A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume 5, Hendon, Kingsbury, Great Stanmore, Little Stanmore, Edmonton Enfield, Monken Hadley, South Mimms, Tottenham. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1976.
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A P Baggs, Diane K Bolton, Eileen P Scarff, G C Tyack, 'Index: A-J', in A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume 5, Hendon, Kingsbury, Great Stanmore, Little Stanmore, Edmonton Enfield, Monken Hadley, South Mimms, Tottenham, ed. T F T Baker, R B Pugh (London, 1976), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/vch/middx/vol5/pp381-401 [accessed 31 January 2025].
A P Baggs, Diane K Bolton, Eileen P Scarff, G C Tyack, 'Index: A-J', in A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume 5, Hendon, Kingsbury, Great Stanmore, Little Stanmore, Edmonton Enfield, Monken Hadley, South Mimms, Tottenham. Edited by T F T Baker, R B Pugh (London, 1976), British History Online, accessed January 31, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/vch/middx/vol5/pp381-401.
A P Baggs, Diane K Bolton, Eileen P Scarff, G C Tyack. "Index: A-J". A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume 5, Hendon, Kingsbury, Great Stanmore, Little Stanmore, Edmonton Enfield, Monken Hadley, South Mimms, Tottenham. Ed. T F T Baker, R B Pugh (London, 1976), British History Online. Web. 31 January 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/vch/middx/vol5/pp381-401.
NOTE: An italic page-number denotes an illustration on that page or facing it.
Among the abbreviations used in the index, sometimes with the addition of an s to indicate plurality, the following may need elucidation: agric., agriculture; Alb., Albert; alms-ho., alms-house; And., Andrew; Ant., Anthony; Art., Arthur; bt., baronet; Bart., Bartholomew; Benj., Benjamin; bp., bishop; bd., board; boro., borough; Bros., Brothers; bldr., builder; bldg., building; Capt., Captain; Cath., Catherine; Cathm., Catholicism; chars., charities; Chas., Charles; Chris., Christopher; chs., churches; Coll., College; Col., Colonel; cttee., committee; co., company; ctss., countess; ct., court; Dan., Daniel; dau., daughter; dom., domestic; Edm., Edmund; educ., education; Edw., Edward; Eliz., Elizabeth; Ern., Ernest; fam., family; Fran., Francis; Fred., Frederick; gdning., gardening; Gen., General; Geof., Geoffrey; geol., geology; Geo., George; Gilb., Gilbert; Hen., Henry; Herb., Herbert; hosp., hospital; ho., house; ind., industry; Jas., James; Jos., Joseph; jr., junior; Kath., Katharine; Laur., Laurence; libr., library; Lond., London; ld., lord; man., manor; mchss., marchioness; Marg., Margaret; mkt., market; m., married; Mat., Matthew; Mic., Michael; mus., museum; Nat., Nathaniel; Nic., Nicholas; nonconf., nonconformity; par., parish; Pet., Peter; Phil., Philip; pop., population; pub., public; q.v., quod vide; rly., railway; Reg., Reginald; Revd., Reverend; Ric., Richard; Rob., Robert; Rog., Roger; Rom., Roman; Sam., Samuel; sch., school; sr., senior; svces., services; Sim., Simon; soc., social or society; s., son; sta., station; Steph., Stephen; Thos., Thomas; Vct., Viscount; Wal., Walter; wid., widow; w., wife; Wm., William; wkho., workhouse; wks., works
-, Art. Rob.,
-, Chas., Ld. Tenterden,
-, John, Ld. Tenterden,
Abercorn, earl and marquesses of, see Hamilton
Aberdeen, earl of, see Hamilton-Gordon
Abernethy, John,
Abingdon, John of,
Abraham, F.,
Abrahams, Mr. (fl. 1790),
Absalom, priest,
Acorn Products (later Acorn Aluminium Products),
-, Eliz., m. Sir Thos. Whitmore,
-, Sir Wm., bt.,
Acton Brick Co.,
Ada, dau. of David, earl of Huntingdon, m. Hen. de Hastings,
-, Fran.,
-, Maurice, architect,
-, Thos.,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,
-, John,
-, fam.,
Adelaide, queen of Wm. IV,
Adelize, sister of Wm. I,
Adolphus Frederick, duke of Cambridge,
Adrian IV, Pope,
Aerators Ltd. (Sparklets),
Affebrigge, John de,
Affeyte (La Feyte):
-, Alice, see Pelyndon
-, Cecily,
-, Hen. de,
-, Joan,
Agard, Wal.,
Agate, Jas.,
Age, Wm.,
-, Isabel, m. Hugh Bardolf, Ld.
-, Marg., see Rivers
-, Sir Rob.,
-, Sir Wm.,
-, fam.,
aircraft industry,
Aircraft Manufacturing Co. (Airco),
Aircraft-Marine Products (G.B.), later AMP of Great Britain,
Aislabie, John (d. 1742),
Ajax Motor & Engineering Co.,
Akenside, Mark,
Alan, ld. of Galloway,
Albany, duchess of, see Helene
-, dukes of, see Monck
-, earl of, see Keppel
Albert, Prince,
Albini, Ric. de, abbot of St. Albans,
Albion Food Mills,
Albold (fl. 1086),
Aldenham, Wm. of,
Aldenham (Herts.),
Aldenham Bus Works,
-, Miss E. H.,
-, J. S., architect,
Aldersey's glass mill,
Alexander I, czar of Russia,
Alexandra Palace, in Wood Green,
-, rly. sta.,
Alfred, King, n
All Souls College, Oxford,
-, warden and fellows, see Hovenden; Strensham; Warner
-, Thos.,
-, fam., n
Allied Hospital Benevolent Soc.,
-, John,
-, John Thos.,
-, Wm.,
Almack, Revd. Wm.,
-, Judith, wid. of Penning,
-, Penning,
Amalgamated Plastics Leaside Works,
Amherst, Wm. Pitt, Earl Amherst,
Amis, Kingsley,
Amwell (Herts.),
-, John Wm.,
-, Rob.,
-, Wm.,
-, Eusebius,
-, Ric.,
-, Thos.,
-, Mr. (fl. c. 1800),
-, Rob.,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,
Angel Road, in Edmonton:
-, chs.,
-, halls and institutes,
-, ind.,
and see Edmonton, Upper
Angell, Rebecca,
Anglo-Catholicism, see ritualism and
-, high-church practices
Anjou, Marg. of, see Margaret
Annandale, ld. of, see Bruce, Rob. de
-, Jasper,
-, Joan, w. of Jasper,
-, John,
Ansgar the staller,
Aragon, Cath. of, see Catherine
Arbon, Jas.,
Archer, Rose,
architects, see Adams; Alder; Ashwell; Ayrton; Baillie; Baines; Banfield; Barker; Barker and Kirk; Benson; Bethell; Binyon; Blomfield; Blore; Bodley; Boughton; Briggs; Brooks; Brown, Sir John and W. E. and F.; Burchett; Bury; Butterfield; Caroë; Caroë and Passmore; Carpenter; Carter; Chambers; Christian; Clarke; Clutton; Colcutt; Comper; Cranfield; Craze; Crickmer; Curtis; Curzon; Cutts, J. E. K. and J. P.; Dawber; Dawkes and Hamilton; Derick; Dixon-Spain; Dobb; Dollar; Eden; Ellis; Essex; Eylson and Long; Faber; Farey; Farrow; Ferry and Wallen; Figgis; Fletcher; Forrest; Forsyth; George; Gibbs; Glanfield; Goldie; Goldie and Child; Grant; Green; Habershon, W. G. and E.; Habershon and Pite; Hamp; Hart; Harwood; Hayne; Henderson; Henson; Hodson and Whitehead; Holden; Hornblower; Houchin; Hurst; James; Jennett; Johnson; Kaye; Kendall; Kingwell; Knowles; Lapidge; Laws; Lee, Frank and J. T.; Lidbetter; Lochner; Lucas; Luder; Lugar; Lutyens; Lyons; Mackmurdo; Marchant; Martin-Smith; Masey; Matthews; Mee; Mitchell; Mitchell and Bridgewater; Moffat; Moore; Morris; Moye; Mulvey; Mumford; Nash; Neve; Newman & Newman; Page; Paine; Parker; Paull; Paull and Bonella; Pearce; Pearson; Phillips; Plumbe; Pouget; Price; Pugin; Quennell; Reeves; Richardson; Riley; Roberts; Robertson; Rochford; Rowntree; St. Aubyn; Salter; Salvin; Savage; Scott, Geo. Gilb. (later Sir Gilb.), Sir Giles Gilb., John Oldrid, T. H. B., and W. Gilbee; Searles; Sears; Seely and Paget; Shaw; Shepherd; Sherman; Shum; Sinnott; Smith, T. Rog.; Stenning; Stern; Sterrett; Stone, Nic. and Percy; Street; Talman; Tasker; Taylor, Sir Rob. and T. H.; Teulon; Thornhill; Thorpe; Tite; Trobridge; Unwin; Vanbrugh; Vardy; Voysey, C. Cowles and C. F. A.; Wallace; Ware; Warre; Waterhouse; Watson; Webb, Phil. and Wm.; Welch; Welch and Lander; Williamson; Wilson, J. B. and T. M.; Yeates
Ardesoif, John,
Ardynton, Thos.,
-, abp. of, see Hoadly
-, dean of, see Wood
-, Benj. John, minister of Little
-, Edm.,
Arnold, miller,
-, Mat., poet,
-, Ric.,
Arnos Grove (Arnolds), see Southgate, mans. and other estates
Artizans', Labourers' and General
-, Dwellings Co.,
Arundel, earl of, see FitzAlan
-, Edw.,
-, Wm. Harrison,
Ashby's Plating Works,
Ashley, Joan,
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford,
-, Mary, see Ewer
-, Wm.,
Ashwell, Thos., architect,
Ashwell (Herts.),
-, Edw.,
-, Eliz., m. Thos. Frowyk,
-, Marg., see Francis
-, fam.,
-, Alice, see Grimston
-, Sir Chris.,
-, Eliz., see Asplyn
-, Fran.,
-, Geof.,
-, J.,
-, Nic.,
-, Ric.,
-, Eliz., wid. of John, m. 2 Geof.
-, John,
Assemblies of God,
assizes of bread and ale,
Associated Leisure,
Aston, Sir Rog.,
Aston, North (Oxon.),
Atcheson, Hen., curate of Kingsbury,
Atkins (Atkyns):
-, Sir Rob.,
-, Thos.,
Atkinson, Fran.,
Atlas Lamp Works,
Atlas Lighting,
Atule, Edmer,
Atwood, John,
-, Sir Ant.,
-, Hester, see Collet
-, Hen.,
-, Ric.,
-, Sir Thos., Ld. Audley,
Augustus Fred., duke of Sussex,
-, Christine, see Haye
-, Wm.,
Austell, Bridget,
-, John,
-, Sir John, M. P.,
Austin the mercer,
Austin (later British) Motor Co.,
-, John,
-, Norton,
-, Wm.,
-, -, of Basinghall,
Aylesford, ctss. of, see Finch
Aylotte, Sir Jos., bt.,
Aylward (Ayleworth):
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,
Ayrton, Maxwell, architect,
B. B. C.,
Babbage, Chas.,
-, Nic.,
-, Sam.,
Bacon (Bacun):
-, John (fl. 1284),
-, John, jr. (fl. 1791),
Bagutti, -, plasterer,
Bailey (Bayley):
-, Edw.,
-, Hugh, vicar of Hendon,
-, Nic.,
Baillie, Scott, architect,
Baines, Frank, architect,
Baines, Geo., and Son, architects,
-, John Logie,
-, Mrs.,
Bake, Jas.,
-, Barrington,
-, Hen.,
-, Wm. (d. 1824),
-, Wm. (d. c. 1844),
-, Wm. Rob.,
Baker Street and Silver Street, in Enfield,
-, dom. bldgs.:
-, Bates,
-, Blakes,
-, Enfield Court,
-, Fox Hall,
-, Gough Park,
-, Holmwood,
-, Lee Ho. (Gothic Hall),
-, Mortimers Farm,
-, Pattensweir,
-, Rectory,
-, Vicarage,
-, White Lodge,
-, Woodcock Hall,
-, growth,
-, nonconf.,
-, pub. hos.:
-, Hop Poles,
-, Old Fighting Cock,
Bakerloo line and see Metropolitan Railway,
Baldwin, Wal.,
Ballard, Revd. Geo.,
-, Joan, wid. of John, m. 2 Sir Jas. Price,
-, John,
-, Devorgild (Devorguilla) de, see
-, John de, king of Scotland,
-, John de,
Balliols, see Tottenham, mans. and other estates
Banbury, John,
Banfield, Ern. W., & Son, architects,
Baptist Union, and see Old Baptist Union
-, Edw., & Co.,
-, Thos.,
-, Jemima Stewart,
-, Revd. Wm.,
-, fam.,
Barclays (formerly London and Provincial) Bank,
-, Hugh, Ld. Bardolf,
-, Isabel, see Aguillon
-, Joan, m. Wm. Phelip, Ld. Bardolf,
-, John, Ld. Bardolf,
-, Thos., Ld. Bardolf,
Bardolf, Ld., see Bardolf; Phelip
-, A. Rowland, architect,
-, Hen.,
-, M.,
Barker and Kirk, architects,
-, Sir Edw. (d. 1634), ld. mayor of
-, Sir Edw., bt. (d. 1667),
-, Sir Edw., bt. (d. 1711),
-, Mrs. Jane,
-, Mary, see Wilcox
-, Sir Rob. (d. 1661),
-, Rob. (fl. 1661),
-, Sir Rob., bt. (d. c. 1701),
-, Sir Wm., bt.,
-, fam.,
Barking, Ric. of, abbot of Westminster,
Barking (Essex),
Barley, John,
Barnardo, Thos.,
-, Dr. Barnardo's Homes,
Barnes, Sir Edw.,
Barnet (including Mimms Side), in
Chipping Barnet (Herts.) and
South Mimms,
-, chs.,
-, dom. bldgs.:
-, John Hasilwood's alms-hos.,
-, Leathersellers' alms-hos.,
-, educ.,
-, Queen Elizabeth's grammar
sch. (later in South Mimms),
-, group hosp. management cttee.,
-, growth,
-, guild,
-, halls and institutes,
-, highway district,
-, incumbents, and see Myers;
-, ind.,
-, local board district,
-, Lond. boro.,
-, man.,
-, mkts. and fairs,
-, nonconf.,
-, poor law union,
-, pub. hos.:
-, Blue Bell,
-, Green Dragon,
-, Green Man,
-, Hart's Horns,
-, King of Prussia (later King
-, Rising Sun,
-, Robin Hood,
-, Roebuck,
-, Sebright Arms,
-, White Lion,
-, rural district,
-, rural sanitary district,
-, urban district,
-, urban sanitary district,
Barnet, battle of,
Barnet, Chipping (Herts.),
-, chars.,
-, incumbent, see Taylor
-, mans.,
Barnet, East (Herts.),
-, incumbent, see Taylor
-, mans.,
-, urban district,
-, council,
-, ward,
Barnet, Friern,
-, Colney Hatch lunatic asylum,
-, urban district,
Barnet, High (Herts.),
Barnet, New (Herts.),
-, rly. sta.,
Barnet and District Gas and Water Co.,
Barnet association,
Barnet Consumers' Gas Co.,
Barnet Ditches, brook,
Barnet Lime Co.,
Barnet Valley, East (Herts.):
-, local board,
-, urban district,
-, urban sanitary authority,
Barnet Water Co.,
-, Dame Henrietta,
-, (or Somry), Ric.,
Barningham Ltd.,
-, Eliz. (d. 1515), m. Sir Thos.
-, John de (fl. 1314),
-, John (d. by 1482),
-, fam.,
Barr, Geo.,
Barratt & Co., confectioners,
-, Eliz., wid. of Fran.,
-, Fran.,
-, fam.,
Barrow, John, vicar of South Mimms and Sawbridgeworth,
Barry, Horace,
Bartelot, Thos.,
Bartholomew, vicar of Enfield,
Bartlett, Jas., bell-founder,
-, Bernard,
-, Mr., assistant curate of Hendon,
Barton's Forge and Iron Works,
-, Jas.,
-, fam.,
Bassani, sch. of the,
Bassett, Geo., group, confectioners,
Bastick, Turpin,
Bate (later Bate Dudley), Hen.Sir Hen., bt.), (later
-, Geo. Ferne, vicar of South Mimms,
-, Wm., vicar of Tottenham,
-, Cath., m. Josias Ent,
-, Sir Hen.,
-, John,
Batley, Jeremiah, and his w. Grace,
Batt, Timothy, vicar of South Mimms,
Batters, Geo.,
Battersea (Surr.),
-, housing scheme,
-, Ric.,
-, Wm. (d. 1723),
Bayley, see Bailey
Baylis, John and Jas., crape manufacturers,
Bayne, Geo.,
Bazalgette, Sir Jos.,
Beachcroft, Mrs. Sarah,
-, Joshua,
-, Mary, m. - Hobby,
-, Steph.,
-, fam.,
Beardmore Motors,
-, Anne, see Proctor
-, Ephraim,
-, John, later Ld. Beauchamp,
-, Lettice, wid. of Ephraim,
-, Thos.,
-, Sir Wm., see Beauchamp-Proctor
-, Sir Thos., bt.,
-, (formerly Beauchamp), Sir Wm.,
Beaufort, Hen., bp. of Winchester
-, (d. 1447),
Beaufort, duke of, see Somerset
-, Cath., w. of John, Vct. Beaumont,
-, Eliz., w. of John, Vct. Beaumont,
see Phelip
-, Eliz., w. of Wm., Vct. Beaumont,
m. 2 John de Vere, earl of
-, Hen., Ld. Beaumont (d. 1340),
-, Hen., Ld. Beaumont (d. 1413),
-, Joan, m. John Lovell, Ld. Lovell,
-, John, Ld. Beaumont (d. 1396),
-, John, Vct. Beaumont (d. 1460),
-, Lewis de, bp. of Exeter,
-, Wm., Vct. Beaumont,
-, fam.,
Becher, Wm.,
-, John,
-, Mary, w. of John, m. 2 Alex. Ward,
-, Mr. (fl. 1920),
Bedfont, East, see Hatton
Bedfordshire, see Biggleswade;Kempston; Luton; Luton Hoo; Tebworth
Bedwell, Wm., vicar of Tottenham,
Beech, Thos., and see Marsh
Beech Hill Park, see Enfield Chase, estates
Begg, Dr. David, and his wid.,
Bela, wid. of Austin the mercer,
-, Neil, see Critten
-, Wm.,
Bell Brewery, Tottenham,
Bell brook, see Pymme's brook
bell-founders, see Bartlett; Butler;
-, Eldridge; Janaway; Knight,
Ellis and Sam.; Lester and
Pack; Mears; Mears and Stainbank; Newton; Phelps; Waylett;
Weston; Wightman, Phil. and
-, Hen.,
-, Marg., see Nicholl
-, Ric.,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,
Belling & Lee,
Bellis, Geo.,
Bellowe, John,
Belucci, Antonio, painter,
Bendbow, Rog.,
Benet, -, draper,
Benfleet, South (Essex),
-, Poynetts estates,
-, Idony, see Mocking ., Sim
-, Jas.,
-, John,
-, John Jos.,
Benson, Rob., Ld. Bingley, architect,
Bentham, Jeremy,
Bentinck, Wm., earl of Portland,
-, Nat., 'Dirty Dick',
-, Dr. Thos.,
Bentley Heath, in South Mimms,
-, chs.,
Bentley Heath brook,
Bentley Priory, see Harrow Weald, mans. and other estates
-, John,
-, Wm.,
Bergh (Berewe, Burgh):
-, Ralph,
-, fam.,
Berkshire, see Fawley; Hurley; Streatley
-, Ern.,
-, Leopold John, rector of Elstree,
-, Leopold John, rector of Great
-, Mrs. N.,
-, fam.,
Berners, John,
Bernes, John, ld. mayor of Lond.,
-, John,
-, Sarah, see Trench
-, Thos. Trench,
Berrowe, Anne,
Besant, Sir Wal.,
Best & Co.,
Beston, Godfrey de,
-, Lucy, w. of Wm.,
-, Lucy, m. John Bowry,
-, Wm.,
-, Wm., s. of Wm.,
-, Chris.,
-, Frank, architect,
Bethnal Green,
Betoigne, David de,
-, David,
-, Fran. Augustus,
-, Rob. Cooper Lee,
-, fam.,
Beveridge, Wm.,
Bigg, A.,
Biggleswade (Beds.),
Billing, Hen.,
Billings, Wm.,
Billington, Thos.,
Bingley, Ld., see Benson
Binyon, Brightwen, architect,
Birch Bros.,
Birkbeck, Geo.,
Birkbeck Building Soc.,
Birkbeck Freehold Land Soc..
Birmingham Small Arms Co.,
Bischoffsheim, Hen.,
Bishop, John, curate of Kingsbury and later vicar of Willesden
Bishop of London's Fund,
Bishop's Stortford, see Stortford
-, John (d. 1798),
-, John (fl. 1812),
Black Death,
Blackman, Keith, fan-manufacturers,
Blackwell, Thos.,
Blade, Thos., bldrs.,
Blagden, Rob.,
-, Dorothy, wid. of Sir Geo.,
-, Sir Geo.,
-, Sir Chas.,
-, Wm., poet,
Blanches, see Mimms, South, mans. and other estates
Blechenham, Thos. of,
Blechenham, see Hendon, mans. and
-, other estates
Blois, Gervase of, abbot of West-
-, minster,
-, Sir Art., architect,
-, Chas. Jas., bp. of London,
Bloore, G. H., Ltd.,
Blore, Edm., architect,
-, Agnes, w. of Rob.,
-, Rob.,
Blue House, see Hadley, Monken, mans. and other estates (Ludgrove)
Blue Ribbon Gospel Temperance Movement,
Blund (Blount, le Blount):
-, And.,
-, Sir Hen.,
-, Hen., grandson of Sir Hen.,
-, John (fl. 1190),
-, John (fl. 1281), n,
-, John (fl. 1331),
-, Lucy, see Waleran
-, Rob. (fl. c. 1154-66),
-, Rob. (d. 1290),
-, Rog. (fl. c. 1086),
-, Sibyl, m. - le Venour,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,
Board, Edw.,
-, Mary, m. 1 Thos. Lake, 2 Ric. May,
-, Wm.,
-, Dr. (fl. 1653),
-, Elisha,
-, Isabel, w. of Elisha,
-, Rawson Hart,
-, Col. Thos.,
Bodleian Library, Oxford,
Bodley, G. F., architect,
Boehm, J. E.,
-, Eliz. de, see Elizabeth
-, Hen. de, earl of Hereford,
-, Humph. de, earl of Hereford and
Essex (d. 1275),
-, Humph. de, earl of Hereford and
Essex (d. 1298),
-, Humph. de, earl of Hereford and
Essex (d. 1322),
-, Humph. de, earl of Hereford and
Essex (d. 1361),
-, Humph. de, earl of Hereford,
Essex, and Northampton (d.
-, Joan de, see FitzAlan
-, John de, earl of Hereford and
-, Mary de, see Mary
-, Maud de, see Mandeville
Bollaerts, Revd. C. W.,
-, Thos.,
-, Thos. John,
-, Wm., prior of St. Bartholomew's,
-, Mrs.,
-, John,
-, -, m. Jos. Neeld,
Bonde (le Bounde):
-, Joan, see Wyrhale
-, John,
-, Sim.,
-, Thos.,
Bone, Nic.,
Bonner, Edm., bp. of London,
Booker, Eleazer, coach-bldr.,
Boot, Hen., & Sons,
-, Dan.,
-, Sir Felix,
-, Geo.,
-, Vere,
-, Gen. Wm., Salvationist,
-, fam.,
Booth & Co., distillers,
Borough English, see tenure, copy-
-, hold
Bosanquet, Jas. Whatman,
Boswell, Jas.,
Botany Bay, hamlet in Enfield Chase,
-, Sir Hen.,
-, Hen., s. of Sir Hen.,
-, Ralph,
Boucher, Thos.,
Boudon, Rog., n
Boughton, Eric G., architect,
-, Abraham,
-, John,
-, Sim.,
Bounds brook,
Bounds Green, in Southgate and
-, Wood Green,
-, ch.,
-, growth,
-, halls and institutes,
-, ind.,
-, nonconf.,
Bourchier, Sir Thos.,
Bourne, Reuben,
Bournville (Worcs.),
-, Sir Noel, ld. mayor of Lond.,
-, Ric. (d. 1726),
-, Ric. (fl. 1726),
-, Ric. (fl. 1786),
-, W. C.,
-, fam.,
Bowes (de arcubus), John,
Bowes, in Southgate,
-, dom. bldgs.:
-, Avondale Coll.,
-, Truro Ho.,
-, growth,
-, nonconf.,
-, pub. ho., Cock,
-, ward,
and see Bowes Park; Edmonton,
mans. and other estates
Bowes Park, in Southgate and Wood Green,
-, chs.,
-, growth,
-, halls and institutes,
-, ind.,
-, nonconf.,
-, rly. sta.,
-, ward,
and see Bowes
-, Ann, see Garnault
-, Art. Humph.,
-, Chas.,
-, E. A.,
-, Col. H. F.,
-, Hen. Carrington,
-, Hen. Carrington Bowles,
-, Mary, see Galliard
-, fam.,
-, Steven,
-, Wm.,
-, John,
-, Lucy, see Beteress
-, Anne, m. Sir Wm. Smyth,
-, Sir Edm.,
-, John Wyndham,
-, Wm.,
Boyd, Hugh,
Boys, Wm.,
Bradlaugh, Chas.,
-, John, regicide (d. 1659),
-, John (d. 1698),
-, Nic.,
-, fam.,
Braganza, Cath. of, see Catherine
Braithwaite, J. B. (later Sir John),
-, Alan,
-, Gilb.,
-, Kath., m. John Farnborough,
-, Thos. of,
-, fam.,
Bray, Sir Reynold, chancellor of the
-, duchy of Lancaster,
Brembre, Nic., ld. mayor of Lond.,
-, Isabel, see Rampton
-, Nic.,
-, Allen,
-, John (fl. 1535),
-, John (fl. 1612),
-, Ric.,
Brent, Lond. boro. of,
-, arms,
-, wards,
Brent, riv.,
Brentford Gas Co.,
Brent Street, in Hendon,
-, chs.,
-, dom. bldgs.,
-, Brent Bridge Ho.,
-, Hendon Ho.,
-, housing and council estates,
-, nonconf.,
-, pub. ho., Bell,
-, rly. sta.,
-, John, master of St. Bartholomew's
-, Wm.,
Bret, John le,
-, Eliab,
-, Eliz., see Wolstenholme
-, Sir John,
-, Rob.,
-, Dr.,
Brewer, J. N.,
Brewster, Geo. Twining,
Brian, Sir Thos.,
Brickhill, Joan,
Bridge, Rob.,
Bridgefoot, see Mimms, South, mans. and other estates
Bridger, Wm., ld. mayor of Lond.,
Bridges, Wal., vicar of Enfield,
Bridgewater, see Mitchell
Bridgewater, brook,
Bridport, Vct., see Hood
-, Martin, architect,
-, Steph.,
Brightbrook, Wm.,
Brightiff, C. H., architect,
-, Joan, wid. of Wm. of,
-, Wm. of,
Brightwen, Mrs. Eliza,
Brikenden, John, vicar of South Mimms,
Brimsdown, in Enfield,
-, growth,
-, ind.,
-, power sta.,
-, rly. sta.,
Brimsdown Castings,
Brimsdown Lead Works,
British and Foreign Schools Soc.,
British Bloodstock Agency,
British Broadcasting Corporation,
see B. B. C.
British Electric Resistance Co.,
British Empire Exhibition,
British Land Co.,
British Legion,
British Leyland,
British Motor Co., see Austin
British Museum (later Libr.) news-
-, paper repository,
British Oxygen Co.,
British Red Cross Soc.,
British Transport Commission,
British Waterways,
Brittany, John of, earl of Richmond,
Brixton Estate,
-, Anne, see Kynaston
-, John,
Broadhead, Mrs.,
Brockley Hill, in Little Stanmore,
Broderip, Frances, see Hood
Broke, Wm.,
Brokesby, Bart.,
Brondesbury, in Willesden,
Brooke, Dame Joan,
-, Jane, see Colte
-, Nic.,
Brookmans Park (Herts.),
Brooks, Jas., architect,
Broomfield, John, n
Broomfield (Ho.), see Southgate, mans. and other estates
Brothby, -,
Brougham, Hen. Pet., Ld. Brougham and Vaux
-, ,
Broughton, Hugh,
Brown (Browne):
-, Abel,
-, Christine, see Waver
-, Dan.,
-, Hen.,
-, Jas.,
-, Sir John, architect,
-, John, s. of Wm.,
-, John, s. of Sir Wistan,
-, Lydia,
-, Mrs. Sarah Eleanor,
-, Thos.,
-, W. E. and F., architects,
-, Wm.,
-, Sir Wistan,
-, Thos.,
-, Mr. (fl. 1822),
Brownlow, Ric.,
Broxbourne (Herts.),
-, Isabel de, see Isabel
-, Mary, m. Hen. Brydges,
-, Ric. de,
-, Rob. de, earl of Carrick, later king
of Scotland,
-, Rob. de, ld. of Annandale (d. 1245),
-, Sir Rob. de (d. 1295),
-, Rob. de (d. 1304),
Bruce Castle, see Tottenham, mans. and other estates (Tottenham man.)
Bruces, see Tottenham, mans. and other estates
Brucian , sch. magazine,
-, Wm. le (d. by 1293),
-, Wm. le (fl. 1293),
Brunetti, Gaetano, painter,
Bruno, Dr. Faa di,
-, Ambrose,
-, Jane, m. Thos. Walton,
Bruton, Jas.,
-, Anna Eliz., m. Ric. NugentTemple-Grenville, Earl
Temple, n,
-, Anne Eliza, w. of Jas., duke of
-, Hen., marquess of Carnarvon and
duke of Chandos,
-, Jas., marquess of Carnarvon and
duke of Chandos (d. 1744),
-, Jas., marquess of Carnarvon and
duke of Chandos (d. 1789),
-, Marg., see Nicholl
-, Mary, w. of Hen., see Bruce
-, Mary, w. of Jas., see Lake
-, fam.,
-, Archibald,
-, Archibald, s. of Archibald,
Buckeridge, Chas., painter,
Buckingham, dukes of, and see Grenville
Buckinghamshire, see Chesham; Eton Coll.
Buckle, Wm.,
-, Adam,
-, Gillian, see Renger
-, Hen., s. of Adam,
-, Hen., s. of Hen.,
-, Humph.,
-, Joan, wid. of Hen.,
-, John,
-, Lucy, m. Waleran,
-, Ranulph,
-, Ranulph, s. of Hen.,
-, his daus.,
-, fam.,
-, And., mayor of Lond., n
-, fam.,
Bulbeck, Thos.,
Bulkeley, Thos.,
-, Dickens,
-, Frances,
-, Fran.,
-, John,
-, John, s. of John,
-, Kath., w. of John,
-, Kath., dau. of John,
-, Laur.,
Bull's Cross, in Enfield,
-, dom. bldgs.,
-, Bowling Green Ho.,
-, Bullsmoor Place,
-, Dairy Ho.,
-, Garnault,
-, Manor Ho.,
-, Myddelton Ho.,
-, Winterton Lodge,
-, growth,
-, pub. ho., Pied Bull,
-, ward,
Burchett, H. W., architect,
Burden, Hen.,
Burgess, Mrs. Eliza,
Burgess's Stores, Tottenham,
-, Christine de, see fitz Wauter
-, Nic.,
-, Raymond de,
Burghley, Ld., see Cecil
Burne, Gen. Rob.,
Burne-Jones, Sir Edw. C., see Jones
-, Anne, wid. of John, m. 2 -
-, Anne, dau. of John, m. - Coo,
-, Barbara, wid. of John,
-, Eliz., m. - Webb,
-, Hester,
-, John (d. 1605),
-, John (d. c. 1623),
-, John (fl. 1664),
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,
Burnt Oak, in Hendon and Kings-
-, bury,
-, chs.,
-, educ.,
-, pop.,
-, rly. sta.,
Burr, fam.,
-, Eliz.,
-, John,
Burroughs, the, in Hendon,
-, dom. bldgs.,
-, Burroughs Ho.,
-, Grove Ho.,
-, educ.,
-, nonconf.,
-, pub. ho., White Bear,
-, Rom. Cathm.,
-, Geo.,
-, Hen. W., vicar of Edmonton and
canon of St. Paul's,
-, John, incumbent of Monken Hadley
and St. Clement Danes,
Burser, fam.,
Burt, Hen.,
-, Joan, see Edward
-, John,
-, Thos.,
-, Joan, w. of Wm.,
-, Marg., see Page
-, Ric.,
-, Thos. Talbot, architect,
-, Wm.,
Bury (Sayesbury), see Edmonton, mans. and other estates
Bury Street, in Edmonton,
-, chs.,
-, dom. bldgs.:
-, Brook Ho.,
-, Bury Hall, see Edmonton, mans.
and other estates, Bury
-, Bury Ho.,
-, Bury Lodge,
-, Fullers,
-, Montefiore's Place,
-, Salisbury Ho.,
-, Warren Lodge,
-, growth,
-, halls and institutes,
-, ind.,
-, nonconf.,
-, pub. ho., Stag and Hounds,
-, ward,
Bury Street stream (Hakebrook or Hobb Hale),
Bush Hill, in Edmonton,
-, dom. bldgs.,
-, growth,
and see Bush Hill Park; Edmonton,
mans. and other estates
Bush Hill Park, in Edmonton and
-, Enfield,
-, chs.,
-, growth,
-, halls and institutes,
-, ind.,
-, nonconf.,
-, rly. sta.,
-, ward,
and see Bush Hill; Edmonton,
farms and farm-houses and
mans. and other estates
Bush Hill Park Co.,
Bushey (Herts.),
-, man.,
Bushey Heath (Herts.),
Busk, fam.,
Butcher, John,
Butler, Jas., bell-founder,
Butterfield, Wm., architect,
Butterwick, see Doget
Byllyngdon, John de,
-, Eliz., wid. of Geo.; Vct. Torrington,
-, Geo., M.P. (d. 1789),
-, Geo., M.P. (d. 1847),
-, Geo., Vct. Enfield and earl of
Strafford (d. 1886),
-, Geo. Hen. Chas., Vct. Enfield and
earl of Strafford,
-, Harriet, w. of Geo.,
-, Admiral John,
-, Gen. Sir John, Vct. Enfield and
earl of Strafford,
-, fam.,
Byrd, Wm., composer,
Cade, Hen.,
Caesar, Sir Julius,
Caesar's camp,
Callaway, T., n
-, Ant.,
-, Wm.,
Cambridge, John,
Cambridge, duke of, see Adolphus Frederick
Cambridge, n,
-, rly. svces. to,
-, Trinity Coll., q.v.
-, University, professor of, see
Cambridgeshire, see Cambridge;
-, Thorney abbey
Camden, Wm.,
Camden, Earl, see Pratt
Camlet Moat, earthwork in Enfield Chase,
Campbell & Heath,
Campion, Edm.,
-, Eliz., wid. of Ric.,
-, Ric.,
Canfield, Little (Essex), see Strood Hall farm
Canning, Eliz.,
Canning Town, Silvertown and Victoria Dock Freehold Land and Building Co.,
Cannon brewery,
Cannon Rubber,
-, John (fl. 1425),
-, John (fl. 1471-86),
Canons, see Stanmore, Little, mans. and other estates
Canons Ltd.,
Canons Park Estate Co.,
Canteloup, Rog. de,
-, abps., see Dunstan; Grindal; Laud;
Walden, Rog.
-, archdeacon, see Chichele
-, Edw.,
-, Sir Giles,
-, Sir Hen.,
-, Sir Wm.,
Capons House, see Hadley, Monken, mans. and other estates
Cappadoce, Aaron,
-, Mary,
-, Ric.,
-, Rob.,
Car Mart (later Kenning Car Mart),
Carbonell, John,
-, Alice, see Stanford
-, Hen.,
-, Rog.,
-, mchnss. of, see Nicholl
-, marquess of, see Brydges
Carnegie, And.,
Caroë, W. D., architect,
Caroë, W. D., and Passmore, architects,
-, Amelia, see Chauncey
-, And., sculptor,
-, Miss F. C.,
-, Marg., m. Horatio Kemble,
-, R. H., architect,
-, Col. W. L.,
Carr, Wm.,
Carrick, earl of, see Bruce
Carrier, Bernard, incumbent of
-, Monken Hadley,
-, Charlotte, see Rawlings
-, Christine, see Marsh
-, E. B., architect,
-, Geo.,
-, John (fl. 1403),
-, John (fl. 1773),
-, Wm.,
Carteret, Grace, see Granville
Cartwright, John,
-, F. C. G., rector of Monken Hadley,
-, Fred.,
-, Fred. Chas., incumbent of Monken
Cassini, Mr.,
Cass-Tewart, see Tewart
Castile, Eleanor of, see Eleanor
-, John,
-, fam.,
Castlereagh, Vct., see Stewart
Catcher, fam.,
Catesby, Rob.,
Cathale (Herts.), priory,
Catherine (of Aragon), queen of Hen. VIII,
Catherine (of Braganza), queen of Chas. II,
Catherine (Parr), queen of Hen. VIII,
Catherine (of Valois), queen of Hen. V
-, ,
Catherine Bourne, brook,
Catholic Apostolic Church,
Catnach, Jas.,
Cattalls, see Mimms, South, mans. and other estates
-, Edw., vicar of Enfield,
-, Wm.,
Caustons, see Edmonton, mans. and other estates
-, Cath., see Colte
-, Thos.,
Cavendish, Sir Wm.,
Cayzer, see Keyser
-, Jas., earl and marquess of Salisbury,
-, Jas. Brownlow Wm. Gascoyne-,
marquess of Salisbury,
-, Ric.,
-, Rob., earl of Salisbury,
-, Rob. Art. Talbot Gascoyne-,
marquess of Salisbury,
-, Rob. Art. Jas. Gascoyne-, Vct.
Cranborne, later marquess of
-, Wm., Ld. Burghley,
-, Wm., earl of Salisbury,
-, fam.,
Central Middlesex hospital group,
Chadwell (Herts.),
Chair, Rob.,
-, John (fl. 1393),
-, John, poet (fl. 1600),
-, John (fl. 1606, ? the same),
-, Jon (fl. 1479),
-, Jon or Eyan (d. 1605),
-, Jon or Eyan (s. of last),
-, Maud,
-, Pet.,
-, Ralph,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,
Chalkhill, see Kingsbury, mans. and other estates
-, Edw.,
-, Geof.,
chamberlain, Ric. the, see Richard
chamberlain, Wm. the, see William
-, Prof. R. W.,
-, Sir Wm., architect,
Champneys, Basil, architect,
-, Percival,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,
Chandos, dukes of, see Brydges; Grenville
Chanter and Harding, metal workers,
Chantrey, -,
chaplain, Wm. the, see William
-, Fran.,
-, Joyce, w. of Fran.,
-, Edw.,
-, John,
-, Sands,
Chapmans Green, in Wood Green, Elm Lodge,
Chapone, Hester,
Charing Cross Teaching Hospital group,
Charitable (later Savings) bank,
Charles I,
-, Alice, see Cornwall
-, Anne, see Somer
-, Eliz., see Francis
-, Sir Ric.,
-, Thos.,
-, Sir Thos.,
-, Sir Thos., s. of Sir Thos.,
Charlton man., in Sunbury,
Charrington & Co.,
Charterhouse, Lond.,
Chase, the, see Enfield Chase
Chase Park, see Enfield, mans. and other estates
Chase Side, in Enfield,
-, chs.,
-, dom. bldgs.,
-, Archway Ho.,
-, Brigadier Ho.,
-, Bycullah Park,
-, Cedars,
-, Fortescue Hall,
-, Gloucester Place,
-, Gordon Ho.,
-, Ivy Ho.,
-, Poplars,
-, Warwick Ho.,
-, Westwood Cottage,
-, halls and institutes,
-, ind.,
-, nonconf.,
-, pub. ho., Holly Bush,
Chatham, earl of, see Pitt
Chauncey (Chauncy):
-, Amelia, m. Col. W. L. Carpenter,
-, Chas. Snell,
-, Nat.,
Chauvel, Art., rector of Great Stanmore and canon of St. Paul's,
Cheere, Sir Hen., sculptor,
-, Agnes,
-, Rog.,
Chemical Manure Co.,
Chenduit, Steph.,
Chenduit (Shendish), Langley, man., see Langley, Kings
Chenduit, Stanmore, man., see Stanmore, Little, mans. and other estates
Chesham (Bucks.),
Cheshire, Wm. (fl. 1525), ? curate of Kingsbury,
Cheshunt, of (or Fauconer):
-, Edm.,
-, Rob.,
Cheshunt (Herts.),
-, Cheshunt Coll.,
-, housing and council estates, see
Edmonton priory,
-, Theobalds,
Chester, earls of, see Hugh; John the Scot
Chesterfield, earl of, see Stanhope
Chevalier, Alb.,
Cheverus, Jean-Louis-Anne-Madeleine Le Febvre de, cardinal,
-, Anne, m. Sir John Parrott,
-, Frances,
-, Frideswide, see Frowyk
-, Kath.,
-, Sir Thos.,
-, Thos., s. of Sir Thos.,
Chichele, Thos., archdeacon of Canterbury,
Chigwell (Essex),
-, Clarissa Cecilia,
-, Frances, wid. of John Bonus,
-, Fran.,
-, John Bonus,
-, Rob.,
-, Sam.,
-, Susan,
Children's Adoption Soc.,
Childs, C. J.,
Childs Hill, in Hendon,
-, chs.,
-, dom. bldgs.,
-, educ.,
-, housing and council estates,
-, nonconf.,
-, pop.,
-, pub. hos.:
-, Castle,
-, Red Lion,
-, rly. sta.,
-, special drainage district,
-, Rom. Cathm.,
-, Adam de,
-, John de,
-, Maud, see Ford
Chingford (Essex),
Chippenham, Ric.,
Chipping Barnet (Herts.), see Barnet, Chipping
Chishul, John,
Chiswell, Edm. Muilman Trench,
Chitts Hill, in Wood Green,
-, ch.,
-, dom. bldg., Chitts Hill Ho.,
-, halls and institutes,
-, Jasper,
-, Sir Rog.,
-, Wm.,
Christian, Ewan, architect,
Christian Mobile Group,
Christian Scientists,
Christ's Coll., Cambridge, masters of, see Lockwood; Thompson
Church, John,
Church Army Housing Co.,
Church brook,
Church Building Soc.,
Church Commissioners, see Ecclesiastical Commissioners
Church End, in Hendon,
-, chs.,
-, dom. bldgs.,
-, Downage Ho.,
-, Hendon Hall,
-, Nazareth Ho. (St. Swithins),
-, Vicarage,
-, educ.,
-, housing and council estates,
-, pub. ho., Greyhound,
-, rly. sta., Hendon Central,
Church of Christ,
Church of England Children's Soc.,
Church of England Temperance Soc.,
Church of God,
Church Pastoral Aid Soc.,
Church Patronage Soc.,
Church Schools Co.,
Church Street, in Edmonton,
-, dom. bldgs.:
-, Bay (later Lamb's) Cottage,
-, Hyde Ho.,
-, Hydeside Ho., n
-, Rectory,
-, Vicarage,
-, growth,
-, halls and institutes,
-, nonconf.,
-, pub. ho., Rose and Crown,
-, ward,
Churchill, John, duke of Marlborough,
City Parochial Foundation,
Civil War,
Clang Ltd.,
-, John (d. c. 1619),
-, John (d. c. 1631),
-, Luke,
-, Mary, wid. of John,
Clapper, fam.,
Clappers Green, in Southgate,
Clare, Fran.,
Clare, Hen. J., bldrs.,
Clare, honor of, n
Clare (Clay) Hall, see Mimms, South, mans. and other estates
Clare Hall brook,
Clarel, John,
Claridge, Ric.,
Clark (Clarke, Clerk):
-, Alice,
-, Anna,
-, Chas. Cowden,
-, E. F., architect,
-, Eve,
-, J. (fl. 1647),
-, J. (fl. 1825), architect,
-, John (fl. 1434),
-, John (d. 1701),
-, John (fl. late 18th cent.),
-, Mary, m. - Forbes,
-, Dr. Mat.,
-, Ralph,
-, Sam.,
-, Thos. (fl. 1828),
-, Thos. (fl. 1862),
-, Wm. (d. by 1528), see Courtman
-, Wm. (d. 1783),
-, Wm. (fl. 1795), curate of Kingsbury
-, and vicar of Willesden,
-, Wm. (d. c. 1881),
-, fam.,
-, John,
-, fam.,
Claverings, see Edmonton, mans. and other estates
Claxton, Frances,
Clay Hill, in Enfield,
-, chs.,
-, dom. bldgs.:
-, Bramley Ho. (Great Pipers),
-, Clay Hill Ho.,
-, Clay Hill Lodge,
-, Claysmore,
-, Firs,
-, Hill Lodge,
-, Little Pipers,
-, Wildwood,
-, pub. hos.:
-, Fallow Buck,
-, Rose and Crown,
Clay Hill, in Tottenham,
-, River Ho.,
-, John, painter,
-, John (? another),
-, Sam. (fl. 1736),
-, Sam. (fl. 1823),
Clayton and Bell,
Cleeve, Wm.,
Clement III, Pope,
Clements, John, actor,
Clerk, see Clark
-, ch. of St. Philip,
-, detached part,
-, Knights of the Hospital of St. John
of Jerusalem at,
-, priory of St. Mary,
Cleveland, Tennessee (U.S.A.),
Cleye, Wm. atte,
Clitterhouse, see Hendon, mans. and other estates
-, Ric.,
-, Wm., abbot of Thorney,
Clunie, Jas. Foote,
-, Jas.,
-, Capt. Rupert,
-, his wid.,
-, Thos. (fl. 1749),
-, Thos. (fl. 1763),
-, Thos. (fl. 1882),
-, Thos. Meadows,
-, fam.,
Clutton, Hen., architect,
-, Deborah,
-, Fanny,
-, Thos.,
Cobden-Sanderson, Thos.,
Cobler, Art.,
-, C. H.,
-, Geo.,
-, Sir Hen.,
-, John (fl. 1550),
-, John (fl. 1820),
-, Thos.,
Cockdale, see Cogdale
Cockerell, C. R.,
Cockett, fam.,
Cockfosters, in Enfield and East
Barnet (Herts.),
-, chs.,
-, dom. bldgs.:
-, Buckskin Hall (Dacre Lodge),
-, Cockfosters,
-, Mount Pleasant (Belmont),
-, growth,
-, halls and institutes,
-, nonconf.,
-, pub. ho., Cock,
-, rly. sta.,
Cocksmiths End, in Enfield, see Enfield Highway
Coffers (Cofferers or Cofferhouse) see Kingsbury, mans. and other estates
Cofrer, see Farnborough
Cogdale (Cockdale), Wm.,
-, Ann, see Nicholl
-, Sarah, m. Rob. Hucks,
Coke, Sir John,
Colcutt, T. E., architect,
-, Ant.,
-, Harold Pattison,
-, Sir Geo., bt.,
-, Jas.,
-, Ann, wid. of Wm.,
-, Chas.,
-, Geo.,
-, Sarah., ? wid. of Geo.,
-, Thos.,
-, Wm.,
Coleraine, Ld. and Lady, see Hare
Colfe, Revd. Abraham,
Colin Deep (Colindeep), in Hendon,
Colindale, in Hendon,
-, chs.,
-, educ.,
-, housing and council estates,
-, ind.,
-, nonconf.,
-, rly. sta.,
Collet (Collett):
-, Hester, dau. of Pet., w. of Sir Ant.
-, Mat.,
-, Pet.,
-, Ric.,
-, Sarah, m. Pet. Hayman,
-, Edw.,
-, Geo.,
-, Geo., s. of Geo.,
-, Joan, see Smith
-, John,
-, Mabel, see King
-, Rose, see Seakin
-, -, m. Wm. atte Hegge,
-, fam.,
-, Mic.,
-, Pet.,
Collutt, Lady,
Colman, Sir Chas.,
Colne Valley sewerage board (later West Hertfordshire main drainage authority),
Colne Valley Water Co.,
Colney Hatch, see Southgate, New
Colney Hatch Lunatic asylum, see Barnet, Friern
-, Chris.,
-, John,
-, Susan, see Mayhew
Colte (Colt):
-, Cath., m. Thos. Cave,
-, Geo. (d. by 1556),
-, Geo. (fl. 1578),
-, Hen.,
-, Jane, m. Nic. Brookes,
-, Joan, wid. of Thos.,
-, John,
-, Thos. (fl. 1459),
-, Thos. (fl. 16th cent.),
-, John,
-, Ric.,
-, Wm.,
-, Wm., grandson of Wm.,
and see Northampton
Comfy Housing Estates,
Comper, Sir Nintan, architect,
-, Anne, wid. of Hen., Ld. Compton,
m. Rob. Sackville, earl of
-, Geo., earl of Northampton,
-, Hen., Ld. Compton,
-, Pet.,
-, Sir Wm.,
-, Wm., Ld. Compton, later earl of
Compton Martin (Som.), rector of, see Pennant
Compton Wynyates (Warws.),
Computer Machinery Co.,
Comyn, Thos., vicar of Tottenham,
Congregationalists (Independents),
-, Eliz., see Frowyk
-, Sir Hen.,
-, Humph.,
-, John,
-, Mary, see Lee
-, Ralph,
-, Thos.,
-, Emily, wid. of Woodham,
-, Newell,
-, Wm. Woodham,
-, Woodham,
-, fam.,
Conservative Land Soc.,
Conservative party,
Constable, John, painter,
-, Hamon,
-, his s., see Hamond, John (fl. 1280)
-, Mic.,
Conway Stewart & Co.,
-, Jas.,
-, Thos.,
Coo, Anne, see Burnell
Cook (Cooke):
-, Christine, see Haseley
-, John (fl. 1551),
-, John (fl. late 18th cent.),
-, Thos. (fl. 1476),
-, Thos. (fl. 1761),
Coombe, Wm.,
Coomes, Mic.,
-, Abraham, painter,
-, Ant. Ashley, earl of Shaftesbury,
-, Revd. E. P.,
-, Col. Reg.,
-, Ric.,
-, Mr. (fl. 1803),
and see Cowper
-, Hen.,
-, Mary, w. of Hen.,
Copeley, John,
Copwood, Wm.,
copyhold, see tenure, copyhold (customary)
Corbett, Rog.,
-, John,
-, fam.,
Corkers, timber merchants,
Corney, Thos.,
Cornish, Mr., n
Cornish, W. D., brick-makers,
Cornwall, Alice, m. Hen. Frowyk, Thos. Charlton,
-, Cath., see Leake
-, John,
Cortell, John, rector of Great Stanmore,
Corticene Floor Covering Co.,
Costentin, Wm. de,
-, John,
-, T.,
-, Thos.,
-, Chas. (d. 1829),
-, Chas. Herb.,
-, Chas. Jeffryes, incumbent of
Monken Hadley,
-, fam.,
Coughtrey, Wm.,
Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion,
-, Coll., see Cheshunt, Cheshunt Coll.
Courier Co.,
Courtenay, Hen., earl of Devon and marquess of Exeter,
Courtman (or Clark), Wm.,
Covent Garden, see Westminster
-, Geo.,
-, Geo. Wm., earl of Coventry,
-, Hen., Ld. Coventry,
Cowing, Geo.,
Cowley Peachey, in Cowley,
Cowling, Mrs. Eliz.,
-, Thos.,
-, Wm., poet, n
and see Cooper
Cowyer, Alice,
-, Edw. Wm.,
-, Irwin,
-, John,
-, Marg., see Smith
-, fam.,
Coxwell, Hen. Tracey,
Cranborne, Vct., see Cecil
-, Rob.,
-, Thos.,
Cranfield, Sydney W., architect,
-, John (fl. 1710),
-, John (fl. 1735),
-, John,
-, Susanna, see Sambrook
Craze, Romilly B., architect,
Creech (Som.),
Creton, Rog. de,
Crewe, Ant.,
Cricklewood, in Hendon and
-, ch.,
-, dom. bldgs.,
-, Cricklewood Ho.,
-, Rockhall,
-, educ.,
-, housing and council estates,
-, ind.,
-, nonconf.,
-, pub. ho., Crown,
-, rly. sidings,
-, rly. sta.,
-, Rom. Cathm.,
Crickmer, C. M., architect,
Cripplegate, in London,
Cripplegate Foundation,
Crispin, Gilb., abbot of Westminster,
Critten, Steph., or Neil Bell, novelist,
Croke, see Crooke
-, Alice, wid. of Wal., m. Thos.
-, Thos.,
-, Wal.,
-, Wm.,
-, Ralph de, Ld. Cromwell,
-, Thos., earl of Essex,
Crooke (Croke):
-, A. O.,
-, John,
-, John, s. of John,
-, Jos. Crosse,
Crosby Hall, see London
Crosley, Wm.,
Cross, Geo.,
Crosse, John,
-, Joan, wid. of Rob.,
-, Rob.,
Crowe, Anne,
-, Hen.,
-, Wm.,
Croxton Kerrial (Leics.), abbey of,
Cruden, Alex.,
Crusha, Geo.,
Cuffley (Herts.),
Cuffley brook,
Cullands (Cannons) Grove, see
-, Southgate, mans. and other
Cumberland Market, St. Pancras,
Cumming, John,
Cunard, Sir Sam.,
Curle, Wm.,
Currie, Isaac,
-, Sir Edgar Fran. Egerton, bt.,
-, Geo. Wm., incumbent of Southgate,
-, Sir Pet., bt.,
-, Rob.,
-, W. T., architect,
-, Sir Wm., bt. (d. 1829), ld. mayor of
-, Sir Wm., bt. (d. 1847),
-, Sir Wm., bt. (d. 1870),
-, Sir Wm. Mic., bt.,
-, fam.,
Curtoys and Mathew, coal wharf,
Curzon, Hen., architect,
Cuthbert, fam.,
-, J. E. K., architect,
-, J. P., architect,
Da Costa, Hananel Mendes,
Daimler Co.,
Dakin, Mary, see Flexmore
-, Lionel,
-, Wm.,
-, John,
-, fam.,
Dameta, mother of Gervase of Blois,
Dance, Sir Nat.,
Dancers Hill, in South Mimms,
-, dom. bldgs.:
-, Knights,
-, Richards,
-, Stonard's ho.,
-, Wicks Place (Laurel Cottage or
-, growth,
-, pub. hos.:
-, Green Dragon (formerly Mandeville),
-, White Lion,
and see Mimms, South, mans. and
other estates (Mandeville)
Daniel (Danyell):
-, John,
-, Rob.,
-, Thos.,
-, J. N.,
-, Marg., m. Wm. Underwood,
-, Ric.,
D'Arcy, Wm. Knox,
Darkes, see Mimms, South, mans. and other estates
Daubeney (Dawbeney):
-, Eliz., see Gilburn
-, Giles,
-, Oliver,
-, Sir Wm.,
Daubeneys, see Tottenham, mans. and other estates (Balliols or Daubeneys)
Daubridgecourt, Sir John,
Daunce, Wm.,
-, Maud, see Mandeville
-, Rog. of,
Davenant, Ralph,
David I, king of Scotland, formerly earl of Huntingdon,
David, earl of Huntingdon (d. 1219),
David, John,
Davidson, Magwitch,
Davies (Davis):
-, Anne, see Hamond
-, Eliz., see Wilbraham
-, John, architect,
-, Laur.,
-, Mutton,
-, Somerset,
Davy, Ric., curate of Little Stanmore,
Dawbeney, see Daubeney
-, E. Guy, architect,
-, Sir Guy, Wilson and Fox, architects,
Dawe, fam.,
Dawes, John,
Dawkes, S. W., and Hamilton, architects,
-, Caroline,
-, Jos. (d. 1693),
-, Jos. (d. by 1703),
-, Mary,
-, Sarah,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,
de Havilland, Capt. (later Sir) Geof.,
de Havilland Aircraft Co.,
de Havilland Engine Division,
De La Warr:
-, Ctss., see Sackville, Muriel
-, Ld., see West
Dean, Jas.,
Deane, Revd. F. L.,
Dean's brook (Heybourne),
Declon Foam Plastics,
Defence, Ministry of,
Defoe, Dan.,
Dekker, Thos.,
-, leasing of,
Dence, Miss (fl. 1861),
-, Art. Hyde,
-, Eliza, w. of Art. Hyde,
-, Maj. H.,
-, Sam.,
Denman, Thos., sculptor,
Denmark, king of, see Frederick IV
Dent, Rob.,
Denum, John de,
-, Rog. de,
-, ram.,
Dephams (Deephams), see Edmonton, mans. and other estates
-, Joan, see Walton
-, Rob.,
Derby, earl of, see Henry IV
Derick, J. M., architect,
Derk, John,
Derman, see Dorman
Dermer, Miss,
Dernford, fam.,
Dernford, see Edmonton, mans. and other estates (Bowes and Dernford)
Desaguliers, John Theophilus, minister of Little Stanmore,
Desoutter Bros.,
Desting, Ursula,
-, Chas. (fl. 1630),
-, Chas. (fl. 1714),
-, Eliz., see Golding
Devell, Thos.,
devil of Edmonton, see Fabell, Pet.
Devon, earl of, see Courtenay
Devonshire House, see Westminster
Devorgild (Devorguilla), dau. of Alan, ld. of Galloway, m. John de Balliol,
-, John,
-, Rob.,
Diaz, José,
Dibel, fam.,
Dickason, Thos.,
Dickens, Chas., II,
-, John, & Co.,
-, Mrs. Sarah,
Die Casting Machine Tools,
Diecasting Tool and Engineering Co.,
Dillon, Rob., assistant curate of Kingsbury,
'Dirty Dick', see Bentley
Disney, Mrs.,
D'Israeli, Isaac,
Ditton, Mat.,
Dixon-Spain, J. E., architect,
Dobb, H. W., architect,
-, Cath., w. of Wm.,
-, Eliz., see Frowyk
-, Wm.,
Dodington, Wm.,
Doe, Mrs. Esther,
Doget (or Butterwick):
-, Alice, w. of John,
-, John,
Doherty, Edw., & Sons,
Dollar, Pet., architect,
Dollis brook,
Dollman, Fran.,
-, J. A.,
-, Jos.,
Dorman (Derman), Lucy,
Dorset, earls of, see Sackville
Douglas, Bp. John,
-, F. N.,
-, W. W.,
Dowgill, Wm.,
-, John,
-, Thos.,
Downhills, see Tottenham, mans. and other estates
Doyle, Nic. Grattan,
Draper, Hen.,
-, John,
-, Mic.,
-, Wm.,
Drivers Hill, in Hendon,
-, pub. ho., Adam and Eve,
-, And.,
-, Geo.,
-, Geo. Harley,
-, John,
-, fam.,
du Cros, Sir Art., bt.,
Duckett (Duket):
-, John,
-, Laur.,
-, Laur., s. of Laur.,
-, Maud, w. of Laur.,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,
Ducketts, see Tottenham, mans. and other estates
Ducketts Green or Common, in
-, growth,
-, Edm.,
-, Sir Hen. Bate, bt., see Bate
-, John, Vct. Lisle, later duke of
-, John,
-, Wm., rector of Hendon, later bp. of
Durham and chancellor of
Oxford Univ.,
Ducket, see Duckett
Dunlop Rubber Co.,
Dunmow, Great (Essex), see Strood Hall farm
Dunstan, bp. of London, later abp. of Canterbury,
Duple Group,
-, Henrietta Rose Peregrina (Rose),
m. Jas. Townsend,
-, Rose,
Dupont, Pet.,
-, Adam,
-, Aveline, see Plessis
-, John,
-, Maud, dau. of Thos., m. John
Wroth, Sir Baldwin
-, Ric.,
-, Thos.,
Durants, see Enfield, mans. and other estates
-, John,
-, Marg., m. Thos. Frowyk,
Durham, bps. of, see Dudley; Langley
Durhams (or Derehams) (Dyrham Park), see Mimms, South, mans. and other estates
Durrant, fam.,
Dwyer, Mr. (fl. 1794),
-, Christine, see Waver
-, Sir Humph.,
Dyrham Park, see Mimms, South, mans. and other estates
Dyson, Jeremiah, II,
Eagle Pencil Co.,
Eales, Wm. John,
Eardley (later Eardley-Wilmot), John,
-, Eliz., see Rawlinson
-, Giles,
-, Jas.,
-, fam.,
Earnfield, Wm.,
East Barnet, see Barnet, East
East Barnet Gas and Water Co.,
East Barnet Valley, see Barnet Valley, East
East India Co.,
East London Waterworks Co.,
East Middlesex sewage works,
Eastern Counties Railway, see Northern and Eastern Railway
Eastern Electricity Board, see North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Co. (Northmet)
Eastern Gas Board,
Easton, Little (Essex), see Strood Hall farm
Eastwood (Essex), Edwards Hall estate,
-, Eliz. Anne,
-, Wm., n,
Ecclesiastical (later Church) Commissioners,
-, John,
-, John, s. of John,
Eclipse (stallion),
Economic Insurance Co.,
Ede, John,
Eden, F. C., architect,
-, Eliz., dau. of John, w. of Rob.
-, John,
-, Thos.,
Edgar, King,
Edgbaston (Warws.), Hazelwood sch.,
Edgell, Louisa,
-, chs.,
-, Edgware Ho. (later Place), n
-, educ.,
-, highway board,
-, hosps.,
-, local fams.,
-, mans.:
-, Edgware,
-, Edgware Boys,
-, mkts. and fairs,
-, nonconf.,
-, police,
-, pub. ho., George,
-, rly. stas.,
-, (later Hendon) rural sanitary authority,
-, sewerage,
Edgware & Hampstead Rly. Co.,
Edgware brook, and see Stanburn stream
Edgware Road (Watling Street),
-, ch.,
-, inds.,
-, nonconf.,
-, pub. hos.,
-, Bald Faced Stag, n
-, King's Arms,
-, Welsh Harp,
Edison Swan United Electric Light Co. (Ediswan),
Edlin, John,
Edmer, see Atule
-, Cecily,
-, Wm.,
Edmondson, bldr.,
-, agric.,
-, alms-hos.,
-, Style's,
-, Wilde's, and see
Palmers Green, dom. bldgs.,
Skinners' alms-hos.
-, Angel Road, q.v.
-, baths,
-, boro.,
-, arms,
-, arts council,
-, council,
-, educ. cttee.,
-, wards,
-, boundaries,
-, Bounds Green, q.v.
-, Bowes, q.v.
-, Bowes Park, q.v.
-, bridges,
-, Bury Street, q.v.
-, Bush Hill, q.v.
-, Bush Hill Park, q.v.
-, cemeteries,
-, chars.,
-, Church Street, q.v.
-, chs.,
-, cinemas,
-, Clappers Green, q.v.
-, clubs and socs.,
-, coach svces.,
-, common fields, n,
-, inclosure,
-, common meadow and pasture,
-, inclosure,
-, customary wks. and svces.,
-, drainage,
-, Edmonton, Lower, q.v.
-, Edmonton, Upper, q.v.
-, educ.,
-, electricity,
-, farms and farm-hos.,
-, Bush Hill Park,
-, Butts,
-, Causeyware Hall,
-, Cuckoo Hall,
-, Dysons,
-, Eaton,
-, Firs,
-, Hazelwood,
-, Huxley, and see mans. and
other estates, Weir Hall
-, Nightingale (Hall),
-, Paycock (Peacock),
-, Pentridges,
-, Sadler's,
-, Tile Kiln,
-, fire,
-, Fords Green, q.v.
-, Fore Street and Hertford Road, q.v.
-, friendly socs.,
-, gas,
-, geol. and soil,
-, Greek Orthodox Ch.,
-, group hosp. management cttee.,
-, growth,
-, halls and institutes,
-, highway board,
-, hosps., n,
-, housing and council estates,
-, Brookfield,
-, Cheshunt (Herts.),
-, Enfield, n
-, Fairfield,
-, Galliard,
-, Houndsfield,
-, Hyde,
-, Hyde Ho.,
-, Millbrook,
-, Montagu,
-, Orchard,
-, Potters Bar,
-, Woolmer,
-, and see Edmonton, jerry-bldg.
-, hunting,
-, ind.,
-, brick-making,
-, charcoal,
-, coach-bldg.,
-, furniture-making,
-, gas-wks.,
-, ind. estates,
-, Bridport Road,
-, Claverings,
-, Eley's,
-, Gothic wks.,
-, Lea Valley,
-, Montagu South,
-, munitions,
-, tanning,
-, weaving,
-, jerry-bldg.,
-, Jews,
-, librs. and reading rooms,
-, local board,
-, officers,
-, local fams.,
-, mans. and other estates,
-, Bowes and Dernford (Polehouse),
-, cts.,
ho., Bowes,
Polehouse (Gisors
Place, Priory Sch.),
-, Bury (Sayesbury),
ho. (Bury
Farm and Hall),
-, Bush Hill (Halliwick),
-, Bush Hill Park,
-, Caustons, ho.,
-, Claverings, n,
-, Dephams (Deephams),
cts., ho.,
-, Eaton Park,
-, Edmonton man.,
ho., see Bury (Sayesbury);
-, estates of religious hos.,
-, Holy Trinity man.,
cts., n,
-, Plesingtons (Pleasantine Hall),
-, Pymmes,
-, rectory, cts., Rectory
-, Weir Hall (Goldsters or Huxley),
n, ho.,
-, Willoughbies, n,
ct., ho.,
-, mkt. gdning. and nurseries,
-, mkts. and fairs,
pie-powder ct.,
-, marsh,
-, Marsh Side, q.v.
-, mills,
-, music hall,
-, nonconf.,
-, omnibus svces.,
-, Palmers Green, q.v.
-, par. officers,
-, parks and open spaces,
-, police,
-, poor law union,
-, bd. of guardians, sch.,
-, poor-relief,
-, pop.,
-, postal svces.,
-, pub. hos.,
-, George,
-, King's Arms,
-, Ship,
-, Swan,
-, Three Tuns,
-, White Hart,
-, rly. and Underground rlys.,
-, rly. stas.,
-, workmen's tickets,
-, rectory,
-, retail trade,
-, roads,
-, Rom. Cathm., n,
-, Rom. remains,
-, sewerage,
-, Silver Street and Tanners End, q.v.
-, soc. life,
-, Southgate, q.v.
-, Southgate, New, q.v.
-, sport,
-, theatre,
-, tithes,
-, town hall,
-, tram svces.,
-, urban district,
-, council,
-, educ. cttee.,
-, wards,
-, vicars, and
see Burrows; Gregory; Hicks;
Langham; Muffet; Owen;
Walde; Warren; Washbourne
-, wards, and see Bowes;
Bury Street; Church Street;
Fore Street; Southgate;
Winchmore Hill
-, watch-ho.,
-, water,
-, Winchmore Hill, q.v.
-, woodland,
-, wkho., and see
Edmonton, poor law union
-, worthies,
Edmonton, Lower (Edmonton
Green), in Edmonton,
-, chs.,
-, dom. bldgs.,
-, rectory, n
-, vicarage, n
-, growth,
-, halls and institutes,
-, ind.,
-, nonconf.,
-, pub. hos.:
-, Cross Keys,
-, Golden Lion,
-, King's Head,
-, rly. sta.,
Edmonton, Upper, in Edmonton,
-, chs.,
-, dom. bldgs.,
-, Addison Ho.,
-, Almond Ho.,
-, Angel Place (Row),
-, Bridge Ho.,
-, College Ho.,
-, Cookes,
-, Eagle Ho., n,
-, Eaton Place,
-, Edmonton Ho.,
-, Elm Ho.,
-, Northumberland Ho.,
-, Snells Park,
-, Trumpton Hall,
-, growth,
-, halls and other institutes,
-, ind.,
-, nonconf.,
-, pub. hos.:
-, Angel,
-, Bell,
-, and see Fore Street and Hertford
Edmonton Estates Ltd.,
Edmonton Green, see Edmonton, Lower
Edmonton hundred,
-, cts.,
-, moot meeting-place,
-, officers,
-, robbery cttee.,
-, seal,
Edmonton Hundred Historical Society,
Edmonton (Alberta, Canada),
Education Department,
Edward the Confessor,
Edward I,
Edward IV,
Edward VI,
Edward VII,
Edward the goldsmith,
-, Agnes, see Lynford
-, Joan, w. of John, m. 2 John Burton,
-, John (d. by 1463),
-, John (fl. 1466),
-, John (fl. 1496-7, ? another),
-, John (d. c. 1532, ? another),
-, Marg., w. of Wm.,
-, Ric.,
-, Wm.,
-, John,
-, L. C., vicar of Kingsbury,
-, Passmore,
-, Susanna, m. Wm. Sneyd,
-, Ric., n,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,
Edwy, King,
Eleanor (of Castile), queen of Edw. I,
-, Brian, bell-founder,
-, Revd. C. L.,
electrical and radio industries,
Eley Bros.,
Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance,
Elizabeth I, formerly Princess Eliz.,
Elizabeth (Woodville), queen of Edw. IV,
Elizabeth, dau. of Edw. I, m. Humph. de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex,
Elizabeth, dau. of Chas. I,
Elliott, Thos.,
Elliott Bros. (London) (later Marconi- Elliott Avionic Systems),
Ellis, Edw., architect, and see Scott-Ellis
Ellsom, Jos.,
-, Sir John,
-, Sim.,
-, Thos.,
-, Thos., s. of Thos.,
Elsfield, John of,
Elsing, Jordan of,
Elsing, see Enfield, mans. and other estates
Elsing Hall, see Enfield, mans. and other estates (Worcesters and Elsing Hall)
Elstree (Herts.), partly in Edgware
and Little Stanmore,
-, ch.,
Elsyng Spital, see St. Mary within Cripplegate
-, Thos.,
-, Thos., s. of Thos.,
-, Fran. of,
-, Hen. of,
-, John of (fl. 1298),
-, John of (d. 1349),
-, Marg., wid. of John of, m.2 John Wroth,
-, Ld., see Zuylesteyn
-, Vct., see Byng
-, agric.,
-, alms-hos.,
-, Crowe's,
-, Wright's,
-, Baker Street and Silver Street, q.v.
-, baths,
-, boro.,
-, arms.,
-, council,
-, wards,
-, Botany Bay, q.v.
-, boundaries,
-, bridges,
-, Brimsdown, q.v.
-, Bull's Cross, q.v.
-, Bush Hill Park, q.v.
-, cemetery,
-, chantries,
-, chars., n,
-, Chase Side, q.v.
-, chs.,
-, cinemas,
-, Clay Hill, q.v.
-, clubs and socs.,
-, coach svces.,
-, Cockfosters, q.v.
-, common fields,
-, inclosure,
-, common meadow and pasture,
-, inclosure,
-, customary wks. and svces.,
-, drainage,
-, educ.,
-, Enfield grammar sch.,
-, electricity,
-, Enfield Chase, q.v.Enfield Highway and Green Street,
-, q.v.
-, Enfield Lock, q.v.
-, Enfield Town, q.v.
-, Enfield Wash, q.v.
-, farms and farm-hos.,
-, Allen's,
-, Bull's Cross, and see mans.
and other estates, Goldbeaters
-, Bury,
-, Crane's,
-, Fernyhill,
-, Freezy Water,
-, Glasgow Stud,
-, Holly Hill,
-, Manor,
-, Park,
-, Plantation (Welches),
-, Vicarage,
-, fire,
-, Forty Green and Hill, q.v.
-, friendly socs.,
-, gas,
-, geol. and soil,
-, group hosp. management cttee.,
-, growth,
-, Hadley Wood, q.v.
-, halls and institutes,
-, Hertford Road, q.v.
-, highway board,
-, hosps.,
-, housing and council estates,
-, Aylands,
-, Birkbeck,
-, Bridgen Hall,
-, Bush Hill Park,
-, Bycullah,
-, Hundred Acres,
-, Longfield,
-, Putney Lodge,
-, Rosary,
-, South Lodge,
-, Unity,
-, Uplands,
-, Westmoor,
-, and see Edmonton, housing and council estates
-, hunting,
-, ind.,
-, brewing,
-, brick-making,
-, electrical and radio,
-, engineering,
-, gunpowder,
-, malting,
-, metal,
-, munitions,
-, tanning,
-, Jews,
-, librs. and reading rooms,
-, local board,
-, London boro.,
-, arms,
-, council,
-, officers,
-, offices,
-, wards,
-, mans. and other estates,
-, Chase Park, ho.,
-, Durants,
-, Elsing (Norris Farm),
and see Enfield, farms and
farm-hos., Plantation
-, Enfield man.,
cts., man.-ho. (Camelot,
Enfield Palace),
-, estates of religious hos.,
-, Goldbeaters, ho.,
-, Honeylands and Pentriches
(Capels), cts.,
man.-ho. (Capel Ho. or
-, Old Park (Frith),
ho. (Bush Hill
Park golf club-ho.),
-, Rectory man., cts.,
ho. (Surlow),
-, Suffolks (Colt's farm, Nortons),
-, Whitewebbs, ho.,
-, Whitewebbs farm or park,
ho. (White
-, Worcesters and Elsing Hall,
ho. (Elsing Hall, Enfield
Ho., Forty Hall),
-, mkt. gdning. and nurseries,
-, mkts. and fairs,
-, pie-powder ct.,
-, mkt.-place, see Enfield Town
-, marsh,
-, mills,
-, mus.,
-, nonconf.,
-, omnibus svces.,
-, par. officers,
-, parks and open spaces,
-, police,
-, Ponders End, q.v.
-, poor-relief,
-, pop.,
-, postal svces.,
-, pub. hos.,
-, rlys. and Underground rlys.,
-, rly. stas.,
-, workmen's tickets,
-, retail trade,
-, roads,
-, Rom. Cathm.,
-, Rom. remains,
-, Scotland Green, q.v.
-, sewerage,
-, soc. life,
-, sport,
-, tithes,
-, tram svces.,
-, Turkey Street, q.v.
-, urban district,
-, arms,
-, council,
-, wards,
-, vicars,
and see Bartholomew;
Bridges; Causton; Lockwood;
Manning; Roberts; Sedgwick;
-, wards,
-, watch-ho.,
-, water,
-, Whitewebbs, q.v.
-, woodland,
-, wkho.,
-, worthies,
Enfield and District Freehold Land Soc.,
Enfield Chase,
-, Camlet Moat, q.v.
-, chs.,
-, common pasture,
-, inclosure,
-, dom. bldgs.:
-, Claypatch,
-, Home Villa,
-, lodges (Augustine's, Bull's,Dighton's, Norris's, Potter's,White), and see estates
-, Owls Hall,
-, Ridgemount,
-, estates,
-, Beech Hill Park,
ho. (Hadley Wood
golf club-ho.),
-, Chase Lodge,
-, East Lodge, ho. (Red
-, Greenwood, Ho.,
-, North Lodge, ho. (Kilvinton Hall),
-, South Lodge, ho.,
-, Trent Place,
-, West Lodge, ho.,
-, farms and farm-hos.,
-, Chase,
-, Clay Pit Hill,
-, Holly Hill,
-, Monkey Mead,
-, New Cottage,
-, Plumridge,
-, Ridgway,
-, Sloper's Pond,
-, gates,
-, growth,
-, highway district,
-, hunting,
-, officers,
-, rly. sta.,
-, roads,
-, woodland,
-, see also Hadley Wood
Enfield Chase Staghounds,
Enfield Chronicle,
Enfield Clock Co.,
Enfield Electric Cable Manufacturing Co. (later Enfield Standard Power Cables),
Enfield Fly,
Enfield Gas Co.,
Enfield Highway and Green Street
(Cocksmiths End), in Enfield,
-, chs.,
-, dom. bldgs.:
-, Drakes,
-, Mitchells,
-, Nassau Ho.,
-, growth,
-, halls and institutes,
-, ind.,
-, pub. hos.:
-, Four Swans,
-, Rose and Crown,
-, ward,
Enfield Highway Co-operative Soc.,
Enfield Illustrated Magazine,
Enfield Lock, in Enfield,
-, chs.,
-, growth,
-, halls and institutes,
-, ind.,
-, pub. ho., Swan and Pike,
-, rly. sta.,
Enfield Observer,
Enfield Plastics,
Enfield Rolling Mills,
Enfield Tool Manufacturing Co.,
Enfield Town, in Enfield,
-, chs.,
-, dom. bldgs.:
-, Burleigh Ho.,
-, Chaseside Ho.,
-, Gentleman's Row,
-, Little Park,
-, Vine,
-, growth,
-, halls and institutes,
-, ind.,
-, mkt.-place,
-, pub. hos.:
-, George,
-, Greyhound,
-, King's Head,
-, Rising Sun,
-, rly. sta.,
-, ward,
-, watch-ho.,
Enfield, Waltham and Cheshunt Building Soc.,
Enfield Wash (Horsepool Stones), in
-, chs.,
-, Grove Ho.,
-, growth,
-, halls and institutes,
-, pub. hos.:
-, Bull and Bell,
-, Chequers,
-, Greyhound,
-, Royal Small Arms,
-, Sun and Woolpack,
English Abrasives,
-, Cath., see Bathurst
-, Josias,
Environment, Department of the,
Epsom (Surr.), gate from Canons at,
Ermine Street (London-Ware Road), and see Fore Street and Hertford Road
Esperun, Thos.,
-, Cowper,
-, Jas., architect,
-, John Hezekiah,
-, Marg., w. of John Hezekiah,
Essex, earls of, see Bohun; Cromwell; fitz Piers; Mandeville
-, common pasture,
-, and see Barking; Benfleet, South;
Chigwell; Chingford; Eastwood; Graunt Courts;
Hadleigh; Ilford; Langley;
Orsett; Romford; Royston;
Sewardstone; Shortgrove;
Sopwell priory; Stratford;
Strood Hall farm; Thundersley; Walden abbey; Waltham
Holy Cross; Walthamstow;
Wanstead Ho.; Woodford
-, John,
-, Rob.,
Etherington, Revd. E.,
Eton Coll. (Bucks.),
Eu, Hugh of,
Evangelical Lutheran Church of England, see Lutherans
-, Sir Edwin,
-, Wm.,
Evanson, Edw., vicar of South Mimms, later rector of Tewkesbury,
Evelyn, John, diarist,
Ever Ready Co. (Great Britain),
Everard, Sam.,
-, Mary,
-, Thos. Hill,
Everett, Edgcumbe and Co.,
Everingham, Wm., and his w.,
Evrington, Fran.,
-, Hen.,
-, Mary, m.1 Wm. Ashton, Sir Edw.
-, Steph.,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,
Exeter, marquess of, see Courtenay
Exeter, bp. of, see Beaumont, Lewis de; Veysey, John
Express Dairy Co.,
Eylson and Long, architects,
-, Chas.,
-, Harriet, w. of Hen.,
-, Hen.,
-, Wm.,
Eyre, Newman, bldrs.,
Fabell, Pet., devil of Edmonton,
Faber, Oscar, architect,
Fane, Geo.,
Fanfolk Ltd.,
Farey, C. A., architect,
Faringdon (Hants), man. of,
Farington, Jos.,
Farnborough (or ? Cofrer):
-, Gillian, w. of John,
-, Joan, wid. of John, m.2 John
-, John (fl. c. 1362-84),
-, John (fl. 1400),
-, Kath., see Brancaster
Farr, fam.,
Farre, Wal.,
Farrow, G. R., architect,
Farrow and Howkins (later Howard Farrow Construction Ltd.),
Fauconer, see Cheshunt
Favelore, Pet.,
Fawley (Berks.), fittings from Canons at,
Featherstone, Hen.,
Fell, John, chaplain of Kingsbury,
Felstead, John of, parson of Hadley,
Felsted (Essex), see Graunt Courts
-, T. G.,
-, Thos.,
-, Jos.,
-, Misses,
-, Jas.,
-, Priscilla, see Mackeris
-, Thos. Jas.,
Ferguson Radio Co.,
Feron, John,
Ferry and Wallen, architects,
-, Alice,
-, Hen.,
-, John,
-, Wm.,
-, Mrs.,
-, fam.,
-, Celia, writer,
-, Hen., earl of Lincoln,
Fierville, -,
Figgis, T. Phillips, architect,
Fillongley, Hen.,
-, Louisa, wid. of Heneage, earl of
-, Rob.,
-, Finchley, North,
-, Finchley Common,
-, urban district,
-, and see Hampstead Garden Suburb
Finchley Road and Golders Green Syndicate,
Finney, Thos.,
-, nonconf.,
-, urban district,
Firebrace, Sir Basil,
Fish, Cornelius,
Fisher, Thos.,
Fitz Ailwin:
-, Hen., mayor of Lond., n
-, fam.,
Fitz Alan:
-, Joan, m. Humph. de Bohun, earl of
Hereford and Essex,
-, Philippa, see Hastings
-, Ric., earl of Arundel,
-, Rog., mayor of Lond., n,
-, fam.,
fitz Piers:
-, Beatrice, see Say
-, Geof., earl of Essex (d. 1213),
-, (later Mandeville), Geof., earl of
Essex (d. 1216),
fitz Wauter, Christine (d. 1232), dau. of Rob., m.1 Wm. de Mandeville, earl of Essex, 2 Raymond de Burgh,
FitzAluf, fam.,
Fitzgerald, Maj.-Gen. Sir John, bt.,
Fitzherbert, Mary, m.1 Mat. de Questor, 2 Wm. Lewyn,
FitzJames, Ric., bp. of London,
FitzJohn, John,
FitzReiner, see Renger
Fitzroy, Col.,
Flaxman, John, sculptor,
Fleetwood, Hen.,
Fleg, Rog. de,
-, Banister, architect,
-, Jas.,
-, Jos.,
-, Sir Lionel,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,
-, Mary, m. - Dakin,
-, Ric.,
-, Sim.,
-, fam.,
-, Sir Chas., bt., ld. mayor of Lond.,
-, Sir Jas.,
Fly, Hen., curate of Kingsbury, vicar of Willesden, and canon of St. Paul's,
Foliot, Gilb., bp. of London,
Football Association,
Football League,
-, Jas.,
-, Mary, see Clarke
-, Mrs. Wm.,
-, Edw.,
-, Hugh,
-, John (fl. 1484),
-, John, dramatist,
-, John Walker,
-, Laur.,
-, Maud, m. John de Chilterne,
-, Rob., n
-, Wal.,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,
Fordham, Wm.,
Fords Green, in Southgate,
-, dom. bldgs.,
-, Fords Grove,
Fore Street and Hertford Road, in
-, chs.,
-, dom. bldgs.,
-, Crescent,
-, Fleecefield, n
-, Gisors Place, see Edmonton,
mans. and other estates
(Bowes and Dernford)
-, Neales,
-, Strawberry Ho.,
-, growth,
-, halls and institutes,
-, ind.,
-, nonconf.,
-, pub. hos.:
-, Cock,
-, Golden Fleece,
-, Horse and Groom,
-, ward,
-, and see Edmonton, Lower;Edmonton, Upper; Ermine
Forrest, G. Topham, architect,
-, Josiah,
-, Josiah, grandson of Josiah,
-, Thos.,
-, W. E.,
-, fam.,
Forsyth, W. A., architect,
-, Hen.,
-, Sir John (fl. 1457),
-, John (fl. 1490),
-, Sir John, M.P. (d. 1500),
-, Sir John (d. 1607),
-, Mr. (fl. 1572),
Forteye, Ric. atte,
Fortnum, Chas. Drury Edw.,
Forty Green and Hill, in Enfield,
-, chs.,
-, dom. bldgs.:
-, Adelaide Ho.,
-, Clock Ho.,
-, Cottage Place,
-, Elms,
-, Elsynge Ho.,
-, Garretts Place,
-, Hermitage,
-, Sparrow Hall,
-, White Ho.,
-, Worcester Lodge,
-, growth,
-, halls and institutes,
-, pub. hos.,
-, Goat,
Forty Hall, see Enfield, mans. and other estates (Worcesters and Elsing Hall)
-, Jas. John,
-, John,
-, Sir Mic.,
-, Ric.,
-, Wm., vicar of South Mimms,
Fothergill, Dr. John,
-, Edw., bp. of Gloucester,
-, Sir Rob.,
Fownes, Geo.,
-, Geo., Quaker,
-, Gilb.,
-, Ric., bp. of Winchester,
-, Thos., curate of Kingsbury,
-, Wm.,
Foxley, Laur.,
Foxton, Ric. of,
Foxwell, Wm.,
France, king of, see Louis XVIII
franchises, see assizes of bread and ale; frankpledge; gallows
Francis (Fraunceys):
-, Adam, ld. mayor of Lond.,
-, Sir Adam,
-, Agnes, m. Sir Wm. Porter,
-, Eliz., m. Sir Thos. Charlton,
-, Ellis,
-, Marg., wid. of Sir Adam, m. 2
Edw. Aske,
-, Maud, dau. of Adam, n
-, Maud, w. of Sim.,
-, Sim.,
-, fam.,
Franco Traffic Signs,
Frank, John, keeper of the Rolls of Chancery,
-, Edw.,
-, John,
-, Sir John,
-, Jon,
-, Marg., see Spurling
-, Pet.,
-, Ric., s. of John,
-, Ric., cousin of Ric.,
-, Ric., grandson of Ric.,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,
frankpledge, views of,
-, R.,
-, Wm.,
Freame, John,
Frébout, Louis,
Frederick IV, king of Denmark,
Frederick William I, king of Prussia,
Frederick William III, king of Prussia,
freehold, see tenure
-, Fred.,
-, Jeremiah,
-, Revd. Steph.,
-, -,
-, Hen.,
-, John,
Fremlin Bros.,
-, Sir John, earl of Ypres,
-, Zachariah,
French Cleaning and Dyeing Co.,
Freren, see Kingsbury, mans. and other estates
Freshfield, Edw. Hanson,
-, Thos.,
-, -, see Hegge
friendly societies,
Friends, Society of, see Quakers
Friends Trusts Ltd.,
Friern Barnet, see Barnet, Friern
Frigidaire, see General Motors
-, Ernald del,
-, Rog. del,
-, Wal. del,
Frith, see Enfield, mans. and other estates (Old Park)
Frith and Newhall, see Hendon, mans. and other estates
Frowyk (Frowick):
-, Agnes,
-, Alice, see Cornwall
-, Anne, see Knollys
-, Eliz., w. of Thos., see Aske
-, Eliz., w. of Sir Thos., see Barnville
-, Eliz., m. I John Coningsby, Wm.
-, Frideswide, m. Sir Thos. Cheyney,
-, Hen. (fl. 1284),
-, Hen. (d. 1377),
-, Hen. (d. by 1397),
-, Hen. (fl. 1429),
-, Hen. (fl. 1473),
-, Hen. (d. 1527), n,
-, Isabel,
-, Joan, see Lewknor
-, Marg., w. of Hen., see Pouns
-, Marg., w. of Thos., see Durham
-, Mary, see Sandys
-, Reynold,
-, Thos. (d. by 1377),
-, Thos. (d. 1448),
-, Thos. (d. 1485),
-, Sir Thos. (d. 1506),
-, Thos. (d. by 1527),
-, fam.,
Fryent, see Kingsbury, mans. and other estates (Freren)
Fry's Metal Foundry,
Fubert (Fulbert),
-, Wm., s. of, see William
Fullagar, John,
-, Rob., prior of St. Bartholomew's,
-, Thos.,
Fulnetby, Thos.,
Furnell, Thos.,
-, Cecily, w. of Wm.,
-, Wm.,
Fursden, Phil.,
G.E.C.-Marconi Electronics,
Gabriel's brick-works,
Gadsden, Sam.,
Gage, Ben.,
Gainsborough, Thos., painter,
Gale, Wm.,
-, Joshua,
-, Mary, m. Chas. Bowles,
-, Pierce,
-, fam.,
Galloway, ld. of, see Alan
Gamboa, Sir Pedro de,
Gannick Bank, in South Mimms,
Ganwick Corner, in South Mimms,
-, pub. ho., Duke of York (White
Garden Suburb Development Co.,
Garden Suburb Trust,
Gardiner (Gardner):
-, Dan.,
-, John,
-, Marg., see Smith
-, Ric.,
-, Thos., curate of Kingsbury,
-, Sir John,
-, Lucy, see Waleran
-, Ann, m. Hen. Bowles,
-, Dan.,
-, Michael,
Garnet, Hen.,
-, Carrington, vicar of Hendon,
-, David,
-, David, incumbent of Monken
-, Dr. R. R. P.,
-, Sir Wm.,
-, fam.,
-, John (d. 1362),
-, John (fl. 1412),
Gascoyne-Cecil, see Cecil
Gas Light and Coke Co.,
Gasson, Geo.,
Gawen, Thos.,
Gaywood, Ric.,
-, Eliz., m. Ric. Turnaunt,
-, Joan, wid. of John,
-, John,
Gee Tee Co.,
Geeves, Wm.,
General Electric Co.,
General Freehold Land Co.,
General Motors, Frigidaire division,
George II,
George, prince regent, later Geo. IV,
George, Sir Ern., architect,
-, Chas., Ld. Gerard, later earl of
Macclesfield (d. 1694),
-, Gilb.,
Gervas, miller,
Gestetner Duplicators,
Gibbons, Grinling, sculptor,
-, Hen. Hucks,
-, Jas., architect,
-, Ric.,
Giddens, fam.,
Giffard, Hardinge Stanley, earl of Halsbury,
Gilbarne, Wm.,
Gilbert, s. of Gunter,
Gilbert, Sir Wm.,
Gilburn, Eliz., m. Oliver Dawbeney,
Gill, Ric.,
Gillam, Maj. Wm. Jas.,
Gillett (Jellect):
-, John, and his w.,
-, Thos., and his w.,
Gilpin, John,
Ginsburg, C. D.,
Girls Cripples' Home,
-, John (fl. 1236-60), mayor of Lond.,
-, John (fl. 1311), mayor of Lond.,
-, fam.,
Gladstone, Wm. E.,
Glanfield, E. B., architect,
Glasgow, bp. of, see Ingram
Gloucester, duke of, see William Henry
Gloucester, bp. of, see Fowler, Edw.
Gloucestershire, see Tewkesbury
-, Ric.,
-, T., & Co.,
Glyn, Geo. Carr, Ld. Wolverton,
Glyn, Mills & Co.,
Goddard (Godard):
-, Phil.,
-, Thos.,
-, Thos., s. of Thos.,
Goddard and Gibbs,
Godestre, Ric.,
-, Sir Edm. Berry,
-, Maria,
-, Wm.,
Godin, Steph. Pet.,
Goldbeater, John,
Goldbeaters, see Hendon, mans. and other estates
Golden Square, see Westminster
Golders Green, in Hendon,
-, chs.,
-, crematorium,
-, dom. bldgs.,
-, Woodstock Ho.,
-, educ.,
-, housing and council estates,
-, Jews,
-, nonconf.,
-, pop.,
-, pub. hos.,
-, Angel,
-, Crown,
-, Hoop,
-, White Swan,
-, rly. sta.,
-, Rom. Cathm.,
Golders Hill, in Hendon,
-, dom. bldgs.,
-, Golders Hill Ho.,
-, Ivy Ho.,
-, Manor Ho.,
Goldesborough, John,
Goldie, Edw., architect,
Goldie and Child, architects,
-, Eliz., m. Chas. Dethwick,
-, Geo.,
-, John,
-, Rob.,
-, Thos.,
goldsmith, Edw. the, see Edward
Goldsmith, Oliver,
-, Fran.,
-, Hen.,
-, Joanna, wid. of Thos.,
-, John,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,
Goodwin, John,
Goodyer, fam.,
-, Douglas, rector of Great Stanmore,
-, Fred.,
-, Ld. Geo.,
-, and see Hamilton-Gordon
Gordon riots,
-, John,
-, Alderman Wm.,
Gore hundred,
Gor-Ray Ltd.,
Gosling, Thos.,
Gosport (Hants), organ from Canons at,
-, Ralph,
-, Wm.,
-, Edm.,
-, Phil. Hen.,
Gosselyn, Wm.,
-, Ann,
-, Hen., M.P.,
-, Ric.,
-, Jas.,
-, Thos.,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,
Gowan, Wm.,
Gower, see Leveson-Gower
-, G. J.,
-, Sir Jas. Rob. Geo., bt., home
Grahame-White, Claude,
Grand Junction Canal Co.,
Grants, S. W., architect,
Granville, Grace (d. 1744), Countess Granville, dau. of John, earl of Bath, w. of Geo. Carteret, Baron Carteret,
Granville, Earl, see Leveson-Gower
Graunt Courts, man. in Felsted (Essex),
Grave, de la, see Grove
Gray (Grey):
-, John (fl. 1598),
-, John (fl. 1801),
-, Nic.,
-, Reynold, Ld. Grey of Ruthin,
-, Walker,
Great Cambridge Road,
Great Eastern Cabinet Co.,
Great Eastern Railway (formerly
Northern and Eastern Railway),
-, manager,
Great North Road,
Great North Way (Barnet bypass),
Great Northern Palace Co.,
Great Northern Railway,
-, Hertford extension,
Great Northern Railway Co.,
Great Western Railway, see G.W.R.
Greater London Council,
-, fire svce.,
Greek Orthodox Church,
-, Jos. Hen.,
-, Marg.,
-, Phil.,
-, Thos.,
-, Wm. atte,
-, W. Curtis, architect,
Green Belt,
Green Lanes,
Green Line coaches,
Green Street, in Enfield, see Enfield Highway
-, Agnes, see Nicholl
-, John,
Greenway, Erasmus,
Gregory, Rob. S., vicar of Edmonton,
-, Anna Eliz. Nugent-Temple-, see
-, Ric. Nugent-Temple- (d. 1839),
Earl Temple (later TempleNugent - Brydges - Chandos -,
duke of Buckingham and
-, Ric. Plantagenet Temple-NugentBrydges-Chandos-, duke of
Buckingham and Chandos
(d. 1861),
Gresley, Sir Herb.,
Grey, see Gray
greyhound racing,
Greyhound Racing Association,
Griffin, -,
-, Barbara, wid. of Mic.,
-, Mic. (fl. 1627),
-, Mic. (d. c. 1719),
Grim's Dyke, earthwork,
-, Alice, m. Nic. Askew, Thos.
-, Gabriel,
-, John,
-, Philippe, see Tiptoft
Grindal, Edm., bp. of London, later abp. of Canterbury,
Gripper Bros.,
Grout and Baylis, crape factory,
Grove (de la Grave):
-, Clarice, see Paris
-, John,
-, Ric.,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,
Grovelands (Southgate Grove), see Southgate, mans. and other estates
Gubbay, Mrs. David,
Guillemard, Isaac,
Gunnersbury, in Ealing,
Gunpowder Plot,
Gunter (fl. 11th cent.), and see Gilbert
Guy's hosp., see Southwark
Habershon, W. G. and E., architects,
Habershon, W. G., and Pite, architects,
Hadfield Bros.,
Hadleigh (Essex),
-, Hen.,
-, John,
Hadley (Herts.),
Hadley, Monken (Monkenchurch), later in Herts., n,
-, agric.,
-, alms-hos.,
-, Pagitt's,
-, Wilbraham's,
-, boundaries,
-, bridges,
-, chars.,
-, chs.,
-, clubs and socs.,
-, coach svces.,
-, common fields,
-, inclosure,
-, common pasture and waste,
-, inclosure,
-, dom. bldgs.:
-, Beacon Ho.,
-, Chase,
-, Elms, n,
-, Fairholt,
-, Gate Ho.,
-, Hadley Bourne (formerly Dury
-, Hadley Grove,
-, Hadley Ho.,
-, Hadley Hurst,
-, Hadley Lodge,
-, Lemmons (Gladsmuir Ho.),
-, Livingstone Cottage,
-, Monkenholt, n,
-, Monkenhurst,
-, Mount Ho.,
-, Ossulston Ho.,
-, White Lodge,
-, drainage,
-, educ.,
-, Enfield Chase, q.v.
-, farms and farm-hos.,
-, Glebe,
-, Gothic,
-, Hadley,
-, Woodcock,
-, geol. and soil,
-, growth,
-, Hadley Common, q.v.
-, Hadley Green, q.v.
-, Hadley Highstone, q.v.
-, halls and institutes,
-, hermitage,
-, incumbents, and
see Burrows; Carrier; Cass;
Cottrell; Felstead; Garrow;
Pennant; Taylor; Turner
-, ind.,
-, brewing,
-, librs. and reading rooms,
-, mans. and other estates,
-, Capons Ho. (Bonnyes, Woodcock farm) ho.,
-, Folly farm,
-, Hadley (Monken Hadley) man.,
(Hadley Ho., Manor Ho.),
-, Ludgrove (Ludgraves or Blue
Ho. farm), ho.
(Ludgrove Ho., Ludgrove Hall,
Blue Ho.),
-, mills,
-, nonconf.,
-, omnibus svces.,
-, par. officers,
-, parks and open spaces,
-, poor-relief,
-, pop.,
-, postal svces.,
-, pub. hos.:
-, Rose and Crown,
-, Two Brewers,
-, White Bear,
-, William IV,
-, Windmill,
-, rlys.,
-, retail trade,
-, roads,
-, Rom. Cathm.,
-, sport,
-, tithes,
-, ward,
-, woodland, n,
-, wkho.,
-, worthies,
Hadley Common, in Monken Hadley,
Hadley Green, in Monken Hadley,
Hadley Highstone, in Monken Hadley,
Hadley Wood, in Enfield Chase,
-, Camlet Ho.,
-, chs.,
-, growth,
-, ind.,
-, rly. sta.,
Hadow Report,
Haggerston, in Shoreditch,
Hague, Miss,
Haigh, Thos.,
Haize, Phil. de la,
Hakebrook, see Bury Street stream
Hale, John of the,
Hale, the, in Hendon,
-, chs.,
-, dom. bldgs.,
-, Orange Hill Ho.,
-, pub. ho., Green Man,
-, rly. sta.,
Hale, the, in Tottenham, see Tottenham Hale
-, Hen., sr. (fl. 1623),
-, Hen., jr. (fl. 1624),
-, Hen. (fl. 1698),
-, John,
-, Mary,
-, Ric. (fl. 1652),
-, Ric. (fl. 1700),
-, fam.,
Haliwell, Shoreditch, priory of,
-, Thos.,
-, Wm. John, vicar of Tottenham
and canon of St. Paul's,
Hall, L., (Edmonton) Ltd.,
Hallam, Jasper,
-, Wm. (d. 1781),
-, Wm. (fl. 1786),
Hallifax, Sir Thos., ld. mayor of Lond.,
Halliwick, see Edmonton, mans. and other estates (Bush Hill)
Halsbury, earl of, see Giffard
-, Alex.,
-, E. L.,
-, Jas., earl of Abercorn,
-, Jas., marquess (later duke) of
-, John Jas., marquess of Abercorn,
-, Art., Ld. Stanmore,
-, Geo., earl of Aberdeen,
-, fam.,
-, ch.,
-, F. T., vicar of South Mimms,
-, Frances Isabella,
-, Maud,
-, P. A., vicar of South Mimms,
-, P. F., vicar of South Mimms,
-, Thos.,
-, Wm. Parker,
-, fam.,
Hamon, s. of Roger,
-, Anne, w. of Somerset Davies,
-, John (fl. 1280),
-, John (fl. 1426),
-, Marg., see Smith
-, Pet.,
-, Ric.,
-, Sim.,
-, fam.,
Hamp, Stanley, architect,
Hampshire, see Faringdon; Gosport
-, ch., gates from Canons at,
-, Kilburn, q.v.
-, University Coll. sch.,
Hampstead Garden Suburb, in Hendon and Finchley,
-, chs.,
-, clubs and socs.,
-, educ.,
-, institute,
-, nonconf.,
Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust,
Hampstead Heath, in Hampstead and Hendon,
Hampstead Heath Extension Tenants Ltd.,
Hampstead Tenants Ltd.,
Hampstead tube, see Northern line
Hancock, C. F.,
Handel, Geo. Fred.,
Handley Page, Fred., see Page
Handley Page Ltd.,
Handley Page Transport,
Handsworth (Staffs.), see Perry Hall
-, Gille, see Rames
-, Wm.,
-, Joan, see Pluckington
-, Thos.,
-, - (fl. 16th cent.),
-, Benj.,
-, Eliz., w. of Hen., Ld. Coleraine,
-, Hen., Ld. Coleraine (d. 1708),
-, Hen., Ld. Coleraine (d. 1749),
-, Hugh, Ld. Coleraine,
-, Lucy, w. of Hugh, Ld. Coleraine,
-, Thos.,
-, Zachariah,
-, fam.,
-, Lond. boro. of,
-, arms,
-, council,
Harlesden, in Willesden,
-, Edw.,
-, Eliz. Marg.,
-, Ellen Anna,
Harold, Earl, later King,
Harper & Tunstall,
Harringay, in Tottenham and
-, growth,
-, halls and institutes,
-, nonconf.,
-, rly. sta.,
-, ward,
Harringay Stadium, in Tottenham,
-, D. J.,
-, Geo. H. R.,
-, Mary,
-, Ric.,
-, Sam.,
-, Thos.,
-, Wm. (fl. 1607),
-, Wm. (fl. 1749),
-, fam.,
-, boro.,
-, arms,
-, wards,
-, Kenton, q.v.
-, Lond. boro. of,
-, arms,
-, wards,
-, Preston, q.v.
-, rly. stas.,
-, Tokyngton, q.v.
-, urban district,
-, arms,
-, council,
-, wards,
-, Uxendon, q.v.
-, vicar of, see Wilcocks
-, Wealdstone, q.v.
-, Wembley, q.v.
Harrow and Stanmore Gas Co., see Stanmore Gas Co.
Harrow and Stanmore Railway Co.,
Harrow School,
Harrow Weald, in Harrow,
-, Bentley Priory estate,
-, Grim's Dyke (ho.),
-, Kenton Lane farm,
Harry, Horace,
-, A. N., architect,
-, Chas.,
-, J.,
-, Wm. (d. 1683),
-, Wm. (fl. 1793),
Harting, Jas.,
Hartley, Ralph,
Hartridge, Chas.,
-, Geo. Dan.,
-, John,
-, Wm. Wigan,
-, Arnold, architect,
-, Thos.,
-, Agnes, wid. of Thos.,
-, Christine, m. Hen. Waver,
Thos. Cook,
-, Thos.,
Hassell, John, vicar of South Mimms,
-, Ada de, see Ada
-, Anne, wid. of John, earl of
-, Cath., wid. of Wm., Ld. Hastings,
-, Edw.,
-, Hen. de,
-, Sir Hen. de, s. of Hen.,
-, Joan, w. of Sir Hen. de,
-, John, Ld. Hastings (d. 1313),
-, John, Ld. Hastings (d. c. 1325),
-, John, earl of Pembroke (d. 1375),
-, John, earl of Pembroke (d. 1389),
-, Laur., earl of Pembroke,
-, Philippa, wid. of John, m. 2 Ric.
FitzAlan, earl of Arundel,
-, Selina, ctss. of Huntingdon, see
Countess of Huntingdon's
-, Wm., Ld. Hastings (d. 1483),
Hastings or Pembrokes, see Totten- ham, mans. and other estates
Hatch, Wal. atte,
Hatfield (Herts.),
-, Hatfield Ho.,
Hatton, in East Bedfont,
Haughton, Rog.,
Havilland, see de Havilland
Hawes, Nic.,
Hawker Siddeley Group,
-, Ric.,
-, Rob.,
Hawkins, Wm., curate of Kingsbury, vicar of Willesden, and canon of St. Paul's,
Hawland brook, see Pymme's brook
Hawtrey, Wm.,
Haxell, Edw. Nelson,
Hay, A., vicar of South Mimms,
-, Ellen, see Plesington
-, Gilb.,
Haye, de la (atte Haye):
-, Agnes, wid. of Rog.,
-, Christine, m. Wm. Aunsel,
-, Rog.,
-, fam.,
-, Alice,
-, John,
-, John, s. of John,
-, Marg.,
-, Sim.,
-, fam.,
-, and see Hays
Hayly, Ann,
-, Fran., painter, n
-, Hen.,
-, Pet.,
-, Sarah, see Collet
Hayne, W., architect,
-, Ben.,
-, Trebe Hele,
-, and see Hayes
Hayward, Hen. le,
-, Frank,
-, John,
head tenants, see tenure
Heal, John,
Heath, Sir Thos.,
Heathfield, John, vicar of South Mimms,
Heavy Current Electric Accessories Co., see M. K. Electric Ltd.
-, Charlotte, w. of David,
-, Sir David (d. 1721),
-, David (d. 1757),
Hedges Reinforced Plastics,
Heenan Beddow,
-, John atte,
-, Wm. atte,
-, -, w. of Wm. atte, see Collins
-, -, m. Thos. Freville,
-, -, m. Rog. Smith,
Helen, ctss. of Huntingdon, m. 1 John the Scot, 2 Rob. de Quincy,
Helene Friederike Auguste, duchess of Albany,
Hemel Hempstead (Herts.),
Hemery, Chas.,
-, Geo.,
-, Ric.,
-, Thos.,
-, -, wid. of Geo.,
-, fam.,
Hende, John,
Henderson, A. E., architect,
Hendon, Gilb. of,
-, aerodrome,
-, agric.,
-, allotments,
-, alms-hos.,
-, Daniel's,
-, Nicholl's,
-, baths,
-, boro.,
-, arms,
-, council,
-, boundaries,
-, Brent Street, q.v.
-, bridges,
-, Burnt Oak, q.v.
-, Burroughs, the, q.v.
-, cemeteries,
-, chantry,
-, chars.,
-, Childs Hill, q.v.
-, Church End, q.v.
-, chs.,
-, cinemas,
-, clubs and socs.,
-, coach svces.,
-, Colin Deep, q.v.
-, Colindale, q.v.
-, commons and greens,
-, Cricklewood, q.v.
-, customary wks. and svces., n,
-, drainage,
-, Drivers Hill, q.v.
-, Edgware Road, q.v.
-, educ.,
-, electricity,
-, farms and farm-hos.,
-, Ashley,
-, Barnet Gate,
-, Bittacy,
-, Bunns,
-, Burroughs (Grove),
-, Burton Hole,
-, Church,
-, Church End,
-, Cockmans in the Wood,
-, Cookes,
-, Cowleaze,
-, Decoy,
-, Dole Street,
-, Dollis,
-, Elm (Rose),
-, Goodhews, Old,
-, Gutters Hedge,
-, Guttershedge, Lower,
-, Guttershedge, Upper (Brent),
-, Hale, Lower (Hale Grove),
-, Hale, Upper,
-, Holders Hill,
-, Home (Heath),
-, Hyde,
-, Hyvers Hill Wood,
-, Lawrence Street,
-, Manor,
-, Partingdale (Pattengale),
-, Reets,
-, Rookery,
-, Sanders Lane (Devonshire),
-, Shakerham,
-, Shoelands,
-, Stoneyfields,
-, Temple Fortune,
-, Tithe,
-, Tooley's (Wildwood),
-, Uphill,
-, Westcroft,
-, fields,
-, fire,
-, friendly socs.,
-, gas,
-, geol. and soil,
-, Golders Green, q.v.
-, Golders Hill, q.v.
-, Greek Orthodox Ch.,
-, group hosp. management cttee.,
-, growth,
-, Hale, the, q.v.
-, halls and institutes,
-, Hampstead Garden Suburb, q.v.
-, Hampstead Heath, q.v.
-, Hendon, West, q.v.
-, Highwood Hill, q.v.
-, Holcombe Hill, q.v.
-, hosps.,
-, housing and council estates,
-, Hyde, the, q.v.
-, ind.,
-, aircraft,
-, brewing,
-, brick-making,
-, charcoal,
-, furniture-making,
-, motor,
-, Jews,
-, librs. and reading rooms,
-, local board,
-, wards,
-, mans. and other estates,
-, Belmont, Ho.,
-, Blechenham,
-, Clitterhouse,
-, Coventry, n,
-, Frith and Newhall,
-, ho.,
-, Goldbeaters,
-, Goodhews,
-, Hendon man.,
cts., officers,
-, Hendon Park,
-, Hendon Place, ho.
(Hendon Place or Ho.),
-, Hodford and Cowhouse (Golders
Green farm),
-, Lotheresleage,
-, Moat Mount,
-, Renters or Romers,
-, Wyldes, ho.,
-, mkt. gdning. and nurseries,
-, mkts. and fairs,
-, Mill Hill, q.v.
-, mills,
-, mus.,
-, nonconf.,
-, omnibus svces.,
-, Page Street, q.v.
-, par. officers,
-, parks and open spaces,
-, police,
-, poor law union,
-, bd. of guardians,
-, wkho. (Redhill),
-, poor-relief,
-, pop.,
-, postal svces.,
-, pub. hos.,
-, rlys. and Underground rlys.,
-, rectory, and see Dudley,
-, Redhill, q.v.
-, retail trade,
-, roads,
-, Rom. Cathm.,
-, Rom. remains,
-, rural district,
-, council,
-, rural sanitary authority, see
Edgware, rural sanitary
-, sewerage,
-, soc. life,
-, sport,
-, Temple Fortune, q.v.
-, theatres,
-, tithes,
-, town hall,
-, tram svces.,
-, urban district,
-, council,
-, vicars, and see
Bailey; Bate; Garrick;
Rawlins; Shether; Warham;
-, water,
-, woodland, n
-, wkhos., and see Hendon,
poor law union
-, worthies,
Hendon, West, in Hendon,
-, chs.,
-, educ.,
-, ind.,
-, nonconf.,
Hendon & Finchley Brick & Tile Works,
Hendon & Finchley Times,
Hendon Co-Operative Soc.,
Hendon Flower of Oddfellows,
Hendon Young Men's Friendly Soc.,
-, Rob.,
-, Thos.,
-, Geo.,
-, Marg., m. Jasper Phesaunt, n
Henrietta Maria, queen of Chas. I,
Henry II,
Henry IV, formerly earl of Derby and duke of Lancaster,
Henry V,
Henry VI,
Henry VII,
Henry VIII,
Henry, s. of David I of Scotland, earl of Huntingdon and later earl of Northumberland,
Henry the Teuton,
Henshaw, Wal.,
Henson, A. E., architect,
Heraud, John Abraham,
-, Sir Edw. (d. 1595),
-, Edw. (fl. 1706),
-, Eliz., see Somerset
-, Hen. Art., Ld. Herbert of Cherbury
and earl of Powis,
-, Percy, Ld. Powis,
-, Phil., earl of Montgomery, later
earl of Pembroke,
-, Wm., earl of Pembroke,
-, Wm., Ld. Powis,
-, Wm., marquess of Powis (d. 1696),
-, Wm., marquess of Powis (d. 1745),
-, Wm., marquess of Powis (d. 1748),
-, Wm. (fl. 1810),
-, fam.,
-, ctsses. of, see FitzAlan; Mandeville
-, earls of, see Bohun
Herewinton, Adam de,
Herne, John,
-, Emme, see Plessis
-, John (d. 1326),
-, John (d. 1335),
-, Marg.,
Hertford, John de, abbot of St. Albans,
Hertford (Herts.),
-, castle,
-, rly. svces. to,
Hertford Road, in Edmonton, see Fore Street
Hertford Road, in Enfield,
-, chs.,
-, pub. hos.:
-, Bell,
-, Black Horse,
-, Fox and Crown,
-, Red Lion,
-, and see Enfield Highway; Enfield
Wash; Fore Street and
Hertford Road
-, county council,
-, and see Aldenham; Amwell;
Ashwell; Barnet, Chipping;
Barnet, East; Barnet, High;
Barnet, New; Brookmans
Park; Broxbourne; Bushey;
Bushey Heath; Chadwell;
Cheshunt; Cuffley; Elstree;
Hadley; Hatfield; Hemel
Hempstead; Hertford;
Hertingfordbury; Hitchin;
Hoddesdon; Hunsdon;
Langley, Kings; Lemsfordmills; Letchworth; Mimms,
North; Northaw; Ponsbourne; Rickmansworth;
Ridge; St. Albans; Sawbridgeworth; Shenley; Stevenage;
Stortford, Bishop's; Totteridge; Waltham Cross;
Ware; Watford; Welwyn
Garden City; Widford
Hertfordshire Association of Baptist Churches,
Hertfordshire Yeomanry Cavalry,
Hertingfordbury (Herts.),
Hertsmere district council,
-, Ernulf of,
-, Sibyl, m. Wal. of Salisbury,
Heston, Osterley Park,
Hetherington, John,
-, Alice, see Cromer
-, Thos.,
-, Sir Ferdinando,
-, Lady (fl. 1619),
Heybourne, see Dean's brook
Heyman, Hen.,
Heyn, Ric.,
Heynes, Rob.,
Heyrun (de Hairun):
-, Ralph (c. 1086),
-, Ralph (fl. early 13th cent.),
-, Ralph, s. of Ralph,
-, Rob.,
Hickes, Gaspar, vicar of Tottenham,
-, Ant.,
-, John,
-, Dr. Hen.,
-, Wm., vicar of Edmonton,
Hickson, Jas.,
High Cross or Tottenham Green, in
-, chs.,
-, dom. bldgs.,
-, Avenue Ho.,
-, Drapers' alms-hos.,
-, Eaton Ho.,
-, Elms,
-, Ferns,
-, Grove Ho.,
-, Hatfield Ho.,
-, Stanstead Ho.,
-, Wilton Ho.,
-, growth,
-, halls and institutes,
-, nonconf.,
-, pub. ho., Swan,
-, ward,
High Road, in Tottenham,
-, dom. bldgs.,
-, Ald. Staines's alms-hos.,
-, Barnfield Ho.,
-, Black Ho. (Rydley),
-, Brook Ho.,
-, Bruce Grove,
-, Dial Ho.,
-, Earlsmead,
-, Elmhurst,
-, Lordship Hall,
-, Percy Ho.,
-, Red Ho.,
-, Sailmakers' alms-hos.,
-, Stonebridge Ho.,
-, Suffield Lodge,
-, Vicarage,
-, growth,
-, halls and institutes,
-, ind.,
-, nonconf.,
-, pub. hos.,
-, Bell and Hare,
-, George and Vulture,
-, Horns (Hart's Horns),
-, Red Lion,
-, Ship,
-, White Hart,
-, ward,
Highbury, in Islington,
Highgate, Thos.,
Highgate, in Hornsey and St. Pancras,
-, rly. sta.,
Highgate Hill, in Islington,
Highlord, John,
highwaymen, and see Turpin
Highwood Hill, in Hendon,
-, dom. bldgs.,
-, Highwood Ho.,
-, nonconf.,
-, pub. hos.:
-, Plough,
-, Rising Sun,
-, Three Crowns,
-, Alb.,
-, Art.,
-, Chris.,
-, Geo. Norman Birkbeck,
-, John, bldr.,
-, Rowland,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,
Hill's brew-ho., in Green Street,
Hillson, Rob.,
Hillyer, Jas.,
Hilman, Thos., curate of Kingsbury and canon of St. Paul's,
-, Augustine,
-, Rowland,
Hindle, John,
Hipwell, Mrs. (fl. c. 1850),
Hitchin (Herts.),
Hitchings, John,
Hoadly, John, abp. of Armagh,
-, Sir Ric.,
-, Sir Sam., bt.,
-, fam.,
Hobb Hale, see Bury Street stream
-, Marg. Maria, m. - Jermyn,
-, Mary, see Beale
-, Sir Phil.,
-, fam.,
Hobson, Wm.,
Hocklie, John,
-, Gillian, see Joigneur
-, Guy of,
-, Sim.,
Hoddesdon (Herts.),
Hodford and Cowhouse, see Hendon, mans. and other estates
-, Sam.,
-, fam.,
-, Dr. Thos.,
-, Vincent, vicar of South Mimms,
-, fam.,
-, C. R. P.,
-, Mary, see Nicholl
-, Rog.,
-, fam.,
Hodson, W.,
Hodson and Whitehead, architects,
Hoffman, Hen.,
-, Lincoln's Inn,
-, St. Giles-in-the-Fields, hosp. of,
Holcombe Hill, in Hendon,
-, dom. bldgs.,
-, Holcombe Ho.,
-, nonconf.,
Holden, Chas., architect,
Holland, Nic., minister of Little Stanmore,
-, Ellen Julia, wid. of Rob.,
-, Rob., M.P.,
-, fam.,
Holloway, in Islington,
-, Metropolitan cattle mkt.,
Holm, Eliza,
-, Edw.,
-, Jasper,
Holmshill brook,
Holy Trinity, Aldgate (Lond.),
priory of,
-, prior of, see Temple, Ric. de
Home and Colonial School Soc.,
-, Nat.,
-, Wm.,
Honest, Gertuch,
Honeyland, Ellis of,
Honeylands and Pentriches, see Enfield, mans. and other estates
Honeywood, Rob.,
Honorius III, Pope,
-, Alex., Vct. Bridport, n
-, Frances, m. - Broderip,
-, Thos., poet,
Hooper, Hen.,
Hopcock (Hobcok), John,
-, And.,
-, fam.,
Hornblower, Geo., architect,
-, Alwin,
-, Wm.,
-, dom. bldgs.:
-, Haringey Ho.,
-, Mattisons,
-, educ.,
-, Highgate, q.v.
-, Muswell Hill, q.v.
-, nonconf.,
-, rly. sta.,
-, sewerage,
-, town hall,
-, urban district,
Horsepool Stones, in Enfield, see Enfield Wash
-, John,
-, Mrs. Mary,
Houchin, H. R., architect,
Hounsden gutter, brook,
Housing, Ministry of,
Hoval Boilers,
-, Chris., fellow of All Souls Coll.,
-, Rob., warden of All Souls Coll.,
-, Art. Jas.,
-, Hen., earl of Northampton,
-, John Eliot,
-, Luke,
-, Marg., w. of Wm., Ld. Howard,
-, Rob.,
-, Thos., duke of Norfolk,
-, Wm., Ld. Howard (d. 1573),
-, Ld. Wm. (d. 1640),
Howard & Co.,
Howard & Sons, chemical manufacturers,
Howard de Walden, Ld. and Lady, see Scott-Ellis
Howell, W. C.,
Howes, Geo.,
-, John,
-, fam.,
Hoxton, in Shoreditch,
Hubbersty, - (fl. c. 1690), n
-, Rob.,
-, Rob., s. of Rob.,
-, Sarah, see Coghill
-, Geo., rector of Great Stanmore,
-, John,
Hudson's Bay Co.,
Hugh of Eu, see Eu
Hugh, earl of Chester,
Hughes, Obadiah,
Huicke, Rob.,
Hulson, John,
Hume, Abraham,
-, Hen.,
-, fam.,
Hunsdon (Herts.),
-, Hen.,
-, Isaac,
-, Jas. Hen. Leigh,
-, John,
-, John,
-, Thos.,
-, ctsses. of, see Helen; Maud
-, Countess of Huntingdon's
Connexion, q.v.
-, earls of, see David I; David; John
the Scot; St. Liz; Waltheof
Huntington, Wm.,
Hupfield Bros.,
Hurley (Berks.), priory of,
-, Harriett,
-, R. W., architect,
Husband, John, vicar of Tottenham and canon of St. Paul's,
-, Geo.,
-, John,
-, Meliora, m. - Shaw,
-, Sarah,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,
-, Alice,
-, Eleanor, wid.,
-, Helen, m. 1 Ric. Smith, Ric. atte
-, Hen. (fl. 1541),
-, Hen. (d. 1877),
-, Isabel, m. Sim. Taylor,
-, Julia, wid. of Hen.,
-, Mariot, m. Wm. Shepherd,
-, Mic. atte,
-, Ric. atte, n
-, Wm.,
Hyde, the, in Hendon and Kingsbury,
-, dom. bldgs.,
-, educ.,
-, housing and council estates,
-, ind.,
-, nonconf.,
-, pub. hos.:
-, Boot,
-, George,
-, New King's Arms,
-, Old or Lower King's Arms,
-, Red Lion,
-, Two Poplars,
-, rly. sta.,
-, Rom. Cathm.,
Ilford (Essex),
-, Germans,
-, Greek Cypriots,
-, Irish,
-, West Indians,
Imperial Airways,
Imperial Gas Co.,
Imperial Lamp Works,
Improved Industrial Dwellings Co.,
Ince, fam.,
Independent Evangelical Churches, Fellowship of,
Independents, see Congregationalists
India Tyres,
Industrial Orthopaedic Soc.,
industry, see aircraft industry; brewing; brick-making; charcoal; coach-building; electrical and radio industries; engineering; furniture-making; lace-making; malt trade; metal industries; motor industry; munitions industry; paper-making; tanning; weaving
Ingle, Ann,
Inglis barracks, in Mill Hill,
Ingram (Ingelram), chancellor of Scotland and bp. of Glasgow,
-, Dr. Jas.,
-, John, chaplain of Kingsbury,
Injection Moulders,
Innocent, John,
Inskip, see Lade
International Exhibition, South Kensington,
International Flavors and Fragrance,
Inverforth, Ld., see Weir
Irby, Marg.,
Ireland, Dr. John,
Isaac, fam.,
Isabel, dau. of David, earl of Huntingdon, m. Rob. de Bruce, ld. of Annandale,
-, Greg.,
-, Hen.,
-, John,
Islington, John of,
-, Highbury, q.v.
-, Highgate Hill, q.v.
-, Holloway, q.v.
-, nonconf.,
-, poor law union,
-, urban district,
-, Western Synagogue,
Jack, Chas.,
-, Art.,
-, Cath.,
-, Dr. Humph.,
-, John,
-, Jos.,
-, Mary, m. Wm. Tash,
-, Ric.,
-, fam.,
Jacob, John, vicar of South Mimms and Ridge,
Jacomb, Rob.,
Jaffray, Sir Wm., bt.,
Jakings, Wm.,
James I,
-, Agnes, m. 2 Ric. Shelley,
-, John (fl. 1559),
-, John (fl. 1714), architect,
-, Thos.,
Janaway, Thos., bell-founder,
Janson, Wm.,
-, Alice de, see Longespée
-, Geof. de,
Jebb, Sir Ric., bt.,
Jehovah's Witnesses,
Jekyll, John,
Jellect, see Gillett
Jenks, Morris,
Jennett, A. R., architect,
Jennings, R.,
Jephson, Wm.,
Jeremy's Green, in Edmonton, see Marsh Side
-, Marg. Maria, see Hobby
-, Steph.,
-, fam.,
-, Edm.,
-, Hen.,
-, Dorothy, see Peach
-, Paul,
Jewish Children Refugees,
-, moneylenders, n
Jifkins, Ann,
Johannot, Israel,
John, King,
John the Scot, earl of Huntingdon and later of Chester,
John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster,
John, John,
John a Marsh Green, in Edmonton, see Marsh Side
John Groom's Crippleage,
-, Amy, flyer,
-, Chas., dramatist,
-, Revd. J. N.,
-, John, architect,
-, Rob.,
-, Sam., writer,
-, W. J.,
Johnson's of Hendon,
Joigneur, Gillian le, m. Guy of Hoddesdon,
-, Alf.,
-, Denton, vicar of Tottenham,
-, Sir Edw. C. Burne-, painter,
-, Jas.,
-, Owen,
-, Priscilla, see Mackeris
-, fam.,
Jordaine, And.,
-, Abraham,
-, Joan, w. of Wm., m. 2 Hugh
-, Ric.,
-, Wm.,
Joynes, Hen.,
Judde, Thos.,
Judith, Ctss., wid. of Waltheof,
Julian, John,