Ds. Mountjoy.
Ds. Mansel.
Ds. Trevor.
Ds. Lansdowne.
Ds. Bathurst.
Ds. Bingley.


D. of Cleveland takes the Oaths.

This Day Charles Duke of Cleveland and Southampton took the Oaths, and made and subscribed the Declaration, and also took and subscribed the Oath of Abjuration, pursuant to the Statutes.

Report concerning Address:

The Earl of Clarendon reported from the Lords Committees appointed to prepare an Address to be presented to Her Majesty, pursuant to the Order of this House Yesterday, as follows; (videlicet,)

"That their Lordships, conceiving they have not a sufficient Power to take Notice of any other Particulars in Her Majesty's Speech, than are mentioned in the said Order, desire the Directions of the House."

Hereupon the following Orders were made:

Instructions for drawing it.

"Ordered, That the said Committee, to whom it was referred to prepare an Address to Her Majesty, do insert Clauses therein, to return the humble Thanks of this House to Her Majesty, for communicating to this House, that the Ratifications of the Treaties of Peace and Commerce with Spain are exchanged; and for Her Majesty's Care, during Her whole Reign, to maintain the Protestant Succession in the House of Hanover."

"Ordered, That the said Committee do insert likewise a Clause in the said Address, to assure Her Majesty, that this House will use their utmost Endeavours for the punishing of all seditious and libellous Papers and factious Rumours; also a Clause, to express the Detestation of this House against such as shall insinuate that the Protestant Succession is in Danger under Her Majesty's Government; as likewise a Clause, to assure Her Majesty, that this House will concur with Her in all proper Methods to compleat the Settlement of Europe."

"Ordered, That the said Committee do meet presently, in the Prince's Lodgings, and prepare an Address pursuant to the several Orders aforementioned; and report to the House."

The House was adjourned during Pleasure; and the Lords withdrew, to draw the Address.

The House was resumed.

And the Earl of Clarendon reported from the said Committee, "That they had prepared an Address, pursuant to the Directions of this House."

Which was read, and agreed to, as follows; (videlicet,)


"Most Gracious Sovereign,

"We, Your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, beg Leave to approach Your Royal Person with the greatest Respect, to return the humble Thanks of this House to Your Majesty, for Your most Gracious Speech from the Throne.

"We chearfully embrace this Opportunity of assuring Your Majesty, that the Joy our Hearts are filled with, upon Your Recovery from Your late Indisposition, cannot sufficiently be expressed; and that our servent Prayers to Almighty God shall never be wanting, that Your Majesty's Reign may exceed in Number of Years, and in all Manner of Happiness, that of the longest and most prosperous of any of Your Royal Predecessors, as that which will best conduce to the Happiness and Satisfaction of the most dutiful Subjects to the best of Queens.

"It is with the greatest Pleasure, and the utmost Gratitude, that this House receives the Communication Your Majesty is pleased to give them, that the Ratifications of Your Treaties of Peace and Commerce with Spain are exchanged; and that we are, by Your Majesty's great Wisdom and Goodness, at last delivered from that consuming Land War, the Burthens and ill Consequences whereof, we are sensible, nothing can remove or prevent, but a right Improvement of the present Opportunity; and it shall be our Endeavour, as we are satisfied it will be Your Majesty's to unite our Differences, not by relaxing from the strictest Adherence to our Constitution in Church and State, but by observing the Laws ourselves, and, to the utmost of our Power, enforcing a due Obedience to them in others.

"And we do assure Your Majesty, that this House will most heartily concur with Your Majesty in all proper Methods to compleat the Settlement of Europe; and we will use our utmost Endeavours to discourage and discountenance all Attempts to weaken Your Majesty's Authority, or to render the Possession of the Crown uneasy to You.

"We acknowledge, with Hearts full of Duty and Thankfulness, that great Care which Your Majesty has taken, during the whole Course of Your Reign, to secure our Religion and Liberties, and to transmit both safe to Posterity.

"It is with the utmost Detestation, that we reflect on the Proceedings of those Men, who, by spreading seditious Papers and factious Rumours, have been able to sink Credit, and thereby to involve the Innocent in the ill Consequences of their Iniquity; and more particularly of those who have attained to that Height of Malice, as to insinuate that the Protestant Succession in the House of Hanover is in Danger under Your Government."

Ordered, That the whole House do attend Her Majesty with this Address.

Queen to be attended with it.

Ordered, That the Lords with White Staves do wait on Her Majesty, humbly to know what Time Her Majesty will please to appoint to be attended with the said Address.

Smith's Petition referred to Judges.

Upon reading the Petition of Margaret Smith, the Widow and Executrix of George Smith, late of North Nibley, in the County of Gloucester, Esquire, deceased, for and on the Behalf of herself and the Creditors of the said George Smith; praying Leave to bring in a Bill, for vesting the Rectory and Impropriation of Chesterfield, in the County of Derby, in Trustees, to enable them to sell or dispose of the same, for the Satisfaction of the Debts of the said George Smith:

It is Ordered, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That the Consideration of the said Petition shall be, and is hereby, referred to the Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench and the Lord Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer; who are forthwith to summon all Parties concerned in the Bill; and, after hearing them, to report to the House the State of the Case, with their Opinion thereupon, under their Hands, and whether all Parties that may be concerned in the Consequences of the Bill have signed the Petition; and also that the Judges, having perused the Bill, do sign the same.

East India prohibited Goods, and Naval Stores from Russia, Accounts of delivered.

The House being informed, "That some of the Commissioners of the Customs attended;" they were called in, and delivered, at the Bar, a Report of the Commissioners of the Customs, with Accounts of prohibited East India Goods, and Naval Stores from Russia, pursuant to Act of Parliament; the Titles whereof were read, as follows; (videlicet,)

"1. An Account of the prohibited East India Goods remaining in the several Warehouses in the Port of London at Michaelmas 1712; with what has been brought in since that Time, what exported, and what remains at Michaelmas 1713.

"2. An Account of the prohibited East India Goods remaining in the respective Warehouses of the Outports, at Michaelmas 1712; what brought in since that Time, what exported, as also what remains at Michaelmas 1713.

"3. An Account of Naval Stores imported from Russia into the Port of London, from Michaelmas 1712, to Michaelmas 1713.

"4. An Account of Naval Stores imported from Russia into the Ports commonly called the Outports, from Michaelmas 1712, to Michaelmas 1713.

Ordered, That the said Report and Accounts do lie on the Table, to be perused by the Lords.

Barber attached, for printing the Pamphlet, called The Public Spirit of the Whigs, &c.

The House being informed, "That John Barber, a Printer, is concerned in the printing and publishing of the false, malicious, and factious Libel, intituled, The Publick Spirit of the Whigs, &c.:"

It is Ordered, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, his Deputy or Deputies, do forthwith attach the Body of the said John Barber, and bring him in safe Custody to the Bar of this House, to answer for his Offence; and this shall be a sufficient Warrant on that Behalf.

To Sir William Oldes, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, his Deputy or Deputies, and every of them.


Dominus Cancellarius declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque ad et in diem Jovis, quartum diem instantis Martii, hora undecima Auroræ, Dominis sic decernentibus.